Sunday, January 15, 2017

ANOTHER Pipeline Issue: Lock Down Trans-Pecos Pipeline Texas

January 10, 2017

An Indigenous Water Protector and an Alpine, Texas, resident were arrested Saturday morning after locking themselves to pipe-laying equipment at an Energy Transfer Partner (ETP) easement and work site in Presidio County, Texas. The lock-down temporarily halted construction on the company's 143-mile Trans-Pecos pipeline that, if completed, would carry 1.4 billion cubic feet of fracked gas from West Texas to Mexico every day.
The action was the first to be organized by a new Indigenous-led prayer and resistance camp on private land in far west Texas' pristine Big Bend region. The camp is acting in solidarity with the Sacred Stone and Oceti Sakowin camps' historic standoff against the Dakota Access pipeline at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota.   

Blockading the Trans-Pecos Pipeline in Test Texas

Jakki Hagans and Mark Glover, the two Water Protectors arrested Saturday, have been working to organize the "Two Rivers" or "La Junta de Los Rios" camp as members of the Society of Native Nations (SNN) and the Big Bend Defense Coalition (BBDC), respectively, during the last several weeks. They were each charged with trespassing and released on $250 bonds that same afternoon.

"It isn't right what [ETP] is doing," Hagans, who is Cherokee, told Truthout as she sat, locked to a sideboom (a machine used to lay pipe) during the frigid morning hours, temporarily halting construction on Energy Transfer Partners' Trans-Pecos pipeline in Presidio County near Marfa, Texas, January 7, 2017, before police arrested her and Glover. "It isn't right that they're able to take the land from people. It's not right that they're able to run these pipelines, contaminate the water with their fracking. It's not right that they don't care about the people."

The high-pressure Trans-Pecos pipeline is already close to completion and is billed to run from Coyanosa, Texas to the border near Presidio, Texas -- cutting right through the heart of the Big Bend area's ecologically sensitive Chihuahuan desert bioregion, a place that is both breathtakingly serene and extremely remote. The region is one of the only areas of the state that has, until now, remained unadulterated by oil and gas infrastructure. Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, who was the world's richest man from 2010 to 2013, and ETP CEO Kelcy Warren head the pipeline project.

Several Two Rivers Water Protectors lead a Native prayer drum-song before the lock-down action, January 7, 2017.

Saturday's lock-down is not the first direct action to target the Trans-Pecos pipeline. On
December 6, three Alpine residents with the BBDC chained themselves to the entrance gates of an ETP construction site, halting work on the pipeline. That was before the Two Rivers camp was up and running, and this weekend's action consecrates the aims and ambitions of the new camp, whose elders facilitated a prayer ceremony before Saturday morning's lock down and regularly led sacred practices at the Two Rivers camp. A second camp in Alpine, Texas, is also supporting the Water Protectors.

In fact, Two Rivers' elders and Water Protectors are working directly with Indigenous leaders at Standing Rock. An Indigenous Environmental Network delegation from Standing Rock is planning to meet with Indigenous Water Protectors at the Two Rivers camp this week to engage in prayer and ceremony, and to provide additional training to the camp's new Protectors as they anticipate dozens more will flock to the camp in the coming weeks.


"Many of us went out there to Cannon Ball to show that support and that solidarity, and if anything, the biggest teaching we got out of there was the power of unity -- and that's what we need here," said SNN Executive Director Frankie Orona, who is Borrado of Texas and Tongva, Chumash of California. "This is what we need now. This is what we need in Texas -- is that power in unity. So we need our people to come together from all different states."Energy Transfer Partners' easement for the Trans-Pecos pipeline has left a 150-foot wide scar across 146 miles of the pristine Big Bend landscape.

The land the pipeline has horrifically scarred is Lipan Apache and Conchos territory, and the Native Water Protectors organizing the Two Rivers camp say they are protecting their sacred sites in much the same way Standing Rock's Water Protectors are. Truthout has previously reported that many such sacred sites, including potentially Indigenous burial sites, have already been destroyed or are threatened.

Alpine archaeologist and member of the Big Bend Conservation Alliance David Keller told Truthout he witnessed ETP's bulldozers in September grinding through an 18-acre area on private land in Brewster County surrounding a desert watering hole called Trap Spring. The site is home to artifacts from the Late Archaic period, including at least 10 bedrock mortars, seven robust ring middens -- what Keller calls "earth ovens," dating back more than 5,000 years -- seven prehistoric hearths and two stone enclosures believed to have been used for wikiups or tipis.

