Thursday, July 14, 2016

CDC Executive Resigns: Caught Colluding with Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market [videos]

CDC Executive Resigns: Caught Colluding with Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market [videos]

The headlines are extra juicy these days. The US government’s cup runneth over with news of the rampant corruption plaguing the agencies designed to protect the People and the biggest, most renowned corporations are exposed right along with them. Funny how that works.
The revolving door between the government and corporations is squeezing shut, however, and they’ll all be left out in the cold.
Soda has its place, though. I heard Coke is great for getting the black soot off the bricks on a fireplace.   ~ BP

coca colareblogged from
July 12, 2016
By Dr. Mercola
I’ve often written about the collusion between industry and our regulatory agencies, and how industry-funded research tends to simply support and promote the industry agenda rather than shed truthful light on the benefits or risks of any given product.
Recent media reports have now revealed devastating evidence showing a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) executive aided a Coca-Cola representative in efforts to influence World Health Organization (WHO) officials to relax recommendations on sugar limits.1
In March 2015, WHO published a new sugar guideline that specifically targeted sugary beverages, calling them out as a primary cause for childhood obesity around the world, especially in developing nations, where the soda industry is now aggressively expanding its reach.
WHO’s recommendation to limit soda consumption was a huge blow to an already beleaguered soda industry, struggling to maintain a declining market share amid mounting evidence identifying sweetened drinks as a primary contributor to the obesity and diabetes epidemics.
The damning email correspondence between Coca-Cola and the CDC was obtained by the nonprofit consumer education group U.S. Right to Know (USRTK).2 According to PhillyVoice:3
“The emails were between Barbara Bowman, Ph.D. director of the CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, and Dr. Alex Malaspina, a former Coca-Cola scientific and regulatory affairs leader and the founder of a food industry-funded group, International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI).
They allegedly show Bowman’s multiple attempts to aid Malaspina’s relationship with WHO leaders whose actions (think soda tax) were hurting the beverage industry.
According to the report, Bowman — whose job is to try to help prevent obesity, diabetes and other health problems — ‘appeared happy to help the beverage industry cultivate political sway with the World Health Organization.'”

Soda Politics

This kind of political maneuvering and back scratching is covered at length in Marion Nestle, Ph.D.’s book “Soda Politics.” I interviewed Nestle, a professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, last year.

In response to the CDC-Coke scandal, she says:4
“[T]he fact that a high-level U.S. health official is communicating in this way with a beverage industry leader appears improper,” adding the emails “suggest that ILSI, Coca-Cola and researchers funded by Coca-Cola have an ‘in’ with a prominent CDC official.
The official appears to be interested in helping these groups organize opposition to ‘eat less sugar’ and ‘disclose industry funding’ recommendations.
The invitation to dinner suggests a cozy relationship … This appearance of conflict of interest is precisely why policies for engagement with industry are needed for federal officials.”
Nestle’s book reveals the soda industry is well aware of the connection between soda consumption and obesity and obesity-related diseases.
Soda companies are by law required to inform the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about vulnerabilities, and for the last decade Coca-Cola has been telling the SEC that obesity is the most significant threat to soda industry profits.
In short, Coca-Cola knows that once the truth about soda’s influence on obesity becomes fully recognized, their jig is up.

Exposed CDC Official Steps Down

For many years now, health advocates have warned people about the connection between sugary drinks and obesity, and the message has slowly but surely started to take hold.
U.S. soda sales have dropped 25 percent since 1998,5 no doubt due to successful public health advocacy, and this makes the current scandal all the more scandalous, as it’s an attempt by a high-level health official to undo all the work that’s already been done to protect the public health. According to USRTK:6
“Alex Malaspina was able to ask for and receive regular input and guidance from a top official at the … CDC on how to address actions by the World Health Organization that were hurting the food and beverage industry.
The emails … reveal that … Bowman … tried to help Malaspina find inroads to influence WHO officials to back off anti-sugar talk. Bowman suggested people and groups for Malaspina to talk to, and solicited his comments on some CDC summaries of reports … ”
Surprisingly, Bowman had the good sense to immediately vacate her post once her betrayal of the public trust was exposed.
According to The Huffington Post,7 Bowman “announced her immediate departure from the agency … two days after it came to light that she had been offering guidance to a leading Coca-Cola advocate who was seeking to influence world health authorities on sugar and beverage policy matters.”

