Sunday, June 19, 2016

More Orlando gay-club shooting actors

MORE Orlando gay-club shooting actors -
2 'eye witnesses' and a 'medical examiner'

Our phony cabal 'government' did it again.
They want our guns, so they fabricate another Sandy Hook false flag.
They want our guns? They will give up theirs first !!!

Then there is eyewitness Luis Burbano who claims to be in Pulse at the time of the shooting and admitted that he was the man who had held an exit door closed, ostensibly to keep the armed gunman from escaping, which makes no sense. What Burbano actually achieved was to prevent survivors from leaving the club.

On IMDb, Burbano is identified to have five acting credits. A day after I had taken a screenshot of his acting credits (see below), IMDb also scrubbed one of the credits — Burbano’s portrayal of a “club patron” in the 2015 music video “Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up”.

Luis Burbano

This post is about three other Orlando-shooting individuals with acting or on-camera experiences:
  1. Eyewitness Christopher Hansen (Andrew Bowser)
  2. Chief medical examiner Dr. Joshua Stephany
  3. TV intern reporter Patience Carter

1. Christopher Hansen/Andrew Bowser

Christopher Hansen is the bearded man in a hat and an American-flag t-shirt who was interviewed by various media outlets as an eyewitness. He can also be seen in video carrying a shooting victim strangely toward, instead of away from, the Pulse nightclub crime scene.

Christopher Hansen carrying victim toward Pulse

Daily Telegraph identifies Hansen as a “Pulse patron” who was in the VIP lounge when the shooting broke out and who managed to escape the club unharmed. Expressing disbelief at the situation, Hansen said, “I was thinking, ‘Are you kidding me?’ So I just dropped down. I just said, ‘Please, please, please, I want to make it out.’ And when I did, I saw people shot. I saw blood.”

Below is Christopher Hansen being interviewed on ABC’s GMA (Good Morning America). Footage of him carrying a victim toward Pulse begins at the 1:02 mark. 

But Christopher Hansen looks very much like a professional actor named Andrew Bowser who claims to have developed a “cult following” portraying “quirky characters” inserted into real-life news events, such as pretending to be a weird Arby employee in this news video,

and as a satanist at the erecting of a Baphomet statue 11 months ago in Detroit, Michigan (See “Detroit goes to the devil”).

 Andrew Bowser’s IMDb (Internet Movie Database) profile describes him as “An up and coming Director/Actor, famous for his quirky characters and viral YouTube videos,” whose characters are “wonderfully deceiving”Bowser’s “Filmography” has 10 acting credits, 7 director credits, 3 writer credits, 4 producer credits, 1 cinematopher credit, 1 sound department credit, and 1 archive footage credit.

Below is a side-by-side comparison of Christopher Hansen and satanist Andrew Bowser — both are bearded, have similar eyebrows and noses, and have a fondness for hats.

Christopher Hansen; Andrew Bowser

Haukipesukone of Concordia ab chao blog points out that Bowser may not even be Andrew Bowser’s real name, but rather the name of the reptilian turtle villain from Super Mario games (below).

Mario Bowser

2. Dr. Joshua Stephany

Dr. Joshua Stephany

Joshua Stephany is the chief medical examiner in charge of the Orlando shooting. He also has a page on IMDb, with one acting credit as “himself,” a forensic pathologist, in 6 episodes of the 2005-2008 TV series Dr. G: Medical Examiner. Here’s a screenshot I took at 3:36 PM on June 18, 2016 of Stephany’s profile on IMDb :

Joshua Stephany on IMDb

As reported by Frank Torres for The Orlando Political Observer on June 16, 2016, four days after the Pulse nightclub shooting, Dr. Stephany was only just confirmed for a 3-year term as Orange County Chief Medical Examiner. Prior to his appointment, Stephany had been Interim Chief Medical Examiner after the retirement of Dr. Jan Garavaglia in May 2015. “Dr. G Medical Examiner” was known nationwide for her television show on the Learning Child and testimony in the Casey Anthony Trial.

3. Patience Carter

Patience Carter

Then there is Patience Carter, 20, who also claims to be an eyewitness and survivor of the Pulse gay-club shooting massacre. Here she is in a 25+minutes appearance relating her harrowing experience, beginning with an emotional recitation of a poem she wrote.

