Friday, May 13, 2016

ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; Leaves Note Revealing Gov't Plans to Round-up

ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; Leaves Note Revealing Gov't Plans to Round-up & DISARM Americans During Economic & Bank Collapse

UPDATED TWICE: May 10  and May 12 (Bottom) After writing a lengthy suicide note exposing terrifying plans the government has for American citizens, a US Customs Agent walked onto a pier in NYC and blew his brains out.
Sources inside the New York City Police Department have revealed to SuperStation95, the contents of a suicide note found on the body and they are utterly frightening.
The note, which says it was written over the course of a full week in advance, outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself:
"The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government.  Our Constitution has become meaningless and our laws politicized so badly, they are no longer enforced except for political purposes" the note said.  "Our elected officials are, to a person, utterly corrupt and completely devoid of any love or respect for the country which pays them.  To them, everything is about getting and keeping power, and making illicit money from backroom deals."
The 42-year-old U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer shot himself with a 40 caliber service pistol inside Pier 40 in Hudson River Park at around 11 am. (1)
A source at the scene described how the officer calmly walked into the park, took out his  pistol and shot himself in the head.
A ICE federal agent fatally shot himself in the head at waterfront Chelsea park (pictured) in New York Friday
A ICE federal agent fatally shot himself in the head at waterfront Chelsea park (pictured) in New York Friday

ICE released a statement Friday afternoon: 'Tragically, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officer from the New York field office suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and has passed away.'
It added: 'The agency is not releasing further details pending notification of the officer's next of kin.
According to the suicide note, the Officer said:
"I was hired to enforce the law; to capture and deport people who come to this country against our laws.  But now, if I dare to do that, I face being suspended or fired because our President refuses to faithfully execute the duties of his office.  Instead, I come to work each day, and collect a paycheck twice a month, for intentionally doing little to nothing.  I cannot and will not be party to this fraud; to this usurpation of the law, or to the despicable politicians betraying our nation"  the note continued.
ICE's Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the matter and coordinating with the New York Police Department on the investigation.
The agent worked at a field office in lower Manhattan, just blocks away from the scene of the shooting. 


In the suicide note, the officer revealed what he claimed are terrifying plans the feds have been finalizing:
"If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it. If I or anyone else in the federal government revealed what is coming, we would be killed anyway, so now I will reveal what I know.
We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures. The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for "practice" and to "get used to it."
We have been told that the economy is terminally ill and will fail in 2016. We are also told the banks are all insolvent and the FDIC doesn't have nearly enough funds to bail out depositors.  We are told these events are unavoidable and it is imperative that the government survive when people rise-up over this.
When the collapse takes place,  detention camps created under the FEMA REX-84 program in the 1980's to house illegal aliens whom we were going to deport, will instead be used to imprison American Citizens whom the government feels constitute a "threat."  American citizens will be rounded-up without warrants and imprisoned without trial for God knows how long.
These camps have been equipped to carry out Hitler-scale killings! An actual "purge" of Americans citizens by the very government which they, themselves, created and pay for!  I cannot be party to this."

The  Note goes on to say talk about state-level national guard being disarmed by the feds (4) and over 1 Billion rounds of ammunition purchased by the feds (5)   and the Military over-deployed and being shrunk(6) :

"The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas, intentionally involved in foreign fights, and deliberately shrunk in size so they cannot be here or help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities.  This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war" the note says. 
"When the inevitable collapse begins to take place, electric power to the entire country will be shut off, as will all forms of communication. All banks will be immediately closed; no one will be able to get any money because all ATM's will be offline. Credit, Debit and EBT cards will not function.  Anyone without cash will have no way to get any.  The Emergency Alert System will be used to takeover all broadcast stations and tell the public this is a result of a cyber attack.  
But while the American people patiently await things to get back to normal, the government will unleash round-ups of citizens they deem militants or dangerous.  With all civilian communications out, and all TV and radio stations taken over by the Emergency Alert System, by the time word spreads of what is taking place, the government will already have the upper hand.

Federal Prisoners to be GASSED TO DEATH

The note goes into a wide array of very specific plans and does so in extremely specific detail about what the feds are allegedly planning.  For instance, it talks about federal prisons:
"Every federal prison has been outfitted with lethal gas systems.  When things go bad, all prisoners in all prisons will be placed in their cells on lock-down.  Prison staff will depart the facility, and a certain designated person will trigger a lethal gas system.  All federal prisoners, regardless of their crime or their sentence, will be gassed to death in their cells. Once the gas clears, the dead will be removed and the prisons will then be used to house citizens who fight against the federal onslaught."


The note makes mention about Priests, Rabbis and Clerics from various religious denominations having been recruited and trained to quell resistance:
"So intent is the government to succeed they have recruited priests, rabbis and clerics from various religions to quote appropriate Scriptures about "obeying government."  They are being trained to tell people not to fight back and that their best hope is to pray."


The suicide note goes to great lengths about Executive Order #13603 signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012.  The note details:
Executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”
This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy.  Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:
*  “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”
*  “All forms of energy”
*  “All forms of civil transportation”
*  “All usable water from all sources”
*  “Health resources –  drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”
Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)
Moreover, federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”

SuperStation95 took a look at this Executive Order from the Government Printing Office (GPO) web site and, sure enough, everything contained in the Officer's suicide note  about this Executive Order is true!
To be sure, much of this language has appeared in national security executive orders that previous presidents have issued periodically since the beginning of the Cold War.
But more than previous national security executive orders, Obama’s 13603 seems to describe a potentially totalitarian regime obsessed with control over everything.  Obama’s executive order makes no effort to justify the destruction of liberty, no effort to explain how amassing totalitarian control would enable government to deal effectively with cyber sabotage, suicide bombings, chemical warfare, nuclear missiles or other possible threats.
There’s nothing in executive order 13603 about upholding the Constitution or protecting civil liberties.
In what circumstances, one might ask, would a president try to carry out this audacious plan?
Executive order 13603 says with ominous ambiguity: during “the full spectrum of emergencies.”


