Saturday, June 25, 2016

Judge Jeanine Destroys Obama’s Reaction

Fox Nation Exclusive: 'You Are Not The King': Judge Jeanine Destroys Obama’s Reaction To SCOTUS Immigration Decision

Earlier today, President Obama reacted to the Supreme Court's decision to block his executive amnesty  actions.

Obama lamented the decision, claiming that "immigration should not scare us". "Immigration will keep us youthful and dynamic".

"Immigration will keep us poorer and weaker, replied Judge Jeanine Pirro in her rebuttal to the President's remarks. "Mr. President, have you looked at Europe lately? It's a mess!"

"This is not a dictatorship. You are not the king. You cannot decide what the laws are and you cannot decide to ignore the laws", said Pirro.

"It's about time you respected Americans, respected the law, respected the courts and stopped with this crazy 'I'm the King and I'm gonna let everybody in and America's gonna look different'."
Judge Jeannie Pirro reacts logically 
to Obama's last speech about immigrants 

Restaurant sues Muslims for claiming discrimination

Restaurant sues Muslims for claiming discrimination


Allegation women asked to leave because wearing hijabs 'laughable'

Bob Unruh
June 24 2016

A trendy California restaurant targeted by Muslim women who claimed they were the subjects of discrimination now is countersuing the women, alleging their case is fraudulent.  The countersuit on behalf of Urth Caffe in Laguna Beach was filed by the American Freedom Law Center.
AFLC senior counsel David Yerushalmi said the lawsuit claiming religious discrimination “is a fraud and a hoax on the courts and the media.” “It is nothing short of an abuse of process to extort public apologies and other accommodations from my client, Urth Caffe,” he said.
WND reported the women had been asked to leave the restaurant after they refused to vacate a sought-after patio table after 45 minutes, as restaurant policy requires.
A customer, Sara Farsakh, had posted a video on Facebook charging she and her friends were discriminated against because they are Muslim. Later, the Los Angeles branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it was investigating.

At the time, the Islamic advocacy organization acknowledged that the café posts a policy that patrons must relinquish their seats after 45 minutes at certain times. But CAIR claimed “the group inquired about the policy [and] were taken aback because the café was not busy.  There were plenty of seats available both inside and outside the restaurant and several patrons who had arrived before the group had not been asked to leave.”

CAIR argued “two different groups approached the Muslim patrons and informed them that they had arrived before them and had not been asked to leave.”  But restaurateur Shallom Berkman – whose clientele in Laguna Beach includes a significant percentage of Muslims and who is working with investors in Saudi Arabia on a restaurant there – told reporters he’s a Jew with a Muslim wife, and they consider themselves “a sign of world peace.”

He confirmed there were customers waiting and said the intent of the policy is to “make things fair and accommodate everyone who wants to enjoy Urth Caffé." He said the 12 women in the group were not asked to leave because they are Muslim.

ABC reported the women filed a discrimination lawsuit against the restaurant.  “I felt embarrassed, outraged and shocked by the discrimination my friends and I were subjected to. We committed no crime, we violated no policy. Our only offense to Urth Caffe was that we are a group of Muslim women that visibly stood out, tarnishing their image,” Farsahk claimed at the time.

The law center on Thursday posted a new statement, saying, “On June 22, 2016, the Urth Caffe in Laguna Beach responded to a fraudulent lawsuit filed by seven Muslim women claiming religious discrimination by countersuing the women and alleging abuse of process.”

Yerushalmi explained: “The Urth Caffe did not discriminate against the women who have filed this fraudulent lawsuit. The claim that these women were asked to leave the café because they were wearing hijabs is laughable. That night, as every Friday night, a large number of young people, including a majority of whom are Muslim and of Arab descent, make up the base of Urth Caffe’s customers. “Not surprisingly, many of these customers are women swearing hijabs. None of these other Muslim women was asked to leave. The women who now claim victim status were not asked to leave, but only to abide by the café’s policy to give up their high-demand outside patio table after 45 minutes to allow other customers, including those wearing hijabs, to enjoy the experience,” he said.

He said several key facts “demonstrate the contrived and abusive nature of the women’s claims.”  “First, one of two owners who manage the Urth Caffe is herself a Muslim woman. Jilla Berkman, a co-owner of the Urth Caffe with her husband, was the one who actually authorized the call to the police after the women now claiming victim-status were loud and abusive to the Urth Caffe employees and refused to give up their table per the stated policy. 

Second, the lead plaintiff in the frivolous lawsuit is Sara Farsakh, a college-age activist for Palestinian causes who self-promotes her involvement in radical organizations, at least one of which calls for the destruction of Israel. 

Third, the organization behind the scenes organizing this fraudulent lawsuit is CAIR, or the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations.”

