Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hidden provisions undermine America's water and property rights


Hidden  provisions  in  congressional  energy  bills  undermine  America's  water  and  property  rights

A  UN  and  tribal  takeover?

Lawrence Kogan imageBy Lawrence Kogan
September 17, 2016

A massive 792-page Senate Energy Committee bill threatens to authorize federal bureaucrats to cede extensive control over western state water and property rights, energy development and forest management to Native American tribes, local UN sustainability councils and radical environmentalist groups. Certain provisions could undermine the foundations of our nation from within our nation.
S.2012, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2016, incorporates some 393 amendments. Incredibly, it is being driven forward by U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and other members of Congress behind closed doors. Probably very few have read the bill in its entirety. Virtually none understand its likely impacts on western and other rural land, water and property rights, potentially throughout America, or on the families and communities whose lives will be upended.
This secretive approach—with no opportunities for meaningful public examination or comment, even by those who will be most affected—is almost unprecedented. It could well become another example of “we have to pass it to find out what’s in it.” But numerous people will have to live with the consequences, while the authors and implementers walk away exempted, unscathed and unaccountable.

The bill’s tribal government forest management provisions are extremely harmful and could severely diminish the constitutionally protected rights of private property owners throughout the United States, the Western States Constitutional Rights consortium emphasizes. Indeed, the pending legislation is itself unconstitutional, as explained in a legal memorandum the consortium sent to13 members of Congress.
This Montana-based nonprofit was formed to safeguard the property rights of farmers, ranchers and other land and business owners against reckless federal, state and local government laws, regulations and policies. WSCR members live on or near the Flathead Irrigation Project within the Flathead Indian Reservation, and in other parts of northwestern Montana. But their concerns are widely shared by many citizens throughout the western and rural United States. It has a long, hard road ahead on these issues.
The apparent “shell game” is likely intended to disguise a hidden agenda and confuse people. In fact, Congress is quietly considering two versions:Senate-passed Murkowski version without forestry measures and a House of Representatives version with both forestry and tribal forest management measures (H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015, sponsored by Representative Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and cosponsored by 11 Republicans and 2 Democrats). Bipartisan chicanery.
On September 8, the two versions were submitted to a conference committee to be reconciled so that both chambers can pass a bill and Obama can sign it into law. The problems are extensive.
The House/Senate versions’ forestry measures embrace Euro-UN-Agenda 21 sustainable forest management principles, plus United Nations Indigenous Peoples Rights policies that would supersede the U.S. Constitution—while implementing unscientific climate change and sustainability objectives devised by the White House and “Forest Service Strategic Energy Framework.”
Tribal Forest Management (TFM) provisions in House/Senate S.2012 are more problematic, because they would racially discriminate in favor of Native American tribes. They would do so by using the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to recognize off-reservation aboriginal pre-European land and water rights—where none exist in U.S. law—at the expense of all other Americans’ constitutionally protected private property rights. S.2012s’ TFM provisions would also:

