Sunday, July 24, 2016

Results of the G20 Summit in China July 2016

Results of the G20 Summit in China July 2016

The meeting is reported to be over and the entire world awaits the announcements of the decisions made that will affect every aspect of humanity.  

As the nations weave to and fro under extreme financial and economic duress, what have the 'leaders' decided to implement to save the nation's economies and to restore financial strength to the people.  Or did they?

One of the most important issues on the Summit's Agenda of key interest and concern is the decision of the world leaders on when to implement the Global Currency Reset.  Of all the nations participating in the GCR, the U.S.A. is the one and only nation - as usual - that continually refuses to release the RV.  

Why do you suppose the Obama regime would continue to REFUSE to release the RV in our nation? Perhaps because of the cabal's strong interest in achieving a racial civil war in our nation, confiscation of guns, implementation of martial law, roundups of Americans, UN troops on our streets, allot of bloodshed and the total destruction of our nation?  This is the plan in order to bring about the implementation of the New World Order - the take down of America is 'the key' to achieve that.

Perhaps you remember that Obama made a statement some time ago that he would never release the RV in the united States as long as he is in office.  He has been holding to that 'promise.'

Have the nations, with China leading, decided to proceed to initiate the RV in their nations, leaving the people of our nation behind?   

Has Obama's regime once again refused to allow the American people to participate in the RV?  

Will the people of the united States continue to allow the islamic/marxist Obama regime to continue to hold them  hostage to the Obama anti-America agenda?

All of the nations and, in particular the united States, are now on high alert waiting for the outcome of the decisions made by the nations attending the Summit concerning the release of the RV worldwide.

And what will the American people do if they should find out that once again the Obama regime has decided to REFUSE to allow the people to be a part of the GCR?

2016 China G20 Summit Agenda and Calendar
(Proposed May 2016)
                     C20 Summit
Trade Ministers Mtg 
L20 Summit 
Labour & Employment Ministers Mtg
Finance & Central Bank Deputies Meeting #4

Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors Mtg #3 
Development Working Group Mtg #3
Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting #3


Climate Finance Study Group Meeting #

China's Hangzhou gears up to host 2016 G20 summit

China's Hangzhou gears up to host 2016 G20 summit

Mark Dice: Hillary Clinton and American standard of living

Hillary Supporters Hope 
if Elected President!!

"Clinton Cash" - A documentary you HAVE GOT TO SEE!!!


by Jerome Hudson 
24 Jul 2016

In just three hours, more than 170,000 viewers tuned in to watch the global premiere of Clinton Cash, the motion picture adaptation of the New York Times best-selling book Clinton Cash, authored by Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer.

The film, directed by M.A. Taylor and produced by Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, was promoted — and praised — by both sides of the political stratum. 

Veterans for Bernie Sanders, a group with over 50,000 likes, took to its Facebook page to encourage its followers to watch and share the film.

Reaction to the Clinton Cash movie poured in swiftly. Viewers from multiple social media platforms praised the film and urged their followers to watch it.

Many Facebook users expressed a mixture of fury and disbelief at the facts laid out in the 105-minute film.

Here’s what committed Sanders supporters had to say:

Clinton Cash feature documentary” was trending on Facebook at the time of publication as reaction to the film continued to accelerate on the platform on Saturday.

One commentor said Clinton Cash “shows the cesspool of corruption that the Clinton Foundation is.”

Another commentor fumed, “Dear God. I thought I was done being shocked by the Clinton darkness. Thank you. Keep speaking out. Please.” 

E.P.A. increasing maximum daily penalties


1:47 PM

Through an interim final rule effective August 1, 2016, the U. S. Environmental
Protection Agency (“EPA”) is increasing the maximum daily penalties it may
assess for environmental violations that occurred any time after November 2,

Any violation of an environmental statute enforced by the EPA, i.e., Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, TSCA, RCRA, CERCLA and EPCRA, may now have a penalty that is up to 150 percent higher than the previous daily maximum.

For example, a Class I violation of EPCRA carries a statutory maximum penalty of $25,000 under 42 U.S.C. 11045(a). Now, the maximum daily civil penalty for that violation is $53,907.

The increase in maximum penalties is a result of the 2015 amendment to the
Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 (the “Act”). The
amendment requires federal agencies to adjust their civil penalties with an
initial one-time “catch-up” adjustment so that the new maximums will take
effect by August 1, 2016.

