Friday, January 13, 2017


Waking Times     

The Grocery Store Blacklist: 12 Food Companies to Avoid

Flickr - say no to GMO - MillionsAgainstMonsantoDaisy Luther, OccupyMonsanto360
Waking Times
A genetically modified rose by any other name may smell sweet, but may still have frankenthorns© that might independently detach themselves and lop off your finger while you’re smelling it for all you know.  That’s not unlike a trip to the grocery store these days. There are a lot of ugly surprises in pretty, charmingly-named packages.
It seems like no matter how hard you try to avoid them, GMOs and toxic foods creep into your life.
Take for example, the earthily-packaged “natural” foods that are showcased in your grocery store aisles.  They cost twice as much, have obscure brand names, and tout their health benefits and natural sources.  You can almost smell the freshly tilled soil when you pick up the box.
Unfortunately, this is nothing more than corporate sleight-of-hand.
Many of the products that seem so good are actually just subsidiaries of the companies that were most complicit in blocking GMO labeling, aided and abetted by everyone’s favorite purveyor of death, Monsanto. (Monsanto, incidentally, donated $7,100,500.00 to the fight against the labeling of GMO-containing products.)  Don’t forget that Monsanto is now above the law due to the Monsanto Protection Act, a traitorous rider that Senator Roy Blunt managed to attach to a bill that was subsequently signed into law by President Obama. (you know, that guy in the White House, who made the labeling of GMOs one of his 2007 campaign promises?)
I wish I could make a comprehensive list, but there are more stealthily labeled toxins on the shelves every single day.  It all boils down to a these big companies that own nearly all of the foods sold in the United States. Some of the quietly owned subsidiaries may surprise you.  Included is the amount that the company (and its subsidiaries) donated to defeat California Proposition 37 which would have required GMO labeling.
Not every item on this list contains genetically modified ingredients. The list is based on the duplicitous marketing of the companies.  More consumers are trying to make healthy choices at the grocery stores, but it’s difficult when companies push their toxic wares and dress them up as health food. Young people in particular fall victim to these schemes.  You have to give a kid credit for purchasing something called “Vitamin Water” over a soda pop, and it’s infuriating that the kid, trying to make a good choice, has been tricked into the purchase by deceitful advertising and marketing.
Some of the products listed, may in fact be exactly what they are portrayed to be, but I choose not to financially support the corporations behind them.

Campbell’s – $250,000.00

  • Healthy Request
  • Wolfgang Puck Soups
  • Pace Foods
  • Pepperidge Farms
  • V-8

Cargill, Inc – $202,229.36

  • Truvia Natural Sweetener
  • Shady Brooks Farms
  • Diamond Crystal Salt
  • Liza
  • Nature Fresh
  • Peter’s Chocolate
  • Wilbur Chocolate
  • Honeysuckle White
  • Rumba Meats
  • Good Nature

Coca Cola –  $1,164,400.00

  • Vitamin Water
  • Smart Water
  • Dasani
  • Nestea
  • Minute Maid
  • Honest Tea
  • Odwalla
  • Vitaminenergy

Con-Agra – $1,076,700.00

  • Orville Redenbacher’s Organic
  • Hunt’s Organic
  • Lightlife
  • Alexia
  • Healthy Choice
  • Hebrew National

Dean Foods –  $253,950.00

  • Horizon
  • Silk
  • White Wave

General Mills – $908,200.00

  • Nature Valley
  • Fiber One
  • Cheerios
  • Cascadian Farm
  • Muir Glen
  • Lärabar
  • Gold Medal Organic
  • Food Should Taste Good

Heinz/Hains Celestial – $500,000.00

(Hains is actually owned by Heinz, Phillip Morris, Monsanto, Citigroup, Exxon-Mobil, Wal-Mart and Lockheed Martin)
  • Earth’s Best
  • Spectrum Organics
  • Garden of Eatin’
  • Casbah
  • Rice Dream
  • Soy Dream
  • WestSoy
  • TofuTown
  • MaraNatha
  • Mountain Sun
  • Walnut Acres
  • Fruiti di Bosco
  • Health Valley
  • Bearitos
  • Bread Shop
  • Celestial Seasonings

