Thursday, August 4, 2016

15,000 Christian Americans Targeted for Death

ISIS  Kill  List  Names  15,000  Christian  Americans  Targeted  for  Death
Aug 04, 2016 12:01 AM
According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.

The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last week publicly warned its 5.4 million Christians to be on alert and in some areas increased security.
But,Circa News reports that the FBI did not notify American Christians who are on the ISIS “Kill Lists.” On its website it states:
“The FBI did not alert numerous Americans that they were placed on secret Islamic State kill lists or notify their local police about the potential dangers, a lapse in the government's efforts to combat the terrorist group's evolving strategy to target everyday citizens.

“To date, the terror group that goes by the acronym ISIS has published on encrypted web sites several hit lists naming more than 15,000 people it would like to see killed by sleeper cells or lone wolves in New York, Texas, Florida and California.”

Circa News was able to obtain copies of some of the lists and several individuals named on the lists. In Texas, for example, Circa News contacted 24 people marked for death. Out them, 22 had no idea that there was such a list or that they were on it. 
It is believed that the list was purportedly created from an Internet search of church directories. 

Michael Snyder of Charisma News remarked that the FBI did inform him that he and his wife are on the list. After further research, they discovered that his pastor and other members of his church were also on the ISIS Kill List.

Leaders of Christian organizations and Christian pastors should contact their local FBI and law enforcement to investigate if they are on the list and also request that security measures be taken to protect their congregation. 

Despite the warning, good news does exist. Snyder pointed to a Detroit News article that describes how a 21 year-old Islamist from Dearborn Heights, Michigan, Khalil abu-Rayyan, decided that because he couldn’t commit Jihad overseas—he would find a mega-church in Detroit.

He purchased a gun and identified his target—which seats up to 6,000 people. But the God of the Bible had other plans—and undercover FBI agent who had been in correspondence with him since last year was able to thwart abu-Rayyan’s plans. 

According to court records, The Detroit News reports that abu-Rayyan said he didn’t know the name of the church but knew it was one of the largest churches in Detroit.

He bragged: “I had it planned out. I bought a bunch of bullets. I practiced a lot with it. I practiced reloading and unloading. But my dad searched my car one day, and he found everything. He found the gun and the bullets and a mask I was going to wear."

The Detroit News also mentions that abu-Rayyan “told an undercover FBI employee that attacking a church would be ‘easy’." According to a court affidavit, abu-Rayyan claimed:
"A lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. 
Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. (If I) can't go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."
He also told the undercover FBI agent that he carried a “large knife or sword in his car” and if he got into a fight, said, “it is my dream to behead someone.”

His arraignment occurred around the same time that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump announced the need to ban Muslims from entering the country. 
Incredibly, Trump’s assertion continues to be criticized even though existing federal law already prohibits providing any aid, visa, Green Card, citizenship status, or rights to Islamists seeking entrance into the country—since 1952.
The Obama administration and previous administrations have intentionally and repeatedly chosen to break the law. In fact, the last TEN presidents chose not to secure the U.S. border.
The intentional ongoing failure to uphold the U.S. Constitution has obviously created the dire situation in which Americans, and especially Christians, find themselves.
But what the local church can teach ISIS and America’s failed government, is that the church is where people turn first in times of crisis. The refuge they seek is only found in the eternal God who promises to shield them in times of trouble with the shadow of his wings. The safest place for the church is the church itself. 
Christians have the Constitutional right to defend themselves. Many churches across America are making plans for armed staff and church members as well as hiring armed guards to protect the churches, schools, parking lots and those in attendance.  This is also being done for both private and public schools across the nation. The jihadis have been planning attacking churches and schools in America for some time now.  Best for Americans to be prepared.

Did everyone forget about this? John McCain is a TRAITOR!!!!!!

If you would stop asking ..........

If It Was Up To Paul Ryan


by Pam Key 
3 Aug 2016

Wednesday on CNN’s “At This Hour,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s Republican primary opponent businessman Paul Nehlen said, “We wouldn’t even have borders” if it were up to Ryan.

Speaker Paul Ryan is terrible with the US border
Aug 2  2016

Nehlen said, “Paul Ryan’s more aligned with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on their top three initiatives. Look at Trans-Pacific Partnership, amnesty and the jailbreak crime legislation that will release tens of thousands of people out of prison and make life difficult for all of us. So Paul Ryan’s aligned with them—I’m not surprised Donald Trump wouldn’t endorse him.”