Beginning January 15, 2017, agencies will also be required to make annual, rather than quadrennial, adjustments for inflation. The adjustment is calculated by multiplying the originally enacted maximum penalty amount, or the amount last adjusted by statute, by the difference between the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”) during
the month of October 2015 and the CPI-U for the month of October during the year that the penalty was enacted or last adjusted.

The Act does provide, however, that the “catch-up” adjustment shall not exceed 150 percent of the penalty that was in effect on November 2, 2015. If the adjustment exceeds 150 percent, then the 150 percent value will be the new maximum penalty. The results of the EPA’s calculations and new maximum daily penalties can be found in Table 2 of 40 C.F.R. Section 19.4: Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustments.

This maximum daily penalty increase will undoubtedly impact settlement
negotiations, and resolving alleged environmental violations with the EPA will
become even more costly and potentially more contested and time consuming.

The EPA suggests that the new rule will not necessarily change the civil penalties that it chooses to impose, but nevertheless will have the overall impact of making environmental violations more costly and challenging to defend and resolve. Furthermore, state agencies responsible for environmental enforcement may now choose to increase their own maximum penalties to keep pace with the EPA. The potential for substantially higher maximum daily penalties may also cause the EPA to re-evaluate how it chooses to enforce environmental statutes, and the agency will certainly have more bargaining power when it
comes to assessing penalties.

Questions? Please contact Register
Maximum Civil Penalties for Environmental Violations Set to Dramatically Increase - Lexology 7/24/16, 1:47 PM Phillips Lytle LLP - David P. Flynn and Luke Donigan

Protesters Make Move To Burn American Flag

Protesters Make Move To Burn American Flag… Then See Who’s Coming For Them

It would seem that, on the left, the mode of protest du jour is to burn the American flag because burning the flag of the country that protects your freedom to do such things isn’t ironic at all.

Surprising exactly nobody, a group of America-hating protesters outside of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland set about burning an American flag on Wednesday.

However, that defiant act of protest didn’t exactly go over well with some of the crowd, nor with the law enforcement officers observing everything.

As the protesters readied themselves to light the flag, they were confronted by a group of bikers bearing fire extinguishers ready to put out the blaze.
The bikers were in turn joined by some of Cleveland’s brave firefighters, who were also on scene for the same reason.

The flag was ultimately burned, and police used pepper spray to break up the crowd that had gathered around the flaming fabric.

Once the fire was extinguished, arrests were made of some of the perpetrators.

Now, some may say, “But wait, I thought burning an American flag was legal, as disrespectful as it may be.” Those individuals would be correct.

That said, lighting anything on fire in the midst of a crowd, particularly in a city street during a tense protest, is pretty much not legal, no matter what is being burned.

If anti-American communist protesters want to burn the American flag, they are perfectly free to do so. Just don’t expect to be able to avoid the consequences of doing so, and be aware that there is a time and a place for everything, which most likely is not on a city street outside of a major political convention.

Now, run along little commies, and try to find some other country that already has your socialist dystopia in place. 

Let me know what happens when you try to burn their flag in protest. 

Texas Makes Huge Move Against BLM


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the Lone Star State lawmakers are cracking down after recent attacks carried out against police officers.

Abbott on Monday announced the Police Protection Act, which
 aims to strengthen penalties for crimes committed against police officers.

“At a time when law enforcement officers increasingly come under assault simply because of the job they hold, Texas must send a resolute message that the state will stand by the men and women who serve and protect our communities,” Abbott said in a news release, according to KTBC.

Abbott said that while Texas and the nation continued to mourn the heroes lost in Dallas, it was time for Texans to unite and say, “No more.”

“The men and women in uniform risk their lives every day to protect the public, and it is time we show them the state of Texas has their back,” Abbott said in the release.

“Texas will no longer tolerate disrespect for those who serve, and it must be made to clear to anyone targeting our law enforcement officials that their actions will be met with severe justice.”

The Police Protection Act will extend hate crime protections to law enforcement officers and increase criminal penalties crimes committed against law enforcement.

The act also aims to create a culture of respect for law enforcement that includes organizing a campaign to educate youth on the value police officers bring to their communities.

Currently, assault with bodily injury to a public servant is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor. Under Abbott’s proposal, the penalty against such an assault would increase to a 2nd degree felony.

