Friday, June 24, 2016

United Kingdom _ Independence Day _ 23 Juni 2016 Parts 1 thru 5 separately

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta 



     1. U.S. PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY ( Operation - Elm 
         Street / Dallas, Texas

         New Republic / USA Financial Group, Ltd. GES.m.b.H.
         28 Kartnerstrabe, A- 1010, Vienna-Wien, Austria.
         Regular Visitors for Financial Affairs - WERE C.I.A.
     2. MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX [ MIC ] - Church Hill            Matrix - London Operations and Investigations,
              Puppet Masters / POLITICAL CORRUPTION, inter
              alia....  Operation : " PATHFINDER " and FinCen 
              Investigative Filings, USDollar amounts /
              Beneficiaries [ Colonel Jerry King, et al ]
ATTACHMENTS :       Parts 1 thru 5 releases



Failed Trump Assassin - GET THIS REPORT OUT THERE!!!

Bypass mainstreet media

Failed Trump Assassin 
Tied to Hillary Clinton, Huma?

GOP Establishment Leaders Are Missing the Point of Trumps Rise in Popularity

GOP Establishment Leaders Are Missing the Point of Trumps Rise in Popularity. Here's Why We Really Like Trump.

Mark Patricks
June 23 2016 

A poll showed that 90 percent of the chairpersons of the state Republican parties found their party's presidential candidate's plans for governance "simplistic.”

The chairpersons also opposed the candidate because he had "no depth” in governing and "no experience” in foreign affairs. (like THEY DO??)

One of the state chairmen said that the candidate's intellect was "thinner than spit on a slate rock.” Only one Republican senator supported him.  (And these a-hos have businesses and personal assets to rival what the candidate has accomplished, and the candidate is not as 'smart' as they are?? So they are saying that a candidate has to be a THUG, MURDERER, EXTORTIONIST, and TRAITOR to be in office?)

Two recent Republican presidents dismissed the candidate as a "lightweight.” One of them said the candidate had a "penchant for offering simplistic solutions to hideously complex problems” and made fun of his "prematurely orange” hair.  (WHY make problems more difficult to resolve then they really are - so these jerks can hold on to their seats longer and collect more payoffs from lobbists??)

Many establishment Republicans also were wary of the presidential candidate because he was a Democrat for a long time and had only relatively recently become a Republican. (Like those on both sides of the aisle haven't been switching back and forth for YEARS??? WHAT?  A candidate is supposed to be OBLIGATED to be a demoRAT when others in that party are NOT obligated?)

I know what you're thinking -- "yeah, but that was several months ago. Republicans are coalescing behind Donald Trump now.”

Guess again. All those above comments were NOT about Donald Trump. They were, in fact, about Ronald Reagan.

Yes, The Gipper was, to say the least, disrespected by the Republican establishment.

The powers that be in the Republican Party in the late 1970s disdained the non-politician, the man who was more interested in changing the United States for the better than endlessly compromising with Democrats.

Reagan's 1980 campaign slogan? "Let's Make America Great Again.” Sound familiar?

Yes, history often repeats itself. Some of the parallels between Reagan's 1980 campaign and Trump's 2016 campaign are eerie as the New York magazine article "What The Donald Shares With The Ronald” makes perfectly clear.

More importantly, the feeling in the air so to speak is very similar. Americans in 1980 were angry, and justifiably so. Crime had soared since the 1960s.  Americans had negative feelings about their own nation after military forces had been withdrawn from Vietnam without a victory and dozens of diplomats had been seized by terrorists in Iran.

Americans in 2016 are also angry. The nation, millions of Americans believe, has changed for the worse. Wages have been declining for a long time. Instead of addressing the wages issue, our 'political leaders' have instead continued to sign trade agreements with Third World nations that reduces American wages to Third World levels.

Another reason for declining wages is immigration. People who are willing to work for next to nothing make it easier for employers to reduce Americans' wages. 

More importantly than that, the millions of people who have immigrated to the United States have changed the character of the nation. Yet, many members of the Republican establishment, including large sectors of the big business community, favor more immigration -- and have a lenient perspective on the future of illegal immigrants who have showed contempt for our law.