Perfect Example of Why Revolving Door to Industry Needs to Be Shut

While Bowman didn’t mention her public disgrace as a factor in her resignation, saying she’d made the decision to retire “late last month,” her boss, Ursula Bauer, Ph.D., confirmed Bowman’s dealings with Coca-Cola in an internal email to CDC staff.
In it, Bauer states the “perception that some readers may take from the article [revealing Bowman’s dealings with Malaspina] is not ideal,” adding that the situation “serves as an important reminder of the old adage that if we don’t want to see it on the front pages of the newspaper then we shouldn’t do it.”8
Bowman’s connections to Coca-Cola actually dates back decades,9 and it’s anyone’s guess as to how those ties may have slowed down the path to truth and influenced public health policy. She’d been at the CDC since 1992; she was appointed director of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) in February 2013. But earlier in her career, Bowman worked as a senior nutritionist for Coca-Cola.
This just goes to show the power of the corporate and federal regulatory agency revolving door allegiances. Public servants must choose the hard road of doing what is best for the public, not their former bosses and acquaintances.
Few have that kind of integrity, it seems, and this case is a perfect example of why the door between private industry and public health and regulatory agencies needs to be more closely monitored. This is not a new problem and is pervasive in Washington for other industries. Yet the U.S. Congress and Senate continually fail to pass legislation to address this glaring loophole that decimates public health.

Philadelphia Imposes Soda Tax and Other Bad News for Big Soda

This scandal comes on the heels of a number of blows against the soda industry. Aside from WHO Director General Dr. Margaret Chan announcing soda is a key contributor to child obesity and suggesting restrictions on sugary beverages, Philadelphia recently decided to implement a soda tax to cut consumption.
Mexico imposed a soda tax in 2014, and San Francisco requires ads for sugary drinks to include a health warning as of last year. Many cities around the world are also considering similar measures to restrict soda sales. However, the stance against sugar taken by WHO was perhaps considered one of the most serious. In a June 2015 email to Bowman, Malaspina expresses worry about negative publicity related to sugar-rich products and European soda tax plans.
Malaspina says WHO’s actions can have “significant negative consequences on a global basis,” and that “the threat to our business is serious.” He also notes that WHO officials “do not want to work with industry,” adding that, “something must be done.” In response to Malaspina’s request for suggestions on how to get an audience with WHO, Bowman replies that “someone with Gates or ‘Bloomberg people’ may have close connections that could open a door at WHO,” USRTK writes.
“She also suggests he try someone at PEPFAR program, a U.S. government-backed program that makes HIV/AIDS drugs available through the sub-Saharan Africa. She tells him that ‘WHO is key to the network.’ She writes that she ‘will be in touch about getting together.'”
Clearly, the soda industry is struggling to stay alive. But at what cost should they be allowed to promote their business? It’s equally clear that the price for their unrestricted success is disease and death of its consumers, which is why these kinds of backdoor dealings are so unpalatable.

Without Conflicts of Interest, Could Junk Food Industry Survive?

In 2013, I interviewed Michele Simon, who has practiced public health law for nearly 20 years, fighting corporate tactics that deceive and manipulate you about health. Last year, she released a report that revealed disturbing ties between the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) — considered a premier source of nutritional science — and the primary purveyors of obesity and chronic ill health.
ASN is sponsored by 30 different companies, including Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s, Monsanto and the Sugar Association, just to mention a few, each of which pays $10,000 a year in return for “print and online exposure, annual meeting benefits, and first choice to sponsor educational sessions, grants, awards and other opportunities as they arise.” As noted by Simon:
“In other words, food, beverage, supplement, biotech and pharmaceutical industry leaders are able to purchase cozy relationships with the nation’s top nutrition researchers.”
Junk food purveyors gain even more influence by sponsoring educational sessions at various conferences and annual meetings, and featuring speakers that represent the industry. ASN’s ties are particularly problematic since they also publish three academic journals, including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN).
These ties can “taint scientific objectivity, negatively impact the organization’s policy recommendations, and result in industry-friendly research and messaging that is shared with nutrition professionals and the general public alike,” according to Simon.
Obesity researcher David Allison, Ph.D. tops the list of those with the most conflicts. Allison serves on the editorial board of the AJCN, ASN’s flagship publication, even though he has ties to PepsiCo, the Sugar Association, World Sugar Research Organization, Red Bull, Kellogg, Mars, Campbell Soup and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group.
According to Simon, “having Allison in such a critical gatekeeper role demonstrates how industry can potentially influence even the science that gets published.”

