Sunday, May 1, 2016

Defending a Higher Law - FREE e-book

They  laughed  at  me  when  I  told  them  I  support  true  marriage…

They called me a bigot.
Intolerant. Stupid. And worse…
That my views were causing “emotional violence” to students at Penn State University. They even said same-sex “marriage” is a civil right.
But you won’t believe what they told me next...
…“that homosexuality is natural because animals do it.”
Animals do what?
I was stumped at first. Even a little embarrassed.
But then I read TFP’s amazing book in defense of God's marriage called Defending a Higher Law.
and now I know how to debunk this myth, and many others.
In fact, the next time I went to Penn State, I debated again. And liberal students went speechless when I told them what I learned in Defending a Higher Law.
That why I've decided to send you a gift copy of the book.
It's my way of saying "Thank You" for everything you do to support moral values in America.
The regular price is $12.95. But today I’m inviting you to get a digital gift copy of the book for nothing - FOR FREE
Here it is:
  • Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz said that concerned Christians "cannot ignore the contribution of the book."
  • Noted Catholic psychologist, Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, called it "a major educational resource for the socially concerned Catholic reader."
And EWTN host, Fr. John Trigilio, PhD, ThD, said:
  • "Finally a thoroughly objective, rational, logical and factual analysis of the homosexual myth currently permeating the modern society."
Defending a Higher Law gives you what you need to defend true marriage -- especially if you happen to be at a liberal campus.
Thank you for your friendship and support.
Fighting the good fight,
John Ritchie
John Ritchie
Tradition Family Property, Student Action
PS – You too can leave anti-family activists speechless with this amazing book.

E-mail not displaying correctly? View it online
TFP Student Action – 1358 Jefferson Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362 (717) 225-7147 ext. 229   

National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 7, 2015

Attend the 'National Day of Prayer' 
event in your community

Saturday, April 30, 2016

AFA is joining the National Day of Prayer Task Force for the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 7, 2015, where you and I join with government leaders and people in communities all around the country to lift our needs and concerns for America before the Lord.

Now, more than ever before, it is imperative that we as God's people remain on our knees for our nation and fellow citizens. The critical challenges facing the United States and the culture at large call for faithful, persevering intercession - not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year.

Visit to find an event in your area and to learn more about National Day of Prayer.


Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

P.S. Additional American Family Radio coverage on NDP
On the National Day of Prayer, American Family Radio will broadcast a live two‐hour concert of prayer event from Mariucci Arena on the campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. Listen to the OneCry Prayer Summit Thursday, May 5, from 7-9pm CDT. Listen live online at


The muslims can take off from work, school and meetings for prayer - regardless of the schedules or religious values of others. This 'government' is IMPOSING islam on all of America.  Our nation was founded on the Lord Jesus Christ.  If our nation and our people are to survive, we MUST repent for our ladocian attitude and return this nation to Christ.  PLEASE! Even if you can't attend church, you can pray in the quiet of your home, or if at work at your desk or in a bathroom or in your car  - PLEASE JOIN all of us nationwide in prayer and repentance before OUR GOD and pray for this nation.  Pray for God respecting and fearing leaders,  and for our TRUE government, the Republic, to be resurrected and all positions filled with God fearing servants for the people.  Ask OUR GOD for wisdom and direction for the leaders of this nation and how to lead and how to protect this nation and its people.  God bless you.

The top 10 breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GMO corn

(NaturalNews) By now, nearly everyone interested in healthy living is aware of the recent research linking Monsanto's GMO corn to cancer tumors and an increase risk of premature death in both men and women. News of the research is spreading like wildfire across the 'net, and support for Proposition 37 -- which seeks to label GMOs in foods -- is growing by the day.

But the media has not yet reported on the everyday foods being sold in grocery stores right now and made with Monsanto's genetically modified corn (GM corn). Which foods are most likely to contain Monsanto GM corn? To answer this question, I visited a local grocery store in Austin, Texas and purchased 10 breakfast cereals made with high levels of non-organic corn.

According to the Center for Food Safety, up to 85% of the corn grown in the United States is genetically modified. This means corn-based cereals that use non-organic corn have a very high likelihood of containing GM corn.

The following list presents the top 10 popular breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's genetically modified corn. For the record, none of these cereals claim to be GMO-free, nor made with organic corn. The exact GMO content of these cereals remains a mystery precisely because manufacturers of these cereals refuse to label them with their GMO content. This lack of full disclosure by the food industry underscores the urgent need for a labeling law so that consumers can make an informed decision.

Legal note: In no way are we claiming these cereals will cause cancer tumors to grow in your body or that they pose an immediate risk to your health. Those studies have not yet been done on humans. GM corn is an experimental crop with unknown long-term effects of humans. Breakfast cereals made with GM corn may turn out to pose a significant long-term risk to human health, but that has not yet been determined. This article is presented in the public interest, reflecting reasonable caution over a common food ingredient which French scientists have now convincingly linked to cancer and premature death in studies conducted on rats.