He continued, “A lot of people say he’s aligned with Hillary Clinton. I mean, look at his donations. Paul Ryan is for this Trans Pacific Partnership. It sells our jobs overseas. Paul Ryan has got a 20-year career—career politician—who is all for open borders. Paul Ryan—we wouldn’t even have borders if it was for Paul Ryan… I’ll tell you what, you ought to start reporting it now because Paul Ryan is not for securing the borders. Paul Ryan has met with dreamers.”

He added, “Yeah, I’ll tell you, Paul Ryan has said America’s more than its borders, it’s more than this, it’s more than that. We have to have a secure border first in order to have a nation. Paul Ryan hasn’t funded that wall, that double-layered, 700-mile wall that we got through Congress in 2006. He has said that he’s not for the wall.”

First-Hand Witness To Voter Fraud Speaks Out

First-Hand Witness To Voter Fraud Speaks Out

Children given money to sign up and vote for Obama

Attacks On Trump Expose NWO Agenda

Attacks On Trump Expose NWO Agenda

Establishment puppets come out against Trump, proving he's an outsider








What Clint Eastwood just said about Trump

You won’t BELIEVE what Clint Eastwood just said about Trump

Clint Eastwood’s steely-eyed glare has made him a Hollywood icon and an enduring symbol of American masculinity.

Now, the outspoken actor-director has a message for Americans who are critical of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump: "Toughen up you wimps."

In an interview in Esquire magazine, Eastwood praised the Republican presidential candidate for being “on to something,” but stopped short of a full endorsement.

Eastwood then saluted Trump as a foe of political correctness gone crazy.

Trump is “onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up,” Eastwood said. “We’re really in a [expletive] generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist” and he urged people to “get over it.”

“What Trump is onto is he’s just saying what’s on his mind. And sometimes it’s not so good. And sometimes it’s … I mean, I can understand where he’s coming from, but I don’t always agree with it,” he said.

Eastwood said he wasn’t endorsing anyone for president but asked to choose between Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton he said, “I’d have to go for Trump, you know, ’cause she’s declared that she’s gonna follow in Obama’s footsteps. There’s been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle.”

Eastwood’s film “Sully” — about Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the airline pilot who became a national hero when he safely landed a US Airways plane on the Hudson River off Manhattan in 2009 — opens in September.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

State Dept. Turns on Hillary - BUT WILL IT MATTER??


BREAKING: Massive Arrest ROCKS Hillary’s Campaign

BREAKING: Massive Arrest  ROCKS  Hillary’s  Campaign

The Clintons have found themselves embroiled in yet another scandal after a skeleton in their closet came back to haunt them in a big way.

Ng Lap Seng, 68, is a Chinese billionaire who was at the center of an illegal foreign donations scandal during Bill Clinton’s 're-election' campaign in 1996. 

According to Daily Mail, the Macau-based Seng was accused of funneling over $1 million in illegal foreign donations to Clinton’s campaign.

Afterwards, Seng refused to come to the U.S. to cooperate with congressional investigators in the case as it became an international scandal that raised suspicions about the Chinese government trying to influence the American election.

Now, however, Seng has reappeared in the United States and is being held in New York on bribery charges that are unrelated to this case.

The House Oversight Committee revealed this week that they will try to interview Seng about the Clintons, and some groups are calling for Congress to grant him immunity from the charges in return for testifying.

“We plan to request an interview,” said a spokesperson for the committee.

The last thing Hillary needs right now is another scandal, as this could be enough for voters to completely lose faith in her once and for all.

Chaos Coming - Over the Edge, Beyond the Pale


Friday night on blogtalkradio -- Larry W. Taylor and Augusto Perez join Stewart Best on NIGHT SHADOWS  -- link to follow

Over the Edge, Beyond the Pale - Chaos Coming

3 August 2016

While Americans sleep and go about their lives as if nothing is going on, the danger mounts as ISIS just gave out a KILL LIST FOR 13 STATES, and we all know that ISIS is a CIA-Obama operation of the elite to fulfill Albert Pikes Three World Wars,  Chaos and the fall of America into the New World Order. The plans are all but complete, ready to go. 

Will Trump ever get to be President, or have the plans to totally unseat him been activated already? Trump claims the November election process has been rigged, Obama claims Trump is unfit for office, the RNC is splitting, throwing the election to Hillary, and on and on it goes. 

Strange object appears making a solar eclipse occur and no knows what it was/is, and then the feed goes down. Earth changes on the uptick.  More and more armed hunters vanishing in our national park.  Over 800,000 children go missing every year, and something very strange is going on all around us. CERN to be outdone by China's CERN, while China threatens the West in war drum beating. 

