Your Pastor Has Sold You Out
The 'Clergy Response Teams'
and the FEMA Camps
Pastors serving government over God
Think your pastor is your friend?
Think again!
If you belong to a mid-size or large congregation, the chances are that your pastor belongs to DHS’s Clergy Response Team.
What does that mean?
It means your being preached the vanilla doctrine of government, not the word of God.
Watch this shocking report.
This applies to any 'church' that has a 501(c)3 IRS designation. Churches and all ministries for that matter were NEVER meant to be licensed by a government, certainly not our Republic government, nor regulated in any way by a government. Patrick Henry's famous speech was about this very situation.;;
ALL 501(c)3 organizations are required by the government to provide thorough information on those attending, including names, addresses, phone numbers, amounts of contributions and any other information the 'government' decides it wants for its purposes. The IRS can visit these churches and examine their church records, obtaining whatever information it wants for government purposes. WHY is all of this inquisitiveness necessary? For what purpose?
FEMA is involved in this. FEMA is prepared to receive all Christians who OBEY their church/ministry leadership and follow their instructions to OBEY THE GOVERNMENT, BOARD THE BUSSES, and be TRANSFERRED TO THE FEMA CAMPS FOR EXTINCTION. And certainly those who do NOT 'obey' will be sought after as well.
The 'church leaders' are instructed what they are to tell their sheeple, and how to twist Scriptures. The government seeks the church leadership to cooperate in the plan to program the sheeple to gladly board the busses to be transported to the FEMA camps, as it is their 'DUTY TO OBEY THE GOVERNMENT'.
People, what I am sharing with you is true. I know because I was recruited at one point to get involved with the teams across the nation that are recruiting church and ministry leadership to become involved - certified - as 'Clergy Response Teams'. Once I discerned what their program was really about - and after seeking the Lord for His direction on whether to continue or not - He gave me a loud resounding 'NO!" and I was led to withdraw from the group which, at that time, was in Tulsa, OK.
Who and what you submit to - who and what you sit under - is between you and God. The pastor and church leadership are between you and God. They expect you to do as they say which - especially these days - most likely is not what the Lord would expect or require you to do. You submit to your 'leaders', therefore you are not direct to God. Same principle here as if you were attending the catholic church and calling the priest 'father' - which the Lord says is not to be done for no man is 'father' but the Lord God is your Father. (Mt 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in Heaven.) If you are submitting to a 501(c)3 church/ministry, then you are submitting to the government, putting the government between you and the Lord God, your Father. Is that what you really want? One cannot serve two masters. Consider the following:
Mt 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Lu 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Also, when you give your tithes and offerings to your 501(c)3 church/ministry, you are giving to THAT 501(c)3 organization/corporation and NOT to the actual work of the Lord. Again, you are giving your donation to that church which is between you and the Lord God. You cannot expect the Lord to bless you for what you are giving to another - to the 501(c)3 government church via expecting an IRS credit when most times that money is NOT being spent in the Lord's service. You cannot expect to receive a return from the IRS/government for your donation to the church and also for the Lord to bless your donation as well. You cannot expect to be blessed twice, especially when you are giving to the enemy of God! There are more than enough people and causes to donate to directly without submitting your donations through some church or 501(c)3 organization which most likely will use that money to profit the paid leaders of the organizations, providing very little to no benefit to the needy.
If you are involved with a 501(c)3 ministry/church, inquire of the Lord if you should GET OUT NOW AND DISAPPEAR! Gather with like minded followers of Christ outside the government 'churches.' Meet in your homes, changing frequently. Constantly change locations, times, transportation means, etc. The whole idea is NOT to build big buildings, but to study, learn and seek God together, and equip others to step out and begin their own in-house group as well. God sent His out two by two - that is our guide for what needs to be done today. You and I - our bodies - are God's temple, and not the brick and mortar and fancy dressings. Conduct your own Bible studies and worship with like minded family and friends. Ask the Lord for His guidance and He will guide you. Do NOT 'register' or apply for ANY government designations. You serve the Lord God and NOT the enemy or government!!!!;