Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Proof of the blatant dishonesty of the mainstream media

Proof  of  the  blatant  dishonesty  of  the  mainstream  media

Sunday, January 22, 2017
Jim Fetzer

Proof the media, including The New York Times, are playing photographic games with the public. 

These photos (from The New York Times) are shown here in chronological order, but the media has been using the first as the basis for claiming that Trump had a vastly smaller turn out than Obama! 

Not only is that false for the gathering on the mall at the time, but the world-wide television viewing audience was over whelmingly greater. 

Trump does not care about the difference in numbers but that the media has blatantly displayed its dishonesty in reporting.

Photo (1): Widely disseminated to create impression of smaller Trump crowd:

Photo (2): Another comparison using a photo taken closer to the inauguration:

Photo (3): Photo taken at time time of the inauguration (exposing the scam):

This is a simple scam: use photos taken earlier before everyone has arrived as though they had been taken at the time of the inauguration. It is a stunning indictment of the mainstream media that, in spite of the proof to the contrary, it is promoting a false account of the facts of the matter, which justifies the strong outraged response by Trump's Press Secretary. I agree with him. The media has lost all sense of integrity and responsibility. Its conduct is shameful and wrong.


Monday, January 23, 2017

H.R.193 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)

H.R.193 - American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017 

115th Congress (2017-2018)

Sponsor:Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3] (Introduced 01/03/2017)
Committees:House - Foreign Affairs
Latest Action:01/03/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  (All Actions)



From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama:
H.R. 193.
Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant
to the following:
This legislation is authorized by Article I, Section 8 of
the Constitution: ``To make all laws which shall be necessary
and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers,
and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the
Government of the United States.''
[Page H52]

There is one summary for H.R.193. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/193
Introduced in House (01/03/2017)

Summary: H.R.193 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017
This bill repeals the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.

The bill requires: (1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. 

The bill prohibits: (1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., (2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and (5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees. 

From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama:
H.R. 193.
Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant
to the following:
This legislation is authorized by Article I, Section 8 of
the Constitution: ``To make all laws which shall be necessary
and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers,
and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the
Government of the United States.''
[Page H52]



Before Trump was inaugurated, he already took steps to find out who his enemies were by having congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama submit the following so it could be ready on day one of his presidency. 

Here is the abstract:

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017

This bill repeals the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.

The bill requires: 
(1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and 
(2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

The bill prohibits: 

(1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., 
(2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, 
(3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, 
(4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and 
(5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees.

Obviously Trump does not expect this to pass. But, by having this submitted, he will in one easy step know who will work with him or against him. BRILLIANT. The full text is HERE   https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/193

Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3] (Introduced 01/03/2017)
Committees: House - Foreign Affairs
Latest Action: 01/03/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  (All Actions)

Summary: H.R.193 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)

There is one summary for H.R.193. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:  Introduced in House (01/03/2017)

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017
This bill repeals the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws. 

The bill requires: 
(1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and 
(2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. 

The bill prohibits:
(1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., 
(2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, 
(3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation,
(4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and 
(5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees.



Republican Congressmen Sponsor Bill To Remove U.S. From The United Nations

House Republicans have introduced H.R. 193, the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017,” a bill that seeks to remove the United States from the United Nations.

If passed, the bill would cut funding to the UN, and withdrawal the U.S. from the United Nations Participation Act of 1945. The legislation is backed by Rep. Mike D. Rogers (R-Ala.) with co-sponsors, Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-N.C.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Rep. John J.Duncan Jr. (R-Tenn.), and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).

The bill has not passed the Committee, House or Senate yet.

The American Sovereignty Act was proposed first in 2009, then in 2013, and then again in 2015, and it failed to pass the Committee. Now that Republicans have control of both houses of Congress, could the bill finally pass?

President Trump called for the U.S. to withdraw from NATO and the United Nations during his campaign for his presidency.

Trump also tweeted out “The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!”

Trump added, “As to the UN, things will be different after Jan. 20th,” referring to the day he was inaugurated.

Will 2017 be the year that the U.S. is removed from the United Nations, an organization that is pushing for the 2030 Agenda? You can read the full bill here. Excerpts are below:
“The bill would require: (1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
The bill prohibits: (1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., (2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and (5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees.”
ority Statement
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama: H.R. 193.
Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following:
This legislation is authorized by Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution: ``To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States.''
[Page H52]


Trump withdraws the US from the TPP


Julie Pace, AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Charting a new American course abroad, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the sweeping Trans-Pacific Partnership on Monday using one of his first actions in office to reject a centerpiece of Barack Obama's attempts to counter China and deepen U.S. ties in Asia.