Will the Dogs of War soon be unleashed?


Lightgate with Stewart Best
August 3, 2016

ISIS releases a KILL LIST for 13 states (Masonic #) with 24,439 Americans listed upon it. If you add the numbers across it comes to 22 or we could say 11 11.

Then we have Trump (The LAST Trump) who says the November election is already rigged to put Hillary into office. Then we have Obama saying something that no President should ever say in an election, that 'Trump is UNFIT for office'. The gloves really are off, and the New World Order is in full activation – and then we have Syria, Turkey, Putin in an ever growing complex gathering that appears to be the one involved in the soon to come Ezekiel Wars.

Earth changes are becoming more and more erratic, and things are very strange in our national park syste, where many people simply vanish into thin air and are never seen again, found years later in strange locations – BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS ON THE INCREASE, and many strange events beginning to occur over the world. The GATEWAYS ARE OPENING.

CERN goes high power, the gravity wave approaches, the Destroyer is inbound, the Sun is anomalous and time/space bends. Get ready for a ride!!!

July Gun Sales Crush Previous Record

Record gun sales streak continues unabated

 July Gun Sales Crush Previous Record

The number of gun-related background checks performed in July far exceeded those of any previous July, newly releasednumbers from the FBI show.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, processed nearly 2.2 million checks last month. That represents an increase of almost 600,000 checks over the previous record set last year. It is also an increase of more than a million checks over July 2011.
The July record is the latest in a string of 15 record-setting months for firearm background checks. July also saw an increase over June’s numbers as the gun industry’s seasonal lull comes to an end.
This calendar year, with more than 16 million checks on record thus far, remains on pace to break the NICS check record for a single year set in 2015.
Read more

The Enemy Lies And Millions Die

Propaganda outlets contribute to the death of people around the world


Even when we lie, we tell the truth, and even when the enemy media tells the truth, they lie.

They lied to us about The Gulf of Tonkin incident and the pretexts to the Vietnam War and millions died.

They lied to us about the casus belli of The Iraq War and millions died.
The toxic tonics they push with contrived data for their big pharma sponsors leave countless victims sickened or killed by the cures.

Everybody knows mainstream media outlets, whose raison d’etre is to speak truth to power, are in reality public relations firms for the powerful and are responsible for the death of millions of innocents.

By regurgitating official talking points and re-enforcing them instead of challenging them, the media is derelict in duty and betraying the public trust.
Obviously, when the corporate/state controlled media is sponsored by multi-national corporations, banks, drug companies and defense contractors, they cannot report honestly on the policies of these institutions.

Goebbels said, “A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals actual uniformity.”

We saw vulgar displays of this methodology during the run-up to the Iraq War.
The media breathlessly warned us that “The mushroom clouds were coming” and Saddam had ties to Al-Queda and W.M.D.s!!

Two retired generals on the Pentagon’s payroll would be “debating” the merits of an invasion on cable news channels.

Where was the opposition?

The voices of peace or those who exposed the pretexts as manufactured were marginalized, branded as unpatriotic or even worse.

I worked for the presstitute media for many years and have seen the propaganda machine at work first hand.

The same media that is now desperate to discredit alternatives to their stronghold on information.

Working for both alt media and establishment media, I know that alt media is far from perfect, but the desire to uncover the truth is genuine.

Their mainstream counterpart does not share this goal.

How shameless that the establishment shills, whose lies have resulted in the death of millions, relentlessly demonize and ridicule alt media sites such as this one.

How dare the enemies of truth, compassion, complexity, and unity attack those of us who are seeking to reclaim the narrative?

The enemy media perverts language and presents us with paradigms designed to appeal to our reptilian brains and keep us living in the lowest realms of our psyche.

Their hate and fear training promotes murderous, dehumanizing agendas and their body count is incalculable.

By contrast, how many people have died from the information spread from this alternative news platform?

How many wars have been launched?

I always naively thought that most people would value and seek out the truth.
I thought that when the lies that took us to Vietnam and Iraq were exposed that people would give a closer and more skeptical inspection of the pretexts that are contrived to manufacture our consent to the next war.

I thought that people would see through the discredited propaganda techniques used to exploit our fears and atavistic tribal instincts by the war makers.

People would surely see the same perverse playbook is used again and again to convince us that the immoral, irrational and counterproductive solution of war is a moral, rational and effective way to solve problems, right?

As an infamous war maker once said “I got it wrong.”

