Friday, September 18, 2015

NEO – OPEC, Russia and the New World Order Emerging

NEO – OPEC, Russia and the New World Order Emerging

By F. William Engdahl on September 17, 2015 

First published September 16, 2015


By the day it’s becoming clearer that what I have recently been saying in my writings is coming to be. The OPEC oil-producing states of the Middle East, including Iran, through the skillful mediation of Russia, are carefully laying the foundations for a truly new world order.
The first step in testing this will be if they collectively succeed in eliminating the threat to Syria of the Islamic State, and prepare the basis for serious, non-manipulated elections there.
For much of my adult life I have been fascinated by the enormous energy inside our Earth and how in fact the Earth moves as almost a living organism. Most fascinating I find is tectonic motion and their connection to earthquakes and volcanoes. Not the human destruction they sometimes cause but the sheer energy.
Tectonic motion involves the huge plates that our Earth is divided into which are in constant micro-motion. At critical junctures which Earth science or geophysics has yet to be able to predict far ahead, the motion of those tectonic plates cause earthquakes and determine where earthquakes will occur.

In the political, more accurately geo-political sphere, we are now witnessing huge tectonic motion, and destructive it is not. It involves a new attractive force drawing the Middle East OPEC countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran and other Arab OPEC countries, into what will soon become obvious as a strategic partnership with the Russian Federation. It transcends the huge religious divides today between Sunni Wahhabism, Sufi, Shi’ism, Orthodox Christianity.
That tectonic motion will soon cause a political earthquake that well might save the planet from extinction by the endless wars the Pentagon and their string pullers on Wall Street and the military industrial complex and the loveless oligarchs who own them seem to have as their only strategy today.

Russia in OPEC?


In an interview with the London Financial Times, Russia’s most important oilman, Igor Sechin, CEO of the state-owned Rosneft, confirmed rumors that Saudi Arabia’s monarchy is seeking a formal market-share agreement with Russia, even going so far as offering Russia membership in OPEC, to stabilize world oil markets.
In the interview, Sechin, considered one of President Vladimir Putin’s closest allies, confirmed the Saudi offer. The Financial Times (FT) is an influential media owned until this past July by the Pearson Group an asset tied to the Rothschild family who historically also dominate Royal Dutch Shell.
The London paper chose to emphasize Sechin’s rejection of the Saudi offer. However, most instructive is to read between the lines of what he said. He told a Singapore commodities conference organized by the FT, “It needs to be recognised that Opec’s ‘golden age’ in the oil market has been lost. They fail to observe their own quotas [for Opec oil output]. If quotas had been observed, global oil markets would have been rebalanced by now.”
Sechin well knows the background to the Saudi oil price war and the fact it was triggered by a meeting between US State Department’s John Kerry and the late Saudi King Abdullah in the desert Kingdom in September 2014, where Kerry reportedly urged the Saudis to crash oil prices. For Kerry the aim was to put unbearable pressure on Russia, then hit by US and EU financial sanctions.

For the Saudis, it was a golden opportunity to eliminate the biggest disturbing factor in the OPEC domination of world oil markets — the booming production of US unconventional shale oil that had made the USA the world’s largest oil producer in 2014.
Ironically, as Sechin told the FT, the US-Saudi deal and the US financial sanctions have backfired on the US strategists. The Russian ruble lost more than 50% of its dollar value by January 2015. Oil prices similarly fell from $103 a barrel in September 2014 to less than $50 today. But Russian oil production costs are calculated in rubles, not dollars.
So, as Sechin states, the dollar cost of Rosneft oil production has dropped dramatically today from $5 a barrel before the sanctions to only $3 a barrel, a level similar to that of Arab OPEC producers like Saudi Arabia. Rosneft is not hurting despite sanctions. USA shale oil by contrast is unconventional and vastly more costly.
Industry estimates depending on the shale field and the company, put costs of shale in a range of $60-80 a barrel just to break even. The current ongoing shakeout in the US shale industry and prospects of rising US interest rates dictate the demise of shale oil from the US for years if not decades to come as Wall Street lenders and shale company junk bond investors suffer huge losses.