The measure has been met with approval form several law enforcement organizations. Ray Hunt, President of the Houston Police Officers Association, said he was encouraged by the legislation. Ron Pinkston, President, Dallas Police Association, said the Dallas Police Association applauded the governor. 

Grimes County Sheriff Donald Sowell, president of the Sheriff’s Association of Texas, said his organization was pleased to see the governor move to protect law enforcement officers.

And we are, too. This is a step in the right direction to help curb the violence against policemen. 



Guido Volante
July 22, 2016

Folks, Simply White House math.  2 plus two = Allahu Akbar

May I present you with the template for Obama’s agenda? Take the two examples below, one sent by Cuz Dennis and the other by Ron Frost and add them together in your thinking. You can apply the same comparisons to any of the nation’s critical elements, like our sovereignty, safety, culture or our economy…The result is always the same.

Barrack’s agenda is to totally transform and fundamentally change this nation; from a Constitutional Republic to an Islamic Fascist dictatorship. When are we going to take him at his word and hold him accountable? He told us precisely what his intentions were, even before the sham swearing in ceremonies of 2008.
Obama also told us that among the amazing contributions Islam has made to civilization is…Arithmetic. Obama invented the art of prevarication…lies, lies, lies and they add up to death and disaster for America, Americans and infidels. A half truth is possibly the worst kind of lie. Islam must have invented the eraser as well, working on our religious heritage, proud history and core values.

In anticipation of an even greater wave of Muslims who were not happy being unhappy where they came from, and knew they would be happier being unhappy here, we had to build a few new mosques to be sure they are not as unhappy here as they intend to make us…

Every Jihadist should have a mosque of his own and these are just in Florida. 

Al-Iman Mosque, 500 SE 9th St., Belle Glade, FL 33430   561-996-6411

MasjidAl-Hidaya, 320 Charley E. Johns St., Blountstown, FL 32424
Islamic Center of Boca Raton, 3100 NW 5th Ave., Boca Raton, FL 33431   561-395-7221

Alhuda Islamic Center, Florida Islamic Educational Center, 831 E. Palmetto Park Rd., Boca Raton, FL   33432   561-361-7033

American Islamic Center of Florida, 807 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton, FL 33432    561-900-4330

Assalam Center of  Boca Raton, 1499 NW 4th Ave., Boca Raton, FL 33432    561-391-8285

Bonita Springs Islamic Center, 25221 Bernwood Dr., Unit 8, Bonita Springs, FL 34135    239-821-3969

Al-Amin Center of Florida, 8101 South Military Trail, Boynton Beach, FL 33436    551-859-2296

Islamic Center of Brandon, 613 E. Morgan St., Brandon, FL 33510    321-243-0693

Albanian Islamic Cultural Center, 225 N. Fort Harrison Ave., Clearwater, FL 33755

Bosnian Muslim Association, 120 N. Main Ave., Clearwater, FL 33765   727-466-6215

Islamic Center of Clermont, 15128 Lost  Lake Rd., Clermont, FL 34711   407-267-8320

Islamic Center of South Lake County, 1208 Bowman St., Sunnyside Plaza, Clermont FL 34711

Nur Ul Islam Masjid, Nur Ul Islam of  South Florida,10600 SW  59th St., Cooper City, FL 33328   954-434-3855

Islamic Center of Daytona,  347 S. Keach St., Daytona Beach, FL 32114  386-252-3501

Masjid Al-Hakim Islamic Society of Central Florida, 1350 Gilpin Ct., Deltona FL 32725    386-860-9663

Masjid AlSalam, 1218 New York Ave., Dunedin, FL 34698    727-733-5090

Dar-E-Panjetan Center, 5541 N. State Rd. 7, Fort Lauderdale, FL  33319    954-328-3841

Musallah Assultan Salahuddin Assn. of Islamic Charitable projects, Fort Lauderdale, FL  33312     954-986-1373

Masjid AlIman, 2542 Franklin Park Dr. NW, Fort Lauderdale, FL  33311   954-581-6295

Islamic Center of Broward, 8658 NW 44th St., Fort Lauderdale, FL   33351    954-741-4214

Islamic Center for Peace, 2056 Linhart Ave. Fort Myers, FL  33901    239-671-1761