‘Just Say No’ to Soda

“Just Say No” was a slogan created by first lady Nancy Reagan. The “Just Say No” advertising campaign against recreational drug use was prevalent through the 1980s. Today, the same slogan would be appropriate to discourage soda consumption, and a whole lot easier to implement as well.
If you struggle with weight or chronic health issues, replacing soda and other sweet drinks, including fruit juices, with pure water could be one of the best things you could possibly do. Granted, other dietary changes are likely needed as well, but for many, ditching soda can go a long way.
If you crave some flavor, try adding some lime or lemon juice to still or sparkling water. Tea is another option. Just avoid adding sugar, and steer clear of bottled varieties as they’re usually loaded with added sugars. Ditto for so-called “designer water” like Vitamin Water.
If you find it difficult to quit, don’t be discouraged. Many are indeed addicted to soda. To break free, be sure to address the emotional component of your food cravings using tools such as the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). A version referred to as Turbo Tapping tends to be particularly useful for eliminating soda addiction in a short amount of time.
If you still have cravings after trying EFT or Turbo Tapping, you may need to make some changes to your diet. My free nutrition plan can help you do this in a step-by-step fashion.
Remember, sweetened beverages, whether sweetened with sugar, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), naturally occurring fructose or artificial sweeteners are among the worst culprits in the fight against obesity and related health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. Ditching ALL of these types of beverages is a significant first step toward reducing your risk for chronic health problems and weight gain.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

"We Serve and Collect" What do you Really Expect?

"We Serve, and Collect" - What do You REALLY Expect?

"We Serve, and Collect" was the old saying in Chicago by those who "knew" ...

~ ~ ~ Seriously Folks, What Do You REALLY Expect? ~ ~ ~

My early years were spent in the company of the Mafia, and their partners - law enforcement.
My personal attorney was the former governor...
Many things have changed over the years, naturally.

The FBI came into Chicago and broke up "the mob" in the early 80's because they were interfering with the CIA/DEA drug running business conducted on behalf of their Masters, the Bushes, Clintons, et al.

Greylord effectively put an end to Daley's "city that worked" with the institution of tickets in triplicate - it was hard to disappear them, after that.
My friend, and legal counsel went on to make license plates...

Although the "evidence room" continued offering the very best selection of weed anywhere in the city... (at the best prices, too)

Confessions that used to be beaten out of people with rubber pipes, are now extracted by "stacking" - plus everybody makes money on the whole transaction of getting that conviction.

Public defenders rarely prevail anymore, although they used to sometimes get actual murderers acquitted.

The criminal injustice system no longer offers any opportunity of "justice" as everyone has sold their soul for a sheckle.

Admiralty Law has completely replaced Common Law, and are "sold for cash" to the privately owned jails. is the BIGGEST CHANGE of all previously mentioned above -
The "COPS" used to be chosen for their intelligence and wit...
........ Now, that's an automatic EXCLUSION from hiring

Only the STUPID, low IQ ones get hired. This started about 20 years ago.

Don't take my word for it, though - research it for yourself...

" IQ limits for police "


Surviving the Planet X Tribulation

Surviving the Planet X Tribulation
Pole Shift, Global Chaos 
Marshall Masters
Leak Project
Published on Jul 12, 2016

Latest news and intel with great photos of what could be the infamous Planet X.
Secular communities vs Faith based communities / problems vs benefits of both
 and differences. Wellness, communications, incident command systems

The truth about the Illuminati plan


Secret Space, Hybrids, Time Travel & More…
Freaky Friday Episode #76
Kev Baker June 27, 2016
Carolyn Hamlett & Eleyna are our special guests on this weeks show, and this is more woo that most can handle! We get into DNA manipulation, Satan’s spiritual hierarchy, time travel, secret space and the power of Jesus in a show that takes Freaky Friday to the next level in all things woo!

The Kev Baker Show
Published on Jun 26, 2016

U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071 (re: Hillary Clinton) FYI

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta

Subject: U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071 (re: Hillary Clinton)  FYI

 U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071

If you have not seen this - or even if you have - please read AND share. No one should be voting for her. Just because it is against the law for her to be running does not mean she will withdraw from this U.S. Presidential Election Race.

PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO AS MANY AS YOU CAN !! Are we living in another world than the Elites of this Country? Do the Laws of the Land NOT apply to them...??

Subject: U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071
Word for word from the Cornell Law Library

willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with
intent to do so takes and carries away any record,  proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and
unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term "office" does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States."

Yes, it explicitly states "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

Shouldn't All American Voters know that? The media won't tell them. 

Now! Does anyone believe that this will make a real difference?? 
Now if Hillary is allowed to run for office of ANY kind, it will show us that the Washington, D.C. Establishment is so much more corrupt than we actually thought !!!

