Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Enlightening The Zeitgeist: Three Reasons For Revolution

Enlightening The Zeitgeist: Three Reasons For Revolution

EtZ 1 - Original
By: Noah James Hittner |
A few quick notes about this article…
    • This is an interactive article. The blue/underlined links spread throughout will take the reader to specific references and resources (videos, articles, etc.) when clicked.
    • This article was previously published on this website as a 6-part blog series, which can be found by clicking here:  IntroductionPart 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4, Conclusion.
    • Note: At the time this piece was produced, all of the links in this article led to functional websites. I apologize if that is no longer the case.

Enlighten:  To become informed, inspired, unburdened or empowered.
The general outlook, spirit, or cultural climate of the times.
A sudden and profound brand of change.

What if Everyone Suddenly Knew?
Never akin to the world of politics during my first 3+ decades on planet Earth, things…well…have changed. But my newfound attraction to politics is not what you might think. The politics of today are not what have drawn me into this arena. It is the politics of tomorrow which have done that. I find little inspiration in today’s lobbying, corporatized, warring, and perception-manipulating brand of politics. What inspires me is the promise of what politics could be one day:
A species-wide expression of sustainability in our relationships to our envirmonment, to each other, and to ourselves.
There is room for great purpose–for evolution–within the political arena–no matter how dark it seems. In fact, it is literally the flagship of the consciousness of our species! Our politics show us exactly what we have generally accepted to be true about ourselves as a people…thus far. What this ultimately means is that we have as a collective–each and every one of us–in one way or another–through our zealous fundamentalism or apathetic denial, our deceit or ignorance–created the corrupt political climate that we are all currently surviving. We are all responsible for it, but that does not imply blame or fault. In a manner of speaking, it’s nobody’s fault because it’s everybody’s fault. Our crooked political arena is simply the external/physical/visible manifestation of our evolutionary progress to this point. It could, quite literally, have happened no other way because we’ve done the best we can given the information that has been made available to us…to this point.
Following that line of thought, until we have become exposed to, or are somehow made aware of, realities or truths which challenge what we’ve always believed to be true…we are incapable of perceiving that we have a choice in the matter! In essence, to make a choice, we must first feel as though we have a choice—we must become aware of the choice.
The purpose of this article series is to contribute to that informative process so that we may all begin—as a community of free-thinkers—to perceive an entire new realm of choice, and to move forward from that point toward the creation of some revolutionary brand of new, sustainable politics.
That Said, What if Everyone Suddenly Knew…
What if we all suddenly knew—were made aware of the fact—that the Federal Reserve is not a federal institution, but rather a private central bank operated by a few wealthy elite; and, that those few wealthy elite have been empowered to decide how money works in order to perpetuate and consolidate their wealth and power?
What if we all suddenly knew—were made aware of the fact—that we don’t really get a choice in the election of the president; and, that we are merely offered an “illusion of choice” by a two-party system (the Republicans and the Democrats) that seeks only to perpetuate its rule?
What if we all suddenly knew—were made aware of the fact—that the bulk of our mass media outlets are owned by a mere handful of corporations; and, that this corporate media’s general theme—or intent—is to broadcast a distorted brand of information, which ultimately serves to enhance corporate power and profit margins, containing little or nothing to do with the notion of “truth”?
This three-tiered system of control via the Monetary, Electoral, and Media systems is elusive and phantasmal because we have all been indoctrinated into it over the course of our lives, our parents’ lives, and beyond. Exposing these systems is often labeled as “unpatriotic,” “conspiracy,” or “dissent.” Yet, I have found that the use of such absolutist terms is usually indicative that something of profound relevance has been stirred-up. If the masses—WE THE PEOPLE—all of us, suddenly knew the control systems mentioned above to be fact…what might happen? What could a nation of aware peoples accomplish with this kind of knowledge?
Thus, the Monetary System, the Electoral Process, and the Mass Media are the 3 Reasons for Revolution, and will be the focus of this multi-part discussion, running as follows:
INTRODUCTION:  What if Everyone Suddenly Knew?
PART 1:  Reason #1—The Monetary System—Built to Create Debt-Servitude
PART 2:  Reason #2—The Electoral Process—An Illusion of Choice
PART 3:  Reason #3—The Mass Media—Deliverers of False Reality
PART 4:  Revolutionary Solutions
CONCLUSION:  Excavating the Truth

Reason #1—The Monetary System—Built to Create Debt-Servitude
What would you say if I told you that the Federal Reserve (the institution in command of the production of our money supply) was not a part of the federal government? And, a likely reason that it carries the “Federal” part of its name is to encourage the assumption that it is indeed a federal entity…which, again, it absolutely is not.
The fact of the matter is that the Federal Reserve is a privately-owned central bank masquerading as a government agency for the people. It, quite literally, is a group of wealthy elite who were empowered many years ago—by our own government—to have monopolistic command over the nation’s money supply. This system was put in place as a means of control. He who controls the money—controls all.
How it Works…
Essentially, the Federal Reserve prints the money and loans it to our government…at interest. Therein lies the first and most fundamentally corrupt control system:  Where is the interest supposed to come from?
EXAMPLE:  Let’s say a brand-new country creates a brand-new central bank like the Federal Reserve, and that central bank prints the country’s first batch of money. For the sake of keeping things simple, let’s say it prints $10. The bank delivers that money to the new country’s government—at 5% interest. The quandary is this:  Where is the 5% going to come from when it was never printed in the first place? You guessed it—the central bank, once again, via the phenomenon known as “inflation.” This in turn creates what? You guessed it—more debt.
Thus…a National Debt is created.
This is an extremely simplified example. Yet, what it means is that every single dollar in circulation represents debt—every single dollar. And, this is a debt that cannot possibly be paid off under the arrangement of our current monetary system, because the amount of money owed back to the Federal Reserve will always exceed the amount of money that currently exists in circulation—due to the phenomenon known as “interest.” It doesn’t take much of an imagination to realize the hopeless brand of financial slavery this paradox creates for the public. This system benefits only those at the top of the fiscal food chain, and leaves the rest holding the proverbial bag.
What’s more, our money, though once backed by gold, is no longer backed by anything whatsoever. This means that the private central bank, known as the Federal Reserve, prints up complicated-looking green bills worth no more than the paper and ink used to make them. The only thing that gives those fancy-looking bills any “real” value is our belief in the system itself—solidified by our decades of servitude. The entire money-machine is built on the idea of scarcity. Our public’s belief in its value—combined with a great and terrible fear of not having enough—is absolutely crucial to the perpetuation and success of that machine.
The ramifications that this kind of monetary system has had on our society are astronomical. There is very strong evidence to support the notion that the financial crises of our country have been deliberate, calculated, and executed in order for the wealthy elite to further consolidate their wealth and power. This includes, but is not limited to, The Great Depression as well as the financial crisis of 2008. By manipulating the ebb and flow of the money supply and interest rates—in order to evoke financial crises—the wealthy elite have been able to acquire the property, land and resources from those at the bottom of the fiscal food chain who have inevitably gone broke along the way. It is as brilliant as it is sinister.
Sound ridiculous?!? Consider the following reality of how our banking system works today, and then ask yourself:  Who in their right mind—who claims to love a country and its people—would create a system like this:
The Fractional Reserve System of Banking:  Money Out of Nowhere…
Under the fractional reserve system of banking, when a deposit is made into a bank, that bank is then allowed to use a certain percentage of the deposit (let’s say roughly 90%) as a basis for new loans to other customers. Let me repeat:  The bank is then allowed to use a certain percentage of that deposit as a basis for new loans…therein lies the catch. While common sense might suggest that the 90% to be loaned is coming from the aforementioned deposit…this is simply not the case. Under the fractional reserve system, the bank is allowed to create that amount of money…out of thin air.
EXAMPLE:  John Doe deposits $1000 into a bank. Under the fractional reserve system of banking, the bank is then allowed to loan a percentage of that money out (let’s say roughly 90% or $900) to other customers. So, John Q Public comes to the bank and asks for a loan of $900. Once again, it is very logical to assume that the $900 would be coming out of the original $1000 deposit. But this is simply not what’s going on. The bank actually creates that $900 out of nowhere—as mere digits on a screen. Then, when that new $900 loan is deposited, the cycle continues.
What this means is that, under the fractional reserve system, a bank can give you a “loan” of money that isn’t real, was never printed, was created out of nowhere, and is represented by mere digits on a computer screen. This makes the bank’s liability strictly theoretical because it hasn’t actually given you anything. Yet, what is required of you is to make loan payments with your actual/real money, and if you happen to default on your loan, the bank can seize your assets.
TRANSLATION:  The bank risks nothing by giving you nothing real—but can take everything real from you. They get something for nothing. When a person takes from another person in this way, it’s called a “crime.” When a bank does it, it’s called “money-creation.”
Whether consciously or unconsciously, we’ve all generally agreed to the notion that a particular amount of “money” entitles us to a particular amount of resources (food, shelter, heat, transportation, stuff, etc.), or what we might otherwise call:  An inherent ability or potential to exist. So henceforth, let’s simply call money:  Existence Potential. Thus, according to our current monetary system, the wealthy, particularly the wealthy elite, are granted far more potential to exist than the non-wealthy. (And yes, they have indeed been “granted” this right via our universal agreement about the value of our paper bills.) So, let’s break this down:  One group of people has more green paper than another; and, because of this fact, those with lots of that green paper are entitled to more of the Earth’s resources.
Reflexively, I am inclined to ask the question, “Is that fair?” But, on second thought, I don’t think that “fairness” has anything to do with it. The more relevant question—in regard to a holistically-sustainable world—might be, “Does it make any sense?” From the perspective of competition and capitalism, the answer is undoubtedly a booming “Yes!” But, we’re talking about life here, about our fellow man, about our world and environment, about all of the things that made capitalism possible in the first place—NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
Which brings us to the fundamental problem with our current monetary system:  You see, the system is always-always-always self-justified in its unrelenting acquisition of more and more Existence Potential (more money) even if it means war, bailouts, poverty, pollution and the like. This type of value system is a direct result of our universal agreement on how and why we’ve come to value money. To reiterate, for the majority of people, money directly represents the ability to acquire resources needed to survive. It translates directly as Existence Potential. Therefore, the acquisition of it—in whatever manner is deemed necessary in the moment—will always be paramount to the entity—whether that entity be an individual, a company, or a nation. The acquisition of Existence Potential will always precede any ideas of Sustainability because, in our current system, the two are quite naturally seen as mutually exclusive—particularly when survival of the entity is perceivably at stake. This, in turn, propagates the “enemy-concept.” For, anyone who is perceived as a threat to the influx of Existence Potential (one’s ability to live) is then officially declared an enemy, a terrorist, a threat to national security.
In essence—via our current monetary system—we have all agreed that our inalienable right to life is not inalienable at all…it must actually be earned. And because this is so, the true well-being of our world, our neighbor, and ourselves can—and will—never come first. But if we—THE PEOPLE—decide on a new value system (a new paradigm that determines what and how we determine value), a system that considers the sustainability of our environmental and social wellbeing first and foremost, a system that fundamentally rejects the concept of the “enemy” and all of its protégés:  poverty, pollution, capitalism, and the like…if we the people make THIS DECISION, then perhaps a revolution would not be far behind.