Masjid Ibrahim Islamic Center of SW Florida, 3337 Broadway St., Fort Myers, FL   33901    239-939-0292

Center for Islamic Culture Awareness   2371 Crawford St., Fort Myers, FL  33901   941-332-7833

Islamic Center of  Fort Pierce, 1104  West Midway Rd., Fort Pierce, FL  34982  772-465-9200

Islamic Center of Ft. Walton Beach, 6-A Hollywood Blvd. SW, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548  850-664-0373

Masjid Tawhid, 1557 NW 5th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311

Islamic Center of  Muslim Friends, Muslim Friends of  Florida, 2181 N. Bridge Plaza, Ft. Pierce, FL  34950  772-462-0242

Hoda Center, 5220 SW 13th St., Gainesville, FL 32608  352-377-8080

Islamic Center of Gainesville, 1010 W. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601   352-372-1980

Islamic Jaffaria Association, 10554 NW 132nd St., Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018  305-557-6835

Islamic Movement of  Florida, 3201 NW 74th Ave., Hollywood, FL 33024  954-894-9110

Masjid Al-Muttaqeen, 1010 SW 196 Ave., Hollywood, FL 33029

Masjid Ul Mumineen, 12850 SW 268 St., Homestead, FL 33032   305-246-5814

Islamic Community of Bosniak, 2131 Art Museum Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32207   904-683-8427

Masjid Al-Ansar, 9801 Old Baymeadows Rd., Bldg 2  Apt. 17, Jacksonville, FL 32256   904-997-9487

Masjid Al-Salaam, 1625 N Pearl St., Jacksonville, FL 32206   904-359-0980

Islamic Center of NE  Florida, 2333 St.Johns Bluff Rd.S, Jacksonville, FL 32211   904-646-3462

Jacksonville Masjid of Al-Islam, 2242 Commonwealth Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32209   904-387-6910

Masjid Al-Maalik, 800 Emma St., Key West, FL 33040   305-295-8350

Masjid Al Noor Al Bir Islamic Association, 3496 Polynesian Isle Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34746  407-879-0807

Masjid Taqwa Islamic Center of Osceola County, 2417 N. Central Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34741   407-944-4353

Masjid Assunah, 1535 Pleasant Hill Rd. Kissimmee, FL  34746   407-935-0337

Jaffaria Islamic Center, 1500 Old Vineland Rd., Kissimmee, FL 34746

Masjid Al-Bir Al-Bir Islamic Association, 4870 Old Tampa Hwy., Kissimmee, FL 34758    407-879-0807

Masjid Darul Uloom Islamic  Center of Kissimmee, 2350 Old Vineland Rd., Kissimmee, FL   34746    407-390-1100

Masjid Aysha Islamic Center of Lakeland, 1161 Blossom Cir. S., Lakeland, FL 33805    863-686-4713

Masjid Al-Hamza Clearwater Dawah Center, 560 Clearwater Largo Rd. N., Largo, FL 33770    727-585-9737

Leesburg Islamic Center, 2201 Montclair S., Leesburg, FL 34748    352-255-4708

Masjid JamaatAl-Mumineen, 3222 Holiday Springs Blvd., Margate, FL 33063    954-575-3872

Islamic Society of Brevard County, 550 East Florida Ave., Melbourne, FL 32901   321-984-4129

Masjid Al-Furqan Islamic  Center of Central Brevard, 190 Grant Rd., Merritt Island, FL 32953

Masjid Al-Ansar, 5245 NW 7th Ave., Miami, FL 33127  305-757-8741

Nigerian Islamic Society, 2410 NW 93rd St., Miami, FL  33147

American Muslim Assoc. of  North America, 183 NE 166th St., Miami, FL 33162  305-945-0414

Ershad Center, 6669 SW 59th Place, Miami, FL  33025   305-661-2822

Masjid Al-Fayza, 36 NE 3rd Ave., Miami, FL 33132  305-358-1268

Masjid An-Nour, 11699 SW 147th Ave., Miami, FL 33196   305-408-0400

Masjid Al-Ihsaan, 10180 SW 168th St.,  Miami, FL 33157   305-259-0042

Masjid Ibrahim, 6301 NW 6th Ave., Miami, FL 33150

Shamsuddin Masjid and Library, 365 NE 167th St., Miami, FL 33162  786-428-0005

Masjid Miami Muslim Communities Assoc of South Florida, 7350 NW 3rd St., Miami, FL 33126  305-261-7622