In many respects, the Republican establishment is the same as the Democratic establishment. The two establishments sometimes have different positions on taxes and regulations that harm the growth of small businesses.

But they are both contemptuous of the plight of American workers when it comes to taking a stand against pro-big business trade deals and immigration rules as well as corporate welfare for banks and other big businesses.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, wants to build a wall on the U.S. Mexican border. He wants to restrict illegal immigration, favors deporting the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants already here because he respects law and order more than the Republican establishment.

He believes that our national security is strengthened when people from nations with a history of terrorism are prevented from immigrating here, and has the guts to call for the renegotiation of trade agreements that have proven to harm the United States.

It's absolutely amazing that the Republican establishment didn't understand that their own voters opposed pro-big business trade, immigration, and government bailout policies. In the 2016 GOP presidential primaries, conservative voters had more of a choice than they did in previous elections.

"The best explanation I've heard for a Trump vote was from a lifelong Republican in rural Mississippi,” wrote Elise Jordan, a former speechwriter for U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in a Time magazine article entitled "The Real Reason for Trump's Rise.”

"He called voting for Trump 'the middle finger vote' to 'a good ole boy system' that lines the pockets of elites in Washington while neglecting working men and women.”

Attitude Is Important

In 1976, when Reagan challenged President Gerald Ford, a Republican, in the GOP presidential primaries, Ford's advisers were too slow to learn that they had lost touch with many Republican voters.

The Gipper's supporters were "alienated from both parties because neither takes a sympathetic view toward their issues” and "the disdain Reagan drew from the GOP elites was a badge of honor,” according to the New York magazine article.

Trump is benefiting from the same disconnect between the Republican establishment and Republican voters, particularly conservative voters, as Reagan benefited from.

Like Reagan, Trump also understands that millions of Americans of all political stripes are looking for a strong leader. For decades, Republican elites convinced voters that moderate Republicans who favored compromises with Democrats had a better chance of being elected president than principled conservatives.

Thus, the GOP nominees included Senators Robert Dole and John McCain, both of whom bragged about the bipartisan deals they negotiated, and George W. Bush, who bragged about being a "uniter, not a divider!”

The Great Recession and its aftermath completely changed the willingness of conservatives and others to defy the political elites. A significant segment of the Republican populace has wanted to stick a middle finger out to the establishment for decades.

The GOP's establishment leaders have done a poor job of addressing those people's concerns. Today, those leaders seem completely lost even after voters overwhelmingly rejected their favorites, including Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.

Donald Trump's success has proven that the GOP's establishment was on the wrong side of important issues. He also has proven that attitude is important. The specific reasons for his success include:

* He's a strong leader: Democratic and Republican senators negotiated a compromise on immigration a few years ago that didn't solve the problem. Trump's proposal solved the problem -- and forces opponents to move toward HIS position.

* He tells it like it is: Voters of all political stripes are sick and tired of politicians who can't answer a direct question. They give vague answers so as not to alienate any one voter. They take a middle ground position that many people don't understand. Trump isn't wishy-washy and always takes a stand.

* He's a bipartisan critic: Aren't you tired of ALL Democrats supporting President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? Do you really believe that all Republicans think EVERY other Republican is doing a good job?

Trump criticizes Republicans when they deserve to be criticized. Thus, he has credibility with voters, while other politicians such as Clinton don't.

* He's aggressive when challenged: Rush Limbaugh said the other day that conservatives have been waiting for decades for a Republican to forcefully denounce the press. He's right.

Trump fought fire with fire at a press conference last week. Reporters and commentators have gotten away with their biased bs for years. It's about time that a politician stopped letting the liberal media push him or her around.

* He's a doer: Trump has built golf courses, created jobs, and started businesses. He gets things done, while politicians just talk. Conservatives are tired of people making promises to them and not keeping them. Trump, they believe, has proven that he can accomplish great things, while his foes haven't.

Ronald Reagan succeeded in the 1980 presidential campaign despite the elites criticizing his intelligence because he decided that addressing the problems of the American people was more important than kowtowing to the political establishment, including the media.
Donald Trump has succeeded in the 2016 presidential campaign so far because he has, whether intentionally or not, emulated Reagan. If he sticks to his principles, he could be as transformational a president as The Gipper.