Reason #2—The Electoral Process—An Illusion of Choice
What would you say if I told you that when we go to the polls to vote for a president, we’re not actually getting a real choice, but are merely offered an “illusion of choice” between two dominant political parties (the Republicans and the Democrats)? What if I told you that there was an intentional effort to keep the public trained into believing that no other candidates are relevant or viable, and that the entire process was set in place in order to ensure that only members of one of those two parties could become president?
Why might this be? First of all, we’ve been programmed to believe that the Republicans and Democrats are what the government is supposed to be. But this is simply not true. What if I told you that the concept of “political parties” has become ingrained into our idea of government and politics over time simply because they have been there for so long, but that—like money—these parties only have the value we as the people assume them to have…making them fundamentally NON-essential to our political process, and perhaps—as of late—a dangerous liability?
You see, the Republicans and Democrats, generally speaking, are merely different sides of the same coin. This is evidenced not by where they actively disagree, but rather, where they have remained mutually silent:  Our corrupted monetary system and its parent institution—The Federal Reserve. As discussed in PART 1, this is the ORIGINAL PROBLEM. All social, political, economic and environmental disharmonies begin there. For, there can be no harmony and no rest in a culture operating solely on the principal of debt, profit, power and capitalism first…and the sustainability of its people and planet last. Thus, due to a lack of ability to create real, sustainable change in this area, our monetary disaster—via the private central bank known as The Federal Reserve—appears to have been mutually endorsed by both the Democratic and Republican parties through their shared silence and inaction.
The Commission on Presidential Debates (The CPD)…
If you’re skeptical about the idea of the two parties working together to maintain control over our political system, here is proof:  The CPD. Have you heard of it? It is a corporation that was started years ago by the chairs of the Democratic and Republican parties in order to seize control of the Presidential Debates. It is no stretch of the imagination to realize that leaving such a profoundly important political happening in the hands of two major political parties creates an equally profound conflict of interest of which the people inevitably suffer the consequences.
The Democratic and Republican party-run CPD created what’s known as the “15% barrier” which basically states that in order for a third-party candidate (a non-republican and non-democrat) to be allowed into the Presidential debates, that candidate must first have 15% support in national polls.
TRANSLATION:  Third-party candidates must first have the popular support—that they are seeking by appearing in the presidential debates in the first place—prior to appearing in the presidential debates. This is what is referred to as a catch 22.
Only once since the CPD took over control of the debates in 1988 has a third-party candidate been allowed to debate—requiring the billionaire status of Ross Perot in 1992. Since the inception of the 15% barrier, not one single third-party candidate has been allowed to participate in the debates—not one.
In fact, in the first presidential debate of 2000, third-party candidate Ralph Nader was such a threat to the Democratic and Republican parties (represented by Gore and Bush), that not only was he not allowed to debate them, he was also told—by police—to leave the grounds under threat of arrest when he tried to attend as an audience member. The agenda of the CPD to maintain a stranglehold over the presidential debates in order to maintain the “illusion of choice” has never been so transparent.
If that wasn’t enough, it has also been reported that the candidates dictate many conditions that determine how the debates will proceed, including the screening of questions and the handpicking of which questions are to be asked! Furthermore, the two major party candidates have agreed that they will not appear on any other debates with any other candidates, in essence, giving the CPD a monopoly on the debates.
So, what we have is an INTENTIONALLY-CREATED SYSTEM whereby the essential alternative philosophies of potential third-party candidates are silenced by the fact that they are unable to receive any mass media exposure. It doesn’t take much thought to imagine the all-out carnage to voter education that this causes—by not allowing to occur—a truthful, authentic debate on issues that the people want to know about.
The result of this kind of corrupted electoral process is that it has guaranteed the placement into office those who have allowed systems such as the Federal Reserve to dictate the nation’s future. If the people—the masses—were able to hear more clearly the voices of those potential leaders who more clearly resembled themselves and their own values, the voices of those whose interests lie in the creation of a holistically-sustainable culture, the voices of those who would seek to cultivate a logically compassionate brand of leadership—a brand of leadership that would not succumb to the current propagandist, warmongering tactics of fear, hate, and terror in order to persuade public opinion—a brand of leadership that would not perpetually fly the false flag of “Patriotism” in order to carry out financial and otherwise elitist agendas…if we the people were able to hear THOSE VOICES, then perhaps a revolution would not be far behind.