AFLC co-founder Robert Muise added, “CAIR, currently named a terrorist organization by the UAE, was previously named as an unindicted co-conspirator and Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group by the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office in the successful prosecution of a terrorist funding cell organization around one of the largest Muslim charities, the Holy Land Foundation.” (Note: a long drawn out much involved trial process of CAIR, headquartered in Richardson (Dallas area), Texas - and well known for its questionable financial activities and questionable leadership.)

The London Guardian turned the focus onto Yerushalmi, noting he was described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an “anti-Muslim activist who is a leading proponent of the idea that the United States is threatened by the imposition of Muslim religious law, known as Shariah.”  However, critics have questioned SPLC’s credibility after it recently put retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson on its “hate” list. It retracted the slam against Carson shortly later.

But SPLC also was formally tied to domestic terror in a case several years ago in which a homosexual activist wanted to terrorize and kill Christians. The terrorist, Floyd Corkins, now is serving a long prison term for going to the Washington office of the Family Research Council with plans to kill as many people as he could. He succeeded only in wounding a security guard before he was disarmed. He explained to the FBI he picked FRC because SPLC had the group on its “hate” list, which was due to its biblical position on homosexuality.

When the women filed their complaints against Urth Caffe, there were social media threats against the facility.

The OC Weekly explained the 45-minute policy is publicly posted by the restaurant.  “During our busy rush times, if you have already been at a table for 45 minutes or longer, please share or give your table to someone who is waiting. If tables are available, you are certainly welcome to enjoy Urth for as long as you desire,” it states. 

The restaurant called police and had them ask the women to leave when they refused to comply with a manager’s request regarding the policy, multiple reports say.  But commentator Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine jumped right to the point, headlining a commentary “Another Muslim ‘minor inconvenience hate’ hoax gets shot down.”  “Actual minorities have hate crimes. Muslims mainly seem to have minor inconveniences. Like the Muslim passenger who was supposedly refused a can of diet coke by the flight attendant… only because she was Muslim. Or the Muslim who allegedly suffered a dirty look. Or were asked to leave a coffee shop after 45 minutes of hogging a table,” he wrote.  “For some reason, this incredibly Islamophobic coffee shop let her and her friends order, sit and hang out for 45 minutes and then only asked them to leave after 45 minutes which is the policy,” he wrote. “I’m sure Obama will be commenting on this before long. Because tragic minor inconveniences of hate like this cannot and must not be tolerated. Muslims should receive special exemption from all normal rules, whether while flying or at restaurants. The failure to respect Muslim Privilege is itself discriminatory.”

In “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” renowned activist Pamela Geller provides the answer, offering proven, practical guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities.!

Friday, June 24, 2016




END OF THE EU? Germany warns FIVE more countries could leave Europe after Brexit

FIVE European countries may seek to follow Britain’s lead in leaving the EU in a Brexit domino effect, Germany has warned.


German chancellor Angela MerkelGETTY
German chancellor Angela Merkel
France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary could leave.
Front National leader Marine Le Pen has pledged to hold a French referendum if she emerges victorious in next year's presidential elections.
While for the past two months a Nexit has been on the cards after Dutch voters overwhelmingly rejected a Ukraine-European Union treaty
Details of Berlin's concerns were outlined in a finance ministry strategy document.
Angela Merkel's country faces having to pay an extra £2.44billion a year to the annual EU budget once Britain has left.
Fears for the future of the EU have prompted German government officials to propose that Britain is offered “constructive exit negotiations”.
The aim is of making the UK an “associated partner country” of the EU, according to German newspaper Die Welt today.

German chancellor Angela MerkelGETTY
German chancellor Angela Merkel
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, warned that Europe needs to change its ways.
“Brussels must hear the voice of the people, this is the biggest lesson from this decision," he told public radio.
“But Europe is strong only if it can give answers to major issues such as immigration that would strengthen Europe itself and not weaken it. The EU failed to give these answers."
Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime MinisterGETTY
Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister
Another critic of the EU, the leader of Poland's ruling party, said that the UK referendum result shows the need for reform of the EU.
“The conclusion is obvious. We need a new European treaty," said Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who heads the Law and Justice party.
“We need a positive reaction, and not persistent movement in the same direction, a direction which has led to crisis," he added.
Marine Le Pen, leader of Front NationalREUTERS
Marine Le Pen, leader of Front National
There is no point beating about the bush: today is a watershed for Europe
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Tensions are rising across the EU, with Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden all facing demands for referendums over Europe.
In a statement, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "There is no point beating about the bush: today is a watershed for Europe, it is a watershed for the European unification processes.

