Saturday, October 31, 2015

US Naval Aggression in South China Sea Could Spark War

China Warns US Naval Aggression in South China Sea Could Spark War

By Claire Bernish

On Thursday, China ominously warned the United States that any repeat of recent military posturing in the South China Sea could be considered a potential spark for war.

“If the United States continues with these kinds of dangerous, provocative acts, there could well be a seriously pressing situation between frontline forces from both sides on the sea and in the air, or even a minor incident that sparks war,” Admiral Wu Shengli of the Chinese navy told U.S. Navy Admiral John Richardson via teleconference. “[I] hope the U.S. side cherishes the good situation between the Chinese and U.S. navies that has not come easily and avoids these kinds of incidents from happening again.”

As reported by Reuters, an unnamed and unverified U.S. official claimed the two nations had agreed to hold to protocols established by the joint Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) — designed to avoid exactly such a conflict. 

According to said official:
They agreed that it’s very important that both sides continue to use the protocols under the CUES agreement when they’re operating close to keep the chances of any misunderstanding and any kind of provocation from occurring.
On Tuesday, the USS Lassen performed an operation in disputed waters of the Spratly archipelago that brought the warship within 12 nautical miles (13.8 miles) of China’s controversial man-made island chain, bristling relations between the two nations.

Wu explained that despite the apparent act of latent aggression, there remains plenty of room for cooperation between China and the U.S. and that both sides need to “play a positive role in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea.”

The European Union sided with Washington on Friday, saying the U.S.’ operation occurred in international waters and was an exercise in freedom of navigation.
This situation is still developing.

Will the Military Save the Country From Obama’s Treason?

Will the Military Save the Country From Obama’s Treason?

Saturday, October 31, 2015 6:58
(Before It's News)  
Talk show host, Dan Cofall, recently asked me a question that many readers have also asked.
Why would Obama allow Russian soldiers into the country during a period of time that World War III seems like a certainty and Obama seems to be preparing to go to war with the Russians?
I agree that that on the surface, this seems like a gross contradiction in facts, unless of course, one considers that Obama is a traitor to the American people and is an active participant in the demise of the United States. This notion gets legs when one considers that Obama is scaling down the American miliary to pre-World War II levels at the precise time that America should be beefing up its defenses in preparation for war that will likely kick off in Syria. In short, Obama is playing for the other team. His objective of fundamentally transforming America, includes throwing the United States of America to the wolves. He is the modern day manifestation of Benedict Arnold.
We do not even know who Obama is. Who was his high school English teacher? Who was his basketball coach. Who did he take to the prom? We knew nothing about this Manchurian candidate, yet, we elected him to be the President? Why was his mother working Tim Geithner’s father at the CIA PSYOPS Ford Foundation which was associated with MK-Ultra? The answer is simple, he is stunning example of a modern day Manchurian candidate. His CIA-created family cannot hide who he really is.

Obama’s Values Are Not America’s Values

Since America was founded on principles related to personal and national sovereignty, one would expect our sitting Presidents to reflect this spirit. In actuality, Obama stands for everything outside the American culture. He has opened our borders to terrorist incursions. He has promoted controversial LGBT lifestyles as superior to that of traditional American values in which marriage is a matter of one woman and one man. He has taken steps to limit the practice of Christianity in the American military, while promoting the religion of Islam at the same time. He has refused to admit persecuted Coptic Christians to the United States under the Refugee/Resettlement program, while admitting unscreened Muslims from a part of the world who traditionally hate the United States. I could go on, but these facts speak for themselves.
Unfortunately, for America, Obama does not just hold traditional American values in contempt, he holds our national sovereignty and national security in contempt as well. The remainder of this article will make the case that President Obama is an absolute traitor to the people of the United States. He is determined to see America fall.

Obama Compromises National Security

"With regard to missile defense, I will have more flexibility after the election."
Image result for the infamous open mic incident in which Obama said “Tell Vladimir

The above photo is from the infamous open mic incident in which Obama said “Tell Vladimir, I will have more flexibility after the next election”. This was about the compromising of missile defense security in Europe. This is also abject treason!