Reason #3—The Mass Media—Deliverers of False Reality
What would you say if I told you that the major mass media outlets (where the public is supposed to be able to go to get a truthful account of world affairs) are now generally owned by a handful of corporations? What if I told you that money, profit and capitalism are now the central focus of our news providers…rather than the unbiased, informative account of the local, national and global events—the knowing of which—are essential to a public’s ability to arrive at rational and logically-accurate conclusions?
In the early 80’s, the bulk of our TV, radio, newspaper, and other media outlets, were owned by fifty corporations. That number has profoundly plummeted down to FIVE. Let me repeat, there are now five corporations that control the majority of the major media providers in the U.S.
In light of this statistic—and this statistic alone—I believe we have enough evidence to suggest that the information passed to us from our major mass media absolutely cannot be taken at face value. This is because the end result is not journalism—but rather—capitalism, profit and power achieved through the delivery of false reality; a false reality that seeks to undermine the public’s intuition and convince them that they must consume in order to achieve success; a false reality that fossil fuels are our only energy solution; a false reality that the world is a dangerous place full of terror[ists], and that we are unpatriotic if we question our government’s propensity for war in the name of “national security.”
Have you noticed this trend? Have you noticed the mass media’s incessant flair for the dramatic? It is through the use of these dramatic and fear-based campaigns that the mass media captures our attention; and, over time, convinces us of one overwhelmingly distorted reality:
We need more.
More money, more oil, more medication, more soldiers, more war, more control…more. All of this chaotic propaganda is at the expense of all of the REAL issues at hand that we—THE PEOPLE—rarely hear a word about. Such as, the utterly corrupt nature of our private central bank—the Federal Reserve, or the CPD’s (Commission on Presidential Debates) involvement in corrupting our electoral process, or, for that matter, the fact that five corporations have been allowed to own and corrupt the bulk of our essential mass media outlets.
Let’s ask ourselves:  Why might a handful of corporations so vigorously acquire all of these media providers? There are a couple of answers as I see it:  1) It has become enormously profitable as there are hundreds of billions of dollars up for grabs. 2) Through the mass media, what the public learns and accepts to be true can be controlled to a great extent. Thus, we have a corporately-controlled media that carefully and articulately disseminates the exact kind of information that perpetuates their profitable agendas. The false reality is delivered.
Another related avenue of corporate media control is through sponsorship (advertising). This creates a situation whereby the message of the media must not conflict with the companies that pay the enormous sums of money for advertising. This has—in no uncertain terms—handcuffed the art of journalism, forcing journalists to self-censor their message at the risk of losing their jobs. Once again, the false reality is delivered.
This is why the corrupt practices of The Federal Reserve are not covered in the mass media every single day! This is why many of us have no idea that the Federal Reserve is a private bank that has been empowered by our government to place the entire nation into an incomprehensible amount of debt by printing valueless fancy-looking paper and selling it to our government—at interest!
This is why the corrupt practices of the CPD are not covered in the mass media every single day! This is why no third party candidates are ever given any mass media coverage during their campaigns, and why many of us generally believe that the Republican and Democratic parties are actually necessary—rather than detrimental!
This is why the corruption and corporatization of the mass media are not covered in the mass media every single day! This is why the distortions, which the mass media places on information, so rarely come to light!
Some might call it programming. Others might call it brainwashing. Either way, the result is a mass media that has become corrupted beyond recognition. It is controlled. It is deliberate. Because this is so, the world it portrays could not be further from the truth. For, when there is that much money at stake (Existence Potential), the message that is provided must support and promote the corporation’s objectives—financial, political, whatever—first and foremost.
Imagine the implications of having a mass media that reported in honest, nonpartisan fashion, the events most detrimental to the sustainability of our local, national and global communities. For, the fact of the matter is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a GOOD decision, to cast a sustainable vote, or to render a reasonable opinion…when presented with only BAD information. Imagine if the jig was up, and we all suddenly had access to the truth of current affairs, rather than the corporately and politically slanted fiction we’re faced with today. Imagine being TRULY INFORMED! Then perhaps a revolution would not be far behind.

Revolutionary Solutions
It is a conditioned inaccuracy to assume that a revolution involves violence. The truth is, it simply implies a profound and sudden change, and nothing more. That said, the changes that will need to take place in order to restore balance to the three corrupted systems previously discussed will not occur overnight. For now, we can and must work with what we have, regardless of the fact that it is indeed broken and non-sustainable. As public awareness and support grows, we can—relatively speaking—quickly create near immediate, acute improvements which will prepare us for the broader, more global strategies which will impact the world over for generations to come.
Solutions for RIGHT NOW:  The Monetary System…
To review the critical, central concept of Part 1:  The fundamental problem with our current monetary system is that it is always-always-always self justified in its unrelenting acquisition of more and more Existence Potential (more money), even if it means war, bailouts, poverty, pollution and the like. This type of value system is a direct result of our universal agreement on how and why we’ve come to value money. To reiterate, for the majority of people, money directly represents the ability to acquire resources needed to survive. It translates directly as Existence Potential. Therefore, the acquisition of it—in whatever manner is deemed necessary in the moment—will always be paramount to the entity—whether that entity be an individual, a company, or a nation. The acquisition of Existence Potential will always precede any ideas of Sustainability because, in our current system, the two are quite naturally seen as mutually exclusive—particularly when survival of the entity is perceivably at stake. This in turn propagates the “enemy” concept. For, anyone who is perceived as a threat to the influx of Existence Potential (one’s ability to live) is then officially declared an enemy, a terrorist, a threat to national security. You see, the problem goes beyond our current monetary system…
The problem is that we HAVE a monetary system.
Radical words—I know. Sounds crazy—I get it.
But the fact is, where we are right now is simply not sustainable on any level. You can just feel that, can’t you? That we are tearing ourselves to pieces, waging war, competing with everyone and everything…and all in the name of this made-up, valueless thing we call “money.” But, clearly we cannot jump immediately into a moneyless state of existence (discussed later in “Solutions for THE FUTURE…”). We must start with where we are—with what’s been handed to us. Thanks to organizations like the Thrive Movement, there are strategies being formulated as I write these words.
Thus, at the forefront of any discussion for fiscal reform must be the dismantling of the Federal Reserve. As decades of corrupt, destructive behavior have shown, it’s time to move forward and leave the archaic private, central-banking system behind. However, it goes without saying that to do away with such an old and powerful entity would not be an easy task, and would first require public education and support on an unprecedented and massive scale.
Absolutely crucial to the task of ending the rule of the Federal Reserve is complete government transparency during every phase of the transition—whereby the government reports regularly to the people. As the Thrive Movement has pointed out, this transparency would need to include major campaign finance reform in order to remove the corporate/financial influence on the decision-making of our politicians, thereby placing power back into the hands of their constituents. To learn more, visit:  http://www.thrivemovement.com/sector_solutions-economics.
TRANSLATION:  A politician who is not supported or influenced by big corporate money interests must compete honestly for the votes of the people by fighting for what those people want.
Hand-in-hand with that transparency would be the issuance of a new currency—freeing the people once and for all from the corrupted corporate influences of the Federal Reserve by eliminating the so-called national debt.
Solutions for RIGHT NOW:  The Electoral Process…
So long as the Republican and Democratic parties remain in control of the presidential debates via the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), whereby third-party candidates are excluded from the debate process (and even escorted off the property where the debates are held—under threat of arrest), the American public will never be fairly introduced to any other possibilities for economic, political or social evolution. We will keep getting more of the same corrupted and corporatized leadership. Until third-party candidates are allowed to be seen and heard on the presidential debate stage, the illusion of choice between the Republican and Democratic parties will continue.
First and foremost, to end the two-party reign of control propagated by the Republican and Democratic parties, the CPD must be exposed and shut down, thereby returning the presidential debates back into the hands of a truly nonpartisan entity whose interest lies solely in producing a debate stage that allows all needs and interests of the people to be openly discussed—regardless of how controversial they are or how unpatriotic they seem.
Next, as briefly mentioned in the “Monetary System” solutions above, in order to reinject integrity into the electoral process, any concept of money and “campaign finance” must be removed from the equation of electing political leaders.
Both of the critical issues above could be accomplished quite efficiently with the creation of a nonpartisan, all-encompassing political election/campaign network for TV, radio, internet and the like (serving as a foundational piece of the new media solutions mentioned below—which absolutely do not operate for profit).
All of the candidates’ official media appearances—including all debates—would be made public exclusively through this network’s various outlets. Each candidate would be delegated the exact same amount of airtime and exposure, thereby removing campaign finance from being a factor. The advantages to such an arrangement would be profound…
  • Third-Party Candidates:  The simple inclusion of third-party candidates onto an equal playing field—all by itself—could arguably change everything. Fresh, honest perspectives from candidates that intend to create real, wholesome change would undoubtedly have a profound effect on voter education and voter choice.
  • More Candidates in General:  It has been reported that one of the reasons the CPD created the 15% barrier—which has made it impossible for third-party candidates to appear in the presidential debates—was because there would otherwise be too many candidates debating. HOGWASH! This is just another smokescreen to maintain the status quo of the Republican’s and Democrat’s two-party dominance. Even if this excuse was reasonable, we could certainly have more than two candidates from the same two political parties, year after year! With the technology widely utilized by popular culture today, there is absolutely no reason why we cannot have a plethora of candidates from which to listen and choose. Besides, no one single entity (such as the CPD) should ever be granted the power to determine how many candidates are “too many,” or for that matter, which of them are relevant or not.
  • More Debates:  When you stop and think about it, doesn’t it seem a bit ridiculous that the CPD currently allows for only three debates prior to the public’s voting for what is arguably the most powerful, influential political office on the planet? We see two guys debate three times. Wow.
  • Debate Topic Relevance:  A debate system unencumbered by corporate influence would allow all of the controversial topics—that currently go unmentioned—to be exposed and addressed. Topics such as the corruption of the Federal Reserve, the corporatization of the media, the disturbing inconsistencies and unanswered questions surrounding international incidents such as 9/11, and many more.
Again, the Thrive Movement has outlined some possible solutions with a similar goal in mind of cleaning up the electoral process and our system of governance as a whole. To learn more, visit:  http://www.thrivemovement.com/sector_solutions-governance.
Also, here is a solid YouTube video that I stumbled across titled, The Commission on Presidential Debates is Preventing Real Change from Occurring in America,” which articulately explains the corrupt history and strategy of the CPD, as well as offering immediate action steps to begin creating a solution:  http://youtu.be/3aoKAgZAdbw.
In the meantime, until the CPD is eliminated and replaced by some form of nonpartisan, non-corruptible entity, the first and most immediately effective strategy that WE THE PEOPLE can use is:  Never vote for a Republican or Democrat ever again.
Solutions for RIGHT NOW:  The Mass Media…
A mere FIVE corporations now own the bulk of our mass media. Before the masses can make well-informed political, economic and social decisions about their local, national and global communities, they must first have access to the truth of their world! Thus, there must be set in place a nonpartisan independent media to function as an arm of THE PEOPLE. This independent media would absolutely not operate for profit, hence being freed from monetary and capitalistic influence of any kind. Freed of corporate business interests, the media would be allowed to report on what actually matters to the people. They could also use as much time as they needed to do so without worrying about taking a commercial break!
Thus, the sole purpose of this new media would be this one singular mission:  To deliver the complete, unbiased facts about the local, national and global events deemed crucial by—you guessed it—the people themselves. This means that this independent media would absolutely be subject to not only a perpetual series of checks and balances (in order to ensure integrity), but also to direct voting and elections, whereby the people not only choose what becomes news, but also who reports it. Such an organization would be revered and held as the people’s sacred voice. One example of a similar brand of mass media reform comes again from the Thrive Movement. To learn more, visit:  http://www.thrivemovement.com/sector_solutions-media.
In the meantime, we can all have a profound impact on this corrupt aspect of our culture by simply choosing to STOP WATCHING the popular, corporatized major mass media fiction that saturates our communities…just turn it off. Turn off the brainwashing that seeks to have you at war with your neighbor. Turn off the programming that would have you afraid of anything it can conceive, while encouraging you to spend more time and money in order to protect yourself and find “happiness.” Just turn it off.
We can also seek out alternative-media options, such as Breaking the Set, Buzzsaw, Off the Grid, and others, so that we might be exposed to alternative perspectives that encourage us to challenge the fear and scarcity-based information that we’ve believed and held so strongly to be true for far too long.
Solutions for THE FUTURE…
In the ultimate analysis, what it all boils down to is that the most sustainable global community that could possibly exist would require none of the money, government or media as we’ve come to know them today. I realize that this suggestion sounds insane—and understandably so when contrasted with the current state of affairs. Nonetheless, in this very moment, there are brilliant, open minds working on the concept of what has been called a Resource Based Economy.
In a Resource Based Economy, everything that the world has to offer is made available—in sustainable fashion—to everyone in the global family, without the corrupting control mechanisms known as money and debt to dictate where and when goods and resources are being allocated. You see, that is money’s ultimate function:  To control resources—not because they are scarce—but rather to create a perceivable level of scarcity in a world that has more than enough resources and technology to provide for all of us…every single one. It is this fear of scarcity—which is currently programmed into our cultural mind—that causes us to buy into the idea that we need more help from the very same corporatized government system that—to a great extent—put us here in the first place…perpetuating our non-sustainable culture in an ultimate display of irony.
Some of the foundational principals of a Resource Based Economy are as follows…
  • The value we give to money is a fabrication—an agreement, an assumption.
  • All the world’s resources can be made available to all inhabitants, without the use of any kind of monetary system.
  • Evolving beyond a monetary system—and the “enemy concept” that it perpetuates—allows the world’s communities to become truly united for the advancement and sustainability of “the all,” rather than seeking to give profitable advantage to a wealthy few.
  • The application of our most efficient and advanced technology systems can provide a high standard of living for everyone, conserve energy, and eliminate waste—and can do so now.
  • Individuals could be empowered to participate in whatever way they feel most competent, allowing all to explore, learn and grow in the ways that inspire them, freeing mankind from the drudgery of “work.”
  • There are clean energy alternatives—available now—to power our species for thousands of years without the corrupting and polluting elements of fossil fuels.
  • This list goes on…
For a detailed look at this potential reality, check out The Venus Project here:  http://www.thevenusproject.com.