Central Bank Wonderland is Complete and Now Open for Business — The Epocalypse Has Fully Begun

The Epocalypse has arrived
Summer vacation is here, and the whole global family has arrived at Central-Bank Wonderland, the upside-down, inside-out world that banksters and their puppet politicians call “recovery.” Everyone is talking about it as wizened traders puzzle over how stocks and bonds soared, hand-in-hand, in face of the following list of economic thrills:
  • Britain voted to exit the EU, and a handful of other nations are talking openly along similar lines. One major crack in the European Union just happened, and others are forming. (Brexit is the name of this new Earthquake ride near the gates of Wonderland.)
  • Italy’s oldest bank (also the world’s oldest bankBanca Monte dei Paschi di Siena) faces bankruptcy unless it gets bailed out. The bank that has survived the greatest tests of time (founded in 1472 before Columbus sailed the ocean blue) is going down unless it finds a savior! Italy’s prime minister is screaming for tax-payer bailouts. At the same time, one of Germany’s oldest banks and one of the largest — Deutsche Bank — has just about become a penny stock and faces the likelihood of imminent collapse if not bailed out, too. (Welcome to Wonderland’s zombie freak show of the world’s oldest walking-dead banks dying again.)
  • Gold and silver have been soaring as though people are fleeing to safety (in Wonderland’s Bouncy House of Coins).
  • People are also fleeing to safety in bonds, bringing the US 10-year bond down to a 1.318% yield, its lowest yield in history. (Hit me on the head with a hammer like a pop-up gopher, and watch me smile.)
  • In many nations around the world, government bonds have been selling hotter than bombs in Syria even with negative interest rates, meaning you lose money every day you hold them. (The bonking game of bigger gophers for the near-sighted so that Wonderland remains handicap accessible.)
  • In Switzerland, people are cuing up in the ticket line to give the government their money to hold for a fifty year ride now that the Swiss 50-year bond has turned negative. (Wonderland’s biggest gopher for the totally blind. You don’t just hit this one; it takes you the ride of your life for the rest of your life. We call it “Gopher Broke.”)
  • US jobs crashed in May, causing stocks to drop, but rebounded in June, causing stocks to rise, so that May is now seen as an unexplained anomaly. (Welcome to Ripley’s House of Unexplained Economic Mysteries.)
  • The Great Britain Pound crashed to a thirty-year low against the dollar. (Enjoy your ride on the currency bumper cars!)
  • Japan’s decade of quantitative wheezing has accomplished so little that they’re going to cough up more of the same all over again because it was so much fun the first five times. (House of Bodily Humors and Horrors.)
  • Central banks in Europe say they need to and will crank their own quantitative easing back up, so effective have all previous rounds been. (And, so, the merry-go-round spins and the calliope plays its happy music in Euro Dizzyland.)
  • Falling oil prices, which contributed significantly to January’s spectacular stock market plunge, are going back down the pipeline while oversupply is building rapidly at the bottom again with the buildup reaching its highest point in ten weeks. (Wonderland’s log ride through oil with more than one crude splash.)
  • Venezuela and Brazil are collapsing into economic chaos. (It’s more fun than that bungy-jumping vehicle for two at the carnival.)
  • Etc. (I know, darn! Just as he was on a roll. Well, hang on…)

[From there, the article goes on to describe the biggest dichotomy financial markets have seen in the history of the world — not just me calling it that, but quite a number of people now talking about “what gives?” as several all-time records are broken and financial markets do things they’ve never done before.]

As always, a link back to the original article and a byline will be fine.