The site is rare in the region due to its particular historical significance, according to Keller. The site was once part of a larger formation of spring vents along the eastern front of the Davis Mountains, and is situated along an ancient trail network stretching from Mexico up through Leon Springs in Fort Stockton, Texas, and on farther north. It contains arrowheads and glass beads once heavily traded along the trails.

ETP claims to have adjusted its construction route to avoid disturbing the artifacts after its own archeologist recommended the site be avoided. However, Keller said that ETP has only tested for cultural relics one foot beneath the topsoil even though many artifacts in the area of the floodplain of the Rio Grande are at least three feet beneath the surface. The Trap Spring site's State Archaeological Landmark status was pending at the time ETP set its bulldozers to it.

The Two Rivers Water Protectors are also fighting for state and federal recognition of Texas 'tribes'. [N.B.: "tribe" is a imperialist, fascist and colonial term still used in legislation of the USA] The state of Texas has only recognized two 'tribes', the Lipan Apache and the Texas Band of Yaqui Indians, and many unrecognized 'tribes' don't have access to legal protections for Indigenous remains and artifacts that also mandate consultation with 'tribes', such as the 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and section 106 of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act. Those protections only apply to federally recognized tribes and/or federal agencies or projects dealing with federal funds, permits, licenses or lands. Only three federally recognized 'tribes' reside in the state -- a reflection of the history of federal and state extermination campaigns, family separation, and forced relocation and assimilation.

Indigenous Water Protectors now at least occupied a segment of the illegal Trans-Pecos pipe.

Two Rivers Indigenous Water Protectors also oppose ETP's other pipeline project that will carry fracked gas to Mexico. Even the project's name is racist: ETP's "Comanche Trail" pipeline takes its label from the Comanche Nation who were forcibly removed from Texas in the aftermath of the Comanche Wars. During the conflicts, the indigenous people used the Comanche Trail that crossed West Texas through the Big Bend region.

The Two Rivers camp's Indigenous-led resistance is taking shape in Texas' border region, and is about a 40-minute drive from a Homeland Security border checkpoint. Resistance around the "Comanche Trail" pipeline is responding to a unique set of political circumstances, since the federal government itself appears cautious about plans for the pipeline.

Two Rivers Water Protectors say the border reveals the federal government's priorities when it comes to regulating pipelines, noting that while the 'federal government' easily greenlit ETP's pipelines to cross major waterways like the Rio Grande and the Missouri River (before historic Indigenous resistance), it showed more hesitation regarding ETP's plan to route the Comanche Trail pipeline under the border fence and under the federally-owned Franklin Canal, filing an injunction to halt construction on the pipeline in November, and filing another motion to ensure the Department of Homeland Security has an opportunity to review ETP's route.

However, Two Rivers Water Protectors emphasize that the US/Mexico border has little relevance, when it comes to their sacred sites and sacred lands.

"A lot of the lands that [ETP] is going through are sacred sites of Indigenous people from this land on both sides of the border. That border didn't always exist. This land was very sacred to them, very important to them. There's burial grounds everywhere, there's places they lived, as they moved and transitioned throughout this land," Orona told Truthout.

Kiani Naranjo, another Two Rivers Water Protector who descends from the Lenca people of El Salvador, agrees. "This land was originally part of the Americas before colonization, so before there was borders and before we were separate countries, it was all one land that belonged to the Indigenous people of the Americas, which is my ancestors and my future descendants, hopefully, and the ancestors of all my brothers and sisters that are here," she said.

The Water Protectors and their allies want full environmental assessments on the entire length of both pipeline projects, not just for the areas that would be crossing the border. Opponents of the Trans-Pecos pipeline have been pushing for such a review for some time.

As Truthout has previously reported, the fight against the Trans-Pecos pipeline has been ongoing for more than two years. Throughout that time,  landowners, conservationists, and area residents have filed hundreds of comments with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which is tasked with regulating a portion of pipeline slated to cross under the Rio Grande.

The Two Rivers Water Protectors fear the Rio Grande may become contaminated and they requested that the agency conduct an environmental review of the pipeline, but the request was denied last May. Moreover, landowners have banded together to oppose the company's use of eminent domain, filing several suits against ETP over condemnations of their property. (obviously for the financial benefit of ETP)

Now, with all institutional avenues for halting the pipeline exhausted, BBDC is linking up with SNN to use nonviolent direct action tactics, similar to the way in which East Texas landowners linked up with environmental organizers to resist the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline in 2011 and 2012 after pulling every institutional lever they could without success. 
Like the Keystone XL, the Trans-Pecos pipeline is primarily an export pipeline, making ETP's claims that they have condemned landowners' property for "public use" fraudulent. (TransCanada, the corporation behind the Keystone XL pipeline, made similar claims in relation to condemnations.)