Excavating the Truth
If you’ve struggled with the nature of the content in this article, I understand where you are coming from. Perhaps, keep this in mind:  The truth is only the truth—nothing more. The truth is not moral, or emotional, or justified, or right, or wrong…it is merely the absolute actuality of a specified event—the simple mechanics of what happened. The emotion and morality that we as a species tend to inject into events can cloud our perception, throwing us into a state of zealous fundamentalism, apathetic denial, or some indifferent state in-between. Yet, none of that changes the truth of what actually happened—it only serves to show us what kind of relationship we have with the truth of what actually happened.
Our Relationship with the Truth…
In a sustainable relationship with the truth, the actuality of an event—the truth—is observed and recognized first and foremost. Choice and action are then taken as prescribed by one’s own personal system of values or biases. EXAMPLE:  My husband chose to end our marriage based on what he wants for his life. I am now free to pursue other avenues and relationships which might more accurately reflect my idea of commitment and relationship.
In a non-sustainable relationship with the truth, one’s own personal system of values or biases is the first consideration, whereby the event is immediately passed through this system, creating a “version” of the actuality—a version of the truth. Choice and action are then taken in order to comply with, justify, and defend that version. EXAMPLE:  Due to his lack of commitment, my husband left me, which means he is not a good man. As a result, I am justified in acquiring his assets in court.
Thus, until we are able—as a species—to discern the truth and to see our actuality for what it truly is—in our politics, our economics, our environment and beyond—until that moment, we will continue, in escalating fashion, to produce more of the same…more of what we already have. Until our relationship with the truth becomes sustainable, the non-sustainable characteristics of competition, propaganda, distrust, debt, disease, and war will continue their evolution toward becoming the defining characteristics of our culture.
A Compass for Revolution…
Questions inevitably arise. Questions such as, “Where do we go to get the truth?” “How do we know when we’re being told the truth?” Essentially, the core issue is that it is difficult to know who and what to believe anymore. To which I offer this…
During the course of my nearly four decades of life, I have learned to pay attention to those whose words and actions perpetuate my desire to place my responsibility anywhere other than on myself; those whose words and actions would have me seeking defense against my neighbor, in essence separating me from my local, national and global communities, creating disharmony and distrust; those whose words and actions would perpetuate my overconsumption of time, money and resources in order to serve some commercially-driven, mundane or elusive cause; those whose words and actions ultimately bind me to a false sense of—or need for—safety and security.
I’ve learned to pay attention, as well, to those whose words and actions ask nothing of me whatsoever, other than my willingness to listen; those whose words and actions would free me in some sense of the word, removing some form of restriction; those whose words and actions simply move me toward something that feels honest—despite the fact that there may be no guarantee of my safety or reward.
I guess what it boils down to is:  Who makes me feel desperation vs. who makes me feel love? You see…love matters. In a world completely inundated with information where it is fair to say that there is no way of knowing who is telling the truth or who we dare trust…love matters. In fact, it matters now more than ever because it may be the only real thing left that any of us have to guide us.
With that, I thank you for making the time to read this, for I know full well how precious and rare spare time is. Please, if you feel inclined, share this article with your circle of people. Let’s initiate the dialogue. For, surely, every revolution begins there.
In the Interest of Complete Disclosure:  This piece of work has been a distillation of the massive amounts of information provided by the interactive links placed throughout the article, the resources listed below, and my own personal experience. I do not claim to be an expert in any of the topics covered, and I cannot guarantee absolute accuracy with any of the information I’ve offered here, which is why I highly recommend doing one’s own research, listening to one’s own intuition, and drawing one’s own conclusions.

