Thursday, September 22, 2016

Questioning honesty of the 'presidential' polls? Look below!

CAUGHT: Leaked email purportedly shows major polling firm rigging polls for liberals / Hillary!

NOTE:  Here is an opportunity to see on the inside of the 'polling' firms!!!  Think some of the poll results may well be RIGGED?!

Monmouth University Poll
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
From:  Nate Sliver


Subject: Change the Narrative Friday, September 16, 2016
732-979-6769 (cell); 732-263-5858 (office)
Priority Message Do Not Copy Secure Email / Slack Only

Key Notes:

Birtherism – “Backfiring”

Trump Unfavorables – “Climbing”

Minority Voices – “support Hillary”

Imply Racism (White Vote = Trump) – “Whites rally/cleave/etc. Trump”

Rubio / Murphy: Poll Accurately [ IMMATERIAL ]


AGE : Attached screens will move 80% of targets into the 30-50 age range. Use included statistical model to re-skew for publication.
LOCATION: The location-call screens will favor south Tallahassee, east and north Gainesville, Central Tampa, north and west Jacksonville, west and south Orlando, and much of Dade / Broward counties. Space Coast regions and similar must be carefully screened for demographic.
DEMOGRAPHIC:  This should be obvious. We are looking at a heavy minority foundation with a college-white salt. Favored are liberal arts degrees and, especially, sociology. See attached call-files.
EMPLOYMENT:  We prefer polling areas of high unemployment for minority response. More are available to take calls during working hours and far, far fewer of them support Republican candidates.
EMBEDED NARRATIVE  It is imperative to create a morale boosting narrative in the liberal demographics. Our last  published polling note gave liberals a “week before panic.” We must deliver on a turn-around in  polls or risk collapse of enthusiasm. The data from our call / email sieve as well as legitimate  polling indicates a level of despondency equivalent, roughly, to the Michael Dukakis candidacy. This is due to (a) Trump’s successful presidential-narrative surge and (b) a massive lack of enthusiasm on the part of minority and millennial voters who are beginning to view Obama as a failed president and Hillary Clinton as a ‘lying harpy.’ (word association testing focus groups). In order to rally the male-liberal base we will need to produce “resurgent” Florida polling. The conventional wisdom is that Florida will be the fulcrum state for the election and if it is seen as
lost to Trump then we will have domino defections throughout the other swing-states. Presently, our internal analysis shows the Democratic Firewall in extreme jeopardy. This week the news cycle MUST show Hillary regaining the lead in Florida.


Almost none. The voter-registrations in Florida are balanced but we need to have at least D+3 to have a credible story. We also need to greatly oversample women. This shouldn’t be hard to manage as they are more likely to answer the phone and chat. Liberal self-reporters are tanking (around 12% in real numbers). We are going to have it at around 30% which we can probably get away with. Below are the target demographics our screens should produce with minimal manual intervention.


Self-Reported 32%
Republican 34%
Independent 35%
Democrat 46%
Male 54%
Female 19% 18-34
             25% 35-49
             28% 50-64
             28% 65+ 69%
White 13%
Black 15%
Hispanic 4%
unweighted moe sample (+/-)

LIKELY VOTER Total 400                                4.9%
SELF-REPORTED Republican 128                   8.7%
PARTY ID Independent 134                             8.5%
Democrat 135                                                 8.4%
IDEOLOGY Conservative 131                          8.6%
Moderate 154                                                 7.9%
Liberal 100                                                      9.8%
GENDER Male 190                                         7.1%
Female 210                                                     6.8%
AGE 18-49 176                                               7.4%
50+ 222                                                                       6.6%
RACE White non-Hispanic 274                         5.9%
Other 118                                                       9.0%
COLLEGE DEGREE No 210                                      6.8%
Yes 186                                                          7.2%
INCOME <$50K 135                                        8.4%
$50-100K 113                                                 9.2%
$100K+ 116                                                    9.1%
Weaknesses abound. The first is that the birther message is penetrating: 73% of Americans are willing to say they don’t know where Obama was born. This was previously locked out via media shaming. Trump is immune so his followers are immune. The Florida geography is also working against us. Hillary has 53+ Field Offices and they’re empty of volunteers. This lack of enthusiasm is showing up in the voting responses and it’s killing us. The “cell phones” rationale will only hold out for so long.

