Friday, January 27, 2017

Earth Changes Related Dangers Becoming More Frequent

Earth  Changes  Related  Dangers  Becoming  More  Frequent

January 27 2017

There are many earth changes related dangers and they are becoming more frequent. Videos of recent fireballs show they are quite large with some creating air explosions. How indeed would you plan an escape from these? They are random and fast. 

So far, most have landed in underpopulated regions but sooner or later they will find populated towns and cities, like Chelyabinsk Russia. Even an air burst can blind people and injure them from things like flying glass. In a direct hit being underground wouldn't save you unless you were several hundreds of feet down. Even then earth movements like earthquakes can destroy these underground bunkers. 

People have been swept out to sea while walking along a seemingly gentle beach, never to be found again (e.g., the Oregon coast). Others who drive into rushing water or try to foolishly rescue their car in a flash flood meet the same fate. 

It seems the mind-set is so ingrained that things are 'normal' or 'almost normal' that danger is not even recognized. People in general are fixated on their 'stuff' and don't see clearly or act appropriately on the events about to overtake them.

Our safety lies in being in the right place at the right time. It's difficult to hear Holy Spirit due to the static interference of daily life, but it IS there.  His timely message (short and sweet) can save the lives of you and yours.

Consider the information below.  Some articles are from earlier events. Good for study, though. 

The map of I-5 on the West Coast pretty much matches the 'future USA maps' where the coastline has disappeared a few miles inlandI expect that the Sacramento Valley will fill with ocean water as well. All this could be the fulfillment of John Moore's future map. Compare clip from the John Moore map here:


On the east coast a similar old road, U.S. Route 1 (in some places called Post Road in New England and northeastern states), offers similar results.U.S. Route 1 (US 1) is a major north–south U.S. Highway that serves the East Coast of the United States. It runs 2,369 miles (3,813 km), from Fort Kent, Maine, at the Canada–US border, south to Key West, Florida, making it the longest north-south road in the United States


Massive Carbon Monoxide Burst from Ramapo Fault in Eastern PA into NJ - Worst on the planet! Earthquake Coming???? Jan 21, 2017


BREAKING: Seismic Faults in New Jersey Suddenly Emitting Carbon Monoxide Gas. Is an earthquake coming?
May 1, 2016  

The researchers discovered the connection between CO emission and earthquake by analyzing satellite remote sensing data collected around the time when a 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Gujarat in western India 15 years ago killing about 20,000 people and rendering thousands homeless.

The 2001 Gujarat earthquake occurred on 26 January, at 08:46 AM IST and lasted for over 2 minutes. The epicentre was about 9 km south-southwest of the village of Chobari in Bhachau Taluka of Kutch District of Gujarat, India.

Singh said that CO levels were taken by an instrument onboard NASA’s Terra satellite — launched in 1999 — circling the earth in a polar orbit at a height of 705 km. The instrument measures CO concentrations at different heights and also computes the total amount of the gas in a vertical column of air above the earth surface.

Analysis of the satellite data showed a large peak in CO concentrations during January 19 and 20 — a week before the main earthquake event. On January 19, the total CO in the vertical column was also higher than usual. After the 26 January earthquake the concentration of the gas dropped.


Warning – US West Coast Earthquake Warning as Cascadia Subduction Zone Surges
Saturday, January 21, 2017 8:12

As of 0231:30, the initial water column height is 2738.80 Meters deep (8985.56 feet).  Two minutes and thirty seconds later, that same water column height had dropped to 2738.66 Meters deep (8985.10 feet).  

Where did the four inches of water disappear to?  

Answer:  The earth sunk; and continued to sink for the next several HOURS.  As you can see from the second chart above, from 0230 GMT to 0600 GMT, the ocean continued to sink to 2737.7 meters deep (8981.95 feet).  The buoy is too far away from shore to be affected by high/low tide, so where did the four feet of ocean water disappear to? 

This means a Tectonic Plate in the Ocean named the “Juan de Fuca Plate” has made a sudden, eastward movement and slipped beneath another Tectonic Plate named the “North American Plate.” This type of event is usually followed by a massive upward movement of the North American Plate causing a very severe earthquake. ...

Here is a map of I-5, everything to the left of it (to the west) would be wiped out

One Of The Last Major Warnings: Concerns of “Major” West Coast Earthquake Growing as San Andreas, Melones and Elsinore Faults Spew More Carbon Monoxide
Jan 13, 2017 

Beginning on  October 26, NASA satellites in space began detecting staggeringly large emissions of Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas along the west coast.  As evidenced by the satellite image below, the emissions were far too big, too highly concentrated and covered too vast an area to be man-made.  On the satellite image below, the areas in black, purple and brownish-orange show the magnitude of the emission; it was utterly massive!
The last time an emission of Carbon Monoxide on this scale took place, was a week prior to the Gujarat Earthquake which devastated India; killing twenty thousand people and destroying 400,000 homes when the 7.6 quake struck in Jan. 2001.