Unknotting the ‘not’ knot

Igor Sechin

I would like to indulge in a brief exercise in imagining what some form of close coordination between Russia and a Saudi-led OPEC grouping would look like. I call it “unknotting the ‘not’ knot,” the knot over control of world oil flows that has held the world in a hypnosis of wars and murder, hate for too long.
First the new grouping between Russia and the Mideast oil states would have to negotiate stable market relations between themselves and their prime markets such as China and the EU. Alexander Mercouris in a very insightful piece suggests that the Sechin statement to the FT can be seen as an opening Russian negotiating position with the Saudi OPEC offer.
At the Singapore commodities conference, Rosneft’s Sechin indicated that China and Russia this year have agreed to a total of various oil deals amounting to some $500 billion over the next 20 years or $25 billion a year for Rosneft. Saudi Arabia was formerly China’s largest oil source until Russia’s Rosneft entered in a major way. That was a strategic decision for Russia as for China and not a mere market-driven one.
Now, regardless what Sechin did or did not say to the FT, there is no good reason for Russia not to untie the knot of world oil to the Anglo-Americans and enter into serious negotiations with Saudi Arabia on strategic cooperation of some consequent form.
Quotas could be agreed so that Russia and Saudi Arabia and OPEC act much as the Anglo-American oil companies did in 1928 to end literal wars between the British Rothschild group behind Royal Dutch Shell and the Rockefeller Standard Oil companies for world oil market control, wars that raged across the world from Mexico to Baku, from Kuwait to Texas.

Achnacarry Castle
Achnacarry Castle

The Anglo-American oil wars were ended in a meeting at the Achnacarry Scotland castle of Royal Dutch Shell’s Sir Henry Deterding in 1927. The American and British oil companies formally agreed to a “ceasefire” which resulted in the creation of the enormously powerful Anglo-American oil cartel, later dubbed the ‘Seven Sisters.’
The peace agreement was formalized in 1927, at Achnacarry, the Scottish castle of Shell’s Sir Henri Deterding. John Cadman, representing the British government’s Anglo-Persian Oil Co. (British Petroleum), and Walter Teagle, president of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), gathered under the cover of a grouse shoot to create the most powerful economic cartel in modern history.
The Seven Sisters were effectively joined at the hip, acting in the world as one at least until 1945.
Their secret pact was formalized as the ‘As Is’ agreement of 1928, or the Achnacarry Agreement. British and American oil majors agreed to accept the existing market divisions and shares, to set a secret world cartel price, and to end the destructive competition and price wars in what became the Red Line Agreement.
Britain forced a weakened France to agree in 1927 to let the Americans into the Middle East and revise the secret wartime Sykes-Picot accords to reflect that. A Red Line was drawn from the Dardanelles down through Palestine, to Yemen and up through the Persian Gulf.

The Anglo-American Red Line Agreement has led to oil wars and world wars since 1928

The history of the past approximately 88 years since that secret Anglo-American oil cartel agreement is not understandable if that fateful Achnacarry Red Line Agreement and its ensuing political corollaries are not understood.

Russia and Opec

Now what is very likely to emerge in the current extraordinary situation is a negotiated arrangement between Putin’s Russia and the Saudi-led OPEC oil producers of the Middle East, including Iran, to devise a new ordering of world energy supply, one independent of the near century of Anglo-American domination. The benefits of such a new world ordering are simply too great for all involved parties to ignore.
Whether or not Igor Sechin is ready to think in such terms, it is abundantly clear by his diplomacy that President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are.
Not that Sechin is incapable, but the recent sacking of Vladimir Yakunin, chief executive officer of OAO Russian Railways shows that Putin is prepared to move the global situation even if it is not to the liking of his closest old circle of friends, if he deems it for a greater good of Russia.

What would be in it for Russia? Huge benefits. It would secure the world’s largest pool of hydrocarbons–oil and gas–by the nations of the contiguous land mass that British “father” of geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder referred to as the “World island”–Russia, China, Indian subcontinent, South Asia, and now radiating in an arc deep into the entire Middle East oil belt and on into Egypt in North Africa. It would provide Russia safe markets outside the Anglo-American current war zone.
Russia would be in an entirely new negotiating position vis-a-vis German and EU economic sanctions. It would also transform the political map of the so-called American Century that emerged out of the war in 1945 with Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan.