PPP is burned. There have been too many leaks. Monmouth is less well known and less disparaged by conservatives. This is a good chance for you to build your brand both with naïve liberals and with some conservative moderates. The general reputation of Monmouth as a party-school will work against you here but we think that will be easy to gloss over with the chaos of the messaging. We also have a chance to build a White People Are Racist narrative. We’ve got some good story coming out of The Upshot with the headline that “Whites” are keeping Trump alive in Florida. If we can double down on that in the cross-tabs we can strongly insinuate that Whites (who code as racists in the media) like Trump (who codes as racist) and get an Ouroboros-Pattern established for undecideds. Finally, while we have been forced by intense public scrutiny to accurately report a Trump Surge, we think there is an opportunity here for demoralization by reporting a “counter surge” or “Trump Collapse” that will reduce momentum as the Trump narrative has shifted to talking about the polls.

People are leaking a lot 
. If you don’t want Enten’s gang all over you, we suggest you lock it down
. There are a lot of people poking around the edges that are on to things and a bunch of stuff out on the Internet that is more hit-than-miss. PPP’s extremely unwise decision not to disavow the leaks on Twitter has costs us a great deal of credibility and voters are a
lot  more educated about cross-tabs and skewing and we may not have as easy a time of it as we did in 2012. Finally, we know you consider Quinnipiac a “rival school.” Put that aside and stand down your hackers and arson-units. This is a team effort. If we lose this election we’re all *** Ensure loyalty in your staff by whatever means necessary. Keep appearances up. DO NOT SCREW THIS UP.
You will be required to do actual polling to give us insight into the information-battle space. We are seeing some disturbing things in the cross-tabs from our other arms. Please conduct testing to validate or invalidate the following trends: 

You will be required to do actual polling to give us insight into the information-battlespace. We are seeing some disturbing things in the cross-tabs from our other arms. Please conduct testing to validate or invalidate the following trends:

If these results hold, we are seeing a complete fracture in the national narrative. Hillary’s messaging has failed and her intentions are being read as subtext-for-text. Under these conditions it will be impossible to win a general election. The Liberal base is demoralized—but will become more enthusiastic the more Hillary is seen as an iconoclast who will overturn the last foundations of Western Culture (as such, links to corruption and even outright crimes are seen as a positive rather than a negative). On the reverse side, the media has not been able to convince most of America that these allegations are false (the dual-channels have, unfortunately, merged and the conservative news firewall has broken down). The messaging to liberals is  being consumed by middle America and they, for obvious reasons, do not like it. If the above responses hold for major swing states more drastic measures will be needed and we will need to begin  preparations sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Muslim Homeland Security Adviser refuses to wiretap fellow Muslims


Muslim  former FBI  agent  who  refused  to  wiretap  fellow  Muslims  now                                                  Homeland  Security  Adviser

Back in 2002, Gamal Abdel-Hafiz was in the FBI, and refused to conduct a secret recording of a Muslim suspect. He said: “a Muslim doesn’t record another Muslim.” This was quite controversial at the time, and there were calls for him to be fired. But now the foxes own the henhouse, and he is advising the President on how to deal with the terror threat. That explains a great deal.

Abdel-Hafiz should have been fired in 2002, immediately after demonstrating that his allegiance to Islam was greater than his allegiance to the United States. Instead, he is now in a greater position of influence than ever.