As Truthout has reported, while ETP and Carlos Slim have said the fracked gas is intended for Mexico, where furious "gasolinazo" protests and blockades over a 20 percent hike in state-set fuel prices are heating up, the reality is that the gas would be shipped overseas to Japan, where officials are looking to shut down nuclear power plants and replace that energy supply with fracked gas after the Fukushima disaster. The primary financial backers of the pipeline include the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi and the Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in Japan, according to industry reports.

Beyond the pipeline, Two Rivers Water Protectors say they hope they can galvanize a larger resistance to the development of the recently discovered Wolfcamp shale field in West Texas, the largest shale field ever assessed in the US. The shale contains 20 billion barrels of oil and 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

That resistance is already taking shape with another camp in Toyahvale, Texas, which formed concurrently with the Two Rivers camp. The city is home to the locally known and loved spring of Balmorhea State Park, and hopes to stop the development of the nearby shale fields by the Apache Corporation. The Houston-based company announced last fall that it could drill up to 3,000 wells over the next two decades.

"Because of [Texas] laws that protect people buying mineral rights, [oil and gas companies] are going to be able to do whatever they want, and I'm not sure how people are going to be able to stop the fracking other than criminal trespassing -- getting on them, getting in the way," said Lori Glover, who was arrested representing the BBDC during the
December 6 lockdown. "There's really just not much out there to support what the community wants to do to protect the environment, to protect our lives."

As the oil and gas industry continues to cement its dominance over the legal and regulatory process in Republican-dominated statehouses -- as well as federally, under an incoming Trump administration -- actions like Glover's have become all the more necessary.

Meanwhile, Indigenous organizers are pointing to the struggle around the Trans-Pecos pipeline as part of a larger movement, carrying on the work of Water Protectors at Standing Rock.

"What happened in Cannon Ball ... sparked a movement," Orona said. "It's up to the rest of us, and all the other surrounding communities and surrounding issues that involve the destruction of our Earth; it's up to us to try our very best to continue that momentum in our own communities -- and that's what we're doing."

Candice Bernd is an editor/staff reporter at Truthout. With her partner, she is writing and producing Don't Frack With Denton, a documentary chronicling how her hometown became the first city to ban fracking in Texas, and its subsequent overturn in the state legislature. She is a contributor to Truthout's anthology on police violence, Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?, and was recently honored with the Dallas Peace and Justice Center's "Media Peacemaker of the Year" award. Follow her on Twitter: @CandiceBernd.

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Blockading the Trans-Pecos Pipeline in West Texas

Published on Jan 9, 2017

Members of the Society of Native Nations and the Big Bend Defense Coalition halted construction of the Trans-Pecos pipeline by locking themselves to heavy equipment and occupying the work site. This pipeline is owned by Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) the same company behind the Dakota Access pipeline. This is a private, for-profit pipeline abusing the eminent domain process to cross the border with Mexico and export natural gas. But not without a fight. Water protectors from across the country, including the brave folks at Standing Rock, are converging on the Two Rivers camp to stop this pipeline and protect life, land and water.


To our readers:

 So you think you have control and 'rights' over your property?  Think again.  It's all about the money honey and a criminal syndicate 'government' that is totally out of control - a fascist state.   If you don't got any money, you don't got any rights or control over your property. 

Do you honestly believe the native Americans who 'own' the land via 'treaty' (there's a sick laugh for you) would EVER receive ANY financial benefits from this pipeline, any more then they are 'allowed' to control the lands provided to them via a 'treaty' negotiated with a dishonest rogue 'government?'  Think again.  NADA

The same Dallas-based company is behind both the Trans-Pecos and Dakota Access pipelines. Please get involved! Make contact with ETP - tie up their phone lines and let them know their time is up!  The people have had enough of this fascist business and government interference with rights and privileges and land ownership.  

Energy Transfer Partners Energy Transfer Equity
Dallas Office Dallas Office
8111 Westchester Drive 8111 Westchester Drive
Dallas, TX 75225 Dallas, TX 75225
Office:   214-981-0700 Office:   214-981-0700
Fax:   214-981-0703 Fax:   214-981-0703


There are no more options for the NWO ruling cabal!
Hear ye! Hear ye!

Starting the hot phase of World War III,
Triggering a worldwide global Stock Market Collapse,
Engineering the Second Great Depression,
Staging an Alien Invasion via Operation Blue Beam,
Manufacturing a global  Pandemic and Depopulation,
Inducing a series of catastrophic Earth Changes,
Steering an Asteroid into Russia, etc., etc., etc.,
NONE of these harebrained schemes will work anymore
for the Illuminati and their omnipresent Axis of Evil.
Just as Pizzagate is catching up with the
U.S. Establishment, Pedogate will catch
up with the World Shadow Government

It ought to be clear to every resident of Planet Earth that the New World Order ruling cabal has been thrown into complete disarray.