Take This Country Back by Bryan Lewis

Take This Country Back 
Bryan Lewis

I Think My Dog's a Democrat

I Think My Dog's a Democrat 
 Bryan Lewis

Published on May 5, 2016
I Think My Dog's a Democrat Music Video Bryan Lewis
Hilarious or should we say "Hillaryous"


THE  (AMERICAN)  IDIOT'S  GUIDE  TO  BREXIT                                  Here's  what  all  the  fuss is  about


June 22, 2016 9:27 p.m.


It sounds like an unappetizing breakfast cereal. But you know it has something to do with Britain and the European Union. Immigrants are involved. Someone was assassinated. The words “market volatility” come to mind. Still, you’ve been too busy gawking at the lurid carnival of American democracy to pay much attention. Now it’s the biggest news story of the day — and you have no idea how to sound like you’re a well-informed citizen of the world.
Fear not! Learning the basics of Brexit has never been easier. Here’s a guide to the British referendum that could reshape the future of the world’s largest economy.

What is Brexit?

Brexit is a faster way of saying, “Britain’s exit from the European Union.” On Thursday, the United Kingdom will hold a referendum on whether to pursue Brexit.

What’s the European Union?
In 1952, a bunch of European nations decided they were sick of going to war with each other a few times every century. To foster non-zero-sum relationships and co-operative economic growth, the Western European powers formed a common market for the coal and steel trades, which they named, somewhat uncreatively, the European Coal and Steel Community. In 1967, this evolved into a broader free-trade zone called the European Economic Community, which the U.K. joined in 1973. By the early 2000s, these European nations had taken their relationship to the next level — establishing a system of open borders, uniform regulations, a complicated political and economic bureaucracy based in Brussels, and a common currency, the “euro.”

But even then, Britain wasn’t comfortable with that kind of commitment. It retained its own currency (the pound) and didn’t fully dismantle its border controls.

So, if the EU respected Britain’s ambivalence — and agreed to have the geopolitical equivalent of an open relationship — why would the U.K. want to break up?

The short answer is that the EU is kind of a hot mess right now. Also, a lot of British people aren’t crazy about Polish immigrants.

How about the long answer?

Britain ruled the world for a while, and many conservative Britons just don’t like the idea of their great, powerful nation submitting itself to a namby-pamby union. But Euroskepticism became more widespread when the 2008 financial crisis exposed major flaws in the EU’s design.

America’s financial crisis and slow recovery proved so damaging to the nation’s psyche that faith in our public institutions fell to historic lows, and now a proto-fascist insult comic might become our next president.  But as difficult as the past eight years have been here, they’ve been much worse on the other side of the Atlantic. Europe was hit harder by the initial crash, then recovered for only a minute before collapsing into a second recession. There are many reasons for America’s happier fortunes. 

Our government pursued Keynesian stimulus in the wake of the crisis, while the U.K. and EU opted for moralistic austerity (thanks, Obama).  But at least as important was the behavior of the European Central Bank. When the economy is in recession, a central bank is supposed to lower interest rates to encourage investment and demand. But the ECB did the opposite in 2011, raising interest rates and, thus, discouraging investment, sending the whole continent into an economic tailspin.

Why would the ECB do such a thing?
This question cuts to the heart of the EU’s problem. The EU is a monetary union, which means most of its nations share a single monetary policy. But there’s no monetary policy that will simultaneously serve the interests of Greece and Germany: Countries with high unemployment and significant debt are better served by loose money, while nations with little debt and low unemployment prefer a tight monetary policy that reduces the risk of inflation.
And Germans really hate inflation because it once led to that whole “Nazi” episode. Plus, low rates weaken the Euro, making peripheral nations’ exports more competitive with German ones. So, with its unemployment rate low and inflation steadily rising, Germany wanted to raise rates in 2011. And because Germany is the most powerful nation in the EU, it got what it wanted.

Wait. I thought the U.K. didn’t even use the euro — how is any of this relevant?

