Sunday, November 1, 2015

CHEMTRAILS: Experimentation on Americans Public Law 105–85 105th Congress


More strange fibers rain down from sky onto populace, samples taken


 By Shepard Ambellas
October 31, 2015 6:47 pm EDT 

COTTONWOOD, Ariz. (INTELLIHUB) — R. Dyved, a local FedEx driver, submitted the following information to Intellihub, including several photographs which show spiderweb-like fibrous strands that Dyved spotted himself falling from the sky which he later “managed” to collect samples of, putting them in a jar:
“I was doing some research about this exact very article you posted on December 5, 2014. Well, I think this has happened again on Friday. About 11:00 a.m. or there about I saw three large military aircraft fly westbound over Cottonwood. I drive for FedEx and I was then making a delivery. Very unusual. Didn’t think much of it later. Well after around 3:00 p.m. I started noticing web like strands in the air and also all over plants and trees along 89-A from Sedona to Cottonwood. I also later in between these times heard a lone helicopter and spotted it very high up flying west to east. Not sure if this is related, but since it was very high up and made sound it must have been a big one. Your article was almost a mirror incident on what happened today. As well as just about a year later. Strange indeed.”
“So I woke up this morning to take my cats out in the fenced back yard. I believe I found some fibers on our tile. I grabbed some tweezers to collect it and tried to place it in a small baby food jar. Gosh, was it difficult to get off the tweezers and very small crochet hook. Managed. So I can see as any animal, human walking along can get this on them thinking it was a mere spider web. Not easy to get off once it is on something. It felt sort of like plastic and was very strong. […] Very disturbing indeed.”
Shockingly, just as Dyved pointed out, this very same thing occurred back in December of 2014 and was even covered up by the local mainline media. An article titled C-130 aircraft caught dropping massive ‘raindrop shaped fibers’ onto populace, lab tests confirm “metals” details the actual events.

C-130 aircraft caught dropping massive ‘raindrop shaped fibers’ onto populace

lab tests confirm “metals"


Independent lab tests point to mainstream cover-up of live biowarfare, geoengineering testing

By Shepard Ambellas
CHINO VALLEY, Ariz. (INTELLIHUB.COM) — Marie Snow and her friend Cori Gunnels knew they stumbled across something sinister, one November day, this year, when they saw what appeared to be 50 to 60-foot long “raindrops”, “solid” in nature, falling from the sky in clusters, after three military aircraft, including a C-130, flew overhead, minutes prior, at an altitude of an estimated 5,000-8,000 ft.
Using critical thinking skills, Snow and Gunnels, patriots and local residents, decided to collect samples of the fibrous material which was deployed from the three military planes earlier that day, saving the samples for testing. In fact, the fibers looked so ominous that Snow even opted not to touch them with her “bare hands” and collected them on “white pieces of paper”.

Visible chemtrail, fibers, 50 to 60 feet long, left from three C1130's flying at a high altitude. (Photo Credit: Marie Snow)
Visible fibers, 50 to 60 feet long, left after three military aircraft were flying at approx. 5,000-8,000 ft. altitude. (Photo Credit: Marie Snow)

Soon after, Snow, determined to know the truth, contacted her local news station, KPHO, CBS 5, inviting them to investigate her fibrous discovery.
Within days, CBS 5 took Snow up on her offer, sending reporter Greg Argos to investigate the fibrous samples she collected off of the natural terrain and nearby fence posts, also noting her eyewitness account to the 3 military aircraft which flew overhead that day. However, what happened after CBS 5 interviewed Snow may shock you.
According to Argos’ video piece, published Nov. 18, by CBS 5, samples of the unusual fibers, which are “thicker than a spider web and “very strong”, were taken to Grand Canyon University’s Forensic Science Lab for testing where a woman by the name of “Melissa Beddow” allegedly tested the samples under “40 times magnification”.
As reported in the Argos piece, Beddow stated that the fibrous samples were likely “biodegradable gauze” from “nearby cattle farms”, made up of “a mixture of wheat, gluten, flour and bacitracin, an antibiotic” in what the network touted as a “straight story”.
However, after the local news piece aired, Snow and others were skeptical of Argos’ findings. Snow was soon after urged by Al DiCicco, who appears in the documentary film “Shade the Motion Picture”, a film about covert and sinister bioweapons testing programs, to contact Intellihub News and get independent testing of the samples done by a reputable lab. And that’s just what Marie Snow did.
On Nov. 22, Snow reached out to me, [Intellihub’s Shepard Ambellas] to gather yet another opinion on how to proceed after something just didn’t feel right to Snow about KPHO, CBS 5’s report.