That the Illuminati plot to install an overt One World Government is in absolute chaos.
That their multi-century agenda to foist a state-sponsored One World Religion on humankind has been thwarted.

And that their many conspiratorial plots to depopulate the world have failed dismally.
The bottom line is that those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the planetary power pyramid are clueless about how to proceed given the following state of affairs:

• Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be goaded into a World War III scenario—Period!  When the deployment of just one EMP can knock out grid USA, really what would even nuclear war look like …without a functioning electrical grid?  The Kremlin also has access to Tesla-inspired, scalar-wave weaponry that has not even been imagined by the Military-Industrial Complex.

• The stock market can be forced into a precipitous decline by way of a controlled demolition similar to 2008; however, this time the guilty financial terrorists and economic saboteurs will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  In other word, the whole world knows that all financial crashes and economic collapses have been meticulously fabricated by the banksters.

• The Second Great Depression has been ongoing since 2008 after having been triggered by the 2000 collapse and the 9/11 War on Terror.  Hence, there’s no stopping the natural breakdown of the Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS).  Certainly the best financial engineers know this, as well as they understand their utter impotence to avert the final blow out.

All of the other “End Time” events highlighted above ought to be easily seen as practical impossibilities for the Illuminati to implement, especially at this late date as their Global Control Matrix literally self destructs in real time.

Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System
Now many will quickly protest that there is nothing from stopping the NWO cabal from executing a total yet perfectly controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System.  And, they are right.
However, if the international banking crime syndicate (aka banksters) tries this little move one more time, their whole monopoly game goes away forever.  In other words the people throughout the entire planetary civilization will never again permit them to run their fatally flawed game on them.  After all, the banksters have been outed like never before and now await a fate similar to the aristocracy during the worst years of the French Revolution.

How so?
The Internet has simply allowed for the dissemination of so much raw truth and hard facts about the true workings of the GE&FS.  We all now know who they (banksters) are, what they have done in the past, and where they live now.  We also watch their silly false flag operations flop every other day now.  Some of us actually predict their nefarious deeds before the carry them out.

Who is not familiar with the wreck and ruin wrought on the planet by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers?  By Big Pharma and Big Oil?  By Monsanto and Halliburton?  They are all known by their actions and can no longer hide, especially with so many interlocking directorships which mutually incriminate them all.

With so much extremely incriminating evidence uploaded to the Internet since 1995, the folks who own and operate the GE&FS are all exposed like never before in history.  Should they attempt to take down the GE&FS to their benefit yet again, they will be hunted down and hung from the nearest tree—for real.  The people want justice like never before.

The current state of the economy, both national and global, is such that everyone’s thinking about when the other shoe will drop.  In their fear and apprehension about what the future may bring, many common folk are researching and investigating like there’s no tomorrow. That’s because — on some level — they know that there may not be a tomorrow.

The product of their sleuthing has put the banksters in their crosshairs.  Who doesn’t know that behind the banksters stands many more clandestine operators who are even more culpable of enslaving humanity?

The Internet

More than any other thing in recorded human history, the Internet has created a much more level playing field.  Of course, this is anathema to the Illuminati as they have always been on top and will never tolerate anything but a tilted playing field.  In this fashion, they are always playing with our money and our time and our energy and our real estate and our gold and other valuable assets.

Were the financial engineers and economic architects to carry out a controlled demolition, they will guarantee themselves a lifelong cell at Guantanamo.  Yes, things have really changed that much; it’s just that most don’t know it yet.   Which is why this piece is being written before the critical Inauguration Day of Donald Trump.

More than any other monumental event of 2016, the election of Donald Trump illustrates just how much things have really changed.  Even BREXIT pales in comparison to The Donald’s improbable victory.  Therefore, the writing is on the wall which clearly messages the ruling elites that their game of greed and money and power is over—forever!

Should they deign to be so stupid as to pull the plug on the GE&FS, forces will step in to short-circuit their nefarious plans and maintain order.  More significantly, the convicting pretext will have been presented to frogmarch the perps out alpine hideaways and seaside villas and into the nearest prison cell.

It will also be the Internet that will empower the inhabitants of Earth to police the planet so that the banksters never set foot in a bank again.  Just as a global citizens investigation has been underway regarding the Washington, D.C. Pizzagate and global Pedogate, people power is emerging in ways and places never seen before.

