Friday, June 2, 2017

Arrests Outside The White House

Multiple Arrests Outside The White House
Here’s Who Trump Is Having Hauled Off
In Handcuffs

Published on Jun 1, 2017
Multiple Arrests Outside The White House – Here’s Who Trump Is Having Hauled Off In Handcuffs
16 protesters were arrested at the White House for hilarious reasons that, as usual for liberals, make no sense nor are backed by logic or facts. The protesters were screaming or mumbling barely coherent things about some wall that Trump might build. You know, somewhere along the line of Mexico and Texas, and it might keep some violent criminals out of the country. At the very least, it might just be harder to dig under and perhaps they might attempt to get over the wall with a human cannonball or massive pole vault.

16 protesters from the immigration activist group CASA have been arrested in front of The White House. The group follows the
#nobanowallnoraids. The protesters are shouting “no more deportations.”

Protesters are demanding the release of Liliana Cruz Mendez. Mendez defied a 2006 deportation order and is currently in custody facing deportation.

The protesters who hate the idea of a wall, which keeps people inside the wall safe, were also chanting about no raids or bans. Raids of what? Illegal immigrant CRIMINALS who have hurt people one way or another? For crying out loud, how liberal do you have to be to understand that we already have enough violent people in our country and letting in a few more is not a good idea. Kicking a few out is. And then liberals say “well they have families” and then people with working brains say “well then they shouldn’t have broken the law” and then liberals begin screeching and everyone giggles and calls cartoon frogs and purple trash doves the racist symbols of the century.

Then the protesters don’t want any Muslim people banned from airplanes coming into the country. Muslims should be the ONLY people banned from airplanes entering the United States. How often does anyone else cause a problem? Not very often. Most travelers just want to get to point A,B, and sometimes C. What are these protesters thinking? There’s enough evil in America and we need to stop letting more in. If your evil meter is maxed out, then you’re closed for business. Nothing wrong with a little bit of extreme vetting, even if it involves water boarding. BUSINESS OR PLEASURE as they hold’em down and dump water over the towel. BUSINESS OR PLEASURE!!! ANSWER and once again, you hear that screeching that the liberals do so well.

I believe America should deport liberals and keep Mexicans. Mexican people are wonderful if they’re not a criminal. They have a great culture, wonderful food, and awesome drinks. Liberals, even if they’re not a criminal, offer nothing to society. They’re literally the bottom of the barrel. Nothing but whiny A-Holes and oversensitive crybabies. I’d love to deport those fish face transgenders and bimbo-brained armpit hair loving haggard women and beta boy cuck males. They’re all useless to America and offer nothing to this country.

I’m glad the protesters were arrested because maybe this will teach them a valuable lesson. For one, no one listens to protesters. Ever. They show up screaming and chanting their nonsense and then they go away. Done deal. It’s over. Nothing changed. No one cares. So what is the point? Try getting a job and moving out of their parent’s house and being self sufficient for once. Working isn’t that bad.

The protesters then demanded the release of Liliana Cruz Mendez. She’s in custody because she defied a deportation order in 2006 and now she’s caught again. She faces deportation. Oh well. Follow the immigration laws if you want to become a permanent resident. At least get the paper work started so you have a better chance of staying here if you get caught by those ICE boys. Why do people think they don’t have to follow the laws that are set in place to help provide society with a basis of being civil and living under a common rule? Sure, some rules are stupid, but that’s just how it is. There’s a lot of rules that a lot of people disagree with, but we follow them so we can avoid fines and jail time. If a rule is not worth following, then we take it up with local government and try to change it. We do that by presenting a more logical option and hoping that people run with our idea to make progress on any laws that no longer seem normal to us.

The technicality of the arrested protesters is this – a group of idiots showed up to the White House to demand someone else, who broke the law, be released. Let me know how that works for them. Click Click, that’s the sound of the handcuffs slapped on the wrists of people about to start screeching their liberalism all the way to the police station.

That’s a great arrest and tax payer money well spent to clean the libturds off the streets.

US Mexico Border Wall

 US Mexico Border Wall
Is Going Ahead As Planned
(Full Compilation

Published on May 27, 2017
Companies are bidding to get contracts to build a barrier wall on the US Mexico border to reduce the threat of illegal aliens entering the country.

