Some ramblings about the shooting in DC
I am highly suspicious of this. I believe this was done by a programmed patsy who was handed military hardware and that the hospital is finishing the job. Here's why: 1. First of all, the early reports said the guy used a handgun and a military issued M4 carbine. Now this has morphed to other guns that better match a story line that will lead to the death of Scalise. BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE: EARLY ON IT WAS A MILITARY ISSUE M4 CARBINE. A CONTROLLED ITEM. AND THEY CAN'T CHANGE THEIR STORY WITH SUCH AN OBVIOUS ITEM. PERIOD.2. Second, RIGHT FROM MINUTE ONE the media was claiming 1 congressman down, 216 to go. And they were rejoicing. But it was impossible to say that, because early on there were multiple people shot and they would not have known how many congressmen were actually shot, let alone that 1 would die, thus leaving the number "216 to go". The only thing that makes sense with this as far as I see it is that they knew for sure ONE would die, and the only way they'd be sure of that is if they knew someone in the hospital was there to finish the job. From there, they'll fabricate any story line that fits.
3. Here we have a patsy, who was living a perfectly normal life, then suddenly wonked out, "lived in his van for two months" with no one knowing where he vanished to, and suddenly he surfaces and does this. That's fishy folks, and fits with "The CIA or some other Rothchild/Soros owned entity successfully drugged this guy, tripped him out, made him malfunction while he was out with the van and then programmed him for this." The fact he did the shooting, as the "first five minute" reports stated: with a military issued M4 carbine, would prove he was provided his weapons by someone beyond the ordinary. Who would that be? You guess.
4. The guy was an awful shot. From this perspective it could not have gone better. With the guns this guy had, hillbilly joe or even six pack bob who might have a gun or two of that type would have accomplished 25 head shots with 25 bullets fired. All shots were within 50 yards. That's too easy of a shot for anyone who knew anything about guns at all to miss even once, with a gun as good as even the worst assault rifle, including the SKS. How could you get such an awful shot? Answer: WITH A PROGRAMMED PATSY who knew nothing about guns, that you suddenly abducted and mind wiped for the job. That sure fits "vanished with the van for two months, " only to suddenly surface with this.
5. Scalise showed up at the hospital in fair condition. This was reported so widely that even Politico reported that he was in good spirits and called his wife before the surgery. Suddenly, after the surgery, he skipped right over serious condition straight to critical condition and the hospital started lying, saying he was in shock and delerious and in critical condition before he went into surgery even after liberal crap outlets like Politico reported he was fine. This is the biggest key indicator that he was sent to a particular hospital to die. They need their cover story for his death, and can't say he was cheerful when he went into surgery after they intentionally botched it. Calling the wife in a cheerful mood simply won't do, even if the worst liberal rags reported that.
6. Very suspicious: Now, the media is trying to scramble the story line about the gun used, to try to explain the details on the ground. They are sort of leaning towards the SKS, which might have a solid bullet deflect off the hip and cause serious internal injury, at the same time it explained why he was such an awful shot. But the SKS is not that bad, inside of 100 yards it is accurate enough to not make a difference and all shots were close. And they botched it early on by saying it was an M4 carbine. So the SKS story line is a blunder.
7. Ok, so let's say somehow our patsy got ahold of a NOT military issued .223 (which is the caliber of an M4 carbine) and he had a knock off. It will still be identical to the military version when it hits something. What happens when you hit a hip with that? Well, nothing should really happen. The bullet is designed to fragment in soft tissue and make a huge mess, but if it hits something solid like a hip, it ought to do significant damage at that point, but stop there.
They therefore want the story morphed over to it being an AK or an SKS, because that round penetrates better without fragmenting and would fit the story line of Scalaise showing up all cheery and then dying because the bullet deflected into vital organs. I guess a .223 might do that too, but if you get a bad hit with a .223, you will NOT feel cheery and call the wife, PERIOD. The only way he'd be cheery after getting hit with a .223 is if it was neutralized when it hit the hip bone and spread nowhere from that. So if he was reported as cheery before going into surgery, that would be what happened. And there would be ZERO chance of reducing to critical condition just because someone dug around in your hip.
So we are watching the story about the gun used twist and turn to fit whatever happened when a doctor intentionally botched the surgery to reduce Scalaise from fair condition to critical. SKS it will be then.
Trump may have figured this out, he's not stupid. So he sent the best white house doctor. What happened next?