The Pizzagate revelations, which are coming out fast and furiously because of the power and pervasiveness of the Internet, is creating a very conducive environment for the powerless to take back their power.  Pedogate has likewise created an international forum for victims everywhere to speak their truth to power like never before.  Truly, Pizzagate / Pedogate will provide the lynchpin for the malevolent global power structure.

The Illuminati, the Neocons, the Zionists and Alien-Human Hybrid Controllers
The ultimate disposition of this criminally insane cabal of psychopaths is the only remaining challenge for the global village to meet straightaway.

Where will the world be safe with the likes of these entities still on the loose?  Who would volunteer to house such a dangerous group of genocidal murderers, incorrigible kleptomaniacs, war-profiteering warmongers and serial producers of chaos and pandemonium?

This difficult question, then, is one that must be answered decisively and swiftly.  Many commentators have spoken of a negotiated truce with these monsters, as though the planet is big enough for them and us to peacefully co-exist.  No, not quite!

In any event, now that they have no place to go once they have been stripped of their ill-gotten gains and misappropriated wealth, their influence and power over the affairs of men will be greatly diminished.  Nonetheless, the wheels of justice must be allowed to turn so that their billions of victims can rest safely and soundly.

Perhaps an off-planet penitentiary can be found that is within the legendary waterless region.  Actually, they will probably find a way to wreck that realm as well.
Special Note:
The critical point of this article is that TPTB cannot crash the economy like they have always done timed according to the Shemitah calendar.  If they are so reckless and ignorant as to try to sabotage President Trump’s term in office via a coordinated collapse, then they, too, will lose everything.  And, they will never get it back.  Once the financial institutions are destroyed and economic systems devastated, they, too, will lose their age-old power and influence.  The United States will be compelled to consider a whole new paradigm, specifically one that is free from the endemic corporate corruption and easily manipulated institutional arrangements.  The banksters should be refused participation and prosecuted for their endless financial terrorism and economic devastation to nations large and small. Then, there will be no place for economic hitmen and financial terrorists who were employed by TPTB to take down countries rich and poor.
“Ding Dong! The Witch is dead.”

With the ignominious defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Trump and BREXIT movements will grow into a worldwide phenomenon as the globalists are forced to retreat everywhere.  As a healthy brand of nationalism spreads to the four corners of the planet, the sheer power and momentum may be enough to keep the cabal in check until they are dealt with appropriately.

Perhaps the best thing that a President Trump can do as of his first day in office is to shut down the treasonous Mainstream Media.  He must also remove the numerous traitors from Congress and intelligence agencies, as well as from the many other departments which comprise the U.S. Federal Government.

The sooner that Trump takes these initiatives, the sooner the American people can take back their government.  As an unrivaled change agent, his work will be largely dedicated to tearing down the highly offensive Obamanation.  In that capacity Trump ought to bring his wrecking ball everywhere he goes until it has sufficiently fallen into its own footprint, so that the American Republic can be rebuilt in the image of the Founding Fathers.

Every good builder knows that the better the demolition, the better the foundation for the new edifice to be built upon.  With this crucial understanding, the first thing to go must be the present incarnation of the GE&FS.  For the world has been transformed into a financial prison as it has an economic jailhouse for most of humanity.

May the patriotic nationalists of the world rise up quickly to consolidate the gains that have been thus far been made.   Only through a concerted effort will a complete emancipation from these warlords and wardens be possible.

Were the people of good conscience to coalesce around the same Earth rehab plan, the serial obstructionists wouldn’t have a chance to sow their seeds of discontent.  Why is it that the bad guys are always working together more efficiently than the good guy?  One would think that a righteous cause like saving Planet Earth would galvanize a movement like no other in modern history.
Let’s get busy! 

January 12, 2017

Why a CIA Assassination Plot is Unlikely in the Face of Military Opposition

Why a CIA Assassination Plot is Unlikely in the Face of Military Opposition

 January 14, 2017 at 11:23 PM

The blogosphere/alternet is buzzing with threats of martial law and violence to prevent Trump from being inaugurated.

Why worry about it? It’s so unlikely that the dark cabal can do anything at this point. There are stronger forces who blocked Hitlary Clinton from the presidency, and they are doing what is necessary to steer us toward liberation.

We don’t need to know all the details as to who is doing it or how, but we do need to have faith that all is unfolding as it is meant to for our benefit, and the benefit of the galaxy and beyond.

There is so much we don’t know or understand about the nature of our reality. We are deceived and shielded. We are, however, in good hands and it would serve everyone to focus on positive thoughts. It will work out, and we want everyone to be safe.