Obama’s $300 Million Secret

Obama’s $300 Million Secret Leaks

Published on Jun 2, 2017
BREAKING: Obama’s $300 Million Secret Leaks – HE’S FINALLY EXPOSED
The Congress-appointed Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction recently dropped a bombshell when he released a letter that confirms Barack Obama wasted $300 million in taxpayer dollars in an incredibly dangerous oversight that put many American lives in danger.

Conservative Tribune reported that in his letter to the Secretary of Defense, Inspector General John Sopko wrote that roughly half of the U.S. taxpayer-funded Afghan National Defense and Security Forces troops deployed to the volatile Helmand province actually “do not exist.” He revealed that these “ghost” soldiers and police were still getting paid handsomely, even though they do not exist, meaning that Obama was literally flushing away hundreds of millions of tax dollars.

Sopko was alerted to this by the police chief of the Taliban-infested Helmand Province, who said that roughly 26,000 military and security troops are “ghost troops.”

“There are around 10,000 police personnel in the structure of police force in Helmand plus 16,000 army soldiers along with public protection forces and border security forces. According to my information, 40 to 50 percent of the force did not exist physically when we asked for help during operations,” the chief explained. “Salaries of ghost soldiers had been received during the past eight months and the money has gone to personal accounts.”

When looking into this issue, officials found 400 non-existent troops who have since been removed from the list of salaried service members. This effectively means that American taxpayers have spent more than $70 billion to “recruit, train, equip, house, feed, supply, and pay the salaries” of Afghan troops, half of whom don’t even exist.

“We’ve been raising this concern about ghosts going back a number of years,” Sopko said. “Actually I want to say we heard about it from (Afghan President) Ashraf Ghani years ago, before he became president, he warned me about ‘ghosts,’ so we started looking three years ago.”

“What we’re talking about are policemen, Afghan policemen, Afghan military, Afghan civil servants who don’t exist or they have multiple identity cards and we’re paying their salaries,” he explained. “By ‘we’ I mean the United States and the international community. And we started finding out that we had no capacity to measure the number of soldiers, teachers, doctors, military people who we are paying their salaries.”


Bilderberg Group Website Hacked

Anonymous Hacks Bilderberg Group
Website and Posts Manifesto


Published on Dec 31, 2016
Anonymous hacked the Bilderberg Group's website and posted a manifesto calling out the New World Order. 

WHY do they NOT UNDERSTAND the word 'NO' !??

