Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jim Stone 6-7-2017

Explaining the following report:

Former U.S. intelligence contractor Dennis Montgomery has uncovered a plot by the Obama administration and failed Clinton administration to round up and kill 20 million Americans. This is verified across many sources. This story blew up when Sean Hannity had two investigators on that confirmed it. Now, because James Comey was fully aware of this, Dennis Montgomery filed a lawsuit against James Comey for knowing and participating in the intelligence gathering effort which involved gathering all data on the main core of Americans who are the last resistance holding the country together. I did a detailed report on them doing this and posted it in 2013. That report is now fully confirmed 100 percent accurate, and is re-posted below. And my being dead accurate on this type of topic years before it is "proven" is precisely why my readers have kept this site alive. Thank you.

You can read all you want on this by using the search terms "americans unmasked 20 million" without the brackets. This exploding open and is no hoax, it is going nuclear right now.

I am going to say it: There are very few (if any) others in alt media that can do a report that so perfectly matches what is eventually revealed as 100 percent true, complete with even accurate details, so many years later. There is a cold hard reason why this site gets hit so hard by people who want it wiped out. Make sure you read the report that is posted below, titled The Main Core. It has been reposted with zero edits, and has been permalinked in the right hand column for FOUR YEARS.


Years ago, I did a detailed report about what was called "The Main Core". The main core is the key group of people who make America what it is, who are all tracked and slated for killing or internment when Hillary's (or whoever elses) hammer drops. These are the people the FEMA camps are for.

Tonight, Sean Hannity had two investigators on who revealed that 47 hard drives were stolen from the FBI, and on those hard drives were 600 million documents on Americans who had been "unmasked" revealing all details of their lives so they could be rounded up and put in internment camps and/or killed. Hillary and Obama spearheaded the effort. If Hillary had scammed her way in, we'd be toast, Trump saved our lives. Now there is going to be a lawsuit on behalf of the 20 million (plus) people who had been unmasked, Comey is going down, the NSA might get it's ass kicked and Hillary and Obama had better worry. NOW FOR A REPOST of what I said about this years ago! Call this site FOUR YEARS AHEAD!

The Main Core

Jim Stone, July 7 2013 What the NSA hacking on America really means
When I worked for the NSA prior to 9/11, the NSA only looked outward, not inward. And I never thought the NSA ever would look inward and spy on the American people. I knew that if that ever happened the result would be catastrophic. After 9/11 I knew the NSA was looking inward to some degree, and had suspected they might be recording everything before Snowden blew the whistle, but I was not certain. Now we all can be. And I would like to go into a few things here to explain to people how grave this situation really is.
When an agency like the NSA looks outward into other countries, it cannot be a tool that is used by the governments of the countries being spied on to oppress the people in that country. When used to spy on foreigners the NSA and other similar agencies are not part of the policy making for that which they are observing. So the purpose for any spying by agencies such as the NSA will be limited to key elements of the observed nation, such as the government agencies and major companies that could present a problem to the whole of America in the future. The NSA will not pay attention to Joe the bar-b-q chef or Moe the mechanic, because on an individual level ordinary people in foreign countries are a waste of time to observe.

It is very different when such an intelligence agency looks inward at it's host population

With the NSA looking inward, especially with them recording every phone conversation and e-mail and not just the meta data, the people who understand what America really is supposed to be are now fully identified. These people, which are referred to as "the main core" represent what remains of the backbone of this once great nation, the core of which numbers 8 million with 30 or so million close enough to the main core for any psychopath to be able to justify taking out along with it. If America is to become the totally transformed Communist society that the Zionists want it to be, the main core has got to be ripped out, and the NSA has made this future event possible to accomplish with minimal effort and pin point precision. There is no question that the elitist zionist faction wants every aspect of America it cannot control with ease wiped out, just like the elitist Zionists Bolsheviks did to the Ukranian people. And as America approaches this same reality, we have the same approximate numbers, 30 - 70 million slated for death and internment in America. With the DHS ordering well over a billion rounds of ammo, countless tens of thousands of cheap plastic coffins already purchased and sitting in storage yards, 2, 700 giant heavily armed vehicles which are totally impenetrable to civilian weapons, vehicles perfectly capable of gutting American homes with high caliber gunfire right from the curb side, it is time for Americans to face a simple fact - All of the stories are more than just rumor. And because these stories are not just rumor, I would take the NSA spying on everyone VERY seriously.

It's too late

If you think Americans can change this situation with a 300 million eyed monster observing everyone's every move, you are off in fantasy land somewhere. It is GAME OVER. You cannot beat this monster with a cute little encryption trick performed on a compromised operating system with a compromised processor tapped into via a compromised internet. I see all of the new stupid pet trick type encryption fantasies some people are parading on the web now to "secure" themselves against the NSA as some sort of useless bubble gum fad, IF YOU WORKED FOR THEM AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON, YOU WOULD REALIZE SUCH EFFORTS ARE AS LAUGHABLE AS TRYING TO FIX A SEMI WITH A PLASTIC BARBIE TOOL SET. And if you are even able to HAVE that barbie tool set and try to use it, you are already flagged for elimination anyway. You should be focusing your efforts on other subjects like GETTING THE HELL OUT. And they know who you are. They know you know. They know if you have guns. They know you are not pleased with Obama, Bush, and false flag terror. They know you probably know the truth about the "holocaust", the truth about vaccines, GMO, and any other number of your particular pet topics that make them itch. They know where you are going to bug out to, and they know what you bought for it. If your car is 2005 or newer, they will watch you go to your bug out place and nail you there. Ditto if you are stupid enough to bring your cell, or bring anyone elses for that matter.
Your only option is to get to Iceland, Venezuela, Ecuador or any other country that proved itself with Snowden before the axe falls. Unlike the illegal immigrant "problem" America has, a large scale influx of Americans into nations such as Ecuador would intellectually launch any country that accepted them 30 years into the future because it won't be the idiots fleeing America, it will be the cream of the crop - those smart enough to see the asteroid coming. And if for any of the 500 reasons America now revokes passports from complete non criminals you are one of the 50 million that does not have one, GO INTO THE FOREIGN EMBASSIES AND START REQUESTING ASYLUM NOW.