Concerns of "Major" West Coast Earthquake Growing as San Andreas, Melones and Elsinore Faults Spew More Carbon Monoxide

Feb 29, 2016 

Scientists quickly determined that the CO was coming up out of the earth; being expelled out through seismic faults.   

What this means is the earth began moving in such a way on February 26, that pressure along the fault lines became so great, it expelled massive amounts of naturally-occurring carbon monoxide gas from underground.

In fact, the proximity of the CO emissions directly aligns with what are known as the Monterey Formations, which are shale formations holding oil and gas!  The gas is contained within the shale rock, but is being squeezed so hard, the gas is being forced out.  That's a LOT of pressure to squeeze gas out from inside rock!


Earthquake Precursors?
David Eells - 1/25/17

Why Putin wants to be friends with Trump

Why Putin wants to be friends with Trump

2 Pics and No Questions:

Government's First DUTY - NOT A 'RIGHT'






The Sweet Spots, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 25


By Anna Von Reitz

The value of the money in your pocket depends on oil. 
Think about that statement for a full minute.  Really think.
Oil is the commodity asset backing the corporate funny money called the UNITED STATES DOLLAR (USD).  That is why it is also known as the “Petrodollar”. 
The value of your labor is tied to oil.  The value of your house is tied to oil.  The value of your land is tied to oil.  And so is the cost of your food, your education, your medical care, and everything else you can think of.
It has been this way since 1971, but somehow, the news still hasn’t come home to Main Street.
When Nixon changed the asset base backing of the UNITED STATES (INC.) currency to oil instead of silver, your fundamental well-being and prosperity became inextricably linked to oil and it will remain that way until we, and that means Americans and US citizens alike, find a new way forward.
So let’s look at the logic and end result of Tricky Dick’s Gamble.  We have become the largest per capita consumers of energy on the planet.  We have also become by far the richest per capita country if we include the value of managed trust assets. 
Nixon’s move to the Petrodollar has fundamentally changed the way we live and has fueled the technical revolution and made globalization possible.  It has also caused wars and numerous police actions, governmental corruption, pollution of the environment, and growing social unrest. 
You have to account for both the good and the bad.
Now, new technology is threatening the oil market.  Free Energy electrical generators are coming online and they will inexorably bring their changes to the planet and to the commodity markets of the world, too.  We will no longer have to depend on The Grid and no longer have to fuel giant coal, gas, and diesel turbines to push electrons through millions of miles-worth of electrical cable lines.   New modes of transportation won’t be far behind.
The transition of the whole world to the use of these new energy devices won’t come overnight, but it will come.  There will continue to be demand for fossil fuels, but not like it is today, and slowly but surely the industry that has been compared to an “eight hundred pound gorilla in a glass factory” will fade away.  
A hundred years from now our children’s grandchildren will look back on Big Oil and our present nuclear power generation processes the same way that we look at the whale oil industry – something odd and best left forgotten except for a sporadic re-reading of Moby Dick and in our case, Atlas Shrugged.
That’s what is coming and it’s good. We need to embrace it and have no choice in the matter anyway.
Other countries not as blessed with energy resources like China and Japan, countries with large impoverished populations like India and most of Africa, and countries with topography ill-suited to conventional electrical grid development like Peru, have powerful economic and practical reasons to develop Free Energy and we can’t blame them or stop them from doing so.
As a result of the development of Free Energy, mankind as a whole will be released from the burden of supporting utility companies, the wholesale pollution of the atmosphere will cease, and we will no longer have disasters like the Exxon Valdez, BP Deep Horizon, and Fukushima to worry about.
As with any commodity market, the supply versus demand curve for oil follows a hyperbolic curve.  Along that curve at each point is a “Sweet Spot” where supply and demand are in alignment. The Saudi government has long had a grasp of this mathematical relationship and can peg their output to their best price relative to demand for oil within a hair’s breadth.  There is another Sweet Spot that exists on the consumer side of the equation, where we cut our demand for a commodity to realize our best price.
Americans are both the greatest consumers of fossil fuel energy on the planet and, in terms of refined oil products, the greatest long term producers of refined fossil fuels.  For us, then, there are two Sweet Spots of concern.  When we cut our consumption of fossil fuel, our “demand” in other words, we drive the cost down in our role as consumers, but we suffer in our role as producers.  
For us, the oil economy is a yin and yang proposition where maximizing overall benefit demands balancing both our demand and our supply.  Let me submit that while the crude oil producers of the world have precise control of supply, no remotely similar effort has been made to balance and analyze --- much less control --- demand. 
As the energy market shifts and changes and Free Energy comes on line it will be of exponential benefit for all concerned if our country focuses on intelligent, conscious, and long term energy consumption as well as energy production policies. More efficient use of energy, better deployment and diversification of fuel choice options, better fuel delivery systems, and investment in fuel economy measures--- like public transportation— all make sense. The entry of Free Energy technology into the marketplace and the environmental, social, and economic challenges of making this transition requires no less of us.
It all has to balance out, and over time, the dependence of the UNITED STATES DOLLAR on oil assets has to change along with everything else.
So against this vast and changing worldwide energy market background, we have to consider the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines. 
America has been blessed with vast natural reserves of fossil fuels, but thanks to policies set in place in the early 1900’s, the majority of those resources have never been developed.  Only recently have the oil and gas reserves of the Midwest been tapped.  The pressure to do so has been the result of both increased price gouging by Middle Eastern suppliers of crude oil to our refineries and the realization that long term value of the resource is no longer increasing.  Instead, we are facing a use-it-or-lose-it market.