The Bilderberg Daemons of 2017

All the people who are attending this meeting are totally disconnected from what voters think. Not that votes mean anything to them when elections are rigged to suit their own agendas. They are totally disconnected from reality and have no commitment to any real standards of sound economic policy, justice or good governance.
The first name on the list of attendees ( see at the end of this article) is Paul M. Achleitner (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG.
If you have been following the saga of daemon Deutche bank in the last few years, you are fully cognizant of the fact that this bank has been involved in criminal activity.
Money laundering for narcotics, human traffickers and organ harvesters; currency manipulation and gold price rigging are only a few of the items on their menu. Include the flooding of refugees onto the EU and money laundering for Gulf State billionaires who are funding Islamic State terrorism under its various franchises. 
They have contributed to the financial crisis in Europe and were deeply entrenched in the banker bailout programmes after the 2008 market crash. This has resulted in outright theft of tax payers money in order to keep these fraudulent ” too big to fail” organizations going through “austerity measures,” as well as increasing profits for their shareholders and CEOs.
They are also the people, along with most other attendees at Bilderberg, who engineered the EU in the first place and are violently opposed to Grexit, Brexit and any other Exit that will disentangle any country from being financially raped by these criminals.
Ask Greece! Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and daemon economic hitman of note, is attending Bilderberg. 
Referendums mean nothing to them because as far as they are concerned, “It is not the #EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate, ” shades of Clinton’s deplorables, and as Nigel Farage has repeatedly pointed out at the EU Parliament, none of them are actually elected and representative of the people of Europe, but are selected by banks like Deutche Bank and pass laws for their benefit and to the detriment of the tax payers in the member states who never see a return for their investment in their own countries. Taxes in the last 20 years have become BIG business for multi-national banks and corporations, and not for the people who actually pay them.  
It is also not surprising that the Trump administration “progress” is at the top of the agenda.
They have managed to curtail and put out of business Nigel Farage in the UK and Marine Le Pen in France, but Trump against all odds, still remains at large and a direct threat to their aims and ambitions.
Not only to the Unipolar Corporate Fascist Agenda in Europe, but also in the USA where not surprisingly Goldman Sachs ( another nefarious banker organisation entrenched in the Trump administration and advisor to the Vatican) and Henry Kissinger are in attendance. The same Kissinger who flippantly referred to the deplorables as  “zee lozers” who in the last ten years have
- lost their homes through the mortgage crisis scam
- lost their life savings through the criminal Wall Street bankers
- owe billions in corrupt student loans that will keep them debt slaves for the rest of their lives
- lost their businesses through mega takeovers by companies like Wal-Mart and 
- lost their jobs to China but against all odds
managed to hang onto their vote and put Trump into the White House.
Perhaps by “progress” Bilderberg means either turning the administration around to suit their own agenda, for example the recent bombing of Syria “guided by the beauty of their weapons ” and support for the “rebels” along the Syria-Iraq border with Jordan or having him assassinated a la JFK and co.
Although Trump himself is not attending, it does not augur well for the people who voted for him and entrusted him with their future. Members from Team Trump are attending. National security adviser HR McMaster, the commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, Trump’s new strategist Chris Liddell and new Chairman of Goldman Sachs International Jose Barroso will be present and have been invited. (What more creative way to infiltrate Trump's private space than to 'invite' members of his inner circle and entice/bribe them with all manner of gifts to betray their boss and their nation?)
The Trump administration taking instruction from a group like Bilderberg under the Chatham House Rules which provide secrecy, founded by the Dutch Royal family (let that sink in,) is tantamount to treason in case nobody has noticed. To whom exactly do these people give their allegiance? (Again, what better way to entice, bribe and even threaten those on the Trump team to turn in to traitors to both Trump and to Americans?)
Which brings us to the second item on their agenda. Trans-Atlantic relations: options and scenarios.
They still hope to resurrect the TPP and the TTIP agreements. Trump canceled these agreements and put their programme back at least four years.
The problem with these people is that they have literally got away with murder for so long, that they do not understand the word “No!”  As in:
 “No, we will not have a handful of hegemonic banks and corporations over-riding the judicial system, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Nor will any Judiciary be “privatized” or “outsourced” so that they can yet again gain autonomous control and turn it into a toll gate system for the benefit of their own profit margins along with greasing the wheels of their own criminality with bought and paid for Judges and prosecutors and no government oversight or accountability.”
No, we will not have our elected politicians and representatives working for the banks and corporations when we have elected them to act in our best interests and for the benefit of any country as a whole.”
No, we will not have them being able to sue governments in secretive private courts and steal tax revenue in inflated settlement payouts because health regulations, minimum wage laws or environmental laws have reduced their bloated profit margins.”
No, they will pay taxes in the countries in which they operate, just like everyone else and not function from tiny post boxes in Holland ( the womb from which Bilderberg was spawned) or on islands in the middle of no where.”
Which brings me to item number five. Can globalization be slowed down?
Yes. It will be slowed down and the un-polar, Sauron, Daarth Vader, Voldemort One World Corporate Fascist Government will be replaced by a multi-polar United Nations of Federated States with real equality, justice and respect for the integrity and independence and national sovereignty of all member countries. (Do NOT be fooled by that statement. It will establish a fist of iron more powerful than Hitler's could ever have hoped for.)
Tax payers money will finally go for the benefit of the people who invest in their own countries and pay those taxes. These taxes will be used in high standards of free education (not dumbed down Common Core and OBE), healthcare, security, transport, roads, bridges, water and electricity.
Tax payers money will not go to entities like the IMF with compounding interest loans that rip out the tax revenue out of any country; the corporate prison slave system listed on Wall Street; corporate owned dams and rivers by people like Nestle charging 1,000 times above cost for bottled water; the food stamp system which greases the palms of banks like J.P.Morgan in exchange for little pieces of paper with pictures on them; or ” universal healthcare”  where tax payers money is “outsourced ” to hegemonic insurance companies like Bain Capital,  and their pharmaceutical affiliates who inject babies with vaccines filled with mercury.
The beneficiaries of this daylight robbery do not pay tax and go off in their private jets and yachts to islands in the middle of nowhere … where they hold pedophile parties with our abducted children and often torture and murder them in Luciferian Satanic rituals. The days of Bohemien Grove are coming to a timely end.