When the axe falls

When the axe falls, you WON'T be running to Mexico because the border fence was for YOU, and unlike the B.S. you were told, it is totally impassable if you can even get to it. The border is so well surveilled now that you can't even get close to that fence which is impossible to get across even if you do. I know this because I spent four days in the back country border zone observing what is going on. Believe me, the security is real, and it is for stopping Americans, NOT Mexicans. And if you think Canada will save you, WAKE UP. When the axe falls, the Zionist Bolsheviks who run the U.S. government will be on the diplomatic channels to all nations saying it is fair and balanced and everyone will get a fair trial, so anyone who is complaining here and asking for asylum is some sort of lunatic. They will have PR campaigns of epic proportions coming out of Hollywood and paid for advertisements in all prospective refuge nations, calling you a criminal or a nut case or a deadbeat to hinder your asylum bid. They will have the CIA working overtime, and the zionist factions within the not totally infiltrated prospective asylum nations working overtime in secret to flip public opinion against you. If you were part of America's main core, they have ONE objective for you - to burn you to ashes or bury you in a pit somewhere, and that objective does not involve allowing you to escape to bring the seeds of America out of the country to sprout a whole new "problem" for them elsewhere.

I got banned at a not so "godlike" forum for posting the following:

What I posted was not quite as detailed, but it said the same thing. It was an instaban, which means someone read it as I typed it - they have an agenda of hate to push, obviously. Anyway, This sign appeared in Indiana, and Muslims are very upset:
The billboard is mostly wrong. Here is my debunking of the billboard that tripped the ban:
1. Aisha was Mohammed's youngest wife. She was 14 or 15 when it became formalized, and they actually "did it" for the first time when she was 19. 14 is early to commit nowadays but back then they started early and died early.
2. The rape allegation is statutory, and based on a lie about the age they were when relations started. However, at that time it was normal to start everything at age 14 because times changed. Life was shorter. Applying statutory law from a different system a thousand plus years later, and on top of that, to a myth, is completely bogus.
3. The battle that supposedly according to the account of ONE historian who lived 150 years afterward with no other accounts whatsoever had 600 Jews beheaded is deeply refuted. See this and it is downright brazen to claim that in such a prominent and public way when historians can't decide on whether or not it is true. And even if it was true, war is war. America has killed many times as many people with a single bomb before.
4. Mohammed did not ever have 11 wives at one time, and the majority were economic marriages to widows who needed help to survive after their husbands died. That's just the way it was back then, and why polygamy existed. Mohammed married his first wife at the age of 25, when she was 40. Most likely only two wives were ones Mohammed actually married out of love, and the others were for charity and politics. It was certaintly not the scenario that became urban legend, see this
5. Slave owner and dealer? Who knows, but the definition of slavery has changed. Back then, a slave could be a prisoner of war, and had to be released after 7 years with enough money to start a life. It was not like "Kunta Kinte". So whatever with that.
6. Tortured and killed unbelievers? That may have happened, because there were wars back then and Islam was a new religion. The wars are a reality that can't be debunked.
So perhaps the sign gets a score of 2 out of six questions, or right around 33 percent, which is a flat F anywhere, by any standard. And the context is out of whack with all of it except the wars.
And that's worth a ban because there is one tribe that desperately clings to the benefit of victim status at all cost.

Londoners chant "WE LOVE TRUMP

I was wondering why the Brits would hate Trump, because that is all you can read anywhere. But the truth slips out, and this video has it. You can hear, from somewhere in the background, a group of people chanting "we love Trump" in London. Pretty much says it all. SEE THIS Anonymous sent:
The Russian hacking report (fake) was created specifically to trap leakers......and it worked like a charm. Jim, York PA"
My comment: That would make sense, I never thought anything would come of this. Perfect trap, if so.
Anonymous sent:
If you were actually a climate scientist and wanted life to fluorish on this planet, you would want about 1200 ppm CO2 and about 35% oxygen. All life on the planet is currently suffering from a severe lack of oxygen
My response: 1200 ppm Co2 is right on, but 35 percent oxygen would not be good, because at that high a level if a fire started everything would burn and it would never stop until everything was gone. wildfires are bad enough as it is.
For reference, atmospheric Co2 is right around 450 ppm right now. That's far below optimal.

Notre Dame Cathedral:

Apparently a guy attacked a police officer with a hammer and the police officer shot back. 2, 000 people are temporarily being held inside the cathedral.

Possible new "terror attack"

This time it is gunshots at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. It looks to me like they are ramping up the psy ops for some reason, but I can hardly think it would be to justify another war. Something else is up with this and I have not figured out what, other than a clamp down on the public. How about this hypothesis: Europe had a law abiding populace. A reason was needed for a police state lock down on all of Europe. So they started shipping Muslims in, to take the blame for the loss of freedom. Then a bunch of terror attacks are staged, and the people accept the loss of all liberty and freedom. Hitler's Europe gets set up, but instead of Hitler, it is done by the JWO. Make any sense there? it is the only thing I can think of. This story is minutes old (5 minutes old at the time of this posting) so let's see how this evolves.