The suicide note touches on the subject of "Preppers:"
"We in federal law enforcement have also been told that the government has a full database of all so-called "Preppers." Those people will be dealt with first -- by armed federal agents coming to take their guns, then their food stocks, so food can be re-distributed as the government sees fit."

If the dead Officer's claims about an unavoidable economic and banking collapse are true, would it then follow that the Executive Order put in place by Obama, might be activated?  Would all of us find ourselves in forced labor, while the government takes OUR food and re-distrubutes it under the Executive Order's paragraph about "allocating resources?"  This is terrifying stuff!
There is much more to the suicide note and SuperStation95 is considering how much more to publish.  As such, this is a developing story and readers should check back for further updates.


It is not our intent to cause panic or alarm and while we expect readers to be intelligent enough to discern this on their own, we feel compelled to point out that these could simply be paranoid ramblings of an insane person who killed himself.  
On the other hand, these could also be revelations by a person who was so distraught over the ugly truth, that he killed himself.  We at SuperStation95 just don't know.
We urge everyone to stay calm, think rationally, and decide whether or not to take any action to prepare, in case this person's suicide note is telling the truth.


(1) ICE Agent Suicide in NYC:   NY Daily News
(2) Taken to Lenox Hill Hospital   NY Post
(3) REX-84 FEMA CAMPS   Wikipedia
(4) National Guard being stripped of Crew-Serviceable Weapons and communications gear - Republic Broadcasting, John Stadmiller
(5)  Dept. of Homeland Security Orders 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition   Forbes Magazine
(6)  US Army over-deployed and intentionally shrunk  ARMY TIMES
(7)  Clergy Recruited by Gov't to quell opposition   KSLA-TV Channel 12 
(8) Executive Order 13603   White House      US Government Printing Office

 UPDATE - MAY 10, 2016  10:00 PM EDT--

The web site has issued a declaration that our story is some sort of hoax, that we are somehow NOT a radio station and attributed the story - and this web site - to a former FBI National Security Intelligence Asset named Hal Turner, whom she smears as a "White Supremacist." 
This is not the first time has made accusations against us simply because we have been the exclusive source of politically-incorrect news.  And while we stand-by our stories in every regard, this barrage of attacks by is becoming libelous.

We address the accusations one at a time:
1) No aspect of our story above is a hoax.  What seems to take issue with is the existence and content of a suicide note which was revealed to us by the NYPD.  The  person from NYPD who gave us this information did so after trying to get two other New York Media outlets, (one TV, the other a newspaper) to publish the story and was rebuked within minutes by media contacts who said "we won't touch this with a ten foot pole." The fact that the NYPD now claims "no note was found" does not surprise us at all; NYPD has very close ties with the feds and the feds have an intense interest in concealing or discrediting the information it contained.
2) According to the FCC Licensing Bureau, 95.1 FM in New York City is the HD-4 frequency for WNSH 94.7 FM as licensed  by the FCC as shown HERE
3) Our story was written by our News Room staff, not anyone named Hal Turner.
4) Mr. Turner was formerly a paying customer of this radio station from October 7, 2015 thru March 30, 2016.  He bought air time from us to air his personal radio show "The Hal Turner Show." Finances caused Mr. Turner to cancel his programming on our radio station and continue his show on WBCQ International Shortwave, where he is on the air live from 9-11 PM every Wednesday evening.  Mr. Turner's web site is: . He is welcome to return to our airwaves if his finances improve.
5) claims Mr. Turner is a "white supremacist."  In reality Mr. Turner worked for the FBI from 1993 - 2008, with his TOD as the Joint Terrorism Task Force from 2003-2008.  His job was to infiltrate white supremacist groups to thwart violent criminal acts by such persons.  This information came out when the Obama Administration betrayed Mr. Turner in 2009 and arrested him for writing in 2009, what the government PAID HIM $3,000 TO SAY on DATELINE NBC and FOX NEWS CHANNEL just four years earlier in 2005!  After three trials (two hung juries) Mr. Turner was Bankrupted by legal fees, was appointed a public defender, who threw the case, resulting in Mr. Turner's conviction.  For to smear Mr. Turner as a "White Supremacist" when federal court records show the exact opposite, is a prime example of the utterly shoddy research and reporting provided by
The criticism and outright falsehoods about this story, and others, have been written mostly by:
Ms. Kim A Lacapria, Age 37 (born Mar 20, 1979)
39 Cockonoe AVE
Babylon, NY 11702-1901
Those of you who are offended by this type of journalistic misconduct, may wish to contact Ms. LaCapria in a peaceful, lawful, non-threatening and non-violent manner to complain about her shoddy journalism. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THIS IGNORANT PERSON and PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE do not make any threats or commit any intimidation.  None of us need that and it will only result in serious legal trouble.
Ms. La Capria can be reached at:   Tel.  (516) 422-7943    
                                                      (516) 422-7494
and/or                                             (631) 691-3415
If you prefer e-mail, you may contact Ms. LaCapria at   or
 You may be interested in knowing that at some point - and perhaps to this day -- Ms. LaCapria was employed by FACEBOOK with a contact telephone number (in the past) of: (650) 308-7300
In closing, we at SuperStation95 work very hard to get real news that the public can make use of.  We do not filter our news based upon political correctness.  We stand-by this story and all the stories we write and hope that you, the reader, can hear the "ring of truth" in our reporting, as we continue to uncover exclusive information and report the facts.  To that end, we have now "exposed" the journalistic writing of Ms. Kim LaCapria as "FALSE" and hope that Snopes enjoys a dose of its own medicine.
Ms. LaCapria and others at SNOPES, put themselves out in the public domain and hurl criticism and accusations at us and many other fine people.  Since they put themselves out in the public domain, they are public figures who can be publicly criticized.  Our goal with this update is to achieve that.  Anyone else at SNOPES who performs similar acts against us can expect the same treatment.

