Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Are Central Banks Running the Oil Market or Just the World?

By Federalreserve (00491) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The question begs for conspiracy theories to satisfy it, but one might more aptly say that central banks beg for conspiracy theories to explain them, since they operate in the shadows while being given charge of all the financial systems of all the world’s greatest economies. Central bankers have the unchaperoned power to create the greatest fortunes ever known to mankind at will and to invest those fortunes wherever they want. With trillions of dollars or euros or rubles or yuan at their disposal and trillions more whenever they want to conjure them into existence, what is to stop them from cornering every market on earth now that they have been unleashed?
The price of oil has been rising, no matter how bad the oversupply news gets. Even as Saudi Arabia increased its supply in April and all of OPEC began gearing up for more production, oil prices rose. US oil companies have started to resume mothballed production because prices are going up, and still oil prices rise in the face of expanding oversupply.
Once Dohaha failed, nearly everyone started doing what they could to ramp up production, and prices still rose. Brent oil, in fact, hit its highest price since November after Doha failed to curb the supply glut. When prices go up, even as oversupply noticeably worsens all over the globe, a logical person will wonder if the market pricing is seriously rigged.

Capitalist central banks have become ultimate central planners

Why would we even think central banks wouldn’t manipulate all markets to the benefit of their own member banks when two Fed officials have stated that by intention the Fed’s FOMC was front-running the stock market to create a “wealth effect”? (Apparently the “wealth effect” is to make the wealthy vastly wealthier because that’s what happened; I certainly haven’t seen any wealth trickling into my bank account as a result of this overt manipulation of markets.)
We used to have regulations in the US that prevented banks from investing in stocks (and thereby central banks from indirectly manipulating the stock market by giving money to their member banks to invest). Next, the Fed will be deciding what companies to favor. Maybe they already do.
What if another corporation like GM that is too big to fail is failing, say a big oil corporation? Is there any reason this time around that central banks should tell us they are going to bail it out by buying up its stocks now that central-bank intervention is standard procedure? (The Fed would argue to congress, “It was important we did that quickly and secretively so as not to create a massive market scare that could have jeopardized the recovery.”)
Anything is justifiable if it necessary for “the recovery.” The Fed, of course, wouldn’t buy those stocks directly; but will it’s member banks suddenly start sweeping up some company’s stocks with money the Fed creates as it nudges them to spend the money in that direction?
How would we know? Nudges that happen between major bankers at Federal Reserve board meetings are unseen as they are not a part of corporate reports that would explain why a large national bank suddenly bought a great deal of one company’s stock. “It just looked like a good investment for us.”

How today’s oil prices are really determined is done by a process so opaque only a handful of major oil trading banks such as Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley have any idea who is buying and who selling oil futures or derivative contracts that set physical oil prices in this strange new world of “paper oil….” The Senate committee staff documented … a gaping loophole in US Government regulation of oil derivatives trading so huge a herd of elephants could walk through it. (GlobalResearch)

Maybe a hole so big the Fed could lumber through it.

Persons within the United States seeking to trade key US energy commodities – US crude oil, gasoline, and heating oil futures – are able to avoid all US market oversight or reporting requirements by routing their trades through the ICE Futures exchange in London instead of the NYMEX in New York. Is that not elegant? The US Government energy futures regulator, CFTC opened the way to the present unregulated and highly opaque oil futures speculation…. This is not an OPEC problem, it is a US Government regulatory problem of malign neglect. By not requiring the ICE to file daily reports of large trades of energy commodities, it is not able to detect and deter price manipulation.

“Persons” or entities. From the very start of the present oil price war, Russia has claimed the price war is a nationally rigged game:

The head of Russian energy giant Rosneft and right-hand man of President Vladimir Putin launched an extraordinary attack on the entire global system for the supply, pricing and control of the world’s energy resources…. According to Mr Sechin, energy markets are being manipulated by a powerful alliance of forces, from Washington to Riyadh and Vienna, which present a long-term risk to the global economy. (The Telegraph)

Russia believed prices were being rigged by the US and its consort, Saudi Arabia, to hurt Russia’s economy. If so, those prices can just as easily be moderated back the other way once it becomes evident they have reached a point where they are also destroying major US banks. And what entity has more power to do that in an “opaque” system than the Federal Reserve with its infinite money supply?
Through the decades-long process of deregulating, we removed vital barriers between banks and markets and have created a free-for-all. Central banks have the power to create unlimited amounts of money in a single day, based solely on their own discretion, with no supervision by any other entity as to what they are doing. They create that money as deposits ex nihilo in banks that know where the money is intended to go. (Where the money should go can be agreed upon as gentleman and gentlelady over a martini and cigar with no public record other than “met to discuss corporate default problems.”)