A C-130 and two other planes conducting biowarfare, geoengineering operations over Chino Valley, Arizona, Nov., 2014. (Photo Credit: Marie Snow)
A C-130 and two other planes conducting biowarfare, geoengineering operations over Chino Valley, Arizona, Nov., 2014. (Photo Credit: Marie Snow)

Once contacted by Snow, I, myself, recommended just what my friend Al DiCicco told her to do, “get some independent testing done”as we could than later do a “powerful article” if the results differed from KPHO, CBS 5’s findings.
And again, that’s just what Snow and Gunnels did, sending the samples to a credible lab, a testing facility located in Redding California to properly and scientifically carry out tests of several fibrous samples. 
Days after, the actual results came back from the lab, and what was found may shock you.
The work orders, numbered “14K0279“, dated Dec. 4, 2014 and “14K0683“, dated Dec. 2, 2014, stated that “All analysis were performed under strict adherence to our established Quality Assurance Plan” and that “solid” “fibers” were submitted by “Marie Snow” for “general testing”.
Coupling the Redding lab’s scientific findings, with Marie Snow’s eyewitness account of the three military planes flying overhead, the fibrous material collected, and other breakthrough research noted in Shade the Motion Picture, we must now hold the mainstream news accountable for not reporting actual scientific evidence and findings pertaining to persistent contrails, chemtrails, geoengineering or the terraforming of our planetary atmosphere.
In fact scientists, likely not credible ones, Bill Gates and others are now claiming that geoengineering is needed to block solar radiation, to prevent “global warming”.
Although some like Dr. Matthew Watson, University of Bristol, say that Solar Radiation Management (SRM) could have “profoundly terrifying” consequences possibly causing extreme drought or severe rainfall, conflicting weather, in opposite regions of the globe not typical to the locality.
Mysterious fibers containing barium, strontium and aluminum found on power lines after military test, Chino Valley, AZ. (Photo Credit: Marie Snow)Mysterious fibers containing barium, strontium and aluminum found on power lines after military test, Chino Valley, AZ. (Photo Credit: Marie Snow)

“Some of the techniques could also damage the ozone layer, leaving people at risk of skin cancer, or potentially trigger conflicts amid tensions between those affected by their deployment, the scientists said.”, as reported by The Telegraph in the article Six radical ways to tackle global warming. 
But maybe even more bothersome is the fact that theses biological, chemical, and in some cases radiological, tests have all been approved to be conducted on the general public, at any time, by the U.S. government or military, under a public law.

Public Law 105–85  105th Congress
-85- NOV. 18, 1997: USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS SEC. 1078. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS.(a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES. – The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.(b) EXCEPTIONS.- Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.