·        Supplant states’ authority and jurisdiction over their natural resources, as recognized by the Tenth Amendment requirement that these resources be held in “public trust” for the benefit of each state’s citizens—including incredibly hard-working western ranchers who put so much food on your table.
·        Enable Native American Tribes to treat “Federal Forest Lands” (including national forests and national parks belonging to all Americans) as “Indian Forest Lands,” merely by establishing that “the Federal forest land is located within, or mostly within, a geographical area that presents a feature or involves circumstances principally relevant to that Indian tribe.” That means a tribe only has to show that the lands are covered by an Indian treaty, are part of a current or former Indian reservation, or were once adjudicated by the former Indian Claims Commission as part of a “tribal homeland.”
·        Provide Native American Tribes near U.S. national forest and park lands with federal “638” contracts to manage, oversee and control such lands and appurtenant water resources for federal regulatory and other purposes, even when they are well beyond the boundaries of Indian reservations.
·        Expand tribal political sovereignty and legal jurisdiction and control, especially over mountainous forest lands—the source of most snowpack and other waters that farmers, ranchers, and even towns and cities rely on for irrigation, drinking and other water needs.
·        Enable tribes to impose new federal fiduciary trust obligations on the U.S. 'government' to protect their religious, cultural and spiritual rights to fish, waters and lands located beyond the boundaries of Indian reservations, by severely curtailing non-tribal members’ constitutionally protected private water and land rights, without paying “just compensation” as required by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
A recently filed federal lawsuit by the Hoopa Valley Tribe of northern California against the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and National Marine Fisheries Service underscores the importance of this so-called federal fiduciary trust obligation. The tribe wants to compel the agencies to protect the tribe’s alleged off-reservation aboriginal pre-European water and fishing rights in southern Oregon’s Klamath River and Upper Klamath Lake—even though their reservation is more than 240 miles southwest of the lake!
A tribal court victory would severely curtail Klamath irrigators’ ability to exercise their rights to vitally needed water. Northern California’s Yurok Tribe says it will soon file its own lawsuit. A cascade of such legal actions would disrupt or destroy the entire western water rights system.
Combined with S.3013 (Montana Democrat Senator John Tester’s Salish and Kootenai Water Rights Settlement Act), the TFM provisions would expand and codify into federal law off-reservation aboriginal water and fishing rights that the tribes now claim. That precedent could then be used by other litigious tribes to override water and private property public trust obligations that MontanaOregonCalifornia and other western states owe their citizens under state constitutions. It could happen throughout America!
S.2012 would cause even more problems if Congress adds a Wyden-Merkley Amendment that provides federal funding and implementation for the controversial Klamath Basin Agreements Tribal Rights Settlement. That would greatly expand tribal water rights, in violation of U.S. constitutional requirements that any such expansion be pursuant to Congress’s authority to approve or reject interstate compacts or regulate commerce with Indian tribes.
It would also create a federal and interstate template for greatly diminishing regional—and potentially all irrigators’—state-based private property rights in favor of Native American tribes. Its proponents have grossly misrepresented the settlement’s alleged benefits and substantially understated the damage it would impose on Klamath Basin residents.
If S.2012 is enacted into law with the tribal forest management, Wyden-Merkley Amendment and Salish-Kootenai Settlement, Congress will cede control over western and rural lands and waters to Native American tribes in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Fifth, Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments.
This year’s presidential and congressional elections are a referendum on the role and performance of 'government'. 
We the People must demand an end to the secrecy, shady backroom deals, and usurpation of our natural and constitutional freedoms and property rights.



Trending petition
There's a new petition taking off on Change.org, and we think you might be interested in signing it.
Petitioning Kandie Morrison

Free Jeb from Animal Control

Petition by Tayler Morrison
Goodells, Michigan

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Sign Tayler’s petition

I came home from work yesterday to see tears streaming down my husband's face as he was reading the newspaper. He is an almost 80-year-old disabled veteran we were training an emotional support dog for.

Ten days ago, the neighbor who is afraid of big dogs called Animal Control telling them our Belgian Malinois dog, Jeb, killed one of his dogs. Animal Control came out, never seeing the dead dog, and told my husband he had to surrender Jeb. My husband was upset saying he was sure that wasn't true but Kenneth Jewell insisted the dog be surrendered even though there was no court order.

My husband, who has heart disease and had two strokes, is in no mental or physical condition to argue and did as he was told and surrendered the dog. The next day I called Animal Control, who said the dog was going to be destroyed because it was surrendered voluntarily. That was totally untrue and illegal. 

Dorothea Knight had an article in the Times Herald telling people not to surrender their dog without a court order. Unfortunately that was too late for us.
Now we have to keep our rescue dog in Animal Control until Sept. 19 when we go to court. 

Yes, the dog is a big dog but my husband has a muscle disease also and has to wear braces in order for him walk. If he falls, the dog comes over to him and he can pull himself up on the dog. Now if he falls he has to lie on the floor until someone comes to help because he can not crawl to a chair. We cannot see our dog, take him any toys or his blanket, even though they said his shots and license are up to date. He is a little over a year old.

The emotional stress on us as well as the dog is terrible and I hope and pray no other family has to go through this ordeal. 

-Penny Job

Monday, September 19, 2016

CNN Reporter tries to ambush Black Trump supporter and gets DESTROYED!

Europeans Are Fighting Back Against Muslim Invaders And Beating Them To Pieces In The Streets With Their Bare Hands

Europeans are sick and tired of Muslims. They are sick and tired of Islam. No matter what they have done, no matter how much food and kind treatment these Muslims have received, all the Europeans have gotten in return was rape, robbery, and violence. With the police refusing to help them and their own governments against them, the people are taking matters into their own hands and giving the Muslims the only thing they have left- street justice.

In Germany, a gang of 80 angry Germans swarmed upon and attacked a group of Muslims that had been harassing the locals while screaming “We are the people!”:

In Greece, riots began as angry Greek protesters sick of attacks from Muslims took out their frustrations in public:

It is a great thing to watch the Europeans stand up and start to fight against these Muslims.