Obama Allowed Russians to Spy On Our Military Response to An EMP Attack

Why were Russian troops allowed into the previously conducted Grid EX II simulated EMP attack drill? Russian troops have also been used to police major events on American soil. This is martial law desensitization training in which the Russians are trained to interact with American citizens. Also, FEMA signed a bilateral agreement with the Russian military topermit a minimum of 15,000 Russian soldiers to train on American soil and this was at a time when both Russia and China threatened to nuke the United States if we dared to invade Syria or Iran in the Fall of 2013.
The following is quote from the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry:
The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June 2013.
The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices. In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.”

Here-to-fore, any Executive Order, any Executive decree, by this modern day manifestation of Benedict Arnold, shall be held in contempt and ignored. His authority is illegitimate. His Kenyan origin render him ineligible to hold the office of the President. Legally, he has no more authority over your life than your local dog catcher. Can the military save the country from this modern day manifestation of Benedict Arnold. 
If the shooting starts with the Russians, with Obama as President, we are all doomed.

Arson Suspected in Massive Fire at Monsanto Research Facility




By John Vibes

Earlier this week a Monsanto research facility in France was burned to the ground. Monsanto and investigators suspect an arsonist was responsible for the blaze.

Monsanto representative Jakob Witten told Reuters that investigators “strongly suspect it was a crime as no electrical or other sources were found.” He added that “No Monsanto sites in Europe have so far been the victim of fires of criminal origin.  This is unprecedented violence.”

The fire had multiple points of origin, meaning it is unlikely the fire was caused by an electrical malfunction or other natural causes. 

Investigators also noticed a strong smell of gasoline in different areas of the site.

France announced in June that it was banning sales of Roundup, Monsanto’s flagship herbicide, amid public pressure and the World Health Organization’s announcement that the product is probably carcinogenic. 

Further, last month the country announced it was strengthening its ban on genetically modified crops.

Monsanto is one of the most hated corporations on the planet and faces particularly strong resistance in France

If the fire is confirmed to have been arson, it is possible this vociferous opposition might have been a motivating factor.

Nevertheless, the recent fire is merely the tip of the iceberg with regard to Monsanto’s recent problems.

The company recently moved to close three different research facilities to save money in the face of declining profits. 

As Reuters reported last week, Monsanto research centers in Middleton, Wisconsin, Mystic, Connecticut, and Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, will soon be closed to cut costs.

Last month, the infamous company announced it would be cutting 2,600 jobs — 12% of its workforce — in order to lower costs. Monsanto also announced a loss of 19 cents per share in the most recent quarter. Profits are expected to remain low throughout the year.

The Associated Press reported that Monsanto lost $156 million in the final quarter of last year alone, and this year is expected to be even worse.

John Vibes and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific.




US troops being deployed in certain harms way to carry out the orders and propaganda lies of the war mongers for their motives and profits - supporting and warring alongside with the actual terrorists, including ISIS?????



By Brandon Turbeville

Scrambling to protect the terrorists it has funded, armed, trained, and directed for several years against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad, the United States is now openly considering the option of ground troops in Syria.  

Of course, the term “ground troops” is not being used in general discussion. Instead, “enablers” is the semantical redirection of choice.

Say what you want about the 'U.S. government' – they may be a collection of psychotic murderers hell-bent on world hegemony or World War 3 – but they have one hell of a thesaurus.

Ground troops – sorry, “enablers” – have been active in Syria for some time in the form of Special Forces soldiers taking place in direct combat support missions for terrorist actors as well as in logistical organization and spotting maneuvers.  

The new discussion, however, is surrounding the open deployment of “ground troops” to Syria under the guise of “fighting ISIS.” In reality, of course, those troops will be stationed in Syria to support ISIS and the alleged-but-never-proven-in-the-slightest-to-be-moderate “rebels” who are also raping and beheading their way across Syria in exactly the same fashion as ISIS.

These troops will be a further step in the direction of direct US military involvement in Syria of the open war variety. These troops will also be sitting ducks and potential “collateral damage” from Russian airstrikes actually aimed at ISIS/jihadist fighters and a potential spark for the powder keg of propaganda that would be launched in the event of Russia “killing our troops.”