So section (a) prohibits these cruel and inhumane chemical and biological tests on humans.
Then section (b) says that the prohibitions in section (a) do not apply to tests carried out for virtually any purpose. So section (b) completely negates the prohibitions of section (a).
And don’t be fooled — testing is currently being conducted and is harming your health as pointed out by Luca Zanna and Al DiCicco in Shade the Motion Picture when lab work, i.e. official blood tests were revealed for the first time publicly, demonstrating that the very metals, “analyites” found in these chemtrail “raindrop” like fibers are also in the human bloodstream at alarmingly toxic levels.
The secretive budget, that President Obama and other members of his administration don’t want you to know about, was first uncovered by myself [Shepard Ambellas] and Avalon,, in March of 2011, published in an article titled “Exposed: Secret presidential chemtrail budget uncovered — Congress exceeds billions to spray populace like roaches” which garnered worldwide attention.
Focusing on exposing geoengineering, chemtrail, applications, the article called out the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which is composed of 13 federal member agencies, with FY budgets into the billions of dollars.
The USGCRP, working hand-and-hand with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), the U.S. government, and other governments of the world are conducting sinister and experimental research on mother earth and all of its living inhabitants including humans, plants, animals and sea life.
Moreover, massive money-making schemes may also be partly to blame for modern weather manipulation, geoengineering, and terraforming operations as weather derivatives can now be traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
In fact the CME Group’s official website confirms the market for such operations, reading, “From heat waves to arctic cold outbreaks, weather often has a significant impact on business – accounting for $5.3 billion of the $16 trillion US GDP. CME Group’s temperature-based index futures and options provide the tools to help you manage weather-related risk.” All big business and opportunity for the wealthy, despite being downplayed by publications such as Fortune.
Snow’s personal encounter is described by her in the following memo sent to Intellihub News:
My friend Cori Gunnels, who lives eight miles south-west of me, called and told me to go outside to see a C-130 or KC-130, with two escorts flying over her home. I went outside and looked to the south-west and saw a 130 with two escorts to the rear of it heading west. The second (northern most) escort split off from the other two and was headed in my direction, (north-east).
When it began to fly directly over my house, (Cori was on the phone with me), I began seeing what looked like long rain drops, or extremely long cob-web type fibers (twenty to fifty feet long), falling from the direction of the aircraft. I did not see it falling directly from the aircraft, but it was an immediate action. The sun was in the perfect position for me to see this substance falling toward the ground, and on my head.
The substance also fell from the sky on my friend Cori at the time the aircraft were present and passing over her. Neither of us saw the substance fall directly from the aircraft, however, it was at the exact time the different aircraft passed over both of us. Cori lives at an altitude of approx. 5,400 ft., and Cori told me that the aircraft were almost at the same altitude as Granite Mountain, which is 7,629 ft. Cori’s friend was working in Chino Valley at that exact time and he also reports seeing the substance fall from the sky. I am not sure if he saw the aircraft.
I grabbed a white piece of paper and began collecting the unknown substance from mid-air. The fibers were so long that I had to wind the paper over and over for many minutes in order to collect it. I also collected the fibers from the cars, fences and plants. The telephone lines were covered in it. Not only was this substance found in my yard, but also all over of Chino Valley, the Yavapai College Campus in Chino Valley, Prescott, Williamson Valley, and there were reports in Phoenix as well.
I am very afraid that this substance may be harmful, as the fibers are very fine and I, along with anyone else that was outside at the time, breathed them in. Because it landed in my organic garden, I disposed of anything growing there.
I have many pictures of this substance, a picture of the three aircraft, and physical evidence we collected from the air, cars, fences and plants. The picture of the C130 seems to show the rear loading bay open on the back of the aircraft.
This matter is urgent and needs attention. I called Ernest Love Field in Prescott to inquire whether they had any knowledge of a C-130 with two escorts were in the area… they know nothing. I have contacted the EPA, who referred me to Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality… who referred me back to the EPA. I also filed three complaints with the FAA, have emailed all ninety-four AZ State representatives, and only heard back from Judy Burgess, who requested that I notify her of the results of the lab tests. If none of these agencies are responsible for an unknown substance falling from an aircraft, why do they exist?
I contacted Luke AFB, and was told to contact Davis Monthan AFB. I spoke with an air force Lieutenant there, and they are investigating this event. I did a television interview with CBS on 11-12-14, they did not do an honest interview. When I left the interview they gathered their own samples and had them tested (Positive gauze, wheat gluten flour and bacitracin). I asked them to hold off on the story until we got our results back. We have sent two samples of the substance to different labs and as of 12-4-14, my results show highly positive for aluminum = 421mg (MDL = 156), Strontium = 70.8mg (MDL = 3.1), Cori’s results Aluminum 1020mg
(MDL = 164) Barium = 34.1 (MDL = 11.9).

Update, Nov. 19, 2014: Congressman Gosar has assigned the case to the EPA and I feel we are going to be heard finally.
Update Nov. 21, 2014: I have heard from the EPA… they are taking the case.
Update Dec. 02, 2014: We are searching for any labs: soil, air, rainwater, blood, fibers. Please help. Alerting alternative media to keep the truth alive.
Thank you,
Marie Snow
It’s also important to point out that Corri Gunnels, an admin on “Uniting for Our Planet, Redding CA’s” Facebook page, told Intellihub News in an interview Friday, that she “knew they [KPHO, CBS 5] were going to marginalize the story”, despite the fact that the station’s news editor, Scott Davis, told Gunnels that he had never been directed by corporate to skew a report.
Gunnels also wanted me to point out in this article that “three other eyewitnesses in Phoenix called CBS 5″, reporting the strange fibers days before Gunnel and Snow collected samples.
Gunnels believes that this information was withheld from the local news report, as “biodegradable bandages” wouldn’t be of any use in the city of Phoenix as limited livestock exists there, further demonstrating a potential cover-up of the actual story.