“Homeland Security Adviser Demands National Gun Registry” 

Patrick Poole
PJ Media
June 20, 2016

Following the terror attack in Orlando, the dominant media/political narrative turned to gun control and now-discredited claims of the suspect’s mental illness (claims which included gay-baiting).
Now, one controversial former FBI agent — and current consultant to the Obama administration on “countering violent extremism” (CVE) — is suggesting a national gun registry be created. Such a registry would target millions of law-abiding American citizens.
Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, born in Cairo, immigrated to the U.S. in 1990. He recently retired from the FBI after 22 turbulent years at the bureau. Following the Orlando attack, Abdel-Hafiz explained his rationale for creating a national gun registry:
A former FBI counter-terrorism agent says lawmakers could make mass murders less likely. “What we need to do is keep the ownership of guns known to the government, so we know who has what,” said security consultant Gamal Abdel-Hafiz. “And I know a lot of people are against that.”
He also defended the FBI’s handling of the Mateen case, despite the FBI having conducted multiple interviews with the killer based on statements and threats of violence he had made, and then shutting down the investigation:
“He shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun legally. He shouldn’t,” said Abdel-Hafiz about 29-year-old Omar Mateen. He says 3 FBI interviews should have been enough to keep Mateen on the radar, but he also knows why he wasn’t. “Once you investigate someone and clear them, you have to remove them from the watch list by law,” he explained Monday from his office in Dallas.
And even if Mateen had been on a terror watch list, or no-fly list, that would not have prohibited him from legally buying weapons, including a high-velocity semi-automatic assault rifle.
“That means the list is useless then,” the former agent said. Efforts to ban weapon sales to those on watch lists have been blocked in Congress. Some lawmakers say the lists could violate a person’s Second Amendment rights. “As long as our politicians keep fighting each other for the sake of fighting each other, more innocent people will keep on dying,” he said.
Remarkably, he admits that the various terror watch lists and no-fly lists are useless. Moments after suggesting another list. He doesn’t explain how a national gun registry — yet another government list targeting millions of law-abiding Americans — would prevent another terror attack….
The WFAA interview concludes with this ominous detail:
Gamal Abdel-Hafiz is now consulting on a government counter violent extremist project to reduce the threat of homegrown terrorists. He’s an avid gun owner. But he says the carnage in Orlando shows that gun law must be part of the conversation.
Abdel-Hafiz is advising the Obama administration on its disastrous “countering violent extremism” policies that were very likely more responsible for the mass killing in Orlando than any current gun law. As someone advising Homeland Security and law enforcement agencies on “countering violent extremism,” it raises the issues surrounding his controversial tenure with the FBI.
In December 2002, ABC News reported accusations by two veteran FBI investigators that Abdel-Hafiz interfered in ongoing terror investigations:
Perhaps most astounding of the many mistakes, according to Flessner and an affidavit filed by Wright, is how an FBI agent named Gamal Abdel-Hafiz seriously damaged the investigation. Wright says Abdel-Hafiz, who is Muslim, refused to secretly record one of al-Kadi’s suspected associates, who was also Muslim. Wright says Abdel-Hafiz told him, Vincent and other agents that “a Muslim doesn’t record another Muslim.”
“He wouldn’t have any problems interviewing or recording somebody who wasn’t a Muslim, but he could never record another Muslim,” said Vincent.
Wright said he “was floored” by Abdel-Hafiz’s refusal and immediately called the FBI headquarters. Their reaction surprised him even more
“The supervisor from headquarters says, ‘Well, you have to understand where he’s coming from, Bob.’ I said no, no, no, no, no. I understand where I’m coming from,” said Wright. “We both took the same damn oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and he just said no? No way in hell.”
Far from being reprimanded, Abdel-Hafiz was promoted to one of the FBI’s most important anti-terrorism posts, the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia, to handle investigations for the FBI in that Muslim country.
Abdel-Hafiz was ordered fired in May 2003 by the FBI’s top disciplinary officer for a variety of personal and professional problems, including insurance fraud and mismanagement of important 9/11-related files at the bureau’s office in Riyadh.
The ordering firing Abdel-Hafiz was later overruled in 2004 by a special three-man panel convened to hear the case. As Newsweek reported, his reinstatement coincided with efforts by the FBI to hire more Muslim and Arabic-speaking personnel….
As the New York Times reported just last year, the reinstated Abdel-Hafiz was placed in the bureau’s Post-Adjudication Risk Management program in 2012 that stripped him of access to certain classified material that he claimed was necessary to do his job….