Central banks run their national economies unsupervised by anyone

Seriously? You think they’re supervised? By whom? Certainly not by congress here in the US. Congress merely asks the head banker some questions and then lets the Federal Reserve continue on with whatever its bankers were doing. We audit corporations, and government even audits the government; but the largest financial institution on earth runs audit-free year after year, decade after decade, as congress grandstands in feigned outrage at times and at other times listens in awe, but always defaults to merely trusting the Federal Reserve. Always.
If you were corrupt, wouldn’t you naturally try to get on the board of the largest financial institution on earth that never gets audited and has the power to create as much money as it wants to out of thin air to give to your bank with one the provisos that it keep inflation in check and keep jobs looking halfway respectable?
There is nothing to stop the Fed — nor probably most central banks — from deciding to create $100 billion in the accounts of its member banks, saying, “We’ll deposit this money when you show us you’ve purchased that much in oil from companies being hit the worst.” There is no risk for the bank or the Fed because it was all free money anyway. They just suddenly own lots of oil.
If there are any barriers still standing to that sort of thing, how would we or congress ever know if those barriers were being respected when congress never audits the Fed and accepts anything it says as sufficient for congressional oversight? It is in that sense that I say there is really nothing to stop central banks from soaking up all the oil for sale in the oil market right now. How would anyone ever know if they bought oil through corporate banking proxies or through other central banks who used their own proxies?
That is exactly what the Fed overtly did with US government bonds, so why not oil? They were front-running the bond market by saying to their member banks, “If you buy these government bonds, we’ll buy them directly from you the next day. That way we are not breaking the law by directly buying the government’s debt, and then we’ll create as much money in your reserve account as what you spent on the bonds plus half a percent.”
What a joke! How is that simpleton’s shell game not directly buying the government debt? As soon as you start telegraphing to banks that you will buy government bonds off of them overnight for a half a percent profit to the bank (called front running the bond market) on a no-risk deal for the banks, you know banks are going to leap to do that.
You’re creating the market for the bonds. You’re not just soaking up the banks’ bonds. The fact that you passed the bond through someone else’s hands is no different than money laundering. It’s bond laundering. “NO, we didn’t finance the government. We bought up some old government bonds that some of our banks no longer wanted.” Yeah, right.
This the Fed did overtly for years.
What a charade … and no one cared … other than a few readers of The Great Recession Blog, Zero Hedge, and other similar sites. Most didn’t bat an eye. The same thing was happening with stocks for the entire past seven years (and still is happening as the Fed reinvests its money). Even though the Fed originally denied it was pumping up the stock market; recently two major Fed board members admitted the Fed was front-running the stock market, and still few cared. It’s no surprise to anyone because most people knew that is where much of the Fed’s free money was going.

Are central banks manipulating the oil market?

Therefore, it should not seem like any big conspiracy theory, when you see total nonsense pricing (bad news is good news) in the oil market to ask, are central banks now moving on to doing the same thing in the oil market?
Why wouldn’t they? 1) What’s to stop them? 2) Clearly US banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System are being hurt by the oil price war, so the Fed can justify this as another “intervention” they need to do to save their own banks from collapsing due to bad loans throughout the oil industry.
Two more oil company’s declared bankruptcy this week. Week by week, a storm surge is building up against banks that are heavily invested in this industry:

The bankruptcies are continuing fast and furious across the energy sector. With the ill-effects spreading beyond just the oil and gas business — evidenced by major renewables firm SunEdison filing for Chapter 11 last month.
But the U.S. E&P [exploration and production] sector still remains one of the biggest unknowns when it comes to bad loans. With numerous observers having recently warned about a big wave of defaults coming in this space.
And a new data point late last week suggests we may be reaching a tipping point.
That came from leading American investment bank JPMorgan. Which said in an SEC filing Friday that its holdings of potentially bad loans took a major jump over the past quarter. JPMorgan reported on its holdings of “criticized” loans — a term used in the banking industry to refer to “substandard or doubtful” debts … leapt by 45 percent over the last quarter — to $21.2 billion as of March 31. (Oilprice.com)

Over twenty billion of bad debts — most of it in oil companies! That number beats many of the big bankster bailouts during the worst of the Great Recession for size. That’s just one major bank, and those are only the loans the banks is showing as bad. How many other loans does JPMorgan have that are not in some stage of default but that are with oil production companies that are sinking fast?
How bad is the pinch on other banks that invested in the oil sector? Read the “panic index”:

Little-reported but extremely critical data point for the oil and gas industry emerged yesterday. With insiders in the debt business saying that risk levels in the sector have risen to unprecedented levels.
That came from major ratings service Moody’s. With the firm saying that one of its proprietary indexes of credit problems in the oil and gas sector has hit the highest mark ever seen.
That’s the so-called “Oil and Gas Liquidity Stress Index”. A measure of the number of energy companies that are facing looming credit problems because of overextended debt…. In fact, that level is now considerably worse than seen during the last recession…. “This progression signals that the default rate will continue to rise as the year progresses.” (Pierce Points)

You may recall there was a commodities crash in energy prices running into the Great Recession, too. In other words, the pain is just beginning. The squeeze will get tighter.
At present oil prices, we are already at the highest default rate for high-yield energy bonds in energy industry’s history according to Fitch Ratings. What better way to keep some of these companies out of default (and thereby keep the banks who financed them out of trouble) than by getting the price of oil back up a little? So, would the Federal Reserve become proactive to support these American companies that are pressing major US banks into perilous situations, now that it is accustomed to massive interventions and financial inventions as daily procedure?
Might that explain why the price of oil goes up, regardless of what happened at Doha?
Maybe that is exactly what the surprise, “expedited” meetings of the Federal Reserve were about shortly before the Doha meeting and what the Fed’s rushed closed-door meeting with the president and vice president was about — what to do when Doha failed (as they knew it would, given Saudi Arabia’s overt statements). As anyone knew it would if they were willing to see straight.
If not the Fed, then why not some other central bank in some country where a major bank is being crippled by the oil price crush? A bank that could fall on others and create a domino effect if it fell.
Central banks are so grossly out of control with no elected oversight and unlimited financial power to create money and decide where it goes, that I have to ask, is it possible that there are no honest markets left anywhere? How would we know? No one ever gets to see inside the central bank’s inner workings to know. Just how completely have the banks taken control of every aspect of the economy — or, at least, of every aspect they care to control?