Kellogg’s – $632,500.00

  • Kashi
  • Muslix
  • Nutrigrain
  • Bear Naked
  • Morningstar Farms
  • Gardenburger

Kraft – $551,148.25

  • Snapple
  • ReaLemon
  • Triscuit
  • SnackWell’s
  • South Beach
  • Boca
  • Back to Nature
  • Nabisco

Nestle –   $1,169,400.00

  • Pure Life
  • Pelligrino
  • Perrier
  • Poland Spring
  • Gerber
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Tribe Mediterranean
  • Sweet Leaf Tea

PepsiCo $2,249,661.61

  • Miss Vickie’s
  • Sun Chips
  • Aquafina
  • SoBe
  • Harvest Crunch
  • Dole
  • Ocean Spray
  • Tropicana
  • Miranda
  • Tazo
  • Quaker
  • Naked Juice
  • Mother’s

Unilever – $467,000 (source)

  • Salada
  • Knorr
  • Ben & Jerry’s

A little bit of good news…

It isn’t all bad news.  There are a few companies you can still count on – keep in mind that corporate mergers take place every day.  When businesses change hands, there is no obligation to notify the public.  One such cautionary tale took place with the company Dean’s, which acquired Horizon foods.  They quietly phased out the use of organic products without making any changes to the label and used non-organic milk produced under factory farm conditions.  As well, they dropped the quality of their organic soy and began purchasing cheaper harvests from Asia.  Meanwhile, unwitting retailers had no idea that the company had ceased producing the items organically, and continued to promote the products as they had previous to the acquisition.
Right now, these are some labels to look for. THESE ARE THE GOOD GUYS!!!!
  • 7th Generation
  • Amy’s Kitchens
  • Apple and Eve
  • Applegate
  • Azumaya
  • Blue Diamond
  • Bob’s Red Mill
  • Bossa Nova
  • Cal Organics
  • Cedarlane
  • Cell-nique
  • Choice Organic Teas
  • Clif Bar/ Nectar Fruit
  • Coombs Family Farmers
  • Cosorzio All Natural
  • Country Choice
  • Crystal Geyser Alpine Water
  • Doctor Kracker
  • Dr. Bronner’s
  • Dr. McDougall’s
  • Dr. Praeger
  • Eat Raw
  • Echo Farms
  • EcoMeal
  • Eddie’s Pasta
  • Eden Foods (The only company NOT
  • using harmful plastic in the lining of their
  • cans as bonding agent!)
  • Edward and Sons
  • Endangered Species Chocolate
  • Ener-G
  • EnvironKiz
  • Fantastic Foods.
  • Giving Nature
  • Golden Temple
  • Go Naturally
  • Greenway Farms
  • Harvest Bay
  • Hawthorne Valley
  • Ian’s Natural Foods
  • Koyo Organics
  • Lakewood
  • Lesser Evil
  • Let’s Do…Organics
  • LifeStream
  • Living Harvest
  • Lundberg Family
  • Madhava
  • Murray’s Chicken
  • Nasoya
  • Native Forest
  • Natural by Nature
  • Nature Factor
  • Nature’s Path
  • Newman’s Own Organic
  • Organic Prarie
  • Organic Valley
  • Pacific Naturals
  • Pamela’s
  • Peace Cereal
  • Petalumi
  • Rapunzel
  • Real Foods
  • Republic of Teas
  • Road’s End Organics
  • San J
  • Sensible Foods
  • Seven Star Farms
  • Sunergia
  • Tasty Bite Indian
  • Terra Nostra
  • Texmati
  • Theo chocolates
  • Think Organic
  • Turtle Mountain Toferky
  • Vermont Mystic Pie
  • Vitasoy
  • Vita Spelt
  • Vivani Chocolate
  • Wizard’s Saucery
  • Woodstock Farms
  • XOXOXO chocolate
  • Yogi Tea
  • Zija
  • Zoe’s Granola
Another way to avoid unscrupulous food producers is through apps such as Buycott.  If you  have an iPhone, it can be used to check a product that you see in the stores to see what corporate links exist with a quick scan (it will be coming to Android soon as well).
Of course, the best way to avoid GMOs and toxic additives is to avoid packaged foods altogether. Raise and preserve your own food, buy organic and local, cook from scratch, and avoid processed foods.
GMO Free Food Storage
About the Author
Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor.  Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