 It turns out Carter also has camera/acting experience, having been an intern at Fox29 TV in Philadelphia.

 It is astonishing how many actors were involved in the Orlando shooting! The probability of that occurring by random chance stretches one’s credulity. 

The good 'ole days when men were men

The good 'ole days when men were men
and they weren't confused about
who was a woman

A history that needs to be examined??

Saved By REAL Angels

Saved By REAL Angels

 Incredible story of one man's life and death experience when crushed in half and reported to be better off to die


Because of the FORCED INVASION of muslims in to the united States, we are providing this information for your review 

A Review Article by Bassam M. Madany in Collaboration with June Engdahl

 Book Review: Will Islamic Infiltration of Europe Succeed in transforming it into the House of Islam?

There is no dearth of books on WWII and the Cold War that followed it. However, not often does one come across a story which tells of events in post-war Europe that seemed so innocuous, or for Americans perhaps even promising, in their beginnings, but which proved to be so highly significant in their effects.  Beginning well before the end of World War II, the participants in the story were active in their own spheres of influence.  Who they were and what goals motivated them make for an impelling scenario?  Their wisdom and shrewdness, or lack thereof, in interpreting and responding to the political and social challenges of war-ravaged Europe, resulted in making our present moment so precarious.  What story and what events are we speaking about? 
Ian Johnson, a Pulitzer Prize winning American author currently living in Berlin, tells that story, and relates those little known events in a book entitled:
In the winter of 2003, Mr. Johnson, as he often did, was browsing the latest offerings of a Muslim bookstore in London.  Prominently displayed amidst the highly radical literature was a colorful map.  It highlighted important centers of Islamic influence around the world.  His curiosity was piqued in particular by a reference to “The Islamic Center of Munich.”  Mr. Johnson at first assumed its prominence on the map had something to do with meeting the needs of the vast number of Muslim immigrants who, since the 1960’s, were living in Germany and in Munich specifically.  But why, he wondered, was it up there along with only three other world-famous mosques including the one in Mecca?  What was so special about it that it could garner such attention?  Mr. Johnson spent the next several years researching the answer, combing through countless archives and interviewing people connected to the Mosque project.  The result is this excellent book chronicling events surrounding the Mosque’s creation decades ago and what it has become at this moment in time – a vehicle for spreading the principles of the Muslim Brotherhood into the West.  The story is a sharp reminder of the risk of unintended consequences that often result from even well-intentioned aims. 
In the first chapters, the reader is introduced to the post-World War II setting in West Germany and a particularly important character named Gerhard von Mende.  Among the many displaced persons inhabiting Germany after the war were Muslim minorities who had lived under Soviet domination in the Caucasus, as well as the Muslims of the Central Asian republics of the USSR.  Former Nazi von Mende believed there was a special place for them, many of whom had fought for the Nazis, in post-war Germany.  Von Mende had been a brilliant scholar with expertise on the Turkic peoples living in the Caucasus and Central Asia when Hitler found a task for him in his Third Reich.  He was put in charge of “the ‘Ostministerium’ where he developed plans for harnessing Islam, a strategy that would last long after the Nazi defeat.” (p. 21) Von Mende was a very willing and effective tool in Hitler’s Third Reich goals.  He had no qualms about the pogroms being conducted against the Jews, yet he was very proactive in the ‘Ostministerium’ on behalf of the Muslim minorities of the USSR. Throughout the war he dealt with captured Muslim soldiers from the Caucasus regions who had been conscripted to fight on behalf of the Soviets against the Germans.  Like von Mende, they hated the Soviets and became willing collaborators with the Germans.  An important ally of von Mende during the War was a Palestinian cleric named Haj Amin al-Huseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  As early as 1933, Huseini evidenced his hatred of Jews by advising the Nazis to “get rid of Jewish influence in economics and politics.”  (p. 112)
Huseini cooperated with the Nazis in their propaganda efforts to woo the Muslim World into fighting for the Third Reich.  Hatred of the Jews is not only a major theme running through Islamic thought, but has also proved to be a deadly principle of action for its Jihadists.  Whether Western leaders have learned from this dynamic is still an open question.
At war’s end the United States, first under Trueman and then Eisenhower, began serious efforts to combat the influence and expansion of the Soviet Union around the world.  They also saw a use for the Muslim minorities in West Germany.  Johnson relates how the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council were formed soon after the war. (p. 40) “Psychological warfare” was a highly popular tool with the new agencies and with Eisenhower, and it would be used in future CIA intelligence work.  In Europe the CIA created the American Committee for Liberation (Amcomlib) and Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe were two of its propaganda operations targeting the Soviets and their satellites.  Many of the Muslim minorities were employed in the daily operations of the stations, and rivalry began between those working for the Americans and those for the West Germans.