We … beyond any shadow of any doubt, are living in an environment where nothing is real, from the prices of assets, to what is going on with the big Wall Street banks, to Federal Reserve interest rates and everything in between. All of this is being played in a way to keep people believing that the system is working and will continue to work…. We are going to continue to see more fakery and twisting of this entire system. Right now, it’s upside down and nothing is real. We now are in an environment where the financial system has been flipped upside down just to make it function. That’s very scary. . . . We’ve never seen anything like this in the history of the world. (Financial analyst and stock trader Gregory Mandarin in USAWatchdog)

But you cannot manipulate markets forever

Suppose some central bank somewhere decided to buy up oil through proxies to keep the price rising, in spite of all risks, in order to keep a few of its major member banks from going bankrupt due to exposures even more extreme than the one known about and admitted above.
As a result, the producers keep producing because someone keeps buying. The price keeps bubbling upward, which saves some companies and their banks for the time being; but also entices more producers to come back on line. Prices keep going up, regardless, and even though Saudi Arabia and Russia actually increase production, too.
In such a situation, you might expect to see headlines, such as the following:

Oil Rallies On As Traders Ignore Red Flags

No matter how much crude oils stocks around the world rise, prices keep rising because of the price intervention. Oil tankers stack up at sea, but the prices keep going up. You start to wonder if the market is rigged. Why are so many speculators betting that the price of oil can go up forever? You start to think of the US housing market in early 2007 when everyone thought housing could defy gravity and climb forever.
Then one day you read a headline like …
“Rotterdam Tanks are Full: All tankers being sent back out to sea”
A week later, you read the same thing in Oklahoma and other parts of the world.
Sooner or later reality butts in. Price manipulation causes distorted markets and only accelerates the problem when falling prices fail to happen and, therefore, don’t result in supply correction. Instead, the prices, themselves, get corrected by the banking central planners; and supply follows the money … until the money has nowhere left to go. You cannot buy oil at any price — regardless of how low — if you have nothing to put it in.

The manipulation is absolutely epic. We have never seen anything like it. There is going to be a horrible price to pay for this. Why? Because it will correct to fair market value. There is no doubt in my mind that all of this will correct to fair value. All these distortions can only go so far, and we know this…. It will burst because every single financial bubble in history, without exception, has burst before it. This one is going to burst too, but this one is going to engulf the world. (Mannarino continued in USAWatchdog)

Game over … just as it was for housing in the last half of 2007.

Speaking at a panel in the Milken conference titled “Monetary Policy: Out Of Ammunition” moments ago Pimco’s global economic advisor Joachim Fels … hinted what he, and/or Pimco, would prefer that the Fed should buy next. Stocks…. By the time it’s all over, central banks will be buying not just credit and equities, but virtually every asset class, both directly and indirectly through helicopter money. (Zero Hedge)

That’s right! Why create money in the reserve accounts of major national banks for them to buy stocks? Why not skip the middle man and just have the central bank buy stocks directly? It’s more efficient. Be like China: anytime a stock goes seriously down, the the central bank can just fly over in its helicopter and dump a lot of new money on that corporation by buying its stock. (No sense giving helicopter money directly to the poor when you can target the drop directly on the rich to prop up their stock values, trusting that a few dollars will drift away in the prop wash to help the poor, too, so they can glean their benefits.)
That kind of quantitative easing may be the new spin for our next dance in this whirling dervish of an economy. The Fed can buy stocks directly. Buy oil directly. (Maybe they already are.) Heck, buy anything that threatens to fall on us that is too big to fail in order to save us all from the tipsy rich. Because the Federal Reserve can create money at will, it can dance that dance forever … that is, until it collapses on the dance floor due to its own obesity.
You see, eventually nothing works in the land of total make-believe, so all things fall down. For now, however, the Fed’s next round of QE already has PIMCO’s vote. The only question that haunts my mind is how long the helicopter money of QE4 can work before the helicopter, itself, blows down the entire house of cards?
Bonds, stocks, the oil market — they all look as rigged right now as the Arizona Republican Convention where Trump, who won the vast majority of votes in the Arizona primary, got almost none of the delegates. The party establishment will make sure their guy wins no matter what in order to protect the establishment from being trumped by some rogue element. And “the establishment” is largely Wall Street — mostly banks.
That’s why it is is time to, above all else, vote against the establishment in either party, top to bottom. Ironically, even a socialist president would be better for our long-lost capitalist economy than the central-planning central bank’s Democrat and Republican choices for candidates. Nothing could be worse than the establishment’s make-believe economy.
Exxon, Chevron, PetroChina, Conocophillips, all reported heavy losses. Who are they banking with? Are they also too big to fail?

More reading on who is rigging the oil market:

Crude Independence


America's First Sharia Judge

The first Muslim woman judge — Carolyn Walker — was hand-picked by President Obama and sworn in as judge of the 7th Municipal District, Brooklyn, choosing to swear her oath of office holding the HOLY QURAN at the Brooklyn Boro Hall on December 10, 2015.  It was a historic day!  Oddly enough, there was almost no media coverage of this event . . . .
Since the Quran forbids all law but Sharia Law, isn't it reasonable to assume that Her Honor will head the first federally sanctioned SHARIA COURT.  
Makes one proud, doesn’t it?  "Gives me chills up my legs" said Chris Mathews.
Another little chink in the armor?  A small, quiet erosion here and there.  No one cares, until it's too late.  Step by step by step....this is how American culture will end.
Rejoice Obama supporters!  Your dream of destroying America is coming true.  
This is a good example of why we need to wait for the next president to make a nomination to the supreme court


WAL MART !!! Caught RED HANDED Conspiracy Becomes Reality 




Take note at 9.0  1.00  1.07
Remember those strange sounds heard at various times worldwide? Some Christians thought
the angels were blowing horns?!!!!!
Published on Apr 20, 2016
Wal-Mart gets exposed for what they really are. Government depots for Martial law.
Video mirrored from the LOGICBEFOREAUTHORITY channel. Please subscribe to him.

Alert!! All USA people need to see this! Please watch!

All USA people need to see this! 


2016 FEMA CAMPS Exposed!


Published on Apr 26, 2016

RED FLAG!! WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS! GOV LEAKED! FEMA CAMPS and MARTIAL LAW are coming in 2016!! All Americans need to watch this!! Let's Share... Share... this video must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, please share it! Because the Government cover-up! 


Watch, too, this important video: FOX NEWS: Final ALERT about the FEMA Camps in US (AIRPORTS WILL BE CLOSED) 2016 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCOFF...

This is a USA-NEWS Channel.  Subscribe to it for more videos every week.

