This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Donald Trump signs executive order calling for a plan to defeat Isis within 30 days
The orders were the latest in a flurry of executive actions President Trump has taken
President Donald Trump has ordered his generals and security advisors to deliver to him within a month a plan on how to defeat Isis. In the latest three executive orders to be signed by President Trump, the president said that within 30 days he needed proposals for taking the fight to the Islamic extremists. He also signed a order to impose a five-year lobbying ban for administration officials, and one that reorganized the National Security Council’s structure. The action regarding the NSC will outline new procedures and organizational structure of the organization to better adapt to the threats, reports said. The NSC is led by retired Lt Gen Michael Flynn who spent much of Saturday in the Oval Office as President Trump had scheduled phone calls with world leaders. Of the lobbying ban, he said: “This was something, the five year ban, that I have been talking a lot about on the campaign trail.” President Trump signed a flurry of executive actions into effect in his first full week in office. Some, such as actions directing agencies to begin dismantling Obamacare, struck at Obama’s 'legacy'. So far, President Trump has delivered on campaign promises with actions directing the construction of a wall on the US.-Mexico border and limiting immigration into the United States from several countries.
Pennsylvania–Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell (R.-Ky.) told reporters Thursday at the Republicans’
policy retreat here that they are committed to a 200-day program to
implement the agenda of President Donald J. Trump.
“We are actually having a fantastic opportunity right here in Philadelphia,” said Ryan,
wearing a striped button down oxford shirt and tan pants combination in
keeping with the “retreat” atmosphere of the party’s three-day series
of workshops, speeches, and mixers. The Republicans arrived Wednesday
morning and stayed until their working breakfast Friday.
In addition to workshops and discussions, the Republicans were
visited by Trump, British Prime Minister Theresa May, and Super Bowl
champion quarterback Peyton Manning.
“We are talking about the improvement of people’s lives and getting
our country back on track,” he said. “House Republicans and Senate
Republicans are working on a plan and bold agenda to get moving and work
with our new administration.”
New administrations have been captive to the “First 100 Days” framing ever since President Franklin D. Roosevelt
came into office in 1933 with a whirlwind of legislation and
administrative actions. But, Ryan said, the Republicans had developed
along with the Trump White House a 200-day plan that will wrap up with
the August recess.
At the end of the 200 days, Capitol Hill Republicans expect to have
repealed and replaced Obamacare, filled the vacant seat on the Supreme
Court, and executed the most dramatic reform of the federal tax code
since President Ronald W. Reagan’s flattening of tax rates in 1986.
Ryan said no one should be shocked by the ambitious agenda.
“We ran on these issue in 2016, so there’s no surprises here and the president agrees to this agenda,” he said.
Along the way, the emphasis or focus is going to change, depending on
whether the messaging is coming from the White House or Capitol Hill,
but Ryan insisted that he and Trump and McConnell are on the same page.
McConnell said he is working on a daily basis with the president and
his staff to map out a bold and aggressive program that both fixes the
problems and mistakes left by the last administration and fulfills
campaign promises made in 2016.
“We are on the same page,” the senator said.
For some items, such as immigration or even building the wall along
the Mexican border, there are no legislative fights ahead because the
laws were already passed. The wall was authorized by the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and the president is going to merely enforce the immigration laws his predecessor ignored.
said a major factor in moving from the traditional 100-day plan to a
200-day plan was the Senate’s confirmation workload. Dozens of
appointments require Senate approval, which he said converts the Senate
into the White House’s personnel office.
“The speaker understands the challenges of getting things done in the
Senate,” he said. “That’s been true for 240 years, we are aware of
those challenges, and we think we can move forward.”
The Republican majority in the Senate is 52-to-48, which means even with Vice President Michael R. Pence available to break a tie, if three GOP senators defect, the Democrats win.
This tight margin means that the Senate Republicans do not have the
votes to end debate and force a vote, which requires 60 votes.
To make an end run around lacking the votes for cloture, Republicans are forced to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act through
the budget reconciliation process. In this process, the budget bills
are privileged, so they must come to a vote after 50 hours of debate.