Of course, the responsibility for the lives of the soldiers would be squarely on the backs of the imperialists who committed them to yet another theatre of intended destruction and oppression. The United States and NATO has created, armed, trained, funded, and directed terrorists for the purposes of overthrowing Bashar al-Assad. The U.S./NATO then engaged in a bombing campaign against Syrian civilian infrastructure under the guise of “bombing ISIS” targets while Turkey and Israel constantly chipped away at the Syrian military. All of this was accomplished against the wishes of the Syrian government or the Syrian people.

The Russians, however, have conducted their operations as a means of self-defense against an ominous NATO (USA / UN) terror push toward its borders and beyond. It has also conducted its bombing missions with the permission and at the request of the Syrian government as well as the full support of the Syrian people.

After only weeks of Russian bombing, it is now clear that the U.S. was never interested in defeating ISIS and that it never engaged in anything but a phony war on the terrorist organization. The war on Assad, however, was quite real. The comparison between the two bombing campaigns is now clearly evident for anyone to see. Indeed, the withered flesh of John McCain must crawl every time a Russian sortie falls upon the heads of his terrorist friends in Syria.

Still, the information above is not pervasive enough within the general population of the United States to prevent a march toward greater war. That is, unfortunately, the reason why various members of the U.S. Department of Defense and Department of State have recently been able to openly announce that not only was the option of sending ground troops to Syria something that is necessary, but that it is something that is currently being discussed within the White House.  (Until Americans wake up and rid the nation of these traitors and war mongers, business as usual will continue making ALL Americans to appear to be war mongers, ripe to be beheaded in retaliation by invaders of our nation.)

As far back as September, 2015, Skull and Bones member and Secretary of State John Kerry stated that ground troops were a necessity in Syria but that Obama had ruled out the option of those troops being American. Instead, he stated that “people in the region” were discussing it and that “There will need to be people on the ground. I am convinced there will be at the appropriate moment.”

Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter recently went even further than Kerry’s previous statements in suggesting that ground troops may soon be deployed in Syria, although the emphasis on “regional” troops was missing in his statement. According to Carter, American troops can and will be deployed in combat missions – but the combat missions will not be called combat missions so they will not actually be combat missions. 
(Not calling them 'combat missions' - does that CHANGE the actual mission at all or just continue to cover up and lie to the Americans?)

They will simply be ongoing “kinetic” “aid and assist” missions that see U.S. soldiers in direct “kinetic action” against other soldiers who are also engaged in “kinetic action.” In other words, the U.S. war machine is playing semantics once again in order to insert more troops into a conflict that the U.S. government itself created.

“We won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground,” Carter said. (This jackass has done NOTHING to 'attack' ISIL or any other 'terrorist' but only to fight along side the terroristsrebels to WAR against Assad who is not going along with the criminal cabal demands - just like Suddam, Gadfahi and others.) 

Kerry, not to be left in second place when it comes to the sport of warmongering however, has essentially stated that not only do American “enablers” (i.e. troops) need to be deployed to Syria but that the decision to do so is all but inevitable.

When asked about the possible deployment of troops on the ground inside Syria, Kerry was quoted by NPR journalist Steve Inskeep as replying “Will we need to put enablers on the ground? I think so. The President hasn’t made the decision yet.”

Two things come to mind here. If the 'president' has not made the decision to deploy ground troops, why is the Secretary of State discussing what the 'president' is still debating within his own mind? Why is the Secretary giving his opinion on the matter if the decision has not been made by the one individual who can make it?
Either the 'president' has not yet made the decision to fully commit U.S. troops to Syria (or is hesitant to do so) and the Secretary of Defense/State is attempting to bully and bulldoze such a commitment out of him publicly, or the 'president' has indeed made the decision beforehand.