Now we get to number six. Jobs, income and unrealized expectations.
If anyone is going to have unrealized expectations it is the Bilderberg group. Hegemonic Monopolistic Corporate Fascism will be replaced by real free market economies, a real capitalist system for the betterment of all Nation States.
Price will be determined by supply and demand, not by secret trade agreements and contracts raising prices in order to guarantee regular bloated profit margins. That word, “competition” will become a fashion statement along with a change in attitude where selling more for less as opposed to less for more becomes popular. And rubbish products designed to break down in three to ten years will soon be replaced by quality goods reducing the piles and piles of waste we have accumulated in the last 70 years.
Stricter laws will be implemented against all monopolies in conjunction with low-interest loans for small, medium and large private enterprise.  In other words job creators not job seekers.
The farming industry is a good example of this. Land will be returned to the people with subsidies and all genetically modified food sources and the patents and poisonous herbicides that go with them will be banned and considered a terrorist threat.  Werner Baumann (DEU), Chairman, Bayer AG, who has since bought out Monsanto is attending Bilderberg. 
Ask Russia who has turned themselves around in the last four years from being food importers to food exporters with “real food” for some hot tips in this regard! Biodegradable Hemp will be legalized and will replace petro-chemical products that have created mounds of pollution that we can no longer dispose of. It will also save our forests and keep the planet breathing and producing fresh air.
Import duties will be imposed on all products. This will stimulate growth and industry in any country and give them the opportunity to become self-reliant and productive using their own creativity, intelligence and resources without relying on overpriced imported goods and the Vampire Squid for employment and survival.
As a result we will see the return of the middle class where they comprise of a well-educated, self empowered and economically viable 75% of any population group and where their tax revenue goes for their benefit and not to the banks and corporations or into a bloated government entity paying the salaries of the self-entitled who spend more time sleeping on the bench and playing golf than anything else. Billionaires and the poverty-stricken will be reduced to a minimum. A return to where the USA once was before the coup of 1963 and where Russia, once a communist country, is heading at a very fast pace today, putting western nations to shame!
And now we get to item number seven. The war on information. 
Like thousands of other people around the world, I have dedicated the last 7 years of my life to the truth movement. Sometimes I have got it wrong, sometimes I have been led down the garden path, often I have got it right. We have all been on this path.
What has happened thanks to the Internet, is that globalization has taken place, but not of the variety that these criminals intended. Like thousands of others, I have had the opportunity to share and talk to people all over the world who I would never have met before, let alone had an intelligent conversation with.
Now Google, Facebook and You Tube with the help of people like Jared Cohen and Eric Schmidt, have imposed heavy censorship, restricted free speech and taken away all advertising revenue from sites that do not promote their agendas. All this has done is give the truth movement another challenge, and I believe we are all up to it. Eric E. Schmidt(USA), Executive Chairman Alphabet Inc. is attending Bilderberg. 
The Mocking Bird Media will also be attending Bilderberg. John Micklethwait (INT) Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP, Minton (INT) Editor-in-Chief The Economist, George Osborne (GBR) Editor, London Evening Standard are some examples. 
Regardless of our nationality, race or religion, we have all discovered that we have a lot in common. First and foremost we are tired of the lies, tired of the propaganda, tired of the fake bought and paid for media and politicians who are paraded in front of us so that we can make a choice, between the criminal they intend putting into power, and the other criminal they will put into power if the first one loses. We are tired of our ballots being rigged and manipulated and  we are tired of having our taxes stolen to line the pockets of banks and corporations and seeing no return on our investment in our own countries. Which provides the answer to item number eight. Why is populism growing?
Which brings me to item number three. The Trans-Atlantic defense alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks
All western nations are angry that their taxes have been used to line the pockets of the military industrial complex, and that includes funding for private mercenary armies, for wars that nobody in their right mind would ever have agreed to in the last 27 years.
All these wars have been engineered through lies, deception  and false flag attacks. The babies in incubators thrown on the ground. 9/11 the inside job. WDM’s with photographs to match at the UN security council. Gaddafi bombing his own people. Assad and sarin gas. This is all insanity… disconnected from reality.
Especially in the last six years where we have watched a holocaust Sunni Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood  horror show as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Germany, France, the UK and the USA have all been complicit in supporting terrorists and the destruction of Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Syria.
This nightmare in order to gain total control over North Africa, the Middle East and the territory between the Gulf States and Turkey for an Islamic Caliphate and Greater Israel with direct passage to Eastern Europe and European markets. The cost in lives, infrastructure, the economies of the countries that have been effected and the total disregard for their independent Nation Statehood has been beyond criminal. It is satanic.
Which brings me to item number nine: Russia in the international order.
The buildup of NATO on Russia’s borders is another example and not surprisingly, Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO is attending  Bilderberg.
Nuclear proliferation is a threat, and NATO is a prime culprit. What do they expect Russia to do? Stand back and not defend themselves? Or China for that matter?
It is a very sad reflection on society today, when we go through the list of topics on the agenda and the names of those attending Bilderberg, and come to realize that these so-called leaders of society, the pillars of communities, have betrayed everyone and everything that western nations once stood for. Quite frankly messieurs et madameuses, you fill us with disgust.
I do not think that I am overshooting the mark here when I say that many people in Europe and many people in North America would be only to happy to take up Putin’s offer of free land in eastern Russia and turn it into a viable and productive business; willingly contribute taxes to a country that clearly has the best interests of their own people at heart and uses those taxes for their benefit; and in the ultimate analysis, help them to fight our own daemons!
  • The Trump Administration: A progress report
  • Trans-Atlantic relations: options and scenarios
  • The Trans-Atlantic defense alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks
  • The direction of the EU
  • Can globalization be slowed down?
  • Jobs, income and unrealized expectations
  • The war on information
  • Why is populism growing?
  • Russia in the international order
  • The Near East
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • China
  • Current events