Monday, May 2, 2016

11-year old Alabama boy shoots home intruder: "He started crying like a little baby"

 TALLADEGA, Ala.-- Home school student Chris Gaither, 11, was alone Wednesday morning when he heard a noise.
Someone had broken into his house and walked upstairs.

Gaither said he was scared, but wanted to be prepared so he grabbed a nine-millimeter hand gun.

“When he was coming down the stairs, that’s when he told me he was going to kill me, f-you and all that,” Gaither said.

The intruder made it out the front door with a hamper in hand.

That’s when Gaither started firing off bullets. As the intruder was about to jump a fence in the front yard, Gaither’s 12th and final shot hit the suspect in the leg.

“I shot through the hamper he was carrying,” Gaither said. “It was a full metal jacket bullet. It went straight through the back of his leg. He started crying like a little baby."

Yea boy, thats how a kid takes charge, I wont blame him for missing eleven times, he is just a kid. I like how he says he gets practice from zombies lol.

With all these kids defending their homes successfully every year, I am still firm on my beliefs that gun safety AND training should be part of core curriculum in schools starting in elementary.

Here is a list of other kids who successfully defended their homes in America and would probably have been raped or murdered in Europe by ISIS refugees claiming sexual emergencies.

The list is almost endless. It is time that our children are given the training they deserve in our public schools. I am not saying they need to be armed and assigned a firearm, but we should be training them so that if there is one they can use nearby to save themselves, they can do it with the tactical efficiency of a soldier.


Ted Cruz EXPOSED Please Share This! Expose Cruz!

Listen to the end and more....especially the one that comes right after.

A Different type of President.

When Jefferson saw there was no  negotiating with Muslims, he formed what is the now the Marines (sea going  soldiers). These Marines were attached to U. S. Merchant vessels.

When the Muslims attacked  U.S. merchant vessels they were repulsed by armed soldiers, but there is  more. The Marines followed the Muslims back to their villages and killed  every man, woman, and child in the village. It didn't take long for the  Muslims to leave U.S. Merchant vessels alone. English  and French merchant  vessels started running up our flag when entering the Mediterranean to  secure safe travel.

 Why the Marine Hymn Contains the Verse "To Shores of Tripoli"

This is very interesting and a must  read piece of our history. It points out where we may be heading.

Most Americans are unaware  of the fact that over two hundred years ago the United States had declared  war on Islam and Thomas Jefferson led the  charge!

At the height of the 18th century,  Muslim pirates (the "Barbary Pirates") were the terror of the Mediterranean  and a large area of the North Atlantic.

They attacked every ship in  sight, and held the crews for exorbitant ransoms. Those taken hostage were  subjected to barbaric treatment and wrote heart-breaking letters home,  begging their government and family members to pay whatever their Mohammedan  captors

These extortionists of high seas  represented the North African Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco,  and Algiers - collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast - and presented  a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American  Republic.

Before the Revolutionary War, U.S. merchant ships had been  under the protection of Great Britain. When the U.S. declared its independence and entered into war, the ships of the United States were  protected by France. However, once the war was won, America had to protect  its own fleets.

Thus, the birth of the U.S. Navy.  Beginning in 1784, 17 years before he
would become president, Thomas  Jefferson became America's Minister to France. That same year, U.S. Congress  sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in the footsteps of  European nations who paid bribes to the Barbary States rather than engaging  them in war.

In July of 1785, Algerian pirates captured American  ships, and the Dye of Algiers demanded an unheard-of ransom of $60,000. It  was a plain and simple case of extortion, and Thomas Jefferson was  vehemently opposed to any further payments. Instead, he proposed to Congress  the formation of a coalition of allied nations who together could force the  Islamic states into peace. A disinterested Congress decided to pay the  ransom.

In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli's  ambassador to Great Britain to ask by what right his nation attacked  American ships and enslaved American citizens, and why Muslims held so much  hostility towards America, a nation with which
they had no previous  contacts.

The two future presidents reported  that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman
Adja had answered that Islam "was  founded on the Laws of their
Prophet, that it was written in their Quran  that all nations who would
not acknowledge their authority were sinners,  that it was their right and
duty to make war upon them wherever they could  be found, and to make
slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that  every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to  Paradise."

Despite this stunning admission of  premeditated violence on non-Muslim
nations, as well as the objections of  many notable American leaders,
including George Washington, who warned that  caving in was both wrong and would only further embolden the enemy, for the  following fifteen years
the American government paid the Muslims millions of  dollars for the safe
passage of American ships or the return of American  hostages. The
payments in ransom and tribute amounted to over 20 percent of  the United States government annual revenues in  1800.

Jefferson was disgusted. Shortly after  his being sworn in
as the third President of the United States in 1801, the  Pasha
of Tripoli sent him a note demanding the immediate payment of $225,000
plus $25,000 a year for every year forthcoming. That changed  everything.

Jefferson let the Pasha know, in no  uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand. The Pasha responded by  cutting down the flagpole at the American consulate and declared war on the  United States. Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers immediately followed suit.  Jefferson, until now, had been against America raising a naval force for  anything beyond coastal defense, but, having watched his nation be cowed by  Islamic thuggery for long enough, decided that it was finally time to meet  force with force.

He dispatched a squadron of frigates  to the Mediterranean and taught the Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast a  lesson he hoped they would never forget. Congress authorized Jefferson to  empower U.S. ships to seize all vessels and goods of the Pasha of Tripoli  and to "cause to be done all other acts of precaution or hostility as the  state of war would justify".