The top 10 popular breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GM corn

Cocoa Puffs and Corn Chex

Frosted Flakes and Honey Graham Oh's

Honey Nut Chex and Kashi Heart to Heart

Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Corn Pops

Kix and Barbara's Bakery Puffins Peanut Butter

Which cereals contain no GMOs? Nature's Path

There is only one brand of breakfast cereal I know of that's 100% non-GMO and 100% organic across their entire product line. That company is Nature's Path:

If you buy breakfast cereal, and you don't want to eat Monsanto's GM corn, always choose cereals from Nature's Path. This is my No. 1 most highly trusted cereal company.

Many "natural" brands that appear to be healthful and natural are actually not organic or GMO-free. For example, "Barbara's Bakery" cereals are not organic. Although they are positioned in store shelves alongside other organic cereals, they are actually made with conventional crops grown with pesticides which may include Monsanto's Roundup.

You may also notice that most of the cereals most likely to contain GM corn are children's cereals. It is the children in America who are being fed the most GMOs. This represents a highly unethical food experiment being conducted on an entire generation, and the long-term effects of human consumption of GMOs are simply not known.

What we do know is that rats fed this very same Monsanto GM corn developed shockingly large cancer tumors.

The photo released by the French research team, showing large cancer tumors growing at a strongly heightened risk in rats fed a "lifetime" of Monsanto's GM corn, is shown below. According to that study, 70% of females died premature and showed significant damage to their liver, kidneys and other organs.

Pretty crazy, huh?

Russia is playing 'top gun' with U.S. warplanes

I am going to mention this now, because after the last incident I think this is worth mentioning. Today, yet another Russian warplane barrel rolled over a U.S. spy plane from left to right, not back to front as is normal. That was actually dangerous and required amazing precision flying to accomplish. It managed to maintain forward velocity with the RC135 spy plane, and stayed over the wings during the entire roll from left to right, and it did it no more than 25 feet away from the American plane.

Russia has been buzzing U.S. warships (as you already most likely know) and they have been doing aerobatics around American aircraft as well. This latest one tipped the scale for me, it took a serious hotshot pilot to pull it off because he had to 1. Barrel roll while 2. sliding 350 mph in the direction the American aircraft was going to approach on one wing tip of the American craft and leave on the other wing tip, and while doing that, 3. keep a distance of only 25 feet while 4. going forward in his own flight direction at a near supersonic speed.

That's crazy stuff, air show ace type stuff and to do that with another aircraft that is not expecting it is serious hot dogging and really was actually dangerous, not just puffery about danger.

This was done by Russia after America told Russia to stop doing such things. And Russia's response was to have a total crack pot ace rub America's nose in it all even worse than ever before. And I think Russia did this as an intimidation tactic, to prove to America that they actually could accomplish such an aerobatic feat, to warn America that Russian pilots and aircraft are top notch. You cannot do a maneuver like the latest one without very high skills and a very good aircraft. I think it was a stout political message.

Pro-Cruz PAC Targets Trump Over Tyson Friendship...

Pro-Cruz PAC Targets Trump Over Tyson Friendship...
 Mike Tyson was railroaded into prison and Trump was right.

Like in so many cases, the Judge in the supposed rape case wouldn't allow witnesses for Mike to testify and would not allow other evidence to be entered into the record. You can have concrete evidence that you are innocent but it won't be allowed to come out if they want to get you. I can tell you I know this from first hand experience.

He may have deserved to go to prison for something but not for this case.

He had dates with this woman two or three times before this night that ended-up in his room.

If they can't get you the first time around they will keep prosecuting you until they do and don't tell me you can only be tried once for the same thing. Remember these are the criminals and it is they that don't follow the law whether Federal or state it doesn't matter. If you have a good Lawyer, if there is such a thing, the Judge will make you get a new lawyer to help you loose.

Until you have been through the system you just don't know. Ken T.

A Call to Arms ... What just happened?

global matrix

So… What Just Happened? A Call to Arms

Re: Gen. Mark Milley’s address to the audience on April 21, 2016 et al from my perspective

Apparently the Cousins brothers at Third Phase of Moon don’t watch Dante Santori’s videos. They are questioning what “hybrid” armies are, and they are probably partially correct that the armies will involve “super soldier” type troops such as Capt. Randy Cramer of the US Marines has shared because those soldiers do exist, as we know, but there is another kind, isn’t there?  Human/alien cross. There are millions of them on the planet, according to Dante, and that just makes sense. The reptilians/Vlash/Maitre would have to do this to blend in on this planet, and they are masters at DNA splicing. They run the US government. We know that—and they have their OWN armies—including civilian.