McCain reveals he leaked fake Trump documents

BREAKING – John McCain ADMITS He Leaked Fake Trump Docs. Should He Resign?  McCain - once a TRAITOR - ALWAYS A TRAITOR and he PROVES IT

There were a lot of mistakes made surrounding the fake Trump story the media recently got their hands on. The biggest mistake might have been John McCain’s.

In a statement on his website, McCain has revealed that he did leak the fake Trump documents, as many suspected. This betrayal is disgusting! I think he should resign!

John McCain just acknowledged that he  gave
the Trump dossier to the FBI late last year:

It turns out that this huge betrayal has been brewing for a year.

To excuse himself, McCain offered the line, “unable to verify the information myself.” Certainly, if you find a matter of national security, anyone and everyone in this nation should pass it along to the proper authorities, but let’s not waste our time, and the FBI’s time, with idle gossip.

The allegations against Trump, originally released to the public by Buzzfeed, are absolutely ludicrous. How could a sensible person take them seriously, never mind seriously enough to pass along to the FBI? Or is the FBI always inundated with outlandish sex scandals?

Carl Bernstein, the reporter who broke Watergate, was involved in the transfer of this rumor from one organization to the other. He alleges McCain’s involvement went a little deeper than the senator is letting on, as per Biz Pac Review.

Bernstein told CNN, “a former British ambassador to Russia independently was made aware of these findings, and he took the information to John McCain…McCain was sufficiently disturbed by what he read to take it to FBI Director James Comey himself personally, they had a five-minute meeting.”

Of course, Bernstein tried to downplay McCain’s handing of the information to Director Comey himself, saying the meeting was brief. However, the direct nature of McCain’s actions hints that he felt deeply that this matter needed serious attention.

It certainly didn’t deserve that level of attention. The intelligence community is now back-tracking, with some sources telling CNN that the allegations against Trump were included to alert the president-elect such rumors about him were circulating. It seems the only people still talking to CNN are those who have some explaining to do!        

Elijah Wood Exposes Rampant Pedophilia In Hollywood

At this point in our nation’s history, information and knowledge are key. They will most likely be the two single biggest factors that determine whether we the people are able to retain this republic of ours, or whether we lose it to a tyrannical police state. Right now, many Americans have absolutely no idea what is really going on in this country, because the very institutions people should be able to trust for honest and reliable information, are outright lying to them, and it keeps getting worse.

Turn on your television, pick up a newspaper, or listen to the radio, and all you hear about today is “fake news” this, or “fake news” that. Today, almost everything coming out of the mainstream media is either a blatant lie, or a very small fraction of the whole truth. The global interests that own and run the media fully recognize that he who controls the information, controls, which is why we’ve seen a relentless effort lately by the mainstream media to regain their stranglehold on information.

As part of that effort, the mainstream media has enlisted social media giants to help stifle free speech, which is why social media is now crawling with liberal hacks masquerading as “fact checkers” such as the perverted slobs who run Snopes. Recall that the same people who are determining what is “real,” and what is “fake,” are the same people that assured us Donald Trump could never win the election, and they’re the same people telling you that the economy is doing great, even though 95,000,000 Americans are out of work.

This group of elites, the ones acting as the new “arbiters of free speech,” and the ones determining what you are "allowed" to know, and what you are not, are also the same people who are insisting that Donald Trump will not be a legitimate President, they're the same people who have plans to create the largest riots and civil uprising this nation has ever seen on January 20th, and they're the same people who plan to fight President Trump by any means necessary.