Building both the Keystone XL and the DAPL pipelines in such an environment is a no-brainer and time is of the essence---- that is, if Americans want to keep eating and stay warm in the winter and be able to bootstrap their way forward.
Because our old natural resource development policy circa 1908 was against the development of our own resources (“let the other guy develop his resources and let us buy them for pennies on the dollar while keeping our own in reserve”) a great amount of anti-development propaganda has been used over the years and not a little fear-mongering to curtail American resource development. Now, suddenly, that has to change.
We all need to understand why and we all have to make the change, at least when it comes to hauling our gas and oil reserves out of the ground and making use of them.
I want to point out that I am an Alaskan and that our TransAlaska Pipeline (TAPS) has functioned perfectly for going on 50 years and is still pumping oil cleanly, efficiently, and without spills through some of the most challenging and remote country on Earth.  It is a living testimony to American engineering skill and what is possible when we make safe, efficient pipeline design and operations our goal. 
Neither the Keystone XL nor the DAPL pipeline represent anything like the challenges presented by TAPS--- and they are being proposed using today’s engineering, materials, and monitoring systems – not those available fifty years ago. 
If TAPS can do its job in Alaska for going on five decades, there’s no reason to think that Keystone XL and DAPL (which is a much smaller diameter) can’t function safely and efficiently for the twenty or thirty years they need to function during a worldwide energy source transition.
If there are concerns about river crossings and spills in aquifers, we can put pipelines inside of pipelines, build in shut off and double shunting valve systems, and we already have state of the art computerized monitoring systems capable of constant online monitoring of modern pipeline installations so that the moment there is any pressure loss anywhere in the system, the alarms go off and the valves shut down.  Even if there’s an Earthquake, a dam or bridge collapse, or other disaster that impacts a modern pipeline, the entire system is designed to shut down just like electric space heaters are designed to shut down if they fall over.
As for the DAPL route crossing sacred ground, well, the Native groups will have to consider whether or not the economic benefit is worth disturbing Earth Mother or not.  If not, we will have to find another route and other people will benefit --- but it is sure that the environmental danger of doing what we are doing now --- which is shipping massive amounts of needed crude oil to East Coast refineries via train cars is far, far greater than building a pipeline to do the same thing.  Those who watched the movie Unstoppable, based on a true story, will have a sense of what carrying gas and oil products by rail can mean.
Three things are certain--- the value of the US currency is now totally based on oil and oil derivatives, the long term value of the oil and gas reserves in the ground is going downhill and all the people on the East Coast need both affordable fuel and jobs.  Those considerations add up to the fact that rerouted or not, DAPL needs to be built.  
Both from our perspective as consumers and as producers the need to access gas and oil for use on the East Coast is apparent.  The efficient use of idle East Coast refinery capacity to free up Gulf and West Coast refineries for export volume is less obvious, but just as important.  We have to hit both Sweet Spots --- produce refined oil products for export and consume our own oil for lower cost energy at home while there is still need for large volumes of oil and gas.  
We need to do this to grubstake our way into the future, to reinvest in other assets backing the UNITED STATES DOLLAR, to enable a large shift in our long term investment and development strategies, to bring our country into alignment with the valid needs of the rest of the world for cheap energy and a clean environment, and to provide energy for our own use during the 20-30 year transition.
Bear in mind that our super-fastidious permitting process commonly takes twice as long as the actual engineering and building of a pipeline and that building a pipeline like the Keystone XL can easily take four years of actual construction. Now set that against a viable market life of 20 – 30 years and you begin to see that we are in a time crunch, a veritable race to make it to market while there is a market.  
The situation in the Middle East, China, and elsewhere is not much different owing to the fact that everyone on Earth is more or less dependent on the value of the UNITED STATES DOLLAR--- which is tied to oil and gas.  The other countries can’t sell off bonds and other investments in USD without devaluing their own investments.  They have every reason in the world to cooperate with us in developing and implementing new asset bases for US currency.
The easiest transition in terms of finding additional and/or alternative asset backing for a common currency is to come back whence we came.  American state nationals need to restore the proper functioning of the actual state governments and to convene an actual Continental Congress (as opposed to the corporate version in Washington, DC) to mandate re-issuance of American Silver Dollars (usd).  This will form a basis for the UNITED STATES to trade with both the American states and the BRICS nations in a mutually beneficial way and ease the path forward.
We are not alone in facing this transition, but as the USD is based on oil asset backing, we are in a peculiarly exposed position.  If we don’t move off the dime and make use of the common sense and natural resources we are heir to we will miss the boat. Science and progress march onward.  The self-interested delay in the development of Free Energy caused by JP Morgan, James Clerk Maxwell, and George Westinghouse has lasted a century.  The Chinese, Russian, and Indian governments are all here to tell us that it won’t be tolerated anymore. 
The world needs Free Energy and it needs clean energy.  Average Mom and Pop Americans need Free Energy as much as anyone else, and are depending upon the federal government to find the Sweet Spots--- the means to move forward and make a smooth transition to new asset backing for the USD, maximize current export opportunities and refinery capacities, provide abundant affordable fuel at home---and do all this while maintaining the overall value of the UNITED STATES DOLLAR.
My assessment?  It’s a tall order, but it can be done, and it is already clear that this is the path that Donald Trump is on.  
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Thursday, January 26, 2017