A few headlines that mean absolutely nothing today

Russia intercepted a B-52

So what? The intercept happened in international airspace. Nothing follows, and I mean nothing.

Mayor of London wants Trump state visit canceled.

So what? London is toast anyway. Muslim mayor calls to block Trump visit. A tree fell into rows 1-30 of Farmer Bob's back 40 corn field.

UK killer seen on TV unfurling ISIS flag

Really? You mean the MSM, which got busted setting up fake interviews with Muslim women afterward, would not plant that for political reasons? Just add that, in addition to the fake interviews, to the video of the actors getting dressed before the London Bridge attack and getting filmed later laying in the street as perpetrators and victims. Yep. That again. How boring. More interesting is his name: Kurham Butt. That does not mean anything good, even in Islam. Where do they get these names? off the floor of the CNN war room?

New York passengers trapped in dark hot subway train for an hour

HA HA HA, what kind of headline is that? Just try the Red Line in Boston when that is having problems. You'll do that every day. And what about the subway in Washington DC? If you are going more than five stops, chances are you'll have the same thing happen for at least 20 minutes at some point, and if you are going 15 stops, you will be trapped for an hour or more, CONSTANTLY. Gee, if that is news the New York subway must be GREAT.

Pets: the new probiotic

Yep, if you are a totally unhygenic slob that has not changed the litter box for a month and a half. And unlike what the article implies, not all of those "biotics" will be "pro!" Anyway, a lot the news has been boring lately. Much of it is reading like filler. Maybe a few will care about the mayor of London wanting Trump banished, but all I see in that is what everyone already knows: London is TOAST.

Nothing will come of NSA leak to the Intercept

The name is painful to publish, because it is so hard to believe - "Reality Leigh Winner". Anyway, if she is real, she supposedly leaked NSA documents of Russian hacking to The Intercept. Nothing will come of it. It appears "Reality" has no grip on reality. She did not know what she had, or what it meant. All she had was proof that Russia tried to hack one company that works in election related software. The reason why this is no big deal is because Russian hackers go after everything, and simply by the numbers, one election related company ended up getting hack attempts. Russians also try to hack Dunkin Donuts. So what.
There is nothing in this. No proof of any influence on the election whatsoever. And this stupid girl took the hit for her stupidity, she simply saw something she figured was good, could not make heads or tails of it, and sent it off. I'll give an example of what a nothing burger this is:
When I was 9 years old, I and a friend found hundreds of canceled checks laying in a ditch, and not knowing how anything at all worked figured we'd found a huge pile of cash. Obviously we did not. And that is how stupid miss "Reality" was with this NSA document - she just saw the words "Russia, hack, and election" and figured she had it. Not hardly!
The only thing that might come out of this is more false allegations from a scamming MSM, which will drive that MSM further into the black hole it is already getting eaten by. And oh, there will now be a new "Reality" in jail, because the FBI busted her over the week end. What an idiot.
routing test

Brain death reversal?

This would be a game changer if it worked.

An American company called Bioquark wants to do experimental trials of injecting brain stem cells into people who have been declared brain dead, in the hopes of re-booting their brains. They are confident it will work. They tried to do it in India and got rejected, and will now try to do it in Latin America. My take on this is why not try it, if all they are going to do is pull the plug anyway? It will be interesting to see if the same people come back, or if they get a different spirit (if this works) because I believe that if it is your time to go, you're gone. And then something else can take your place if the body becomes viable again . . . . . . anyway, it will be interesting to see how this goes. See thisand Here is the closest thing to an abstract It is not exactly an abstract, it is more of an appeal for people to experiment on but it is, at least, for real.

Controversy - ban muslim illegal importation or no?