Other Sources:
‘Mysterious’ fibers in Chino Valley are biodegradable gauze — KPHO, CBS 5
Six radical ways to tackle global warming — The Telegraph
Recent U.S. snowstorms found to contain elements of entomological warfare being conducted on American populace —
PUBLIC LAW 105–85—NOV. 18, 1997 —

ALERT!! Justice Kennedy compares own ruling to Nazi Germany!!!

Cruz: Justice Kennedy compares own ruling to Nazi Germany!!!


Jurist tells Christians to resign from office like those who opposed Third Reich

Oct 31 2015 
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy

In a recent town hall meeting where citizens had the opportunity to pose questions to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, he basically compared the judiciary in modern America with that of Nazi Germany.

Kennedy, the swing vote in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in June to create “same-sex marriage,” was asked about Kentucky county Clerk Kim Davis, who was jailed for nearly a week by U.S. District Judge David Bunning after the Supreme Court’s marriage ruling when she refused Bunning’s order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couple in violation of her faith.

At the meeting, a young man took the microphone and asked the following of Kennedy:
You claim new insights into the nature of marriage require states to issue marriage licenses in accord with this alternative version of marriage. And I can understand a similar case, probably more attractive to those of us who think that rational norms guide the exercise of sexual autonomy like they do economic autonomy, that would be that new insights into the nature of human life require states to take steps to stop abortions.
My question would be, in either of these cases, would you say that there are any state or federal officials with authority to act according to her own judgment of the truth of new insights or of the soundness of the court’s constitutional interpretation, or would it be illegal for any federal official or state official to act according to the old understanding of life and the Constitution that she still judges to be the truth of the matter?
See video:

Justice Kennedy replied:
If I could rephrase it in a fair way, what is the duty of a public official if he or she cannot in good conscience, and consistent with their own personal and religious beliefs, enforce a law they think is morally corrupt?
How many judges do you think resigned in the Third Reich? Three. Great respect, it seems to me, has to be given to people who resign rather than do something they think is morally wrong in order to make a point. However, the rule of law is that, as a public official and performing your legal duties, you are bound to enforce the law. It's difficult sometimes to see whether or not what you're doing is transgressing your own personal philosophies – this requires considerable introspection. It's a fair question that officials can and should ask themselves. But certainly in an offhand comment, it would be difficult for me to say that people are free to ignore a decision of the Supreme Court. Lincoln went through this in the Dred Scott case. These are difficult moral questions.
On his Facebook page, Ted Cruz posted the video and made the following observation:
When a Supreme Court justice compares his own lawless rulings to the draconian oppression of the Nazis – and says that Christians should resign from public office if they will not surrender to his imperious decrees – that really says it all. Those are his words, not mine. Justice Kennedy is holding up the Nazis as exemplars for the current Supreme Court.
I, for one, would rather stand with heroes like Bonhoeffer, than the tyrants who inflicted unspeakable evil. And the persecution of Christians – in Iran, China, or America – is simply wrong.
As WND reported, Justice Kennedy would resign if he followed his own instructions to others, according to Liberty Counsel, the national religious-rights law firm representing Davis.

In a prepared statement, Liberty Counsel said the message was clear: "Government officials who disagree with him (Kennedy) and his four other colleagues regarding their newly invented and groundless marriage opinion ought to resign."

However, the real question, the organization said, should be, "What is the law and what happens when justices violate their oath to interpret the Constitution?"

A WND request for comment from Kennedy did not generate a response.

Mat Staver, the chairman of Liberty Counsel, said unjust laws "should be resisted."

"Religious freedom and conscience should be protected. Justices or judges who disregard the Constitution and impose their own will should resign," he said.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

It's raining?!

U.S. Navy Goes Full TOP GUN On Russian Bombers


This Was Too Close For Comfort

Reminiscent of a scene out of the 1980’s classic naval aviation film “Top Gun,” U.S. fighter jets recently had to scramble to intercept Russian planes flying dangerously close to a U.S. aircraft carrier.

According to Stars and Stripes, the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan was conducting maneuvers with South Korean forces in international waters when it was approached by two low-flying Russian Tupolev Tu-142 Bears on Tuesday morning.