Why then, when those very same people say that #PizzaGate, or any of the other stories about child pedophilia rings are all “fake news,” do people believe them? There is nothing remotely FAKE about them. In the following video, I discuss how the far-left, which includes the mainstream media, Hollywood and coastal elites, academia, and corrupt politicians, have taken over the free-flow of information in this country, and what’s at stake if we don’t get it back.

I review what was talked about in a prior article from State of the Nation, which suggested that if We the People don’t act now, and make it our mission to Starve the Beast while we still can, then we have no one to blame but ourselves as this country slides off into a lawless abyss. As that happens, more innocent children will be harmed, and eventually so will everyone that isn’t part of the ruling class.

Our Founding Fathers and all of our greatest leaders have each known that for this nation to survive and thrive, active and informed involvement of the people is required, emphasis on the word “informed.” As I said above, the far-left understand one simple fact: He who controls the information, controls. That is why they intend to be the ones who retain control. Recall the words of Thomas Jefferson:
Centuries later, Ronald Reagan said:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Those words have never been as true in our nation’s history as they are today, but many Americans just aren't getting it. It pains me to say this, but with each passing day that Americans do not make a stand against the mainstream media, I believe our republic gets one step closer to no longer being capable of being saved through political means.

Because of how corrupt and dishonest both the mainstream media and our politicians are, we are fast approaching a point when any hope of finding a peaceful and diplomatic resolve to our differences will finally become extinguished. The far-left realizes that, which is why they are preparing to get violent unless their demands are met, and Donald Trump steps down.
The Free Thought Project writes:
“The Number one problem in Hollywood was and always will be pedophilia.”
-Corey Feldman, During interview with ABC News
Up until now, Corey Feldman’s attempt to blow the whistle on pedophilia and child abuse in Hollywood, have fallen on deaf ears. The actor’s troubled past made him easily dismissable in the mainstream, and his bombshell accusations were simply swept under the rug.

However, Feldman’s claims have now been backed up by another Hollywood child star. Hollywood is in the midst of a massive sexual abuse scandal, which can be compared to that of Jimmy Savile in Britain, childhood star turned adult actor Elijah Wood has claimed.

Coming onto the silver screen for the first time in Back to the Future Part II in 1989, Wood has been a critically acclaimed actor for decades. At age 35, Elijah has now come forward in a recent interview to blow the lid off of the dark underground world of child acting in Hollywood.

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood dropped a bombshell, noting how child actors were regularly “preyed upon” by industry figures. “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood,” said Wood. “It was all organized.”

What Wood is talking about is the rampant sexual abuse of childhood actors which has been previously exposed by Corey Feldman, as well as Corey Haim. In an episode of their reality TV show, The Two Coreysa candid fight broke out during which Haim claimed Feldman stood by and watched as a person Feldman “still hangs out with” and is “best friends with” proceeded to “rape” the 14-year-old Haim.

“There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind,” continued Elijah Wood in his interview. “There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”

When noting how he was able to escape the molestation during his childhood in Hollywood, Elijah noted that he had good parents who protected him and who did not let him attend these parties. “She was far more concerned with raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career,” he said.

Wood says the abuse runs unchecked because the victims “can’t speak as loudly as people in power.” “That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people,” he said. “They can be squashed but their lives have been irreparably damaged.” What Wood is referring to is the immense power of Hollywood elites to control the narrative and quash any allegations of abuse before they even happen.

The same owners of Hollywood also own the majority of other mainstream media. While none of them are specifically implicated, a handful of people, News Corp. President Peter Chernin, Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey, Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger, Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton, Warner Bros. Chairman Kevin Tsujihara, CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves whose great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel, MGM Chairman Terrence Lanni, and former NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker, who is currently the president of CNN Worldwide, all run the movie industry as well as the television and news scenes.

With the massive resources of the mainstream media, covering up the allegations of rape of dozens of children would be a simple task.
“If you’re innocent you have very little knowledge of the world and you want to succeed,” explained Elijah of the poor children and their parents who become easy prey as they seek out their dreams of becoming Hollywood stars.
Another sad facet to this underground world of child predation is the fact that police not only look the other way, but they’ve often been exposed for participating in it.