Andrew C. McCarthy
January 28, 2017 5:30 PM 
Arguments to the contrary ignore the Constitution and misstate federal law.  
On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order calling for heightened vetting of certain foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States. The order temporarily suspends entry by the nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. It is to last for 90 days, while heightened vetting procedures are developed. 
The order has predictably prompted intense protest from critics of immigration restrictions (most of whom are also critics of Trump). At the New York Times, the Cato Institute’s David J. Bier claims the temporary suspension is illegal because, in his view, it flouts the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. This contention is meritless, both constitutionally and as a matter of statutory law. 
Let’s start with the Constitution which vests all executive power in the president. Under the Constitution, as Thomas Jefferson wrote shortly after its adoption, “the transaction of business with foreign nations is Executive altogether. It belongs then to the head of that department, except as to such portions of it as are specifically submitted to the Senate. Exceptions are to be construed strictly.” 
The rare exceptions Jefferson had in mind, obviously, were such matters as the approval of treaties, which Article II expressly vests in the Senate. There are also other textual bases for a congressional role in foreign affairs, such as Congress’s power over international commerce, to declare war, and to establish the qualifications for the naturalization of citizens. That said, when Congress legislates in this realm, it must do so mindful of what the Supreme Court, in United States v. Curtiss-Wright (1936), famously described as “the very delicate, plenary and exclusive power of the President as the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations – a power which does not require as a basis for its exercise an act of Congress.”
In the international arena, then, if there is arguable conflict between a presidential policy and a congressional statute, the president’s policy will take precedence in the absence of some clear constitutional commitment of the subject matter to legislative resolution. And quite apart from the president’s presumptive supremacy in foreign affairs, we must also adhere to a settled doctrine of constitutional law: Where it is possible, congressional statutes should be construed in a manner that avoids constitutional conflicts. 
With that as background, let’s consider the claimed conflict between the president’s executive order and Congress’s statute. Mr. Bier asserts that Trump may not suspend the issuance of visas to nationals of specific countries because the 1965 immigration act “banned all discrimination against immigrants on the basis of national origin.” And, indeed, a section of that act, now codified in Section 1152(a) of Title 8, U.S. Code, states that (with exceptions not here relevant) “no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person’s race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence” (emphasis added). 
Even on its face, this provision is not as clearly in conflict with Trump’s executive order as Bier suggests. As he correctly points out, the purpose of the anti-discrimination provision (signed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965) was to end the racially and ethnically discriminatory “national origins” immigration practice that was skewed in favor of Western Europe. Trump’s executive order, to the contrary, is in no way an effort to affect the racial or ethnic composition of the nation or its incoming immigrants. The directive is an effort to protect national security from a terrorist threat, which, as we shall see, Congress itself has found to have roots in specified Muslim-majority countries. 
Because of the national-security distinction between Trump’s 2017 order and Congress’s 1965 objective, it is not necessary to construe them as contradictory, and principles of constitutional interpretation counsel against doing so. 
Nevertheless, let’s concede for argument’s sake that there is conflict. At issue is a matter related to the conduct of foreign affairs – a matter of the highest order of importance since it involves foreign threats to national security. If there were a conflict here, the president’s clear constitutional authority to protect the United States would take precedence over Congress’s dubious authority to limit the president’s denial of entry to foreign nationals. 
But there is no conflict. 
Federal immigration law also includes Section 1182(f), which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate” (emphasis added).
Section 1182(f) plainly and sweepingly authorizes the president to issue temporary bans on the entry of classes of aliens for national-security purposes. This is precisely what President Trump has done. In fact, in doing so, he expressly cites Section 1182(f), and his executive order tracks the language of the statute (finding the entry of aliens from these countries at this time “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States”). 
While Bier ignores the president’s constitutional foreign-affairs authority (although Trump expressly relies on it in the first line of his executive order), he concedes that Trump is relying on a statute. He theorizes, nevertheless, that because Section 1182(f) was enacted in 1952, whereas the non-discrimination provision (Section 1152(a)) was enacted years afterward, the latter must be deemed to have amended the former – thus removing the president’s authority to impose class restrictions based on the aliens’ country of origin. 
Nice try.
Put aside that Trump is principally relying on his inherent constitutional authority, and that the class restriction he has directed is based on national-security, not racial or ethnic considerations. Trump’s executive order also expressly relies on an Obama-era provision of the immigration law, Section 1187(a)(12), which governs the Visa Waiver Program. This statute empowers the executive branch to waive the documentation requirements for certain aliens. In it, Congress itself expressly discriminates based on country of origin.

Under this provision, Congress provides that an alien is eligible for the waiver only if he or she has not been present (a) in Iraq or Syria any time after March 1, 2011; (b) in any country whose government is designated by the State Department as “repeatedly provid[ing] support for acts of international terrorism”; or (c) in any country that has been designated by the Department of Homeland Security as a country “of concern.” 
Trump is principally relying on his inherent constitutional authority. 
So, not only has Congress never repealed the president’s sweeping statutory power to exclude classes of aliens from entry on national-security grounds; decades after the 1965 anti-discrimination provision touted by Bier, Congress expressly authorized discrimination on the basis of national origin when concerns over international terrorism are involved. Consequently, by Bier’s own logic, the 1965 statute must be deemed amended by the much more recent statute. 
Bier concedes that, despite the 1965 anti-discrimination statute, President Jimmy Carter barred entry by Iranian nationals in 1980, after the Khomeini revolution led to the U.S.-hostage crisis. But he treats Carter’s restriction based on national origin as an aberration. Instead, he insists, we should place more stock in the federal courts’ affirmation of the 1965 anti-discrimination provision during the 1990s — specifically, in a litigation involving an alien from Vietnam who had fled to Hong Kong and objected to being required to return to Vietnam to apply for a visa when applicants from other countries faced no such requirement. 
But there is no inconsistency here. Bier perceives one only by overlooking the salient national-security distinction. The discriminatory treatment of Iranians was rationally rooted in anti-terrorism concerns, and was clearly proper. The discriminatory treatment of the Vietnamese alien was unrelated to national security or terrorism, and thus problematic. Trump, like Carter, is quite properly acting on national-security concerns. 
One can debate the policy wisdom of the executive order, which is plainly a temporary measure while a more comprehensive and thoughtfully tailored policy is developed. The seven countries the president has singled out are surely hotbeds of radical Islam; but he has omitted other countries – e.g., Saudi Arabia, home to 15 of the 19 suicide-hijackers who attacked our country on 9/11 – that are also cauldrons of jihadism. 
Furthermore, as I have argued, the real threat to be targeted is sharia-supremacist ideology, which is inherently hostile to the Constitution. Were we to focus our vetting, unapologetically, on that ideology (also known as “radical” or “political” Islam), it would be unnecessary to implement a categorical ban on Muslims or immigrants from majority-Muslim countries. That is critical because non-Islamist Muslims who can demonstrate loyalty to our constitutional principles should not be barred from admission; while Islamists, on the other hand, are not found only in Muslim-majority countries – other things being equal, a sharia supremacist from the banlieues of Paris poses as much of a threat as a sharia supremacist from Raqqa. 
Yet, all that can be debated as we go forward. For now, there is no doubt that the executive order temporarily banning entry from specified Muslim-majority countries is both well within President Trump’s constitutional authority and consistent with statutory law. 
— Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior policy fellow at the National Review Institute and a contributing editor of National Review 

'refugee' boys who sexually assaulted 5 year old Idaho girl

It’s as if it never happened.