 UPDATE - MAY 12, 2016  1:16 AM EDT--

Despite our clear rebuttal above, yet another "Journalist" chose to attack us and this story, repeating the misstatements by and adding some new outright falsehoods of their own!
In a article entitled "Right Wing Loon turns agents suicide into Conspiracy Hoax" writer Travis J. Gettys claims this story is a hoax that "essentially recycles last year’s “Jade Helm 15” conspiracy theory . . " and goes on to claim that:
  1. SuperStation95 ". . . is neither a radio station nor a news site, . . ."
  2. [This] website [is]" linked to white supremacist — and former Fox News regular — Hal Turner"
  3. "Superstation95 is linked to neo-Nazi Hal Turner, who frequently appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program"
  4. "begging Americans to “rise up” and overthrow the U.S. government before it’s too late."

With regard to item #1 above,  shown in our Rebuttal to the original hit-piece, the FCC Licensing Bureau shows the licensing of 95.1 FM and is linked above.
As to item #2, we made clear in our rebuttal to that Mr. Turner was merely a paying broadcaster who ended his 6 month relationship with SuperStation95 on March 31.  He does not own, operate or contribute to the content of this web site.  Moreover, repeats the same false, misleading and defamatory claims that Turner was/is a "white supremacist" when in fact, as shown above, Turner was with the FBI from 1993 thru 2008 and in his final 5 years, was with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) to infiltrate white supremacist groups to thwart acts of violence!    All this is proved by federal court records, yet Travis Gettys from Raw Story went ahead and ignored these facts nonetheless.
Speaking of court records, both and mention that the contact attorney for this website "is the same as Turner's criminal defense attorney."  We wonder if it ever occurred to or to RAWSTORY that, as a media outlet, SuperStation95 was mortified that Turner was arrested and imprisoned for an editorial and, when he was wrongly convicted, that it was us who suggested Turner seek out OUR law firm because we knew they would help?  
SCHLAM, STONE & DOLAN is a very large law firm, with dozens of attorneys.  The firm occupies three floors at 26 Broadway in New York City, the old "Standard Oil Building" in the heart of the financial district. They usually handle commercial litigation but took Turner's case because it was a dire affront to the rule of law and a direct attack by government upon freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Even worse, RAWSTORY's writer, Travis Gettys went on to say, in item #3 above that Turner is a "neo-Nazi" then utterly fabricated a claim that Turner "frequently appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox New program."   This proved to be a flat-out falsehood.
One of the Editors here at SuperStation95, Christian Rivera, telephoned Hal Turner to inform him of these two "articles" and ask for Turner's response.  
"Never once, in my entire life, did I ever appear on Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel program" said Turner.  
In fact, the only appearance Turner ever made on Fox News Channel was on the program "At Large with Geraldo Rivera" and when he appeared on that program, Turner did so with the direct approval of the FBI JTTF because it was part of an effort to uncover who murdered the family of federal Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow in Chicago, which had taken place just days before!
Video of Turner's appearance on FOX NEWS CHANNEL is available on Youtube from various uploaders such as this one:
"Folks who view the Youtube video need to understand that at the time, I was operating under deep cover for the national security of this country, in an active Murder investigation. What they are seeing is an intelligence operation by and for the FBI and the federal government" Turner said.  "All of this came out in federal court in 2009 and 2010, where that video was actually played for one of the three juries! For RAWSTORY to use my work with the FBI against me, is disgraceful" he went on.
With respect to Item #4, wherein RAWSTORY writer Travis Gettys claimed our story suggested the dead Agent's note was ". . ."begging Americans to “rise up” and overthrow the U.S. government before it’s too late." you need only scroll up to see it said nothing of the sort! The third Block Quote from the Agent's suicide note reports his note as saying "If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it."
Nowhere did the Agent -- or our story -- "beg the American people to rise up and overthrow the government before it's too late."  It simply isn't there, and for Travis Gettys to assert otherwise shows he's either lacking in reading comprehension, a retard, or a despicable twisted manipulator of the facts.  This is the beyond shoddy journalism on the part of Travis Gettys, in our view it is outright journalistic fraud.
If this is the type of half-assed reporting that routinely appears in articles, then they just shot their credibility straight to hell.  Knowing what our article actually said, and comparing it to what RAWSTORY reported, how can any rational person believe anything RAWSTORY ever publishes?  They appear to make things up as they go along.
The outright falsehoods about this story, appearing in were written by:
Travis J Gettys   Age 43 (born Feb 25, 1973)
Those of you who are offended by this type of journalistic misconduct, may wish to contact Mr. Gettys in a peaceful, lawful, non-threatening and non-violent manner to complain about his shoddy journalism.
Mr. Gettys can be reached at Phone Number  (859) 581-6713
If you prefer, you may elect to write to Mr. Gettys at his home located just outside Cincinnati at:
710 Maple AVE
Newport, KY 41071-2044
PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THIS IGNORANT PERSON and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not make any threats, commit any intimidation or break any law at all.  None of us need that and it will only result in serious legal trouble.
You may be interested in knowing that at some point - and perhaps to this day -- Mr. Gettys was employed by The Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper.  If he is still employed there, we would urge the newspaper to make a very serious review of any news stories written by this person since his ability to check facts and accurately report do not seem to exist!
In closing, we at SuperStation95 work very hard to get real news that the public can make use of.  We do not filter our news based upon political correctness. The fact that went to great lengths to attack us, and now a radical left-wing cesspool like has chosen to do the same, calls to mind the saying "Thou doth protest too much."
This seems like an awful lot of media exposure and effort to unleash if, as these outlets claim, our facts are wrong.  Why such a strenuous response to something which is allegedly incorrect?  Perhaps, as you may be starting to see, our story IS correct.  The powers-that-be know it . . .  and they're now pulling out all the stops to cover it up.
Sorry folks, the cat's out of the bag and nothing you folks in government - or your henchmen in the mass-media - can do, will cover this up.
We stand-by this story and all the stories we write and hope that you, the reader, can hear the "ring of truth" in our reporting, as we continue to uncover exclusive information and report the facts.  To that end, we have now "exposed" the journalistic writing of Mr Travis J. Gettys as "FALSE" and hope that RAWSTORY enjoys a dose of its own medicine.
Mr. Gettys and others at, put themselves out in the public domain and hurl criticism and accusations at us and many other fine people.  Since they put themselves out in the public domain, they are public figures who can be publicly criticized.  Our goal with this update is to achieve that.  Anyone else at RAWSTORY who performs similar acts against us can expect the same treatment.
Since this story has become dated, we have decided to incorporate our and rebuttals seen above, into a new story for publication later today, May 12.  The politically-correct left wing is clearly on the warpath that certain government plans seem to have been exposed.  It thus seems best to bring this issue to the fore rather than let it go quietly into the night. The more they try to cover this up or discredit it, the more we will cover it.