Those Appointed to Destroy

Judge Anna von Reitz
Most of us think of destruction as a bad thing.  We naturally recoil from destroying anything, because we instinctively know that it cost people effort to build it and in many cases, there might be people depending upon it in some way.
Yes, we have it firmly set in our minds that “destruction is bad” even if we also rationally know that sometimes destruction is necessary.
There are in this world people who are literally appointed to destroy and I am one of them. They are called “judges” or “justices” or “magistrates”—- and we are all appointed to destroy.
Now here is the thing that you really have to appreciate: when we destroy something bad, it results in good.
Think of destroying the evil of slavery.  Think of destroying the evil of a festering wound.  Think of destroying a corrupt burdensome bureaucracy.  Think of destroying a false doctrine or idea. Think of destroying a false claim.
This is the true calling of a righteous judge— to destroy evil in all its ways and forms, to see through the lies and half-lies and self-interests that motivate these lies, and get to the Truth.
When we do this job and do it right, everyone benefits except the wrong-doers and the liars and the cheats—- and that is the reason that righteous judges are needed to enforce the Spirit of the Law and not just the letter or procedure of the law.
There is a desperate need for such judges in America and throughout the world today, and an equally desperate need for people to judge their judges.
A friend of mine who is still engaged in electing”State of Alaska” corporate tribunal judges recently admitted to me that because he knows nothing about these people, who they are, how they perform on the bench or anything else—- he just automatically votes “No” on retaining them in office.
There is some logic to that.  At least it enforces term limits.  The problem with it, of course, is that it arbitrarily punishes men and women who are standing as a last line of defense and paints the guilty with the same brush as the innocent.
Many judges today are corrupt.  Many are ignorant.  Many don’t have the intellectual gifts or worldly experience or anything else they need to be competent.  Most have been indoctrinated to value process and procedure above meaning and justice.  Many of them are in despair because of the political pressures placed upon them at every turn.  Others are just cads in it for a paycheck and bennies and could care less about justice at all. They will provide “justice” to the highest bidder every time.
Virtually all judges are grossly overburdened with case loads that would collapse a healthy mule.
It’s your responsibility to judge your judges and to choose them well.  When you find a good one, it’s your job to support them in their work.  When you find a bad one, it’s your job to root them out.
We stand now at a crossroads in history where conflicts between competing systems of law are meeting head on.
There is the ancient profane, immoral, venal Law of Noah, known as the international Law Merchant, which reduces living men to things called “persons” and law to “statutes”.
There is the moral, albeit draconian and arbitrary Law of Moses, which is the law of the land, which reduces living men to being “people”—members of an eternal militia living under “Public Law”.
And finally, there is the Law of Yeshuah, the Law of Love, which is the Greatest Law, for if men will follow it, there is no need for other laws at all.
The Law of Noah was overthrown when Moses marched out of Egypt and parted the Red Sea. The Law of Moses was overthrown when Yeshuah marched out of Death and parted the Veil between Life and Death.
There remains on Earth only one True Law, and it is the Law of Love.
The problem is that not everyone has realized that yet.  There are still those among us living in the Stone Age, acting according to laws that date back to before the Great Flood. There are those that still want to cling to the Law of Moses, even though its limitations and injustices are well-known.  And finally there are those who are ready to move on, to face facts, and do away with all the earlier systems of “law” that have ever been known in favor of three simple precepts.
Those Three Laws are:  Love your Creator with all your heart, soul, and mind. Love your fellow men and women as yourself, cherishing them and their well-being as your cherish your own self and your own well-being.  Keep the peace and exercise your free will with equal respect for the free will of others.
It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would choose to live under the Law of Noah, when you can see the affects of this on our world: lying, cheating, lack of accountability, arbitrariness, bullying, condoning of deceit.  It was evil then.  It is evil now.  Just as Yeshuah said of these Latter Days— “as it was in the days of Noah, it shall be again”.
Here we are, but is this where we want and deserve to be?  The Law of Noah was overcome long ages ago. These”laws” known as “statutes” have no authority over any living man.  Their authority ended nearly 6000 years ago.  Let that be recognized and let the Law of Noah be consigned to the dustbin of history once and for all.
As for the Law of Moses, the Law of the Land, it is to be infinitely desired above the Law of Noah, but it too, lacks mercy and justice and continues the tradition of Kings and endless conflicts and equally endless picky “laws” that no man can ever adequately perform.
In the end, the greatest challenge before us is to rule ourselves according to the Law of Yeshuah and to make this our Law and our standard.  Then we can take the endless volumes of law compounded by these obsolete systems and still preserved in the law libraries of the world and cast them into the sea.  Then, we can finally live together in peace.
In the end, let it be the greatest duty of all righteous judges to destroy these old systems of law in favor of the True Law and teach others to do the same.

BREAKING: Sharpton, Obama And BLM Served With BOMBSHELL Lawsuit


Many Americans have accused President Barack Obama of being in collusion with professional race-baiter Al Sharpton in stirring up racial tension in America.

One American has decided to do more than simply point fingers — he is taking the alleged race war straight to Obama and Sharpton’s doors.

The Daily Caller reported that former federal
prosecutor Larry Klayman has sued Obama, Sharpton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and founders of the Black Lives Matter movement for starting a race war that led to the slaughter of five police officers in Dallas.

These (defendants) have incited violence and, in fact, have a direct link to what happened in Dallas,” Klayman explained. “I hope that law enforcement in Dallas and around the nation will join our class action — it’s a peaceful, legal means to fight this. We’ve had it. People are finally starting to speak out.”

Klayman was holding Obama and the laundry list of race-baiters he sued directly responsible for the increase in attacks on police in recent years.