The influence of mainstream media may never be fully exorcised from the world, but there are signs of hope.

The power of the alternative media is growing and there is an awakening.
One obstacle is the ubiquitous nature of official media.

If you are at an airport or hotel bar or even a Jiffy Lube, the default channel regurgitating spin is probably CNN.

You can’t hide from it, but you can educate others about it.

My eleven-year-old son can instantly spot a hit piece or controlled opposition.
I’m sure if you are a fan of this site, then you have similar powers of discernment, but does your mother?

Your father?

Your co-worker?

It’s incumbent upon us, those who see behind the curtain, to deprogram our friends and family.

If we do not suspend our belief in all propaganda, we are accomplices to the crimes of the establishment and will continue living in the shadows instead of the light.

TRANSformers Parody Obliterates PC Culture - Infowars

Tired of the increasingly unhinged rhetoric emanating from politically correct culture? Well so are the two animators from “Flashgitz” – the wildly popular YouTube channel that is taking radical left-wing propaganda head on.
In one of their latest examples, Flashgitz hijacks popular 80’s cartoon Transformers to critique everything from “safe spaces” and identity politics to the transgender debate – leaving no room for the faint-hearted.
Be forewarned, the following content may not be safe for work – or for your local liberal arts college.
Watch what happens when Decepticon leader Megatron checks his privilege, ignores biological realities and transitions to Megatrans in the video below:

The REAL Booklet Hillary’s Man Was Carrying For Years!

Hillary Is Busted: Read The Real Booklet Hillary’s Man Was Carrying For Years. It Was The Muslim Shari’ah Constitution And NOT The U.S Constitution

2016-08-02 15:09:57-04 
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

Khizr Muazzam Khan’s photo carrying a booklet of the U.S. Constitution made him a celebrity to millions of bleeding liberal hearts. While Khan never once wrote complementing the U.S. Constitution until Trump,  instead, in his booklet, The Sharia Explained (we copied shocking excerpts) of what the media failed to vet:  Khan’s real booklet clearly upholds Shari’ah while denouncing any other including any modern reforms to Islam. He concludes that Sharia should be “upheld in its original form” and that it has “no room for change” insisting that Muslims worldwide must be “subordinated to the Shari’ah”:
“they [Muslims] must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah” (Shari’ah Explained. By Khizr Muazzam Khan, Page 25)
khan file copy

So lets see the quote:
“The Shari’ah-was completed during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed, in the Quran and Sunnah. This brings up an important fact which is generally overlooked, that the invariable and basic rules of Islamic Law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah (Quran and Sunnah), which are few and limited,” Khan continues to write: “All other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich and indispensable, but they must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”
That's it. There is no room for any modernization to Islam’s Shari’ah law. It is as clear as the sun. Khan even sums it up:
“to Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.”
Khan then jumps to instruct Muslims to use Al-Muwatta, the oldest book on Islamic Shari’ah law, written by Muwatta Imam Malik “to bring about legal uniformity in the Muslim nation”:

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So how awful is Al-Muwatta? Here, see for yourself the litany of Al-Muatta’s calls for Jihad:

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khan file 4 copy 
PHILADELPHIA, PA - JULY 28: Khizr Khan, father of deceased Muslim U.S. Soldier Humayun S. M. Khan, holds up a booklet of the US Constitution as he delivers remarks on the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center, July 28, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received the number of votes needed to secure the party's nomination. An estimated 50,000 people are expected in Philadelphia, including hundreds of protesters and members of the media. The four-day Democratic National Convention kicked off July 25. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
PHILADELPHIA, PA – JULY 28:  Khizr Khan, father of deceased Muslim U.S. soldier Humayun S. M. Khan, holds up a booklet of the US Constitution as he delivers remarks on the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center, July 28, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received the number of votes needed to secure the party’s nomination. An estimated 50,000 people are expected in Philadelphia, including hundreds of protesters and members of the media. The four-day Democratic National Convention kicked off July 25. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

This is not an eye-full for all the bleeding hearts?

Okay then, so lets see. Khan then insists that no “new source of legislation” should ever replace Shari’ah. This would include the U.S. Constitution he supposedly upheld for photo ops. He states that Shari’ah “vividly demonstrates that the structure of Islamic law–the Shari’ah–was completed during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, in the Quran and the Sunnah“:

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This is not enough to convince? How about Khan’s recommendation for Muslims to use Al-Wathaiq Al-Siyasiyah (Islam’s Political Documents) by Dr. M. Hamidullah which records 250 documents that includes Jihad in Islam amongst all ‘other things Shari’ah’.