References & Resources:
(Note:  At the time this piece was produced, all of the links below led to functional websites. I apologize if that is no longer the case.)
The Monetary System:
 The Electoral Process:
The Mass Media:
*Article originally appeared at NoahJamesHittner.com

Noah James Hittner is an independent Author and Musician from rural Wisconsin who has appeared on both radio and network television. His books and music inspire the mind and warm the heart. To contact Noah, or explore more of his work, visit:  www.NoahJamesHittner.com.

Replacing Documents After A Disaster

Replacing Documents After A Disaster


We often talk about having a bugout bag that includes a folder with important documents, but despite your preparations and efforts to protect them, sometimes disaster strikes quickly and unexpectedly, and those documents are lost.
For example, the fires last week in Northern California moved so rapidly that some people fled from their homes without even a moment to put on their shoes. (See these videos for an idea of how dramatic the escapes were for many families.)
Although it’s not always the first thing people think of, in the event of a fire, flood, tornado, or other natural disaster, important documents can be lost or damaged beyond recognition.
The loss of vital documents can make it difficult to function in today’s society. Replacing documents is one of the first steps you’ll need to take. After a disaster, you’ll need identification, proof of citizenship, and proof of ownership before you can begin to rebuild your life.

Be Proactive Before a Disaster

Many of the major stressors after a disaster can be lessened by taking these vital steps before anything bad actually occurs.
1.) Photograph all important documents and store them securely in the cloud. (This report from Boston University provides tips on how to do so.)
2.) Keep photocopies of documents in a secure location away from your property. Consider procuring a safety deposit box for this purpose. (I have copies of all of our information at the home of a family member in another state.)
3.) Scan documents and save them on a password protected USB drive that you keep in a different location. This one is particularly secure and has an automatic cloud back-up.

Protect Important Documents

There are some steps you can take to protect documents from fire and flood damage, but these are not foolproof.
Invest in a good quality fire-proof safe. However, keep in mind that fire-proof isn’t going to necessarily hold up to an inferno like the ones we’ve seen in California recently. The safe I recommend here has excellent reviews, but note the manufacturer’s classifications:
Advance fire-protection- UL Classified for fire endurance ( 1 hour at 1700 f/927 C )
ETL verified for 1 hour fire protection of CD’s, DVD’s, memory sticks and USB drives
ETL verified water resistance up to 8 inches for 24 hours
You can add an extra layer of protection by placing papers in fire-resistant document bags or case.

What to do if your documents are damaged or destroyed

Vital documents must be replaced quickly and efficiently. Keep track of any fees you incur to replace these documents. Your homeowners or renters policy will most likely cover the cost. Below you’ll find the steps you need to take to replace a variety of documents. Links to helpful websites and documents are underlined and bolded.

Birth Certificate

The first thing you’ll want to replace is your birth certificate. You will need this to get your other documentation.  Visit your county records office and explain the situation for an expedited copy of a notarized birth certificate.

Driver License and Auto Registration

Contact your local DMV to talk with them about your situation. They’ll let you know what their requirements are for getting your documents replaced. You may have to wait until you have your birth certificate in hand to get a new license. Some DMVs will issue a temporary license while you’re waiting.

Social Security Card

You’ll have to apply for this in person at your nearest Social Security Administration office. This web page will tell you what documents you need for both children and adults before your appointment.


You can apply online for a lost passport.  The information can be found at the US State Department’s website.

Military Records

Go to any office of the Veterans Administration, American Legion, VFW, a service recruiter, or Red Cross.  You’ll need Standard Form 180 (SF-180).  If you have access to a printer, you can download the form HERE.  If you’re a veteran, you’ll need these records for medical treatment from the VA and for your benefits.

Insurance Policies

Your insurance company will be able to help you quickly and efficiently by replacing your homeowner’s or rental insurance policy, life insurance policy, and automobile policy. As well, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction for the next steps you should take. Many policies will provide a stipend to meet your immediate needs for shelter, food, and clothing, and they’ll explain what you need to do to file a claim for your losses.

Tax Records

If you use an accountant, they should be able to provide copies of all of your tax records. If you do your taxes yourself, contact the nearest IRS office (find it HERE) or call 1-800-829-3646. (Often the 800 number has very long wait times to speak to a representative.)  You can download Form 4506 online at THIS WEBPAGE.

Firearms Records and Permits

If you have lost firearms that are registered to you, you must report the loss to your local law enforcement and the ATF. If the guns were not actually destroyed but were taken by someone scavenging through the rubble of your home, there could be ramifications if they commit a crime using your guns. (And let’s face it, anyone scavenging through the remains of someone’s destroyed home has questionable morals to start with.)
The ATF will have you fill out THIS FORM.
Contact the issuing sheriff’s department for replacement of your CCW permit.

Credit Cards

Your first step should be to go to your local branch and get your debit card replaced. It may take up to a week for your replacement to arrive. The difficulty here lies in whether or not you have a relationship with your bank. If they know you, you may be able to do this without ID. Otherwise, this may have to wait until you have a copy of you birth certificate.
These are the phone numbers for major credit card companies. You’ll need to call and speak with a representative.  Explain your situation and ask for an emergency replacement to be expedited to you to meet your immediate needs. You’ll be able to pay this off when you receive your insurance money.
  • MasterCard: 1-800-622-7747
  • Visa: 1-800-847-2911
  • American Express: 1-800-528-4800
  • Discover: 1-800-347-2683

Property Deeds

Visit your county records office to get a copy of the deed to your property.

Marriage or Divorce Records

Marriage records are available from the county clerk’s office in which the licenses were issued. Divorce records are available from the Superior Court that granted the decree.

Immigration Documents and Green Cards

Contact the US Citizenship and Immigration Service if you need documents to verify citizenship, immigration, permanent resident card (green card), employment authorization, or a re-entry permit.


FEMA offers the following advice for replacing money that was damaged in the disaster.
Handle burned money as little as possible. Try to place each bill or part of a bill in plastic wrap to help preserve it. If money is partly burned—if half or more is still ok—you can take the part that is left to your regional Federal Reserve Bank to get it replaced.
Ask your bank for the one nearest you, or you can take the burned or torn money to the Post Office and mail it by “registered mail, return receipt requested” to:
Department of the Treasury
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Office of Currency Standards
P.O. Box 37048
Washington, DC 20013
Damaged or melted coins may be taken to your regional Federal Reserve Bank or mailed by “registered mail, return receipt requested” to:
U.S. Mint
P.O. Box 400
Philadelphia, PA 19105
To replace U.S. Savings Bonds that are destroyed or mutilated, get the Department of Treasury Form PD F 1048 (I) from your bank or at www.ustreas.gov and mail to:
Department of the Treasury
Bureau of the Public Debt Savings Bonds Operations
P.O. Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328

Don’t be too proud to accept help

If you’ve lost everything in a disaster, don’t be afraid to accept help. Those of us who witness the loss want to assist you while you get back on your feet. While you do see the worst in people, like looters and scavengers, disasters can also bring out the best in your neighbors.
On the same venue, when disaster strikes, see what you can do to help. If you have extra clothing, bedding, furniture, or food, it can be of great help and comfort to someone who needs a hand up.  Assistance need not always be limited to the practical. Items like toys or books can provide a big psychological boost to a family who has lost everything. Be generous, for someday it could be you in that situation.

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor who lives in a small village in the Pacific Northwestern area of the United States. She is the author ofThe Pantry Primer: How to Build a One Year Food Supply in Three Months. On her website, The Organic Prepper, Daisy writes about healthy prepping, homesteading adventures, and the pursuit of liberty and food freedom. Daisy is a co-founder of the website Nutritional Anarchy, which focuses on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Daisy’s articles are widely republished throughout alternative media. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, and you can email her at daisy@theorganicprepper.ca

Offended Muslims erupt on school board

Offended Muslims erupt on school board

'We’re going to be the majority soon!'