When Algiers and Tunis, who were both  accustomed to American cowardice and acquiescence, saw the newly independent  United States had both the will and the right to strike back, they quickly  abandoned their allegiance to Tripoli. The war with Tripoli lasted for four more years, and raged up again in 1815. The bravery of the U.S. Marine Corps  in these wars led to the line "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine Hymn,  and they would forever be known as "leathernecks" for the leather collars of  their uniforms, designed to prevent their heads from being cut off by the  Muslim scimitars when boarding enemy ships.
Islam, and what its Barbary followers  justified doing in the name of their prophet and their god, disturbed  Jefferson quite deeply.
America had a tradition of religious  tolerance. In fact Jefferson, himself, had co-authored the Virginia Statute  for Religious Freedom, but fundamentalist Islam was like no other religion  the world had ever seen. A religion based on supremacy, whose holy book not  only condoned but mandated violence against unbelievers, was unacceptable to  him. His greatest fear was that someday this brand of Islam would return and  pose an even greater threat to the United  States.
This should concern every American.  That Muslims have brought about
women-only classes and swimming times at  taxpayer-funded universities and public pools; that Christians, Jews, and  Hindus have been banned from
serving on juries where Muslim defendants are  being judged; Piggy banks
and Porky Pig tissue dispensers have been banned  from workplaces because they offend Islamist sensibilities; ice cream has  been discontinued at certain Burger King locations because the picture on  the wrapper looks
similar to the Arabic script for Allah; public schools are  pulling pork from
their menus; on and on and on and  on...

It's death by a thousand cuts, or  inch-by-inch as some refer to it, and
most Americans have no idea that this  battle is being waged every day across America. By not fighting back, by  allowing groups to obfuscate what is really happening, and not
insisting  that the Islamists adapt to our own culture, the United States is cutting  its own throat with a politically correct knife, and helping to further the Islamists agenda.

Sadly, it appears that  today America's STUPID leaders would rather be politically correct than  victorious!
If you have any doubts about the above  information, Google "Thomas Jefferson vs. the Muslim  World."

The end of the Republic has never looked better - Obama's speech

Queen of Chaos The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton by Diana Johnstone

Queen of Chaos The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton by Diana Johnstone

Complete book on Google books!

Thank you to a commenter for this link...

Today's Political Thoughts

Conan O'brien


First, Dr. William Mount.  I have heard numerous “reports” and watched several videos that people have sent me over the last two years, all issued by this man, and absolutely not one of his prognostications bore fruit.
When one considers “the fruits” one must consider whether there are any.  And next, what has occurred by omission— people being scared for nothing, people being hopeful for nothing, and most importantly, people not thinking for themselves and acting in their own best interests while relying on the “intel” being fed to them by Dr. William Mount.
Second, Le Neu Republique, or is it La Neu Republique—-?  “La”, I believe, upon reconsideration.  The French have the habit of considering all things that are changeable and secretive, like governments, to be of the feminine gender. Who knows?  Perhaps they are right.
Anyway, the Truth of the matter is that the French Government allowed itself to be used as an accomplice by the British Government back at the end of the Second World War.  Both countries owed a lot of money to the Americans so they were both hot to find a way to defraud us.  And they did.
The French charted both the UN Corporation and the International Monetary Fund doing business as the IMF (which is an agency of the United Nations) well before the United Nations Charter was ever signed.
Think about that. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The UNITED STATES, Inc. which sponsored all the STATE OF OHIO and STATE OF OREGON and STATE OF WHATEVER ELSE franchises and which has been busily providing us with “governmental services” since 1944 — and providing us with a lot of services we never ordered and not providing services we did order and basically overcharging us for everything possible — is owned and operated by the IMF which is in turn owned and operated by the UN Corp which is owned and operated by the World Bank which is owned and operated by Jacob Rothschild who is the pimp for the British Crown Conglomerate.
The French supplied the corporate charters to hide the British aim, and the British provided the mechanisms and the man-power to carry out the fraud scheme against the Americans— the whole fraud of registering our births and creating these bogus corporate entities and operating them in our names and buying and trading them on the stock markets of the world is pure British crime at its best — press-ganging, inland piracy, semantic decent, reverse trust fraud, identity theft, credit theft— all brought to you by people you thought were your friend and Allies, people you trusted to run the court system for you.
The problem for the French is that because they chartered these infamous corporations, they are responsible for their lawful operation and functioning.
Rather than own up to their responsibility and admitting their guilt and culpability, the French Government is attempting to continue to usurp our lawful government and keep all this crap under the rug, by booting up another French “governmental services corporation” and (falsely) advertising it as the “New Republic”.
The advantage of the “New Republic” from their standpoint is that if we are stupid enough to go for it, they can then use it as a means to force us to pay off the odious debts owed by the first French corporation known as the UNITED STATES, Inc. And, they think nobody will be any the wiser.
The Brits are eagerly backing this plan, too, because God-forbid, that their seedy underbelly and sanctimonious fraud be exposed to the rest of the world.  We might then all have the good sense to throw off centuries of British Crown domination and fraud and criminality— especially their dominance of the banking and legal industry, the criminal manipulation of which is their main source of income.
We have been snookered senseless by our “Allies”, and that is the sad fact of it. General Dunford has perhaps been drawn into the net, or perhaps thought he had no choice but to accept the newest con as a remedy for the old con. I certainly cannot and will not answer for him, nor even presume that he has actually agreed to play a part in this scheme.  There seems to be no credible confirmation one way or another from him.
Somehow, it never occurs to crooks caught red-handed up to their shoulders in the cookie jar that they need to admit their crime.  They need to come forward and just say— we were bombed out after the Second World War, our land ravaged, our cities in ruins.  We had to borrow from the Americans and we did— but we did it in a dishonest way, because otherwise the debt involved would have crushed us and reduced our people to generations of misery.  So that’s what we did and why we did it.  Can we be forgiven?
I think the answer is— yes, but only if you straighten up your act, stop doing this crazy stuff, and finally deal with the bankers and lawyers who have been allowed —and indeed, instructed— to promote all this criminality and fraud.
Otherwise, it is inevitable that the people in all these countries throughout Europe and throughout the world are going to wake up and start tearing down banks brick by brick and gibbeting lawyers on street corners.
We have finally grown up enough to understand that these are not political, ethnic, nor religious issues.  These are issues of self-interested crime being promoted by members of society in positions of trust, both public and private.
So, thumbs down on the French Neu Republique.  What we need is our old American Republic fully restored with no further questions or obligations.
Third, about NESARA…. I have covered this repeatedly, but people don’t want to hear it.  My Mother was intimately involved in the Farm Union Cases that gave rise to the original NESARA legislation.  It was offered as remedy by a lone Congressman and it was laughed out of the Beltway.
Why, the members of Congress asked, should we pay our honest debts to the American People?  We can just seek bankruptcy protection instead—- and that’s what they did.
There’s no question that they have acted as criminals, that they and the banks are guilty of fraud, extortion, personage, unlawful conversion— absolutely none.  It has already been decided long ago by the Supreme Court.
But here is a little history lesson people need to take to heart— the Supreme Court can’t force the Congress to take any positive action.  It can only force the Congress to stop doing a specific wrong thing.  And the Congress, not the Supreme Court, holds the purse strings.
So the Supreme Court can find in your favor all day long, but if the United States of America, Inc., is bankrupt and the dodgy characters who made off with your assets are not willing to make things right using other funds, the old adage about “blood from a turnip” applies.
Of course, the rats should never have been allowed any bankruptcy protection in the first place.  The crimes they committed amount to malicious fraud and should have pierced the “corporate veil” like a knife and ended the bankruptcy proceedings instantly, but instead, the Supreme Court “sealed” the cases and has sat on the whole stinking pile of manure ever since.
The members of “Congress” and Billy Boy Clinton sat there in their posh offices laughing at the defrauded farmers and the millions upon millions of other honest hard-working American families they snookered— they still do.  They think that’s their job and their privilege, since we were so stupid as to vote for them and hand them our proxy as “representatives” instead of fiduciary deputies.
They can do what they like with no accountability at all— until the American People and the American Armed Forces finally wake to hell up.
But back to NESARA….. the only way  that NESARA will ever be passed is if the halls of Washington, DC, are scrubbed clean with bleach and a completely new Congress composed of lawfully elected and fully accountable fiduciary deputies votes for it.
There is no way that the currently composed Congress will or even can pass the NESARA legislation.
I hear you all scratching your heads and asking— “Wait a minute, Anna, you just said that the members of Congress are free to do whatever they like, including selling us down the drain? What do you mean now that they “can’t” pass NESARA?”
They can’t pass NESARA because that would cost the already insolvent UNITED STATES, Inc., even more than it owes already.  The only way they can pay their secondary creditors is by pretending that their Priority Creditors (you and I) either don’t exist or voluntarily “abandoned” our claims against them, plus, the members of Congress took their Oath to the United States— not the united States of America.
Look up the “Oath of Office” the members of Congress have taken.  They didn’t pledge their allegiance to you, their “presumed” constituents, nor to this country, either.  They pledged it to the IMF doing business as the “UNITED STATES”.
That’s why they can’t do anything like pass NESARA, even if they wanted to.
Real remedy requires a lot more than “hope and spin and wishful thinking”.  It requires insight and critical thought and meaningful action from all of you.  Just letting the members of “Congress” and the “United Nations” and the “Joint Chiefs” and everyone on your email list know these facts might be the single best thing you could ever do.