Von Mende’s plans for using the former Muslim soldiers to benefit West Germany were also taking shape.  His Nazi past was no detriment to him in the post-war years.  Both the new West German government and the United States were willing to work with him and benefit from his various areas of expertise.  He was given a nice office in Düsseldorf and put in charge of the “Office for Homeless Aliens.”  Cooperation between the two allies became more strained, however, as West German confidence increased over the years. Each feared losing the Muslim minorities to the other.  Johnson, in a particularly revealing chapter on how the Mosque was conceived, (pp. 91-103) relates growing tension in U.S.-German relations centering around West Germany’s desire for reunification with East Germany.  Things got complicated when another former Nazi named Theodore Oberländer came into the picture.  Adenauer appointed him “cabinet minister in charge of refugees.”  (p. 93) As such he pushed the particular idea that Germany should recover those “vast stretches of German land lost to Poland and the Soviet Union after the war.”  (p. 91) Oberländer was baulking at the fait accompli that had occurred when the Oder-Neisse border had been fixed at war’s end by the allies.  He wanted von Mende to help him get the border redrawn so as to redress the East Prussians’ grievances at being made homeless by the Allied post-war remapping.  He made common cause with the “expellees” now living in West Germany (p. 92) in an attempt to fulfill his pipedream and keep the issue before the public eye. 
Johnson details the intricate maneuvering that occurred as the Americans were becoming alarmed at this turn of events and their belief that the West German government might make a deal with the Soviets to get reunification with East Germany in return for remaining a neutral power.  They also needed the Muslim minorities for their propaganda work at the radio stations and other projects necessitating the wooing of Muslim “agents”.  The Germans needed the Muslims for their aims as well but didn’t have quite the resources the U.S. did to sway the minorities.  However, they did conceive what proved to be a very clever chess move.  Why not, thought they, both control and unite their Muslim assets by building them a Mosque.
There were two important leaders of Munich’s Muslims at the time: an imam named Ibrahim Gacaoglu who worked for the Americans, and another imam, Nurredin Namangani, a personal friend of von Mende, who worked for the Germans.  The latter had been a “survivor of the Soviet gulag, imam of an SS division, holder of high military awards, he was an ideal choice to bring Munich’s Muslims into line.” (p. 96) He also was a man the likes of which future years would see a lot more of coming out of Islam: a dedicated Islamic true believer.
Ibrahim Gacaoglu was mellower and considered the elder statesman and popular leader of the rank and file Muslims still displaced in Germany, and was solidly with the Americans and their efforts against the Soviets.  Von Mende and the Bonn government, however, said Gacaoglu was an “American stooge” and “the only issue for them was how to knock out Gacaoglu and the Americans.” (p. 99) They wanted their man to be the Muslim unifier. They succeeded.  A small group of Caucasus Muslims met in a beer cellar in March of 1958, chose Namangani their imam, and created the “Ecclesiastical Administration of Moslem Refugees in the German Federal Republic” which was promptly recognized by the Bonn government and put on its payroll.  Bonn appropriated $30,000 in today’s money to help run the office. The Mosque project took off that same year, 1958, but was not completed until August 1973.  Over the years, money to fund the Mosque came from different sources, especially Saudi ones.  One Saudi businessman donated “one million marks.”  (p. 159)
Meanwhile, in 1956, a young man from Cairo named Said Ramadan also entered into the Mosque story.  With him came another element– the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Ramadan had already made a name for himself in the Brotherhood, traveling all over the Arab world lecturing and exerting his charismatic personality for the cause of Muslim unity.  He also founded The Muslim World League.  As a young man, he had been attracted to Hasan al-Banna, the founder, in 1928, of the Muslim Brotherhood. He became al-Banna’s secretary, and married one of his daughters.
Johnson details (p. 116-119) a most interesting incident in 1953 when Ramadan went to America with a group of Muslims for a Symposium at Princeton University and took a side trip to Washington to meet with President Eisenhower as well.  The White House and State Department wanted to work with the Muslim world and thought they could impress the Symposium delegates and Ramadan about U.S. moral superiority over the Soviets.  A CIA analyst reporting on the meeting had a less sanguine opinion of Ramadan than did the White House and State calling him a “political agitator. . . a political reactionary, a Phalangist or Fascist type. . . interested in the grouping of individuals for power.” (p. 118)