However, a word of caution: Who is doing the fighting?
For the Germany riots, it is not as sure because anybody who opposes the extreme leftist view which define “appropriate” social and political views in Germany is immediately labeled a “Nazi.” However, the Greek one is clearer, since that protest was organized by Xristi Avgi, better known as Golden Dawn, which has ties to National Socialism.

Notice also another fundamental question- with the exception of Eastern Europe (Poland, Slovakia, Russia, etc.), where are the Christians? Where is the Church? With certain notable exceptions, these movements are dominated by extreme nationalist movements who define themselves in terms of racial and ethnic solidary and, while eschewing Christianity and even sometimes holding an unspoken disdain for it, all seem to readily embrace different forms of pagan ideas and teachings.

If this pattern sounds familiar, it is because it has happened before. This is what happened to Europe in the Second World War, where Germany, having become secular and abandoned its Christian past, was weak and through the occult societies, such as the Thule Society, developed neo-pagan religious ideas which formed the basis for National Socialism. In Germany apostate turned occultist Heinrich Himmler was involved deeply in the philosophical and as this pro-National Socialist article points out, religious formation of the movement.
From what has been said about the characteristic qualities of the SS man, it will be clear that SS transcends the plane of a merely political body, realizing that of an Order in the ancient sense: and it is explicitly recognized that without the premise of a religiosity, of a purely spiritual point of reference, the aforementioned values of loyalty, honor, truth, and so on would be reduced to empty phrases and the unity of an Order bound by oath would be impossible. Hence, there is a third aspect of the SS, the spiritual one properly speaking.

In a brochure entitled: “Fifty Questions and Answers for the SS Man,” after considering the wording of the solemn oath of loyalty and obedience, one asks, “Do you believe in a God, then?” — The answer is: “Yes, I believe in a sovereign God, and I consider the non-believer to be conceited, stupid, and unfit for us.” What is of interest here is less this generic profession of faith — made particularly vague out of respect for all religious faiths that do not interfere with politics — than the attempt to reawaken a precise form of spirituality, linked to the Nordic and, more generally Indo-Germanic tradition, endowing the SS with the character of a “shock troop of the National Socialist world view” — weltanschauliche Stosstrupp (Heydrich). (source)
This is the growing danger which has come to characterize the “alt-right” movement, and is also the reason why not only is there a war coming with Islam to Western Europe, but why Western Europe may lose to the Muslims. No other religion, no philosophy, no ideology, no political system can save Europe. Only Jesus can save. He has saved Western Europe before and He can and will save Western Europe again. All Europe has to do is ask Him and listen to Him.

As much as it is good that Europeans stand up to the Muslims. However, all of these battles are more than against mere men. This is a struggle for the soul of Europe, the Europeans, and ultimately the Muslims too, for as much as the Muslims are doing the devil’s work in the devil’s religion, all Christians have as much an obligation to fight against the Muslims as we do to pray for them and work for their salvation. For all the good that these nationalist groups do, their end is the same as all the other pagans of old, and that is another massacre just like what happened in World War II.

I am reminded of Bl. Marco Aviano, a Catholic monk who directly helped to organize the fighting at the Battle of Vienna on September 11th, 1683. Bl. Marco not only fought in battle, but after the battle he ordered and saw to it that no Muslims captured were to be tortured or abused, but that the captured were to be fed and safely returned to Ottoman territory.
Just like in Biblical times, this battle is the Lord’s, and His way is the only way to victory.

Article posted with permission from Shoebat.com. Article by Andrew Bieszad.

Benjamin Fulford Update - Hillary Clinton is dead, Bill on the run as Clinton Foundation scandals finish the DC crooks off - September 19, 2016

Benjamin Fulford

Hillary Clinton is dead, Bill on the run as Clinton Foundation scandals finish the DC crooks off

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of extreme panic following the death of their presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on September 11th. Below is a screenshot of the ABC Television announcement of her death that was deleted from the internet.

The dragnet is now closing in on Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, Pentagon and agency sources say. Once that is exposed, the entire corrupt Washington DC establishment will crumble, the sources say.
hillary dead

This is what CIA sources say is planned next:

“We predicted Biden would be brought in 6+ months ago…Kaine, a disciple of the Central/ South American ‘liberation theologists’ will go along: one-term or less to Biden and the baton passed to Kaine ….this is the current plan, ready to be implemented.”

However, Pentagon sources say that on October 1st, immediately after the end of the US corporations’ fiscal year, a new gold backed currency and possibly an entirely unexpected new leader (possibly Canada’s Justin Trudeau), will be announced.

There will be high level negotiations between the Asians and the US military industrial complex this weekend to discuss these and other issues, White Dragon Society sources confirm.