*A judge sentenced three Muslim 'refugee' boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows the length or terms of the sentence because the judge has barred everyone in the courtroom, including the victim’s own parents, from speaking about the case.

The three boys — two from Iraq ages 7 and 10, and one from Sudan aged 14 — pleaded guilty in juvenile court in April to multiple counts of sex crimes in an incident that occurred last June in Twin Falls. The assault occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments when 5-year-old Jayla, who is developmentally disabled, was lured into a laundry room, stripped of her clothing and sexually assaulted while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.

Now, following a sentencing hearing Monday at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls, Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District issued a gag order preventing everyone in the courtroom from saying anything about the sentence received by the boys.

Lacy Peterson and her little girl, who was the victim of a sexual assault last June, by boys from Iraq and Sudan, at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls.
Lacy Peterson and her little girl, who was the victim of a sexual assault last June, by boys from Iraq and Sudan, at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls. 
Borreson did allow the family to say they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they say why they are unhappy.

“We can’t talk about it since it’s a sealed case,” said Lacy Peterson, the girl’s mother when contacted by WND Tuesday.

The family’s attorney also told WND he was bound by the judge’s gag order.  Mark Guerry sent the following text message to WND:
“Sorry but I am forbidden by court order from discussing anything that has gone on in the proceedings, especially the outcome of the sentencing. This is a juvenile case, which by its nature makes it a closed proceeding, and the judge has made it clear again that anyone who discusses it with the media, etc., will be held in contempt. Sorry but my hands are tied. All I can do is tell you the parents were not satisfied with the results of this case. They were especially upset with the prosecutor’s repeated statements in the media defending the juvenile defendants, rather than focusing on the victim. I can’t say anymore.”
Mathew Staver, chairman and co-founder of the nonprofit legal assistance agency Liberty Counsel, told WND that Judge Borreson was completely out of line in issuing a gag order after the fact in a criminal case.

Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel

“It’s unconstitutional for the judge to do that. There are gag orders that can be put on people during a jury trial, or if it’s a minor they can prohibit you from mentioning the name of the minor, but they can’t gag you after the fact,” Staver said. “This is public at this point. This judge, it just seems like he’s forgotten about the First Amendment in this case. He has no authority to do this. He can’t hold someone in contempt to keep them from speaking out about their displeasure with the case after the fact.”

Staver said case law is clear on the subject of gag orders.  “That’s a shame what happened to their little girl. This judge can’t gag them. They can voice their displeasure all they want to.  This judge can’t do a thing to stop them,” he said. “Case law is clear. You cannot gag someone after the case is over. Anyone can comment on it, especially the victims. It’s my understanding what they wanted to do was criticize the outcome and they have that right.”

Staver said he feels so strongly about the issue of free speech that he would be willing to take the family’s case and challenge the judge’s order.

Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989.

This isn’t the first time an official in Idaho has tried to squelch free speech in relation to the Twin Falls sexual assault case.

U.S. Attorney for Idaho Wendy J. Olson, was appointed by President Obama in 2010.
Former U.S. Attorney for Idaho Wendy J. Olson, was appointed by President Obama in 2010 and threatened to prosecute Idaho residents who spoke out about the sexual assault case in a way that was unflattering to the perpetrators.

After the case came to light last summer, the former Obama-appointed U.S. attorney for Idaho, Wendy Olson, threatened to prosecute anyone who promulgated “false or inflammatory information” about the crime or the perpetrators. She was later forced to walk back the comments after being criticized by constitutional experts.

In a op-ed for WND, anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller called the judge’s decision “a Travesty of Justice as Idaho Muslim Migrant Rapists Go Unpunished.  The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete…instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants,” Geller wrote. “On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.”

Geller said there were 12 to 15 people in the courtroom for the sentencing hearing and one of them leaked the outcome to her anonymously.  “And the more I heard, the more I understood why this judge wanted to keep all the proceedings secret,” she said.

Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims.”

The court heard about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are, according to Geller.  “They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from having to go through courtroom proceedings.  After this love fest, which lasted for five hours in the courtroom, all three boys were sentenced, one after the other,” she continued. “All three were given probation. They were not found guilty of rape, but of sexually lewd conduct.”

Geller said every time the family’s lawyer, Guerry, tried to speak up, he was silenced.

The 5-year-old victim, Jayla, was never mentioned by Kroeger or the judge – or by the police.

Lacy, in her statement to the court, described how Jayla is still struggling with the trauma of the attack – wetting the bed and having bad dreams, among other issues. "Yet when Lacy completed her statement, Kroeger lashed out not at the perpetrators or their parents, but at Lacy,” Geller writes. “She viciously tongue-lashed Lacy for a full 15 minutes, until finally Judge Borreson had to stop her.”

When the refugee boys pleaded guilty in April, Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said: “I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.”

Geller says nothing could be farther from the truth.  “The resolution of the case was not accepted by the victim’s family, and it was not resolved properly.”

She said Idaho officials were willing to sacrifice the well being of a small girl in an effort to suppress negative information about the state’s growing 'refugee'  community.

“If there were any justice, Judge Borreson would be impeached and removed now,” Geller writes.

Meanwhile, the family is struggling to meet its expenses after having to leave the low-income apartment complex where they lived until their daughter was attacked. They were forced to live in a hotel for two months until they could find suitable living arrangements. They also have counseling expenses for their daughter and legal fees. Their GoFundMe account has raised $75,881 to date.