New England’s hidden history - The Boston Globe


New England’s hidden history


More than we like to think, the North was built on slavery.

(Brian Stauffer for The Boston Globe)
September 26, 2010
In the year 1755, a black slave named Mark Codman plotted to kill his abusive master. A God-fearing man, Codman had resolved to use poison, reasoning that if he could kill without shedding blood, it would be no sin. Arsenic in hand, he and two female slaves poisoned the tea and porridge of John Codman repeatedly. The plan worked — but like so many stories of slave rebellion, this one ended in brutal death for the slaves as well. After a trial by jury, Mark Codman was hanged, tarred, and then suspended in a metal gibbet on the main road to town, where his body remained for more than 20 years.
It sounds like a classic account of Southern slavery. But Codman’s body didn’t hang in Savannah, Ga.; it hung in present-day Somerville, Mass. And the reason we know just how long Mark the slave was left on view is that Paul Revere passed it on his midnight ride. In a fleeting mention from Revere’s account, the horseman described galloping past “Charlestown Neck, and got nearly opposite where Mark was hung in chains.”
When it comes to slavery, the story that New England has long told itself goes like this: Slavery happened in the South, and it ended thanks to the North. Maybe
we had a little slavery, early on. But it wasn’t real slavery. We never had many slaves, and the ones we did have were practically family. We let them marry, we taught them to read, and soon enough, we freed them. New England is the home of abolitionists and underground railroads. In the story of slavery — and by extension, the story of race and racism in modern-day America — we’re the heroes. Aren’t we?
As the nation prepares to mark the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War in 2011, with commemorations that reinforce the North/South divide, researchers are offering uncomfortable answers to that question, unearthing more and more of the hidden stories of New England slavery — its brutality, its staying power, and its silent presence in the very places that have become synonymous with freedom. With the markers of slavery forgotten even as they lurk beneath our feet — from graveyards to historic homes, from Lexington and Concord to the halls of Harvard University — historians say it is time to radically rewrite America’s slavery story to include its buried history in New England.
“The story of slavery in New England is like a landscape that you learn to see,” said Anne Farrow, who co-wrote “Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited From Slavery” and who is researching a new book about slavery and memory. “Once you begin to see these great seaports and these great historic houses, everywhere you look, you can follow it back to the agricultural trade of the West Indies, to the trade of bodies in Africa, to the unpaid labor of black people.”
It was the 1991 discovery of an African burial ground in New York City that first revived the study of Northern slavery. Since then, fueled by educators, preservationists, and others, momentum has been building to recognize histories hidden in plain sight. Last year, Connecticut became the first New England state to formally apologize for slavery. In classrooms across the country, popularity has soared for educational programs on New England slavery designed at Brown University. In February, Emory University will hold a major conference on the role slavery’s profits played in establishing American colleges and universities, including in New England. And in Brookline, Mass., a program called Hidden Brookline is designing a virtual walking tour to illuminate its little-known slavery history: At one time, nearly half the town’s land was held by slave owners.
“What people need to understand is that, here in the North, while there were not the large plantations of the South or the Caribbean islands, there were families who owned slaves,” said Stephen Bressler, director of Brookline’s Human Relations-Youth Resources Commission. “There were businesses actively involved in the slave trade, either directly in the importation or selling of slaves on our shores, or in the shipbuilding, insurance, manufacturing of shackles, processing of sugar into rum, and so on. Slavery was a major stimulus to the Northern economy.”
Turning over the stones to find those histories isn’t just a matter of correcting the record, he and others say. It’s crucial to our understanding of the New England we live in now.
“The absolute amnesia about slavery here on the one hand, and the gradualness of slavery ending on the other, work together to make race a very distinctive thing in New England,” said Joanne Pope Melish, who teaches history at the University of Kentucky and wrote the book “Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and ‘Race’ in New England, 1780-1860.” “If you have obliterated the historical memory of actual slavery — because we’re the free states, right? — that makes it possible to turn around and look at a population that is disproportionately poor and say, it must be their own inferiority. That is where New England’s particular brand of racism comes from.”
Dismantling the myths of slavery doesn’t mean ignoring New England’s role in ending it. In the 1830s and ’40s, an entire network of white Connecticut abolitionists emerged to house, feed, clothe, and aid in the legal defense of Africans from the slave ship Amistad, a legendary case that went all the way to the US Supreme Court and helped mobilize the fight against slavery. Perhaps nowhere were abolition leaders more diehard than in Massachusetts: Pacifist William Lloyd Garrison and writer Henry David Thoreau were engines of the antislavery movement. Thoreau famously refused to pay his taxes in protest of slavery, part of a philosophy of civil disobedience that would later influence Martin Luther King Jr. But Thoreau was tame compared to Garrison, a flame-thrower known for shocking audiences. Founder of the New England Anti-Slavery Society and the newspaper The Liberator, Garrison once burned a copy of the US Constitution at a July Fourth rally, calling it “a covenant with death.” His cry for total, immediate emancipation made him a target of death threats and kept the slavery question at a perpetual boil, fueling the moral argument that, in time, would come to frame the Civil War.
But to focus on crusaders like Garrison is to ignore ugly truths about how unwillingly New England as a whole turned the page on slavery. Across the region, scholars have found, slavery here died a painfully gradual death, with emancipation laws and judicial rulings that either were unclear, poorly enforced, or written with provisions that kept slaves and the children born to them in bondage for years.
Meanwhile, whites who had trained slaves to do skilled work refused to hire the same blacks who were now free, driving an emerging class of skilled workers back to the lowest rungs of unskilled labor. Many whites, driven by reward money and racial hatred, continued to capture and return runaway Southern slaves; some even sent free New England blacks south, knowing no questions about identity would be asked at the other end. And as surely as there was abolition, there was “bobalition” — the mocking name given to graphic, racist broadsides printed through the 1830s, ridiculing free blacks with characters like Cezar Blubberlip and Mungo Mufflechops. Plastered around Boston, the posters had a subtext that seemed to boil down to this: Who do these people think they are? Citizens?
“Is Garrison important? Yes. Is it dangerous to be an abolitionist at that time? Absolutely,” said Melish. “What is conveniently forgotten is the number of people making a living snagging free black people in a dark alley and shipping them south.”