Based on last night's vote for Britain to leave the European Union

Based on last night's vote for Britain to leave the European Union, Britain has begun it's own escape from the New World Order, giving hope to the rest of the world!
In a nutshell, the European Union was a plan by NWO to pull all of Europe into one single net, to take away each individual country's sovereignty, so that the NWO could capture them all at once. The NWO could then pick up the two biggest Western economies at once: the United States and all of Europe. But now that has all failed! It begins the end for the Global Economy, the takeover by corporations and the end of a One World Government.
Understand one thing here, that the European Union has a parliament, but that parliament has no authority to pass legislation. The real controller of the European Union is an unelected council above the parliament, thus a Cabal!
My fear was that the vote was going to be rigged by the Cabal the same as the Scottish vote to leave was rigged. This would foretell that the U.S. Presidential vote was a certain rigging as well. But now there is hope for us in America. I also believe that this will awaken more Americans as to what has happened to our democracies by the Cabal's takeover of them. I am also pleased that Donald Trump was there to seize the day for his America back home. I say “seize the day” but I really mean seize the moment from Hillary, who truly represents that Cabal.
Now the only fly in the ointment is that Britain's Parliament must formerly vote to leave the union. We have seen all along how politicians everywhere in democracies have been bought off so that action is still up for grabs, so to say. But so too are guillotines.

Criminal charges eyed in trade of baby body parts

Criminal  charges  eyed  in  trade  of  baby  body  parts


Congressional  panel  to  attorney   general:  "We  found  serious  violations  of  law."

Bob Unruh
June 24 2016 
A special congressional panel has referred the University of New Mexico and an abortion business nearby for criminal investigation and possible charges following a review triggered by last year’s release of undercover videos investigating Planned Parenthood’s baby body-parts trade.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., chairwoman of the House Select Investigative Panel assigned to investigate abortion providers’ medical practices, on Thursday wrote to New Mexico Attorney General Hector Baldera Jr.

The document, nearly 300 pages long, includes evidence the panel discovered regarding the body-parts trade and more involving the school and the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion business located less than a mile away.

The evidence suggests, according to Blackburn’s letter, there were “transfers of value to SWWO from UNM” in the context of “aggressive abortion advocacy.” And the congressional panel is asking for “swift attention to the serious and systematic violations of law committed by the University of New Mexico and Southwestern Women’s Options.”

For example, the letter explained, the panel’s evidence reveals “that the transfer of fetal tissue from SWWO to UNM for research purposes is a systematic violation of New Mexico’s Jonathan Spradling Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. “These violations occurred as UNM personnel procured fetal tissue from patients at SWWO for research by UNM entities.”

The report calls for the state investigation because the abortionists are citing the state’s Spradling law as authorization for the donation of fetal tissue, but that law actually bans the donation of aborted infants.  “All anatomical gifts made in New Mexico must comply with the Spradling Act, and the Act prohibits the provision of aborted infants and their parts as anatomical gifts.  

Based on the information obtained and reviewed … SWWO’s provision of tissue from aborted infants, and reception and use of the tissue by UNMHSC, arguably violates the Spradling Act,” the investigation found.

WND reported when Blackburn asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for an investigation into body-parts transactions that appear to have violated federal privacy law.  “The panel’s investigation has uncovered information indicating that StemExpress and Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (‘PPMM’), Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific (‘PPSP’), and Family Planning Specialists Medical Group (‘FPS’) (hereinafter ‘the abortion clinics’) committed systematic violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (‘HIPAA’) privacy rule from about 2010 to 2015,” she wrote to federal regulators.

“These violations occurred when the abortion clinics disclosed patients’ individually identifiable health information to StemExpress to facilitate the “TPB’s efforts to procure human fetal tissue for resale.”

Her letter was sent to Jocelyn Samuels of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as well the HHS Office for Human Research Protections.

The investigation followed a series of revelations from undercover videos in 2015 released by the Center for Medical Progress. The videos revealed Planned Parenthood officials negotiating for the highest prices they could get for the body parts of dead babies. Companies that buy those parts and resell them at a profit to researchers also were caught in the undercover videos.

The letters from Blackburn explained how evidence obtained by her committee showed workers from StemExpress were allowed to get individually identifiable health information and protected health information about women seeking abortions at Planned Parenthood businesses, even though by law they should not have been given access.  “The work sequence, when combined with supporting documentation, reveals that StemExpress did not have a medically valid reason to see, and the abortion clinics did not have a reason to provide, patients’ PHI. Instead, the abortion clinics shared patients’ PHI with StemExpress in furtherance of contractual agreements that financially benefitted StemExpress and the clinics,” she wrote.

The new letter to the New Mexico attorney general drew an immediate reaction from Operation Rescue, whose president, Troy Newman, is on the board of the Center for Medical Progress. “This recommendation of criminal charges against UNM and Southwestern Women’s Options is the fruit of years of research and hard work done by a tenacious community of pro-life activists,” he said. “Seeing the fruit of that labor makes this a great day for us. All that’s left now is for law enforcement to read them their rights and take them away!