We all begged to be here for this showdown, so we need to put on our best duds and wait in the wings until we are called upon to play our roles. It’s not a lot to ask. Things are just getting good, so don’t fold now!

Just be cool, nod in affirmation because you knew it would go down this way, and be the powerful soul you are to anchor the Light on our planet. The dark doesn’t have a chance. They never did, so don’t give in to fear. That’s what they want.

Every country on the planet is fighting these dudes, and they are beyond panicked. They are frantic and can’t think straight. In addition, the galactic waves are having a negative impact on them. Some are going insane, we’re told.

The following is a logical view of our current situation and warrants our consideration. I hope it will put some minds and hearts at ease. It comes from a reader at Rumor Mill News, and came to me via Galactic Connection.  ~ BP

Why a CIA assassination plot is unlikely in the face of military opposition

January 13, 2017

Rumor Mill Reader sends observations on why a CIA assassination plot is unlikely in the face of military opposition

From reader Tiger:


If optimism regarding this assassination plot is merited, it would be because:

1. We have already witnessed the spectacle of no member of the Senate, including Tim Kaine, and the Chair, Biden, daring to join in the plot to decertify the election. Thinking about this, the logical conclusion, in this observer’s view, is that the Army made clear to each and every Senator and the VP that interference with the election process would not be tolerated. Voting is the essence of any non-totalitarian system, and the Army understands this, therefore any person interfering to install a different result would be a “domestic enemy”. Also, there is no prisoner-of-war convention regarding domestic enemies of the State engaging in a revolt, and the expected treatment for any such person would be the same as that experienced by German infiltrators at Bastogne who wore US uniforms. The similarity is that these operatives are posing as Americans while supporting treason. While the US justice system is “weasleable”, military justice is swift and certain: a firing squad or hanging. This observer would be happy to listen to any other explanation of this phenomenon.

2. Assuming the Army did “read the riot act” (which they are VERY expert in doing, just ask about their BENO briefings for celebrations, where participants are told “THERE WILL BE NO (THIS) AND THERE WILL BE NO (THAT)”, assuming this inference is true, it seems logical that the Army is now in the process of repeating this warning procedure with the CIA. Since by report they used the threat of a nuclear detonation to stop the CIA connection on the centralized voting server, it would appear the gloves are off. I would think it possible that every member of the CIA is being personally informed by telephone, by email, or in person, and if necessary it is being made clear that the Army has their home addresses and knows their bank accounts.

3. One strong incentive for the Army to interfere is their understanding that following an overt totalitarian takeover, there would be a bloody purge of the military. A good example is Stalin’s purge, in which all officers above the rank of Captain were killed. Our armed forces have instituted education programs for their officer corps, the corps is well aware of this. And if you think military officers cannot imagine this course of events, think again, a military career, its essence, is fathoming scenarios and being prepared for them.

4. This observer has only inference, and a 20-year military career, but not evidence except what is cited above, to believe this.
PLEASE POST if anyone can add to this or dispute it.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Obama gives his VP the 'Medal of Freedom' ??!!

Barack Obama,Joe BidenTrail of Tears


Reporters & Biden blubber as Obama gives his VP the 'Medal of Freedom'?! Do we laugh? Or cry ?

President Barack Obama honors Vice President Joe Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom / AP

Outgoing President Barack Obama’s “surprise” decision to award the 'Medal of Freedom' to Vice President Joe Biden left the noted shotgun evangelist and plagiarist in tears.

Biden was not alone. Self-described objective reporters across the country copped to getting a lump in their collective throats by the undeniably unscripted moment. MSNBC political correspondent Kasie Hunt said she was moved to tears.

Hunt was able to maintain her composure during the Sandy Hook shooting, the murder of American Sniper Chris Kyle, and daily updates on Aleppo.

Huffington Post politics reporter Jennifer Bendery was so touched by the event that she used the term twice.

Matt Lauer told Today Show viewers he “burst into tears” at the sight of President Obama giving a handsy grandfather a medal. The last time he cried was when Mariano Rivera retired from baseball.

No one was more excited for the display of emotion than Chris Cillizza, creator of Washington Post‘s The Fix, which is “regarded as one of the most heavily trafficked blogs in Washington.” Cilizza is a huge Biden fan, but his true passion is celebrating sentimental displays of weakness on both sides of the aisle.  Celebrating weakness??

How about Biden's weakness for uninvited manhandling of womens and girls breasts and hind ends?  Reportedly a pedophile, like most Washington DC celebrities, Biden is NOT a gentleman.  He can't seem to control his eyes and his hands.