SecureTeam10: Removed From Web! UFO Fleet Over Mexico Border 1/26/17

Lee Wanta's High Speed Rail Map

The 'holy grail of high pressure physics': Researchers create metallic hydrogen in superconductor breakthrough that could revolutionise technology and even take man to Mars

U.S. scientists have succeeded in squeezing hydrogen so intensely that it has turned into a metal, creating an entirely new material that might be used as a highly efficient electricity conductor at room temperatures.
The discovery, published in the journal Science, provides the first confirmation of a theory proposed in 1935 by physicists Hillard Bell Huntington and Eugene Wigner that hydrogen, normally a gas, could occur in a metallic state if exposed to extreme pressure.
Several teams have been racing to develop metallic hydrogen, which is highly prized because of its potential as a superconductor, a material that is extremely efficient at conducting electricity.
U.S. scientists have succeeded in squeezing hydrogen so intensely that it has turned into a metal, creating an entirely new superconducting material. This combination of still photos taken from video shows hydrogen magnified at different stages of compression, from gas form to metallic, provided January 26, 2017.

U.S. scientists have succeeded in squeezing hydrogen so intensely that it has turned into a metal, creating an entirely new superconducting material. This combination of still photos taken from video shows hydrogen magnified at different stages of compression, from gas form to metallic, provided January 26, 2017.


To create it, Silvera and Dias squeezed a tiny hydrogen sample at 495 gigapascal, or more than 71.7 million pounds-per-square inch - greater than the pressure at the center of the Earth.
At those extreme pressures, solid molecular hydrogen -which consists of molecules on the lattice sites of the solid - breaks down, and the tightly bound molecules dissociate to transforms into atomic hydrogen, which is a metal.
Currently, superconductors such as those used in a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, machines must be cooled with liquid helium to keep them at extremely low temperatures, which is costly.
'This is the holy grail of high-pressure physics,' Harvard physicist Isaac Silvera, one of the study's authors, said in a statement. 
'It's the first-ever sample of metallic hydrogen on Earth, so when you're looking at it, you're looking at something that's never existed before.'
'One prediction that's very important is metallic hydrogen is predicted to be meta-stable,' Silvera said.
'That means if you take the pressure off, it will stay metallic, similar to the way diamonds form from graphite under intense heat and pressure, but remains a diamond when that pressure and heat is removed.'

Understanding whether the material is stable is important, Silvera said, because predictions suggest metallic hydrogen could act as a superconductor at room temperatures.
'That would be revolutionary,' he said. 'As much as 15 percent of energy is lost to dissipation during transmission, so if you could make wires from this material and use them in the electrical grid, it could change that story.'
Among the holy grails of physics, a room temperature superconductor, Dias said, could radically change our transportation system, making magnetic levitation of high-speed trains possible, as well as making electric cars more efficient and improving the performance of many electronic devices.
A room temperature superconductor, Dias said, could change our transportation system, making magnetic levitation of high-speed trains possible, as well as making electric cars more efficient and improving the performance of many electronic devices. 

Because superconductors have zero resistance, superconducting coils could be used to store excess energy, which could then be used whenever it is needed. 