Did Milley just decide to reveal this on his own? Hell, no. This speech was approved and perhaps even written by someone else; possibly a military speech-writer. This is DISCLOSURE. The US positive military has made their offensive move.

Now it’s out there, and can’t be taken back, AND they’ve just put the cabal on the DEfensive. That means the troops are ready to do this.

This “hidden” war is no longer hidden. They can’t fight a war in the shadows forever. To WIN it, it HAS to be in our faces. And that is beginning to happen.  And this isn’t only about the USA—this is a global war—and everyone on the planet needs to recognize what is going on because we’re all in this together. Humanity is about to be liberated.

The fireballs (negative faction ships shot down by the good guys), earthquakes (underground bases taken out with nukes), the explosion at Area 51, the earthquakes in Denver and DC, (cabal strongholds) the spectacular light displays in the sky such as happened over Los Angeles, Norway… the CERN news this week that it was shut down by a WEASEL!! LOL… (how many miles underground is CERN?) the war is in our faces, subtly, so we didn’t always at the time realize it.

Some “news” isn’t meant for civilians, as Dante has pointed out. It’s coded messages for the Alliance and the Vlash/elite/New World Order hybrids. It may seem benign or cloaked in obvious disinfo and seem absurd but it’s out there for a reason.

I personally believe that it is now time for us to share this information with people who were previously resistant and called us conspiracy theorists and nut jobs so that more Humans are aware, can prepare, and we can more easily keep the panic to a minimum when bizarre or potentially frightening events seep into civilian life.

There’s no way to know how fast this will escalate, but to come this far and sit smugly on our butts until it erupts full scale is irresponsible, in my opinion. We’re here, and aware, for a reason. Perhaps it’s time to step into those roles. Use your best judgment.

Drake reiterated the preparation list again a couple of weeks ago and I suspected he knew things were going to come to a head soon. He also said the positive US military had their own plans for what was going to happen next—and soon. He also put out the call for qualified, infantry-trained men for a special project. If you want to learn more, send an email to  

Keep abreast of new developments on Facebook at Cosmic Voice.

Fulford acknowledged the Japan earthquake first as “natural”, but then changed it to “underground nuke’. He was probably given the OK to tell the truth because “it’s time”.

This battle for Planet Earth is not to be taken lightly, by any means, and I don’t suggest it should be—just that we keep our sense of humour, send love to the entire situation and keep our vibrations high.

As some have pointed out, there are literally underground cities at those bases, full of people who don’t see the big picture. They’re so compartmentalized in their work that they don’t know what they are a part of. Many of them will probably lose their lives, or already have. The good news is, they’re then in a safe place to witness the final victory, in spirit. They signed up for that.

I recommend people visit Prepare for Change and read the plan to prepare for the possibilities and The Event. I’ve posted the list SO many times. If we are caught in the lurch it’s our own fault. This is not the time for procrastination.

If the supply chain is interrupted for any reason, power outages occur, etc. we need to have cash, food, gasoline, water, generators, flashlights, batteries, candles, short wave radios, meds, first aid, pet supplies, and the things we need on a daily basis; bathroom tissue, etc. If you haven’t already, stock up and then you won’t need to worry. We may need to share with others who are asleep and not prepared, but I hope to wake up a few more people now that we have concrete evidence that ‘it’ is going down. Finally!

A friend just told me that “the NEW SERIES of ‘Unsealed Alien Files’ no longer comes from a place of whether ETs exist.  They are now coming from a place of ETs are a fact of life.  They’re here and they’re telling us about the autopsies that have been performed on them and what has been found that is similar to us and what is different. It was on Thursdays at prime time and then repeated on the AMERI channel.” (We’re in Arizona)

I shared the Federal Prison Blues vid with an at least partially aware German woman at work and she asked me if I heard that John Boehner called Ted Cruz “Lucifer”. Wow. The gloves are off. Watch them attack each other.

Now I hear that Trump bought all the mass media TV networks. If that is true, I’m over the moon because I have said all along that we cannot win this war until we get control of the lamestream media. I also said the public won’t believe the truth until they hear it on the six o’clock news. Perhaps this is a step in that direction.

Regardless, Disclosure is everywhere for the masses, not just Gaiam TV with David Wilcock. What the snoozers pick up on is something else, but I see the media aquisition as a huge breakthrough. Don’t expect massive change overnight, though. Just watch.

There have been many posts on the Alternet suggesting something big is about to happen, and I haven’t had the time to share it all, but I know you’ll share what you find, as always. I also have some more exciting news to share in a different vein.

V-Day is almost upon us, my friends. V for “vindication”… and Victory of the Light!   ~ BP