Last year, an abuse survivor bravely broke her silence to tell her horrific childhood story. In an interview with Sky News, Esther Baker, 32, explained how she and other children were raped by the elite and politicians as uniformed police officers stood guard. Also last year, Jessa Dillow-Crisp testified at the Colorado State Capitol, during Human Trafficking Awareness and Advocacy Day, about the horrible experiences that she had in her past.

“I was a little girl and was sexually abused by family members. I had to pose for pornographers and was sold to countless men on a daily basis,” she said.
To make matters even more hopeless for the woman, she was unable to report the abuse or go to the police because there were a number of police officers who were actually involved in the kidnapping and abuse.

“There was gang raping, the police officer who handcuffed me and raped me, told me I would be put in jail if I opened my voice,” she said.

Sadly, positions of power, whether state-backed or not often attract society’s worst. Knowing they are above the law, these sickos are allowed to target innocence for their own disgusting desires. In his interview, Elijah Wood summed up this notion perfectly when he said, “People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey.” And, unfortunately, they continue to get away with it.
Article posted with permission from

Plow driver comes to aid of man stuck in the snow

MENASHA, Wis. (WBAY) – It’s the picture and story that has gone viral. A Menasha plow driver goes above and beyond the call of duty, helping to make sure a city resident gets home safely during a winter snowfall. The driver says he was just in the right place at the right time.

The streets in the City of Menasha are clear of snow and ice thanks to the work of the city’s team of plow drivers. But, it’s what Jim Koffarnus came across while out on his route downtown that’s getting all the attention.

According to Koffarnus, “Pulled up on the intersection of Milwaukee and Main and here there was a guy in a battery operated chair and he was stuck, he was going back and forth.”

So Koffarnus and another good samaritan who stopped, helped to push the man out of the snow. And then, without hesitation, Koffarnus deviated from his plow route, clearing a path for two blocks so the man in the chair could make it home.

He says, “Had to get him home. I didn’t want him to get hurt or anything like that.”

The picture of the man following the plow, with a narrative of what “Jim” in truck 26 did, was posted to Facebook. It’s since been shared nearly two thousand times. Comments of thanks commending Koffarnus for a job well done have also been posted. It’s attention Koffarnus wasn’t looking for when he came to the man’s aid.

In fact, after working a 17 hour shift plowing the streets and getting home early in the morning, Koffernus told his wife, “I said, I just want to go to bed and get some sleep because it was a long day yesterday and then back in early today.”
Koffarnus isn’t much for his new found fame, he says he was just doing his job. Adding, “I’m just glad the guy is home safe and I could help him out.”

Obama Admin Destroying Public Records

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Claims Obama Admin Destroying Public Records

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has accused the Obama administration of destroying public records en masse during his last days in office.

In fact, Assange is so confident that the destruction of records is taking place that he has offered a $30,000 reward for anyone who comes forward with proof.

“We are told that destruction of records is occurring now in different parts of the Obama administration in different departments or agencies,” he claimed.

“To destroy them is absolutely an egregious act,” Assange stated. “One understands the political motivation for it.”

But what about the legal ramifications? What could possibly be being covered up? We may never know unless someone accepts Assange’ offer.

Via WikiLeaks:

 Julian Assange: Obama administration 
destroying public records 'now' 

Assange, who has no partisan leanings one way or the other, said that the Obama administration wouldn’t be the only ones to have destroyed records in the waning days of a presidency.

“Past administrations of both Republican and Democratic players have engaged in mass destruction of records as they left office,” he explained.

In the here and now however, Assange is looking for “information leading to the arrest or exposure of any Obama admin agent destroying significant records.”

We increased the reward for the arrest or exposure 
of Obama admin officials destroying info to $30,000, 
thanks to a donor stepping forward.