According to RT, it appears that Obama at the behest of his “advisers” (read: “handlers”) has already made the decision to deploy troops into Syria. The report states:
With US policy towards ISIS in the doldrums, 'president' Barack Obama is reportedly considering several new strategies to target the 'terrorist group' in Iraq and Syria.
The strategies emerged after discussions which took place over the past few weeks between military field commanders and the 'president’s' most senior national security advisers, including Department of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Secretary of State John Kerry. The recommendations could alter the military’s involvement against the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL), according to officials who spoke to the Washington Post.  One recommendation would be to move a limited number of Special Operations forces on the ground in Syria and put US advisers closer to the firefights in Iraq. The number of additional troops would be required is unclear, but the officials told the Post the number would be relatively small.
Other proposals include embedding US troops with Iraqi security forces and giving them ability to call airstrikes. Two officials told The Hill that US troops are currently embedded with Iraqis at the division level, which keeps them stationed at base headquarters.
Another option would embed US forces with Iraqis closer to the battlefield, at the level of brigade or a battalion, for specific operations to retake Ramadi, a western Iraqi city that IS forces captured this past spring.
Yet another proposal reported by The Hill would be to send more ammunition and weapons to a coalition of rebel groups battling IS and the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Also under consideration is the increased targeting of IS’ production and sale of oil on the black market. The US-led military coalition has struck oil refineries controlled by IS, but officials are looking at using different kinds of weapons to target the facilities.
Unfortunately, because the general American public remains entirely befuddled as to the nature of current events, particularly foreign affairs, whatever decision made in the Deep State will undoubtedly be implemented without resistance.

The American people, at best, seem to be confused as to why the U.S. 'government' is so upset at Russia for bombing ISIS when they have been told for months that the U.S. is bombing ISIS. They are often confused at how al-Qaeda has become the good guys when, only a few short years ago, they were the very bad guys. They are also confused as to why al-Qaeda then becomes the bad guys again whenever a new law is introduced to restrict the freedom of the “exceptional” good guys.

In 2015, Americans are unfortunately confused by a great many things. For this reason, they tend to either tune out or come to resemble a tennis ball on the court of current events, constantly being slammed to one extreme and then back to the other.

Regardless, Americans had better wise up before “multi-national kinetic operations” begin and “mutual neutralization” finally becomes a reality. In other words, before the maniacal ruling elite starts World War 3 and incinerates us all.

Quintessential Justice

Quintessential Justice

by scottbthompsonsr
 Pieces of Our Past
One gallows. One hangman. One fine day. Three bodies buried. Three families grieving. Three speedy trials.  Five coffins waiting. Five nooses tightened. Five necks broken. Ten legs dangling. Ten thousand eyes staring. Justice served. Justice done.  Hooray for the hangman!

The Montgomery County jail was infested with villainous murderers.   And, Judge Christopher C. Smith was ready to rid the jail of the vermin, who had been plaguing the citizens of Montgomery County. 

Twenty-one prisoners, nine charged with murder, would soon know their fate.   Judge Smith issued an order on August 1, 1893 to begin the process of clearing the jail.   Judge Smith, who was in his first year on the bench of the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit, ordered that the most serious offenders were to be tried before the court and juries beginning on the 4th day of September.

First on the docket was the oldest case, the State vs. Weldon Gordon.  Gordon and his accomplice, the master murderer Nick Nutting, had gotten into an argument with one Barney Neal of Montgomery County. 

During the struggle, Gordon negligently killed Neal's young daughter, Zerida.  Nick Nutting, who had been known to have killed at least a half dozen men, was hung by the neck on the 26th of May.  

Blue Ridge Circuit Judge George Gober, sitting on the bench in the stead of Judge Smith, called the cases to order.  Thomas Eason and C.D. Loud represented the State of Georgia during the long week of trials.   Gordon, represented by Messers Beasley and Hines of Mt. Vernon, was convicted of murder in a trial which began after lunch and concluded just in time for the jurors to eat a late supper.