And Obama's world record for being the most notable liar, and this nation's one and only gay 'president' for the united States? That, along with Obama's being the first ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize after only 9 days 'on the job.'  Did anyone EVER figure out what he did to deserve that award - besides being a perverted 'black homosexual'?  

What a total travesty - both Obama and Biden - two of the more publicized scumbags in Wash DC and worldwide - only to be surpassed by the Clintons - honor themselves with medals??!!

Neither of these traitors honor 'freedom.'  To the contrary. Their time in 'office' has served to further corrode all freedom, our Constitution, and our rightful lawful Republic government. They have accomplished more in their time in Wash DC to destroy this nation and all it once stood for then all presidents combined preceding them.

Both should be honored with a guillotine or hanging with steel rope or some such honorable deaths for two of the more well known traitors this country has yet to know.  With these traitors, enemies within,  we sure don't need 'enemies.'  This nation has had a 'government' overflow of traitors for the past 100 years. Time to clean the swamp, and it isn't happening fast enough.

CIA treason EXPOSED!!!

Best-selling author exposes CIA treason plot!

Angry, leftist politicians are seeking to overthrow the U.S. government, holding clandestine meetings with CIA operatives… and the media is complainant in the treasonous task.

It’s a sentence that reads like it comes from a dime-store spy novel… but it’s very real, according to best-selling author and noted journalist Glenn Greenwald.

That, folks, is high treason.

These warnings aren’t to be taken lightly, either.

According to his biography, “Glenn Greenwald is one of three co-founding editors of The Intercept. He is a journalist, constitutional lawyer, and author of four New York Times best-selling books on politics and law.” His major awards include the 2008 Park Center I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, the 2010 Online Journalism Award, the 2013 “George Polk award for National Security Reporting; the Gannett Foundation award for investigative journalism and the Gannett Foundation watchdog journalism award; the Esso Premio for Excellence in Investigative Reporting in Brazil (he was the first non-Brazilian to win), and the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Pioneer Award.”

He warns that liberals and the Democratic party are pushing the CIA to “undermine and subvert and destroy the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s presidency before he’s even inaugurated and I think what you’re seeing is actually quite dangerous.”

“Whenever it comes to national security issues, especially in the post-9/11 era … you see this incredibly close relationship between the media and the intelligence agencies,” Greenwald warned. “When [the mainstream media] serves their agenda, they get scoops, they get secret documents, they get access, and I think a lot of that is what you’re seeing on top of the fact that the media has been aligned against Trump and will side with anybody who wants to subvert him, including the CIA.”

You can see the alarming interview for yourself below —
at reads like it comes from a dime-store spy novel… but it’s very real, according to best-selling author and noted journalist Glenn Greenwald.

And it’s happening right now.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News Thursday, Greenwald warned that there is “obvious open warfare” between the CIA and President-elect Donald Trump. Even worse, Democratic lawmakers were encouraging and “openly calling for and cheering for the intervention of the CIA.”

You can see the alarming interview for yourself below:

 Greenwald: Shadowy foes at war with Trump as Dems cheer

Are you a 'Joseph'? I am and can't wait ......................

Neville Johnson: Seven Years of Harvest Are Coming

February 21, 2015 8:01 pm

Neville Johnson had a visitation from Joseph, the son of Jacob. In this encounter Joseph told him there are seven years of harvest ahead, but after that is coming a time when it will become difficult for believers to buy or sell.