New silk road being upgraded
New silk road being upgraded

In such an accord with Russia, the oil producing countries of the Middle East would join as central parties to the unfolding economic boom that is emerging out of the China One Belt, One Road new Economic Silk Road rail and sea port infrastructure project.
That project, to recall, is already well underway, and Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union states have recently agreed with China to integrate the rail route development of both.
The development of huge new sea ports in Myanmar and other sites around Eurasia and the Indian Ocean will directly link the Gulf countries to that Eurasian booming new economic market and beyond.
The inclusion of Iran, a geopolitical essential for all parties, as well as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab OPEC states, along with Egypt, together in an alliance with the negotiated military support of the one state in the world today able to challenge the USA, namely, Russia, would end more than a century of Anglo-American colonial wars and destruction in the region, the most recent of which is the Washington-CIA-instigated series of destructive Color Revolutions dubbed the “Arab Spring.”
Resolution of the US-UK-instigated Syrian war and their unleashing of the so-called IS on the world — lest we forget, that war and the role of the terror of the IS is the source of the ongoing refugee crisis that is destabilizing all Europe — such a peaceful resolution, absent the demands of Washington that President Assad go into exile, or that US-sponsored terrorist groups like al-Nusra and the Muslim Brotherhood take power, would be the first sign of this cooperation between Russia and the influential oil states of the Middle East.

It would deal a devastating blow to the Washington warhawks.
As this new world ordering, including Saudi-led Arab OPEC states, Russia, China and all Eurasia becomes more likely by the day, Secretary John Kerry, CIA chief John Brennan, as well as incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps General Joseph Francis “Fighting Joe” Dunford, an outspoken Russophobe, along with the various neocon Washington think-tanks, Defense Secretary and Democratic Party neocon Ash (as in ashes of war) Carter, Susan Rice, warmongering UN Ambassador Samantha Power, Vice President Joe Biden (possibly the next US President), the entire US military industrial complex, the Wall Street money financing it, and families such as Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, McCain, Gates, Buffett — all these poor unhappy people are beginning to feel suddenly naked, standing in the Arctic cold frozen waters without even a paddle or an ice-breaker to navigate.

I can empathize with their feeling, but I can’t feel sorry for them in any way. Their time has gone, for all the good they have managed not to do. It’s past time for real American citizens to retake their country. After all, aren’t we the majority? We just forgot we can also be good. We should leave the war matrix behind.

F. William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, holding a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Pope Francis The False Prophet