OR reports it worked extensively in New Mexico with activists Bud and Tara Shaver of ProtestABQ to expose and oppose Southwestern Women’s Options, which is the “largest late-term abortion facility in the U.S., committing abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.”

Blackburn’s committee now has noted the “symbiotic relationship” between the school and the abortion business, in which the school provided benefits of value to the abortion business, which was supplying fetal tissue for its research work.

“It was Tara Shaver that first uncovered SWWO’s participation in supplying aborted baby tissue after she obtained an abortion consent form that buried brief tissue consent language near the bottom of a wordy form that required a patient signature before abortions could be performed,” OR explained. “This raised questions about whether women actually understood that their aborted baby’s remains would be used for ‘research.’ That consent form was modified after Shaver made the initial, illegal form public.”

Newman said: “We hope that this very heavily documented recommendation from the House Select Panel will persuade Attorney General Banderas to act to enforce New Mexico laws and stop the illegal exploitation of aborted babies for ‘valuable consideration.’ “We also hope that he will put an end to UNM’s practice of using taxpayer funds as well as UNM students to push their political agenda of abortion expansion upon an unwilling community.”

The congressional panel explained how an “outside abortion advocacy foundation” paid money to UNM to “promote the expansion of abortion.”  Blackburn’s document also revealed that there were contracts calling for UNM to staff the abortion business which lack evidence they were reviewed by the university lawyer, or signed by one of those eligible to confirm contracts.

The most recent contract, she noted, was abruptly canceled after the videos were released and investigations were begun by the state legislature, the New Mexico Alliance for Life and a newspaper. “It is difficult to dispute that the timing of UNM’s decision was related to the various investigations. Although UNM officials denied that the investigations prompted the program termination and disputed that SWWO had benefited from the program, the … agreement explicitly stated that its ‘major goal’ was of benefit to SWWO – namely, to ‘give additional volume of 2nd trimester abortions’ at the clinic,” the research revealed.

It noted most of the doctors at SWWO have been given status as “voluntary faculty” at UNM. “Although as volunteers these SWWO physicians are not paid a salary by UNM, they do receive substantial benefits for their faculty status. For example, they receive ‘New Mexico Tort Claims professional liability insurance coverage provided to university employees’ that is ‘extended to provide for the duties and activities performed by the individual Volunteer Faculty members,’ provided that such activities were assigned to them by the department chairpersons and that no other insurance covers such activities,” the committee found.

Further, the abortionists benefited from university compensation, including health sciences center library access, credit union access, recreational center membership, discounts on tickets for athletic and other events, free access to university facilities, and special access to the university press and golf facilities.  (Wonder if there are golf facilities for these murderers in hell.)   The abortionists get the benefits without doing any teaching or providing “academic services” to UNM, and the school benefits from the “fetal tissue” provided by the abortionists.

“The tissue transferred from SWWO to UNM is of substantial value,” the committee found, and the school even forwards tissue to other researchers outside of the state.  Blackburn explained to Balderas that federal law forbids the transfer of fetal tissue for profit.

Latest Planned Parenthood video
Aborted baby moves arms, legs outside womb

Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies:  “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m gonna basically crush below.  I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said.!