Watch Video:
A school-board meeting in New Jersey descended into chaos when a room full of angry Muslim parents were denied a last-minute request by its members.
Tempers were so raw last Thursday when the Jersey City Board of Education decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha that officials had to order security to "take charge." The holiday falls on Sept. 24.
"We’re going to be the majority soon!" said one woman into a microphone, WNBC-TV reported Sept. 17.
In "Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance," renowned activist Pamela Geller provides the answer, offering proven, practical guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities.
The speaker's statement echoed a top Islamic preacher, Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said during a recent sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque of Muslims taking root in America and Europe, "We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not," WND reported.
Board member Gerald Lyons tried to explain the "undue hardship" closing schools on short notice would cause for up to 10,000 parents, but attendees were not placated.
Muslim parents are permitted to take their children out of school for an excused religious absence with no penalty, WNBC reported.
"We feel alienated from the Board of Education, we feel alienated from this system," added Omar Abouelkhair.
The National Center for Education Statistics puts the number of Muslim students enrolled in Jersey City's 38 public schools at 27,000.
That number may increase if the Obama administration has its way.
Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the U.S. plans to admit 85,000 Syrian refugees over the next year and 100,000 by 2017, WND reported.
Copyright 2015 WND











Experts: California drought, fire crisis man-made

Experts: California drought, fire crisis man-made

The 'political class' has 'done absolutely nothing – zero – to prepare the state'


The California water-shortage crisis, largely man-made, according to experts, is getting so bad in some areas that people are facing what is being described as “Third World” conditions.
With the severe drought now stretching into its fourth year, reservoirs are running dry and wildfires are burning thousands of homes. And the human and economic toll is growing fast.
Fox News reported on Monday a Monterey County fire had claimed another life and another 162 homes, pushing the total of loss of homes in recent weeks to more than 1,400.
Reports said more than 5,000 fires had burned six million acres already, and there have been several fatalities.
More fires were breaking out, and more evacuations were being ordered at the time.
Tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars have already evaporated. And with no end in sight, there may still be years of suffering — and painful decisions — waiting ahead.
Indeed, some experts say this could be just the beginning, with some worst-case scenarios foreseeing mass migrations out of the state if relief doesn’t come soon.
But it did not have to be this way. And sensible policies could help protect the state going forward, a number of experts tell WND.

Effects: From nuisance to disaster
For some Californians, the drought is mostly an inconvenience, with bureaucrats and politicians demanding that the public take shorter showers, flush toilets less often, and turn off the taps while brushing teeth, for example.
For others, especially in the state’s vast agricultural sector, the water shortage is proving devastating.
Andrew Lockman with the Office of Emergency Services for Tulare County, an agriculture powerhouse and one of the most severely impacted areas of the state, spoke of “Third-World-type conditions” now afflicting some families there as wells run dry.
Some farmers are already going under, workers are losing jobs, wells are drying up, more than half-a-million acres are lying fallow, production costs are soaring, and more pain is expected – potentially much more.
“With each year that California suffers below-average precipitation, the impacts on California farmers and ranchers have become more significant,” said Dave Kranz, communications manager for the California Farm Bureau Federation.
The impacts, of course, are not evenly distributed. After all, California is a large state with varying conditions in different regions.
Are there really little-known prophetic signs happening today that can shed light on the world’s situation? See the answers in the stunning new “End Times Eyewitness.”
Particularly impacted with the most severe effects has been the San Joaquin Valley – home to some of the most productive farmland on the planet. That includes Fresno, Tulare, Kings and Kern counties.
“Those regions are particularly dependent on delivery of water from state and federal projects that have seen their allocations slashed due to a combination of drought and environmental laws that reserve water for protected fish species, and because farmers there often have less reliable sources of groundwater to make up the difference when surface water supplies are cut,” Kranz told WND in a statement.

Almond farmers have been forced to uproot their trees because they don't have access to water during California's drought

Almond farmers have been forced to uproot their trees because they don’t have access to water during California’s drought
However, he added, water availability is becoming a concern for farmers across the entire state, and those concerns will only intensify if relief does not come soon.
For now, with demand for California’s commodities still strong, high prices have helped ease the brunt on many farmers faced with soaring water-related costs from activities such as drilling more wells and pumping more water from deeper under the ground. But if markets turn down, the impacts could worsen quickly.
And despite record-high crop receipts in 2014, the fact that production costs are increasing due to water shortages – 2014 also featured record-high production costs for farmers and ranchers, according to the USDA Economic Research Service – means that farmers’ net earnings have decreased, Kranz said.
“California farmers and ranchers, their employees and the agricultural economy as a whole have certainly suffered during the four-year drought,” he continued. “Everyone is hopeful that the coming autumn and winter will bring plentiful rain and snowfall to help recovery begin, but we also know it will take several years of strong precipitation to replenish above-ground reservoirs and underground aquifers that have been depleted the past few years.”
The economic price tag is staggering and growing by the minute, with a recent study from the University of California, Davis, estimating the 2015 cost to the state at close to $3 billion.
A UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences analysis found that the water shortage was squeezing about 30 percent more workers and crop land out of production compared with 2014.
More than 20,000 jobs will be lost in 2015 due to the shortages, the researchers found. Some communities were especially hard hit, with wells running dry and unemployment soaring.
Another study on the water shortage, conducted by researchers at Fresno State University, found even more severe impacts, predicting as much as $3.3 billion in agricultural losses alone.
Effects on public health are also evident, with increased instances of Valley Fever, West Nile Virus and diarrheal illness that experts blame on the water crisis.
Potential increases in mental health issues, including anxiety, stress and depression, are also linked to the shortages, researchers said.
The Fresno State study found that some agricultural counties are already seeing reductions in household income and even migrations of workers to other areas.
Even beyond California, Americans may start feeling the impact of the shortages reflected in higher produce prices.
For the first time since 1977, the state has placed drastic restrictions on farmers’ water usage, even though they have water rights dating back more than 100 years.
And more cutbacks could be coming soon, officials have warned.

A man-made disaster?
But none of this had to happen.
Environmental, water and policy experts who spoke with WND were unanimous in blaming the increasingly severe water shortage on man – not nature.
“The drought came to California courtesy of mother nature,” explained Bonner Cohen, senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, adding that California’s climate, generally speaking, is arid or semi-arid.
“Mother nature serves up droughts to California on a very regular basis,” he said.
“Knowing this, one would think the political class in California would prepare for those droughts,” he told WND. “Yet, if you look at what the political class in California has done, the one thing that jumps out at you is that they have done absolutely nothing – zero – to prepare the state for something they knew was going to come sooner or later.”


Cohen, who also serves as a senior policy analyst with the environmental group Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, or CFACT, said a basic function of government is to prepare for events that can reasonably be expected.
The USDA reveals that tiny segments of the state are “abnormally dry,” and those are the best conditions in the state. Except for small portions in the far northwest and far southeast, most of the state is in “extreme” or “exceptional” drought.
The most recent figures show more than 99 percent of the state in abnormally dry conditions, or worse. A full 71 percent is suffering “extreme” drought conditions, and 46 percent is considered “exceptional.”
Yet in California, policymakers have not allowed the construction of a single new reservoir in more than 30 years to store water for emergencies such as the current drought – a fact seized upon by several political leaders this year as the shortages intensified.
“Given the climatological history of California, policymakers had to be aware that droughts would come,” Cohen explained, saying the state should have prepared additional storage capacity, but it didn’t.
Secondly, policymakers expended a tremendous amount of time, resources and water in “what is ultimately a doomed effort to save a tiny two-inch-long fish known as the Delta Smelt,” Cohen said.
Citing researchers and biologists, he said experts have concluded that nothing can be done to save the fish.
“It’s eventually going to go the way of most species since life came along and disappear,” he said, adding that, ironically, the Delta Smelt is an invasive species.
In accordance with the controversial federal Endangered Species Act, Cohen said policymakers diverted an enormous amount of water into the San Francisco Bay in the doomed effort to save the tiny fish – all at the expense of California’s human residents.
“They continue to do that and are doing it as we speak,” Cohen added.
Pointing to Israel, widely regarded as a global water superpower and a leading example of sensible water policies, Cohen said California could have taken steps to facilitate the expansion of desalinization capabilities as well.
But California’s regulatory regime is so hostile, and energy prices have been artificially boosted so high on the basis of supposed environmental concerns, that such efforts have been largely impractical and uneconomic thus far.