The point is: The ECB’s post-crisis monetary policy highlighted Germany’s dominance of the EU and raised doubts about whether a monetary union without a political union — in other words, without a United States of Europe — makes any practical sense. Britain wasn’t directly affected by it, but many Britons — including a portion of the nation’s previously EU-sympathetic left — were disgusted by the situation. The British became more attentive to the subtler ways that bureaucrats in Brussels encroach on U.K. sovereignty through trade regulations. Euroskepticism spread. And so did Polish migrants.

EU law requires the U.K. to welcome an unlimited number of migrants from other EU countries. Britain’s relative economic strength has drawn large numbers of Polish, Croatian, and Portuguese immigrants to its shores. Not everyone in the U.K. is thrilled about all their new Eastern European neighbors. But as long as Britain remains in the EU, there’s very little its government can do about it. This is the main political impetus behind the Brexit movement. (Imagine the political fallout if foreign bureaucrats required the United States to take in an unlimited number of South American migrants.)
Support for leaving the EU became so strong within the Conservative Party that Prime Minister David Cameron started to worry that his voters would defect to the far-right U.K. Independence Party, thus denying him reelection and putting Labour back in power. To prevent that calamity, Cameron promised that, if he were reelected, he would hold a referendum on EU membership. He was reelected. Now we’re here.

So why does anyone want to stay in the EU?
EU membership is good for the British economy. Or so says David Cameron, President Obama, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, and most independent economists and large businesses.

Britain is a small island that imports a lot of stuff. Being a member of one of the world’s largest free-trade zones makes that stuff cheaper. And as Vox notes, being an EU member brings multinational companies (and thus jobs) to the U.K. This is because the EU’s common laws and regulations allow your average enormous corporation to maintain a single headquarters for the entire continent. And because English is the most widely spoken language in Europe, a lot of those headquarters end up in England.

This setup is what allows the city of London to be Europe’s financial center. Which is to say: The biggest industry in the U.K. needs access to the common market in order to thrive. And a thriving finance industry isn’t just good for the plutocrats in Kensington — it also generates tax revenues that support social services in the British countryside.

If Britain loses access to the common market, many economists predict reduced growth, a weakened pound, and a devastated city of London.

Is there a way to get the best of both worlds: access to the common market without all those immigrants?

The “leave” camp thinks so. After all, Norway isn’t an EU member, but it still has preferential access to the common market through an independent deal with the union.  But if the EU leadership cut Britain a sweetheart deal — allowing it to reap all the benefits of membership without most of the costs — other EU members might head for the exits. There may be strong pressure to make an example of Britain. Plus, certain EU members stand to gain from a weakened London: Amsterdam would love to be the new financial center of Europe.

What’s more, in order to secure its access to the market, Norway has adopted three-quarters of the EU’s rules and regulations. You can’t have your full sovereignty and your common market access, too.

What are the chances this will actually happen?

Cameron wouldn’t have proposed the referendum if he thought it would actually pass. “Remain” seemed a safe bet until the last few weeks, when the “leave” movement started gaining momentum, even taking a narrow lead in some polls. But in recent days, the stay camp appears to have regained the upper hand. Wednesday evening, the British betting market Betfair said there was only a 30 percent chance of Brexit.
But some polls predict a close vote. A YouGov survey released Wednesday showed “remain” prevailing 51 to 49 percent.

Did something profoundly awful happen last week that could ostensibly impact Thursday’s vote?

Yes. Jo Cox, a member of Parliament, was assassinated. Cox was a member of the Labour Party and wanted Britain to remain in the EU. When her killer was asked to identify himself in court, he answered, “My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain.” No one knows how this will impact Thursday’s vote. But it seems possible that it will influence it in some way.

Why should I care whether or not this happens?

Well, the most paranoid alarmists worry that a Brexit could trigger a Frexit, which could trigger a Germexit, until the whole EU framework falls apart; and then the combination of slow-growth and ascendant right-wing nationalism could lead to the kind of zero-sum thinking that made Europe a charnel house for much of the 20th century. For all its faults, there’ve been no world wars since the EU was formed.
More immediately (and far less improbably), if a Brexit hurts European economic growth, that could be a weight on the whole global economy.
Alternatively, if the “leave” camp’s sunniest prophecies prove true, Britain will regain its sovereignty and grow just fine, and the EU will be forced to reckon with the flaws in its design and democratize control over its policies in order to keep other countries from jumping ship.