Ummah of Miami, 7904 West Dr., Unit 6, Miami Beach, FL 33141

Masjid Al-Hijrah Caribbean-American Islamic Association, 6128 SW 27th St., Miramar, FL 33023

Islamic  Center of Naples, 2520 Davel Blvd. 2nd fl., Unit E, Naples, FL 34104 239-732-7136

Islamic Center of New Port Richey, 4715 Grand Blvd., New Port Richey, FL 34652  727-834-9200

Isalmic Center of Palm Beach, 101 Castlewood Dr., North Palm Beach  FL 33408  561-630-6899

Masjid Darul-Islam of Ocala, 6915 SR 40, Ocala, FL 34482   352-873-9959

Masjidu Tazkiah Foundation of Lights,120 Floral St., Ocoee, FL 34761 407-592-5457

Miami Gardens Masjid Muslim Communities Assn. of S. Florida, 4305 NW 183rd St., Opa Locka, FL   33055 305-624-5555

Islamic Center of Orange Park, 116  Fox Ridge Rd., Orange Park, FL  32065

Masjid Al-Quddus slamic Society of Central  Florida, 312 S. Paramore Ave., Orlando, FL 32807

Jama Masjid Islamic Center of Orlando, 11543 Ruby Lake Rd., Orlando, FL 32836  407-238-2700

Masjid Al-Rahim Islamic Society of Central Florida, 4962 Old Winter Garden Rd., Orlando, FL 32811  407-523-7882

Masjid Malik Islamic Society of Central Florida, 2018 Rouse Rd., Orlando, FL 32817 407-277-0133

Islamic Education Center of  Florida, 2221 Harrell Rd., Orlando, FL  32817  407-325-3647

Masjid Al-Rahman Islamic Society of Central Florida,1089  N. Goldenrod Road, Orlando, FL 32807  407-273-7750

Masjid Al-Haq Islamic Society of  Central Florida, 545 W. Central Blvd., Orlando, FL 32801   407-835-9600

Masjid Al-Aziz Islamic Society of Central Florida, 9501 Satellite Blvd., Suite 110, Orlando, FL 32837

Bay  County Islamic Society, 3312 Token Rd., Panama City, FL 32405  850-785-8085

Darul Uloom Masjid, 7050 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33024   954-963-9514

Al-Islam Dawah Center,1550 W. Barrancas Ave., Pensacola, FL 32504  850-435-7238

Islamic Center of Northwest Florida, 3445 E. Johnson Ave., Pensacola, FL 32514

American Islamic Center, 7400 62nd Terrace North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781  727-520-6615

Bosnian Islamic Center, 4255 73rd Ave. N., Pinellas Park, FL 33781

Masjid Ebad Ar-Rahman Islamic Society of Pinellas, 9400 67th St. N. Pinellas Park, FL 33782  727-546-3162

Musala Asalam Islamic Center of South Florida, 507 NE 6th St., Pompano Beach, FL 33030  954-946-2723

Islamic Community of SW  Florida, 25148 Harborview Rd., Port Charlotte, FL 33980 941-625-8855

Masjid Al-Salam Islamic Society of  Central Florida, 2917 S. Orlando Dr., Sanford, FL 32773

Husseini Islamic Center, 5211 Hester Ave., Sanford, FL 32773

Islamic Society of Sarasota & Bradenton  4350 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL 34234 941-351-3393

Masjid Al-Jabbar Islamic Society of Central Florida, 5186 Shumacher Rd., Sebring, FL 33872  386-860-9663

Islamic Center of Hernando County  6307 Barclay Ave., Spring Hill, FL  34609

Islamic  Center of St. Augustine, 1760 SR-207, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-826-1991

Masjid Al-Muminin, 3762 18th Ave. South St. Petersburg, FL 33707  727-327-8483

Masjid Al Sunnah Islamic Society of St. Petersburg, 2401 6th St. S., St. Petersburg, FL  33705

Stuart Masjid, 2981 SE Dominica Terrace, Stuart, FL  34997

Islamic Foundation of South Florida,  5457 NW 108th Ave., Sunrise,  FL  33351 954-741-8130

Masjid Al-Nahal, 115 Bragg Dr. …..