Growing up in Lincoln, Mass., historian Elise Lemire vividly remembers learning of the horrors of a slaveocracy far, far away. “You knew, for example, that families were split up, that people were broken psychologically and kept compliant by the fear of your husband or wife being sold away, or your children being sold away,” said Lemire, author of the 2009 book “Black Walden,” who became fascinated with former slaves banished to squatter communities in Walden Woods.
As she peeled back the layers, Lemire discovered a history rarely seen by the generations of tourists and schoolchildren who have learned to see Concord as a hotbed of antislavery activism. “Slaves [here] were split up in the same way,” she said. “You didn’t have any rights over your children. Slave children were given away all the time, sometimes when they were very young.”
In Lemire’s Concord, slave owners once filled half of town government seats, and in one episode town residents rose up to chase down a runaway slave. Some women remained enslaved into the 1820s, more than 30 years after census figures recorded no existing slaves in Massachusetts. According to one account, a former slave named Brister Freeman, for whom Brister’s Hill in Walden Woods is named, was locked inside a slaughterhouse shed with an enraged bull as his white tormentors laughed outside the door. And in Concord, Lemire argues, black families were not so much liberated as they were abandoned to their freedom, released by masters increasingly fearful their slaves would side with the British enemy. With freedom, she said, came immediate poverty: Blacks were forced to squat on small plots of the town’s least arable land, and eventually pushed out of Concord altogether — a precursor to the geographic segregation that continues to divide black and white in New England.
“This may be the birthplace of a certain kind of liberty,” Lemire said, “but Concord was a slave town. That’s what it was.”
If Concord was a slave town, historians say, Connecticut was a slave state. It didn’t abolish slavery until 1848, a little more than a decade before the Civil War. (A judge’s ruling ended legal slavery in Massachusetts in 1783, though the date is still hotly debated by historians.) It’s a history Connecticut author and former Hartford Courant journalist Anne Farrow knew nothing about — until she got drawn into an assignment to find the untold story of one local slave.
Once she started pulling the thread, Farrow said, countless histories unfurled: accounts of thousand-acre slave plantations and a livestock industry that bred the horses that turned the giant turnstiles of West Indian sugar mills. Each discovery punctured another slavery myth. “A mentor of mine has said New England really democratized slavery,” said Farrow. “Where in the South a few people owned so many slaves, here in the North, many people owned a few. There was a widespread ownership of black people.”
Perhaps no New England colony or state profited more from the unpaid labor of blacks than Rhode Island: Following the Revolution, scholars estimate, slave traders in the tiny Ocean State controlled between two-thirds and 90 percent of America’s trade in enslaved Africans. On the rolling farms of Narragansett, nearly one-third of the population was black — a proportion not much different from Southern plantations. In 2003, the push to reckon with that legacy hit a turning point when Brown University, led by its first African-American president, launched a highly controversial effort to account for its ties to Rhode Island’s slave trade. Today, that ongoing effort includes the CHOICES program, an education initiative whose curriculum on New England slavery is now taught in over 2,000 classrooms.
As Brown’s decision made national headlines, Katrina Browne, a Boston filmmaker, was on a more private journey through New England slavery, tracing her bloodlines back to her Rhode Island forebears, the DeWolf family. As it turned out, the DeWolfs were the biggest slave-trading family in the nation’s biggest slave-trading state. Browne’s journey, which she chronicled in the acclaimed documentary “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North,” led her to a trove of records of the family’s business at every point in slavery’s triangle trade. Interspersed among the canceled checks and ship logs, Browne said, she caught glimpses into everyday life under slavery, like the diary entry by an overseer in Cuba that began, “I hit my first Negro today for laughing at prayers.” Today, Browne runs the Tracing Center, a nonprofit to foster education about the North’s complicity in slavery.
“I recently picked up a middle school textbook at an independent school in Philadelphia, and it had sub-chapter headings for the Colonial period that said ‘New England,’ and then ‘The South and Slavery,’ ” said Browne, who has trained park rangers to talk about Northern complicity in tours of sites like Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell. “Since learning about my family and the whole North’s role in slavery, I now consider these things to be my problem in a way that I didn’t before.”
If New England’s amnesia has been pervasive, it has also been willful, argues C.S. Manegold, author of the new book “Ten Hills Farm: The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North.” That’s because many of slavery’s markers aren’t hidden or buried. In New England, one need look no further than a symbol that graces welcome mats, door knockers, bedposts, and all manner of household decor: the pineapple. That exotic fruit, said Manegold, is as intertwined with slavery as the Confederate flag: When New England ships came to port, captains would impale pineapples on a fence post, a sign to everyone that they were home and open for business, bearing the bounty of slave labor and sometimes slaves themselves.
“It’s a symbol everyone knows the benign version of — the happy story that pineapples signify hospitality and welcome,” said Manegold, whose book centers on five generations of slaveholders tied to one Colonial era estate, the Royall House and Slave Quarters in Medford, Mass., now a museum. The house features two carved pineapples at its gateposts.
By Manegold’s account, pineapples were just the beginning at this particular Massachusetts farm: Generation after generation, history at the Royall House collides with myths of freedom in New England — starting with one of the most mythical figures of all, John Winthrop. Author of the celebrated “City Upon a Hill” sermon and first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop not only owned slaves at Ten Hills Farm, but in 1641, he helped pass one of the first laws making chattel slavery legal in North America.
When the house passed to the Royalls, Manegold said, it entered a family line whose massive fortune came from slave plantations in Antigua. Members of the Royall family would eventually give land and money that helped establish Harvard Law School. To this day, the law school bears a seal borrowed from the Royall family crest, and for years the Royall Professorship of Law remained the school’s most prestigious faculty post, almost always occupied by the law school dean. It wasn’t until 2003 that an incoming dean — now Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan — quietly turned the title down.
Kagan didn’t publicly explain her decision. But her actions speak to something Manegold and others say could happen more broadly: not just inserting footnotes to New England heritage tours and history books, but truly recasting that heritage in all its painful complexity.
“In Concord,” Lemire said, “the Minutemen clashed with the British at the Old North Bridge within sight of a man enslaved in the local minister’s house. The fact that there was slavery in the town that helped birth American liberty doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the sacrifices made by the Minutemen. But it does mean New England has to catch up with the rest of the country, in much of which residents have already wrestled with their dual legacies of freedom and slavery.”
Francie Latour is an associate editor at Wellesley magazine and a former Globe reporter.
© Copyright 2010 Globe Newspaper Company.