The drawback to this process is that bills can only deal with
budget-related issues, and whatever is passed expires in 10 years. When
Congress voted to repeal Obamacare in the week before Trump was sworn
in, it was really a partial repeal that gutted the fees, taxes, and
fines associated with President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform but
left the rules and regulations in place.
Senate Minority Leader Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D.-N.Y.) has vowed to
block and delay the Republicans at every turn, when it comes to
McConnell said, “If Hillary Clinton were president and Chuck Schumer
were the majority leader, we would be revisiting Obamacare. The status
quo is clearly unacceptable. If Hillary Clinton were president and Chuck
Schumer were majority leader, we’d be moving toward a single-payer
system.” A single-payer system is one in which all healthcare expenses
are paid by the government.
Another development at the retreat was the resolve among GOP senators to fill the vacancy left by the Feb. 13, 2016 death of Justice Antonin G. Scalia.
Again the problem is the GOP’s lack of 60 votes.
Before then-majority leader Sen. Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) invoked the
“nuclear option” in 2013, all confirmations were part of the two-step
process of ending debate with 60 votes and then confirming the nominee
with a simple majority. Reid executed a challenge to the rule for
nominees in order to break the logjam of Obama appointments–blocked by
the Republican minority. With this maneuver, Reid was able to fill
vacancies on federal benches, at the Federal Communications Commission,
the National Labor Relations Board, and the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau — all of which led a torrent of new regulations as
well as favorable rulings from newly appointed judges.
With respect to presidential appointments, Reid shattered a
long-standing Senate protocol, which says that unlike the House of
Representatives, the Senate works its will either through consensus or
But he left one piece of the protocol in place: the Supreme Court.
One of the main reasons Obama’s nominee to replace Scalia, Judge Merrick
Garland, languished was that the 60-vote threshold was insurmountable
going into the 2016 elections. Now, that same reason gives Schumer and
Senate Democrats a veto over anyone Trump nominates for the high court.
It is now clear from conversations with Republican senators and staff
that if ending debate on Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court is blocked
by Schumer, the GOP is ready to strike down the last vestige of the
filibuster for presidential appointees.
The only answer a Republican senator gives for the record on the
matter is: “The seat will be filled.” It is the same answer every time
from everyone.
The last big item is the overhaul of the federal tax code. Of all of
the GOP plans, this is the one most hidden from public view.
In the past, the grand bargain of Republican tax reform proposals was
to return to the ideals of the 1986 legislation, which eliminated
deductions in exchange for lowering rates. Flattening the tax code, or
even going to a flat tax with one rate with very few deductions,was the
ultimate goal.
Trump-era tax reform is something else entirely. This is full-on
industrial policy and a shifting of the tax burden back onto imports and
off of exports. This is not a new idea and, given the man’s popularity on Broadway,
it is only fitting that America returns to the essence of Treasury
Secretary Alexander Hamilton’s 1791 “Report on Subject Manufactures.”
This was the country’s economic DNA until the post-World War II shift
towards America sacrificing its interests for the rest of the world.
Hamilton called on Congress to protect “infant industries” with
tariffs on imported goods, which until 1916 and the birth of the income
tax provided the vast majority of federal revenues.
Today, the United States runs a trade deficit of $30-to-$40 billion
per month, and Republicans are ready to tap or monetize that trade gap
to the tune of $1 trillion per year. How they are going to do it is
beyond the scope of this course. Suffice to say, they intend to not only
raise this revenue to pay for massive tax cuts, but also to remove the
economic incentive for American companies to move manufacturing overseas
and then ship their finished products into the United States.
Of course, the ox gored in this reform is retailers and companies
which rely on imported materials but do not export. Those folks are
completely aware of what is going on, and of all the fights coming to
Capitol Hill in the next 200 days, the tax overhaul will be the most
vicious and the most likely to break up friendships.
In the end, though Trump is the man making all of this possible, and it is Trump who will be responsible for holding things together.
It is almost surreal to hear Ryan
or McConnell speak of the president with respect and affection after a
campaign cycle in which neither man dared stand up for him publicly amid
crisis after crisis.
Yet the Republican Party is now Trump’s party, with the exception of
Sen. John S. McCain III (R.-Ariz.) and his sidekick Sen. Lindsey O.