Sorry I’m missing a few….But if we are going to surveil mosques, start hiring undercover agents at birth. In 2008 I said we did not have an election, we had an invasion…I’m no prophet; I’m just not a fool. Are some mosques houses of worship and adoration? I have no doubt that is the case. Please make positive identification to avoid confusion.

Conflate the Mosques with the defense of Islam, acts that afford Muslims special status and executive orders to fight a war with both hands tied behind our backs and you have Islamic math…The more we win the stronger they get.

During our lifetimes, all Presidents have issued Executive Orders. For various reasons, some have issued more than others. These things will directly affect us all in years to come.
Question is: Do YOU care enough to send this, ‘shocking info,’ to people you love?

Ike – 2 in 8 years
Kennedy – 4 in 3 years
LBJ – 4 in 5  years
Nixon – 1 in 6 years
Ford – 3 in 2 years
Carter – 3 in 4 years
Reagan – 5 in 8 years
Bush – 3 in 4 years
Clinton – 15 in 8 years
George W. Bush – 62 in 8 years

Obama – 923 in 3 1/2 years! More than 1000 Executive Orders in 6 years…  

Read some of them below – unbelievable!  If you don’t get the implications, you’re not paying attention. How come all the other presidents in the past 100 years have not found it necessary to INCREASE GOVERNMENT’S POWER OVER THE PEOPLE with more than 1,000 Executive Orders? This is really very scary.

And most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.


Even some Democrats in the House have turned on him, plus a very small number of Democrat Senators have questioned him. Rightfully so. –


Remember what he told Russia ‘s Putin: “I’ll be more flexible after I’m 're-elected'?  Now look at these:

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 — allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 — allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 — allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 — allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 — allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 — allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare function

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 – – designates the registration of all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 — allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 — allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 — allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 — assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 — specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 — grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 — allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency (FEMA) to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of product ion and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. Financial institution in any undefined national emergency. 

It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. 
Feel free to verify the “executive orders” at will.   ….and these are just the major ones.
I’m sure you’ve all heard the tale of the “Frog in the Pot”… Watch Obama’s actions, not his words! By his actions he will show you where America is headed.
Obama has issued executive orders that seek to “harmonize” U.S. Economic regulations with the rest of the world. These executive orders are yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.   
Obama used the stage at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s 'I have a dream' speech to announce two new executive orders infringing on your Second Amendment rights..

The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate the United States more deeply with the rest of the world. The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. Economic policy. Now federal regulators will be required to “harmonize” their work with the international community.   


Click this link to see how that thing in the white house works….our legislature is being pushed aside:
Are you liking the Donald yet? Learn to get past false narratives, blatant misrepresentations, lies, exaggerations and paid condemnations. Without Donald, America will take her last gasp as a Democratic Constitutional Government. 

Guido Volante, Author “Treason Among Us: Secrets of the S.E.C.”



Simple solution for the Muslim Halal food seal!

I say all pork product processors start adding this seal to all their products!
Problem solved!

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin - vs - Federal Reserve System / Lawless Creation

Ambassador Lee E Wanta 


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia


OPA – Come on China, What is taking you so long!

emailed by a reader

OPA – Come on China, What is taking you so long!

This has been brewing for months, matter of fact July 4th 2015 when the Chinese rolled on us to allow the Cabal to stall the Global Currency Rest (revaluation) and the Global Rest (debt forgiveness)!

Ok, one year later, we have some tangible evidence, finally, Britain removed its self from the EU, and Britain’s Prime Minister Cameron resigned! The rumors are more to follow. Well get on with it!

So, it’s a year later, where are these 4th of July 2016 announcements? The united States of America has a new currency, it’s backed by Gold and the US Treasury is in charge of the money once again and the contract with the Federal Reserve has come to completion. Another words the Cabal banking system is shut down, so where is the announcement? Elders and China seems to control the announcement?

Here we are stalled again, with the Monday – Friday Syndrome again, again, and again.

I remember when a friend called me to get my ass moving and buy a dinar because right after Xmas of 2010 the RV was going to take place and we all will be rich and make a difference in our country. Yep!

Nice job Guys!

You consistently blame the American Folks for not getting this done. Come on! So let me ask this question, WHO WAS GIVEN THE PROPHECY 1000 YEARS AGO FOR THIS TIME? Hmm!