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A search on Al-Wathaiq Al-Siyasiyah from the Arabic would yield a library upholding the most violent forms of Jihad.

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Al-Wathaiq Al-Siyasiyah includes several instructions on how to carry out Jihad warfare. One excerpt (snippet from Arabic above) states:
“What was said on the proclamation on Jihad warfare amongst Islamist writers … Many Islamist consider this subject. They spoke of Islamic conquests and the reason it spread and succeeded in lightening speed. What is important to us are the reasons for declaring Jihad along the Islamic borders or in provinces where the enemy was crushed which expanded due to Jihad movement which included all fronts
Khan’s conclusion is that Shari’ah needs to stick to its fundamental form “Usul Al-Shari’ah”  arguing it should not be fixed and has no room for any wiggle and that Muslims need to trust and to fully obey it. Khan in his intro sends special thanks to Said Ramadan, the grandson of Hassan Al-Bana the godfather of the Muslim Brotherhood:
“The contribution to this article of S. Ramadan’s writing is gratefully acknowledged.”
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Said Ramadan, Muslim Brotherhood agent
Said Ramadan, Muslim Brotherhood agent

As to all the liberal media reports that attacked my bio instead of addressing our research saying I was “a fraud” because CNN’s Drew Griffin stated that “NO BOMBS” exploded in “Bethlehem MANGER SQUARE” in 1977 when I was a Muslim terrorist. Well, here, the United Nations own records reveal the opposite is true:

The most damaging to CNN’s Mr. Griffin’s story is that according to the U.N, there was a bombing at the Bank Leumi in Bethlehem’s Manger Square — as I described. In fact, between December 24 and 27, there were two explosions in that area: 

“Bethlehem (in Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity)” and “Explosive charge went off outside the local Courthouse 27 December 1977 JP. 2 Jan. 1978 Yediot Aharonot, 2 January 1978.”

The ironic thing is that CNN obtained this error from the Jerusalem Post. Yet it was the Jerusalem Post  which published the article of my bombing during 1977 as one can see from the link. The Jerusalem Post regretted publishing the initial smear article allowing me to write a rebuttal for failing to look up their own records. Yet CNN picked up the smear and now it trickles downward while Sharia loving Muslims trickle upwards showing that when it comes vetting, the sewage uses Osmosis. Khan is the story here and not Shoebat. After our expose, Khan now refuses to appear on the media. Why? It is because to Khan its is  “mission accomplished” since the more he appears, the more vetting is required. Yet Khan and Hillary are both busted.

Yet is is us now whom they attack. The Daily Beast for example thrashed us, yet low and behold, they have used us as consultants for fact discovery on their story on Hillary and Benghazi. M.L Nestel of the Daily Beast with permission from his supervisors has been conducting investigations using yours truly for an entire year. Matthew Nestel of the Daily Beast even accepted all the vetting I provided of myself and I have all the emails to prove it, but will not disclose the contents since I try to follow certain ethics of integrity:

Nestel copy

Katie Zavadski, of the Daily Beast, in fact contacted me yesterday with smear type of questions. Instead of waiting for me to respond she published. I responded to her with:

Rebuttal Versus Reclamation -- Exodus to the Land

by Anna Von Reitz

The Twelve Steps I published some time ago are rebuttals to presumptions that are being held against DEFENDANTS in court cases addressed to the "CITIZEN" named after you.  These presumptions are fatal and result in being held guilty 100% of the time if they are not answered and rebutted---- and nobody tells you they exist, so, guess what?  The conviction rate in these "Debt Collection Courts" runs 98%. 
Those steps are not going to set you free or reclaim your estate or get you back on the land, though they do increase your chances of escaping a conviction if you are already snarled into one of their courts. 
The means to getting your estate reclaimed is the subject of the past year of work by me and the whole Living Law Firm team and I can now safely say that the fundamental process to deliver yourself back to the land jurisdiction is fairly simple:
1. Do an adult name change from the NAME---- JOHN MICHAEL DOE, for example, to the Upper and Lower Case name styled like this:  John Michael Doe.  This is the correct English Grammar and the correct Christian appellation and you need no more reason than this to do it.
2. The name change costs around $150 and takes 60-90 days on average. Immediately after receiving the final name change decree from the court, issue a Deed of Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-conveyance Without Consideration and record it with the Land Recording Office.  Take a certified copy back to the Clerk of Court and have it recorded and made part of the case file at the court, too.  You have now come full circle and advised the court of your action in return.
The verbiage is very simple.  Here's  an example:
"On this 18th day of July in the Anno Domini year 2016 I have received and do accept my own Trade Name doing business as John Michael Doe and do re-convey it to Lawful Jurisdiction and its native domicile on the soil and land of the wyoming state and do place this Deed upon the Public Record in token of my action."
Notice--- you seize upon the Name as soon as it is decreed to be yours, and reconvey it to the "soil and land" of the organic state.  You can either say "organic state" or you can write the name in all small letters. 
You are now in fully agreed upon possession of your own given name and you have removed it back to the land jurisdiction.  You have also identified it as a "Trade Name" and not a "Foreign Situs Trust" so that the rats can't pretend otherwise and do a repeat of the FDR Fraud. 
In simply doing this you have "reoccupied" the land jurisdiction of Wyoming and begun the process of coming home.
Do that much for yourself and your family and your country and over half the battle is won, because this finally gives you the solid ground and standing with which to assert your identity and begin the process of reclaiming the rest of your property.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.  