BREAKING NEWS: Reason Why Comey Didn’t Charge Hillary And This SOB Is The Head Of Our FBI....

Too many uninformed in this country that vote for the likes of Obama ( particularly a second time ) and apparently will vote for Clinton, despite all the corruption and convenient deaths over many years. The bastions of influence, the education industry, the media and entertainment industry and the courts have accomplished their respective goals .

They have produced a majority of people dumb enough to vote for these phonies. That and a system of Government so corrupt that voter fraud is now an accepted element of a National Election.

     Everywhere we look, we find more CLINTON
When James Comey decided not to indict Hillary Clinton, the whole American public was shocked. Everyone expected him to charge Hillary.
However, now we now the real reason why Comey didn’t charge Hillary.
His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.
These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.
Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.
According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.
In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.
In 2013, Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings
When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.
Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.
DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.
DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.
And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.
Trickle-down corruption.
When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.
He lied. He has in fact politicized the FBI— that is supposed to support the Rule of Law.
The FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton needs to be re-opened, Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should recuse themselves and Congress should demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.
As you can see, Hillary is tightly connected to Comey. If you still didn’t know why Hillary wasn’t indicted, now you know!
Let’s share this article everywhere. America deserves to know!


.......LIBERTY QUOTES.......

"It is discouraging to thinkhow many people are shocked by honestyand how few by deceit."-- Noel Coward(1899-1973) British playwright

"Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of freemen. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles"-- Patrick Henry(1736-1799) US Founding FatherSource: Attributed - no source found.

"No man who is corrupt,no man who condones corruption in others,can possibly do his duty by the community."-- Theodore Roosevelt(1858-1919) 26th US President

New ILS Towers Will Guide UN Airborne Troops Into American Cities

New  ILS  Towers  Will  Guide  UN  Airborne  Troops  Into  American  Cities

America has been invaded and is in the process of being occupied. ILS towers which can be used to guide in troop transport planes and heavy equipment in bad weather are being put into the countryside outside of Cheyenne,Wyoming, where they have a  lot of bad weather. 

Intellistreets “Big Brother” surveillance is being installed in Cheyenne, Wyoming as well and is prevalent at the local Walmart. In places like Flint, Michigan, our cities are being turned into potential battlegrounds as highly obnoxious and very aggressive military drills are underway and are serving to frighten the local population. 

The intent of the Jade Helm forces is becoming more clear with each passing day. We have foreign troops entering the country in central Texas and in Portland, Oregon. I have previously reported that the Michigan National Guard and Army Reserve Units have trained with foreign troops in late April.

America is being occupied by hostile forces as activities such as Jade Helm  15 and UWEX 16 are also being imposed upon American communities. As many already know, Jade Helm is preparing Special Operation Forces to extract political dissidents and impose martial law as part of the drill.  

The infrastructure related to military occupation is being put into place at places like local Walmarts and in obscure placed like Wheatland, Wyoming. Unmistakably, the post-collapse America infrastructure is already being put into place all across the country as per the America 2050 Agenda 21 plan. 

Americans Could Soon Be On Their Own

Every day, I get emails just like the following which tell me how their communities are being federalized and taken over.
Dear Dave,
…My observation going to Cheyenne, Wyoming was that they have now installed four cameras at every stop light that I went through!… When I drove by walmart, they have installed many many cameras in bundles of three all along the top.  I am sure you have seen this but I hadn't here.  And, in the parking lot, has cameras on light poles.  I also noticed installation of light polls, even where others were standing.   Strange.  Don’t know about that….
Hope this helps.  I will stay vigilant!

 “Intellistreets” light poles have come to Wyoming

This is clearly intellistreets and I immediately recognized this because I have previously written about this. Intellistreets is the ultimate “Big Brother “surveillance device.

 Intellistreets DHS Smart Street Light System

There are a number of prominent players emerging in this enslavement of America and one has taken center stage and it is called “America 2050“.

Intellistreets comes in different flavors, but it all has the same purpose.