From the Pastor’s Corner -

I have been observing this phenomena for several years now since friends of ours introduced us to the currency exchange concept. Yes, we did buy some currency along others we knew then and now have been waiting for the day to exchange.

What I’ve seen is the character of the people both in the church setting and outside.   Also watching the efforts by all parties who claim to be involved with this transition phases to the exchange. Along the way, I was able to create a whole bunch of new friends who introduced me to more friends to the point I can speak with the individuals who actually either know what is going on or has some comment into it.

That is where this really starts to explain the process. One of my friends shared with me that this process would be a global scale tremendous task for a single group to handle. Just the concept of determining who is involved in the catch phrase Cabal, Khazarians, 4th Reich, Crown, Illuminati, etc. and taking them down to the point they are stopped is a huge task. Along that line also, was the identifying Corporate Governments like US is incorporated in France under the corporation name “UNITED STATES, INC”. To understand that the law for incorporation is controlled by the Vatican with Roman law, Canon Law and Holy See. It is to the point you just say, “Come on and stop this cloak and dagger maneuvering of not disclosing. “

So, it appears with international efforts, Russia - Putin, China – President & Elders, plus the White Hats, they have cabal types surrendering as of last week according to the scuttlebutt. While the financial world has moved to Basel III banking to ensure larger amounts of money stays in the bank and currencies used around the world becomes level playing field backed by assets.
So it is time to release the announcements and the funds; we have many folks who have died along the way, who have major sickness, who need major medical or operations and it seems no one is looking at humanity. Once again, for a planet such as ours to mature, even move onto the next level of evolution in development one must master the ability to love thy neighbor as thy self. Well, that just popped up, didn’t it! The Chinese refer to this as setting humanity free. All I see is procrastination at trying to finish this project instead of just doing it! If you are looking for perfection to finish this, it will never be because there are human beings involve, the best you can hope to achieve is excellence.

OK, as I see it for the last x number of weeks, the people of this planet keep hearing the same old rhetoric, it will happen this Sunday night, announcements will be broadcasted and money will be available Monday. Oh, no, it’s May Day now, we can’t work, usually May 1st. Some countries and banks recognize as a holiday. What most people do not understand this is the last day of Festival of Moloch which started April 19th with a blood sacrifice of royal blood, this year known as the singer Prince! So today, they will run around the May pole naked and run into the wood for sex to guarantee a fruitful harvest. Really, Satan worship again!