But why should I, a completely self-centered American, care about what happens?

According to the Washington Post, a Brexit would likely make your mortgage more affordable, your 401k temporarily less valuable, and the idea of spending your next vacation in Britain more appealing. 

ATTENTION ALL : Treason Against the United States

Treason Against the United States – 18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of Treason

Attention All:

On 28 July, 2015  I reported Treason committed by a fellow who went to my high school, Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79. 

He was accommodated by my only sibling, Kristine Marcy, who created the United States Senior Executive Service in 1978. 

She also gave Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79, a passport in 1984 with another name, that name is Barack Hussein Obama. 

My sister has worked with Nicolas Soames since 1978 to enable cooperation between United States Senior Executive Service and Serco  [the biggest company you’ve never heard of] with the intent of destroying what is left of the United States of America.

 The Biggest Company You've Never Heard Of

Last year’s warnings regarding Treason were sent to three men and three only: Dunford, Trump, Ben Carson. Dunford took it seriously, Ben Carson ended his campaign and that leaves Trump. 

I am 100% certain Trump will see this message, and I am confident he is also aware of three ‘landslide victory’ issues. 

- The murder of 256 Americans on Arrow Air 1285 in December, 1985. 

- The murder of Colonel James Sabow USMC on 1-22-91, and the attack against the US on 9-11.

Abel Danger is a private intel group that is the only intel group that was sought out by Malaysia to travel to Kuala Lumpur to explain to elements of the Malaysian government and department heads of MAS how their MH370 was commandeered and to where it went on the morning of 3-8-2014.

We are confident that neither of the career politicians left to oppose Donald can win, and we do not believe the Trump Campaign needs our services. 

But I am 100% certain they know what we know. 

And they have since February 2016 when I explained FADEC and BHUAP to the Trump family and organization following the emergency divert to Nashville of Trump’s B757.

Field McConnell
+001 715 307 8222

18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of treason  Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

Abel Danger: Open Letter to General Joseph Dunford – Treason Against the United States – 18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of Treason – Government Drug Running – USMC Col. James Sabow’s Assassination – US Military Members Are Being Threatened

#2685: SES Sister’s Dope Inc Crime Scene – Serco Zulu Sabow Frag – White’s Club Brothers’ Vig

Gun control: Democrats in the House of Representatives began throwing a temper tantrum


Trey  Gowdy  Destroys  Democrat  “Sit-In”     In  Epic  Rant…  Already  15k  “Likes”  On  Facebook

on June 23, 2016 9:09 pm

In case you somehow were not yet aware, Democrats in the House of Representatives began throwing a temper tantrum, er, I mean, staging a “sit-in” on the House floor Wednesday.

Their main issue of protest? That the House GOP refused to vote on one of the gun control bills that had been rejected by the Senate the day before. To wit, they wanted a vote on a blanket ban on firearms sales to any individual on the terror watch lists, with no due process or recourse for those individuals wrongly placed on the lists.

So, taking a page out of the playbooks of their useful idiots in the Black Lives Matter and Occupy movements, a contingent of House Dems disrupted business as usual, violated the rules and decorum of the lower chamber, shouted down any and all who opposed their temper tantrum, and refused to leave until they got what they wanted.

While the liberal media was eating up this publicity stunt, not everyone was amused or impressed, including Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, who took to his Facebook page to make a salient point and pose a particularly pertinent question — How will what they are demanding make us safer?

“Democrat members are certainly free to stage a sit-in and shut down House floor activities as they have done,” Gowdy wrote. “What would be infinitely more productive would be asking this administration and the Department of Justice in particular why prosecutions of current gun law violations has decreased under their watch.”

There are already broad categories of persons prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition and those lists go largely without prosecution,” he reminded his colleagues from across the aisle.

Now House Democrats are asking for yet another list of persons — this time without any due process rights — so this administration can fail to enforce that list of laws too,” he concluded. “How does that make us safer?

Trey Gowdy is absolutely correct, both in that there are already a significant number of gun control laws on the books that go largely unenforced and that what Democrats are demanding would do nothing to keep us safer.