Pope Francis The False Prophet

Pope Francis False Prophet
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It’s up to YOU, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious.” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen 
Claims where religion is professed become easily strained when doctrines conflict. Wars have been waged over matters of belief, while actually fought over political power. When the Catholic Church becomes the topic of discussion, the historic differences between Protestant dominations and the Papacy often become passionate. However, disputes within the Catholic Church hierarchy can become most bitter. Attitudes towards Pope Francis vary widely. Before examining the facts, why are so many observers proclaiming that this Pontiff is the False Prophet of Revelation? 
One does not have to be a believer to acknowledge the significance of prophecy throughout cultures and centuries of time. Bible verses about False Prophets are cited amply in scripture.  
Specific reference to Pope Francis is analyzed by Dr. Kelly Bowring lists of 12 Prophecies That Indicate Trouble Ahead for Papacy, and writes, “The Church will know the hour of its great apostasy. The man of iniquity will penetrate into its interior and will sit in the very Temple of God, while the remnant which will remain faithful will be subjected to the greatest trials and persecutions.” Adding to this viewpoint is a quote by Fulton J. Sheen, which provides a prophetic warning:  
“The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit (Catholic) church. Christ’s (true Catholic) Church will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist. The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops.” 
Dr. Bowring’s argument is critiqued by Jeannie Law. 
“Bowring ends the blog with the statement that the Catholic Church may be on the verge of a split caused by apostasy led by their leader. In which there will be two groups, possibly divided into Francis Catholics and Pope Benedict Catholics who led before Francis.” 
For an extensive discussion on New World Pope Francis – Fulfilled Prophecies, a second page on Forbidden History is devoted to present and archive the evidence. A critical review is well worth the time.   
Pope Francis has conservatives talking schism but are such motivations over abandoning Catholic traditional doctrine or because of his social and political pronouncements?  
Critics of the Roman Catholic Church warn about the fact that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a Jesuit. Don Koenig offers this assessment in the article, Is Jesuit Pope Francis the Antichrist or the False Prophet? 
“The end agenda of the Jesuits is to have a one world ecumenical system that is under the control of the Pope. There is good reason to believe that the Jesuits are behind globalist organizations and ideologies. Those that think world events are being orchestrated by a Masonic conspiracy probably should be looking a layer deeper for the Jesuit connection.” 
Interjecting a political aspect to an end times forecast is the Jewish radio host, Michael Savage: Pope Francis Like False Prophet ‘Directing Mankind To Worship The Antichrist’  
“The Pope is a Marxist,” Savage said. “He is a wolf in pope’s clothing, he is an eco-wolf in pope’s clothing, he’s a stealth Marxist in religious garb.” 
Savage continued that Francis “sounds just like the false prophet in Revelation, an ecumenical spiritual figure directing mankind to worship the Antichrist.” 
“I think it is up to the Catholic people to turn their backs on this Pope before it is too late, before they wake up and find out that they are in chains, this man is a Marxist through-and-through,” Savage said, claiming that he was “picked by the New World Order the way Obama was.” 
BREAKING ALL THE RULES addressed the New World Order Pope – Frankie the Fake in this Inherent Autonomy essay. It is important to take away from this subject that competing prophetic nuances and conflicting subtleties do not negate the fundamental disturbing course that the current pope is undertaking.  
Listing all the dictums of an apostate pontiff would require its own treatise. The aspect that the global media, liberation theologians, collectivist progressives and godless socialists are so enamored with this pope should cause every traditional Christian believer to condemn this Bishop of Rome.  
The mere opposition to the religious direction and political alliances of Pope Francis is not enough. Understanding the authentic doctrine is essential and forgoing the heresy of false dogma is required. 
When Christian-Zionists profess their dispensationalist sacrilege and devoted allegiance to a false Israel, the net result is that the true reason to oppose Pope Francis becomes diluted.  
The example from Pope Francis Is The ‘False Prophet’ illustrates the misguided mindset that underpins so much of the confused thinking that has the world in a death spiral from critical thought. 
“Evangelical Christians believe that the state of Israel is central to biblical end-time events that will usher in Armageddon, the final apocalyptic battle between the cosmic forces of good and evil. Biblical end-time conspiracy theorists also believe that left-leaning progressives who support the statehood of Palestine and criticize Israel’s policy in the Middle East are part of the coalition of the New World Order (NWO) forces of evil that will fight Israel and Jesus at the Second Coming.” 
At the end of the last days, those who follow the pretend prophet will forgo their salvation.  
For non believers in the bible, the gospels or even in their divine creator; the reason to cheer Pope Francis might seem reasonable and optimistic. Such a standpoint will only hasten the globalist plan to place the world under the yoke of satanic rule.  
The divination in scripture is under attack by the forces of universal governance. The absence of a comprehensive understanding in the history of religion is overwhelming. In another era the Medici chalice might be used to remove a pope. But when the poison drops come from the devil’s hand, the congregation gets the removal of faithful followers of Christ’s gospel. 
When Francis addresses the United Nations and the U.S. Congress, he will have a world-wide audience to spread his Marxist economics and his global warming cult blasphemy.  
Reflected from the Conservative dissent is brewing inside the Vatican, it becomes apparent that push back simmers under the surface.  
“Conservatives counter that in the climate of rising liberal thought, they have been thrust unfairly into a position in which “defending the real teachings of the church makes you look like an enemy of the pope,” a senior Vatican official said on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely.” 
Is it not the function of a false prophet to teach an apostate version of doctrine? So what should the 1.2 billion proclaimed Catholics do when the current Pontiff goes off the rails from eternal practices? 
Judging from the Pope’s public popularity, the throngs of the masses yearn for a message that creates an earthly paradise under the centralization of temporal authority. Missing in this seductive euphoria is that the devil is not just in the details, but that the Devil is actually the administrator of the consolidation of world government.  
The temptation to eliminate cultural and national differences to subjugate societies, under an ecumenical regime for the entire planet, is the real meaning of an anti-Christ hell.  
Pope Francis has marched to the beat of a Pharisee inspired methodology for a Luciferian controlled earth. If he is not the False Prophet of the apocalypse, he is making a fine effort to apply for the role. 
The political significance of the turmoil within the Catholic conclave extends far beyond the walls of the Vatican. As the persecution of Christians accelerates around much of the world, the idea that Francis will be the savior for mankind is preposterous.    
Abandoning the true faith taught by Jesus Christ for social political correctness is a sermon preached by a sorcerer. Francis is more the vicar of Simon Magus than that of our Savior. Beware of the enticement within the liberation theology of a Marxist cleric. The only way to reach redemption is by the grace of God through the blood of Christ’s crucifixion sacrifice.    
The institution of the Catholic Church is less about spiritual salvation, but more about political power. Pope Francis is no John Paul II. Becoming a citizen of the world by deserting faith in God’s revelation is to worship the Tempter. 

SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit’s formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community. “Populism” best describes the approach to SARTRE’s perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of “Pragmatic Anarchism.” Reforms will require an Existential approach. “Ideas Move the World,” and SARTRE’S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America. Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE’s only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare … Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite’s, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality. So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey. Visit his website at

The Illusion Of Choice: Merely 10 Companies Own Essentially Everything You Buy

The Illusion Of Choice: Merely 10 Companies Own Essentially Everything You Buy
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 18-Sep-2015 10:38:55

You might think there is a variety of choice when you go shopping to a supermarket, but you were wrong – there is only the illusion of choice as shown by the graph underneath.
Did you know the Kit-Kat chocolate bar and L'Oreal shampoo are owned by one parent company — Nestle?
The ten largest multinational corporations own almost everything people buy in supermarkets around the world. These corporations create a chain of smaller brands that specialize in different products, but at the end of the day customers' money still goes to the top ten corporations.
The illusion of choice:
When activists decided to boycott Nestle over the company's unethical business practices, did they also choose not to wear clothes from Ralph Lauren, Armani or Diesel and avoided using products from Biotherm, Vichy and Garnier? All this makes it hard to boycott anything. The companies will still get their share of money one way or another. 

Watch: These Are The Shocking Statistics The Government Doesn’t Want You To See

Watch: These Are The Shocking Statistics The Government Doesn’t Want You To See

Is it time to start banning anything that could potentially be used as a weapon?

by Mac Slavo | | September 18, 2015

The latest micro-documentary from Crush The Street explores the reality of violence in America and the shocking statistics being used to justify complete disarmament of the American people.
Last year 285 people died from a rifle according to FBI crime statistics. This includes the deadly assault rifles. It’s a shocking number.
But upon further investigation we learned that 1,490 U.S. citizens died from a knife attack…
The media has had us focused on guns for too long… 

New Poll Shows What We Already Knew .....Big Pharma, Federal Gov, And Big Oil Are The Most Hated 'Institutions'

New Poll Shows What We Already Knew .....Big Pharma, Federal Gov, And Big Oil Are The Most Hated 'Institutions'
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 18-Sep-2015 10:15:24