The defendants … have publicly incited people to violence with the fiction that police officers and other law enforcement are intentionally and systematically targeting and hunting blacks and other minorities to kill them for no reason other than racism or sport,” the lawsuit states.

You can read the full lawsuit here.

It is unclear how far this lawsuit will actually go due to the number of named defendants and the charges leveled against them. Judge Sam A. Lindsay, a Clinton appointee, has been assigned the case.

*Even if this lawsuit doesn’t go anywhere, it should server as a reminder to Obama and his ilk that Americans are getting fed up with their hate-filled rhetoric and, come November, intend to give power to someone who will actually work toward heading America, not dividing it. 



Heads Up! Obama Signed Executive Order on Civilian Casualties from Military ‘Use of Force’

What do you suppose 'they' - and you KNOW WHO - have planned for Americans to 'legalize' such an Ex Order? 


Published on Jul 13, 2016
The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled “Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force“.


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. United States policy on civilian casualties resulting from U.S. operations involving the use of force in armed conflict or in the exercise of the Nation’s inherent right of self-defense is based on our national interests, our values, and our legal obligations.

As a Nation, we are steadfastly committed to complying with our obligations under the law of armed conflict, including those that address the protection of civilians, such as the fundamental principles of necessity, humanity, distinction, and proportionality.

The protection of civilians is fundamentally consistent with the effective, efficient, and decisive use of force in pursuit of U.S. national interests. Minimizing civilian casualties can further mission objectives; help maintain the support of partner governments and vulnerable populations, especially in the conduct of counter terrorism and counterinsurgency operations; and enhance the legitimacy and sustainability of U.S. operations critical to our national security. As a matter of policy, the United States therefore routinely imposes certain heightened policy standards that are more protective than the requirements of the law of armed conflict that relate to the protection of civilians.

Civilian casualties are a tragic and at times unavoidable consequence of the use of force in situations of armed conflict or in the exercise of a state’s inherent right of self-defense. The U.S. Government shall maintain and promote best practices that reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties, take appropriate steps when such casualties occur, and draw lessons from our operations to further enhance the protection of civilians.

Sec. 2. Policy. In furtherance of U.S. Government efforts to protect civilians in U.S. operations involving the use of force in armed conflict or in the exercise of the Nation’s inherent right of self-defense, and with a view toward enhancing such efforts, relevant departments and agencies (agencies) shall continue to take certain measures in present and future operations.

(a) In particular, relevant agencies shall, consistent with mission objectives and applicable law, including the law of armed conflict:

(i) train personnel, commensurate with their responsibilities, on compliance with legal obligations and policy guidance that address the protection of civilians and on implementation of best practices that reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties, including through exercises, pre-deployment training, and simulations of complex operational environments that include civilians;

(ii) develop, acquire, and field intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems that, by enabling more accurate battlespace awareness, contribute to the protection of civilians;

(iii) develop, acquire, and field weapon systems and other technological capabilities that further enable the discriminate use of force in different operational contexts;

(iv) take feasible precautions in conducting attacks to reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties, such as providing warnings to the civilian population (unless the circumstances do not permit), adjusting the timing of attacks, taking steps to ensure military objectives and civilians are clearly distinguished, and taking other measures appropriate to the circumstances; and

(v) conduct assessments that assist in the reduction of civilian casualties by identifying risks to civilians and evaluating efforts to reduce risks to civilians.

(b) In addition to the responsibilities above, relevant agencies shall also, as appropriate and consistent with mission objectives and applicable law, including the law of armed conflict:

(i) review or investigate incidents involving civilian casualties, including by considering relevant and credible information from all available sources, such as other agencies, partner governments, and nongovernmental organizations, and take measures to mitigate the likelihood of future incidents of civilian casualties;

(ii) acknowledge U.S. Government responsibility for civilian casualties and offer condolences, including ex gratia payments, to civilians who are injured or to the families of civilians who are killed;

(iii) engage with foreign partners to share and learn best practices for reducing the likelihood of and responding to civilian casualties, including through appropriate training and assistance; and

(iv) maintain channels for engagement with the International Committee of the Red Cross and other nongovernmental organizations that operate in conflict zones and encourage such organizations to assist in efforts to distinguish between military objectives and civilians, including by appropriately marking protected facilities, vehicles, and personnel, and by providing updated information on the locations of such facilities and personnel.

Sec. 3. Report on Strikes Undertaken by the U.S. Government Against Terrorist Targets Outside Areas of Active Hostilities. 