Once again, we appreciate all the efforts of those individuals, Countries, and organizations to get us to this point. What we do not want to hear or see is more delays. We want to see results, no more paperwork signed in quadruple copies but rather the updated currency released into the banks, the announcements that the people of united States of America are now out of slavery, we have restored the Republic to good standing, all the gold & silver we once had is returned to us, those that assumed they were in charge arrested and placed in jail, that debt forgiveness is for everyone, that exchange centers are open and people can make appointments to exchange, technology that was under National Security Act is released for people to build and deploy, that dependence on oil is gone and that free energy is now the way we operate our homes, and breakthrough technology in medical area is implemented to rid our planet of sickness and disease, that hunger is gone, the weather wars have stopped, the atmosphere is being cleaned along with the water and soil and don’t forget about companies that focus on polluting us in any way may it be food, etc. are shut down and those executives and operational personal are imprisoned for attempted murder and so on!

It’s time to end the stagnation of the man-made artificial scarcity model and move into the natural abundance model. This means action has to be taken and money flowing in the system creating the energy flow needed to move this world forward to positive endeavors. Instead we seem to be stuck in paralysis of analysis cycles. The best way for evil to prevail is for good men to stand by and do nothing. Simply put, get off your butts and finish today!

With love, an American Pastor



Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at 9:29 AM

Posted by benjamin
May 2, 2016

The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.”

Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure. We been told many times in the past that “Kisssinger is dead” only to have him appear in public shortly after we published the information. So, Mr. Kissinger, if you are still alive, please appear somewhere in public to be photographed and filmed. If he really is dead though, this would be a huge breakthrough because Kissinger has been the man behind the 60-year Khazarian mafia hijack of funds meant to be used for the benefit of this planet.

This could also be why veteran career CIA and State Department officials are now handling the gold negotiations with the Dragon family in Asia, WDS sources say. The gold is already available so, the delay comes from the people controlling the dollar printing (or inputting) facility. There are multiple meetings going on about this issue, especially in Washington DC, and these in turn are connected with the talk about having the Pope resign and Kissinger removed from the scene. More meetings on this issue continue this week.

In any case, if you look at the following links you can see very clearly that, as far as the real world is concerned, Khazarian mafia control of the economy is finished. The first is a map showing in red the countries enrolled in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. You can see that apart from African nations and the Americas minus Brazil, most of the world is already on board.

The next link shows these countries in terms of purchasing power parity (real) GDP. Again you can see the AIIB countries are overwhelmingly large in the map. The US looks huge too but, people who know the real world know that US GDP is exaggerated by about 50% through financial fluff (numbers in bank computers not connected to reality) and fake statistics so, you need to imagine it half that size.

The final link shows countries that have China as their number one trading partner versus those that have the US as their number one trading partner. Again you can see China has more than double the US in influence on the real world of trade.

What this means is that if the AIIB countries decide to stop accepting the US dollar, then it is game over for the Khazarian cabal in the US.

There will be an Asian Secret Society and WDS meeting this week where

this will be a major topic of discussion. The WDS will propose issuing an ultimatum to the dollar controllers to either accept the future planning agency and gold deal or else be hit with financial Armageddon. Of course, in order to prevent world war 3, the US armed forces and agencies will continue to be financed in such an event. However, they will be asked to clean out the criminal filth infesting Washington DC and New York.

In fact, Pentagon sources tell us that the White House was under lock-down April 26 and 27th “as special forces led by [General Joseph] Dunford entered via tunnel to demand resignations.” We can confirm there was a lockdown of the White House those days, officially because of a “fence jumper,” but President Barack Obama has been in public since that time so we are not quite what resignations were demanded. Since Obama is just a house slave, this possibly this ties into the Kissinger information above. Time will tell.

In any case, there are signs financial Armageddon is coming anyway. On May 2nd (today) the US de facto state of Puerto Rico is about to default on a bond payment, which will trigger a systemic breakdown if it is allowed to happen. No doubt there will be some last minute kick the can down the road maneuvers on this. However, Atlantic City is lined up to be the next to default. After that will come others until the dyke can no longer be plugged.

As detailed in previous newsletters, most of the big US and European banks are already zombies, supported by nothing other than cooked books or illusions called “derivatives” that exist only inside bank supercomputers The fact that Goldman Sachs has started up a retail bank with minimum deposits of one dollar shows how desperate they are to get real money, Pentagon officials say. The Federal Reserve Board owners are still also trying to organize a bail-in which is a polite way to say steal depositor’s money. That is what three former Fed chiefs, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke discussed with current chief Janet Yellen, Vice President Joe Biden and President Obama at a recent meeting at the Rockefeller center, according to several sources.

This is not going to be allowed to happen. The gnostic illuminati’s Romanov says that “if we have to kill 6000 people to stop it, then that is what we will do.”

It also appears the Khazarians have already stolen whatever they could from Saudi Arabia. That is why workers from the Saudi Binladen construction company torched buses last week in frustration over not being paid wages for over 6 months.

There has also been a 90% drop in the number of foreign mercenaries working for ISIS for the same reason, lack of pay.

With little left to loot from Saudi Arabia, the Khazarians are now desperately trying to take over Brazil “not just to control oil and minerals, but also the vast freshwaters of the Amazon and the Guarani aquifer,” Pentagon sources say. The Bush family and their Fascist Korean Moonie friends (UN Chief Ban Ki Moon is one) bought their big ranches in Paraguay because they lie on top of this aquifer. This is one of the best places in the world to develop new agricultural land.

US Vice President Biden last week tried and failed to convince Pope Francis to stop backing beleaguered Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Instead, the Pope helped organize massive May day protests in support of her. Perhaps that is why suddenly two separate sources contacted this writer last week with information about Pope Francis’ alleged involvement in Argentina’s dirty war.

It looks very much like the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia wants flee back to their old South American haunts before too many Americans wake up to the crimes they have committed against the United States. It is already too late for ring leaders like the Bush/Clinton crime family to flee. They will have to face justice.

Another sign things are not going well for the Nazi faction is that Gerhard Schindler, the head of Germany’s BND foreign intelligence agency, was fired last week “because he lost control of the Panama Papers,” CIA sources say. The law firm at the heart of the Panama Papers, Mossack Fonseca, was a BND asset, the sources say.