It would be interesting if anyone came forward.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Funny Fish

Trump To Have The First CHRISTIAN Inauguration In History

BREAKING: Trump To Have The First CHRISTIAN Inauguration In History

January 3, 2017  

All the Christians will applaud the latest announcement from the inauguration committee…

As Trump just announced, Franklin Graham and 6 other religious figures will speak at the event.

The ceremony will start with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, followed by the readings and invocations from pastor Paula White and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Leadership Conference.

Graham is an early supporter of Trump.  He said:
“I don’t have any scientific information. I don’t have a stack of emails to read to you, but I have an opinion. I believe it was God. God showed up. He answered the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people across this land who had been praying for this country.”  God showed up through the will of the American people and Trump was easily elected.
"Since the first inaugural ceremony, our leaders have paid tribute to the blessings of liberty that have been bestowed upon our country and its people,” Tom Barrack, the chairman of the Presidential Inaugural Committee said in a statement. “I am pleased to announce that a diverse set of faith leaders will offer readings and prayers at the swearing-in of President-elect Trump and honor the vital role religious faith plays in our multicultural, vibrant nation.”
Among others, Rabbi Marvin Hier and Wayne T. Jackson are invited to the ceremony.

49 plane flyover - Arrowhead Stadium


I don't know who the Chief's were playing, but it would have been great if it had been the 49ers and C. Kaeperknick had been on the field.
As you know, Obama cuts have eliminated the military flyovers at large events.   
Well, there's a group of guys in Kansas City who do some formation flying in their own planes, and decided they'd volunteer to pick up the slack.   
They invited a couple of other groups to join them and, before they knew it, they had 48 guys with their own airplanes signing up to join in.  
If they had more time, they probably would have gotten an even larger group as people kept joining and a 49th was added near the event. 
One additional feature of the flyover was the use of pink smoke for cancer awareness. 
The folks from the Guinness Book were there and are expected to confirm it as the largest formation flight ever.
And, to top it off, the crowd later set the record for the loudest gathering at a football stadium.
Be sure your speakers are turned up... best if watched at full screen.