James Belcher, July 4, and Sons of the Revolution

Anna von Reitz
****James Belcher is co-author of “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”****
My ancestors splashed ashore in 1630 and helped found the City of Boston. They built the Old South Church and served it as parishioners and ministers on and off for two centuries. They attended Harvard and founded Princeton.  Their family crest was the model for the Great Seal of the United States.  They lived in Braintree, Massachusetts, where they were landowners and lawyers at the same time and in the same place as John Adams.  Like him, they were patriots. My direct ancestor, William Belcher, served with the Connecticut volunteers as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Battle of White Plains and other actions throughout New York.  I am, as a result, a Son of the Revolution.
As we come up against the 240th anniversary of The Declaration of Independence, I have to wonder what my ancestors would say to me now.  I can hear grumbling and see shaking of shadowed heads in tri-corn hats.  What is our nation thinking of?  How have we gone so far astray?
Yesterday— I read an article Nancy Battle posted and which Arnie Rosner reposted—- supposedly written by a Judge who, via his own route, discovered the depths of corruption and depravity within the federal and judicial systems. As part of his conclusions, he presented the Founding Fathers as self-interested and greedy men, who, when they penned the famous words, “We, the People” and spoke of “our progeny” means only their own progeny.
Nothing could be farther from the Truth.  It is a disservice so vile that I feel compelled to mount my bully pulpit and point out that the word “people” means “militia” in Hebrew, and that is and was and still remains its meaning: “We, the Militia….”
Those who keep and bear arms.  Those who guard the sanctity of our peace.  Those who stand against tyranny and for the rights of Everyman.  Those who fulfill the responsibilities and claim the rights of Americans.  We, the People, the Militia.
And the progeny of the Militia, too. 
Clearly, it is only the smallness, the sneakiness, the greediness, the corrupt modes of thinking and being with which the “judge” has been inured and associated that led him to make such an outrageous claim against the character and the motives of our Founding Fathers.  His glass has been colored, not by time, but by relativism and double-speak and the appalling intellectual dishonesty and immoral self-interest that has become a contagion, especially among those entrusted to act as the interpreters and caretakers of law in this country.
The Truth is that after eight long years of war on our own soil, the American Militia was as exhausted as the British forces with which they contended.  Britain stood at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.  It’s factories were starved for American lumber, American cotton, American flax, wool, tobacco, and other cash crops, while the Americans were starved for hard currency, peace, and access to ready markets for their raw materials.
The Americans had no Navy to speak of, only a commercial merchant fleet that was easy prey on the High Seas.  The British had the best Navy in the world.  In view of their mutual needs and the circumstance in which we found ourselves, the King and the Founders reached an agreement that protected our commercial fleet and restored our economy while feeding the hungry British factories with American raw materials.  It’s called The Constitution for the united States of America. This one document serves as a tri-lateral multi-national treaty, a commercial services contract, and an international trust indenture all rolled into one.
Unlike the deceptively and similarly named Constitution of the United States of America issued in 1868, the actual Constitution is not a mere corporate charter.
Similar to the unknown judge mistaking the meaning of the word “people” within the context of the times when the actual Constitution was written, we have been bamboozled by our own ignorance to mistake the nature and meaning of the Constitution and the meaning and power still vested in it.  We have even forgotten who we are— living people born with a natural allegiance to the organic states that gave us life: Virginians, New Yorkers, Marylanders, Ohioans, Georgians, New Mexicans, Californians….Texans, Montanans, Utahans, Oregonians, Mainers….
I’ve had a chance this past week to open the mail flooding our post office boxes from all over this country.  I’ve read the heart-felt letters and collected the donations for our ongoing work with The Living Law Firm and the many Acts of Expatriation reaffirming the true allegiance of Americans to their nation-states. I’ve had the opportunity to think deeply about each and every one of the states joined together under The Articles of Incorporation in perpetual union, each one unique, and each one beloved.
What we have is far too precious and too dearly won to give up or give over to sophistry and evil men.  Each one of us is called to be a Son or a Daughter of the Revolution.  We must never forget that, nor disrespect our honorable duty as members of the People and that means— members of the Militia. 
For men and women to be free and to be safe, they must be and remain forever armed—armed with weapons of the spirit and the mind as well as the body. 
As we celebrate the 240th Anniversary of The Declaration of Independence let us remember that it isn’t about words written on a page, but words written on our hearts.  It isn’t about fireworks and parades and victories long ago. It’s about the battles being fought every day, here and now,  in courtrooms and political arenas around the world. It’s about Americans standing together, all for one and one for all, as true Sons and Daughters of the Revolution that still rages on.

United Nations To Investigate Hillary Clinton For Election Fraud! | US Breaking News Feed

A letter that will be delivered with the petition to the UN Electoral Assistance Division (EAD) says that the integrity of the electoral process in the US has been compromised in order to place an undemocratically chosen candidate in power, and points out the massive discrepancies between exit polls and official results – more than enough to have foreign elections declared fraudulent.

Upon receipt of the petition, the EAD will be legally obliged to acknowledge and investigate the allegations.  With lawsuits, university studies, hacked documents, and now the United Nations hounding Clinton, no wonder Bernie Sanders is quietly confident of winning the contested Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

The letter reads:

We the people of the United States of America are officially requesting the United Nations to monitor our remaining 2016 presidential election. So far we have seen evidence of massive election fraud all across the country, which gives us reason to believe that the fraud will continue. Our president Barack Obama and the U.S. State Department have done nothing about the obvious rigging of our elections, which gives us reasonable suspicion that our government and the integrity of our electoral process has been compromised in order to place their chosen candidate in power against the will of the American people.

The U.S. State Dept. says that a discrepancy in exit polls of more than 2% indicates fraud, we have had discrepancies outside of that margin in at least 16 of the state primaries all the way up to a discrepancy of 23%. These discrepancies have only happened in one of our political parties and they have all been in favor of one candidate. On top of the exit poll discrepancies there has been reports of ballots cast in the names of deceased citizens, patients of mental hospitals, and elderly people with dementia. There has been reports of registration purging, switching of party affiliations, vote flipping, and massive voter suppression. Not to mention the millions of voters who have not been allowed to vote because they do not claim any party affiliation. Multiple major universities have calculated that in order to get our current results without election fraud, the odds would be 1 in 70 billion.