Located at the base of the Sierra foothills in Northern California's Placer, El Dorado, and Sacramento Counties, Folsom Lake Reservoir is one of California's most popular recreation areas with more than 2.5 million visitors annually. Releases from the reservoir, managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Central Valley Project, go to the nearby American River for urban use, flood control, hydropower, fish and wildlife, and water quality purposes

Located at the base of the Sierra foothills in Northern California’s Placer, El Dorado, and Sacramento Counties, Folsom Lake Reservoir is one of California’s most popular recreation areas with more than 2.5 million visitors annually. Releases from the reservoir, managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Central Valley Project, go to the nearby American River for urban use, flood control, hydropower, fish and wildlife, and water quality purposes

Global warming vs. policy
As the drought intensified, the blame game become more heated as well.
GOP presidential candidate and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina made headlines in April by blaming progressives and environmentalists for the water crisis.
“Droughts are nothing new in California, but right now, 70 percent of California’s rainfall washes out to sea because liberals have prevented the construction of a single new reservoir or a single new water conveyance system over decades, during a period in which California’s population has doubled,” she said. “This is the classic case of liberals being willing to sacrifice other people’s lives and livelihoods at the altar of their ideology.”
Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, who represents the 22nd congressional district in the Central Valley, also blamed environmentalists and the control they have over California policy.
“The environmental groups did not expect to run everyone out of water, but they got greedy, shut down the whole system, and ran the whole damned state dry,” he fumed, pointing to how much water washes out into the ocean each year. “If we had stored water and built three new dams, the state would be flush with water.”
The federal government has indicated that none of California’s major reservoirs is in good condition. Shasta Lake is at only 37 percent of capacity and, except for Castaic at 38 percent, is the fullest in the state.
Lake Oroville is at 30 percent, Folsom at 19 percent, Don Pedro at 32 percent, Exchequer at 9 percent, Pine Flat at 12 percent, Perris at 36 percent, Millerton at 34, San Luis at 21, New Melones at 12 and Trinity at 24 percent.
Indeed, aside from a few politicians and environmentalists determined to blame global warming or climate change – even NOAA denies climate change is to blame – virtually everyone agrees that the deepening crisis is at least in part man-made.
“We are being told that this is further evidence of climate change, formerly called global warming,” Cohen said. “One look at the climatological record will debunk that completely.”
In the 20th century, he said, California experienced eight severe droughts. The most severe was from 1928 to 1937.
A worse drought struck the state in the early- to mid-1860s, he added.
“These cannot have been caused by man’s emissions of greenhouse gases, because they weren’t there,” Cohen said, adding that there’s no evidence man’s emissions drive climate change anyway.
“The climate in California is doing exactly what it has always done – serving up very severe droughts,” he added.
Policymakers and interest groups “created an absolute mess, and it never had to happen,” Cohen said.
“California is not suffering from water shortage,” he continued. “It lacks distribution system to get water where it is needed. It failed to build storage capacity. It has wasted unfathomable amounts of water resources to save a fish that can’t be saved.”
“What you have here is a complete failure on the part of policymakers – the Assembly, governors going back decades, and others – to prepare the state for something they knew was going to happen,” Cohen concluded.

Other Causes
In a 2010 paper for the “Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education,” agricultural and resource economics scholar David Zetland, Ph.D., concluded that “business-as-usual is over” when it comes to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a crucial source of fresh water for much of California.
He was right in more ways than one.
But the water-policy expert, who earned his doctorate at UC Davis, has a somewhat different view concerning the various causes of the water shortage, telling WND California already has “too many dams.”
“Additional storage is not necessary, as current storage is now underused,” said Zetland, who runs a blog called called Aguanomics, which focuses on the political economy of water.
What is missing, he said, is better accounting and systems for transferring water between where it’s located and where it’s needed.
“Groundwater is unmanaged and untracked,” he said. “We need systems for allocating the water we’ve got.”
Blaming “outdated institutions for managing drought,” Zetland explained: “Nature makes a drought, man makes a shortage.”
“The government has promised too much water to too many people and places, and has no mechanism for deciding who should get it in a shortage,” he said. “Senior/junior rights are supposed to work, but they are poorly accounted for.”
However, the “worst” water policies are those that subsidize sprawl and irrigation, he said, citing cheap water prices from government suppliers and subsidies for drilling wells as examples.
Zetland, who now serves as a professor of economics at Leiden University College in the Netherlands, has studied water policy for more than a decade. He has also written two books on the subject: “Living with Water Scarcity” and “The End of Abundance: Economic Solutions to Water Scarcity.”
Asked about California’s future amid the crisis, he said, in the short term, lots of money will be wasted on inefficient emergency actions.
In the medium term, the environment will be damaged as private parties take water from “the commons.”
And over the long term, people and businesses will likely have to leave California.
Smiling, he recommended Detroit and other areas that have abundant water supplies as potential destinations.
“It can get worse,” he added.
Even those pinning their hopes on the expected weather event El Niño may be disappointed, because even large amounts of rainfall “doesn’t fix anything.”
“It may cause floods, and additional supplies won’t help if people keep watering lawns,” Zetland noted.

Solutions: Markets and prices
California officials have responded to the shortage by implementing various rationing schemes, spying on resident usage through “smart meters” and fining citizens or businesses that use more than their allocated share.


Policy experts, though, lambasted the governmental approach as part of the problem.
As for solutions, Zetland and other experts support the introduction of more market forces in the distribution and allocation of scarce water resources.
Among other policies for “wholesale” water, H2O used for agriculture and the environment, he proposed reforming water rights, tracking and limiting the use of ground water, and allowing water markets to develop.
As far as retail water, or water used by urban consumers, Zetland proposed elimination of laws requiring green lawns, for instance, and hiking the prices of city water so demand falls in proportion to supply.
Of course, all of that would mean higher prices for farms, food and households. But Zetland said that would be a good thing, considering the alternatives.
“I prefer higher prices over regulations because people can find their own ways to adapt. Some will do nothing, but the overall impact is lower demand,” said Zetland.
He pointed to Singapore as a leading example of sensible urban water markets, praising its robust supply-side engineering projects complemented by “sound demand-side management and incentives.”
Another shining star when it comes to water, he said, is Australia, where, among other key differences with California, water rights are separated from land and can be traded in the market.
Without adopting sensible policies, California, and even the rest of America, will eventually see more water crises going forward, Zetland warned.

Learning from experience: Chile leads the way
Another water-policy expert, Fredrik Segerfeldt, wrote a book, “Water for Sale: How Business and the Market Can Resolve the World’s Water Crisis,” on how to deal with precisely the sort of problems California is currently facing.
In his comprehensive review of why water shortages still plague humanity despite the fact that the planet has abundant supplies  about 8 percent of the water available for human consumption is actually used  Segerfeldt concluded that bad government policies are the primary problem.
To illustrate that fact, he examined, among other examples, the wettest place on earth – Cherrapunji, India. Despite the most abundant water supplies, Cherrapunji suffers from chronic water shortages due to bad government policy.
But while Segerfeldt’s work focused chiefly on how to get clean, safe water to the poorest one billion people – potentially saving millions of lives in the process – the conclusions are just as applicable to California or any other place.
Simply stated, privatization works, Segerfeldt said. And economic laws hold true in California just as much as they do in Cherrapunji.
Are there really little-known prophetic signs happening today that can shed light on the world’s situation? See the answers in the stunning new “End Times Eyewitness.”
“California should overhaul its approach to water and introduce various market mechanisms,” Segerfeldt told WND.
“Subsidies, government involvement and too low prices are the root causes of the present crisis,” explained Segerfeldt, adding that the current crisis is also a result of the “tragedy of the commons” in which communally controlled resources are exploited.
But the solutions are already available, and have been used successfully in regions as diverse as Africa, Asia and South America.
“Private water rights and trade in such rights are efficient ways of safeguarding water and making sure we get the most value out of each drop of water,” Segerfeldt said.
He pointed to Chile as “probably the best example of how reforms in this direction helped save water and develop agriculture.”
When the government of Chile introduced private ownership of water in the 1980s, water supplies grew faster than in any other country, he observed.
“Thirty years ago, only 27 percent of Chileans in rural areas and 63 percent of urban communities had steady access to safe water,” Segerfeldt wrote in his 2005 book, “Water for Sale.” “Today’s figures are 94 and 99 percent, respectively – the highest for all the world’s medium-income countries.”
The reforms also led to drastically more efficient agriculture and lower water prices.
In other words, everybody wins – especially the poor – except the laid-off government bureaucrats formerly trying to oversee water.


