There are no more options for the NWO ruling cabal!
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Starting the hot phase of World War III,
Triggering a worldwide global Stock Market Collapse,Engineering the Second Great Depression,
Staging an Alien Invasion via Operation Blue Beam,
Manufacturing a global Pandemic and Depopulation,
Inducing a series of catastrophic Earth Changes,
Steering an Asteroid into Russia, etc., etc., etc.,
NONE of these harebrained schemes will work anymore
for the Illuminati and their omnipresent Axis of Evil.
Just as Pizzagate is catching up with the
U.S. Establishment, Pedogate will catchup with the World Shadow Government
It ought to be clear to every resident of Planet Earth that the New World Order ruling cabal has been thrown into complete disarray.
That the Illuminati plot to install an overt One World Government is in absolute chaos.
That their multi-century agenda to foist a state-sponsored One World Religion on humankind has been thwarted.
And that their many conspiratorial plots to depopulate the world have failed dismally.
The bottom line is
that those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the planetary power
pyramid are clueless about how to proceed given the following state of
• Russian President
Vladimir Putin will not be goaded into a World War III scenario—Period!
When the deployment of just one EMP can knock out grid USA, really
what would even nuclear war look like …without a functioning electrical
grid? The Kremlin also has access to Tesla-inspired, scalar-wave
weaponry that has not even been imagined by the Military-Industrial Complex.
• The stock market
can be forced into a precipitous decline by way of a controlled
demolition similar to 2008; however, this time the guilty financial
terrorists and economic saboteurs will be prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law. In other word, the whole world knows that all
financial crashes and economic collapses have been meticulously
fabricated by the banksters.
• The Second Great Depression has been ongoing since 2008 after having been triggered by the 2000 collapse and the 9/11 War on Terror.
Hence, there’s no stopping the natural breakdown of the Global
Economic & Financial System (GE&FS). Certainly the best
financial engineers know this, as well as they understand their utter
impotence to avert the final blow out.
All of the other “End Time”
events highlighted above ought to be easily seen as practical
impossibilities for the Illuminati to implement, especially at this late
date as their Global Control Matrix literally self destructs in real time.
Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System
Now many will
quickly protest that there is nothing from stopping the NWO cabal from
executing a total yet perfectly controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System. And, they are right.
However, if the
international banking crime syndicate (aka banksters) tries this little
move one more time, their whole monopoly game goes away forever. In
other words the people throughout the entire planetary civilization will
never again permit them to run their fatally flawed game on them.
After all, the banksters have been outed like never before and now
await a fate similar to the aristocracy during the worst years of the
French Revolution.
How so?
The Internet has
simply allowed for the dissemination of so much raw truth and hard facts
about the true workings of the GE&FS. We all now know who they
(banksters) are, what they have done in the past, and where they live
now. We also watch their silly false flag operations flop every other
day now. Some of us actually predict their nefarious deeds before the
carry them out.
Who is not familiar
with the wreck and ruin wrought on the planet by the Rothschilds and
the Rockefellers? By Big Pharma and Big Oil? By Monsanto and
Halliburton? They are all known by their actions and can no longer
hide, especially with so many interlocking directorships which mutually
incriminate them all.
With so much
extremely incriminating evidence uploaded to the Internet since 1995,
the folks who own and operate the GE&FS are all exposed like never
before in history. Should they attempt to take down the GE&FS to
their benefit yet again, they will be hunted down and hung from the
nearest tree—for real. The people want justice like never before.
The current state
of the economy, both national and global, is such that everyone’s
thinking about when the other shoe will drop. In their fear and
apprehension about what the future may bring, many common folk are
researching and investigating like there’s no tomorrow. That’s because —
on some level — they know that there may not be a tomorrow.
The product of their sleuthing has put the banksters in their crosshairs. Who
doesn’t know that behind the banksters stands many more clandestine
operators who are even more culpable of enslaving humanity?
The Internet
More than any other
thing in recorded human history, the Internet has created a much more
level playing field. Of course, this is anathema to the Illuminati as
they have always been on top and will never tolerate anything but a
tilted playing field. In this fashion, they are always playing with our
money and our time and our energy and our real estate and our gold and
other valuable assets.
Were the financial
engineers and economic architects to carry out a controlled demolition,
they will guarantee themselves a lifelong cell at Guantanamo. Yes,
things have really changed that much; it’s just that most don’t know it
yet. Which is why this piece is being written before the critical
Inauguration Day of Donald Trump.