This level of election fraud is usually only done covertly and in 3rd world countries, now it’s being done openly and blatantly in the United States. Our democracy is being stolen and we very well maybe on the brink of a dictatorship, we can no longer trust our government and we need help from the outside. So we are respectively requesting the U.N. to step in and assess the integrity of our electoral process. We also request that you review the apparent fraud of our current results and ensure credibility and transparency moving forward. We feel that your help is imperative to avoid an inevitable major conflict in the U.S. due to corruption in our government.

According to the UN Electoral Assistance Division, the premise of their work is Article 21 (3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which says: “The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections.”

Is the will of the people forming the basis of the authority of government in the United States now?

The United Nations has provided several kinds of assistance to countries during elections:
  • technical assistance
  • election monitoring
  • organisation and supervision of elections
Does the Unites States need technical assistance, election monitoring and supervision of this election?

The petition to the UN Electoral Assitance Division can be found here.


Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

The momentous victory for the Brexit campaign signals a new era of freedom for the British people.
Britain outside the EU will be a stronger ally for the United States.
After more than four decades of being shackled to the European Union (previously the European Economic Community), Great Britain has declared its independence.

The vote for Brexit (52 percent of Britons cast ballots to leave the EU) is a vote for sovereignty and self-determination. Britain will no longer be subject to European legislation, with Britain’s Parliament retaking control. British judges will no longer be overruled by the European Court of Justice, and British businesses will be liberated from mountains of EU regulations, which have undermined economic liberty.

Indeed, Brexit will result in a bonfire of red tape, freeing the city of London and enterprises across the nation from European Union diktat. And at last, Britain is free again to negotiate its own free trade deals, a huge boost to the world’s fifth largest economy.

The United States should seize upon Brexit as a tremendous opportunity to sign an historic free trade agreement with the United Kingdom—a deal that would advance prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic. Brexit will also strengthen the Anglo-American special relationship, the most important bilateral partnership in the world.

Britain outside the EU will be a stronger ally for the United States, from confronting Russian aggression in Eastern Europe to defeating the Islamist terror threat.

Britain’s decision to leave the EU should be a cause for celebration here in America. Brexit embodies the very principles and ideals the American people hold dear to their hearts: self-determination, limited government, democratic accountability, and economic liberty. A truly free and powerful Great Britain is good for Europe and the United States.

As Margaret Thatcher famously declared after the liberation of the Falkland Islands by British forces in 1982: “Rejoice.” The Iron Lady believed firmly that Britain would be better off outside the European Union.

The British people can rejoice in their rediscovered freedom. It is a cause for celebration for America, too.

They took their country back

UK voters took a brave stand yesterday. I could not be more proud to stand with them in their fight for freedom and independence.

Donald J Trump


Last night UK voters shocked the world.

I'm sure you saw the news, Friend. Voters in the United Kingdom chose to leave the flawed and failing European Union and reassert control over their borders, politics and economy, taking a brave stand for freedom and independence. It's been dubbed "Brexit" in the media.

These voters stood up for their nation – they put the United Kingdom first, and they took their country back.

With your help, we're going to do the exact same thing on Election Day 2016 here in the United States of America.

I am fighting to upend the failed Big Government status quo in Washington, so that Americans can start believing in the future of our country again. And if elected President of the United States, I will strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain.

Will you stand with me at this critical time?

Yesterday UK voters exercised their right to self-determination for all the world to see. And today, our friends across the Atlantic are looking forward to a return to greater freedom and a better future for their children and grandchildren.

Voters here face the same choice on Election Day.

Friend, the political elites didn't see this coming. Wall Street and the media didn’t have a clue. And they want to believe just as badly that we cannot win in November.

Let's send another shockwave around the world. Let's take back our country from the corrupt career politicians and put Americans first. Let’s re-declare our independence.

Please stand with me today to reclaim freedom from the corrupt Washington establishment and Make America Great Again.

Thank you.

Best Wishes,

Donald J. Trump
Candidate for President of the United States

Our Muslim Government!!! Forward To Others! - June 24, 2016

On Thursday, June 23, 2016

I hope if Trump gets in... that this NEW admin makes sure that any elected official do their oath
on the BIBLE & if they refuse then they don’t take the position... if you agree pass this on....
Can You Believe

Can you believe
This information has all been checked, then double checked... It is 100% Correct.
That's why there is such an alarm within US government, since Trump's statement about temporary suspension of migration of Muslims to US till US authorities make sure there is a proper concept of safe penetration of US territory.
People are stunned to learn that the head of the U.S. CIA is a Muslim!  Do hope this wakes up some!
Until it hits you like a ton of bricks read it again, until you understand!
We now have a Muslim government!
John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.
Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.
Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are still involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim .
Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim .
Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.
Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim .
Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim .
Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep Andre Carson, D-Ind, a Muslim , as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, of all things! It would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East! He has he suggested that U.S. Schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Quran!!!
Last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in.  He did not repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the  Democrats claimed he was given the oath again, in private. Yeah, right.
CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible??
Valarie Jarret wrote her college thesis on how she wanted to change America into a Muslim friendly nation and she is a Obama top advisor!
Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an, NOT the Bible!
Conservative Congresswoman Michele Bachman, R-MN, was vilified and verbally tarred and
feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government!
Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East!
The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he's become!  Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us! It can only get worse!  In his book Obama said, "if it comes down to it, I will side with the Muslims".