The Russian bombers, which also serve as reconnaissance planes, flew within one nautical mile of the floating airport, prompting the immediate launch of four F/A-18 Super Hornets to intercept and turn back the Russian planes.

While the Reagan monitored the Russian aircraft, it made contact with both Korean and Japanese forces in the area. The Russian planes refused to respond to repeated attempts to contact them, nor has the Russian government offered any explanation for the incident.

This is just the latest in a series of airspace violations and “provocative” encroachments by Russian aircraft and naval vessels over the past year, as Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to flex his muscles in the face of President Barack Obama’s weakness.

Whether coincidentally or not, the approach of the Russian bombers towards an American aircraft carrier occurred at roughly the same time as an American destroyer, the U.S.S. Lassen, sailed near a disputed reef-turned-airstrip claimed by China as its own territory in the South China Sea.

As tensions increase around the world and a seeming resurgence of the Cold War has been reignited, let us hope that cooler heads prevail and wise leaders will walk us back from this dangerous game of brinksmanship.

EMT suspended for trying to save choking girl



- A heroic New York EMT who tried in vain last week to save a 7-year-old school girl choking on her lunch said he was suspended because it is against company policy to make a stop without being called.

Qwasi Reid, who works for Assist Ambulance, was transporting a nursing home patient last Wednesday with his partner when he said they were flagged down at a red light by a frantic man who told them that a student was choking. 

Reid said his partner, who was not reprimanded by the company, told the man they already had a patient and there was nothing they could do.

Reid, who has driven ambulances for four years, said he knew the choking girl took a priority over the transport, and against his partner's urging, jumped out of the ambulance's back door and administered first aid to the girl, who he said had already turned blue. 

No one at the school was rendering first aid, he said.

"I don't regret it," Reid, who said he is suspended without pay, told "I'd do it again. If I know there's a child choking, I'm going to do my best to help her."

'Muslim Brotherhood float'



City allows CAIR entry in Veterans Day parade


 author-imageLeo Hohmann


October 30 2015

Muslim influence in America is on the rise.

Muslim influence in America is on the rise(The CANCER is rapidly spreading unchecked.)

Above, a public street is closed for Friday prayers in Paris, France.

Oklahoma’s Muslim community is breaking new ground.

For the first time, they will have a float in the Veterans Day Parade in downtown Tulsa, and a local newspaper reports that not all parade participants are happy about it. Namely, U.S. military veterans.

“It’s something we have been wanting to do for years,” Adam Soltani, executive director of the Oklahoma Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told the Tulsa World.

Soltani said the float is sponsored by CAIR-Oklahoma but will “represent the Oklahoma Muslim community, which is a very diverse community of people from all walks of life, immigrants, indigenous people.”

Like in most states, the vast majority of Muslims in Oklahoma are immigrants, not “indigenous people,” say those who follow the U.S. immigration and refugee trends.

Because of the U.S. refugee resettlement program, the Muslim communities are no longer concentrated just in large cities like New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago. These communities are increasingly being “seeded” by the U.S. State Department in smaller communities in middle America such as Twin Falls, Idaho; Dodge City, Kansas; Spartanburg, South Carolina; Bowling Green, Kentucky; and Tulsa, Oklahoma.

According to 'U.S. government' databases, 2,483 refugees from Muslim countries have been sent from United Nations camps directly to Oklahoma since January 2002, the earliest date for which data is available online. This also does not include any Muslim immigrants who have entered the U.S. on work or student visas, which likely would encompass several thousand more at major Oklahoma universities.

CAIR does its best to project an image of American Muslims being well integrated and loyal Americans.  (Their own quaran specifies to LIE where it will obtain their goals.)

“We support all veterans, and we support our country, so I don’t see why anyone should have any concerns about CAIR being involved (in the Veterans Day parade),” Soltani told the World.

“We are an American Muslim organization, and American Muslims support their government, support their country and definitely support our troops who are working to defend our constitutional rights and our freedoms,” he added.  (Now how is that true?  Their 'law' is sharia which is NOT OUR constitutional rights and our freedoms - it is anything BUT ours.)
Soltani said many U.S. Muslims have served in the armed forces and that two veterans are on the CAIR-Oklahoma board.
Veterans push back

But Larry Williamson, a member of the Tulsa 912 Project, a conservative organization, told the World it is “atrocious” to ask veterans to “march alongside people who represent our enemies in a current war.”