 Trump Moves to Pull US
out of the big Asia trade deal
the TPP

Trump's move on trade aimed to fulfill a central campaign promise even as he appeared to be fixated on re-litigating the 2016 election.

In a meeting with congressional leaders on Monday night, Trump claimed that 3 to 5 million immigrants living in the U.S. illegally voted in the election, costing him the popular vote, according to a Democratic aide familiar with the exchange who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private meeting. There has been no evidence to back up that claim. (Clinton - IF she received more 'votes' - did so due to money being paid to illegals and non-registered voters added to the Soros vote rigging software.  There is NO WAY Clinton could have legally won more votes.  FEW even attended her meetings and there was proof provided in the audits of votes for Clinton that proved once again that the names and Social Security numbers of deceased individuals were used over and over across the nation to cast 'votes'. This report on her receiving the popular votes is again PROOF of the false reporting of the MSM.)

Trump's assertions came in a White House meeting with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders. They were similar to claims he made on Twitter in late November that he had won the electoral college in a "landslide" and "won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally." (This assertion by the Trump campaign is true.) Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes despite losing the electoral college. (total BS)

Trump aimed to make jobs and the economy the focal point of his first few days in office. He has repeatedly cast the 12-nation trade pact — which was eagerly sought by U.S. allies in Asia — as detrimental to American businesses.

"Great thing for the American worker that we just did," Trump said in brief remarks as he signed a notice in the Oval Office.

The Obama administration spent years negotiating the Pacific Rim pact, though the mood in Washington on trade soured over time. Obama never sent the accord to Congress for ratification, making Trump's actions Monday largely symbolic.

For Trump, the start of his first full week in office amounted to a reset after a tumultuous weekend dominated by his and his spokesman's false statements about inauguration crowds and their vigorous complaints about media coverage of the celebrations. 

While Trump's advisers have long accepted his tendency to become preoccupied by seemingly insignificant issues, some privately conceded that his focus on inauguration crowds was unhelpful on the opening weekend of his presidency.

On Monday, the new president tried to regroup. He spent the day bounding from one ornate room of the White House to another for meetings, often ordering aides to summon journalists from their West Wing workspace at a moment's notice for unscheduled statements and photo opportunities.

In addition to his executive action on TPP, Trump signed memorandums freezing most federal government hiring — though he noted an exception for the military — and reinstating a ban on providing federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option. The regulation, known as the "Mexico City Policy," has been a political volleyball, instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984.

The actions were among the long list of steps candidate Trump pledged to take on his opening day as president. But other "Day One" promises were going unfulfilled Monday, including plans to propose a constitutional amendment imposing term limits on members of Congress and terminating Obama's executive actions deferring deportations for some people living in the U.S. illegally.

Spokesman Sean Spicer said Monday that Trump intended to follow through on his proposals, though on a more extended time frame to ensure maximum attention for each move.

Yet he appeared to suggest that Trump would not move quickly — or perhaps at all — to reinstate deportations for young immigrants protected from deportation under the Obama administration.

Spicer said Trump's focus would be on people in the U.S. illegally who have criminal records or who pose a threat.
"That's where the priority's going to be, and then we're going to continue to work through the entire number of folks that are here illegally," he said.

Spicer — making his first appearance at the briefing room podium since his angry tirade against the press on Saturday — also appeared to back away from Trump's assertion that he could move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. While presidential candidates have long made similar pledges, all have abandoned the idea over concerns that following through would further inflame tensions in the volatile region.

"We are at the early stages in this decision-making process," Spicer said of the possible embassy relocation. "If it was already a decision, then we wouldn't be going through a process."

Spicer struck a far more conciliatory tone with reporters in Monday's briefing and attempted to make light of his weekend appearance, which included multiple inaccurate statements about the inauguration. He conceded that he was relying on incomplete information when he used public transportation figures to boast about the crowd size, but stood by his unverifiable claim that Trump's swearing-in was the most watched in history, counting internet views as well as TV.

The crowd actually in attendance was clearly smaller than for Obama's 2009 inauguration, though Trump denied that fact.

Monday was mostly a business day for Trump. The new president, who prefers to solicit opinions from numerous people before making decisions, huddled with corporate leaders, including Tesla's Elon Musk and Marillyn Hewson, and union heads. Eager to show off his new digs, Trump ended both meetings by bringing his guests in to see the Oval Office.