When Americans begin their morning as hey depart their future high rise “Stack and Pack” apartment buildings, they will be immediately scanned, identified and followed by the Intellistreet light poles. The light poles, already have been beta-tested in Farmington Hills, MI. and in Birmingham, UK., and will scan you for weapons after identifying you. It will have the capability to speak to you (i.e. “Don’t jaywalk Mr. Smith”), and will be issued a summons to be mailed to your computer and this system will notify the police of your location if you have a warrant for your arrest. In the last line of the following manufacturer’s video on Intellistreets, they do admit to housing Department of Homeland Security features, but the video does not elaborate. We now have proof that this system is going into Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Jade Helm 15 and UWEX 16 Are Bringing In Foreign Troops Who Will Not Hesitate to….

This is the area of the report that does not need much elaboration. Many of us in the independent media have received reports for years about the presence of foreign, mostly Russians, on our soil.
Dear Dave
I live in Copperas Cove, TX which is just outside of Fort Hood. Yesterday my husband spoke to a contractor whose job just ended on west Ft. Hood. He said they built barracks to house 20,000 troops and before they could install the heating and air conditioning, they were told the job was done, they weren’t going to use the barracks, they were going to stay empty. Yeah right. (Editor’s Note: This email indirectly speaks to compartmentalization of duties in order to obscure the full purpose of the operation from the workers as we witnessed in the Midland Walmart). 
Anyway, God bless, stay safe!
I have received reports from two insider sources over the past 5 weeks which state that a large number to Turkish forces will be brought into the United States to participate in Jade Helm. They being trained as a martial law enforcement unit who will not hesitate to use lethal force against noncompliant Americans when it comes to martial law enforcement. One source placed the amount of Turkish soldiers as high as 36,000.
Is this what the following email is referring to?
Yesterday my husband spoke to a contractor whose job just ended on west Ft. Hood. He said they built barracks to house 20,000 troops and before they could install the heating and air conditioning, they were told the job was done, they weren’t going to use the barracks, they were going to stay empty. Yeah right.
Anyway, God bless, stay safe!
The following emails that I receive are very typical of what I am receiving on a daily basis:
Dear Dave,
Long time listener.
Just an FYI that I have no doubts that there are foreign troops on US soil.
My wife works in a position at PDX.  Portland Oregon Airport.
Approx 3 weeks ago she reported that approximately 150 Russian speaking soldiers wearing black and blue camo uniforms landed at PDX.  All 150 were quickly loaded up on white unmarked buses and transported away from the airport.
Keep up the good work. Dont pay any attention to these idiots that say UN and /or foreign soliders are not on US soil. Some of us know better.
Dear Dave and Team,
I am a new listener, for the first time last night, as I discovered you by listening to Hagmann and Hagmann.
I am an employee at Walmart on Creighton Road in Pensacola, FL.  Please keep me asanonymous.  I have posted some of your stuff on Facebook, with the very real danger of losing my job, but folks need to know what is going on.
The reason for anonymous is this:  I started working at Walmart in February, 2011.  Some time in 2012, I noticed lots of Russians/Slavs in our store (about 25+). They were here for about two months, and they would come in groups to shop. They were very much into what they were doing, very determined shoppers, not easily distracted, very focused.  I found out they were going through some kind of classes at NAS.  That’s all my US military friend would tell me.  Most spoke Russian (a very obvious language), but others spoke diverse Slavic languages.  It is easy to tell a language when one has spent time traveling abroad, as I had in past years.  While they were here, it definitely got my attention!  Male and female, most of them young and strong, but not all.  Some were older.  One or two older ones seem to have taken permanent residence here.
Maybe I am too paranoid about their presence, but I grew up as a navy brat. My dad was in US Naval Intelligence.    
Gotta go for now, thanks for being here for us!
God’s Richest Blessings!

An ILS is device used to guide planes in by instrument are mostly used by airports that are experiencing bad weather. They are coming all shapes and sizes. Here are a couple of examples of what they look like.

Here is an email followed by some pictures taken by Jill K. from Wheatland, Wyoming which is about 40 miles north of Cheyenne.