Clinton Foundation

July 15, 2016

In the Matter of :  

The Clinton Foundation and Activities ....
                                     Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC  20515 - 4207

AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia


Muslim Barbarians Torture Dying Russian Soldiers

You MUST see this, and remember the traitors in America who are sponsoring this............

Muslim Barbarians Torture Dying Russian Soldiers From Helicopter Crash And Desecrate Their Bodies While Screaming “Allahu Akbar”

These are the videos taken of Muslims torturing two badly burned Russian soldiers from a helicopter crash in Syria. Watch them while you still can:

Published on Aug 1, 2016

Published on Aug 1, 2016 

America: Know that the Wash DC crime syndicate operating under the guise of a USA 'government' and including those within the republican and democrat parties - both parties being now one and the same and both owned by Soros, the parties of which include well known names in the USA media at this time, are behind what you will see in these videos. They traitors fund ISIS and defend the barbaric Muslims. They are bringing in to our nation these demon possessed crazies by the thousands. What these crazies are doing in other nations, they will do here. This nation has been under siege from within for many years by those in power in DC. Our enemy is WITHIN.  They are well within our reach to do something about this, and yet we do nothing about it.  WHY do you Americans continue to allow the democrat and republican nazis in DC, who are corporation employees of a private corporation PRETENDING to be our government, to pursue their plans to destroy you and our nation?  While they escape to their multi-million dollar destinations to have parties and great food while watching us on cameras, all purchased by funds from extorted 'taxes' upon us slaves, the rest of us will be fighting for our very lives. We will be providing their entertainment.

Obama Threatens to Pronounce Himself Dictator if Trump Wins....

Obama Threatens to Pronounce Himself Dictator if Trump Wins....

This appears to us that this is a 3rd or 4th generation Obozo clown (clone)....chin is too short, voice not right, hair is darker, seems to have darker skin tone, left ear is messed up, talks with the left side of his mouth pointed up and all this for starters.... We have not seen his last clone for several weeks...NOTE THE FLAG DOES NOT APPEAR TO HAVE A GOLD FRINGE!!!!
The man who violates the Constitution on a daily basis says Donald Trump is not fit to be President and that he will not tolerate a Trump presidency.  Trump, he says, will not adhere to the political norms like McCain and Romney, i.e. he will not be an obsequious Republican.  The most corrupt politician ever to hold the office of President and his leftist minions say that Trump is “insane” and psychologically unstable because he gets into conflicts with Democrat operatives.  GOP fools who fall for Democrat propaganda and attempt to mollify them with political correctness are lambasted by Obama for their support of Trump.

The real definition of insanity is Democrats who criminally charge children for making a gun of their thumb and forefinger.  The real insanity is Democrats who criminally charged a child for burping in class.  The truly insane are Democrats who keep electing more Democrats to do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  The criminally insane are the leftists who cover up and promote the corruption of the Democrat Party.

Obama’s concern that Trump will undo everything Obama has worked to inflict on this nation is real. Therefore his threat is real.  Trump represents the restoration of Americanism over Obamaism and the transformation of the America Obama promised through the Islamization of the West.  

The Donald’s response is that Hillary is unfit to be President because she has assisted Obama and his policies of weakening America and strengthening Islamic jihadi’s.  That this could finally create the Constitutional crisis of which conservatives have been warning will not be an “I told you so” moment.

Obama calls Trump “unfit to be president”   IS THIS AHO INSANE OR WHAT....

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