The next morning, the defendant Purse Strickland stood before the court.  Strickland was charged with the premeditated malice murder of Jim Locklear.  The two men got into an argument which culminated when Locklear shot at Strickland's dog and threatened to kill him as well.  After a short cooling off period, Strickland snuck into Locklear's residence and shot Locklear in the back of his head while he was eating his supper.  The trial was over in two hours.  Strickland was found guilty of murder.
On Wednesday morning, the most celebrated case filled the courtroom with spectators and the courthouse grounds with thousands of captivated bystanders.  Lucien Manuel, Hyre Brewington, and Hiram Jacobs were charged with the heinous  murder of Alex Peterson, a popular express agent in nearby Ailey.  The three defendants, all said to be Scuffletonians of mixed white, black and Indian blood, had quickly confessed to their heinous crime to  Sheriff George W. Dunham, who was praised by Georgia governor W.J. Northern for his quick removal of the men from the throngs of vengeful lynch mobs by taking them to Savannah for safe keeping.   

Northern was especially proud of Dunham's ingenuity in using a gathering of a brigade of ministers  to protect the innocent until proven guilty.  The preachers happened to have been convening in town earlier in the day doing God's work.   

Despite the best efforts of defense attorneys W.L. Clarke and L.D. Nicholson, the trio was found guilty after only two minutes of deliberation by the jury.  Ashley Manuel and Hezekiah Brewington, brothers of two of the defendants, were found innocent of the charge of murder and released without a trial.

Other defendants met lady justice that week, but these five convicted killers  were sentenced to a date with the hangman on September 29, 1893.  As the day for the hanging approached, there was electricity in the air.  Thousands and thousands of the vengeful and the just plain curious began to assemble in the county capital of Mt. Vernon.  All during the night and throughout the morning before the hanging, the five condemned men were consoled by the prayers of the Rev. Samuel Ross, a colored Methodist minister.    By the best estimates of reporters, nearly a hundred Negroes gathered around the jail to pray for the condemned and serenade them with religious melodies.

Just about noon, Montgomery County Sheriff  Dunham and his deputies loaded the defendants into a wagon and set off on a half mile journey to the gallows, custom constructed for the purpose of the mass hanging.   Sheriff Dunham read the death warrants.  With nerves of cold steel, Manuel, Brewington, Jacobs, Gordon and Strickland climbed the ladder of death.  Gordon and Strickland puffed their last cheap cigars.  In dead silence, each man looked down on the grave of one Will Blash, who had been hung on the same spot some two years prior.  Off to the side, they gazed upon five new and empty coffins, their own coffins.  

D. McEachin read a prepared statement on behalf of Weldon Gordon attributing his ruin to whiskey.  Gordon reminded the masses of the evils of alcohol.  In his last words, the child killer thanked the sheriff and jailer for keeping him alive until the hanging. He forgave the lawmen and prayed for their future health.

Strickland told the crowd the he killed Locklear in self defense.  Then Rev. Ross led the crowd in prayer followed by a recitation of the dirge,  A Charge to Keep I Have.   

Lucien Manuel echoed the other comments by confessing that alcohol led him to kill Alex Peterson. 

Hiram Jacobs confirmed his co-conspirator's comments. 

Rev. Wm. Moore led the assembled multitude  in another hymn.  After a final prayer by the Rev. G.B. Allen, Sheriff Dunham tied the doomed men's arms, adjusted their nooses, just in time for one final prayer.  As he placed black hoods over the five condemned souls, Sheriff Dunham muttered, "Goodbye boys and may God have mercy on your souls."  At 2:02 on the afternoon of September 29, 1893, hangman Dunham, pulled the trap doors open.  Five bodies dangled for twenty-one agonizing minutes.

The bodies of Gordon and Strickland were loaded on wagons by their families and taken away for private burials.  The other three corpses were shipped to medical schools in Atlanta.  While under the care of undertaker David T. Howard in his Calhoun Street mortuary, a large crowd, mostly black, stormed the morgue, breaking paints, glass, and jars of embalming fluids trying to get a last glance of the twisted and swollen cadavers before they were dipped into the pickling vats. 

As the souvenir hunters picked up the last shreds of murderabilia and the cooler days of September were coming to an end, those who came walked away knowing the justice was done.  It was one of the largest, if not the largest, public executions in the history of Georgia, and one of the last public hangings outright.

The hangman, Sheriff Dunham, would see only one more September.  He was fatally shot in the face in the spring of 1895 when he confronted William Connell who had allegedly made remarks about his wife.    Dunham's friends riddled Connell with their pistol bullets and shotgun shot. And, the devils laughed out loud from the bowels of Hell.