It could also make 'superfuel' for rockets

It could also make 'superfuel' for rockets
Metallic hydrogen could also play a key role in helping humans explore the far reaches of space, as a more powerful rocket propellant.

'It takes a tremendous amount of energy to make metallic hydrogen,' Silvera explained. 

'And if you convert it back to molecular hydrogen, all that energy is released, so that would make it the most powerful rocket propellant known to man, and could revolutionize rocketry.'

The most powerful fuels in use today are characterized by a 'specific impulse' (a measure, in seconds, of how fast a propellant is fired from the back of a rocket) of 450 seconds. 

The specific impulse for metallic hydrogen, by comparison, is theorized to be 1,700 seconds.

'That would easily allow you to explore the outer planets,' Silvera said. 
'We would be able to put rockets into orbit with only one stage, versus two, and could send up larger payloads, so it could be very important.'

David Ceperley, a physics professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who was not involved in the research, said the discovery, if confirmed, would end a decades-long quest to see how hydrogen can become a metal, adding to the understanding of the most common element in the universe.

To achieve this feat, Silvera and post-doctoral fellow Ranga Dias squeezed a tiny hydrogen sample at more than 71.7 million pounds per square inch (32.5 million kg per 6.5 square cm), greater than the pressure at the center of the Earth.

The scientists created this force using synthetic diamonds mounted opposite each other in a device known as a diamond anvil cell. 

A room temperature superconductor could change our transportation system, making magnetic levitation of high-speed trains possible
A room temperature superconductor could change our transportation system, making magnetic levitation of high-speed trains possible

They treated the diamonds with a special process to keep them from cracking, a problem that has foiled prior experiments.
'This is just at the point when the diamonds are about to crack,' Ceperley said. 

'That is why it's taken so long. Silvera had new ways of shaping the diamonds and polishing them so they wouldn't break.'
A key question is whether the pressurized hydrogen maintains its metallic properties at room temperature, which would make it extremely useful as a superconductor.

Both Ceperley and Silvera believe this will be the case, but it still needs to be proven.

ALERT! Tesla Patents for free energy motors

Full  Disclosure  Now! - Reveal  and  declassify  100  year  old  classified  Tesla  Patents  for  free  energy  motors


Posted by request of reader of NESARA, Felix B...................

Created by F.B. on January 26, 2017

End Americas Oil dependence now! 

For the past 100 years the economy has been driven by oil. Declassifying Nikola Teslas work will lead to a clean and profitable alternative putting America at the forefront of energy technology. 

The American people deserve to research Free and Clean Energy to end the hold of Oil Dependence leading to discoveries that do not depend on finite resources. It would change the face of nation into becoming the world leader in innovation and technology propelling us into a new Era. 

Operation Paperclip has siphoned trillions if not quadrillions of dollars into secret access defense contract programs. 

The American People must know the truth about where their missing 2.3 Trillion+ Tax dollars are going, and the Military Industrial Complex. 

It is time for America First!

PLEASE!  Sign This Petition!

Trump HALTS Obama’s $221,000,000 parting gift to the “Palestinians”

Thank you, President Trump. The Obama rush of $221,000,000 to jihad terror organization will fund Jew-killing. Obama’s parting gift to the Jews.
To the very last minute, Obama was aiding, abetting and arming Islamic enemies of freedom. He released $221 million to the Palestinians in his administration’s last hours. Officials say outgoing administration defied GOP opposition and sent funds to PA that had been blocked in Congress.
The Muslim leaders of “Palestinian Authority” exhort Muslims living in Gaza, Judea and Samaria to kill Jews and attack the Jewish state. They glorify murder and reward terrorists and their families, and indoctrinate their young to grow up to be homicide/suicide bombers. These funds will be used to slaughter, maim and destroy.
That is Obama’s legacy.
“State Department freezes Obama’s $221m gift to Palestinians,” World Israel News, January 25, 2017:
The Trump administration has frozen Obama’s parting gift to the the Palestinians.
Former US President Barack Obama, in his waning hours, quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA), which Congress had been blocking.
The Trump administration announced it is freezing the move.
The State Department is reviewing the last-minute decision by former Secretary of State John Kerry to send $221 million dollars to the Palestinians.
Kerry formally notified Congress that State would release the money Friday morning, just hours before President Donald Trump took the oath of office.
The funds — supposedly intended for reconstruction in Gaza and good governance programs for the Palestinian Authority — were being blocked by at least two Republican lawmakers— Ed Royce (R-CA), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Kay Granger (R-TX), who sits on the House Appropriations Committee — in response to Palestinian attempts to join international organizations, from which it intended to launch more international campaigns against Israel and before a peace deal with Israel.
Such holds are generally respected but are not legally binding.
When asked about the transfer by a reporter during Tuesday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said that “[Trump] is very concerned about how taxpayer money is spent, whether it’s sent overseas and what we get for it in terms of the relationship or our support for a democracy or aid to another country for their defenses. But he’s going to be examining all aspects of the budget… He’s going to make sure that every deal, every dollar that is spent by the government is done in a way that respects the American taxpayer.”
Article reposted with permission from
Pamela Geller's commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books