(a) The Director of National Intelligence (DNI), or such other official as the President may designate, shall obtain from relevant agencies information about the number of strikes undertaken by the U.S. Government against terrorist targets outside areas of active hostilities from January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016, as well as assessments of combatant and non-combatant deaths resulting from those strikes, and publicly release an unclassified summary of such information no later than May 1, 2017. By May 1 of each subsequent year, as consistent with the need to protect sources and methods, the DNI shall publicly release a report with the same information for the preceding calendar year.

(b) The annual report shall also include information obtained from relevant agencies regarding the general sources of information and methodology used to conduct these assessments and, as feasible and appropriate, shall address the general reasons for discrepancies between post-strike assessments from the U.S. Government and credible reporting from nongovernmental organizations regarding non-combatant deaths resulting from strikes undertaken by the U.S. Government against terrorist targets outside areas of active hostilities.

(c) In preparing a report under this section, the DNI shall review relevant and credible post-strike all-source reporting, including such information from nongovernmental sources, for the purpose of ensuring that this reporting is available to and considered by relevant agencies in their assessment of deaths.

(d) The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs may, as appropriate, request that the head of any relevant agency conduct additional reviews related to the intelligence assessments of deaths from strikes against terrorist targets outside areas of active hostilities.

Sec. 4. Periodic Consultation. In furtherance of the policies and practices set forth in this order, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, through the National Security Council staff, will convene agencies with relevant defense, counter terrorism, intelligence, legal, civilian protection, and technology expertise to consult on civilian casualty trends, consider potential improvements to U.S. Government civilian casualty mitigation efforts, and, as appropriate, report to the Deputies and Principals Committees, consistent with Presidential Policy Directive 1 or its successor. Specific incidents will not be considered in this context, and will continue to be examined within relevant chains of command.

Sec. 5. General Provisions. 

(a) The policies and practices set forth above are not intended to alter, and shall be implemented consistent with, the authority and responsibility of commanders and other U.S. personnel to execute their mission as directed by the President or other appropriate authorities, which necessarily includes the inherent right of self-defense and the maintenance of good order and discipline among U.S. personnel. No part of this order modifies the chain of command of the U.S. Armed Forces or the authority of U.S. commanders.

(b) No part of this order modifies priorities in the collection of intelligence or the development, acquisition, or fielding of weapon systems and other technological capabilities.

(c) No part of this order shall prejudice or supplant established procedures pertaining to administrative or criminal investigative or judicial processes in the context of the military justice system or other applicable law and regulation.

(d) The policies set forth in this order are consistent with existing U.S. obligations under international law and are not intended to create new international legal obligations; nor shall anything in this order be construed to derogate from obligations under applicable law, including the law of armed conflict.

(e) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

July 1, 2016

Warning! Full List of Cities and Times

'Day Of Rage' On July 15th

Warning, Full List of Cities and Times

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:3
Dahboo77 Video
Published on Jul 13, 2016

Day of Rage Protests Across America

Use this as a list of places NOT to be on Friday the 15th.
No matter how great your empathy might be for those who have unjustly lost their lives, these protests are not safe places to be.

Here are the locations and times for the protests:

Phoenix: 5:00PM (EASTLAKE PARK, 1549 E Jefferson St , Phoenix, AZ 85034)

Tuscon: 5:00PM (CATALINA PARK, 900 N 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85705)

Little Rock: 6:00PM (OUTSIDE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr., Little Rock, AR 72201)

San Francisco: 4:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 355 Mcallister St, San Francisco, California 94102)

Oakland: 4:00PM (FRANK OGAWA PLAZA, 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612)

Los Angeles: 4:00PM (LEIMERT PLAZA PARK, 4395 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008)

Denver: 5:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PARK, 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, Denver, Colorado 80204)

Washington DC: 7:00PM (OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE, 1600 PennsylvaniaAve NW, Washington, DC 20500)

Atlanta: 7:00PM (OLD DECATUR COURTHOUSE, 101 E Court Sq, Decatur, GA 30030)


Orlando: 7:00PM (LAKE EOLA PARK, 195 N Rosalind Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801)

Miami: 7:00PM (GWEN CHERRY PARK, NW 71 St., Miami, Florida, 33147)

Chicago: 6:00PM (RICHARD J DALEY CENTER, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, Illinois 60602)

Des Moines: 6:00PM (IOWA STATE CAPITOL, 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50319)

New Orleans: 6:00PM (LAFAYETTE SQUARE, New Orleans, LA 70130)

Baltimore: 7:00PM (201 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202)

Boston: 7:00PM (MASSACHUSETTS STATE HOUSE, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 01233)

Detroit: 7:00PM (Campus Martius Park, Detroit, Michigan 48226)