In 1956 Ramadan went to Cologne, Germany for doctoral studies under Dr. Gerhard Kegel.  His thesis was how to implement Sharia Islamic Law.  Dr. Kegel told Johnson in an interview that Ramadan was “intelligent if also fanatical.” (p. 121)  Besides working on his thesis, he was traveling all over the Muslim world promoting Islamic interests, including the Mosque. The CIA was supportive and even sponsored some of his conferences.  He was also successful in swaying Muslim students in Germany to his Brotherhood perspective and succeeded in taking control of the Mosque project away from von Mende and his Muslim soldiers.  But his influence eventually waned.  He had helped organize the Muslim World League but lost control of it to the Saudis, who not only funded its projects but came to control its governance.  He was soon to lose control of the Mosque as well.  When it was completed in August of 1973, Ramadan didn’t even attend the celebration ceremonies as he “had left the project in disgust…” (p.182)  He continued his work on Muslim causes from his home in Switzerland and even got involved in various controversies in his final years.  His son Tariq would become well-known as a European model of a moderate Muslim!  As the reader is no doubt aware, he was granted early in 2010, re-entry rights into the United States by the Obama Administration, after the Bush Administration had denied him visa rights for his questionable ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.  He has recently spoken to admiring audiences in several venues in the U.S.
Even without Ramadan, Muslim Brotherhood influence over the Mosque via its “politically expansionist, Saudi-financed wing” (p. 185) only intensified as other men came on the scene to run it.  Its name even changed as the years went on reflecting its expanding commitments beyond a mere meeting place for local believers. Ghaleb Himmat, in particular, a Syrian and strong Muslim Brotherhood man, “was able to lead the Islamic Center of Munich down an adventurous path…” (p.188)  Youssef Nada, another wealthy Egyptian businessman, was his right hand man who knew where the contacts and money were and “helped guide the Mosque into the Saudi Brotherhood network.” (p. 190).  Even though they headed up the Munich project and the growing number of other German Islamic Centers, they both owned swanky homes near Lake Lugano in Italy from where they spread the Muslim Brotherhood ideology.  Nada, especially, traveled a lot and even lived in the U.S. for awhile where his three daughters were born.  So it was that the “marriage of Saudi money and the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology set the stage for the spread of Islamist thinking, not only across the Muslim world, but into the West too. Nada, Himmat, and the Islamic Center of Munich would be its epicenter.” (p. 191) Its ideology became more stridently provocative as it took up Jihadist thinking.  No wonder it would become a haven for future terrorists.  Even Himmat became suspect and had to resign the leadership because of accusations of helping finance Al Qaeda.    (p. 188)
Western leaders are slow learners, if they learn at all.  Recent trends are disturbing.  American officials both criticize and work with the Muslim Brotherhood, mostly the latter.  In 2005 the State Department sponsored a Conference paid for by American taxpayers to implement the idea that “the United States had better Muslim leadership” (p. 223) and could teach their European counterparts a thing or two.  And the teachers were all Muslim Brotherhood men.  So in effect, the “State Department was importing Muslim Brotherhood Islamists with roots in Europe to tell European Muslims how to organize and integrate.”  (p. 223) “This paralleled U. S. efforts in the 1950s to enlist Muslims in Munich for similar public relations purposes…. Just as in the 1950s and ‘60’s, the United States opted for the Brotherhood.” (p. 225) 
In the final chapters Johnson sets forth how the Muslim Brotherhood has exhibited a vastly expanded world-wide influence.  It can be pragmatic when necessary.  It has shown great organizational finesse in starting Islamic entities, with much Saudi financing, in democratic countries, particularly the United States.  It has a freer range of action in America and Europe than in its home country, Egypt, ironically “using” the free world’s media, governmental and academic institutions in perhaps a more effective way than ever the West “used” the Muslim minorities Johnson elucidates.  Iraqis in America founded the Muslim Student Association in 1962.  Ismail Faruqi took charge of the Brotherhood’s International Institute of Islamic Thought near Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he taught.  The Brotherhood’s goal “to provide the theoretical underpinnings for the spread of Islamism in the West” was its organizing principle.  (p. 195) Many Islamist leaders are suave and charming peddlers of the Brotherhood message, and adept at downplaying the harsher aspects of its unbending ideology. Gullible Western leaders in their desire to bend to the demands of “political correctness” are willing to overlook those harsher aspects as well.  The impression is given that they don’t really understand the religion and ideology opposing them.  Such submissive acceptance looks like self-imposed Dhimmitude.
In our post-911 world, the West has no excuse for not educating itself on the beliefs and aims of the Muslim Brotherhood and its desire to implement Islamist goals world-wide. What the Brotherhood has wrought for Islamism on a global scale through that one Mosque in Munich, is frightfully impressive.  Western politicians and intellectual elites would do well to take note of Johnson’s reminder that the Muslim Brotherhood is not just “an Egyptian political party” but “an ideological universe.” (p. 231) So much has been accomplished by the Islamists from events surrounding that small MOSQUE IN MUNICH.  Ian Johnson’s digging into the past for those background events has produced an impressive book.  Now we know how former Nazis, CIA operatives, heads of governments and a colorful cast of other characters used those Muslim minorities left in limbo after WWII for their own political ends.  And in the process the tables got turned.  We can only conclude that by insisting on bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to “educate” the Muslim refugees of the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Americans and West Germans paved the way for an irreversible “Islamic Infiltration of Europe,” which may well transform it into part of Daru’l Islam, i.e., the House of Islam.  What will happen in America is still unknown