Graham (R.-S.C.). But two rebels does not become a problem until they
find a third senator. Otherwise, the Capitol Hill Republicans are on
board and on duty for the president.
It is also fair to say that Trump is also on board and on duty for
his congressional party. More than once in his young presidency, he has
signaled that he will fight alongside his congressmen and senators and
give them political cover — a luxury never enjoyed by Democrats serving
under Obama.
One of the leading election fraud experts says there is virtually no way to determine how many fraudulent votes were cast in 2016, but he is applauding President Trump’s call for an investigation, saying the U.S. is long overdue in taking important steps to ensure more accurate elections. Trump has said repeatedly that he believes the votes of illegal aliens across the United States are responsible for Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. The issue flared again, both at a White House press briefing and in a pair of Trump tweets, that announce his call for a formal probe. Former Federal Elections Commission member Hans von Spakovsky now manages the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation. While not weighing on Trump’s specific assertions, Von Spakovsky told WND and Radio America a thorough federal investigation into voting laws is clearly warranted. “I think it’s long overdue,” he said. “There’s never been any systematic, organized effort by the federal government to try to improve and check on the election integrity of the United States. I think this is a great idea.” He said Trump’s call is a radical departure from the Obama administration’s position. “It’s a complete turnaround from the Obama administration, which for the past eight years has done everything it can to try to stop improvements in election integrity: things like Voter ID, things like verifying the citizenship of people who are registered to vote,” von Spakovsky said. “The Obama administration has tried to stop that and has minimized or basically said, ‘There’s no fraud to worry about anywhere.'” While the media point out that Trump has provided no evidence of his assertions that millions of illegal aliens cast ballots last year, von Spakovsky said the same press corps had no problem with President Obama’s collision with the facts on this same issue earlier in the month.
“President Obama told a whopper of a lie in his last press release, when he said that when he got out of office he would continue to oppose voter ID and other efforts to try to keep people out of the polls and then claimed that we were the only Western democracy that does that, when, in fact, we are one of the only Western democracies that does not require photo ID when you go vote,” he said.
Von Spakovsky said no one knows how much voter fraud occurs, but he said the system is ripe for exploitation for several reasons. Some of the biggest vulnerabilities lie in outdated voter rolls.
“There’s almost three million people who are registered in more than one state,” he said. “How many of those are actually voting in more than one state at the same time, which is, of course, illegal? We don’t know because nobody’s actually checked that out to look at it.” Also on the rolls are many people who couldn’t possibly show up to vote. “There are almost two million people that are dead who are still on voter rolls across the country,” von Spokovsky said. “How many of those are just an error, and how many are actually still voting because someone’s using their name? Again, we don’t know because there’s never been any systematic check of that.” He said there is concrete evidence of dead people voting in some locales. “Right before the election, a CBS TV station in Los Angeles actually started checking that. They found several hundred people just in Los Angeles who had been dead for years but had continued to vote in multiple elections,” he said.
The problem, says von Spakovsky, is that proving voter fraud in past elections is very difficult. “It’s very difficult to investigate voter fraud cases. It’s like the cases I just mentioned in California, several hundred people casting ballots after they died. Obviously somebody forged their signature, somebody forged their ballot,” he said. “Trying to find out who that was is going to be pretty difficult."
So what can be done to strengthen election integrity in the future? Von Spakovsky said the first step is to get the most accurate voter rolls possible. “The Justice Department has the ability to file suit because there is a federal law that requires state and local election officials to maintain the accuracy of their voter rolls, to clean them up, to take off people who have died and moved away,” he said. “Many folks haven’t been complying with that law, and the Obama administration knowingly and intentionally refused to enforce that provision."
The next step, he said, is to confirm who is actually eligible to vote. “The Department of Homeland Security needs to start sharing its database on non-citizens in the country with election officials all over the country, so they can check it and find people who shouldn’t be on the rolls because they’re not U.S. citizens,” von Spakovsky said.
He said rooting out ineligible voters should also take place at the time they register. “The other step that has to be taken, because of the fact that illegal aliens are being given driver’s licenses, is that states have to put in requirements that you provide proof of citizenship when you register to vote,” von Spakovsky said.