The Khazarians, in full panic mode, are now using a computer graphics generated Hillary Clinton to create the impression that it is business as usual. To confirm this, please check the following video of Hillary that was broadcast after her “collapse” on September 11th. You can see the images on the smartphones being held up are entirely different from what is being shown on the stage (no Hillary, no flags). Also, if you go to the 20:15 mark, you can see her arm disappear, while Hillary herself vanishes at the 20:51 mark. See for yourself:


FULL: Hillary Clinton first speech since 9/11 spill – North Carolina

So you have a political establishment that is so corrupt and degenerate that it is now trying to elect a CG President. That is simply not going to be allowed to happen, Pentagon and agency sources affirm.
A Donald Trump presidency is also looking more problematic because the Chinese, the largest creditors for the bankrupt US Corporation, are against him.

In any case, the rest of the world has clearly already decided to bail out on the US corporate government. In the past year, foreign central banks have dumped $343 billion worth of US government bonds and the sell off is accelerating.

It is not surprising they refuse to invest in a government that admits $6.5 trillion went missing from its military budget in 2015 alone. Agency sources say the $6.5 trillion was laundered through the Clinton Foundation and spent on “the USAP. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.. (Deep Underground bunkers, and the secret space program)… Especially in the Antarctic and Patagonia…”

This makes sense because on the one hand we have an official US Defense Department budget of $651 billion for 2015 and yet that same Defense Department issues a report saying that $6.5 trillion (ten times the official budget) went “missing.”


This may mean the UFO people are finally going to get some real disclosure about the secret space program they have long talked about.

Certainly, one of the individuals who will be attending the meeting being arranged by the WDS between the Asian secret societies and the military industrial complex claims connections to the off-world military. The Asian secret societies also claim off-world contact. The question is will something credible be shown to what they call the “surface population” of this planet, ie people like you and me. Hopefully we will have better information and proof next week but do not hold your breath because we are being told the disclosure will be gradual so as “not to shock people.”

In any case, back here on the “surface” of the planet, signs of systemic collapse of the current power system are proliferating. Most recently we have seen the US “pivot to Asia” becoming increasingly untenable. The latest setbacks are centered in the Philippines. There President Rodrigo Duterte has stopped joint patrols with the US navy and ordered US special forces out of Mindanao.

Here is some raw intel on this issue from CIA sources in Asia:

“The cover story as you know, is that Duterte has called for the withdrawal of US troops in Mindanao, supposedly to keep them from being killed by the terror group Abu Sayyaf. Which as we know is a black ops terrorist organization financed by the Boys… the real reason the special ops troops are there is to watch over the giant gold stash. The cabal is intent on removing it very soon for their own purposes… Duterte knows this, and has already made a tentative deal with both China and Russia to allow them to access the location. This is in exchange for a ‘piece of the action’ as well as protection from the US wet works team. There is a very large amount of Au stored there dating from before the Japanese Golden Lily operation.

Continue Reading at .... http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/09/19/hillary-clinton-is-dead-bill-on-the-run-as-clinton-foundation-scandals-finish-the-dc-crooks-off/

Fukushima "No More Seafood For You" (Must See)

Fukushima "No More Seafood For You" (Must See)


Google further ristricting this blog..

Just got this message in the control panel on this blog:

By September 29, 2016, the Search Box gadget on this blog will only present search results from this blog. Search results from pages linked in your posts, from the Web or from the Blog List and Link List gadgets will not be presented anymore.

A step at a time to take down alternative media..
They can't do squat about http://nesara.news though!

We at nesaranews told you it was going to happen and it did!

Looks like a few of us around nesaranews are pretty good at predicting this crap!


Remember that WARNING I posted? ANOTHER bomb in New Jersey Monday AM



Onan Coca
Sep 19 2016

This is hot off the presses folks – something dangerous is going on in the New York City metro area.

At around 12:40 AM Monday morning police were alerted to a suspicious backpack near a trashcan in an Elizabeth, New Jersey trashcan. The men who reported it said they could see a pipe and wires sticking out of the bag. When police arrived they discovered FIVE different devices but when a bomb squad robot approached the bag one of the devices exploded, fortunately no one was injured.

The latest bomb scare comes just one day after two other bombs exploded (one in Seaside Park, New Jersey and one in Manhattan) and three more were found by authorities before they could be detonated.