Separation of water and states
Wayne Crews Jr. is vice president for policy at the nonprofit Competitive Enterprise Institute, which focuses on environmental policy and other subjects. Crews summed up his solution in five simple words: “separation of water and state.”
In 2013, Crews took his argument to Congress, testifying before the House Subcommittee on Water and Power that the real answer to water shortages, especially in the dry Western states, is to get the government at all levels out of the way.
“No one should be surprised in the 21st century when political management of water, and all its hostility to market pricing, results in shortages,” Crews told WND.
“The answer is the ‘separation of water and state,’ and market pricing in particular, but politicians lack the inclination, let alone vocabulary, to make that happen,” he added.
As a free society becomes wealthier, Crews continued, cross-industry infrastructure creation to bring about abundant water supplies should become ever easier, not harder.
“The vastly poorer America of 100 years ago built overlapping, redundant infrastructure,” he said. “So if we can’t do it today, shortages happen because of man-made policies, not genuine drought.”
Like other experts, Crews said water resources “should be better integrated into the property-rights, wealth-creating sector, an evolution toward abundance and larger-scale free enterprise long-since derailed not just in water policy, but elsewhere like in electromagnetic spectrum, electricity and transportation grids.
“Infrastructure can take countless forms when price signals, which are indispensable, let us know where to invest,” he said. “Better reservoir storage, pipelines and canals, trucking and transport, and crude oil carriers can aid supply and lessen artificial drought.”
Among other possibilities, Crews pointed to improving water trades between cities, farmers and private conservation campaigns.
Citing findings from a Competitive Enterprise Institute report, Crews also said shoring up existing infrastructure could reduce waste that now depletes almost 20 percent of the annual U.S. supply.
“All these can supplement sourcing alternatives including drilling; gray and wastewater treatment and reclamation; stormwater harvesting and surface storage,” he added.
The primary challenge, then, is “to discover the true value of water itself, to integrate modern water resources further into the market process and the sophisticated pricing, property rights, and capital market systems of the modern world,” he said.
“The good news is, water is not getting more scarce overall,” he concluded. “The bad news is, management and allocation of that constant supply does matter, and those in power inevitably foster ‘Declarations of Dependence’ on the state when it comes to infrastructure, and maintain a hostility toward free market pricing.”

Federal and state relief urgent
As debates over how to handle water heat up across California, long-term solutions are probably a long way away, experts say.
But there are some actions that the federal and state government could take right now to provide some much-needed relief to the people of California, according to Cohen, of the National Center for Public Policy Research and C-FACT.
Ironically, though, many of those steps involve reversing previous decisions that contributed to the crisis in the first place, making it politically much more difficult for policymakers who often refuse to acknowledge or correct mistakes.
At the state level, Cohen said California should get rid of its “renewable-energy mandate” purporting to require that some arbitrary percent of the state’s energy needs be met with so-called “renewable” sources – solar, wind and so on – by some arbitrary date.
“As long as they keep trying this, they’re going to drive up electricity costs, creating an even more hostile environment for things like desalinization and other energy-intensive options to expand water supplies,” he said.
Another option California policymakers could exploit, “but probably won’t,” is to expand the state’s network of reservoirs.


“Even one or two more could do amazing things to help alleviate California’s struggling residents,” Cohen said.
He also criticized the state for squandering massive amounts of resources on problems that “do not exist” – the multi-billion dollar “high-speed rail” scheme, for example – instead of focusing on problems that do exist, such as the crippling water shortage.
At the federal level, Cohen said policymakers could also work to help California, and other states, deal with the water crisis and numerous other government-created problems.
The Endangered Species Act, which forced California to bend over backward to save the apparently doomed Delta Smelt, for example, is an “absolute monstrosity” and a “monumental failure,” he said.
While ostensibly aimed at helping to save species, it was really designed to be a “land-control apparatus” in which federal bureaucrats impose draconian restrictions on property owners under the guise of protecting some species of plant or animal.
“As long as that law, which is very rigidly written, is on the books, when an emergency such as severe drought comes along, and that law covers areas where the drought is in effect, that law will keep certain necessary measures from being taken in the name of protecting some species,” Cohen said.
There are much easier, cheaper and effective ways of protecting species, he added.
Cohen also blasted the National Environmental Policy Act, noting that a project such as the Hoover Dam could never have been built today due to the statute and the “straight-jacket” it imposes.
“We have imposed on ourselves, just from those two statutes alone, restrictions that encumber our ability to deal with emergencies when they come along,” he said.
To fix it, though, requires action at the federal level, including an act of Congress.

What’s next?
None of the experts who spoke with WND sounded optimistic about policymakers undertaking the reforms they say are necessary to deal with the water crisis.
Instead, at least for the foreseeable future, officials at all levels are likely to continue doing what they have been doing – all-but ensuring more crises going forward.
“Evidence is overwhelming that policymakers are not sensitive to the suffering their policies have produced,” Cohen said, lambasting California’s “gigantically bloated public sector” at the state and local level. “They’re not about to blame themselves for a problem they are complicit in creating – the political class in California never takes responsibility for anything.”
It will be especially tough in California, he added, citing the state’s bizarre political scene, where so much of the wealth and power comes from the “la la lands” of Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and San Francisco-type urban dwellers and money managers, all of whom “live in a bubble and are largely unaware of reality outside the bubble.”
“Sometimes the only way to bounce back is to hit rock bottom,” Cohen said. “California is heading that way fast. It is becoming a basket case.”
“When the house of cards comes crashing down, maybe these people will come to their senses,” he said.

Copyright 2015 WND


September 23, 2015. False flag nuclear attack in US?

 IN US??

From a reader:

Monday, September 21, 2015 6:00 PM 
D wrote:

Here you will see the aborted 2013 SyFy Channel drama titled REWIND in which a nuclear bomb is set to explode in Manhattan. 

This concerns me -- that they decided not to broadcast it after expending such effort to produce this drama. What compounds the importance of this subtle televised warning is that 'president' Obama stated something which we all must never forget. He stated:

"I'm more conCERNed with a nuclear bomb going off in Manhattan." 

So, here you have a drama portraying a nuclear bomb set to explode in Manhattan on Sept. 23rd, and the 'president' of the United States (corporation) stating that he "is conCERNed about a nuclear bomb exploding in Manhattan."
I wonder if the date of 'president' Obama's statement might be subtly relevant to this perceived threat.        




TSA Agent Stole Passenger’s Money at Checkpoint, Police Say

(The Court can Claim that the Federal Reserve Notes do NOT belong to the passenger, and therefore there is no case that the passenger's Money was stolen!)

TSA Agent Stole Passenger’s Money at Checkpoint, Police Say

TSA agent arrested and charged with petit larceny and possession of stolen property

TSA Agent Stole Passenger’s Money at Checkpoint, Police Say
by Philip Messing | New York Post | September 22, 2015

A TSA agent at JFK Airport was busted when he was caught stealing money out of a passenger’s wallet at a security checkpoint, authorities said.
Joe Bangay, 37, was processing passengers at Terminal 1 around 10:30 p.m. Saturday when he swiped $61 in cash out of the passenger’s wallet, according to police.
When the victim noticed his cash missing, he immediately alerted Port Authority police and filed a complaint, sources said.
PAPD officers reviewed security footage and watched as the victim placed the wallet in a basket and laid it on the conveyor belt of the X-ray machine.
Read more


Millions May Still Be Out There From '70s Murder

Millions May Still Be Out There From '70s Murder 

FBI agent investigating heiress's murder may have lifted cash: reporter

By Jenn Gidman,  Newser Staff

Posted Sep 22, 2015 9:03 AM CDT

(Newser) – During the last few months of her life, Marjorie Jackson became wary of keeping her inherited fortune in the bank, so she withdrew $8.6 million and stashed it in garbage bags, drawers, and toolboxes all over her Indianapolis home, the Indianapolis Star reports. And she may have had even more squirreled away around the house, possibly up to $15 million altogether, per an attorney who was a deputy prosecutor at the time. But when the heiress was murdered in 1977, her killers took only about $3 million of it ($1.7 million of it was found buried in the Arizona desert) and about $5 million was recovered at the home, leading to the question: Is more of Jackson's money still out there? An 81-year-old reporter who's been nominated for two Pulitzers thinks maybe, that an FBI agent assigned to the case may have lifted it, and that the FBI may have covered the whole thing up to save its reputation.
The story is a fascinating one with plenty of curiosities, the Star reports. One is Jackson herself, a recluse who left a place setting for Jesus in her dining room and gifts scattered around her home labeled "To God from Marjorie." The two convicted of killing her were an odd couple, too, with one described by the ex-prosecutor as a "hip, inner-city black," the other an "ignorant hillbilly." But reporter Don Devereux is most intrigued by the info he uncovered while digging into the case, including financial and property files he obtained from the FBI that suggest a now-deceased agent may have skimmed some of the cash from the desert dig (or from another location harboring more money), funneled it into a Swiss bank account, and then used it years later to buy real estate. "I'm not accusing the FBI agent of anything, but it sounds like there could be something to it," Jackson's 69-year-old nephew tells the Star. (Read about the puzzling case here.)