 The Courier Herald - HOORAY FOR THE HANGMAN

WiFi Can See You Through Walls


The implications for privacy under a big brother police state are obvious. 

Researchers at MIT have come up with a way to use WiFi signals to see behind walls, and map a room in 3-D. By reflecting the signal, it can also locate the movements of people or objects in the room. 

The Daily Mail reports:
Using a wireless transmitter fitted behind a wall, computer scientists have developed a device that can map a nearby room in 3D while scanning for human bodies.

Using the signals that bounce and reflect off these people, the device creates an accurate silhouette and can even use this silhouette to identify who that person is.

The device is called RF Capture and it was developed by researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL).  
The RF Capture device transmits wireless signals that travel through a wall and reflect off a person's body back to the device.
Since only a small number of body parts reflect the signal back at any given point in time, the device monitors how these reflections vary as someone moves and walks.
Not even your four walls and a roof are to be private if this technology is used for surveillance purposes. And make no mistake, it will be. There are clearly privacy implications to this, but chances are that objections will be kept to a dull roar, with so many other tracking and surveillance activities descending upon society. 

There are many other related and overlapping technologies, like the radar sweep devices some police are now using to look through walls and locate suspects before going inside. However, the use of WiFi to achieve this make it even easier. 

As SHTF previously reported, a new application of WiFi known as Wi-Vi could take surveillance to the next level:
MIT tech geeks have found a way to pinpoint location and track complex movement patterns with far greater accuracy – and what's more, it can track people's steps through walls, and the individuals or groups don't even need to carry a cell phone!
MIT professor Dina Katabi and graduate student Fadel Adib:
"Show that Wi-Fi can also extend our senses, enabling us to see moving objects through walls and behind closed doors. In particular, we can use such signals to identify the number of people in a closed room and their relative locations. We can also identify simple gestures made behind a wall, and combine a sequence of gestures to communicate messages to a wireless receiver without carrying any transmitting device. […] It shows how one can track a human by treating the motion of a human body as an antenna array and tracking the resulting RF beam.
The system is interested furthering its control, and fishing for pretexts to cite infractions, collect revenue and play nanny over the lives of the population. 

Judging from the comments, many people are at least aware of this. Here are just a few:
BadSull: "The government already has it."
Greg: "Drones, smart tvs watching you, laptops listening to you, traffic lights tracking your last 10,000 locations and now we look through walls. Gonna have to spend a lot more resources on mental health in the future."
James Rustles: "So, how do you defeat it to maintain your privacy? That's the question that needs to be asked."
JaneDoeRKBA: "Mylar faced foam house insulation , Mylar lined draperies, Mylar under a metal roof….all should work in largely defeating this technology."
Jeffrey S.Gee: "Using a faraday cage!"
James OD: "For a multitude of reasons, it's starting to seem like a good idea to add a layer of aluminum foil under the drywall when building a house. What's the world coming to when the disheveled guy living out of the shopping cart under a bridge starts to make sense?"
Technology is changing the tone of reference to tin foil from one of ridicule to one of acknowledgement that these forms of spying are real science, and applicable to the methods used by various agencies and organizations who are investigating, instigating or intimidating. 
Many are taking notice of the extreme intrusion the technology represents. 

Hanni Fakhoury, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation said "Your location is something that's worthy of privacy. We know that, even within your house, where you go can reveal a lot about yourself.

Is there anywhere left just to be left alone?

Since they are so AFRAID OF US, why not GIVE the bastards reason to be? WHY does the population continue to allow these jerks to rule and reign over the population?


Because most Americans have been or continue to be unaware of the CAFR funds, this letter is being provided to update and to educate.  We have been deceived, lied to, stolen from and abused long enough.   Americans are waking up, becoming aware and informed, and thus better equipped to take our country back.  



by Walter Burien - CAFR1

Here is a tip for you per population control that I learned the hard way over and over again.

Government on all levels will go far out of their way to monitor every one. They specifically want to keep a handle on their opposition. Let's call government on all levels the 'Fox'.