“I believe all American entrants who the parade is intended to honor should be made aware as soon as possible that they are being asked to share their honor with the Muslim Brotherhood, sworn enemy of the United States and our ally Israel and an enemy in our current war on the Islamic jihad in which American soldiers are fighting and dying,” he said in a letter to the Tulsa World.

Making matters worse for Williamson, he told the World his Tulsa 912 Project float is scheduled to be in line right next to the CAIR float in the parade.

“I’m not a spokesman for Tulsa 912, but I won’t march alongside the Muslim Brotherhood,” he told the newspaper.  Williams refers to CAIR as the “Muslim Brotherhood” because of documents filed in court records from the Holy Land Foundation trial naming CAIR as a Brotherhood front group.
The ‘Muslim Mafia’

Williamson told the World the FBI has identified CAIR as an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. CAIR has consistently stated it has no connections with any terrorist groups yet the United Arab Emirates and other Arab countries have included it on their terrorist watchlist and banned its members from entering their nations.

As WND has reported, 14 former CAIR officials have been investigated or charged in cases involving terrorist activity.

See WND’s Rogue’s Gallery of terror-tied CAIR officials.

As former FBI agent Mike Rolf acknowledges in his book, “Muslim Mafia,” “CAIR has had a number of people in positions of power within the organization that have been directly connected to terrorism and have either been prosecuted or thrown out of the country.”

According to another FBI veteran familiar with recent and ongoing cases involving CAIR officials, “Their offices have been a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters.”

Patsy Varnell, vice president of the Tulsa Veterans Day Parade Association, confirmed to the World that CAIR-Oklahoma’s application to be in the parade has been approved.

“The parade is nonreligious,” she said.

“We feel that we are exercising the rights established by the Constitution of freedom of speech, and this group has the right to participate. We do not want any problems, but we have to be fair to everybody,” Varnell said.

Ronda Vuillemont-Smith, president and founder of the Tulsa 912 Project, said the group is not asking that CAIR be removed from the parade but that parade organizers “be honest and open and let people know that they are in.”

“My concern is that the parade committee was trying to keep this information out of the public eye,” she said.

Man meets doppleganger on flight


Neil Thomas Douglas was on a flight to Ireland when he met this bearded gent

Funny enough, they were seated right next to each other. 

What are the odds???

The two are NOT related but you gotta admit the resemblance is uncanny. 

The beard, the eyes, the hair cut — THE TEETH! C'mon.

The two new mates even grabbed a pint with each other post flight. 

And we'd guess that they're probably drinking the same beer.

Halloween Asteroid

5 Things to Know About the 'Halloween Asteroid …


While a Halloween asteroid whizzing by Earth sounds spooky, there's nothing to be afraid of.

An asteroid that was just discovered on Oct. 10 is set to whiz past Earth on Oct. 31 -- the closest encounter our planet has had with one of the massive speeding rocks since 2006, according to NASA.

Here's what you need to know about the giant rock NASA has nicknamed the "Great Pumpkin." 

Will it hit Earth?


Coming within 1.3 lunar distances -- that's 310,000 miles -- the asteroid, called 2015 TB145, will brush past Earth but presents no threat to humans. NASA said this asteroid is incredibly fast and predicts it will zoom past Earth at 78,000 miles per hour.

How big is the asteroid?


It's estimated to be 1,300 feet wide. For some perspective, that's about the height of the Empire State Building.

Can I see it?


When the asteroid passes by Earth around 1:05 p.m. ET, it's expected to be faint and not visible to the naked eye.

What does NASA hope to learn?


When the asteroid zooms past Earth, scientists hope to get a closer look at its physical properties while also testing out a new capability for obtaining radar images.
"We plan to test a new capability to obtain radar images with two-meter resolution for the first time and hope to see unprecedented levels of detail," Lance Benner, who leads NASA's asteroid radar research program, said in a NASA blog post.

With radar images as fine as seven feet per pixel, Benner and his team expect to see "a wealth of detail about the object's surface features, shape, dimensions and other physical properties."

When is the next close encounter?


It's worth noting that this asteroid was only discovered days ago. The next close encounter of an object that size is expected to happen in in August 2027. That asteroid -- 1999 AN10 -- is estimated to be 2,600-feet long and will brush by our planet at a distance of about 238,000 miles, according to NASA.