Related column:
Travesty: Migrant attackers of 5-year-old unpunished by Pamela Geller

*This 'judge' is just as QUILTY as the MUSLIM  phony 'refugee' boys due to his discrimination against a fellow American, a 5 year old female VICTIM of rape and abuse that this child will NEVER FORGET.  Rape is a CRIME in America, so when a person rapes an American of ANY age - WHY ARE MUSLIMS EXCLUDED FROM punishment and publicity like any other American would receive by a court?  In Islam females are to be used and abused, not respected, loved or protected.  Males learn this by Koran indoctrination and adult instruction. It is OK - even encouraged - to rape, abuse, torture, stone to death, burn to death, disfigure by acid, even behead and murder Americans, especially females of ANY age.  Decisions such as the judge handed down set a precedent for protection of muslims from their crimes and until and unless Americans rise up and DEMAND these demons be REMOVED from this nation, we can only EXPECT MORE RAPES AND EVEN WORSE - WHICH IS ALREADY TAKING PLACE IN THE US.  These illegal demons are here due to the United Nations edict - along with full cooperation of the former Obama administration, including all the Muslim Brotherhood 'czars' - positions which never existed prior to Obama's implementation, positions which are NOT lawful positions of our government.  The people of this nation are only as safe as what is being allowed, even perpetrated by those in 'authority' over the people - legal or illegal. Americans need to hold those in authority ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes committed against the people of the US - beginning with this situation.  There is already a LAW making entrance of muslims ILLEGAL in the US.

Climate Change. Uh-Huh.

By Anna Von Reitz

"Climate Change" is code for "Excuse to Tax".  Any excuse will do.  

Back in 1974, the same parties now running around yowling about "Global Warming" were yowling then about "Global Cooling".  They were as intellectually devoid of sense and honor then as they are now. 

The Earth we live on is a living, breathing organism.  It changes.  So do you. 

Whoopee!  Call the Governor!  Call the Press Corps!  

It is interesting to note that the same climate alarmists responsible for all this hype are the same ones who predicted that the Earth would be totally overcome by the "burden" of overpopulation.  We were all supposed to have died off by 1980.  

To quote Gomer Pyle, "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!" 

No sign of anything these hoaxers have predicted happening to date.  

Which points up another fact of life.  These people always and I do mean ALWAYS start out by trying to scare you.  That is so they can apply their Hegelian Dialectic. ---fancy words to describe a con job process.  

First, they scare you silly over something that doesn't exist, or which exists only because they created the problem or which exists but nobody can do anything about anyway.    

(The singular personification of "the" Devil is an example of the first, ISIS is an example of the second, and "climate change" is an example of the third starting point choice.) 

Then they raise a bunch of outcry and howling and "educating" and draw a lot of attention to themselves and collect a lot of money under false pretenses either as a protection racket or for political action.  

Then they claim credit for themselves for having solved this terrible problem that they so heroically brought to public attention and thereby saved everyone. 


Well, this happens to be the sequence that most actual, factual public problem resolutions follow --- the difference is the starting point.  

These people cynically choose a false start and create the whole hoop-la to profit themselves and for no other reason.  

Climate change has been going on for billions of years.  It will continue.  

They know this. 

On a world scale, it is just a repeat of the same scam David Rockefeller used to "corporatize" the United States.  

Find an excuse for racketeering, then give kickbacks to ensure that everyone gets on board. 

Been there. Done that.  Ready to LMAO if they think they are going to pull it again.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Numbskulls of 'The View' - geeeeezzzzz

The Numbskulls of 'The View' Compare American Christians to Taliban

Before we get into the latest idiocy from the 'ladies' of ABC’s 'The View', let’s take a stroll through some of the worst atrocities visited upon the Afghani people by the Islamist fundamentalist government known as the Taliban. 

A comprehensive list of this wretched group’s horrors would require a book the size of an encyclopedia, but here’s a partial list:
  • Child torture
  • The murder of their own soldiers
  • Burning opposition families alive
  • The ethnic cleansing of Hazara men
  • The castration and torture of their political enemies
  • Countless massacres
And, perhaps more to the point in this instance, the passing of Islamist laws against women such as:
  • Strict limitations on what women may wear – no thin clothing, no decorative adornments, no perfume, and a whole-body veil.
  • Women may not walk down the center of a road.
  • Women may not leave their house without a man’s permission.
  • Women may not speak to strange men.
  • Women may not laugh in public or speak too loudly.
  • Women may not be photographed or filmed.
  • Women are not permitted to work outside the home.
And the list goes on.

It really reminds you of Donald Trump’s America, doesn’t it?

No? Well, you apparently haven’t heard about what Trump did last week. His administration announced that they were moving to scrap the Obamacare contraceptive mandate that forces businesses to offer their female employees health insurance that covers birth control.


The women of 'The View' – who would be put to death by the Taliban within five seconds for breaking any number of Islamic crimes – decided that this move put us on the road to a Christian theocracy.
“You can’t hide behind religion to restrict other people’s rights!” host Jedediah Bila exclaimed.

“How is it any different from the Taliban is what I’d like to know?” said the eternally brainless Joy Behar.

You’d expect at this point that at least one of the women around the table would clear their throat and say something like, “Oh, Joy, how about no...” but it didn’t happen. 

Instead, Whoopi Goldberg hopped right on Behar’s crazy train. “I said this before,” Goldberg said. “I’m going to say it again. With all these rollbacks and all the things we hear, what’s the difference between us and the people we’re fighting?”

“Nothing,” confirmed Behar. (How about we give these idiots a FREE TRIP to one of the nations experiencing the customary muslim lifestyle so they can experience for themselves what the difference is between Islam and American freedom. We will arrange for the entire experience to be filmed, then they can use it as script for their next show.  Good idea?!)