BREAKING: House GOP announces IMPEACHMENT hearings…

Many of us were angry and stunned — though actually not totally surprised — when Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) announced there would be no charges against IRS official Lois Lerner for targeting Tea Party and conservative groups during both the 2010 and 2012 elections.
Instrumental in the obstruction of the investigative process was IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Remember this guy?
Well, this guy isn’t off the hook yet. Today, House Republicans announced they will hold impeachment hearings to investigate “misconduct by Koskinen — specifically, whether misled Congress and violated a subpoena.
impeachment hearings
Via Washington Times:
House Republicans on Friday announced hearings to investigate whether IRS Commissioner John Koskinen misled Congress and violated a subpoena, taking the first steps that could ultimately lead to his impeachment over the tax agency’s tea party targeting.
Impeachment is still very unlikely, particularly given the short amount of work days left in this Congress and in the Obama administration’s tenure overall.
But conservatives are intent on exploring Mr. Koskinen’s actions after the IRS was ordered to preserve and turn over documents related to targeting of tea party groups — and particularly emails from former senior executive Lois G. Lerner.
Mr. Koskinen’s accusers say he failed to comply with a congressional subpoena on those documents, and instead he allowed backup tapes of the emails to be destroyed.
He also said his agency was unable to find the backups of some of Mrs. Lerner’s emails — but the IRS’s own internal auditor was able to discover thousands of them with little effort. The internal auditor concluded that the agency erased 422 backup tapes that should have been protected by the subpoena.
The IRS did not have an immediate comment on the move to hold hearings.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte has scheduled two hearings, inviting members of the House Oversight Committee, which issued the initial subpoena and which has been pursuing Mr. Koskinen for years. And Mr. Goodlatte said he will invite Mr. Koskinen himself to testify.
“Our government is supposed to work for all Americans, not for a particular partisan agenda,” Mr. Goodlatte said in a statement announcing the hearings.
Though the IRS scandal has largely faded from the headlines, it is certainly not over. In addition to impeachment hearings for Mr. Koskinen, the agency is in court in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, where a panel of judges is trying to determine whether the tea party targeting is going on. It was this court who, just last month, dropped the following truth bomb:
“It’s hard to find the IRS to be an agency we can trust,” said Judge David B. Sentelle.
To those who say give it a rest already — this is old news — one might suggest they tell that to the groups still awaiting tax-exempt status after five years and those still being targeted with special monitoring.
And, hey Republicans, while you’re in the impeachment groove, you might want to take a look at that guy currently occupying the White House. Not even sure where to tell you to start…
[Note: This article was written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor]

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Ambassador Lee E Wanta 



AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia



New Link Audio Recordings with Backup Documentation - INCLUDING USA HIGH SPEED RAIL PROGRAMME FOR circa 2016

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta





Subject : New Link  Audio recording and backup documents

News Release                 Participants : DNI  and  Paula

Philippines Totten Doctrine Truman Doctrine 3.14.1986.6

United States Congress " A THANK YOU " 25 April 2016

Audio Clips
Participants: Former Tennessee Governor Donald Sundquist, Former North Dakota State Senator, Sheldon Songstad, Investigator Del Zimmerman, et al

White House Office of National Intelligence - DNI refuses to investigate ongoing criminal activities including Coup in the Philippines.


April 30,  2016
For Immediate Release:     
Attached below is a recording left by the White House Office of National Intelligence ( DNI ) by a person named Paula. The message was left as a recorded message this week  to AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

U.S. Congressional Representative Tim Murphy ( PA) also has ignored repeated high level information forwarded to his office by Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta. This new information released  should be carefully reviewed by Congress, the White House and Intelligence Agencies.   The  recorded message below clearly states the Office of National Intelligence ( DNI ) wants no information regarding this major Coup d' etat attempt in the Philippines and is not interested who was behind it and called the information " nonsense." This type of information when submitted to the White House and Congress should have started a U.S. Congressional enquiry - PURSUANT TO : - WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RONALD W REAGAN'S ( EXECUTIVE BRANCH) MANDATE ( TOTTEN DOCTRINE  92 U.S. 105, 107 ) and TRUMAN DOCTRINE; HAS PASSED ON PREVIOUSLY TO ALL MEMBERS OF OUR U.S. CONGRESS - WASHINGTON, DC.    