A Mosque in Munich

A Mosque in Munich
Ian Johnson
Long Version

A Mosque in Munich
Short Version

US Marine Saved From Hell by an Angel!

US Marine Saved From Hell by an Angel!
US Marine Goes to Hell and Returns with an Incredible Story!  
Shawn Weed is a Marine vet who has the most incredible testimony about hell I have ever heard!   

Shawn was in the Marines and was clowning around with a bunch of friends when tragedy struck.  One of Shawn’s friends in the Marines had convinced Shawn to pretend he was hanging by a noose for a picture.  What Shawn didn’t realize was that another friend had snuck up from behind and suddenly tightened the noose as a joke!  The noose was so tight they couldn’t get it off! 

Shawn quickly passed out and found himself outside of his body while his friends thought he was only pretending to be dead!   For over 8 minutes Shawn’s body was clinically dead and that’s when his incredible journey to hell took place.   
Shawn is a good 'ole southern boy from Louisiana and his story will make you laugh and cry too because he’s a great storyteller with an amazing level of detail I really enjoyed.  He’s the kind of guy you would like to get to know!  In fact, I went to college in Louisiana with a guy very much like Shawn.   
Shawn put out this amazing video because he doesn’t care if anybody ridicules him.  He knows his trip to hell and back were absolutely true and it changed his life forever.  
This world we live on is really just a test to see where you go when you die.  Just because you say you’re a Christian or even if you believe in Jesus Christ does not get you to heaven.  Average people who live in the world will not go to heaven.  As Shawn states, there are a lot of good people in hell that rejected living a truly Christian life for God.  We all can do better!   

Shawn Weed

Please recommend and share!

Gun Shop Sells 30,000 AR-15s in Week Following Orlando Attack


It’s been a week since the terrorist attack on an Orlando nightclub that left 49 dead and 53 wounded. Since then, the sale of AR-15 rifles has soared in gun stores across the country, Fox Business reported.

Hunter’s Warehouse Owner Tom Engle told the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney Saturday that his online gun shop, which carries an inventory of 300,000 to 400,000 weapons, has sold 30,000 AR-15s since Sunday.