Trump issues decision on Paris Climate Change Accord

President Donald Trump Statement
to Withdraw from
Paris Climate Change Accord
June 1 2017
full speech

The Evil Men Who Own And Run The U S Government

The Evil Men Who Own And Run The U S Government - Revealed

Published on May 2, 2017
Discover the truth about the men behind the curtain who own and run the U.S. Government.

These men are totally evil, ruthless, greedy and vicious individuals who will stop at nothing to gain control of the world and the enslavement of us all.

They are now taking steps to control and shut down the internet because it is the last means for people to come together, and voice their opinions freely.

Nation-less Corporation’s World Domination Pyramid

Beware of the following top crime families, responsible for all evils befalling on all people, all over the world, collectively orchestrating and funding wars, murder and mayhem, through their central banks, nation-less corporations and other institutions, deliberately causing millions upon millions of deaths and unimaginable destruction all over the world, to rule and control planet Earth, exposed by Thrive documentary film. -

The evil bastards are as follows: Rothschild(s), Morgan(s), Rockefeller(s), Carnegie(s), Schiff(s), Harriman(s) and Warburg(s), for centuries these criminal families have been instigating and funding wars, murder, countless fake revolutions, creating and funding terrorist organizations through their secret societies, rewriting the true history as fiction to only benefit themselves and their racketeering businesses at all costs.

Evil shall triumph, only when good people do nothing to stop it!


Top 7 Most Elite Private Armies

Top 7 Most Elite Private Armies
Published on Jun 17, 2016
We've talked about the military before - the vast array of specialized task forces, weaponry and technological advancements have long made the varied armed forces of the world an intimidating and marvelous subject. However, with a huge amount of cutbacks - including budgetary and personnel cuts - private security and task firms have become something of a booming underdog force. These groups of privatized mercenaries range from the deadly to straight up ballsy - but they all share the same quality: they're flat out intimidating. Today, let's take a look at seven of the most dangerous private armies in the world - you won't believe the places some of these 'mercs will go.