Contact : Communication Director :  Lon Gibby   1-800-200-1113
end/ksi536, kbf373


MUST SEE AmeriGEDDON MOVIE May 13th!! Hair raising and devastating t...

Michael Norris and his team went to great lengths to create "Amerigeddon" and until recently, faced an incredible amount of opposition by the movie industry, guided by the CIA (Operation Mockingbird) to subdue this movie into only a few back street theaters in a couple of towns. NEVERTHELESS, the movie" AmeriGEDDON" will be in theaters in most every major city starting tomorrow Friday May 13th 2016.
They first fought for a "Rating" and after much legal action, received an "R Rating" which would keep the movie from being televised at a later date. After further legal action....the movie industry were forced to give the movie a "PG-13 Rating." SONY Pictures picked-up the distribution rights and now the movie will be seen by millions this weekend.
The timely release of this hair raising movie, directed by Michael Norris (Son of Chuck Norris), will show exactly what to expect when a major event causes the government to fulfill their Martial Law plans and FEMA Camp (Re-Education) operations. The event is the (expected) Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) nuclear explosion in our atmosphere above the United States. As we type this, there is a North Korean satellite that passes over the United States every 90 minutes. High ranking officials do not rule-out the possibility of a nuclear warhead that can be released from that (so-called) weather satellite.
Do you wonder what to do when the time comes to act? The 501 churches under direction of FEMA Guidelines have a mission for you when all hell breaks loose in America. "Don't be concerned, stay in your homes and be ready for the rapture."
In the meanwhile, you and your neighbors will be marched to the FEMA bus at gun point, leaving your pets and personal possessions behind. If you had not turned-in your weapons, when asked the week before, you will be labeled a "domestic terrorist" or any number of clever ego deflators to ostracize you into the group that will be separated from the "Compliant Citizens."  
Of course, your face will be all over CNN and MSNBC as an anti-government combatant.....the propaganda message will motivate others to quickly comply with the gun ban. The first few weeks will be for show and compliance, but what follows will be devastating. Not for (us) but for them !
Would it be North Korea that successfully shuts down most of our grid systems, or could it happen by those attempting to foster-in a New World Order / World Banking System because of the pending economic collapse? An EMP attack will shut-down commerce for months, including your vehicles and media devices. After three days, people will be roaming the streets for food and water. Death will begin soon thereafter and lawlessness will not be handled by law enforcement, nor the military until the time is ripe. The government will be operating from underground bunkers......
Our complacency has made most Americans apathetic to world events, and GMO foods have forced many to the couch, unable to act if their house was burning down ! It's by design and not just a fluke, because THEY do not want (us) taking action to (later) go after the tyrants and to bring them to justice. THEY want us to be anti-social and non-vocal. THEY want every single gun and THEY want to shut-down alternative media and free speech. THEY are scared that Trump will lead a revolution that has motivated millions across this once great nation. THEY will pull a devastating act on the population if WE do not talk about it !
The value (WE) have to take from this movie is the was almost hidden from the American people, because THEY do NOT want  you to see what (will) happen and how a population can easily be (forced) to join together for the recovery of a lost nation.
Your FEMA accredited churches will not be allowed to show the DVD when it comes-out, if it is not too late, and our law enforcement...including the military, will be instructed to learn from what you and me are capable of, when we are forced into a corner like a dog.   
Spread this far and wide....

"Congressmen Brad Sherman and Paul Kanjorski and Senator James Inhofe all say that the government warned of martial law if Tarp wasn’t passed." (See "Government Officials Admit To Economic False Flag Operations below)