In truth, this lame stunt by the House Dems is nothing more than a bunch of 60s hippy holdovers attempting to relive their glory years while waving bloody shirts and banging the drum of gun control in a crass effort to mobilize their largely disenfranchised base.

It is also a blatant and gross exploitation of a terrible tragedy to raise funds off of spilled blood while demanding new laws that won’t prevent blood from being spilled again.

They should be ashamed, if they had any shame.

Next Rupture Point of San Andreas Fault Earthquake

Breaking The Code: Models Predict Next Rupture Point of San Andreas Fault Earthquake




June 23 2016

Models elsewhere have enabled me to input a few uplift values into my own model and finalize the predictive area of the next San Andreas Fault rupture.  Read on for where … The reason I did this was because I am fluent in patterns and if someone shows me a model for a certain element … I will be able to find out ‘why’ certain things happen based on these models … and the GPS data all suggests that the next rupture point will be … and was used in the San Jacinto Fault Earthquake earlier this month as a match.  We have zero to two years for this to go.

The image depicted in this article is where the San Andreas will likely rupture next … which is near the city of Mecca, California … in the extreme Southern Coachella Valley region.  The rupture length would be up through the Banning Pass … San Bernardino Mountains … Cajon Pass .. .Los Angeles Mountains .. .and end near Palmdale, California.  The length of this would produce a possible magnitude 7.7 to 8.1 Earthquake.

That section of the San Andreas is creeping northwest along the fault at the surface while the bottom of it deep down .. is stuck … this is stretching the zone out and pretty soon the ‘stuck part’ will snap forward to meet the creeping part and that will be what creates the quake.

This will be updated on at our Facebook Page so if you haven’t .. go like it.  It isn’t just earthquakes .. It is a full-time weather forecast office alert system … 

Click here to go to our page –

The image depicts that seismic waves would travel northwest from the rupture point and through the Banning Pass .. acting similar to the wind patterns … While these are underground .. the pattern of flow is the same as wind coming through that area.  Basically if you smelled the Salton Sea Stench before … you will feel more shaking from it.  It is the exact same pattern movement with the stench blocked from San Diego, where shaking should be way less.

These waves would jet through the Inland Empire’s northern end right through the Ontario Airport … and keep moving west along the I-10 and 210 freeways into the Los Angeles Basin.  Southern end of the waves would hit Northern OC .. and residual wave motion will hit the Eastern Ventura County basin areas.  Shaking would be intense in all High Desert areas in the Victor Valley zones east to Palmdale and Lancaster.

Less shaking would be felt in San Diego County .. where wave motion through the Banning Pass and deflection of the waves from the San Diego and Riverside Mountains would be.  This would also bring lighter shaking for areas northeast, east, and south of the rupture zone.  So the Imperial Valley areas would not feel the shaking as intense as you did with the Easter Earthquake in 2010.

So this was made possible with some GPS/GIS data … with topographical data for elevation from the USGS.  It will not be entered into any scientific journal …

The reason I did this was because I am fluent in patterns and if someone shows me a model for a certain element … I will be able to find out ‘why’ certain things happen based on these models … and the GPS data all suggests that the next rupture point will be near Mecca, California … and pretty soon as well.

Get HAARP Alerts Here –

National Weather Alerts We Issued Here – 

the Clintons are still at it - "Murder Incorporated"

Hey Tom Heneghan - PAY ATTENTION - you are an IDIOT for your support of Al Gore - see below, only one of MANY treasonous acts by this traitor ...............

Bush Family Rushes To Hillary Clinton's Side After Top UN Official Set To Testify Against Her Is Found Dead - the Clintons are still at it - "Murder Incorporated"

In what a new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today calls a “master incestuous maneuver”, the Bush Crime Family has rushed to the side of Hillary Clinton after a top United Nations official set to testify against her in a US District Court yesterday was found dead by FBI agents who were set to deliver him before a Grand Jury. 

According to this report, former UN President John Ashe was scheduled to testify against Hillary Clinton yesterday in a New York City US District Court, but when FBI agents arrived at his Dobbs Ferry, New York, mansion he was found dead of what current UN President Mogens Lykketoft said was a heart attackbut that SVR intelligence analysts say in this report is impossible to determine prior to an autopsy being performed and medical tests conducted.