In his discussions with executives, Trump warned that he would impose a "substantial border tax" on companies that move their manufacturing out of the United States. He reiterated his campaign pledge to lower taxes for companies that stay in the U.S., as well as for the middle class, "anywhere from 15 to 25 percent," although he has not been clear on how he intends to make up for lost tax revenue.

He said of his incentives for businesses, "All you have to do is stay."

In the evening, Trump hosted a White House reception for lawmakers from both parties and a separate private meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan to discuss Republicans' legislative priorities. His choice for CIA director, Mike Pompeo, was sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence on Monday night.

As Trump pressed forward with executive actions, a legal watchdog group filed a lawsuit alleging he is violating the so-called emoluments clause in the Constitution by allowing his business to accept payments from foreign governments. 

The liberal-funded watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics says the clause prohibits Trump from receiving money from diplomats for stays at his hotels or from foreign governments for leases of office space in his buildings.

Asked about the suit, Trump said it was "totally without merit."

Later Monday, spokesman Spicer said Trump has left his businesses as promised, handing over control to his two adult sons.



(USR) United States Republic

(USR) United States Republic
Philip Tilton report
Jan 23 2017

FBI To Conduct Massive Raid On CDC

President Trump Orders FBI To Conduct Massive Raid On CDC Headquarters

January 23, 2017

A stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that just hours after President Donald Trump and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey warmly embraced” in the White House yesterday, FBI agents conducted a massive early morning raid on the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) based in Atlanta, Georgia, accompanied by Doctor-Scientist William Thompson who is one of the most feared government whistleblowers in the United States for his exposing the vaccine-to-autism link cover-up.

According to this report (and as we’ve previously reported on almost a fortnight ago), President Trump appointed anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to become the Chairman of the Golden Vaccine Safety Task Force, and whose scathing manifesto titled MERCURY & VACCINES shocked the liberal 'elites' in America who have for decades deliberately poisoned millions of children while, at the same time, in 1986 President Clinton signed a law called the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that eliminated any liability to pharmaceutical manufacturers for their complicity in this crime against humanity.

Nearly immediately after President Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head this vaccine-autism task force, he then requested that Sally Yates become the Acting Attorney General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) on 20 January when he took power which she accepted, and then nearly immediately afterwards returned to her home city of Atlanta where she empanelled a secret Grand Jury.

To Acting Attorney General Yates connection to President Trump is through her “association/ employment” with the international legal giant King & Spalding who in turn created a partnership called Health Care and Life Sciences in June 2014 with Trump’s mammoth and feared global private law firm Jones Day  and coming just 3 months after Trump Tweeted a series of cryptic warnings about vaccines that said: 

If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but not allow one time massive shots that a child cannot take-AUTISM.”

Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

And three months after the King & Spalding-Jones Day Health Care and Life Sciences partnership was created, this report notes, Trump further Tweeted: 

“I am being proven right about massive vaccinations-the doctors lied. Save our children & their future.”

As to Trump proclaiming that he was “proven right” about vaccines being linked to autism in September 2014 was due to the King & Spalding-Jones Day Health Care and Life Sciences partnership uncovering and protecting the CDC whistle blower Dr. William Thompson the month prior.

With Dr. Thompson admitting to Trump’s lawyers that he worked on “fudged numbersto lower the number of black children who were adversely affected by a certain type of vaccine, his telling how the CDC had committed research fraud with regard to manipulating the pivotal study that showed a correlation between the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines and the onset of autism, and his revealing with secret documents smuggled out of the CDC how they were destroying all evidence proving the vaccine-autism link, it was reported in early 2015 that the Obama regime had granted him protection but that was never proven.

Raising the suspicions that Dr. Thompson was not being protected by the Obama regime was that right before the 2016 US presidential election that brought President Trump to power, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden blocked Dr. Thompson from testifying on scientific fraud and destruction of evidence by senior CDC officials in critical vaccine safety studies regarding the causative relationship between childhood vaccines and autism.

Immediately upon taking power on 20 January, President Trump fired Dr. Tom Frieden and installed Rear Admiral Dr. Anne Schuchat as the acting head of the CDC who, along with Dr. Thompson, were the only two witnesses presented on Saturday (21 January) before the Atlanta secret Grand Jury called into session by Acting Attorney General Yates.

With the massive raid conducted by the FBI on the CDC headquarters just hours ago (3:00 am US East Coast time), it is apparent that from her secret Grand Jury proceedings, Acting Attorney General Yates was able to secure a warrant for this to happen though this SVR reports section on this subject is more highly classified than this general report allows mentioning.