According to a recent Gallup poll published this week, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most hated industries in the United States. Also topping the list are the federal government and the oil company cartels.
The numbers revealed that 43% of those surveyed had negative views of the “Big Pharma” while just 35% had positive views. Negative views increased while positive views decreased from reported responses to the same questions last year.
“This leaves the industry with a negative net-positive rating of -8 in 2015,” explained Gallup’s Jim Norman.
Norman added that the pharmaceutical industry is “now rated one of the worst industries.” “The slide in net-positive ratings for the pharmaceutical industry, from +4 to -8, places it among the lowest-rated industries, which include the legal field (-5), the healthcare industry (-6), the oil and gas industry (-13) and the federal government, which comes in dead last (-29),” he said.
Some of the sectors that enjoyed more positive views were the technology, restaurant, and accounting industries.
According to Gallup, the pharmaceutical industry’s decline began in the early 90s.
“As far back as 1991, 73 percent of Americans said they considered the high cost of prescription drugs an important reason for rising healthcare costs,” Norman said.
Like many of the business issues we face today, the problem with the drug industry is that it is controlled by a government-protected corporate cartel. This allows a select few mega-corporations to dominate the market and prevents entrepreneurs from developing new products that could threaten this monopoly.
Without having to worry about any kind of competition, the operators of this cartel can make their products as harmful and ineffective as they like. Thanks to government protections, corrupt pharmaceutical companies are able to make their products more addictive and less effective so they can create return customers and extend their profits. After all, if a medication is effective at curing a patient, they won’t continually use and purchase that drug. However, even if the drug is mediocre — but has addictive properties — it will become a regular part of the patient’s monthly budget.
Because of the pharmaceutical companies’ stranglehold on government and the government’s willing collusion, pharmaceutical giants have been able to abuse American consumers and patients for decades. These disreputable practices, however, are not without consequence — as the new Gallup poll incontrovertibly demonstrates.
This article (Poll Shows Big Pharma and Federal Government Among Most Hated Institutions in US) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to John Vibes and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email
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Larry Beach
I know there are a lot of Laws and testing for new Drugs, but the Horrific Profit Margins should be Unlawful to say the least. Unlike Gasoline which can be lived without, the Meds people take every day SHOULD have strict profit regulations.
IF some day special interest spending and gifts to our political system would stop, you can bet your life the feds would step in. My Mother takes Medicine that costs $10.00 per dose, while the same medication in Mexico, and Canada costs about 10% as much.
The next time you have a Dr’s appointment pay attention to the fancy Dressed guys and Gals coming in
carrying briefcases, that go right to the back. You can bet there will be some with their Free whole Office lunches, Dr perks/gifts, etc The FREE $10.00 Pens they give by the handful alone, are coming right out of your pocket. They try and talk your DR. into prescribing “their” Brand..
One branch of Big Pharma which is most deservedly hated is the vaccine makers, who have caused to be put in place laws preventing them from being sued for any adverse effects of vaccines such as autism, brain damage, and death, caused by vaccine adjuvants like mercury and aluminum, etc. There is no penalty no matter how many people they kill or disable. This gives them NO incentive to make vaccines safe or effective.
They have also succeeded in having passed, such as recently in California, laws disallowing children to attend public or private school if they have not had all the “recommended” vaccines. This legal assault on your body and brain will likely soon be extended to adults as well.

1 Week To Pope's World Announcement!

1 Week To Pope's World Announcement!

September 25, 2015

link, 11-min video: "State Department Whistleblower Exposes Covert Terrorist Funding"

link, 11-min video: "State Department Whistleblower Exposes Covert Terrorist Funding"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 18-Sep-2015 03:35:05
Hi, Folks -
From the Stage2Omega Daily Digest:

State Department Whistleblower Exposes Covert Terrorist Funding

By dt on Sep 17, 2015 02:11 pm
WeAreChange Published on Sep 15, 2015 In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to J. Michael Springmann, the former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in the Reagan and former Bush administrations, from September 1987 through March 1989. In this explosive interview Michael details how intelligence agencies not only nurtured terrorists but [...]

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Fred: A Matter that Should Give Us PAWS: The End Times of the Modern Economy...

(This will bring the lack of necessity for humans needed!)