Military Times survey: Troops prefer Trump to Clinton by a huge margin

In a new survey of American military personnel, Donald Trump emerged as active-duty service members' preference to become the next U.S. president, topping Hillary Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin. However, in the latest Military Times election survey, more than one in five troops said they’d rather not vote in November if they have to choose between just those two candidates.
But given only those choices, 21 percent of the service members surveyed said they would abstain from voting.More than 54 percent of the 951 troops Military Times surveyed said they would vote for Trump, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, over Clinton, the Democratic front-runner. Only about 25 percent said they would vote for Clinton in that matchup.
The results, while not a scientific sampling of military voting patterns (see our methodology below), show strong support for Trump among troops despite critics' attacks that he lacks foreign policy or national security experience.
Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders fared slightly better than Clinton in a similar head-to-head matchup with Trump, but still trailed the reality TV star and business mogul by a 51 percent to 38 percent margin. About one in 10 military members said they would not vote at all given those two candidates.
Military personnel also demonstrated strong support for Trump in a Military Times reader survey conducted in March. Trump was the most popular candidate among the six presidential candidates remaining then, and the clear choice among Republican service members.
Trump stands as the presumptive Republican nominee for president, following the exit of his two remaining top party rivals in the last week. But numerous high-profile party leaders — including House Speaker Paul Ryan and the last three GOP presidential nominees — have declined to endorse him, citing concerns about his temperament and policy plans.
Meanwhile, Sanders has vowed to fight the Democratic primary contest all the way to the party convention in late July. Clinton, who by the end of the primary season appears likely to reach the number of delegates required to get her party's nomination, has begun shifting her campaign focus to Trump, attacking his thin national security résumé and lack of support among Republican Party leaders.
In the latest survey, nearly half of respondents identified as Republicans, and only 18 percent as Democrats. That partisan divide accounted for much of Trump’s support.
Democrats overwhelmingly favored Clinton (72 percent to 8 percent) and Republicans overwhelmingly supported Trump (82 percent to 6 percent). Troops who identified as independents slightly favored Trump, by a 40 percent to 32 percent margin.
Female troops favored Clinton over Trump, by a 51 percent to 24 percent margin. Male troops backed Trump over Clinton 57 percent to 22 percent.
Officers were more likely to back Clinton than enlisted troops, though the officers still favored Trump by a 46 percent to 32 percent tally. Enlisted respondents broke 58 percent to 21 percent for Trump.
The same held for Sanders, where he outpaced Trump’s support by a 45 percent to 43 percent margin among Navy members. Among the services, Marines were the most likely to support Trump (60 percent said they’d vote for him) while sailors were the most likely to support Clinton (31 percent said they would vote for her).
The survey began the day of the Indiana primary, before Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential contest, and remained open until later that week. Military members surveyed backed Cruz over Clinton and Sanders, as well, though not by as large of a margin as Trump.
In all of the hypothetical matchups presented, at least 11 percent of military members said they would not vote if given only the two major party choices. In the case of a Clinton/Cruz contest, 25 percent said they would skip voting rather than back either candidate.
In anecdotal comments connected to the survey, several survey respondents called the options for president frustrating and disappointing:
  • “Weakest field of my adult life.”
  • “Absolutely disgusted by this election cycle.”
  • “It’s a lose/lose situation no matter what.”
  • “They all suck.”
Dozens also noted plans to vote for a third-party candidate, citing their dissatisfaction with the major party choices.
“The candidates left just don’t understand the military,” said Army Capt. Christian Pardo, who said he would not vote for any of the major party candidates left. “The military perspective on some of their policies are just so far out there.”
Pardo said he wishes a candidate with military experience was still left in the race. He’ll be considering third-party candidates in the fall, “but if none appeal to me, I may just stay home.”
Air Force 1st Lt. Tyler Livingston said he’ll probably do the same, especially if it’s a Trump/Clinton contest.
“I really don’t understand how a better candidate didn’t jump into the race,” he said. “I was hoping we see something else.”

Our methodology
How the survey was conducted

Between May 3 and May 6, Military Times conducted a voluntary, confidential survey of subscribers who include verified active-duty, National Guard and reserve component service members. More than 59,000 subscribers received e-mail invitations to participate. In total, 951 respondents completed the survey.
The sample is not a perfect representation of the military as a whole; it over-represents officers and noncommissioned officers, and under-represents junior enlisted personnel. However, it is representative of the more senior and career-oriented members of the force who run the military's day-to-day operations and carry out its policies.
The voluntary nature of this survey, the dependence on email and the characteristics of Military Times readers may affect the results. Statistical margins of error commonly reported in opinion polls that use random sampling can't be calculated for this survey.


The Israeli people are not to blame for the crimes against humanity
 which are being perpetrated daily by their fiendish, greedy, ruling
 elite. We Americans are also ruled by a fiendish greedy elite, among
 whom are our diabolical pharmaceutical merchants of mass murder.


Apparently "the marketplace" always finds a way to supply "demand".
Welcome to the world of the unspeakable corruption of “human sacrifice”!
In the name of "medical progress" - and "organ transplants", several
criminal syndicates are operating and engineering a HOLOCAUST of
exponential proportions -- and who are “the victims” ????
Society is witnessing the unspeakable crime of "sacrificing children” to
satisfy “a market”. And what better cover than "Child Protective Services"
and officially endorsed international "Child Rescue Services".
The open, and unanswered question remains: "Why are these children
never seen again?
“Rescuing children” from their parents is now “Big Business” .
American "Child Protective Services" permanently snatches approximately
143,000 children per year, and these are children that never see their
parents again.
This number is now exploding exponentially as parents are forced to
surrender custody of their children for “criminal non-compliance” with
the mandates of the Medical Mafia – (Public Health mandated vaccines,
psychotropic drugs, chemotherapy, etc.etc. )
Apparently, the depravity of man knows no bounds! Even though the
planet is witnessing more than ONE simultaneous "holocaust", none of
them are ever officially investigated. They remain buried, and/or are
never revealed in the media - because the Powers that control
“officialdom” want to conceal their crimes, of course.

The cutting out of children's organs, both prenatally and postnatally, to
satisfy "a market niche"  has to be the most unspeakable “crime against
humanity' imaginable!
There is MORE than JUST ONE “market niche" being "served".
But as you see, the "Transplant BUSINESS" is not primarily about "saving
lives". It is about "MONEY" - BIG MONEY - it is a VERY lucrative BUSINESS.
How long is humanity willing to “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil”
to obfuscate the reality that "children's lives are being sacrificed" to satisfy
an insatiable 'market niche' - to save “the few with the money", and to fill
the pockets of crime syndicates?

The Transplant Business and associated anti-rejection Drug Business is
about BIG MONEY - and in this BUSINESS “the organs of innocent children
are viewed and treated as “market-essential Commodities”.
As long as we “stand by” and view and promote the “Transplant Industry”
as “THE medical miracle”, without investigating the WHOLE PICTURE, we
become equally complicit in this “sacrificial crime against humanity.
I have remained silent for far too long.  Is your voice going to be heard,
too, once all the dots are connected?
  [Posted by]



An unusual family of animals is winning hearts on Instagram.  This has attracted over 77,000 viewers so far by regularly sharing
snapshots from the life of one man’s pets: an eccentric but tight-knit group that consists of 1 golden retriever, 1 hamster, and 8 birds.
31-year-old Luiz Higa Junior of São Paulo, Brazil, says that his golden retriever, Bob, is a little less than 2 years old. In the beginning, he just had Bob, a cockatiel and a parakeet.
“Since the beginning I put them together to see their behavior,” he tells us. “It was nice, so I decided to have them play together sometimes during my free time.”;
He then added more birds and a hamster to the group. Higa’s photos show the group posing, playing, exploring, & resting together. 