C.I.A. Admits Plan To Turn Women Against Family

It's the Media, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 24


By Anna Von Reitz

When I was a kid and I would come home from school with some piece of popular psycho-babble my Mother would always rear back and look at me closely and ask, "Where did you hear that?"
If the answer was a teacher or some other unfortunate adult, Mother had a way of going to the source and correcting things on the spot.  Otherwise, the answer was always the same: "Consider the source."
That is what we all desperately need to be doing with mainstream media.
I have told this story before, but will tell it again because it is something that you can all do (and easily prove) for yourselves.
Back in the 1980's my husband, I, and a small group of about eight friends did a little experiment.  We all agreed to listen to one or another of the popular Nightly News programs--- CBS, ABC, NBC, and BBC at that time.
This involved a piece of paper divided into four columns headed: "Sex", "Death", "Both" and "Other" with an extra column for the "Date" of the show.
As we watched news stories, we would tick off whether the report concerned sex, death, both, or other content entirely.  What we found is that an absolutely astronomical and totally unlikely percentage of reports involved sex and/or death and nothing else of redeeming value.  Just that.  Sex and/or death.
We also noted that there was no apparent rhyme or reason for any of it.  Why, for example, did the traffic death of a teenager in LA make front page news nationwide, but hundreds of similar deaths all over the country never made a mention on page B16 of the local paper? 
Are your Shinola Sensors going off yet?
And what possible "good" did it do any of us to know about the traffic death of a teenager in LA?  Was there any lesson in the story that could save us or someone in our family a similar fate?  Some problem that we could solve to make sure other such deaths wouldn't occur?
No.  There wasn't.
So what possible reason, benefit, or value was there in listening to such a news report? 
None we could think of.
The media was just selling us sex and death on the rocks, straight up, no reason or redeeming action or benefit implied.  That then prompts one to ask---why? 
The short answer is that dwelling on senseless sex and death information makes us feel both aroused and afraid, two conditions that make us overall more willing to buy consumer goods and accept more and more and more government intervention and control.
It's a simple enough recipe when you look at it and it is also clear who benefits----the government gets to sell you more services and gets to control you at your own request, because they have succeeded in making you feel scared, depressed, helpless, and in need of such services to protect you and yours from nameless universal disaster.
The fact is that more government services wouldn't have saved the teenager in LA, but that doesn't matter.  Your brain isn't thinking in this higher state of critical review and logic. 
Instead, when that cute Gecko appears, hawking GEICO (Government Employees Insurance Corporation) insurance products, you are ready to go out and buy, buy, buy.  And when the latest, greatest wonder drug ad for "Immortal Life Pills" follows, you are desperate enough to ignore the long, long list of potential adverse side effects. 
Sitting in front of the Boob Tube night after night you've been duped into thinking that you are doing so to catch the "Nightly News", when in fact what you have been conditioned to do is watch an endless recitation of disaster and titillation that doesn't help you in any practical way.  This does, however, net you a little shot of adrenalin provided by your own body. 
You aren't a "news addict", you are an adrenalin addict. So you keep coming back and doing this absurd abusive ritual to your own detriment, reliably, night after night.  You are, quite literally, hooked.
It's the best behavioral training practice since Pavlov's dog, and you just lap it up and the Mainstream Media just goes on heaping the plate.
After you have learned to turn off the "news" or just scan the headlines for anything of actual value, you will notice that you eat a lot less and sleep better at night and generally enjoy better health.  This is because chronic long term abuse of your adrenalin response is no longer occurring.
You can easily test and confirm what I am telling you for yourselves and I highly recommend that you do so.  Keep a tally and instead of just mindlessly listening to the purported news as if it really is news, listen to it critically---and question the content.  Why am I hearing about this?  What good does it do me to know?  How does it matter?  What can I do about it, if anything?  Nothing?  So-- Why am I sitting here listening to this?
I keep an ear half-cocked for anything of real importance, but news stories
of importance tend to be few and far between and quickly buried---because frankly, our media is attuned to do everything and anything but provide you with news.  When they do so, it's an accident. 
Their real mission is to sell you stuff and to entertain you and to influence--that is, skew, your decision-making process.  Anything that does anything not in alignment with these goals is a waste of capital investment and from the standpoint of the media moguls, is to be strongly discouraged.  Anything that might wake you up or empower you to think for yourself or notice the little man behind the curtain is worse. 
Many gallant journalists have seen their careers go down in flames and have faced unemployment, ridicule, professional ostracism, and not a few have faced death in order to bring you actual news.  For your own survival and your country's survival it is essential to encourage and make use of alternative news sources and to learn to recognize real journalism --- and real journalists --- when you catch a fleeting glimpse of one.
They still exist, and more keep stubbornly appearing. 
Malcolm X once famously said, "Only a fool let's his enemy educate his children." --- taking a little license to paraphrase the same truth, only a fool let's his enemies control his media.
When you look at who owns the media in America it is immediately apparent that that is exactly what we do.  The vast bulk of media outlets in America are owned by six foreign multi-national conglomerates and those organizations are aligned more or less with foreign banks and foreign governments that have axes to grind and motives to promote disinformation and influence our opinions ---often to our own detriment. 
As my Mother said all through my childhood: "Consider the source". 
When Britain wants us to get involved in a nasty little war for profit, guess what? We get plenty of news about ISIS from the mainstream news organizations aligned with the British banks and the British government storefront.  We are shown beheadings and children being burned alive in wire cages in order to provoke all those yummy adrenalin rushes and at the same time outrage us enough so that we are willing to take violent action against the criminals.  And all the while, the real criminals who are funding ISIS and promoting these bestial acts for pay, are sitting smug in Westminster playing cards. 
The BBC grinds the British axes, the Times-Warner Group grinds the US axes, Fox Network goes back and forth and mostly to the highest bidder and on and on it goes.  All you have to do is look up the ownership of these corporations and it is easier enough to see how and why the "news" you get is skewed.
The Sex and Death Propaganda remains much the same as it was in the 1980's and the only recent change has been the addition of False Happy Propaganda. This is a far distant second in terms of mainstream "news" content, and even more distasteful in a way, because it is even more deceptive.
This brand of propaganda encourages you to believe good things that simply aren't true.  They give you a different kind of addictive high by encouraging a little jolt of serotonin release in your brain.  This makes you feel good and keeps you coming back for more.  The sad part is that like Santa Claus, this is just more distortion of the truth that ultimately leads to disappointment and disillusionment.
Beware of news that sounds too good to be true, because 99.9% of the time, it is too good to be true and isn't.  It's just the same old cads playing a different tune and seeking to lull you into fat, dumb, happy, and patient complacency---and by default, complicity. 
Millions of Americans who have begun the process of awakening have been at least momentarily sidetracked and derailed by tales of gallant behind the scenes military action in their behalf, arresting and removing the bad guys, emptying out and destroying vast underground bases, repurposing FEMA camps, forcing the rats in Congress to sign legislation restoring the Republic and providing remedy to the people.....and blah, blah, blah.
The truth is that the United States military forces (in which far too many American state nationals have served, either because they mistakenly thought it was their army or because of illegal conscription) have been grossly and shamelessly misled and abused for a hundred and fifty years, cheated, defrauded, lied to, and left without the back pay, insurance, medical services, educational programs, and other support they are owed.
Suffice it to say that all these Tall Tales about a wonderful "New Republic" and near-miraculous feats of military intervention to make things right in the world are in my opinion just the second brand of propaganda---- propaganda designed to make you believe that everything is safe and secure and all right when it isn't and isn't going to be, until you wake up and make it so. 