Fred: A Matter that Should Give Us PAWS: The End Times of the Modern Economy...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 17-Sep-2015 22:37:33

Today we will reflect that the economy will shortly wither, no one will have to work, and we will all die of starvation sitting on street corners and trying to sell each other pencils.
Work is going the way of the dodo, the Constitution, and common sense. Won’t be any.
Doom moves in ripples. Suppose that the New York Times goes all digital. The factory that makes the newsprint will have fewer orders and thus need fewer workers. The same applies to the tree farms that make the pulp for the newsprint factory. Less transportation, train or truck, will be needed to bring the newsprint to New York. The pressmen who run the presses will go, and the company that would have made replacement presses will have fewer orders. The truckers who drive the printed papers to Newark will lose their jobs, as will the people who deliver the paper to your doorstep.
Just now, unemployment seems set to increase sharply. The oncoming wave of automation looks formidable. I read of an automated bricklayer in Australia, fast, accurate, and cheap. Amazon, the Great Bookstore in the Sky, can give you almost any book electronically in five minutes at half the hardback price: Fare thee well, bookstores and publishing industry.
Everybody and his grandmother has heard of self-driving vehicles, a technology that matures rapidly and will replace first (I think) long haul truckers and then urban delivery trucks and taxis. Computers don’t drive drunk, talk on cell phones, or suffer road rage and, potentially, inter-vehicle communications would let every car know what all the others around it were going to do. Humans need not apply.
There is worse, much worse. Computers already write simple news stories, do formerly very time-consuming legal research, and engage in financial analysis. They move into medical diagnosis. Note that a computer can store the symptoms of every disease known to man, which a human doctor cannot.
Unemployment or just barely employment already is high and apparently endemic. The rate is higher than it looks because the government counts only those looking for work, not the substantial population living on welfare. College graduates increasingly cannot find work, or have to work as baristas in Starbucks and live at home with their parents.
Which raises a very real problem: What do we do when most people have no work, though they are both willing and able?
To date, the only way we know to distribute goods and services (houses, food, that sort of thing) is to have people work and pay them for it. It is an imperfect system, having been devised by humans, and pays a quarterback millions for throwing a pointy object to a downfield felon while a shock-trauma nurse can barely eat. Still, it has been reasonably serviceable.
But this works only when there are jobs to be had. When there are not, when the bright, eager, and conscientious young cannot find jobs, then what?
We seem already to have maxed out our means of letting people appear to be working when they are not — bureaucracies, the military — or simply keeping them off the job market — child labor laws, required attendance at school, universities teaching nothing to those who want to learn nothing. Now what?
As long as the country does not fall into chaos, we are not going to allow large numbers of people to starve (despite the title of this column). A way today used to avoid this is simply to give the necessities of life to those who cannot work to earn them — for example, welfare illiterates for whom there is no economic need.
But we have no widely accepted way of providing the necessities to a new college graduate whose degree, whatever it may be, doesn’t get him a job. And since the only way we have of paying those who do not work is to tax those who do, we face the prospect of ever rising taxes on an ever shrinking base of employed. That isn’t going to fly.
It is utterly conceivable that within the life spans of today’s cradle occupants, only twenty percent, or ten, of those of working age will be employed. (Eighty years is a long time, technologically speaking, much longer than from the Wright brothers to a space station.) In this case, the wage-and-salary model is not going to work. What will?
Is there a choice other than paying everyone a living — “wage” isn’t just the right word — with higher amounts for those actually doing needed work?
So how do we get smoothly from where we are now to wherever it is that we are going? Sally Sue graduates from Swarthmore with a 4.0 in art history or chemistry, and just flat can’t find a job that pays her enough to live. Entry-level lab work has been automated, and Starbucks has moved to computer-driven spigots. She is eager to work, even desperate. No job. Do we just put her on genteel welfare? What then will her future be? Will those still working resent her? She, them?
If an automated economy employing a small fraction of the population were spewing out goods, perhaps the rest could be given EFT cards with some amount of “money” on them. Call it PAWS, Pathologically Advanced Welfare System. We do this now with welfare folk. Which is to say that the problem I am talking about already exists, though we haven’t quite noticed it.
A great question would then be: Can people handle leisure? The intelligent and educated, probably. They read books, write them, enjoy the internet. The distributed cognitive stratification embodied in the net would let them talk with each other around the world. For them, so good. But for others?
We have a sort of laboratory in the retired population, which lives without working and usually happily. The young and the not-so-bright are another matter. If the urban ghettoes are any guide, and they may not be, people and particularly the young do not do well with unlimited time on their hands. Life may be meaningless at IRS, but it requires people to show up in order to get paid. Endless leisure would not.
These are uncharted waters, think I. But, methinks, in coming decades we will begin to think about them perforce. 