If you fail to pass this one on, there's something wrong, somewhere!
Common sense doesn't grow in everyone's garden!

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Jim Caviezel Warning About America’s Future – Interview Testimony

Jim speaks about Mel Gibson offering him the part of Jesus in the Passion of the Christ and how the Devil attempted to thwart it through doubt about if they should do the movie. How Jim and Mel both resolved to do this movie, even if it meant they would have no more jobs in Hollywood.

Jim Caviezel Testimony: [11:48] “Our democracy cannot be sustained without a shared commitment to certain moral truths about the human person and the human community. In seeking an answer to this question. Can society exclude moral truth and moral reasoning? Set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation my brothers and sisters. You weren’t made to fit in. You were born to stand out.” [12:19]

Jim Caviezel Testimony: (Actor Who Played Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ” Film) [40 min.]…

Important! Who shot gays in Orlando?!!

This false flag attack was mainly created to take weapons from American Patriots like members of the U.S. FREEDOM ARMY NATIONAL ORGANIZATION and mementos US National Militia.

Please, find below my opinion of how the criminals organized the Orlando’s false flag attack.

1. They organized for this purpose a group of mercenaries of a private military company G4S…”

2. The mass media disinformation created hysteria around Orlando’s shooting, threatening Americans that people who own weapons are potential danger for Americans and that the weapons must be confiscated from them.

3. Almost 100 of Democrats in Congress started a sit-down strike,refused to leave the House of Representatives’ meeting room, trying to get members of Congress to vote for the adoption of laws on gun control.

Please watch a short video below, in which Judge Napolitano (one of our wonderful American Patriots) discusses the shooting in Orlando and why the 2nd Amendment is a sacred right.

Judge Napolitano was right, saying that “The Gun Free Zone is Killing Zone!” 


What is the remedy?

By Ron Vrooman
I have heard all the bullshit before. I find damned few that are doing anything right now or correctly now. Besides talk and spread mis and dis information and call each other by titles MR. may I touch you. Judge please speak, Marshall needs a badge, The political correctness makes one want to throw up.
David Schied (sp), Trowbridge, PAG in Portland, Mark in Florida!! Who else is doing something actual that counts? Lots of people.
Where is the clearing house?
Appointing each other judge and marshall and decrying to the land, is not doing anything. You people are leading a Convoy in VW microbus. Sons of Jesus. Some still think there are good muslims. That is an oxymoron in America.
Enforcing a default and going to jail is doing the wrong thing, Shaffer Cox going to jail is a wrong thing, Steve Curry is out but his going to jail was a wrong thing, showing off in Eastern Oregon was a wrong thing.
However, they all took action. we have action takers that win all the time. We also have shown no remedy, that I know of.
So, speak up about stopping foreclosures! How about some definite proof instead of rhetoric?
Joaquin, Rodger and Anna all publish, Robert and Arnie, too. a lot of words. Joaquin also takes action. I guess that is your function. Then the whole raft of Judges, they judge, they don’t do.
Now, all the judges puff up and say all they wrote, they published, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, they may have actually done some great work. I’ve read some of it. Damned few Trowbridge among them. Most of you are pretending. Reaching way above yourselves with prognostication.
Where does this information fall on the bullshit meter?
sign in red and thumb print!
do not accept home delivery of mail,
21 silver dollars myth or fact? oh! a postal money order will do,
 stamps on case work myth or fact?,
 record your status,
assumed name certificate,
American National passport!,
 you cannot get a common law case in federal court,
de facto judicial will never recognized common law Constitutional court of record,
 always close one eye when farting,
color of law de facto corporate governance is in control,
 we defeat de facto with lawful law .
 Those that do, Cox, Billy, Thomas, Curry, Lavoy, Bundy et al, Terry, Ward all seem to fuck up the doing part. Unto death sometimes.
 Franklin son of Billy house of Graham showed up in Eastern Oregon did his work and went on. It is a marketing problem! What is the remedy?
So, all you patriotic heavyweights, including those that don’t know anything, this old broken down Oregonian challenges! The “hierarchy of the patriot movement, if you publish a website or some such, print or media and receive thousands of emails, that’s you.”
 Let’s get a time line down here. none of you are 100% correct. so, none of you have the solution. You have, just the part that you can see, is what you have solved. We need to remedy our way out of this not get in deeper.
The greatest proof of my intelligence is how closely I agree with you; or you blow smoke up my ass and I’ll blow smoke up your ass.
 We, do not need more proof of wrong doing! You have my permission to re send of whatever with this email/ YAta yaTA
.They lost when they murdered LaVoy

Ronald Vrooman
General Delivery
Beaverton, OR [97005]

CORRECTION: — by Anna von Reitz


We have to put this particular Patriot Myth to bed along with “Sovereign Citizen” nonsense.