More than any other
monumental event of 2016, the election of Donald Trump illustrates just
how much things have really changed. Even BREXIT pales in comparison to The Donald’s
improbable victory. Therefore, the writing is on the wall which
clearly messages the ruling elites that their game of greed and money
and power is over—forever!
Should they deign
to be so stupid as to pull the plug on the GE&FS, forces will step
in to short-circuit their nefarious plans and maintain order. More
significantly, the convicting pretext will have been presented to
frogmarch the perps out alpine hideaways and seaside villas and into the
nearest prison cell.
It will also be the
Internet that will empower the inhabitants of Earth to police the
planet so that the banksters never set foot in a bank again. Just as a
global citizens investigation has been underway regarding the
Washington, D.C. Pizzagate and global Pedogate, people power is emerging in ways and places never seen before.
The Pizzagate
revelations, which are coming out fast and furiously because of the
power and pervasiveness of the Internet, is creating a very conducive
environment for the powerless to take back their power. Pedogate has likewise created an international forum for victims everywhere to speak their truth to power like never before. Truly, Pizzagate / Pedogate will provide the lynchpin for the malevolent global power structure.
The Illuminati, the Neocons, the Zionists and Alien-Human Hybrid Controllers
The ultimate
disposition of this criminally insane cabal of psychopaths is the only
remaining challenge for the global village to meet straightaway.
Where will the
world be safe with the likes of these entities still on the loose? Who
would volunteer to house such a dangerous group of genocidal murderers,
incorrigible kleptomaniacs, war-profiteering warmongers and serial
producers of chaos and pandemonium?
This difficult
question, then, is one that must be answered decisively and swiftly.
Many commentators have spoken of a negotiated truce with these
monsters, as though the planet is big enough for them and us to
peacefully co-exist. No, not quite!
In any event, now
that they have no place to go once they have been stripped of their
ill-gotten gains and misappropriated wealth, their influence and power
over the affairs of men will be greatly diminished. Nonetheless, the
wheels of justice must be allowed to turn so that their billions of
victims can rest safely and soundly.
Perhaps an
off-planet penitentiary can be found that is within the legendary
waterless region. Actually, they will probably find a way to wreck that
realm as well.
Special Note:The critical point of this article is that TPTB cannot crash the economy like they have always done timed according to the Shemitah calendar. If they are so reckless and ignorant as to try to sabotage President Trump’s term in office via a coordinated collapse, then they, too, will lose everything. And, they will never get it back. Once the financial institutions are destroyed and economic systems devastated, they, too, will lose their age-old power and influence. The United States will be compelled to consider a whole new paradigm, specifically one that is free from the endemic corporate corruption and easily manipulated institutional arrangements. The banksters should be refused participation and prosecuted for their endless financial terrorism and economic devastation to nations large and small. Then, there will be no place for economic hitmen and financial terrorists who were employed by TPTB to take down countries rich and poor.
“Ding Dong! The Witch is dead.”
With the ignominious defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Trump and BREXIT
movements will grow into a worldwide phenomenon as the globalists are
forced to retreat everywhere. As a healthy brand of nationalism spreads
to the four corners of the planet, the sheer power and momentum may be
enough to keep the cabal in check until they are dealt with
Perhaps the best thing that a President Trump can do as of his first day in office is to shut down the treasonous Mainstream Media.
He must also remove the numerous traitors from Congress and
intelligence agencies, as well as from the many other departments which
comprise the U.S. Federal Government.
The sooner that
Trump takes these initiatives, the sooner the American people can take
back their government. As an unrivaled change agent, his work will be
largely dedicated to tearing down the highly offensive Obamanation.
In that capacity Trump ought to bring his wrecking ball everywhere he
goes until it has sufficiently fallen into its own footprint, so that
the American Republic can be rebuilt in the image of the Founding Fathers.
Every good builder
knows that the better the demolition, the better the foundation for the
new edifice to be built upon. With this crucial understanding, the
first thing to go must be the present incarnation of the GE&FS. For
the world has been transformed into a financial prison as it has an
economic jailhouse for most of humanity.
May the patriotic
nationalists of the world rise up quickly to consolidate the gains that
have been thus far been made. Only through a concerted effort will a
complete emancipation from these warlords and wardens be possible.
Were the people of
good conscience to coalesce around the same Earth rehab plan, the serial
obstructionists wouldn’t have a chance to sow their seeds of
discontent. Why is it that the bad guys are always working together
more efficiently than the good guy? One would think that a righteous
cause like saving Planet Earth would galvanize a movement like no other
in modern history.
Let’s get busy!