Outside of Cheyenne, Wy.

My sources tell me that this looks like a combination of an ILS and a communications tower.

Here is an email followed by some pictures taken by Jill K. from Wheatland, Wyoming which is about 40 miles north of Cheyenne.

Hello Dave.  I drove around between Cheyenne, Wyoming and Wheatland, Wy  about 67 miles on Interstate 25.  I will attach some photos of the towers.  Most have been added recently, say less then 2 years.  There are clusters of 3 and there are 4 different areas between the cities.  also i took a picture of a loaf and jug with a most odd fixture on it with large electrical lines to it.  and one other picture of a white cone type thing.  I first thought it was the tornado warning sirens but it is different than the others in Cheyenne town and this one is directed at the interstate and not at a residential area.  I don’t know if they are anything worth noting but they are what is happening around here.  Dave, we also last night had helicopters flying over our area just after dark using spotlights shining down. they were flying about 1500 ft. (guessing) 
We appreciate everything you are doing.  I hope some of this helps and hopefully with your sources we can figure it out.  God Bless you. 
Attached are 6 pictures and the rest will be on emails to follow.   Jill Kaufman

My sources tell me that this looks like a combination of an ILS and a communications tower.

Hello Dave.  I drove around between Cheyenne, Wyoming and Wheatland, Wy  about 67 miles on Interstate 25.  I will attach some photos of the towers.  Most have been added recently, say less then 2 years.  There are clusters of 3 and there are 4 different areas between the cities.  also i took a picture of a loaf and jug with a most odd fixture on it with large electrical lines to it.  and one other picture of a white cone type thing.  I first thought it was the tornado warning sirens but it is different than the others in Cheyenne town and this one is directed at the interstate and not at a residential area.  I don’t know if they are anything worth noting but they are what is happening around here.  Dave, we also last night had helicopters flying over our area just after dark using spotlights shining down. they were flying about 1500 ft. (guessing) 
We appreciate everything you are doing.  I hope some of this helps and hopefully with your sources we can figure it out.  God Bless you. 
Attached are 6 pictures and the rest will be on emails to follow.   Jill Kaufman

Why are these communications towers going  in north of Cheyenne? Are the telecoms expecting a huge population increase, or is this area expecting “visitors”?

                                            North of Cheyenne

Speaking of Walmart

The following photos were taken at the Cheyenne, Wyoming Walmart. What you are seeing in the parking lot is of Intellistreets origin. Since Walmart is the most shopped retail outlet in America, it would make sense to put tracking equipment at Walmart.

These are new.

Popping up, seeming out of nowhere.Some experts are speculating that these are fugitive detection devices. Either way, they do not belong at a retail outlet! Why are these people still shopping at Walmart?


These are stunning developments in America. These ILS towers are clearly put into place to guide foreign airborne troops into local communities.

Developments which would have seemed unbelievable only 1o years ago. The page of Republic Democracy has been turned. As frightening as these events, they pale in comparison to what lies ahead and that will be revealed tomorrow 

Gee - pictures show what looks like excellent targets for takeout, ya think? hint hint
These towers are showing up all across the nation - several just in one very small town in Texas.  Have you observed these being constructed in YOUR area? The exterior galvanized steel towers are tapered, bigger at base and taper to a triangular contraption at the top where the HAARP related gear is mounted for steering storms and intercepting communications. Up and down the entire 'tower' are wires upon wires upon wires. There are 'steps' on the towers for the guys use to access all within. At the base is a large concrete encased box assumed to be protecting computer/communication devices of some sort.  This is entirely encased with a very high fencing so people not in the know will have no idea what is within nor able to access it.  Not ALL of these towers have this. Some have high fencing. Trucks that show up to work on these towers are generally all white with no identification, unless a bogus company name of some sort - short and simple and usually in all med blue. This all observed in the DFW area of Texas.

WELCOME TO THE NAZI/NWO/UN/NATO AMERIKA. When the paratroopers are landing on your rooftops, remember what electronic equipment got them there - and you think that the U.S.A./UN/NATO/NWO military isn't fully aware of this?