The Act of 1871 was repealed three later in 1874.

Hello?  So there is an end to this whole bogus and incorrect read of history.

Another Act in 1877, finalized in 1878, did result in the municipal incorporation of the District of Columbia—- but that was allowed by the original actual Constitution.

See Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.

The United States Congress was given plenary absolute control over running the District of Columbia.  If they wanted to set it up as a municipal corporation they were within their rights to do so.

The Problem is not the incorporation of the DC government –which strictly speaking has nothing to do with us —it is the following deceits and usurpations that were employed by the corporate managers seeking to confuse and defraud the American People via the use of deceptively similar names, undisclosed contracts, and other means of fraud.


By:  TLB Staff Writer  |  David-William

Every day the amount of people learning that the “united states of America,” the representative Republic that it was, died when the Southern States abandoned Congress forever in 1861, is increasing.  Along with the pain of finding that you’ve been steeped in lies throughout your entire education, there’s still plenty more to cry about as you start putting the pieces together.  Seriously, after this Article, you’ll feel the temptation to learn enough more to go slap your kids’ teachers and professors around until they promise to make some kind of change or resign.  

Trust me, if we’re sending our kids to public school today, we’re not doing them any good.  Sorry for the harsh words, but when we find out that the schools are really indoctrinating our kids to be slaves, and stupid ones at that, yet we do it anyway, it’s time to rethink our philosophy. 

When we fail to plan, we plan to fail.  How can we say the kids have great teachers while they’re teaching them bull$#!+ and lies?  That’s what we think when we don’t know the truth either!!  OUCH!!!  Today’s teachers are shoveling propaganda during an age of information with the real facts thumbing them in the eyes.  There are no excuses and there’s no reason to hear any.  If it comes from public schools, public agencies, public MEDIA, or public servants, it’s a stinking lie!

 Even the term public means private if it’s connected to THE UNITED STATES.  
U.S. is a private, foreign, bankrupt Corporation in CITY OF LONDON, and we wonder why the Courts, Cops, and Banks are such despicable, inhumane pirates!?!  They’re holding you as collateral for the DEBT, that they’re growing, and they’re doing the same to your kids, with your help, I might ad, so stop hitting the snooze button and wake up.  

“Then, by passing the Act of 1871, Congress formed a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, shoved the organic version of the Constitution aside by changing the word ‘for’ to ‘of’ in the title. Let me explain: the original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers read: ‘The Constitution for the united states of America.’ [note that neither the words ‘united’ nor ‘states’ began with capital letters] But the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’ is a corporate constitution, which is absolutely NOT the same document you think it is. First of all, it ended all our rights of sovereignty [sui juris]. So you now have the HOW, how the international bankers got their hands on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.”

“As an instrument of the international bankers, the UNITED STATES owns you from birth to death. It also holds ownership of all your assets, of your property, even of your children. Think long and hard about all the bills taxes, fines, and licenses you have paid for or purchased. Yes, they had you by the pockets. If you don’t believe it, read the 14th Amendment. See how ‘free’ you really are. 

Ignorance of the facts led to your silence. Silence is construed as consent; consent to be beneficiaries of a debt you did not incur. As a Sovereign People we have been deceived for hundreds of years; we think we are free, but in truth we are servants of the corporation.”

THE UNITED STATES is the Vatican!  They’re the Jesuits and the Zionists all rolled into one big rat’s nest!  They’re the ones running the Pentagon, murdering everyone.  They’re not about God!  They work for Satan.  They have been pumping your heads full of septic stew and they’re getting you to foot the bill!  They’re the ones who own the I.R.S., so wake up.
Lisa Guliani’s work to expose this history of fraud deserves all the mileage it can get, and The Liberty Beacon readers need and deserve the truth as well, so please get comfortable and enjoy the extensive source material below. 


In 1914 the United States $10 bill featured an image of hemp being harvested in the fields, a symbol of the glorious productivity of our nation at that time.

harvesting hemp on the 194 us 10 dollar bill
When I see these images from the past, I realize how long we have suffered from a lack of freedom and education about this plant as a result of its prohibition. Not only prohibited, but demonized since the beginning of the last century.