Getty Images/AFP/Brendan Smialowski
Getty Images/AFP/Brendan Smialowski

A Federal Firearms License (FFL) permits gun store owners to manufacture and import firearms and ammunition across the United States. Even though each state has its own gun laws, Engle explained how it would be possible to buy an AR-15 online.  “You would have the firearm shipped to an FFL [agency] in your home state because every state is different and then we would ship that FFL firearms agency in your home state and they would be responsible to do the paperwork for you in your home state,” he said.

When Orlando Police Chief John Mina initially described the weapon used by shooter Omar Mateen as an “AR-15-style assault rifle,” media outlets ran with the classification. Several dropped “style” from the description.

It turns out, however, that the Islamic State-supporting killer was actually armed (by CIA?) with a Sig Sauer MCX carbine during last Sunday’s attack. The semi-automatic AR-15, which is routinely confused as being a “machine gun” or fully automatic weapon, is one of the most popular rifles in the United States.

Engle noted that the price for AR-15s ranges from $350 to $8,000. But according to the gun shop owner, the recent spike in sales of AR-15s is not attributable to the desire to protect oneself from terrorists like Mateen. These sales, he said, stem from a different type of fear.

“Shootings don’t push up gun sales, he explained. “It’s when the 'government' starts talking about banning particular guns and up go gun sales. When people lose their right to buy a particular gun or a particular type of gun, they go after them and they want them then.” 

A Gun Control Law I Can Support





Make sure the grocery buyer in you
​r household 
reads this!

There should be more leading Australians like Dick. He gets to the bottom of important issues, and anything that amounts to selling out Australia is very important.

You may be aware that " Dick Smith " chain franchise stores are being pressured by the Islamic Council of Australia to gain 'Halal Certification' otherwise they will be proscribed and banned from Muslim custom.
​ (In the united States, the Islamic Council is CAIR, located in Richardson, Texas)​

This is their response:
"We at Dick Smith 's have received a number of letters from people asking if we will be putting the Muslim Halal logo on our food.

To acquire Halal certification, payment is required to
the endorsing body (the Islamic Council)
and involves a number of site inspections of both our growers and processors in order to ensure that our practices comply with the conditions of Halal certification.

It is important to note that this does not reflect the quality of the food being processed or sold – it only means that the products are approved as being prepared in accordance with the traditions of the Muslim faith.

We are aware of an increasing number of large companies both in Australia and overseas, such as Kraft and Cadbury, who have obtained accreditation to use the Halal logo. We don’t believe they have done this because of any religious commitment but rather for purely commercial reasons.

Perhaps these large organizations can afford to do this.

While we have a choice however, we would prefer to avoid unnecessarily increasing the cost of our products in order to pay for Halal accreditation when this money would be better spent continuing to support important charitable causes where assistance is greatly needed.

We point out that we have never been asked to put a Christian symbol (or any other religious symbol) on our food requiring that we send money to a Christian organization for the right to do so.
Others would add that money paid to ANY Muslim 'organization' (and you had better believe it: these people ARE 'organized') can easily find its way into the hands of Islamic extremist-fanatics and murderers, irrespective of assurances to the contrary.

What other assurances do we accept from Muslims? Oh, that's right, 'Islam is a religion of PEACE'!  How less Australian
​(or American) ​
can companies get than to place money into the hands of those who seek to exploit us?"

This is an example of how the leaders of Muslims in Aus./NZ. are bullying large commercial organizations (especially in the food industry) into paying what is no more than blatant extortion money. The amazing part is that these weak-kneed organizations (Cadbury/ Schweppes/ Nestles/ Kraft etc.) actually pay the large sums demanded by these self-appointed religious bureaucrats. Of course, the manufacturers promptly pass this levy on to unwitting consumers as cost increases. 
Next time you buy a block of Cadbury's chocolate
​ or a Kraft product​
, look for the Halal Certification seal on the wrapper. So, regardless of your own religious faith, you end up subsidizing Islam.
The Council also controls the Muslim voter bloc which, as yet, does not have sufficient critical mass to make a difference - but give them time.

Several state jurisdictions are under pressure to adopt or permit Sharia Law in Marriage, Family and Property matters and some, under the delusion that they are being progressively liberal, are permitting this. This has already happened in some local authorities in the U.K. Google the U.K. Education Department's current investigation into the conduct of Muslim-run schools in the Birmingham area of England.

How many more warnings do people need?
 Check the produce on the shelf and don't buy anything Muslim extorted.