Let me ask you guys another question, PROCRASTNORS OR PATIENCE, which is it that best describes your actions? So, why are you waiting again ... it appears you letting the bad guys win by the lack of actions on your part. I thought you wanted to get rid of the Cabal, to do that let the money go and
releasing the RV. Yea, yea, it’s complicated!

Let me share with you how complicated, General L is the lead from People’s Republic of China ... well it’s been talked about that General L has a drinking problem and cannot leave those chicken ranches alone. It has been said he will pay for all his delays once he gets back in China, so he does not want to go ... It
has been rumored that the CABAL has gotten to him and bribed him to slow boat this or stall it.

Either way, I have two questions: President Xi Jinping, why would you allow General L to slow this down unless YOU ordered him too? Second question: General D the fighting marine, you’re the man everyone talks about to run the new republique corporation for the French and the Pope, so why haven’t you jumped in and kicked General L in the ass to get this done?

So, in American, I am not sure what is going to happen ... the “O Factor” wants to create some issue so he can call Marshall Law; Cancel the elections; Name himself dictator or emperor; at same time, “Military Brainiacs” tend not do their job per the founding documents like Declaration of Independence which said arrest those usurping bastards and throw away the key.

And I thought Marines cared for their God, Constitution and Country, na! The military is more worried about someone saying coup then upholding their oath of office. I know the CIA, Department of Defense and Air force does not care, they continue to chemtrails!

So here we are on the eve of Democratic National Conference, wow! So stall the RV long enough to get “Dillary DOCS” approved as the candidate and then arrest her, really DUMB! You would have played right into “O Factor” hands and he will scream loud and clear calling the racist card and call for Marshall Law at which time he will tell his army of Homeland Security to shoot including our military ... Nice job White Hats!! Congratulation General L and others for final destruction of USA.

Yea, broke UNITED STATES, INC and so is JOINTCHIEFSCOMMAND, INC ... are you owned by the UN, ah, yep! So who is your daddy Joint Chiefs? Gen MOON? Vicar of Christ Pope? The black Jesuit Pope of War? Hmm. I thought you worked the people, you know, us, living breathing men and women who live
on the earth, walk the earth, shit, I guess not!

If I did not know better, I would say that the Pope Francis might even worship the devil with all this turmoil running around our government ... supposedly, you fired “O Factor” and he is still here, so much for that lie!

Marines, are you not pissed off by FBI actions with “Dilary DOC” my servers has your F’ing docs! Are you not pissed off by the actions of your lacking leadership? And the rest of the military, why are you watching this shit happen?

So, Gen D the fighting marine, you give me no comfort of any leadership skills to lead this country. Matter of fact, being in a marine family myself, they are pissed with your actions also.

So Gen D the fighting marine, Elders, Treasury, NSA, BSA, FUSA, etc. you need to release the funds for the RV now, or I have been told this powder keg with “O Factor” pushing riots in America with his mentor “Georgie Porgies Punned Pie” I am so Soros I could cry and the “Dilary DOC” winning the DNC thanks to lack of balls FBI director who forgot to tell the people of America OH YEA, I am on the board of Clinton Foundation, ha, ha, I get a multiple million dollar salary ... oh sucks for you common slaves, doesn’t it!
Here we are today, waiting, waiting, waiting for Military to take action, for the Elders to take action, for
those who’s responsible to take action does so. They are all on the slow boat to ... guess where ... China!

One more question: It appears that many cabal enterprises has moved to China and are setting up shop, what is up with that? Kinda brings to mind the movie 2012 with the 5 arks. Hmmm!

Oh, hell, if you leave it in the rednecks hands, we can only do one thing, _______________________________________ ... You can fill in the blank, I did.

Hope you white hat bastards do the right thing, right now! We know that the black hat bastards will eat any of us alive to demonstrate their points to us.

I say this, to God the Father, Creator of all things, Heaven and Earth, to the leadership that travels above and watches over our planet, it’s time for you to step in and stop this chaos that is happening since our freewill is being abused by an aggressor. And a historical reference, God would have saved Sodom and
Gomorrah if there was ONE believer! I turn to you at this time and look for your intervention.

One Pissed Off America, signing off for now. Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man up, so let’s change this together!

A smile for all of you that matter ...