UN President John Ashe (left), Hillary Clinton (right)

Prior to his death UN President Ashe had been indicted by the US government for the role he played in a massive bribery scheme headed by Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng who, over the past few decades, has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of both Hillary and Bill Clinton—and that began in the late 1990’s with the most serious scandal in American history (known as Chinagate) when the Clinton’s transferred nearly all of America’s most sensitive technology, including but not limited to nuclear missile and satellite technology, in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort and the Democratic National Committee.

Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng (left), Bill Clinton (center), Hillary Clinton (right)

Along with UN President Ashe and Chinese billionaire Seng being indicted for being a part of this massive bribery scheme to enrich the Clinton’s and fuel Hillary’s presidential run, Francis Lorenzo, the ambassador to the UN for the Dominican Republic and the top two executives for the Global Sustainability Foundation (GSF), Sheri Yan and Heidi Hong Piao, were also charged, all of whom had reached plea deals in exchange for their testimony against the Clinton’s and Seng—has had, likewise, UN President Ashe done just prior to his death.

Grimly to note, too, is that a “powerful indictor” that UN President Ashe was being targeted for death revealed itself this past January (2016) when Chinese billionaire Seng (currently under house arrest in his New York City penthouse) suddenly dropped his bid for a speedy trial—and which SVR analysts in this report attribute to his being given “assurances/ guarantees” by the Clinton’s that once Hillary gained the US presidency he would be pardoned.

And in a “power move” perfected by both the Bush and Clinton Crime families, within 7 hours of UN President Ashe being reported dead top Bush family warhawk Brent Scowcroft declared he was throwing his Republican Party allegiance behind Hillary Clinton, and not his own parties nominee Donald Trump. 

Most important to be noted about these events are that they are occurring in a Western government atmosphere where the rulers are now openly rebelling against their own citizens—and as best exampled by German President Joachim Gauck actually stating this past week that “the elites are not the problem, the populations are the problem”.

Even worse in the United States, SVR analysts in this report say, President Putin’s warnings to the American people that “if it’s Hillary Clinton, it’s war” and that their election is in danger of being stolen from them are being kept from these people by their countries propaganda mainstream media organs.

So bad, and dangerous, in fact, has US media propaganda become that nearly all of the news warning the American people about how dangerous Hillary Clinton really is has been completely censored—including an article by the internationally esteemed Australian journalist John Pilger whose 20 March article titled “A World War has Begun: Break the Silence” was censored by who removed these words from it: 

     “Trump is a media hate figure. That alone should arouse our scepticism. Trump’s views on migration are grotesque, but no more grotesque than David Cameron. It is not Trump who is the Great Deporter from the United States, but the Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama … The danger to the rest of us is not Trump, but Hillary Clinton. She is no maverick. She embodies the resilience and violence of a system … As presidential election day draws near, Clinton will be hailed as the first female presiden, regardless of her crimes and lies– just as Barack Obama was lauded as the first black president and liberals swallowed his nonsense about “hope”.

In one of the only “rays/wings” of light penetrating from America’s Hillary Clinton supporting propaganda media failing to tell the American people of her crimes, came recently from the radical left-wing CounterPunch news service who wrote honestly about Donald Trump and stated: 

     “He is the first major political figure to call for “America First” meaning non-interventionism. He not only denounces the trillions of dollars spent in wars, deplores the dead and wounded American soldiers, but also speaks of the Iraqi victims of a war launched by a Republican President.  He does so to a Republican public and manages to win its support. He denounces the empire of US military bases, claiming to prefer to build schools here in the United States. He wants good relations with Russia. He observes that the militarist policies pursued for decades have caused the United States to be hated throughout the world. He calls Sarkozy a criminal who should be judged for his role in Libya. Another advantage of Trump: he is detested by the neoconservatives, who are the main architects of the present disaster.”

To if the people of America are able to see the truth this report doesn’t say, but one can hope that they will before all is lost—not just for them, but the entire world, too.