And he has one more idea.
"Juries are drawn from voter registration lists,” he explained. “One thing that is not done consistently around the country is, when people are excused from jury duty because they’re not a U.S. citizen, that information needs to be given by the local courts to local election officials so they can take those people off the rolls. That’s not being done in many, many states.” Von Spakovsky would like to see all states adopt provisions requiring voters to present a photo ID at the polls, and he would extend that requirement to absentee voters as well, something he said most states with voter ID laws have not done.
And von Spakovsky said Trump could get the ball rolling on almost all of this without running it by Congress.
“A lot of it can be done administratively through the executive branch, which the Trump administration now controls, particularly the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security,” he said.
In addition to contending there isn’t much of a voter fraud problem in the U.S., Democrats also assert that voter ID and other provisions could disenfranchise the most vulnerable citizens, namely minorities and the poor.
Von Spakovsky said it’s exactly the opposite. “The victims (who have their votes stolen) in these cases often are the poor and minorities. An individual who was convicted of voter fraud up in Try, New York, just a couple of years ago was asked specifically why they were targeting poor minority neighborhoods. He said, ‘They’re the people least likely to notice or complain that their vote’s been stolen,'” von Spakovsky said. He added, “This effort will actually help the poor. It will help racial minorities and ensure their vote doesn’t get stolen.”
Napolitano: Democrats are no longer laughing at Trump
Within four hours of becoming president of the United States, Donald Trump signed an executive order intended to limit immediately the effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) in ways that are revolutionary.
With the stroke of a pen, the president assaulted the heart of the law that was the domestic centerpiece of his predecessor’s administration. How did this happen? How can a U.S. president, who took an oath to enforce the laws faithfully, gut one of them merely because he disagrees with it?
Here is the back story.
When ObamaCare went through Congress in 2010, all Democrats in Congress supported it and all congressional Republicans were opposed. The crux of their disagreement was the law’s command that everyone in the United States obtain and maintain health insurance — a command that has come to be known as “the individual mandate.”
Republicans argued that Congress was without the authority to compel people to enter the marketplace by purchasing a product — that such decisions should be freely made by individuals and that that freedom was protected from governmental interference by the Constitution. Democrats argued that the commerce clause of the Constitution, which permits Congress to regulate commerce among the states, also permits it to compel commercial activity on the part of individuals who make up a highly regulated component of interstate commerce.
To ensure compliance with the individual mandate, the law provided that the IRS would collect the fair market value of a bare-bones insurance policy from those who did not obtain and maintain one. The government would then take that money and purchase a health insurance policy for that individual who rejected the law’s command.
Though Congress did not call it a tax and the government’s lawyers uniformly and consistently denied in all courts where it was challenged that it was a tax and President Barack Obama rejected the idea that it was a tax and even the lawyers for the challengers denied it was a tax, a 5-4 majority in the Supreme Court characterized the money collected by the IRS from noncompliant individuals as a tax.
This is profoundly significant for constitutional purposes because though Congress cannot regulate anything it wants, Congress can tax anything it wants, as long as the tax falls equally on those in the class of people who are paying it. This unheard-of characterization of a non-tax as a tax was necessary to salvage ObamaCare before the high court because a different 5-4 majority in the same case ruled that the Republican congressional argument was essentially correct — that the commerce clause does not empower Congress to compel commercial activity.
All of this has been debated loud and long since the law was enacted in 2010, validated by the Supreme Court in 2012 and came into Trump’s crosshairs in the Republican presidential primaries and again in the general election campaign.
Trump argued that the government cannot compel commercial activity, even as part of a large regulatory scheme, because the Constitution protects everyone’s right to purchase a lawful good or not to purchase one. He also asserted that ObamaCare does not make economic sense because its regulation of the practice of medicine and its administration of health insurance have resulted in a diminution of choices for consumers, which in turn has raised premiums, as well as deductibles, and chased primary care physicians from the marketplace. The Obama mantra that you could keep your doctor and your health insurance under ObamaCare proved to be patently false, Trump argued.