Arrowhead Stadium
49 plane flyover 

Long Ago, Far Away -- Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 18


By Anna Von Reitz

Judging from some of the comments I am getting there are a lot of Newbies out there.  I suggest going to my website at or buying our primer, "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause".
Religion plays into the discussion because our law derives directly from our religious and ethical values. Period.
The last few posts I have revealed the (apparently) astounding news that there are different kinds of law and they all stem from different religions.  Why is that so amazing to so many people? 
The Maritime and Admiralty Law of the Sea is linked to Satanic pagan religions and goes back before the Flood--the reason these are sometimes called the Noahide Laws. The most recent overhaul and update of these laws occurred in Rome circa the 200 BC, which is the reason they are also often referred to as Roman Civil Law.
These Satanic law forms are far different from and follow a completely different logic from the Law of the Land, which is based on Mosaic Law, or the Law of the Air, which is based on the Law of Love.
Criminals have gradually usurped upon the Law of the Land and all but overcome it. They have done so by fraud, force, and deceit, but they have done it nonetheless.  As Jesus said, "as in the days of Noah"---- we live in a world dominated by courts operating under the Satanic Law of the Sea and by an increasingly immoral, destructive, dishonest, and shallow popular culture. 
That is the situation we are all facing worldwide.
 At this crucial moment I wish to draw your attention to the story of the Tower of Babel.  Once all the people of the world spoke the same language. This allowed them to accomplish great things and to work together toward common goals. There were no separate tribes, no "us" and no "them".  War and courtroom battles and the constant quibbling we are so familiar with now didn't exist.  We were all on the same team.
And then, something happened: the Tower of Babel.
What really happened isn't explained in the standard Bible, but the truth revealed in other ancient texts is that a strange woman came to rule in Babylon about 20,000 BC, which is about twice the length of time between us now and the reign of King David in Israel. 
She was called Semiramis or the Queen of Heaven (also known as the Mother of Harlots and the Great Abomination and the Inventor of Idolatry)-- a beautiful woman who crash landed in an egg-shaped vessel that splashed down in the Fertile Crescent all those many years ago. She brought with her many changes for Mankind--- none of them good. 
Her changes included establishing a religion that venerated trees and sacred groves and practiced blood sacrifices on hilltop altars, and especially favored infanticide as a common practice. 
She taught that sex was to be worshipped as a sacrament and vast orgies began to take place. Drugs were liberally used to stimulate the mind and body.  Crowds of thousands assembled to toss their crying babies into owl-shaped furnaces as sacrifices to Semiramis'  familiar, Molloch, the Owl-god.  Worship of snakes, statues of penises, sodomy, temple prostitutes, and all manner of other practices got their start under her guidance.
She also invented idolatry--- not only the kinds of idolatry we are taught about in Sunday school with people carving statues and worshiping them.  Oh, no, it was much more insidious than that.  Semiramis introduced the concept of money into the world--- an idol standing for all other things, either in the form of little stamped and minted coins or in the form of graven images.  This is the source of those graven images in your pockets right now---all those bills engraved with pictures of dead Presidents.
Semiramis took things of little or no actual value--- gold coins and pieces of paper--- and convinced people that they had great value because they "represented" the value of other things.  A gold coin stamped with three baskets of wheat was supposedly worth three baskets of wheat, while a gold coin of the same size stamped with five baskets of wheat was worth five actual baskets of grain. 
It was a total scam then, and scary as it is for most people to contemplate the truth, it is still a total scam now---- and you can thank Semiramis for conning every generation of Mankind from her day down to this.  No wonder she was known and eventually worshipped as the wife of Satan, the Father of All Lies.
Anyone who could con a Babylonian farmer out of five baskets of wheat in exchange for a little gold coin had to be a truly legendary Grifter.
Another gift of Semiramis was what we now call "descriptive language".  The original language of this planet was based on mathematical truths. You couldn't tell a lie or make a false statement because every word reduced down to a fact and they all added up or they didn't.
Nobody knows for sure what the original language was called in Ancient Babylon Before the Fall---- that is, before Semiramis fell to Earth from the stars----but it was preserved by the Wise Men of Parthia as an antidote to the descriptive language of Babylon called "Babel" and among the Parthians both then and now the original language of Earth was called "Parse".
Both the beauty and the utter failure of descriptive language is that it can mean many different things and have many different meanings--- and this gives rise to endless quarrels and questions and opportunities for misunderstanding, confusion, guile, and greedy manipulation.  English is the premier descriptive language on the planet today and we are the foremost victims of modern day Babel.
We can't seem to write a straight forward honest agreement of any kind and have ten people agree on the content.  There are too many double-meanings and possible interpretations to nearly everything.
Let's take the word "of" which can mean "without" (as in the sense of within or without), outside of, apart from, or belonging to.   And then let's look at the words, "State of Florida". The original meaning of "State of Florida" was "State belonging to Florida", but two generations later, the meaning was changed to "State outside of Florida"----with nobody being made any the wiser and no change in the way the phrase was written. 