For the Fox to control all opposition, the Fox will covertly start operations (the names I made up) such as: "Taxpayers for Fair Government", "The News Site that publishes everything government does not want you to know", "National Militia for the Abolishment of Government", "Destroy government corruption, and restore people's rights", "Legal Fund for the indictment of corrupt judges", "Town of X Breakfast Club to Restore Taxpayer/Property owner/Citizens Rights."

The Fox now can watch and draw in most of their opposition to identify them.  Here their strategy is to see what is coming out that may be a threat to the Fox, this all being done so the Fox can stay 5-steps ahead of their opposition for corrective action to be taken by the Fox.

Additionally, it allows the Fox to school all in a direction or with so called damning information or actions that in reality are fictional having no impact on the Fox what-so-ever but expels the energy and resources of the individual participants.

Tens of millions of people are sucked into these types of intentionally laid out Fox Flypaper operations. 

Additionally, if there is a truly independent group to the Fox that grows into several hundred thousand + members that actually are a 'threat' to the Fox, the Fox will go out of its way to take the group over from the inside or, if the Fox can, cause financial duress on the group and buy it out for take-over. This is done especially with independent publications or news media groups.

You would be amazed to find out how few "genuine" independent groups there are left out there. Anything involved or tied in with the syndicated media, forget about it.

EXAMPLE: For 15-years tens of thousands of people tried to get their local syndicated media outlet or national outlet to simply mention the CAFR to their listeners or viewers. No one was successful per the mass viewed syndicated TV News outlets excluding myself back in 1995. 

The anchor from ABC News out of Phoenix - On the 10 PM nightly News she showed a full camera shot of the AZ 1994 State CAFR and made comment. ( I told her in advance she could not mention it to her producer or he would cut mention ) Well, the 10 PM News usually airs verbatim at 7 AM the following morning. The following morning her segment mention of the CAFR was cut out and she was pulled from that day forward as being the Anchor.

Since 1998, only the independent news outlets did front page feature stories on the CAFR. The ones with the biggest circulation to the public were then targeted by the Fox and were shut down, bought out, or even worse for the smaller ones, the editor / owner died unexpectedly.

The population is masterfully "entertained" off into La-La land by the Fox within an annual repetitious "loop" created that gives the imprecision of advancement, but in "reality" maintains the population in a very controllable and in an exact spoon-fed programmed mindset as the Fox takes over everything.

I put up an article about California's largest "Taxpayer Association," the Howard Jarvis Group. It can be viewed by clicking the link towards the top of my home page having the subject line of: "To any remaining California members of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association"

You may also want to read my BIO in which I mention some of those "independent" news groups and what happened to them when they featured CAFR disclosure.

The Fox is now controlling and operating within a 10-trillion dollar + a year take-over machine that has amassed somewhere between 140 to 170 trillion dollars of liquid investment assets held both domestic and internationally. At the same time 95% to 98% of the populace is being maintained clueless by the Fox and its cooperatives about this reality DUE TO THE MONEY / CONTROL INVOLVED.

You may want to take a look at the example CAFR listing I put up a few months ago. 4500 CAFRs categorized. (long page). Then you yourself can bypass the void intentionally created by the Fox and share that page with many.

That should give many a big wake-up call as to the scope and size of it all. Also it will qualify the aspect of not a peep or mention by the Fox or its cooperatives for 70-years of their Holy Grail of over-all accounting, the CAFR.

Please share / publish this communication with all that you know.

Today, 10/31/15 is Halloween. Per trick or treat for the last 70-years the Fox has worked on "The majority of Treat for itself" and "A Major Trick for everyone else".

This communication comprehended clearly by the population can help reverse that circumstance for a big Treat that can come quickly for the "everyone else".

I continue to work diligently on bringing forth the TRFA (Tax Retirement Fund Association), an organization that will and can transition every local government to operate on the "Fiduciary Trust" principle to meet its operating budgets "without" taxation of any kind. One income source for the Fox, taxation is replaced with another source of income, Fiduciary Trust return. It is there to happen and I am working on it! A treat for everyone else!

Also, with this being done, the Fox and our economy "in all reality" does better, too.

Sent FYI and Truly Yours from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854