Lansing: 7:00PM (STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Capitol Avenue at Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933)

Ann Arbor: 7:00PM (THE DIAG, Burns Park, Ann Arbor, MI 48109)

Minneapolis: 6:00PM (MINNEAPOLIS URBAN LEAGUE, 2100 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

St. Louis: 6:00PM (GATEWAY ARCH, St. Louis 63102)

Carson City: 4:00PM (NEVADA STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, 101 N Carson St, Carson City, Nevada 89701)

Manhattan, NY: 7:00PM (TIMES SQUARE, Manhattan, NY, 10036)

Newark: 7:00PM (NEWARK CITY HALL, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102)

Durham: 7:00PM (200 E. Main St. Durham, North Carolina)

Columbus: 7:00PM (GOODALE PARK, Columbus, Ohio 43215)

Cleveland: 7:00PM (CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY, 325 Superior Ave E, Cleveland, Ohio 44114)

Portland: 4:00PM (PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE, 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204)

Philadelphia: 7:00PM (LOVE PARK, 1599 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102)

Pittsburgh: 7:00PM (PITTSBURGH CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, 414 Grant St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219)

Nashville: 6:00PM (801 Broadway Nashville, TN 37203 Estes Kefauver Federal Building)

Memphis: 6:00PM (Health Sciences Park Memphis, TN)

Austin: 6:00PM (TEXAS STATE CAPITOL, Outside South Gate-11th and Congress Ave.)

Salt Lake City: 5:00PM (SALT LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 4600 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123)

Seattle: 4:00PM (QUEEN ANNE BAPTIST CHURCH, 2011 1st Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109)

Milwaukee: 5:00PM (DINEEN PARK, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Learn More:

You are being BLASTED with radiation


Untested 28GHz radiation blasting from millions of new hidden antennas and tuned-up "smart" meters. A corporate free-for-all with oversight eliminated. Total, for-profit surveillance. An "internet of everything" with "hundreds of billions of micro-chippable products". Everywhere and everything... and eventually, everyone.

This is not sci-fi. This is FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler's insane new plan, slickly badged as "5G".


The government's own NTP cancer study inconveniently concluded that yes -- cellular radiation DOES increase cancer. Now, the industy-lobbyist-turned-government-czar gave an uber-creepy speech invoking technocracy's endgame with a stomach-churning sense of urgency.

Check out Wheeler's creepy speech for yourself, here. He stammers through it like a man mostly-possessed. This is desperation on their part. They know full well that the next phase of the megalomanic rollout needs to happen before the SHTF for them, and the tipping point is reached in terms of a convergent awareness of wireless health / surveillance / technocratic insanity — and their liability.

So let's engage and make some noise. Your voice is needed today. This plan is being fast-tracked & voted on tomorrow, Thursday July 14. Let the FCC and this government know that if they do not listen to science and reason, they will be held accountable and liable for their actions. Money is not only their god - it's their languaGE.


Light it up,
Josh del Sol

ps. This one is heavy. Hang in there. It is darkest before the dawn. But in the night, act we must.

pps. So it's handy when you contact the FCC & reps, here once again is a list of science-based resources:

1) 34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi-Fi:
2) Several thousand studies that indicate a biological effect and/or harm:

3) Radiofrequency science charts to visually compare studies, radiation intensities and biological effects:
4) Apple manual states to keep your iPhone away from your body at all times:

5) Study: Mobile phones are cooking men's sperm:

6) Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, wireless home appliances:

7) American Academy of Pediatrics warns: Limit children's exposure to cellphones:

8) More than 60 international warnings on Wi-Fi and microwave radiation:

9) A List of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organizations Taking Action On Wi-Fi (USA, Canada, UK, etc):

10) TED Talk from a former Environmental Engineer in Silicon Valley:

11) Insurance giant Swiss RE has given electromagnetic frequencies the HIGHEST possible long term risk rating:

12) Another insurance giant, Lloyd's of London, will not insure anything wireless:

13) Risk Management Magazine - The Invisible Threat: Radiofrequency Radiation Risk

14) US CDC retracts cellphone radiation warning following pressure from industry lobbyists:

15) WHO involved in suppression of additional science showing harm, since 2011:

16) Study Uncovers How Electromagnetic Fields Amplify Pain in Amputees

17) CEO of 1 Billion-dollar U.K. company speaks out on microwave sickness:

18) Dozens of specific scientific abstracts that all show harm:

19) Solutions: Reducing Wirelesss Radiation and EMF
20) Solutions: Reducing Your EMF Exposure
21) Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals; $25 Million NTP Study Finds Brain Tumors