When Trump promised that as president — on “day one” — he would begin to dismantle ObamaCare, some Republicans, many members of the press and most Democrats laughed at him. They are laughing no longer because the first executive order he signed on Jan. 20 directed those in the federal government who enforce ObamaCare to do so expecting that it will soon not exist.
He ordered that regulations already in place be enforced with a softer, more beneficent tone, and he ordered that no penalty, fine, setoff or tax be imposed by the IRS on any person or entity who is not complying with the individual mandate, because by the time taxes are due on April 15, the IRS will be without authority to impose or collect the non-tax tax, as the individual mandate will no longer exist. Why take money from people that will soon be returned?
Then he ordered a truly revolutionary act, the likes of which I have never seen in the 45 years I have studied and monitored the government’s laws and its administration of them. He ordered that when bureaucrats who are administering and enforcing the law have discretion with respect to the time, place, manner and severity of its enforcement, they should exercise that discretion in favor of individuals and against the government.
This is radical coming from any president in the modern era of government-can-do-no-wrong. It is far more Thomas Jefferson, the small-government champion with whom Trump has never been associated, than it is Theodore Roosevelt, the super-regulator whom Trump has stated he admires. It recognizes the primacy and dignity of the individual and the fallibility of the state. It acknowledges the likely demise of ObamaCare. It is utterly without precedent since Jefferson’s presidency.
Trump’s revolutionary act is a breeze of freedom on a sea of regulation. It recognizes something modern governments never admit — that they can be and have been wrong. It is exactly as Trump promised.
Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel.
There is no so-called "interregnum"--- yet another specious idea being floated by Bar Attorney Karen Hudes.
According to Ms. Hudes and others of her ilk, our lawful government
is in "interregnum"--- a sort of legal coma--- caused by Lincoln's
declaration of a "state of emergency" which has been declared every year
since then by his successors.
Let's make this perfectly clear--- the only office of "President"
that Lincoln could hold was that of a commercial corporation CEO. This
is because Bar Attorneys have been prohibited from holding any public
office in our government since March 12, 1819 and Abraham Lincoln was a
Bar Attorney.
Commercial corporations have no ability to declare war, nor even
"states of emergency", except in the euphemistic sense that their
corporation is in trouble.
Lincoln was not eligible as a Bar Member to hold the actual lawful
public office of President of the united States of America, so the only
kind of "President" he could be was the "President" of the United States
(Trading Company).
His assumption of the public Office of Commander-in-Chief was an act of fraud, treason, and violation of international law.
The perpetrators have tried to paper this over retroactively by
adopting our lawful constitution as the basis for their corporate
articles of incorporation published as The Constitution of the United
States of America (1868).
They have tried by this means to enclose our constitution for their
own use--- and they have tried via that means to unlawfully convert the
actual office of the Commander-in-Chief to a private corporate office
merely called the Office of the Commander-in-Chief.
The fact remains that this is pure lawless fraud fomented by the
Bar, the British Monarch and the Roman Pontiff in gross Breach of Trust
against the American states and people.
You can't take a sow's ear and transform it by calling it a silk purse. It remains a sow's ear just the same.
And you can't take a declaration of a "state of emergency" made by a
private foreign corporation and transform it into anything related in
any way to us or to our lawful government.
I have news for Karen Hudes and all the other Bar Attorneys
responsible for this circumstance--- there is no "interregnum" and no
affect on us or our lawful government by anything said, done, or claimed
by the filthy foreign organization in Washington, DC in 1860 or at any
time since.
It was fraud then, it is fraud now.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
This is not ground-breaking news for those who have been following the story of the rise of the Islamic State in the Middle East. However, following a visit to Syria and secret meeting with Bashar al-Assad, one congresswoman is claiming she has proof that the Obama administration funded the Islamic State.
In an interview on CNN following a secret “fact finding” trip to Syria, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) said that Syrian President Bashar Assad should be left in power and communicated that there were no moderate rebels in Syria.
“I don’t think Assad should be removed,” Gabbard said. “If Assad is removed and over thrown, ISIS, al Qaeda, Al Nustra, these Islamic extremist groups will walk straight in and take over all of Syria … they will be even stronger.”
John McCain pretends to be a man of the people and a proud
veteran, but when eight members of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW)
waited patiently outside his office, hoping the Arizona Senator would
spend a few minutes listening to their concerns, McCain refused to see
them and had them arrested.
“We wanted to speak to Senator McCain vet-to-vet,”explained Matt Howard, co-director of IVAW and a Marine Corps helicopter mechanic who served two tours of duty in Iraq.
Howard and eight other Iraqi war veterans went to McCain’s office and
waited patiently to see him for several hours. McCain was just five
doors down from where the veterans were waiting, Howard told the Business Insider.
But instead of dedicating a few minutes to listen to their
concerns, McCain ordered his staff to call for the Capitol police to
arrest the vets.
“Sen. McCain appreciates the professionalism of the U.S. Capitol
police and all that they do to protect senators, staff and visitors to
the U.S. Capitol,” a McCain spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail to Stars and Stripes, a newsletter for military personnel.
People’s World reports: The staffer did not mention that the veterans posed no threat whatsoever. In fact, they stood in a friendly at-ease formation during most of their wait.
Howard said, “I stood side-by-side with friends who had served in
different branches, in multiple conflicts, and who held a variety of
positions in the military including a Special Forces soldier and a
nuclear, biological, chemical specialist. Although our experiences are
varied, we were united in the belief that the former CEO of Exxon Mobil
was the absolute wrong pick for the highest diplomatic post in our
Tillerson is a billionaire and chief executive of Exxon Mobile. He has made a fortune in the oil industry.
Howard told the Daily Mail newsletter that this has been “an industry and a person that has used the military to subsidize his own ability to make profit.”
“I did not sign up to protect oil or the interest of people lining their pockets,” another veteran said.
Also waiting for McCain was the Rev. Shawna Foster who said that
because Exxon has time and again been sanctioned for endangering the
environment and breaking regulations regarding business practices, “[Tillerson] cannot be expected to place the greater good over his and his company’s profits.”
The veterans the McCain staffers spoke for some time, but the
staffers became agitated as Advisory Committee Member of Iraq Veterans
Against the War Antonia Juhasz was live-streaming the encounter on
When she refused to stop streaming, on orders from McCain staff members called the police.
The veterans were released Thursday evening. Donald Trump was sworn in the next day.
Although both Senator McCain and Senator Lindsay Graham had expressed
doubts about confirming Tillerson as Secretary State, in the end they
both voted with all the other Republicans to okay his appointment.
Shortly after his release, Howard wrote, ”We know that
[Tillerson’s] nomination will bring us a steep uptick in the militarism
we have seen since the beginning of the occupations of Iraq and
Afghanistan and that the threat of climate change, named as one of the
top threats to our national security by no less than the Pentagon, will
also be frighteningly exacerbated.”
He explained the IVAW is now working with the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance and many other groups.
Howard continued, “We are ready to take the fight to doors [of
corporations] and the halls of power. IVAW is stepping into this year
with a renewed commitment to push back on decision makers in and outside
of Congress and to provide the training to our veteran community to be
able to take the risks that are needed to raise awareness and dial up
pressure, that are aligned with our experiences and moral code.”
“Now more than ever,” Howard said, “weneed support to carry on our work.”
High Speed rail corridor connections (Click to expand)
Lee Wanta just informed me that he has personally contacted
President Donald Trump’s transition team with his standing offer to
build a high tech coast-to-coast high speed
state-of-the-art maglev railroad that would provide an immediate 2
million good paying American job opportunities.
Many VT readers know Ambassador Wanta’s colorful past serving as
President Reagan’s personal secret agent under the Totten Doctrine,
which was his part in bringing the Soviet Union down under Operation
Stillpoint while helping the Russian people transition to their new
non-tyrannical Russian Federation.
During Operation Stillpoint, Lee Wanta engaged in massive currency
speculation and ended up making a personal profit of 27.5 Trillion
dollars, which has now mushroomed into over 33 Trillion USD — an
astounding fortune.
And many VT readers know that the Bush Crime Cabal attempted to
assassinate President Reagan and then threw Lee Wanta in prison in
Switzerland illegally, later transporting him back to place him in an
American prison, also illegally on fake, trumped-up charges.
As many VT readers know this was also done to CIA
Asset Susan Lindauer, and also to Scott Bennett, the top Army Psyops
expert, who worked at the highest levels of the USG in secret capacities
— both were illegally jailed over phony charges, which itself is a
criminal abuse of process.
According to Lee Wanta, who is now living under special federal
protection to insure his survival from ongoing threats, his money has
been placed in trust and was promised to be released to him last year.
He is still waiting.
He told me that his money was placed in Argo Trust, and it turns out
the trustees are Hayden, Bush and Cheney. All that has to be paid is
normal income taxes on it, which Lee Wanta says he is willing to do.
Lee Wanta personally contacted the Trump transition team and shared
all necessary documents to show he is still ready to start construction
anytime, and the funds are there to access if President Trump decides to
do so.
It would seem that, if President Trump is as serious about creating
new American jobs and a booming American economy as he claims, he would
quickly respond to Lee Wanta’s offer and move to get this high speed
cross-country railroad going.
Most other modern nations
have them; certainly America should too, and the economic benefits would
be astounding. Plus all the needed finds are there awaiting access by
Presidential order.
This is an opportunity that should not be passed up by President Trump.
Every day of every week of every month my email and snail mail
boxes are plugged solid with people writing to me for help. I get
plagued with every kind of problem you can imagine, and often with
people who misunderstand my role as judge and mistake me for an
admiralty or maritime tribunal judge. I also get a lot of nasty
correspondence from people mistaking me as a ringleader supporting some
kind of Vatican take-over, when in fact the take over happened at the
Council of Nicea many hundreds of years ago and then as now, I had
nothing to do with it.
Through it all there is a common theme---"Help! Help! I am just
waking up and I need to do something to get out of this trap I am in!"
So I am posting this good advice once again. Go to YouTube and
watch the videos being posted by the Lighthouse Law Club. Three
foundational videos will more than get you started. In about three
hours, Mark Emery and his cohorts will provide you with the basics you
need. Just go to YouTube and watch: "Changing Legal Status-- Practical
Matters", "Winning in Court -- Status, Standing, and Agency", and
"Claiming Ownership".
These are the cleanest, fastest, most accessible and simplest yet
most complete video presentations covering this information I have ever
seen anywhere and I highly recommend that everyone take the time to
listen. Even experienced people will find gold nuggets, and for
Newbies, it is the Motherlode. You can waste weeks pouring over
hundreds of other videos by worthy researchers who can't talk, who can't
present information in a concise, logical manner, or who are too deep
in the weeds to describe the forest--- or you can save yourselves a lot
of trouble and watch the Lighthouse Law Club videos and get it all
straight in your mind as 1, 2, 3.... and all for free.
Please consider joining the Lighthouse Law Club and/or supporting
their excellent work with donations. No matter who you are or what
issues you are facing, you will benefit from the whole process of
discovery, sharing, and conversation that goes on among club members.
They are making strong progress because they are working together in
forums devoted to specific concerns including foreclosures, false
arrests, freedom to travel, child custody, and all the rest.
There is another very worthy research group that has by far most,
if not all, its ducks in order though they tend not to be as concise and
organized and that is They have some great videos
available on YouTube, too. The one I most recently watched is called
"Stopping A Court Case in Sixty Seconds".
I am sure that there are a great many people in America right now
who either need or want to do that, so I highly recommend that you tune
in and listen to what they have to say.
Finally, one of the cornerstone deceptions and acts of fraud that
are a part of every court case being tried by these corporate tribunals
involves the use of "glosses"--- which are foreign sign language
elements embedded in English text to create a deliberately false
impression of the meaning of the text.
For those who are just becoming aware, "MAYBELLE MAE CAMPBELL" is
not a name and neither is "MAYBELLE M. CAMPBELL" and the use of these
signs embedded in English text to convey the impression that they are
names of a living woman is a deliberate fraud scheme promoting the crime
of personage.
There will soon be a full set of documentaries covering this
deceptive practice complete with information and references allowing you
to prove that these are not names but are being used as if they are
names to deceive the victims of crass commercial villainy and get them
to assume both debts and often criminal charges that are not related to
I will be posting more information about this in a separate post as
soon as I am myself better informed about content, target dates for
release, costs, etc.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
Kissinger’s definition of terrorism might surprise you.
Then again, it might be exactly what you thought it would be.
The clip below is from a 2007 AKBank convention in Instanbul, Turkey held right before the annual Bilderberg Meeting which took place there that same year.
In it, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State (as well as member of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bohemian Grove among others) Henry Kissinger can be seen giving the following speech:
“In the Middle East, we live in a different world. The nations do not represent historic entities in the same sense that European nations did. Turkey of course does, and Iran in a considerable extent does. But in the region in between, the borders were drawn by the victors of World War I on the basis largely of what would facilitate their influence. So therefore, the identities of these countries, and of their borders, can be challenged more easily.”
“What we in America call 'terrorists' are really groups of people that reject the international system, and they’re trying to regroup it to a radical Islamic fundamentalists kind.”
TRAITOR Kissinger is an 'advisor' to all new American presidents and their administrations. America, does that raise any concern in you? Kissinger has already met with Trump. BEWARE.
Clearly Kissinger is saying that, because many Middle Eastern countries do not have what appears to be in his view the ‘historical significance’ of older countries, they are wide open for attack, regime change and re-ordering.
Only a few years later we have witnessed the Western-backed Arab Spring which has turned over numerous North African and Middle Eastern nations.
Remember how America ‘freed’ Egypt and Libya? Well Syria is wash, rinse, repeat.
On top of that, Kissinger is also saying the word “terrorist” is really someone who would reject the “international system” — a new world order. Part of that order appears to be American empire building and the spreading of our nation’s brand of “democracy” throughout the rest of the world…whether they like it or not.
How do you think someone with Kissinger’s perspective would see American patriots who reject the United Nations or central banking system? Surely, he sees them as “terrorists” as well.
Further, if the State held similar views and used the “terrorist” label — which is used in this country like screaming “fire!” in a theater to circumvent the Constitution on a daily basis — such resistors to the new world order would be instantly criminalized, marginalized and marked for imprisonment or death.
An all electric vehicle that is equipped with an on- board, kinetic charging system that will allow the vehicle to travel an unlimited range without the need to stop and recharge, utilizing its own continuous power. Additionally, the vehicle will produce excess power, generated by a proprietary nano-electric, multi-phase charging system, which when stored on-board in super capacitors, can later be plugged in for home power or up loaded to the national power grid for sales or credit. When used by potentially millions of Americans, the -EVUR- will revolutionize the whole national power equation by turning every vehicle into a rolling power station, by converting unused passive and kinetic motions of travel into energy, creating regenerated power.
By its configuration, the -EVUR- employs both passive and on-board kinetic energy generating systems that produce electrical power by a diverse group of synergistic patents with novel, patent pending inventions now utilizing;
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*Revolutionary nano-optic electrical on-board power management systems to include high retention capacitors, carbon nanotube/elastic conductors with a thermal battery management device.
*Revolutionary twin pulsed 71-kWh/lithium battery packs with a plurality of primary, secondary and tertiary on-board charging systems coupled with twin water cooled electric motors @ 400 horsepower w/ 590/F/torque w/850 amps@338 volts, w/single speed trans axel.
Applications of the following kinetic and passive energy sources utilized by the -EVUR-;
“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Under this constitutional guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s rights, he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.”
Thompson v.Smith, 154 SE 579, 11 American Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, section 329, page 1135 “The right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, in the ordinary course of life and business, is a common right which he has under the right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right, in so doing, to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day, and under the existing modes of travel, includes the right to drive a horse drawn carriage or wagon thereon or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purpose of life and business.” –
Thompson vs. Smith, supra.; Teche Lines vs. Danforth, Miss., 12 S.2d 784 “… the right of the citizen to drive on a public street with freedom from police interference… is a fundamental constitutional right” -White, 97 Cal.App.3d.141, 158 Cal.Rptr. 562, 566-67 (1979) “citizens have a right to drive upon the public streets of the District of Columbia or any other city absent a constitutionally sound reason for limiting their access.”
SEE MUCH MORE HERE.... Subject: supreme court; Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 18:03:30 -0800
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