June 23, 2016
Sorcha Faal



JUNE 23, 2016

Last night a friend of mine and myself were talking with a person who gets around a lot, lots of connections, and picks up the undercurrent to many events building up in history.  We will call him Mr. G.  I will give a capsule version or summary of what he said about the pending Global Reset of foreign currencies around the world.

Iraq is the starting point.  Having had its currency destroyed in value due to war and by international agreements with the White House, UN, etc, it was arranged for Iraq to get value for their currency once having set up the required agenda to make their currency worth serious money again and of sound value for international global trading so Iraq could rejoin the Global Market as an equal player and partner to all other nations on earth. 

One of the players that decides the fate of Iraq, whether it will be allowed to have a booming economy in international trade or again be betrayed by Wash, D.C., is Obama.  Obama is in the position to decide the fate of Iraq and playing for bigger pieces needed to control the outcome of world history.   

Mr. G claimed that Iraq has made around 140 attempts to "RV" their currency so far but always blocked by Wash., D.C. controlled sources, meaning Obama calls the shots behind the scenes whether Iraq will be allowed or not to return to a global trading partner with the rest of the world.

Another player in world currency is China. China bought control of Wells Fargo Bank and Wells Fargo Bank reportedly has control of the  exchanging of foreign currencies when the hour comes whether to have a new monetary system for the world or not. Wells Fargo will set the value for exchanges with other banks. China owning Wells Fargo holds to the position that if Obama keeps blocking the global reset of international currencies, then China wants all other citizens of other nations to have the right of exchanging foreign currencies for their fair values with the Global Reset, that is all but the American citizens to punish them for letting Obama mess up the world economy through dishonest tactics used by him from the White House.  

The global currency reset is to monetize the assets of the nations of the world and give a new chance to get the world economy moving successfully ahead with enough money to move the world economy ahead in a healthy manner. Because Obama has been using Washington agencies as fronts for him and also international agencies controlled by Wash., D.C. he is apparently out to block this Global Currency Reset and violate all the legal treaties and agreements including UN involving restoring Iraq to full status as a nation among equals on the earth and in the Global Economy.  

This has made many foreign nations needing this Global Reset to help straighten out their national economies mad as hornets against Wash., D.C. and Obama and ready to unite to dump the American dollar for international trade purposes and collapse the American economy in retaliation for the acts of Obama hurting national economies all over the world.

If Iraq is allowed to trade freely worldwide as an equal partner to the Global Market, then either pressure or else conscience (?) has stopped Obama from messing up this Global Reset. Congress is a joke as to legal integrity, but time to put Congress on the legal mat and require legal integrity out of these buck passers who do not want the responsibility of doing what is right for the American people and America as a nation. 

With the release of this report, send copies to members of Congress and state legislatures. States can go bankrupt if Obama causes the American dollar to collapse for purposes of international trade. They have a vested interest also in this Global Reset issue. 

The Americans get their fair value in exchange of foreign currencies when the 'go' signal is given to start exchanging at the new rates. This, in turn, gives them the money to heavily invest in setting up new industry in America, create millions of new jobs, and boom the American economy.  If the American economy booms, this should help make America a better nation for foreign nations to sell to which in turn will expand their national economies also. 

As Henry Ford said when alive, enough international trade should push the world towards peace and not war, as war is fought over economic issues. Peace and prosperity worldwide should calm the world down from the violence of war, etc.  I don't remember his exact words, but this was the message of Henry Ford that enough international trade could make the world peaceful rather than warlike.

Under the U.S. Constitution, our scared to death of responsibility U.S. Congress has the legal authority to investigate Obama over this Global Reset issue and impeach him and remove him from office if he is trying to commit high treason against the national economy of America.  He was raised in a highly radical environment and does not think like the ordinary Americans. As President Ronald Reagan said, "Man is not free unless government is limited."

Why is Obama holding back this Global Reset when Iraq, etc. is doing what is required of them under international law?

When we have the mass exchange of foreign currencies under the Global Reset, the American economy then booms! End of this harsh "recession" (actually depression, but the figures are tampered with to make it sound better than reality!)   Understand what Obama is doing and trying to do to America. Don't let him slam the brakes on the potential to boom the American economy!