This prophecy sounds very similar to the dreams that Joseph interpreted for Pharaoh. In some ways, it sounds like history is repeating itself. He described his encounter in the video shown below. The first six minutes of the video are transcribed as follows.
When I was praying on the day of atonement this year (recorded in 2014) I had a visitation from Joseph. He spoke to me about a number of things. He spoke to me about the coming seven years. He told me that there would be seven years left before it would become difficult to buy or sell or do any of those things.
We have seven good years ahead. They will be difficult years because things have been going crazy in this world, but for those who are following the Lord and reaching into Him they are going to be good years. He’s going to raise up a people who will be just like him in the earth.
That’s exciting isn’t it? Seven good years are coming.
I asked him what did he want to say about this feast of tabernacles, this Yom Kippur. He said three words: shaken, exposure, and transfer.
We talked about this for a little while, about what that meant. He gave me some scriptures concerning how things will be shaken. I want to share them with you.
For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,’ declares the Lord of hosts. ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the Lord of hosts. (Haggai 2:6-9)
Haggai prophesied the very day that you and I are living in today. Isn’t that incredible? Thousands of years ago he prophesied these things.
The Apostle Paul picked this up when he was writing do the Hebrew church. In Hebrews chapter twelve verse twenty seven Paul almost repeated what Haggai said.
This expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:27)
So there are a number of things there. God is going to shake every nation. There is going to be shaking in the financial systems of the nations, and that is very close now, where the financial systems of the world are going to be dramatically shaken. Change is coming.
In the USA a great shaking will occur with the present administration. 2015 will see events in government occur which will cause a shaking in the USA that has never been seen before. The government will be in turmoil and change will be forced upon the nation (This paragraph comes from his newsletter, not the video).
There is also going to be exposure. People in high places are going to be exposed. People in ministry who are not really walking with God are going to be exposed. That is going to happen. God is going to clean up the church. He is going to shake everything that can be shaken.
Then Joseph said transfer. There is going to be a transfer of wealth to those in the kingdom of God you can righteously handle it.
He said those three things to me. At the same time, Joseph said to me these seven years will see the greatest harvest that the world has ever seen. In the midst of difficult times, trouble and difficult times, the greatest harvest the world has ever seen is going to start to be reaped. So these are exciting times. You see, the feast of tabernacles is a feast of harvest. It was at the end of the year during the feast of tabernacles that they’ve brought in the harvest, the final harvest. And this is opening up to us now. This is going to happen.
As he did in the days of Pharaoh, I believe the Lord is once again raising up Josephs for our generation. In those days one man was all that was required to fulfill this ministry, but in our days I believe there will be many people raised up to operate in this ministry. When the seven years of harvest are finished, the Lord will use these people to help provide for His people, just like He did in ancient Egypt.
Thank God He sees trouble coming from a long ways off and prepares a way for His people!

Within Seven Years No One Can Buy or Sell
by Neville Johnson October 2014

Author: James Bailey  -  James Bailey is an author, business owner, husband and father of two children. His vision is to broadcast the good news of Jesus Christ through blog sites and other media outlets.

Are you a 'Joseph'?  Are you called to help others?  Rejoice as we reap the financial harvest the Lord has arranged for us that we might feed, clothe, house and heal those in need.  

Top Ten Hottest Peppers In The World 2017

SHU = Scoville Heat Unit (A measure of Spiciness)
All seed packs include 10+ Seeds

1. Carolina Reaper 2,200,000 SHU

Carolina Reaper - Hottest Pepper The Carolina Reaper is officially the Worlds Hottest Pepper as ranked by Guinness Records. There is nothing normal about this pepper. It was bred for heat and that it is, with an average SHU of over 1.5 million and peaks at 2.2 Million SHU!

Just looking at it, you know its one mean pepper. The Carolina Reaper has a unique stinger tail that is unlike any other pepper.

It gets this insane heat from being a cross between a Pakastani Naga and a Red Habanero. Oddly enough this pepper doesn’t just have heat, but excellent flavor as well.
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Hilarious video of these girls eating The Carolina Reaper!

Watch these girls try to eat the infamous Carolina Reaper. They may be over-reacting a tad, but entertaining nevertheless.

10 Even more Hilarious Video Reactions to Eating the Carolina Reaper

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George Soros: The Man Behind the Mayhem

George Soros: The Man Behind the Mayhem

Photo taken by [ Jeff Ooi]. Posted to, which licenses all images under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence unless otherwise specified
I have struggled to understand George Soros because he is a character riddled with contradiction. His push to break down borders by increasing immigration all over the world is undermining his desire to establish a unified Europe and a unified world. By pushing too hard, too fast, he’s creating obvious pushback. So, I decided to work on an article that would help me get a little better sense of what drives him.

On the one hand, he openly acknowledged at the end of 2016 that an “immigration crisis” is busting Europe apart at the seams. On the other, he states that the EU has always been his cherished project. So, why is he pushing immigration to the EU’s breaking point?

I see the same contradiction in German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Europe is clearly her favorite project, too, and yet she seems hell-bent on stuffing immigrants from outside of Europe down every European nation’s throat, including her own, to a degree that is clearly over stressing indigenous cultures and creating fractures everywhere.

Clearly Europe already has financial fractures that risk busting apart Europe’s always-precarious union of iron bonded together with clay. Do these two leaders thrive on stress so much that they feel compelled to force more discontented and impoverished people into an already fractured vessel? Are they just pathologically inclined toward self-destruction? Are they immigration bulimics who can’t stop stuffing themselves –addicts who have to keep shoving another needle in their arm, no matter the harm?

Another full-on euro crisis in 2017 seems like an obvious prediction to me. Why is it not obvious to those who so want the eurozone to succeed?

Poor Sore Soros

George Soros lost a billion dollars because his READ MORE: