Friday, February 3, 2017

Was Ronald Reagan the Last Duly Elected President?

by Preston James and Lee Wanta*

Did the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, Cease to Exist on January 20, 1989 when a foreign-based criminal syndicate seized power illegitimately?
The answer appears to be bifurcated with a Yes, followed by a No.
Yes, a foreign-based crime syndicate was able to seize power illegitimately by placing their man in the Presidency which in effect neutralized the ability of the United States of America to operate as a Constitutional Republic.
And also No, even though an illegitimate criminal Cabal seized power after President Reagan left office and has appropriated huge resources to suppress the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as the Rule of Law, the U.S. Constitution still remains the “Law of the Land” and there is a growing mass effort among “We the People” to empower its enforcement and the Rule of Law once again.
This Criminal Cadre that seized control of American Power is alleged to be functioning as a huge worldwide illegal RICO narcotics and weapons trafficking Crime Syndicate linked to American Intel, and represents the City of London Central Banksters and their American Central Bank Franchisee which provide it with vast capital to finance numerous political acquisitions and Black Ops designed to enhance its power.
And there are allegations that this large RICO Crime Syndicate that seized the controls of America on January 20, 1989 also defrauded the normal Presidential election process and forced the inappropriate and mistaken use of the US Supreme Court to do so. And actually, the U.S. Supreme Court as it sits now is not the highest court in America (It is the U. S. District Court of the District of Colombia, an actual Circuit Court and the highest or Supreme Circuit Court provided by the U. S. Constitution to “ride the Circuit” and adjudicate cases in the Thirteen Colonies/States within the existing Rule of Law, whereas the current “U.S. Supreme Court” is actually an illegal political construct often used to deceive the public and make law). There is actually no legal, Constitutional right for the US Supreme Court as it sits now to even exist and it was created unConstitutionally as a political tool to actually subvert the U. S. Constitution and make law. Congress cannot make a law to break a law or violate or rewrite the U. S. Constitution by subversion, political corruption, political influence, inter alia. When Congress creates a new law due to unlawful pressure, monetary and/or personal gain, political influence, this procedure is unlawful and in many cases constitutes influence peddling, bribery, blackmail, human compromise and often RICO.

The Courts must not attempt to make a law to break another law and that is what is done so often nowadays, and it was done concerning Presidential Candidate Albert Gore.
Many believed that Albert Gore was actually the duly elected President. As many remember, there was a substantial vote count dispute in Florida which was wrongly petitioned to the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled in George W. Bush 43’s favor, while many political opponents believed that Albert Gore was actually the duly elected President.
However, some informed sources have also gone on the record stating their view that if Al Gore had been given the Presidency by the US Supreme Court, it would have still been illegitimate anyhow since the Supreme Court did not have proper jurisdiction.
There have also been some very interesting allegations that George H. W. Bush 41 could not have occupied the office legitimately because of claims that his father Prescott Bush was actually from a family line of foreigners and changed his name from George H. Scherf to Prescott Bush and assumed a created, false identity and background (called a “Walk-In” by intel insiders, which is the assuming of a fake identity used to serve as intel cover).
Use of the “Walk-In” technique is not the only means of identity concealment used by the ruling super-elite cabal families. The Rothschilds (AKA Bauers, the world’s top Central Banksters) and other top “bloodline” families have been known for years to transmit their blood lines covertly by use of “planned illegitimate male offspring” to be later promoted to high positions of government and informed along the way when they can handle it that they are one of lucifer’s chosen or one of the “anointed ones”. Can you guess which of the last three Presidents was so “anointed”? The world’s foremost expert on the use of this technique inside merry old England is top world muckraker Greg Hallett who has traced such occurrences in the “Royal Family”.

But the important question remains, how much do we really know about the backgrounds of recent alleged American Presidents since Ronald Reagan?
Selection of key top level American Policy-Makers including Presidents, has been critically important in a high level, foreign based covert criminal conspiracy against America the Republic in order to criminally occupy, infiltrate, hijack, asset strip and use it for sinister purposes.
But astute researchers have begun to notice that the American Populace, as well as the political opponents of recent Presidents since Ronald Reagan have exercised little if any scrutiny of what their true origins are, what their actual family backgrounds, where they actually came from and what covert power they truly represent.
This itself is a great American mystery, a very important continuing question that when answered, will provide a very deep, dark secret about the second Revolutionary War now being waged within America by a “Foreign Enemy Within”.
And some intel insiders expect any such deep inquiry will reveal the long term plan of this foreign enemy within the gates to disassemble and destroy America, A Constitutional Republic, while using America to wage large scale wars for massive profits in order to build up a new worldwide Globalist New World Order (NWO) System of “Super-Fascism”.
The background and identity of Barack Obama is now being seriously questioned.

The process and practice by which top Policy-Makers are groomed and propelled to these top positions, so that they can do the bidding of the secret power behind them, is something that has not been previously addressed effectively. Recently the current American President, Barack H. Obama has found himself in a remarkably polarized political situation over his “Affordable Healthcare Act”.
Some political opponents have suggested he is a CIA sheep-dipped foreigner who used aliases and false social security numbers to receive aid and comfort and has been propelled up into the Presidency by a hidden cadre of powerful handlers hidden in the political background.
Many experts now consider President Obama to be impeachment-proof even though his political opponents believe he has blatantly violated numerous campaign promises which would normally get most American presidents impeached.

And some political opponents have claimed that President Obama has been engaged in the same illegal spying activities that President Richard Nixon was impeached for, only far more extensive (massive NSA warrant-less spying on innocent Americans with no probable cause, and massive spying on so-called foreign allies which are furious now that they have found out about it), as well as the numerous innocent civilian deaths and assassinations from remote controlled drones, fired air to ground missiles.
But because President Obama is believed to be the minority people’s hero, many believe that the major urban centers would be destroyed during urban rioting expected to occur spontaneously were he to be impeached. And besides, there appears to be little opposition to his illegal spying and war activities by Congress either despite some muted public rhetoric.
Apparently the fear of this backlash from the minorities and the poor by politicians has now become prominent, and is intense enough to prevent any serious talk of lawful impeachment. However, it is important to keep in mind that any person sitting as President cannot be duly impeached unless they were actually eligible to be duly elected to Constitutional Office of the President of the United States of America, inter alia in the first place. If a sitting President who was not duly elected according to Constitutional requirements, the solution would be to obtain an order for their removal from office by a valid court order of the the United States District Court of the District of Colombia, an actual Circuit Court that provided by the US Constitution to “travel the circuit of the Thirteen Colonies”, the true highest “Supreme” Constitutional court in the land, and replacement with a validly elected president or Constitutionally approved successor until such election could be held and decided. More on this later.

U.S. Military Law may be applicable to adjudicate the claims of the President’s political opponents.
President Obama has claimed like other American Presidents to be the “Commander in Chief” of the American military. Technically this should place him under authority of a military Court of Justice which operates under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Thus if the charges his political opponents establish “probable cause”, it would be the responsibility of the U.S. Judge Advocate General to have the Provost Marshall General arrest the President for “Impersonating a U.S. Military Officer” and/or other offenses such as drone related war crimes or crimes against humanity that they deemed relevant, and prosecute such charges in a U.S. Court Martial. Note the U.S. Provost Marshall General position was reinstated in 2003 after having been shelved/abolished for 29 years. Could it be that the Military has decided to strengthen its enforcement of the U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice?
And it should be pointed out that numerous serious state crimes and international crimes were committed under the Presidencies of Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 with no effective Congressional efforts to impeach.
Bill Clinton got a free pass too for illegal foreign acts of war.

When Bill Clinton was President, he bombed Bosnia with Congressional support, an apparent war crime, but got a free pass for this misconduct. And yet when he lied about his sexual activities with Monica Lewinsky, Congress impeached him, although he was not convicted and removed from office. The rumored reason for the Monica Lewinsky op against him many consider a typical intel honey trap, has been alleged to be due to his decision to change all tax deposits to direct US Treasury deposits, thereby cutting out the Federal Reserve from the chain of possession, a move which placed billions more in the US Treasury and greatly reduced the deficit which angered the Foreign controlled Central Banksters.
George H.W. Bush has been alleged to have represented an international drug and arms syndicate serving the Central Banksters run out of the City of London.

It has been alleged by highly placed intel sources that George H.W. Bush (41) was deeply in involved in the Iran/Contra guns for drugs affair, run out of South Florida and Mena, Arkansas and was able to avoid exposure and impeachment for these serious crimes which Clinton helped cover up, for which it has been alleged that Clinton was later rewarded with the American presidency.
Literally hundreds of American intel agents and assets used by this foreign based drugs and arms syndicate to carry out their assigned and narrowly compartmented tasks have been routinely set up on trumped up charges, wrongly convicted and imprisoned in places like Vacaville to discredit them from testifying in any real and appropriate Congressional investigations and Grand Juries, were there ever to be any. This is but one example of the complete treachery exercised by this very powerful foreign based drug and arms syndicate which has now hijacked America’s Government.
And what exactly is the overall apparent purpose of this very wealthy and powerful foreign based drug and arms syndicate which is run out of the City of London Financial District, aka the London Central Banksters, who have franchised the American Federal Reserve as their stateside agent?
The purpose of this drug and arms syndicate can be learned from studying the history of the British East India Company, the Opium Wars (Boxer Rebellion), the Russell Trust AKA Skull and Bones Fraternity and Secret Society from Yale University, the massive profits it made, and the massive power it acquired in the top positions of American politics.
In doing so one learns that illegal narcotics trafficking was instituted as a covert mode of war to take down a country and asset strip it. And it is still being used so inside America today by the same entity, the International Crime Syndicate that serves the interests of the City of London Central Banksters. Basically the British Banksters wanted to recover all their Silver and Gold spent in China importing spices and silk so these devised a very crafty and evil means to do so which was the trafficking in habit forming narcotics which can steal a person’s soul. The British Central Banksters have worked hard to develop and refine this and other crafty, covert techniques to divide and conquer. When they began to lose all their colonies around the world they devised a plan to set up or hijack central banks all over the world into a centralized world banking system in order to maintain a new and even more effective means of political control and asset stripping called fiat central banking with interest bearing debt notes issued and used as currency and no real money allowed.
The purpose of these disgusting, anti-human narcotics and weapons trafficking operations is to finance criminal covert operations necessary to engineer and stage wars in order to generate massive profits for the “Merchants of War” and the Central Banks which feed off of them. These actions must be covert because if the American people ever found out about them in mass they would rise up against such abuses of government and banking.

It has been alleged that Prescott Bush was a deep cover intelligence operative that was a “Walk-In”, thereby assuming a false identity and migrating to America from Germany to be folded in and propelled to high political office and initiate a family political Dynasty which would well serve the criminal interests of the British Central Banksters.
Once British Central Banking wealth and power was used to essentially buy off, blackmail, coerce or neutralize almost every single Congress-person, US Government official, High Military and Intel Command and Federal Judge, then the Bush Political Dynasty could be used to serve numerous criminal interests. And they amassed the necessary power to select and propel such men as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to serve as their own personal Presidents.
These criminal interests have also been alleged include manipulating the American Military and Intel to engineer and stage numerous Gladio-style inside-job false-flag attacks in order to falsely provoke illegal, unconstitutional, undeclared foreign wars which generate huge profits and massive increases of centralized military and political power for the War Merchants and Central Banksters. And certainly some believe that George W. Bush (43) allowed 9/11 to be facilitated as an inside-job, deep black, Gladio style false-flag done by a cadre inside the USAF, the JCS with the help of the Mossad and its Sayanim.
Some political opponents also consider Presidents Bush 41 and 43 to have been war criminals, having based both Iraqi wars and the war in Afghanistan on known lies, thus making them completely illegal because they were undeclared, unprovoked and clearly unconstitutional.
It has long been rumored inside top world INTEL circles that the CIA built up President Saddam Hussein to be its bad guy, a.k.a. PAWN, as a counter-balance against Iran and then used U.S. Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie to inform him that Kuwait was using Horizontal Drilling Methods to cross drill into Iraq’s main oil field and that if Hussein decided to do something about it, America would stay out of it and consider it an Inter-Arab regional problem only. This suggests that the first Gulf War was staged by the CIA.
The CIA has a pattern of building up dictators for the military defense complex to take down later once they get out of CIA control. Thus, a constant stream of bad guy enemies is manufactured, providing much needed global financial opportunities and massive war profits from these pre-staged and engineered illegal, unprovoked, undeclared, unConstitutional wars.
Appointment of top Policy-Makers is critically important to the take-down of any nation state by a foreign based power.
Yes, the selection and appointment of key top level Policy-Makers is centrally important in any high level covert criminal conspiracy to take over a nation-state from within in order to occupy, infiltrate, hijack, asset strip and use any such nation state for sinister purposes. And that is exactly what appears to have been done in 1913 with the manipulation of America to enter WW1, and again right before WW2, when certain Wall Street Banks were used to finance the buildup of Nazi Germany.
As many astute students of history know, ever since the City of London Central Banksters lost the Colonies in the Revolutionary War they have striven to retake them through various means which included the War of 1812, the staged Civil War, and finally a covert financial invasion in 1913 which was successful.
At first glance, the first instance in the run up to WW1 appears to have primarily served British central Bankster interests only, and in the second instance the Wall Street financed buildup of the Nazi war machine would seem to have served the interests of the German Nazi party only.
This however is a gross oversimplification because both occurrences are really based on a common thread, the serving of the secret interests of the World Money Changers AKA the OBN, of which the Central Banksters of the City of London are their main agents. Some insiders have referred to this international criminal cadre of illegal narcotics and weapon traffickers as the front men, the action agents for the Fourth Reich, a covert survivor of the Nazi system under Operation Paperclip. But this too is not completely accurate and does not provide the real global picture.
Super-Zionists AKA the NWO Super-Fascists.
Others have claimed that this group should be called the Illuminati or the “Super Zionists”, with many of them actually non-Judaics, and have also claimed that the Central Banksters are their Main Cut-Outs, shielding this group the Illuminati (a.k.a.-OBN). Some experts have linked this alleged group, the Super-Zionists” to the Middle Ages Crusades, the Teutonic Knights and the Hanseatic League, the common thread an obsession with taking and occupying Jerusalem to set up a new and final Roman Empire and the NWO Caesar of the Ages.
They are actually two sides of the same coin because they are cutouts for the same secret top controllers of the world, the City of London Central Banksters and their overlords the Old Black Nobility (OBN) who wish to remain in the background as relative unknowns to prevent themselves from attracting any attention and becoming easy targets.
One top insider once referred to them as two sides of the same coin, with Zionistic Judaism on one side and fourth Reich Nazism on the other side, but with the coin owned by the “World Money Changers” and their small center control group the Old Black Nobility (OBN) which is rumored to be an occult empowered nexus of evil and alien ET influence, some call the “Illuminati” or the “Olympiads”. If true, this would explain quite a few mysteries of how world politics actually functions.
A very deep dark secret explains some very strange political realities.
Now we are going to reveal a very deep, dark secret of the evil residing in the background of many “public policy decisions” made by only a few top Policy-Makers. One would expect that the supposed energetic, “highly motivated”, “committed” supporters and protectors of the Judaic people, the ADL, AIPAC and the like, would have immediately publicized the Nazi background of Wall Street Banker/financier Prescott Bush and the Bush Dynasty and scream it from every rooftop, day in and day out since they claim to have the very best intel in the world.
However this has not happened and will never happen. Here’s why and the answer to this and many similar oddities of the relationships between political groups that should be opposed to each other but in reality ARE NOT. The reason that the ADL, AIPAC and the like have not gone after the Bush Dynasty is that they work for the same top Policy-Makers, that is they are both sides of the same team (both sides of the same coin) working for the Central Banksters of the City of London. This was true before, during and after WW2, yes and still continues to this day, just like the Republicans and Democrats fighting over their pieces of pie, but still working for the same top Policy-Makers, the Central Banksters and all their financial Cutouts and bagmen/lobbyists.
This bifurcation of power into apparent opposing groups create excellent cover and deception and prevents almost all of the public from ever figuring out who the Wizard of Oz/banking officials are behind the curtain. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws.” This is a very crafty methodology that is used as a cookie cutter formula for so many seemingly strange societal phenomena. Want a war, then set up, train, finance terrorists to attack your nation and harm innocents. Always work both sides of any issue to guide it in the direction you want. And the direction is ALWAYS directed by the very few top Policy-Makers who sit at the top of the hierarchy of control or this international crime syndicate run out of the City of London Financial District. Want bigger central government, then use government to covertly create a huge problem that only a bigger government can supposedly resolve.
And actually some experts who have studied the failing American political process in great depth have discovered that the hidden Cabal that runs everything uses very crafty formulas to fool the public while they institute change in ways quite hard to decipher.
Yes, these hidden occult masters have been rumored to have set up two major parties, the Republicans and Democrats who battle it out over taxpayer funds, access to hug corporate payments from lobbyists, revolving door private jobs and consulting positions, but all the while work for the same power system at the top of the control grid or “Pyramid of Power”, the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). (1)
This provides great cover for those at the top who have overall control because they control the system. Thus the Ruling Cabal always seems to provide its own set of opposing groups to control the way that all political matters develop and keep the arguments limited to a desired parameters that they control.
It is this same strategy of playing both sides that is very craftily deployed to engineer wars for massive war profits for the True “Merchants of War”, the Central Banksters and their military Industrial complex. Thus you find terror groups being secretly created, trained and financed by these Banksters using cutouts so they can use these “owned terrorists” to stage Gladio style, false-flag attacks in order to serve as the false but believable premises which can used to bring and otherwise uncooperative nation into illegal, unconstitutional wars for profit.
Linkeage to certain historical bloodlines alleged to go back all the way to ancient Babylon.
It has been alleged that these groups which comprise the worldwide illegal narcotics and arms trafficking syndicate are linked to certain known bloodlines that go all the way back to ancient Babylonia and the Black Arts such as Babylonian Money-Magic System which is based on pernicious usury, deceit and fraud as well as numerous other dark practices of deception and darkness. It is believed by numerous researchers who have studied the “Illuminati” aka “the Olympiads” that secrecy provides necessary cover for their power. If they are fully exposed for their evil practices, crimes against humanity and deceptions, they will eventually be stopped from functioning.
This international crime syndicate must have darkness and secrecy to enact their abject evil effectively without significant blow-back and significant corrective reactions.

A non-controlled major mass media is a strong disinfectant and would result in their full exposure and derailment, but we have not had that in America for the last 50 years, ever since this international crime syndicate hijacked America through the Federal Reserve British central bank Franchise.
However it should be pointed out that the days of a Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) in America appear to be limited because the alternative, independent, non-controlled mass media provided by the worldwide Internet is becoming increasingly popular and is clearly now displacing and will soon completely surpass and erode the CMMM. It is expected that this will be coffin nails to this international crime syndicate and they know it so do not be surprised if they try to complete their goal of destroying the United States of America through desperate measures such as starting a nuclear WW3 or completely collapsing the American economy. As many know this goal has been to destroy the United States of America the Republic ever since the City of London Banksters lost the Revolutionary War when the Colonies gained independence.
Some insiders have alleged that the International crime syndicate run out of the City of London is based on a common thread of luciferianism, secret worship of ancient gods and identity theft AKA using “walk-Ins”.
It is now known by top INTEL experts that this group increased their global power and reach during the middle ages by, in many cases operating as some of the first identity thieves. This occurred when some of these families who were Babylonian Luciferians, operating as professional highwaymen, robbing then killing their prey after which they in some cases stole their identities by dressing like them and “walking into” their personal lives. Over time some of these families became very wealthy and worked their way up the food chain in several European societies and were integrated into the highest levels.
These individuals were very crafty, had absolutely no concern for the welfare of others and there is reason to believe that they had lost their souls at some point in time. They had a deep inner obsession to take over the entire world and actually devised plans to create Secret Societies that could be used to generate a hidden worldwide control grid which would gather, control and pass out society’s wealth and power to serve their special needs. Some believe these folks claim to secretly be either anointed by Lucifer or even “super-mensch” or part god as was believed during Greek and Roman times to be a trait of top leadership. Others suspect that these family lines are alien ET/human hybrids, perhaps what is identified in the Book of Enoch or the KJB.
For those that are the operational leaders of these bloodlines at any single time, it has been alleged that these leaders have no known conscience or provable human soul.

Whatever they are, it does seem obvious that they do not have normal human consciences and traits, seem to be driven by greed, lust for power and fame and just cannot understand or feel reciprocally for others. They appear to have lost their very souls, what many believe defines one as human-less and reports suggest that they engage in systematic ritual blood sacrifices to Lucifer or other gods of Roman and Greek mythology in conspiracy with other leaders in their secret group settings. It is alleged that they do this in order to gain more power, which is provided to them as a reward for working together with other world leaders to create as much human suffering, misery and death as possible without exposing themselves.
This requires extremely crafty maneuverings and long terms plans which encompass many generations. Their goal: to create a one-world Global NWO “Super-Fascist” system that will succeed where the Roman Empire failed. These folks call themselves the “Olympiads” to each other and desire to “manipulate” all world governments, that is merge their mechanism of “Statism” within the international corporations, while neutralizing their national sovereignty and capturing them in a worldwide system of immoral debt and total financial collapse.
Super-Fascism, the merger of the State and the international corporation, with the corporation in the driver’s seat.
John Buchanan on Bush/Nazi connection:

YouTube - Veterans Today -
In Nazi Germany the State and the Corporation merged, but the state remained supreme. However in the new super-fascism which is not emerging and engulfing the world, the state and the International Corporations merge with the corporations having been able to gain near complete control over the nation-state, able to use it at their bidding to start and fight wars of aggression for immoral profit and for secondary occult reasons.
Numerous experts have warned about the tendency for America to be drifting into hard core totalitarianism under Presidents Bush 41 and 43, President Clinton, and Obama, related to their illegal, unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared foreign wars and police actions. There have been reports that at present America is fighting in sixteen different African and Mideast nations with “special operators” and mercenary forces in undeclared, illegal, unconstitutional, unprovoked secret wars which are wasting billions of US Dollars each month.
The Bush Family Political Dynasty.

Some have suggested that since the JFK Assassination the Bush Family Dynasty has risen to total power and has been in control ever since George H.W. Bush 41 was allegedly elected outside U.S. Constitutional Requirements, using Clinton, George W. Bush 43 and now Obama as the Bush Family Dynasty’s designated appointees. But if this is true, what power does this truly represent, the Bush family alone or some mysterious Power Center behind them?
Some highly placed intel contacts believe that the so-called Bush dynasty is merely a Cut-Out for the British Central Zionist Banksters operating out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country with its own ambassadors like the Vatican. That is, that the Bushes represent the Central (Private) Banksters who serve the real hidden masters and do their bidding.
Who are the real hidden masters behind the Bush Family Political Dynasty?

Who are these hidden masters and do what they want? Well, it seems quite clear that these hidden masters want war as a continuing profit generating enterprise and thus numerous experts have referred to them as the “Merchants of War”. The profits from hijacking nations and engineering a war can be overwhelming and beyond the capacity of the average citizen to comprehend. Those that finance own and control these massive war industries have access to large quantities of funds far beyond what anything else could provide. Others have emphasized the worldwide occult network the true controllers at the nexus of this international crimes syndicate control and use as a means to hide many of their secret activities all over the world, thus referring to them as the “Occult Masters”.
During Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s presidency in 1934, a group of right wing American corporate leaders tried to employ U.S. General Smedley Butler to stage a coup d’État using dissatisfied Army veterans. He refused and went public with this fascist plot, but it is rarely covered in the American history books or discussed in history class or the Controlled major Mass Media for what it really was.
The 1933 Business plot, a fascist attempt to take over America by the British Central Banksters and their stateside cutouts: 

YouTube - Veterans Today -
There are some very interesting unanswered questions about the background of the Bush Family and its origins.
If one traces the Bush Family Dynasty back a ways, one certainly finds some very interesting questions that do not appear to have legitimate answers and solvable mysteries of its origin and development in Our Great Nation America.
In two very interesting articles, Don Nicoloff has made some rather wild claims that New York Financier Prescott Bush was actually a German INTEL operative named George Scherf, Sr. brought over to work his way into Nicolay Tesla’s life and to be promoted up the industrial food chain where he could feed the Nazi war machine. In the first article author Nicoloff details the complex Scherf family background and the detailed evidence and gaps suggesting that Prescot Bush was actually a Scherf “Walk-In”. (2)
In the second article, author Nicoloff details the attempts by the Bush Dynasty to silence Lee Wanta who had served as President Ronald Reagan’s Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine [92 U.S. 105, 107 (1875), National Security Decision – Directive Number 166, dated March 27, 1985, inter alia] and prevent him from completing his U.S. Presidential Mandated assignments. (3)
President Franklin Roosevelt seized the assets of Union Bank during WW2 in 1942 for trading with the enemy (Nazi Germany). (4)
And recently more evidence has been emerging of a Prescott Bush/Nazi financial connection. (5)
Intel insiders claim that Prescott Bush and other Bank Officers or Shareholders were arrested for treason but that a top secret immunity agreement was worked out to protect the FDR administration from a loss of confidence during a critical period during the war and because of the Money and central Bankster power behind Prescott Bush. This agreement allegedly provided that no-one would be prosecuted if Prescott Bush agreed to stay out of politics and never hold any US Government office and if all his family descendants also stayed out of such too.
But this agreement also stipulated that the deep black family secret that Prescott Bush was actually a Scherf “Walk-In’” and an intel operative of the Reich would be kept as a state secret under lock and file as long as the Bushes aka the Scherfs stayed out of political office in America. It has also been alleged that after the war the seized assets of Union Bank were returned by the US Government to the Officers and Shareholders of Union Bank which included the Prescott Bush as a part of this secret immunity agreement.
The strange case of theft of national security documents by former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger from the National Archives.
As some may remember, the National Security Adviser under President Clinton at the end of Clinton’s term, was caught stealing some highly sensitive top secret documents from the secret reading room of the National Archives after which he destroyed some. Normally if someone did this they would be facing serious felony charges and many years in a Federal Prison. However Sandy Berger got off with a mere hand slap figuratively, receiving probation, a fine of 50,000 USD and court costs of 6,905 USD. (6)
Exactly what top secret documents did Sandy Berger steal, and which did he destroy?
It has been speculated by informed intel sources that what Sandy Berger stole and destroyed was the original immunity agreement between the US Administration and Prescott Bush which contained information of the Scherf to Bush “Walk-In” identity transformation, allowing a trained German intel officer to penetrate American Banking and political scene and aid the buildup of Nazi Germany on behalf of the British Central Banksters.
And theft of important documents relating to Presidential matters is currently also an issue too.
“Recently the investigator assigned by the U.S. Department of State was murdered after beginning an investigation into missing passport documents related to President Obama. Lt. Harris told federal Investigators before he was murdered that he received passport information from a co-conspiractor who works for the U.S. Department of State.” (7)
Now if you think this narrative about FDR, the Trading with the Enemies arrest of Prescott Bush and the seizure of the Union Bank assets could not include a special Top Secret immunity agreement with Prescott Bush, that such would be completely improbable, remember that there is recent good documentation that suggests otherwise. It is now known that Hitler actually survived WW2, leaving a dead double or “doppelganger” in his bunker, and was actually a British agent mind-kontrolled at Tavistock Institute in London in 1921 who allowed the escape of a large number of French and British soldiers and Dunkirk during the early days of WW2. (8)
Conclusions about these serious unanswered questions:
The best available evidence suggests that there are many unanswered but very important questions about the actual origins and power-base of Presidents since Ronald Wilson Reagan. Certainly many astute students of contemporary history see what is now happening inside the US Government, the American Military and American Intel as a replay of what happened inside Nazi Germany during the 1930’s or inside Stasi East Germany under the evils of Communism.
Are the same central Banksters from the City of London attempting to do this on a worldwide scale, while at the same time finally deconstructing America the Republic as revenge for losing the Colonies, a great source of wealth stripped off the backs of the Colonists through onerous taxation? Now as the alternative media on the worldwide internet takes it increasing daily toll on these evil, hidden occult masters and their secret games of political influence peddling, bribery, and neutralizations and murder, their secrets are being exposed to the light of day and their power is finding serious limitations as the sleeping masses awake.
Without the ability to continue their secret evil machinations, their exposure and end of evil power would seem to wane imminent.
In this article the authors have raised some interesting and important unanswered questions and provided some possible answers. But ultimately it is up to each interested reader to do his or her own research and come to their own conclusions about these questions.
But it certainly appears that since January 20, 1989, based on all the findings of fact and conclusions demarcated by the above arguments, all treaties negotiated and signed including NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, and WTO as well as all Federal Election Laws too, and all related matters are null and void and cannot be exercised under the US Constitution.
This article is dedicated to all active US American Military Service men and women, and Veterans of the US Military who deserve to know the truth about how the US Government has been hijacked by a foreign based enemy within. Despite all attempts to debase, degrade and ruin the American Military, the protector of America Liberty and Freedom, it still remains staffed by some of the best Americans one could ever imagine who are becoming more and more informed every day of the Central Bankers plot to asset strip Our Great Nation America, make huge profits for the “Merchants of War”, and destroy America.

* Lee Wanta was a former Presidential Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine [92 U.S. 105, 107 (1875), National Security Decision – Directive Number 166, dated March 27, 1985, inter alia] under U.S. President Ronald W. Reagan, whom some experts consider to be our last legally and duly elected President. Ambassador Wanta served – under Presidential Mandate – as a close personal consultant to President Reagan and was credited with having a major role engineering an end to the Soviet Union Cold War and the “tearing down of the Iron Curtain”. His remarkable story is now revealed in detail for the first time in a book authored by his biographer, Marilyn MaGruder Barnewell, titled, Wanta! Black Swan. White Hat. (9)

It's the Political System, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 30


By Anna Von Reitz

This comes from our brethren in South Africa, where the struggle to be free and at peace has always been a constant issue:
"One of the architects of the central banking system, Sir Denison Miller is attributed with saying: “This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished.”
So there it is again--- divide and conquer, pillar or post, either/or, Democrats or Republicans. 
"They"--- whoever "they" are, select them, and we then have no choice but to elect them.
And the entire presumed difference between the two political parties is just that--- a difference that we only believe exists based on external signs and rhetoric, but which in fact is staged and purposeful and illusory.  I thought of the endless squabbles we have had over useless things, and could only nod as I read the quote. 
Millions are unemployed, millions of families are routinely destroyed, our educational system is falling apart, our science is politicized, bridges are literally falling down and we are wasting time arguing about transgender bathrooms.  Truly, modern politics is a circus in the sense of the Roman coliseum-- something to distract and entertain us while the Visigoths are creeping through the weeds and crooks are plundering the public treasury. 
The real business of a public government isn't being done in America and it hasn't been done in a very long time, and that is largely because we have political parties to distract us. 
Teddy Roosevelt knew the real purpose of political parties.  That's why when he couldn't find support from the Republican Party, he formed his own Bull Moose Party.  Find an emblem.  Raise a flag.  Get your gang to outspend their gang. And whatever you do, keep things polarized.
How about this idea from a recent newspaper column in Anchorage, Alaska?
---The Yellow Lab Party?  Where politicians are honest and friendly and truly concerned about the public well-being?  They may be eager for treats, but their intentions are good.
Even if you view all political parties with a jaundiced eye, as I do, and even if you admit that they serve no good purpose beyond entertainment and debate--- why only two parties?  Boring, polarizing, always the same.  Democrats get into office and spend the public purse and cheat the people blind.  Republicans get into office and spend the public purse and cheat the people blind. 
Where is the entertainment value in that? It's like wasting your money on a bad, predictable, cheesy movie year after year, decade after decade. And I just love it when people say, "You'll waste your vote!" if you choose anything different.  Waste my vote?  What vote did I ever have in the first place? 
None whatsoever. 
Corrupt private political parties chose the candidate roster.  Corrupt private political parties chose the issues to be addressed.  Corrupt private political parties came up with the emblems.  Donkeys and elephants?  Come on, now, how lame is that? 
No, don't blame me for any of it. I recognize it as Babylonian sophistry designed to placate the masses and make everyone think that they have a dog in the fight and even convince them that there is a fight, when in actuality, it's just two gangs vying for a franchise to practice legalized theft. It all has the same results.
There is nothing honorable or meaningful involved, just a perennial choice between Awfully Bad and Really, Really Terrible.  This is, no doubt, the primary reason that over two-thirds of Americans just close their eyes and block it all out.
Politics and political parties, the only means of change offered by the Game Masters, is in fact a form of co-option.  If you play the game at all, you become responsible for it and for its outcomes. 
Many people get deluded and desperately concerned about politics, because they mistakenly believe that this is their remedy and the only way that they have to steer the boat.
I would argue that simply by not doing anything related to the corporate dog-and-pony show, by not registering, by not participating, by waking up--- you vote against the system itself. You also deny them that quintessentially important thing: a public mandate.
While no Mainstream Media or politician is likely to comment on this fact, there hasn't been a public mandate for or against anything in America for decades.  Not enough people vote in these phony elections to create a mandate. There is never anything close to even a 51% majority.
And without a mandate, what the governmental services corporations do is obviously and strictly private and lacking authority even in their funky system of things.
Saul Alinsky wrote his Rules for Radicals.  So now, I am writing mine.
Sometimes not doing something is as important as working your rump off. Simply refusing to participate can be a revolutionary act, and can be more effective in securing change than all the efforts of all armies in the world.
Having rescinded any Voter Registrations and washed your hands of any responsibility related to the political parties, you are now free to spend your money and time restoring your actual government and making it strong enough to hand these charlatans their hats.
Always remember that you are dealing with a governmental services corporation which is in the business of selling you governmental services. That isn't going to change no matter who gets elected to fill their private corporate offices. 
The far more important and necessary change is for us to speak to our public servants and tell them what we need done and how much we are willing to pay for it.  Instead of letting the Republic be represented by for-hire lackeys who have a built-in conflict of interest, it's time to present ourselves and direct our own business affairs through our own Jural Assemblies, land jurisdiction counties, and land jurisdiction states. 
Put all the energy you sidetracked into arguing over such vital issues as unisex bathrooms and traffic cameras, and all the money you spent on political candidates, too, into restoring your rightful government.

With your rightful government restored, you won't have to worry about who gets elected to run the governmental services corporations--- because whoever gets elected to that job will have to answer to you, and not just because you gave them a donation. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Largest Human Trafficking Incident In U.S.:

Super  Bowl  Is  Single  Largest  Human  Trafficking  Incident  In  U.S.:  Attorney  General

03/02/2013 16:04 SAST
Eleanor Goldberg
The Huffington Post  

When it came time for the Super Bowl, Clemmie Greenlee was expected to sleep with anywhere from 25 to 50 men a day. It’s a staggering figure, but it doesn’t shock advocates who say that the sporting event attracts more traffickers than any other in the U.S.

New Concerns over Human Trafficking
at Super Bowl

"The Super Bowl is the greatest show on Earth, but it also has an ugly underbelly," Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott told USA Today in 2011 when his state was gearing up to host the event. "It's commonly known as the single largest human trafficking incident in the United States." 

 Shhh!  Don't Say Anything!

The influx of fans fosters the optimal breeding ground for pimps looking to boost their profits. Experts say that the sheer number of men looking to pay for sex substantially increases demand and the massive crowds allow for pimps and victims to essentially go unnoticed, reports.
"It's not so much that you become a victim at the Super Bowl, but that many victims are brought in to be used for all the men at the Super Bowl," Stephanie Kilper, a representative for Operation Freedom Taskforce in Akron, Ohio -- an organization which aims to end to human trafficking –- told

 Super Bowl: Human Trafficking
According to Forbes, 10,000 prostitutes were brought to Miami for the Super Bowl in 2010 and 133 underage arrests for prostitution were made in Dallas during the 2011 Super Bowl. 

Prostitution of minors is considered trafficking under federal law. 

Greenlee, a former sex trafficking victim who was abducted and raped by her captors at 12, told the Times-Picayune that she was shuttled around cities in the South to work as a prostitute at large-scale events. The 53-year-old, who now works as an advocate for sex trafficking victims in Louisiana, said there was immense pressure to meet her traffickers’ demands at events like the Super Bowl. 

"If you don't make that number (of sex customers), you're going to dearly, dearly, severely pay for it," Greenlee told the Times-Picayune."I mean with beatings, I mean with over and over rapings. With just straight torture. The worst torture they put on you is when they make you watch the other girl get tortured because of your mistake."

But some advocates argue that the statistics for the instances of trafficking at the Super Bowl are overstated. A Village Voice article from 2012 challenged Abbott’s claims with reports from Tampa and Phoenix officials who said that they didn’t see a “huge” influx in prostitutes when their respective cities hosted the Super Bowl.

Rachel Lloyd, founder of GEMS –- which describes itself as New York’s only organization that serves women who have experienced sexual exploitation and trafficking -- responded to the story in a HuffPost blog in which she agreed with the paper’s stance. While she recognized that Village Voice Media profits from the sex ads it posts on its, she agreed with the paper that trafficking figures at the Super Bowl are exaggerated and said that victims are at greatest risk when the crowds dissipate. 

“The real crime is happening when no one's looking and no one cares, not when every media outlet, advocate and cop has its sights set on it,” Lloyd wrote in her blog.
As of Friday, five women were rescued and eight human-trafficking related arrests were made in New Orleans, according to FOX 8. 

To help crack down on the number of sex trafficking cases this weekend, law enforcement agencies and advocacy groups are collaborating with local businesses. 

They’re handing out pamphlets to local clubs and bars, explaining what to look out for and advocacy groups have been doling out bars of soap to hotels that have hotline numbers etched on them so that victims in need of an escape know where they can turn for help.

"We treat these people as victims,” Ray Parmer, the local special agent-in-charge with Immigration and Customs Enforcement told FOX 8. “They are not arrested, they are not removed from the United States, we treat them as victims.”

California human trafficking raids

Nearly 500 arrested in California human trafficking raids

Wed Feb 1, 2017 | 3:18 PM EST
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Almost 500 people were arrested in a crackdown on human trafficking in California, police said on Wednesday, in raids that also led to the rescue of more than 50 victims, including children. 

Police said they had rescued 28 children, some of whom had been reported missing, and also 27 adults who had been coerced into prostitution. 

"We let everybody know throughout the state that ... we're going to aggressively go after the pimps and the exploiters, as well as the johns and especially the johns that think that they can prey on the minors," said Kent Wegener, a lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

Police arrested 474 people and freed victims in and around cities from Los Angeles to San Diego and Santa Barbara in state-wide raids over three days in late January, Wegener said. 

Charges against those arrested include pimping, solicitation of prostitution and human trafficking, said the San Diego Country District Attorney's office in a statement. 

The crackdown was carried out to coincide with the end of Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January, which former President Barack Obama proclaimed in 2014. 

More cases of human trafficking were reported in California than in any other U.S. state last year, according to data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center's hotline. 

Some 5,500 cases of sex trafficking were reported to the center's hotline nationwide last year, according to its website. 

Globally, nearly 21 million people are victims of human trafficking, according to the U.N.'s International Labour Organization. An estimated 4.5 million of them are forced into sex work.

(Reporting by Sebastien Malo @sebastienmalo, Editing by Astrid Zweynert. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, property rights, climate change and resilience. Visit

What the HECK is going on here?

President Donald Trump, and
General Joseph Dunford

We are now in to February 2017...........

- NO public announcements have been made about the 'firing' of Rothschild's Federal Reserve Banking system and the creation of the new Treasury for the restored Republic

- NO public announcements have been made about restoration of the nation's gold backed currency

- NO announcements have been made about NESARA

- NO public announcements have been made about the restoration of the Republic, or

- about the U.S.A. crime syndicate being out of business - OR IS IT?

- Or that the IRS has been merged in to the Treasury of the Republic with 2 duties:

(1) to REIMBURSE ALL taxes that were unlawfully extorted out of the people's pay, returning those monies to the people in full, and

(2) The ONLY tax to be assessed by the IRS is that on NEW items such as autos, boats, homes, etc. There is NO tax on 'used' items.

- No public televised programs to educate the American people about how this nation got in all the trouble it is in now, and the changes currently being made to correct those situations and why

Therefore, all the unlawful activities of the FORMER crime syndicate U.S.A. Inc. continue.  The people continue to have 'taxes' extorted from their paychecks when these deductions were illegal in the first place and are no longer to occur under the Republic.  And the people are being fraudulently prosecuted and sentenced  for 'crimes' that are bogus.











IRS - A 'small' sampling of the FRAUD upon the people

The REAL IRS Scandal THEY won't tell you about
 with Testimonies by IRS Agents

Truth Behind The Illegal IRS System Revealed

Former IRS Agent tells all

Ex IRS agent tells it like it is

Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC

IRS Insider Joe Banister Exposes Federal Reserve Coup and IRS Fraud

IRS Fraud: There Is No Law That Requires You To File A 1040!

 Federal Income Tax - Why you should not pay

Tax Code not written to apply to Americans, including Social Security tax

More Than Ever, It's Time To Learn The Truth About The Income Tax

60 Minutes IRS Tax Return Fraud


Another Travel Ban: IRS Moves To Revoke Passports For Unpaid Taxes ?

I focus on taxes and litigation.
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

President Trump’s executive order on travel may be generating big protests, but an IRS missive on travel and passports may not go down too well, either. More than a year ago, in H.R.22, Congress gave the IRS a new weapon to collect taxes.  (This 'congress' was a division of the crime syndicate U.S.A., and is now officially out of business since the Republic government has been restored to the American people. This 'law' would have applied ONLY to the corporation employees anyway but certainly does NOT apply to sovereign Americans of the Republic now.)  

Tax code Section 7345 is labeled, “Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Certain Tax Delinquencies.” The law isn’t limited to criminal tax cases, or even cases where the IRS thinks you are trying to flee. The idea of the law is to use travel as a way to enforce tax collections. It was proposed and rejected in 2012. But by late 2015, Congress passed it and President Obama signed it.

Now, over a year later, the IRS has finally released new details on its website. If you have seriously delinquent tax debt, IRS can notify the State Department. The State Department generally will not issue or renew a passport after receiving certification from the IRS. The IRS has not yet started certifying tax debt to the State Department. (How can this be? The entire IRS system was total FRAUD, and FRAUD upon the people is supposed to be forgiven as if it never was an issue in the first place.)

The IRS says certifications will begin in early 2017, and the IRS website will be updated to indicate when this process has been implemented. (This statement needs to be exposed and debunked as FRAUD.)

Here is the new information from the IRS. 'Seriously delinquent tax debt' is an individual’s unpaid, 'legally enforceable federal tax' ??? debt totaling more than $50,000 (including interest and penalties, but subject to an inflation adjustment) for which: (Understand - the amount 'assessed' of the victim - which could NEVER be substantiated by an IRS agent - along with any interest and penalties were MADE UP out of thin air by the IRS employee, and whatever the victim paid to the IRS - that IRS employee received a commission on that payment - a collection agency for the enemy of our nation.)
  • A notice of federal tax lien has been filed and all administrative remedies under IRC § 6320 have lapsed or been exhausted or
  • A levy has been issued (There is NO LEGAL LEVY - they put the statement on your credit report and screw you with it but they cannot produce a LEGAL LEVY OR LIEN!! Their 'business' is TOTAL FRAUD. The IRS can be SUED IF you can obtain the honest names of the thieves who ruin your lives with their phony levies - which never end - and liens and threats, along with invasions of your business and homes, and the seizure of your property  This organization and its unlawful collection agents are fraudulent, part of the criminal banking system, and should be arrested, tried and receive just punishment for their crimes against humanity.)
Some tax debt is not included in determining seriously delinquent tax debt, even if it meets the above criteria. It includes tax debt:

Recommended by Forbes
  • Being paid in a timely manner under  an installment agreement entered into with the IRS
  • Being paid in a timely manner under an offer in compromise accepted by the IRS or a settlement agreement entered into with the Justice Department
  • For which a collection due process hearing is timely requested in connection with a levy to collect the debt
  • For which collection has been suspended because a request for innocent spouse relief under IRC Section 6015 has been made
Before denying a passport, the State Department will hold your application for 90 days to allow you to: (This situation has GOT to be corrected NOW! The people deserve to have all monies extorted from their pay, including all 'fines and penalties',  levys and liens, and all stolen properties, court costs, jail time, etc. should be reimbursed to them to them immediately with fines and penalties to be paid to each victim.)
  • Resolve any erroneous certification issues
  • Make full payment of the tax debt
  • Enter into a satisfactory payment alternative with the IRS
There is no grace period for resolving the debt before the State Department revokes a passport.

Taxpayer Notification. The IRS is required to notify you in writing at the time the IRS certifies seriously delinquent tax debt to the State Department. The IRS is also required to notify you in writing at the time it reverses certification. The IRS will send written notice by regular mail to your last known address. (Does this not encompass charges of MAIL FRAUD on the part of the IRS?  The RICO Act?  Even the head of the IRS has admitted in court that the IRS and taxes are FRAUD.)

Reversal Of Certification. The IRS will notify the State Department of the reversal of the certification when:
  • The tax debt is fully satisfied or becomes legally unenforceable.
  • The tax debt is no longer seriously delinquent.
  • The certification is erroneous.
The IRS will provide notice as soon as practicable if the certification is erroneous. The IRS will provide notice within 30 days of the date the debt is fully satisfied, becomes legally unenforceable or ceases to be seriously delinquent tax debt. A previously certified debt is no longer seriously delinquent when:
  • You and the IRS enter into an installment agreement allowing you to pay the debt over time.
  • The IRS accepts an offer in compromise to satisfy the debt.
  • The Justice Department enters into a settlement agreement to satisfy the debt.
  • Collection is suspended because you request innocent spouse relief under IRC Section 6015.
  • You make a timely request for a collection due process hearing in connection with a levy to collect the debt.
The IRS will not reverse certification where a taxpayer requests a collection due process hearing or innocent spouse relief on a debt that is not the basis of the certification. Also, the IRS will not reverse the certification because the taxpayer pays the debt below $50,000.

Judicial Review. If the IRS certified your debt to the State Department, you can file suit in the U.S. Tax Court or a U.S. District Court to have the court determine whether the certification is erroneous, or the IRS failed to reverse the certification when it was required to do so. If the court determines the certification is erroneous or should be reversed, it can order reversal of the certification.

IRC Section 7345 does not provide the court authority to release a lien or levy or award money damages in a suit to determine whether a certification is erroneous. You are not required to file an administrative claim or otherwise contact the IRS to resolve the erroneous certification issue before filing suit in the U.S. Tax Court or a U.S. District Court.

Payment of Taxes. If you can’t pay the full amount you owe, you can make alternative payment arrangements such as an installment agreement or an offer in compromise and still keep your U.S. passport. If you disagree with the tax amount or the certification was made in error, you should contact the phone number listed on Notice CP 508C. If you’ve already paid the tax debt, please send proof of that payment to the address on the Notice CP 508C. If you recently filed your tax return for the current year and expect a refund , the IRS will apply the refund to the debt and if the refund is sufficient to satisfy your seriously delinquent tax debt, the account is considered fully paid.

Passport Status. If you need to verify whether your U.S. passport has been cancelled or revoked, you should contact the State Department by calling the National Passport Information Center at 877-487-2778. If you need your U.S. passport to keep your job, once your seriously delinquent tax debt is certified, you must fully pay the balance, or make an alternative payment arrangement to keep your passport. Once you’ve resolved your tax problem with the IRS, the IRS will reverse the certification within 30 days of resolution of the issue.

Travel. If you’re leaving in a few days for international travel and need to resolve passport issues, you should call the phone number listed on Notice CP 508C. If you already have a U.S. passport, you can use your passport until you’re notified by the State Department that it’s taking action to revoke or limit your passport. If the Secretary of State decides to revoke a passport, the Secretary of State, before making the revocation, may—
  • Limit a previously issued passport only for return travel to the United States; or
  • Issue a limited passport that only permits return travel to the United States.
If your passport is cancelled or revoked, after you’re certified, you must resolve the tax debt by paying the debt in full, making alternative payment arrangements or showing that the certification is erroneous. The IRS will notify the State Department of the reversal of your certification within 30 days of the date the tax debt is resolved.

For alerts to future tax articles, email me at This article is not legal advice.

The author obviously is a brainwashed puppet for the U.S.A. CRIME SYNDICATE / Rothschild / NWO / Vati-CON slave masters.  Wood has no idea what is happening in this nation.   

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thank You, and No, I Can't Keep Up.....And Did You Know You Are in The Service?


By Anna Von Reitz

This morning I looked in my email inbox and saw 50,410 unanswered emails blinking at me.  There is no way on Earth that I can answer all or even a small fraction of these. It just isn't possible.  If I had a full-time staff devoted to answering emails for me, they might keep up.  As it is, it would take 50 people working over 1,000 emails each today.
Realizing--- and finally admitting---- that I am never, ever going to be able to get through all those emails, I just had to hit the "delete" button and hope that the ultimate answers to the mysteries of government and life were not part of the overload.
I also had a heartbreaking question forwarded to me by my Webmaster --- a friend who has been sending $10 a month since September and never got a thank you from me.  Did it arrive?  Did it make a difference?  I burst into tears.
We could never come so far, so fast, without the good wishes and help and prayers and $10 donations.  This has been a very, very hard winter for everyone on my team, including me.  There have been deaths, accidents, illnesses, injuries--- you name it, we've had it.  It's as if Satan himself took an interest in making our lives miserable the past four months, and with all those setbacks, we wouldn't have survived it without all of you coming forward and sending us money for gas and copy service and stamps.
I had to sit back and shake my head. I can't even keep up with thanking all the people all over this country who are and who have been loyally supporting the research and the efforts of our Living Law Firm team.  Again, it just isn't possible.  I would have to spend all day every day on nothing but correspondence ---- and then I wouldn't get the actual work done that you want me to do.
So, yes, your PayPal donations to do matter, and so do all the checks and money orders and other gifts sent to me in care of Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.   You have all helped lift the burden and make it bearable and though I admit to many sins, ingratitude is not one of them!  I do get the mail eventually and I bless you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Here is today's strange but true tidbit that we all need to know:  your SURNAME is that of a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marines known as a Withholding Agent; HE is under a services contract which makes HIM responsible for paying the DEBTS of the government. 
Isn't that cute?  All these years they had you convinced that you were paying debts that you owed, but in fact, you are merely a faceless military services subcontractor tasked with paying off the debts of the UNITED STATES and its franchises. As long as you retain a SURNAME, you are presumed to be operating in their foreign system and to be obligated in this way.
So one of the key points to make and prove is that you are no longer in any form of military, quasi-military, or civil service employment.  And if they think you are, then they need to produce the contract and the dates and the amounts you have been paid and the name of your supervisor and your job description and all the rest of it.
Once again we find that this entire system is built on nothing more than deceit and self-interested lies.  Pure bunko. 

So the work excavating the manure pile goes on, and this is what occupies my time and the time of many others every day.  We are now at a point where we can begin pulling together the actual pleadings to bring suit against the rats in international courts.  Stay tuned for more to come. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Trump Transition Team Contacted personally by Lee Wanta (Part II)

Lee Wanta's secret plan for an American Canal is now being revealed publicly

by  Preston James

In Part I, it was disclosed that Lee Wanta has personally contacted the Trump Transition team and informed them of his well-engineered plan to construct a state-of-the-art high speed Maglev railroad across the USA, paid for from his funds held at Argo Trust.
The Transition Team is now aware that Wanta is ready to begin construction as soon as the Trump Administration flexes its muscle to provide access to his funds now frozen in Argo Trust run by Trustees Hayden, Bush and Cheney (without Wanta’s permission).
But there is even more to this story.
Not only did Wanta inform the Trump Transition Team of his well-engineered plan for this much needed Maglev Railroad, which would provide an immediate 2 million good-paying job opportunities, he also informed them of a previously secret plan to build an “American Canal” connecting the Gulf through to the Pacific Ocean.
This canal would follow the border of the USA with Mexico and would remove the need for an expensive wall. Instead, bridges would be constructed at several key points for approved crossing and customs inspection.
When Lee Wanta first started working on this, several Admirals thought that this was a great idea and would enhance the US Navy’s strategic ability to respond much faster by being able to move carriers, ships, and high speed patrol boats between the two coasts easily and in a short period of time.
According to Wanta’s unique plan, the Army Corps of Engineers would be responsible for all the specific engineering and designs. They already have vast experience managing the US Rivers and ports, keeping them dredged, and can easily handle the job.

Inexpensive fencing with electronic sensors and state of the art surveillance systems would follow the canal, and the water itself would prevent the use of any tunnels from Mexico across the border into the USA for drug trafficking.
If you think that cost would be prohibitive, guess again. According to Wanta, his vast holdings, now illegally frozen in Argo Trust without his permission, would more than pay for the construction, and this would eliminate the need for a large, expensive wall between the USA and Mexico.
The truly remarkable thing about Lee Wanta that anyone who knows him personally will tell you is that he is a very caring man, a true patriot, who promised President Reagan he would use his huge gains for the benefit of advancing the USA. Lee Wanta has never wavered in this commitment which has become his life goal, to do what he promised President Reagan.
Over many years, Wanta endured many abuses from GHWB and his associates. After they tried to assassinate President Reagan, the BCC had Wanta arrested on bogus charges in Switzerland and transferred to a prison in America on a phony tax charge.
Wanta has canceled checks to show he paid the taxes which the State of Wisconsin claimed he didn’t and these charges are completely bogus.
These phony tax charges were a complete fraud. Because the false evidence presented was based on fraud, there can therefore be no statute of limitations for rectification now that we have a new administration and are going to have a new US Attorney General.
Trump’s victory has crushed the Bush Crime Cabal and now We The People may get an honest US Attorney General instead of the notably crooked, compromised ones we have had because of the BCC.
Now that the Trump Transition Team has both of Wanta’s unique, well thought out proposals, the ball is in their court.
Anyone who carefully considers Wanta’s two unique plans must conclude that not only do they make sense, but the price is right, since both are essentially prepaid with the Wanta fortune that is now illegally held in the Argo Trust that the Trump Administration can easily liberate.

Related articles:

Thwarted Attempt to Hijack “Wanta”

Clinton, Weiner and Podesta and PIZZAGATE

Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta

Joe Rogan and Alex Jones


Liberals Are MELTING DOWN!!

BREAKING – Trump Makes HUGE Unexpected Announcement, Liberals Are MELTING DOWN

Donald Trump vowed to make the United States energy independent. He also promised not to put coal miners out of business, which Hillary Clinton promised to do, but to bring back their jobs and, by extension, revenue to their struggling rural communities.

President Trump also promised to move gas drilling forward as part of his energy independence and job creation plan, Fortune notes. Liberally led nations that are part of the 2015 nonbinding Paris climate change agreement are flipping out.

The president said previously he would have an “open mind” about the Paris agreement, but his views will be based on fact and not liberal hysteria about global warming.  

Shortly after taking the oath of office, Trump ordered the EPA to halt all pending regulations, contracts, grants, and interagency agreements. Only a fool would think the president was going to back down and defy logic on the climate change matter based solely on liberal rhetoric. 

The president said previously he would have an “open mind” about the Paris agreement, but his views will be based on fact and not liberal hysteria about global warming. “Ultimately, this is about the competitiveness of the United States,” United Nations climate chief Patricia Espinosa said when warning President Donald Trump not to deft the Paris agreement. Espinosa is the leader of the Bonn-based UN Climate Change Secretariat, as per Red State.  “We do not know what he will do. All we know so far is that his stance differs from that of the Obama administration,” Espinosa added.

While campaigning, Donald Trump repeatedly called for a renegotiation of the United Nations climate change accord. The plan is focused on keeping the global temperature increases far below two degrees Celsius by transitioning the world away from fossil fuels.

We all want to leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren, but common sense must be applied to accomplish such a worthy goal.  If our offspring cannot work, pay the bills, or have food to eat, the green grasses and high tides will do them no good at all. 


US/Mexico Border ISIS Entering

Border Patrol Agent Comes Forward Exposes Terrifying Truth We ALL Need to Hear

We have some very real problems on our borders and the way they are being exploited against the American people. Finally, someone is willing to go on the record to tell people about it.

Retired Border Control officer Zach Taylor is warning all Americans that we have some serious holes in our borders, and those holes are getting exploited by the likes of criminals, gangs, and yes, ISIS.

“The whole idea of asymmetrical warfare is to defeat your enemy from within. It is not to attack him from without. Of course, the threat comes from without, but they have to be inside of the United States to affect the successful warfare strategy,” Taylor stated.

Border Patrol Agent warns of the massive holes 
at the US/Mexico Border ISIS Entering

I Hope You Are Starting To See The REAL War in/on/around the USA!

One of the first things that has to be taken care of in asymmetrical warfare is weakening America’s defenses, such as border security. Once that is out of the way and a policy like open borders is implemented, these people can come in and weaken and affect our people and infrastructure from the inside.

Taylor also speaks about the fact that a lot of these people, who come in not only with biological weapons in the form of diseases, are also gang members who are not barred from the U.S. because they have not been convicted in our country, so they can be turned loose in our country.

By Taylor’s account, immigrants with diseases, some unknown to the border control agents, are taken away to the CDC, and our security agents are not told a single thing about it. The corrupt factions within our government are trying to weaken Americans and our government system by sending in dying immigrants to strain the system.It’s a common idea — control the American using a disease only you know the cure for. It’s the perfect scenario. 

If you rise up against them, then you never get the cure. This is why a wall is so important now more than ever. Such tactics are completely under the radar and can be used subtly and destructively by our enemies — maybe ISIS?

Illegals are not the only ones taking advantage of the American people — our higher corrupt political elite are trying to do it as well by using these illegals who are dying of diseases like SARS and E. coli. We need to protect ourselves from illegal immigrants and those who would use them against us.

“The real reason these people are probably coming here, from an intelligence point of view, is to mask or draw attention away from something else that is happening,” Taylor stated, saying that because they are encouraging illegals to come into this country, it’s something that they wish to happen. (around 7:30 mark)

And liberals think that Donald Trump is crazy for saying he needs to drain the swamp, but it’s clear now more than ever that this is necessary to protect the American people. We have to drain it and find the corruption, and pull it out by the root. We have to protect our nation and make it great again.

Do you think Taylor is right about this type of border threat?