Alternate summit on racism in Winnipeg draws hundreds

Alternate summit on racism in Winnipeg draws hundreds

CBC – 1 hour 57 minutes ago
Alternate summit on racism in Winnipeg draws hundreds
CBC - Alternate summit on racism in Winnipeg draws hundreds

Armed with anti-racism posters, hundreds of people gathered at Winnipeg's Oodena Celebration Circle on Wednesday evening to talk about the city's racial divide.
The event, called Our Summit, was led by community activists who felt the mayor's forum, One: The Mayor's National Summit on Racial Inclusion, was excluding some important local voices.
The mayor's forum was being held at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, while the alternative Our Summit, was a short walk away at The Forks.
After a ceremonial drum session, Our Summit organizers we're quick to underline the gathering was not in protest.
"This is not an event that is intended to compete with the other event that's happening a stone's throw away from here," local activist Michael Champagne told the crowd.
"This an event intended to provide opportunity and space for Winnipeggers who perhaps were not available to pay the $50 or register in time for the other racial inclusion event."
Guest speakers opened the discussion on racism in the city, sharing personal stories and highlighting issues dividing indigenous and non-indigenous Winnipeggers. 
"We really need to create a better understanding of the history that Canada has had with it's indigenous people," organizer Lenard Monkman told the crowd, which included Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger and Maclean's writer Nancy MacDonald who crowned the city Canada's racism capital.
"We're not angry, we're not going after people, we're not sticking it to anybody but what we're actually trying to do is create a better understanding. The whole reason we are here today is because of the treaty relationship in Canada."
The forum then turned interactive. People were asked to walk around and talk to someone they didn't know and hear each other's personal stories. 
People then broke off into groups to exchange thoughts on social issues in the city such as missing and murdered indigenous women, food security, and the child welfare system.
"I think it's important as a white settler to listen to indigenous people, learn about the land that we're on and the laws of the land, indigenous laws, and I want my children to know that as well," said Lisa Stepnuk who attended the summit with her three kids. 
"I think that we can see the racial divide in terms of poverty and the barriers that people face, indigenous people but also refugees, newcomers, and I think that as white people we need to listen very carefully and for a long time to understand them and our privilege here."
It was these kinds of discussions 19-year-old Opichee Akuash applauded.
"I feel good knowing that people are being aware of the situation that racism isn't just a thing, it affects a lot of people in a lot of ways, it hurts people a lot," he said.
Akuash, from Ontario's Walpole Island First Nation, says he experienced racism from elementary through high school.
"I was bullied for the way I looked because I didn't look like regular kids because they said I had brown skin and black hair. I was negated from a lot of the, I guess, popular groups. I kind of grew a lot of anger over the years from it," he said. 
"I'm starting to realize it's not their fault — people are put in that position, people teach their kids that and some of the kids don't know that it's racism. It's a lot of ignorance, I'd say."
He believes racism can be turned around in time, with more awareness and discussion like the summit. 
Daniel Highway, a 67-year-old residential school survivor born in Brochet, Man., agrees.
"I like the involvement of the kids. I think they're getting activated, motivated and you know starting to take the issues seriously," he said. 
"I think if they learn to work together they can make a lot of changes. That's the key, you know? [You] can't do things alone."
As the conversations continued, and a rainbow formed over head organizers and attendees alike, Stepnuk says what was most encouraging was the event's turn out. 
"It means that people do care. I think we're in for a lot of good heart warming and also uncomfortable conversations. And we're going to have to be ready for it be uncomfortable and also very rewarding," she said.
Mayor responds to city summit criticism
Following the gathering, some of the organizers walked to the Canadian Museum of Human Rights to speak outside the doors of the mayor's summit.
While Mayor Brian Bowman would not comment on the gathering outside, he did shoot down criticism that the city's summit was excluding local voices.
"This has been an open and inclusive exercise right from the very the beginning. This is a free venue, it's live streaming online and we want to be inclusive as possible and that's what we're doing," he said.
"I welcome all views and all venues where ideas are being shared. That's exactly the type of spark I was hoping to have in the community — where we would have folks sharing their ideas."