“What’s the difference?” Goldberg asked again, drawing applause from her mindless audience members. (OMG - the dumbed down 'education system' in America really IS that bad.)
“That’s what I’m saying,” Behar said. “It’s to keep women down also. Let’s not forget they are trying to keep women in their place. Barefoot and pregnant.”

This isn’t about the specific stupidity of Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, neither of whom really matter in the grand scheme of things. It’s about the surface-level, pig-ignorance of American feminism, an ideology that is driven by people who haven’t known one day of real hardship in their entire lives. 

To compare this situation – Damn, the federal government won’t FORCE my religious employer to pay for my birth control – to the FRIGGIN TALIBAN just shows you that for all the left’s talk about “privilege,” they really don’t have the first clue how good they’ve got it.

The above report clarifies exactly WHY I REFUSE TO WATCH THESE IDIOTS or support their program. I can't even figure out WHY these dumb *itches are still even on air and have sponsors for their foolishness!

(I recommend we ship them to Afghanistan or Kenya or Somalia or Qatar or Saudi Arabia so they can each personally 'experience' Islam for themselves. We will see then how loud they scream for HELP!!! And beg to come home.) 

Enemy Within-Secret Government

Enemy Within-Secret Government-Deep State" 
gets "drain the swamp" coverages

So far I was just minding my own business when all of a sudden our new found alternative .... Red Pill Network stops by with nearly two hours worth of real news. 

Shocking news and a basis for more exposure of the "Rats-Skunks-Enemy Within-Secret Government-Deep State" gets "drain the swamp" coverages. 

 Image result for cartoon evidence hillary clinton donald trump empty box 

Obama’s Horrific Betrayal of Americans

BREAKING: Obama’s Horrific Betrayal
 of Americans Finally EXPOSED
 Lock Him Up!

Published on Jun 6, 2017

BREAKING: Obama’s Horrific Betrayal of Americans Finally EXPOSED, Lock Him Up!

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After Edward Snowden told us all about the Obama administration’s spying, we were shocked. Well, it turns out it was worse than even Snowden knew.

In 2011, Obama’s NSA vowed to follow new privacy ethics. It turns out that they violated that promise, and the law, five percent of the time. It was illegal abuse of power that should land Obama, and plenty of his appointees, in jail (via Circa).
If five percent doesn’t sound like a big deal, consider how you’d feel if you found out your neighbor was invading your privacy about five percent of the time he was over at your house.

One gaze into your bedside drawers is too many, and you, your neighbor, and Obama know it. But the Obama administration only came forward with their abuse of power on October 26. The media did not cover it.
President Trump was elected two weeks later, and Obama expected to walk out of the White House without ever being held accountable for this huge problem.

Obama had disclosed his giant mess to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Those judges called Obama’s withholding of the extent of his illegal behavior, “institutional lack of candor.” In plain language, they’re saying Obama’s administration had a habit of hiding the truth.

The court also said that the illegal searches are a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”

Indeed, we already know that the Obama administration violated the law when spying on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

They have also routinely unmasked Americans who did not need to be unmasked. Also, after those new “rules” were laid down in 2011, the NSA made three times as many requests for private Americans’ information as they had before.

Clearly, Obama was emboldened to further break Americans’ privacy in 2011. He only pretended to reign in his abuse of power.

Senator Rand Paul says that this abuse of power affected hundreds and hundreds of people. You and I could be one of them. President Trump surely was. And the very foundation of our nation is rocky as a result.

Obama needs to be jailed for this. And don’t forget Susan Rice!

Truth About Obama’s Deep State Leakers

BREAKING: Trump Just EXPOSED The Terrifying Truth About Obama’s Deep State Leakers - It’s BAD

Published on Jun 6, 2017

BREAKING: Trump Just EXPOSED The Terrifying Truth About Obama’s Deep State Leakers, It’s BAD.

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President Trump has cracked into the deep state network and exposed traitor leakers.

Deep state actors have hindered the ability of President Trump to govern by constantly leaking classified information to the press. The White House has started to crack down on the leakers and the first traitor, Reality Leigh Winner, was arrested last night.
Reality Winner, a 25-year-old defense contractor for Pluribus International Corporation, was arrested late last night for disseminating classified information to the left-wing website The Intercept.

According to the criminal complaint filed in a U.S. District Court in Georgia, Reality Winner has been charged with transmitting defense information and faces up to 10 years in prison per count.
Reality Winner transmitted a classified National Security Agency (NSA) document investigating a failed attempt by the Russian government to hack a voting system. The leak was the basis of an Intercept article published last week.

The government became aware of the leak after reporters at The Intercept attempted to verify the authenticity of the classified material. The NSA asked the FBI for assistance and quickly found Winner.

The leaked document was tracked back to Winner, who apparently printed the document out at work and was able to sneak it out of the office by folding it into her pocket.

Winner was the only one with access to the document who was also in communication with reporters at The Intercept. Winner was not considered “need to know” and had no reason to access the sensitive material.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein weighed in on the important arrest, stating, “Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz condemned the leak, saying, “Just because you see something that is classified, you can’t just hand that out like it’s candy.” Representative Chaffetz explained that there is a right and wrong way to expose illegal government activity.

However, Reality Winner was clearly not attempting to draw attention to government malfeasance and was purely hoping to damage the reputation of President Trump.

We should expect to see more arrests in the coming days as the FBI hones in on additional sources of illegal leaks. GOOD. Let’s get that swamp drained!