In 1864, Congress changed the meaning of the words "state" "States" and "United States" to mean "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation" --- and just didn't tell anyone, either.
These practices of employing double or triple or quadruple meanings to the same word, creating "special" definitions of known words, and using ambiguous descriptors leads to our beloved English language being called "Doublespeak". 
Who could imagine that the words "United States District Court" actually translate to "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation District Court"? 
Well, maybe we would imagine it, if we knew that "Columbia" is another name for Semiramis.
And if you ask me to report on this subject in a "timely manner" --- exactly what is "timely"?  Three days, seven days, two months, a year, next decade?  Well, we all know---or think we know--- what descriptive language means, but in point of fact, we don't.
And that, dear ones, is the reason that as beautiful as descriptive language can be and as attuned to the flights of our fancy as it is, it is still Babel and it is still at least Double and often more like Triplespeak, and it is still intrinsically mutable, subject to being misunderstood, manipulated, redefined, confused---both innocently and on purpose---and at the end of the day, though we may all enjoy the poetry of a line like, "She walks in beauty like the night....." we still don't know for sure (and possibly don't want to know) what it means.
Who is "she"?  Is she walking like night?  How does night walk?  Does night "walk" at all?  Is the way night walks beautiful?  What "night" are we talking about? 
You see?  When you reduce English down, it's Babel---straight out of Ancient Babylon.  Most of the time it means absolutely nothing for certain. 
You can thank Semiramis and many, many generations of people ---most of whom were cheated out of their food, their money, and their lives by Babylonian Traders-- for the continued use and abuse of such language conventions.
It turns out that grammar really is an important subject. Who knew?
The Ancient Parthians preserved the original mathematical language known as Parse as an antidote to this Babylonian drivel and used it as the language of their sacred texts--- which are mostly about Astronomy--- and all Parthian laws and business agreements.  As a result, the Parthians were a thorn in the heel of Babylon for many generations and were eventually all but wiped off the face of the Earth by the invading hordes of Idolaters.
Imagine a bunch of drug and sex-crazed Babylonian diamond merchants hitting the Kasbah on a Saturday night, their pockets full of gold coins stamped with images of baskets of wheat, horses, dates, donkeys, women, anything little thing their hearts might desire, whispering sweet nothings---- literally phrases that mean nothing---into the ears of women who--then as now---only think they understand the meaning?
Two Americans, David-Wynn:Miller and Russell-J:Gould, rediscovered and to some extent, re-engineered Parse, exposing once again the mathematical interface that honest communication should have built into its very structure.  The result is very strange to our eyes and our ears. 
Parse is written in capital letters, marking it as a symbolic language like Ancient Latin.  Like Latin, it uses direct punctuation to form connections between words and phrases.  Unlike Latin, the information being conveyed can be reduced down to mathematical certainties with nothing left to the imagination.
After a week of furtive study of this new iteration of Parse, I realize what a stretch it is going to take for most people to grasp its importance---- especially as a language used to form treaties and agreements. Imagine contracts and laws that aren't subject to "interpretation" by anyone, much less a man in black robes? 
Maybe the first step is to realize that our beloved English Language is actually Babel, and if we want to cut down on the criminality and confusion in the world, it behooves us to move on and learn mathematically interfaced languages and structurally correct grammar.  Then, at last, after 20,000 years of Babel, we can say what we actually mean again.
I hope that readers now grasp the inevitable connection between religion and law, the unfortunate connection of Satanism and the cults of Semiramis with the Law of the Sea and the District of Columbia, and at least some of the ways and reasons that this extremely ancient history continues to impact our world and our lives. 
The culture of sex, drugs, and rock and roll that Semiramis unleashed in the Middle East twenty thousand years ago is still kicking up dust today.  It is parading down our Main Streets and corrupting our youth and creating a Death-oriented and depraved society full of con artists and self-serving thieves. 
A statue of Semiramis herself stands in New York Harbor, mockingly masquerading as the "Statue of Liberty"---- note that, Liberty, the root word of "Libertine"--- is what sailors get when they reach port. Not freedom. 
The Great Whore of Babylon, the Great Abomination herself, is standing where she should not be--just as Jesus said 2,000 years ago,  pretending to be a beacon of freedom, when instead she is a shrine of enslavement.  Her priests disguised as honest jurists have invaded our courts and taken over our court buildings.  Our pockets are full of her graven images.  Even our language is dishonest, twisted, and often meaningless because of Semiramis.  
Satan and his Consort have had their way with us.  Their minions snatched us from our cradles when we were just babies.  Their followers have enslaved us and tormented and confused us all of our lives.  They have stolen from us and oppressed us, lied to us and lied about us.  All these people know how to do is lie, lie, lie.  And so far as the High Priests of the Roman Cult are concerned, the beauty of it all, is that we don't know they are lying. We don't know our own history.  We mistake our enemies as friends.  We adopt their idols as our own symbols.  We believe in their "money" and don't recognize it for what it is.

We didn't get the punch line when they set up shop as the "District of Columbia".
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

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