Late Sunday evening authorities announced that they believed all five bombs from Saturday were the work of the same people, then later in the night they announced that they had made five arrests in connection with the bombs.
Federal authorities conducted a traffic stop of a “vehicle of interest” in the Chelsea bombing Sunday night in Brooklyn. A law enforcement source told Fox News that a “number of individuals” who are possibly connected to the explosion were taken into custody.
Law enforcement officials told the Associated Press that at least 5 men were being questioned. The two officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about an ongoing investigation. The FBI said in a statement that no one had been charged with any crime and the investigation was ongoing.
There is no word yet if the latest group of bombs found in Elizabeth are connected to the just detained persons of interest.

Elizabeth, New Jersey Mayor, Christian Bollwage speaking to the media about the bomb (you can see more video from the scene here):


The man sought in connection with the bombings in Manhattan and Seaside Park, New Jersey has been captured after a shootout with police.

Ahmad Khan Rahami is a Muslim man of Afghani origin who was living in Elizabeth, New Jersey (the city where the bombs were found late last night/early this morning).
Authorities had launched a dragnet earlier Monday in search of the 28-year-old Afghan-born man, whom they described as being “armed and dangerous”
A naturalized U.S. citizen, Rahami was wanted for questioning regarding the Saturday night blast in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood, an explosion in New Jersey’s Seaside Park on Saturday morning and a foiled bomb attack Sunday night near a train station in Elizabeth, NJ.
An eyewitness to Rahami’s capture in Linden, NJ told Fox News that he saw a man walking down a street with a gun in his hand. A police car pulled up next to him and the man fired at cops 4-6 times. The shooter then began running down the street with several police cars trailing him, the witness, Peter Bilinskas, said.
After days of pretending that the bombings were not the work of Islamic terrorists it seems that New York’s liberals are finally beginning to understand the truth. If a bomb goes off on American soil, it is more likely than not the work of Muslim terrorists.
“Today I believe we’re going to find out that [the bombing] was influenced by foreign sources,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday on “Fox & Friends.”


Thanks to bozo and the muslim brotherhood, welcome your new neighbors


Muslims Take Small Children And Cut Their Heads Off With Axes

2016-09-16 19:12:01-04

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By Theodore Shoebat ISIS terrorists in Iraq hunted down Yezidis, shooting them as they ran, capturing their children and decapitating them with axes. As we read in one horrifying report: A Yazidi mother and her son have detailed their community’s horrific encounter with the brutal Islamic State terrorist group, and described how the jihadis conquered […]

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USA Strikes Back At ISIS, They Flee In Terror As 

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2016-09-17 02:27:11-04

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2016-09-17 19:01:03-04

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Violence Is Exploding As Europeans Are Fighting Back Against Muslim Invaders And Beating Them To Pieces In The Streets With Their Bare Hands

2016-09-17 19:42:48-04

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Europeans are sick and tired of Muslims. They are sick and tired of Islam. No matter what they have done, no matter how much food and kind treatment these Muslims have received, all the Europeans have gotten in return was rape, robbery, and violence. With the police refusing to help them and their own governments […]

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The Greatest Persecution Of Christians Is About To Happen, The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Darkness, The Spirit Of Antichrist Is Taking Over. Be Prepared For Major Persecution

2016-09-18 01:44:11-04

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By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) So few think how persecution begins, how it works, and what is happening right before our very eyes these days, which few can detect the signs of the times. The first think the spirit of Antichrist does is it cloaks itself with labels. It can even masquerade as “Muslim” “Jew” or […]

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Watch Allah Strike The Free Syrian Army With A Flash From Above For Throwing Americans Out Of Northern Syria

2016-09-19 00:07:37-04

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Americans might feel awful watching their commandos being thrown out by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) of Al-Rai village near the Syrian Turkish border. When we write for years to stop supporting the Free Syrian Army, that these guys are wicked Islamist terrorists, few listened and believed us. But I guess the video above is […]

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What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Captured Afghan Terrorist And Where He Learned His Terror Trade

2016-09-19 13:17:23-04

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By Walid Shoebat “There is no link at this time at this preliminary stage to international terrorism,” said Governor Andrew Cuomo. Liar. This ‘coverup’ for Islamic terrorism is completely debunked. We now know that the Chelsea bombing and other bombings suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami was trained in Afghanistan and slipped the eye of the intelligence. Investigators first […]

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ISIS Takes Its Own Soldiers Who Are In The Hospital, Rips Their Organs Out And Sells Them On The Black Market To Raise Money

2016-09-19 15:02:26-04

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Muslim Man In Sweden With Criminal Record Beats Up His Pregnant Wife And Then Urinates On Her Wounded Body, He Gets Four Months In Jail And Won’t Be Deported

2016-09-19 15:51:02-04

rapedbadPosted in Featured
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Chaplains Ordered to Not Talk to Homeless Vets !