If this is true then the next big Panama Papers data dump may expose many senior Germans as well as the Bush clan. Perhaps even the general public will finally be told that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter. This exposure by the Americans may be one reason why the Germans are looking East to Russia and away from the US.

The other people looking to the Russians now are the ASEAN countries who have begun military cooperation with Russia as a hedge against China and insurance in case the impending US bankruptcy creates a power vacuum in the region that would be filled only by China, CIA sources in Asia say.

The upcoming United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling on a territorial dispute between China and the Philippines is expected to rule against China because China does not recognize the court’s jurisdiction, several sources agree. In that case, the US military will use International Law as a pretext to seek cooperation with ASEAN and Russia to contain China. The only problem with this US stance, Chinese government sources point out, is that the US itself also does not recognize the tribunal. Nonetheless, a court ruling would give the US military a face saving and honorable pretext to justify its pivot to Asia.

Yet another group seeking Russian protection are the Japanese. That is because the regime put in place here after World War 2 is entirely reliant on the US. If the US goes bankrupt, that regime, mostly run by North Korean proxies, will be quickly overthrown by the native Japanese, sources at the Three Legged Crow secret society say. They point out that the current Emperor is not the real son of the Emperor Hirohito because Hirohito did not want to have his real son fall into the hands of the Americans. The real son is now head of the Japanese underground opposition, the sources noted.

This is why the current Japanese government is trying to include Russia in the G7 meeting in Mie Prefecture later this month (not in April as previously reported in this newsletter). However, the Russians correctly view Abe and his regime to be Rockefeller and Rothschild slaves and are unlikely to support them, Russian sources say. “The G7 people about to gather in Mie are terrified,” illuminati “grandmaster Romanov” says. Romanov noted the illuminati still have one stolen Kursk nuclear weapon and will soon decide how to use it.

ISIS’ Recruitment/Mobilization In America

ISIS’ Recruitment/Mobilization In America Is WORSE Than We’re Being Told

Guest Post by Bethany Blankley and Jeff Dunetz

In February 2008 Robert Mueller, then the FBI director gave testimony to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence  which contained a warning:
“Over time, the greatest threat to the U.S. homeland came to be posed not so much by groups operating overseas (although a number of plots conceived by al Qaeda and its affiliates have been thwarted over the last decade), but from “self-radicalized, homegrown extremists in the United States.”
George Washington University’s Program on Extremism produced a report that outlined the threat Mueller warned about. Called ISIS In America, From Retweets to Raqqa the report details information about ISIS suspects
that should make all Americans worried. ISIS represents a much larger danger to our collective well-being than we are being told about by this Administration.

According to the research the contacts generally begin with social media, but they expand:
ISIS-related radicalization is by no means limited to social media. While instances of purely web-driven, individual radicalization are numerous, in several cases U.S.-based individuals initially cultivated and later strengthened their interest in ISIS’s narrative through face-to-face relationships. In most cases online and offline dynamics complement one another. The spectrum of U.S.-based sympathizers’ actual involvement with ISIS varies significantly, ranging from those who are merely inspired by its message to those few who reached mid-level leadership positions within the group.
According to the report, as of Fall, 2015, there were roughly 250 Americans who were documented to have traveled or attempted to travel to Syria/Iraq to join the terrorist army, and there are currently 900 active investigations against ISIS sympathizers in all 50 states.
Since March, 2014:
  • 71 people have been charged for ISIS-related activities
  • 56 were arrested in 2015 alone– a record number of terrorism-related arrests for any year since 9/11.
  • The majority charged are male (86 percent) and 26 years old.
  • They were caught in 21 states, in which:
    • 51 percent traveled or attempted to travel abroad,
    • 27 percent were involved in plots to carry out attacks on U.S. soil,
    • 55 percent were arrested in an operation involving an informant and/or an undercover agent.
According to the Institute of War, ISIS’s plan for the U.S. is to attack and polarize.


To create this report, GW’s Program on Extremism researchers reviewed more than 7,000 pages of legal documents detailing ISIS-related legal proceedings. These included “criminal complaints, indictments, affidavits, and courtroom transcripts. Supplemented by original research and interviews with prosecutors, reporters, and, in some select cases, families of the charged individuals, the Program developed a snapshot of the 84 individuals who have been charged for various ISIS-related activities.”
The GW report has two elements:
The first examines all cases of U.S. persons arrested, indicted, or convicted in the United States for ISIS-related activities. A wide array of legal documents related to these cases provides empirical evidence for identifying several demographic factors related to the arrested individuals. This section also looks at the cases of other Americans who, while not in the legal system, are known to have engaged in ISIS-inspired behavior.
The second part of the report examines various aspects of the ISIS-related mobilization in America. Here the report analyzes the individual motivations of ISIS supporters; the role of the Internet and, in particular, social media, in their radicalization and recruitment processes; whether their radicalization took place in isolation or with other, like-minded individuals; and the degree of their tangible links to ISIS.  It concludes with recommendations to combat ISIS recruitment.
The researchers uncovered that American ISIS supporters are not homogenous. They represent a range of ethnicity, socio-economic and educational backgrounds.

The Program on extremism identified roughly 300 American and/or U.S.-based ISIS sympathizers who are active on social media, spread propaganda, and interact with like-minded peers. As the report indicates the “online echo chamber eventually make the leap from keyboard warriors to actual militancy.”

ISIS sympathizers in America primarily use Twitter. The program identified user accounts that generate primary content, retweet material, or promote newly created accounts of suspended users. The range of U.S.-based sympathizers who are involved with or promoting ISIS varies from those who are inspired by ISIS’s message to those become leaders of social media groups.

This report reveals the extent to which Obama and others have allowed a steady infiltration of Islamists into the country, and how that infiltration has become a clear and present danger. Radical Islamism in this country has become a national emergency that is largely unreported and ignored.

This post was originally seen at Constitution.com
The full report is embedded below.