7 - Unity Resources Group
6 - Defion Internacional
5 - Triple Canopy
4 - DynCorp
3 - Erinys
2 - G4S
1 - Academi

Bilderberg Elite Gather to Undermine Trump Revolution

Bilderberg Elite Gather to Undermine Trump Revolution

On Thursday the world’s most powerful people kicked off this years annual Bilderberg Group meeting with Russia and Trump at the forefront
Bilderberg Elite Gather to Undermine Trump Revolution
Henry Kissinger, chairman of Kissinger Associates, speaks during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos Lauener
Edward Szall
(WASHINGTON, DC) This year’s gathering takes place in Chantilly, Virginia, less than 30 miles from the White House, and goings on in the Oval Office are top of the agenda for the 131 people who’ve confirmed they’re attending.

Many top White House figures will be at the four-day event, including the Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, National Security Advisor HR McMaster and Assistant to the President Christopher Liddell.

Other topics up for discussion include ‘Russia in the international order,’ China, ‘The Trans-Atlantic defense alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks,’ ‘The war on information,’ 'Direction of the EU’ and ‘Why is populism growing?

This year’s event marks the 65th meeting of the infamously-secretive group which has met every year since 1954. Denis Healey, Joseph Retinger, David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands were the group’s founders.

The group says the conference is “designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.” Each year it’s attended by people from the fields of politics, industry, finance, media and academia. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America.

As well of some of Trump’s top brass, other attendees this year include Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, Republican senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham, and Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai.

Editors and chief commentators from several world famous publications including Bloomberg, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal,  Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera and the London Evening Standard will also be in attendance.

Notorious for the lack of information about what happens during the discussions, meetings are closed to the public and to reporting journalists.

All of the the meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which means that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers can be revealed. Also, no minutes are taken and no report is written.

Nobody can buy their way into the meetings, rather they have to be invited. The invited guests are not allowed to bring their partners and the group reportedly never visits the same hotel twice.

Among the most famous past attendees are Henry Kissinger (who is going again this year), Bill Gates, numerous members of European royal families, Bill Clinton, and Margaret Thatcher, who both attended before they rose to power.

Rick Wiles: History of the Deep
Billionaire globalist David Rockefeller dies at 101
Paris Climate Agreement: Globalist Punishment for America

RT reporting, TRUNEWS contribution



Two  "FIRST LADIES"  of  GREAT NATIONS walking hand 'n hand like "two ole boys of blue"  (Melania Trump and Nechama Rivlin)

Melania is keeping an eye out for Nechama who is on oxygen


Our 'presidents' are 'elected' by a clique of 'elites'


Why our 'presidents' are 'elected' by a clique of 'elites'?

And .... if these 'elections' are not proceeding in the desired manner, then they commit FRAUD against the candidates and the people

(Old in that the 'election' has been completed - so far until an attempt to 'impeach' is or is not accomplished - but a good explanation of what goes on for those who may not be aware)

Dec 16 2016

American 'presidential elections' are generally orderly affairs. People 'vote', somebody 'wins' and  life goes on. It’s our proud tradition of 'democratic self-governance'.

      Pelosi and Reid

And yet: The whole thing is controlled by a cabal of 'elites'  (what makes one an 'elite'?  And WHY do we the people continue to refer to these ahos as such?) who actually pick the nation’s commander-in-chief and who, theoretically, have the power to defy voters and stop Donald Trump from becoming America’s president.

We are talking, of course, about the electoral college, a 229-year-old contraption of democracy that the Founding Fathers had to cobble together because they couldn’t figure out a better way to pick presidents. (goes beyond the electoral college to a group of high powered individuals who seem to think they have the right to control the nations for their benefit).

On Monday, 538 electors from the 50 states, including three from the District of Columbia, will convene across the country to cast the votes that decide (are ordered to 'vote' for in advance) who will sit in the Oval Office in January 2017. 

              Average bear                                                                                                   Useless Eater

And so the ELECTION FRAUD process continues until the PEOPLE  rise up and CHANGE the process, thus eliminating their slavery and control over them by the PTB who refer to themselves as the 'elite', the 'privileged', those who claim to be 'smarter' than the  average bear aka referred to as the 'useless eaters' of the United States.