Stop believing the lies and the fairy tales, the Horror Stories and the Happily Ever Afters alike.  You cannot expect what now passes for journalism to provide anything approximating a fair and balanced world view for you.  Like so many other things, discerning the truth about what is going on in the world is a DIY project that requires effort and thought and research from you. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Pete Santelli Report on Bundy Trial in Las Vegas

Prosecutors In Nevada Beg Trial Judge To Protect The BLM From Scrutiny During Bundy Trial

the conspiracy to cover-up


Prosecutors in Las Vegas filed a Motion In Limine  late Tuesday in the case of The United States vs Cliven Bundy et al — in hopes that Nevada District Court Judge Gloria Navarro – will allow the Government to “cover-up” any wrong doing agents in the Bureau Of Land Management – who conducted the Bundy cattle impoundment in April of 2014 – may have committed.

“It’s a shocking blatant attempt by the Government to cover-up the brutal conduct of  BLM agents that caused a near catastrophe in Bunkerville, Nevada during the impoundment of rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle,” says a defense attorney representing one of the defendants in the case.

The motion is a draconian attempt at best to “protect” government agents from being exposed to further scrutiny during the upcoming Nevada trials in which they will be under-oath to tell the truth.

The defense in this case is centered around civil rights violations of the Bundy family and protestors who came to Bunkerville, Nevada to protest an overreaching government agency who had beaten and incarcerated Cliven Bundy’s son Dave Bundy and other protestors, used a stun gun on his son Ammon Bundy, viciously attacked Mr. Bundy’s sister Margaret, and terrorized peaceful protest with threat of snipers and military force.