Reply to "American Lawyer"--- by Judge Anna

This is a reply to an article in RumorMill News by "American Lawyer" in which he asks why "the Big Bad Wolf" is bothering to pick on poor little David Crayford.  Mr. Crayford got picked on because he accused "America" of counterfeiting trillions of dollars overseas, when in fact the culprit was the UNITED STATES, INC. and America was the target/victim of the crime.
The better question is why would anyone take anything "American Lawyer" has to say seriously?
1. He doesn't even stand behind what he writes with his actual name.  People who want to stand in the dark and throw sand probably are not trustworthy sources of opinion or information.
2. He throws a lot of self-aggrandizing "higher than Thou" sounding crap into his dialogue designed to do one of two things--- (1) invite the reader to stand around feeling intellectually superior with him, or (2) intimidate the reader into bowing down to this supposed superior knowledge and intellect.   I find both of these ploys to be very obnoxious. In the first place, that is precisely what the Beltliners in DC do when they talk about all us "Little People" and call us "livestock".  In the second, if he right about anything, where is the need to intimidate anyone?
3. He asks why people bother to attack David Crayford?  So far as I can see nobody attacked David Crayford as a man. There were no insults, no name-calling, no labeling, nothing like that. Nobody called him a liar. Several people did however call him out on his interpretation of the facts he was presenting. Most importantly, I called him out for making derogatory (and defamatory) accusations against "America" when America has nothing to do with the criminal activities of the "United States" and is in fact the chief victim of these activities.

Correcting this is a simple matter of sanity and justice---unless of course you are trying to blame the victim of a crime for committing that crime.
4. He labels me "Totally Fake Judge Anna" but doesn't have a shred of anything to back up his label-- aside from the fact that I am NOT a Bar Member and never would be.  The Truth is that one cannot practice American Common Law and be a Bar Attorney, so I am not a Bar Attorney.  Simple enough.  The further Truth is that Bar Members both hate and fear me because I won't join their "club" or support their closed Union shop or put up with their corruption.  The final Truth of the matter is that IF I were doing anything improper, unlawful, or at all questionable, I would be arrested for impersonating a judge and all the Bar Attorneys of his ilk would cheer the day--- but I am a judge.  And they are stuck with it and with the Truth.

5. While it has gone unreported by the Mainstream Press, the United States Treasurer, Rosa Gumataotoa Rios quietly resigned on July 8, 2016. This is because the UNITED STATES, INC. is under liquidation. And part of this circumstance brings us full circle to David Crayford's article about the counterfeiting of US currency.  Wake up, people.  Just stop listening to self-interested idiots, and wake up!
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

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American States and Nations Bank Update

From Anna Von Reitz

I have established the American States and Nations Bank--- actually three banks--- (1) a repository bank, (2) a sovereign international bank and (3) a state bank operated under Article X. These serve different purposes, but overall serve the same end of securing American assets, expediting trade, and promoting the use of lawful money---- basically all asset-based currencies.
My concern is that over half the world either currently is or will soon be trading in currencies backed by precious metals. Only 1% of Americans have any gold, which leaves them unable to trade with all the countries that are or will be using gold. It also concerns me that the abuse of legal tender may lead to problems that leave Mom and Pop and the Kids back home unable to purchase simple things at the grocery store.
I have recommended (not because I am a "Gold Bug" but because I am practical) that everyone invest in at least a small amount of gold and silver sufficient to pay for basic needs for 1-6 months, or however much people can set aside. And although Karatbars is relatively expensive on a per piece basis because of the cost of packaging small amounts of gold, assaying it, etc., I have recommended it as a good idea because frankly, if things go South, the price of gold will rise astronomically. That could lead to a situation where a one ounce gold coin could be valued at $5000 or more.
Anyone who has had trouble cashing a $100 bill at a store can appreciate the problem. Can you imagine the cashiers biting the coin to make sure it is real gold, as they used to do back in the days of the Gold Rush?--- before they will sell you a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk? Or having the store manager tell you, I am sorry, but we can't "break" your $5000 gold coin into some other form of currency?
Crazy making and scary as this proposition is, it is what it is, and Americans have been told that it is coming for a long time. Silver is also our saving grace and our traditional lawful money and I advocate everyone getting some silver set aside, too.
Editors note:  If you need silver try this link and call me at 800 889 2839    Paul Stramer