New Clinton corruption probe in Senate

TRUMP 6/6/17: Tucker - 
New Clinton corruption probe in Senate 
What the leftists criticize today by Trump
Bill Clinton was espousing during his
presidential administration
How convenient for these ahos to forget

John Kerry Caught In HUGE Corruption Scandal

Caught In HUGE Corruption Scandal
$9 Million CASH…
Published on Jun 6, 2017

BOMBSHELL: John Kerry Caught In HUGE Corruption Scandal, $9 Million CASH…

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It looks like there is another story that SHOULD be huge, but the media is ignoring it. We always knew that John Kerry was a dishonest person, but it’s unreal that he’d stoop to such a low level.

According to Daily Caller, John Kerry influenced the State Department in such a way that $9 MILLION ended up in Seed Global Health — an organization run by Vanessa Kerry, who is none other than John’s daughter. At first, the State Department said that Kerry had NO idea this was happening. We have now discovered that he knew all along.

We are sick and TIRED of Democrats using their power to make their families rich. The Left wants to go around and say that Republicans are wasting money while funneling taxpayer dollars to their families — in this case — NINE MILLION DOLLARS! It is insanity at its finest. We cannot allow this to continue. How much of OUR money has gone to fund families of people who are already filthy rich?

It is a trend that is costing us MILLIONS of dollars. If we do not call out people like Kerry, we are allowing them to rob us blind without saying a word. If he wants to give his daughter money, he can buy her a card and put as much money as he wants in it. When he steals money from U.S. taxpayers, he is going to pay the price.

It is so hard to believe that the media is silent on this story. Can you imagine what would happen if a Republican was caught sending money to their family? It would be a witch hunt. CNN would broadcast 24/7 that they need to be stopped.

The scary part is they don’t need evidence to try and make that claim. We have all watched the media try to lie and deceive people about President Trump. But how long have they been covering for liberals making money off of OUR hard work?

Kerry needs to be investigated immediately for this fraud. It is as clear as day that he was just trying to find a way to make his daughter filthy rich, and he succeeded!

After he is found guilty, they need to strip that 9 million dollars away from her and put her in jail for receiving it. Obviously, there was a conversation between Kerry and his daughter about this money.

It went right in her pocket, and she was able to go on with her life nine million dollars richer, while homeless veterans are starving in the streets. We are OUTRAGED that they would insult the patriots of this country. If we had that extra money for veterans, we could accomplish SO much for them.

Instead, John Kerry’s daughter gets to go on the shopping spree of a lifetime. BOTH of them need to be locked up for fraud against the American people.

If we catch and arrest one group doing this, the rest of them will think twice before they add money to their family’s accounts. We can STOP this once and for all and help those who helped keep us safe during times of war.

What 3 Muslims Had Been Secretly Doing For Months

Sickening Bust In Michigan
When Feds Walked In On What 3 Muslims
Had Been Secretly Doing For Months 

Published on Jun 6, 2017
Sickening Bust In Michigan When Feds Walked In On What 3 Muslims Had Been Secretly Doing For Months

The city of Dearborn, Michigan was once an all-American town, where American businesses thrived. But thanks to Obama’s policies over the past 8 years, this small town has been transformed into something unrecognizable, earning the nickname “Little Baghdad.” Now the Muslim community of Michigan have found a sick new way to stick it to the American people, proving once again that they have no goal to assimilate into our society as peace-loving individuals.

Immigrants from the Middle East are the highest number of immigrants currently invading America, and hordes of unvetted migrants continue to infest our country as they pose as “war-ravaged refugees.” As the Muslim population in Dearborn alone has doubled in just the past 5 years, now we have a huge issue on our hands, as these vermin are putting a massive strain on our welfare system.

It’s pretty sickening that we give these Muslims so much as they escape from their third world country $&*t holes, offering them everything from federal assistance, to welfare and unemployment, only to have our generosity thrown back in our face in such a vile manner. Meanwhile, these idiots are laughing all the way to the bank, as Michigan Muslims are routinely seen driving around in Rage Rovers while paying with their groceries with EBT cards. One man named Brian who did a recent documentary on Dearborn, Michigan, was completely outraged over what he witnessed, as he said all Muslim women were decked out in designer clothes while flaunting their expensive cars all while living off the tax payer’s dime:

“When we’re going grocery shopping you see these young Arab ladies and girls with their kids getting out of Range Rovers using their EBT cards to get their groceries ... they’re in designer clothes carrying Prada purses and pulling out their Medicaid cards for their healthcare…they’re driving around $60,000-$70,000 vehicles and living in $250,000-$300,000 homes,” Brian said.

Don’t ever stop exposing the corruption going on, as Muslims are doing everything in their power to take down the United States by infiltrating us from within, while sucking us dry in the process. And with liberals constantly advocating to bring more of these degenerates into our country, this type of corruption and debauchery will just continue to occur, until we the American people finally rise up and say that enough is enough!


28 Cities In The U S Just Came Together
To Royally Enrage Muslims In Their States
After Terror Attacks

Published on Jun 5, 2017
28 Cities In The U.S. Just Came Together To Royally Enrage Muslims In Their States After Terror Attack

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28 American cities have just done what most of us Patriotic Americans have been waiting for years.

It’s being reported that “ACT! For America” is planning a nationwide “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights” this coming June 10. So far 28 American cities in 21 states have signed up to participate. And I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my own home state of Looney Liberal California has 3 cities participating.

The map above should warm every freedom loving American’s heart. It’s clear the American people will not put up with what Europe has been putting up with.

Although no one knows what will happen after last Saturday’s London Bridge attack we can rest assure America isn’t headed in the same direction. After Spain was attacked by Muslim scumbags a few years ago they voted far left out of fear and they surrendered. The French just passed up a strong nationalist in Marine Le Pen and elected a liberal globalist like Emmanuel Macron instead, out of fear and not wanting to offend anyone.