Further the government which successfully used the idea that some of the defendants in the Oregon trial of the United States vs Ammon Bundy et al .. were also involved in the Bundy Ranch “armed” protest as a reason to deny them a pretrial release, now ask the Judge to not allow any reference to that case including the fact they were acquitted.

Attorney from Rhode Island Roger Roots, who was instrumental in the Oregon case and acts as a paralegal for Ryan Bundy says, he is confident that “most” of this motion will be denied but that if even one point is granted it would be a travesty.  They basically tried to use the same tactic in Oregon says Roots, and we all know how well they worked out for them.

Mr. Roots is more confident in the courts than others. It is worth noting that not one key motion filed by the defense has been granted and that the Judges assigned to this case almost always passed motions filed by the Prosecution, effectively shutting down any defense the defendants and their counsel try to use.

Chris Rasmussen, Attorney for Talk Show Host Pete Santilli, while erring on the side of caution to not give an in-depth comment on the motion said;
It is what it is and we will fight it.  The government wishes to eliminate anything we could use that goes to the defendants state of mind .. and we cannot allow that to happen. These people were frightened and there was a reason they reacted the way they did.
Former Nevada State Assembly Woman Michele Fiore who was and remains to be a staunch supporter of the Bundy family and protestors, reacted to the motion on Tuesday night by stating that it was just unbelievable to her the Government would try to stop the truth from being told in this case..
Do we or do we not still live in America?  One way or the other the truth will be told and I would like to see them stop me from voluntarily giving my testimony when this trial begins.
photoCarol Bundy, Cliven Bundy’s wife, says it is outrageous to think the Government would even try a stunt like this.

So what kind of defense are we allowed to have if we can’t tell the truth?  Because if the Government has it’s way it looks like we will not be allowed to have any defense at all.

It appears the government is rightfully concerned about the reputation of lead agent Daniel P. Love who has been the center of controversy in almost every operation he has conducted in the Western States. The underlying language in this motion is really about keeping Daniel Love from being exposed, and his overly aggressive military operation – that carried the potential for death and violence – to be kept from a Jury’s scrutiny.  If you read this the way it is written it is clear the Government fears it will lose this case if the evidence against the BLM is ever shown to a Jury.

It appears the government is rightfully concerned about the reputation of lead agent Daniel P. Love who has been the center of controversy in almost every operation he has conducted in the Western States. The underlying language in this motion is really about keeping Daniel Love from being exposed, and his overly aggressive military operation – that carried the potential for death and violence – to be kept from a Jury’s scrutiny.  If you read this the way it is written it is clear the Government fears it will lose this case if the evidence against the BLM is ever shown to a Jury.

If allowed, this motion will quash key testimony that is expected by people like Dr. Jay Redd a prominent and respected Dentist military operation – that carried the potential for death and violence – to be kept from a Jury’s scrutiny.  

If you read this the way it is written it is clear the Government fears it will lose this case if the evidence against the BLM is ever shown to a Jury.

If allowed, this motion will quash key testimony that is expected by people like Dr. Jay Redd a prominent and respected Dentist in St. George Utah,  whose father Dr. James Redd committed suicide after a BLM operation headed by “Super” Agent Daniel P. Love in Blanding, Utah, went very wrong .  In all, there were 3 suicides associated with that operation.  Senator Orrin Hatch at the time pleaded with then – AG Eric Holder – to look into the matter, and it could be very problematic for the Prosecution if Senator Hatch’s “opinion” about the BLM is heard by a Jury.

The government would love to have full reign over this trial, says Pete Santilli who was caught up in the arrests after his coverage of The Malheur Refuge Adverse Possession in Oregon last winter and charged in both cases ;
Sure, they would love it if we all just went into this trial docile and defeated, not willing to fight them, but that just isn’t going to happen. The Bureau of Land Management went to Bundy Ranch with a clear disdain and lack of respect for the Bundy Family. Dan Loves Objective fell just short of scorched earth policy; We can prove it, they know it and they are very, very afraid of that.  As I see it, we have them right where we want them, why would they file such a ludicrous Motion otherwise?  This Motion has the “BLM is guilty” written all over it and I for one think that’s great news.  If the Government gets it’s way and eliminates the fact that Daniel P Love gave agents the authority to beat up on Bundy Family members and was not acting in a rational way during the impoundment, if the Jury is not allowed to hear what elected officials told Love in response to his brutal actions, and if there was never any reason whatsoever for protestors to be in fear for their lives, then I believe any Jury worth it’s salt is going to be very suspect as to the validity of this case.  I mean, if nobody did anything wrong, then why the hell are we having a trial?