This report concludes by including information from the Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) about this matter that we had previously summarized by stating:

President-elect Trump’s views on the linkage of childhood vaccines to autism have long been known, such as when he stated to CNN during a May 2016 interview

“Autism has become an epidemic… Because you take a baby in, and I’ve seen it and I had my children taken care of over a long period of time, over a two or three year period of time, same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby and you pump – I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances people that work for me just the other day two-years-old, two-and-a-half-years-old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic. …I’m in favor of vaccines [but] do them over a longer period of time, same amount, but just in little sections. I think you’re going to have – I think you’re going to see a big impact on autism.”

And the many (and growing) rumors that President Trump made his decision to run for president due to his youngest child, Barron, having been diagnosed with autism immediately after receiving a childhood vaccine shot in late 2013 and that his wife, Melania, has vowed to file lawsuits against anyone making such a claim—but who, nevertheless, will not be moving to the White House in order to keep her child out of the “media bubble” that surrounds all US presidents and their families.


Congressman Introduces Bill To Withdraw The U.S. From The United Nations

Submitted by Lance Schuttler via The Mind Unleashed blog,

A new bill has been introduced which would allow the United States to withdraw from the United Nations, and is now beginning to turns heads.
Representative Mike Rogers from Alabama introduced H.R. 193 American Sovereignty Act of 2017 in early January but is just now getting media exposure. The full bill can be seen here on congress.gov.

The bill repeals the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.

The bill requires: (1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

The bill prohibits: (1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., (2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and (5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees.
Clearly, many people would be in favor of such a move and many would oppose it. Many who would support the move believe that the United Nations Agenda 30 is a blueprint for a unipolar world order with a destructive agenda, as Zerohedge reported last year.

Regardless of one’s beliefs or opinions on the UN being a front for  a new world order, this bill is a direct and bold move against the elite’s plans. For any nation to reclaim true sovereignty from the United Nations is setting a powerful example for the rest of the world. It sends a message that a country does not need a global governing body, but instead can run itself without global oversight.
Essentially, if the U.S. reclaimed sovereignty from the United Nations, it would be the equivalent of what Britain did by reclaiming it’s sovereignty from the European Union…times 10. 

Perhaps the biggest revelations to come from such news would be the eventual exposure of the level of theft, deception and criminal activity done by the registered corporation known as The United Nations (yes it is a registered corporation). It would also move the U.S. back to Common Law and away from Maritime Law, a deep and complex subject that is explained further here by Judge Anna von Reitz.

In addition to this latest bill that seeks to end control by the elite, the U.S. has also proposed two other (among many) bills that if passed, would expose even more lies and corruption on a global scale.

The first of the two is the bill that Representative Tulsi Gabbard proposed in December of 2016; the Stop Arming Terrorists Act. The bill would cut off U.S. government (and tax-payer) funding to terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda. Gabbard says of the bill:
“Under U.S. law it is illegal for any American to provide money or assistance to al-Qaeda, ISIS or other terrorist groups. If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Yet the U.S. government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and partners of al-Qaeda, ISIL, Jabhat Fateh al Sham and other terrorist groups with money, weapons, and intelligence support, in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.”
Like the American Sovereignty Act of 2017, the Stop Arming Terrorists Act would expose much corruption and deception that the elite have been engaging in. Both bills would be a major blow to the elite’s agenda and would pave the way for mass arrests of many well known elites on a scale that has never been seen before. 

Another bill that would signal enormous changes within the United States and the entire world would be the passing of the “Audit the Federal Reserve Bill of 2017” that was just recently reintroduced by Senator Rand Paul. As many reading this already know, the level of theft and corruption that the Federal Reserve has been involved in will bring the global elite to their knees when exposed. If audited correctly and fairly, exposure of the Federal Reserve (also another private registered corporation) would likely also lead to many well known names and public figures being arrested.

Regardless of one’s political party or position, if any, these three bills must be supported and discussed on a mass scale. What is also important to remember is that if any one of these three are passed, it is extremely likely to trigger a domino effect that will expose the global elite and reveal many once unbelievable truths. 

We live in extremely exciting times.



SB 380 is exactly what we need! It’s the commonsense conservative solution to this unconstitutional scheme, and it’s working its way through the Texas Senate right now!
Unfortunately, there are a couple of Texas senators who like taking your property.  Act now before they block this bill! 

For Freedom,
Adam Brandon
President & CEO, FreedomWorks
I recently learned about the dangers civil asset forfeiture poses to my property rights.

Civil asset forfeiture is unconstitutional and it has no place in Texas or this country.

Go to the following website page
and protect your property rights 