8. CNN and all the other liberal media outlets FLIPPED OUT and started trashing trump for sending that doctor, who would obviously be outside of the control loop of a calculated hospital murder. That would mean key people at CNN and other liberal outlets KNEW THERE WAS A MURDER IN PROGRESS, and were pissed that Trump found a way to interfere with it. Will Scalaise make it? Only time will tell now, IF the doctor Trump sent will be good enough to see the obvious, and get Scalaise back away from critical condition.
If Scalaise dies, he was Seth Riched pure and simple, and that is my FINAL ANSWER.
The hospital Scalise is in is LYING and setting up his deathThis is super easy to prove. Here is what the hospital said at 8:30 PM:Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. He was transported in shock to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations. We will provide periodic updates. My response: That statement is a LIE, and there is cold hard proof of that! If you are in shock, you are NOT in good spirits, no, you are completely dazed and have lost color, and are delirious and probably hallucinating. I can prove the hospital's statement is a lie, BECAUSE POLITICO REPORTED THIS: |
Prior to entering surgery, the Whip was in good spirits and spoke to his wife by phone." - Politico. AND NOW HE'S ON HIS DEATH BED? HOW?????! |
SCALISE WAS DEFINITELY BEING SETH RICHEDScalise entered the hospital in FAIR condition. Fair condition means you can be missing an arm or leg, or have some other horrible injury, but your vital signs read completely normal. Scalise had perfectly normal vital signs when he entered the hospital. Then he leap frogged right over serious condition (where vital signs are no longer normal) to critical condition (where vital signs indicate you might die.) Folks, that can't happen in todays world. You don't go from fair condition to critical condition unless something causes it. Trump responded to this by sending his own white house doctor to oversee Scalise. AND WHAT HAPPENED THEN? CNN and other commie news outlets flipped out, and started shredding Trump for sending a doctor he trusts to oversee Scalise! It does not take a huge brain to figure out why!Here's why: If Scalise went from fair to critical condition, someone who wanted him dead caused it, just like Seth Rich. And someone at CNN knows the plot, and that Scalise was sent to that hospital to die. And now, because Trump sent a doctor that is not there to kill Scalise, CNN can't handle it and is whining and moaning about it. And if Scalise died, there will be a real doctor right there, to say it was caused by foul play. I believe Scalise was sabotaged during the surgery, which was botched on purpose to kill him. That's the only way digging a bullet out of a hip is going to put someone who was perfectly stable and in fair condition, into critical condition. You can't go from fair condition to critical condition like that. It just does not happen. He's being Seth Riched NO IFS OR BUTS. Scalise was a good guy. He was one of us. Let's hope Trump's appointment of a trustworthy doctor saved him. |
Now is the wrong time to buy a new carFor context with this, scroll down to the report about Renault's revolutionary new EV battery that is farther down this pageI have been intrigued by Renault's new EV battery. So I have put some time into calculating what is possible with solar. Either way, even if you don't want solar, a gas powered car is probably a bad choice right now because with Renault's new innovation practical EV's will probably hit car lots by 2021, four years earlier than the assumed 2025. Basically, if you want a no frills car that has a footprint of 15 feet by 6 feet (total outside footprint) you can put enough of the latest solar panels on it to give you a little over 10 kilowatt hours a day on the best day, and right around 7 kilowatt hours on an average day. How much does that convert to? Well, let's back up a bit here . . .Let's say you are fashion concious and don't want something that looks like it belongs to a geek. Let's be realistic. In that case, you could probably make 8 kilowatts max, and 5.5 kilowatt hours on a not so bright day fashionable. Let's go with that assumption, and split the difference between the two fashionable numbers and say you will get 6.75 kwh daily put on an average mundane car. How much is that, in real world traveling? If you use what Renault has as a model, they are able to get 41 kwh to reliably push a car 250 miles in combined driving conditions. 41 kwh divided by 6.75 kwh equals 6.07. 250 divided by 6.07 equals 41.18 So with fashionable solar on your car, you get 41 miles a day. How many miles is that a year? 41.18X365= 15, 030 miles. That's more than an average American drives in a year. It will be stupid to not put some form of solar on the new generation of electric vehicles, because solar is now good enough to make fashionable appearances support absolutely free practical driving. On days when you did not use all your miles, you'd simply put more reserve into the battery. And if you did have to go somewhere beyond what the solar could handle, you can still charge the car normally. If Renault did what Tesla is doing, and put their great battery tech into a 1, 600 kg battery, the Renault, with such a huge battery, would go 1, 300 or more miles on a charge. This is not saying a Tesla battery would make a renault go that far, because Tesla's tech is inferior. But if the superior tech Renault has was used with the same weight limits Tesla has, it would go that far. The bottom line here is that the writing is on the wall - The correct innovations have happened to push the electric car squarely into the mainstream. Renault's battery weighs less than an engine and transmission in a normal car, and forget about the weight of a full tank of gas to boot! If everything was made equal RIGHT NOW, and Renault's tech was used at a weight that equaled an engine, transmission, and full tank of gas, the range of the car with combined city/highway driving would easily be more than 400 miles. You don't need to worry about the weight of the electric motors, because they run at about 600 volts, which means they can output lots of power and weigh practically nothing. As voltage goes up in electric motors, they hit higher horspower levels with the same amount of weight. Small motors can do a huge job, especially with Tesla's design, which uses a liquid cooled electric motor that has a small radiator. The entire system is the size of an ordinary rear differential in a rear wheel drive car. Anyway, I think this is interesting because we will soon see a day when it will be possible to have a car that basically operates for absolutely no cost at all, IF people are willing to put solar panels on it. I am sure there will be precisely ZERO (0) manufacturers that will do that with a stock model, because they are all owned by the same elite that won't want people to have that level of independence come with a normal monthly car payment. |
Anonymous sent:Hi Jim, would like to be able to repost the main core report and to copy it for sharing around my family. Could you please make it a link on the right side of your site so we can do this? Thanks for all you are doing My response: That report has been in the right hand column for 4 years. It is there, under "The Main Core" |
It looks like Scalise is going the way of Seth RichCorrect me if I am wrong here, but I don't recall getting shot in the hip as being potentially fatal unless you are out in the woods and can't get to a hospital and you bleed to death, or you don't take care of it and die of an infection. It is now known that Seth Rich was walking when they took him to the hospital - he could walk, and did not even know he had been shot. Maybe he was not shot. And maybe Scalise has a superficial wound and is now being killed at the hospital, JUST LIKE SETH RICH.It seems odd to me that he went from "fair and stable" condition to critical condition, once you hit the hospital, it usually goes from fair and stable to good condition, does it not? This is one to watch no doubt. If we don't keep an eye on this they will probably kill him. |
CNN claims shooting "was not evil"That's how communists think. If the target is their target, then killing is never evil. Keep that in mind when you take a look at this re-post:BLOCKBUSTER: HANNITY CONFIRMED THE MAIN CORE IS REALYears ago, I did a detailed report about what was called "The Main Core". The main core is the key group of people who make America what it is, who are all tracked and slated for killing or internment when Hillary's (or whoever elses) hammer drops. These are the people the FEMA camps are for. Sean Hannity had two investigators on who revealed that revealed that 20 million Americans had been "unmasked" revealing all details of their lives so they could be rounded up and put in internment camps and/or killed. Hillary and Obama spearheaded the effort. If Hillary had scammed her way in, we'd be toast, Trump saved our lives.IF YOU HAD ANY DOUBT THE MAIN CORE REPORT WAS REAL, (a report posted here 4 years ago), JUST TAKE A LOOK AT HOW CNN AND THE LIBERAL LEFT IS BEHAVING AFTER TODAY'S SHOOTING. THEY SUPPORT IT 100 PERCENT, WHICH CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY PROVES THEY WILL SUPPORT THE KILLING OF "THE MAIN CORE" WHEN THE TIME COMES. So we have ALL of the liberal left MSM saying Trump should be killed, Twitter is lit up with tons of high profile leftists who are posting happy comments about the shooting today, Twitter is doing nothing to stop it, and all is well, because killing conservatives is just the right thing to do. The writing is on the wall folks, now we see with clarity what the left is all about and has been all about all along. These people are dangerous, and their behavior today proves it without question.Now re-read this - I am dead serious with it:The Main CoreAmerica's back bone of 20 million patriots has already been identified for killingJim Stone, July 7 2013 What the NSA hacking on America really means When I worked for the NSA prior to 9/11, the NSA only looked outward, not inward. And I never thought the NSA ever would look inward and spy on the American people. I knew that if that ever happened the result would be catastrophic. After 9/11 I knew the NSA was looking inward to some degree, and had suspected they might be recording everything before Snowden blew the whistle, but I was not certain. Now we all can be. And I would like to go into a few things here to explain to people how grave this situation really is.When an agency like the NSA looks outward into other countries, it cannot be a tool that is used by the governments of the countries being spied on to oppress the people in that country. When used to spy on foreigners the NSA and other similar agencies are not part of the policy making for that which they are observing. So the purpose for any spying by agencies such as the NSA will be limited to key elements of the observed nation, such as the government agencies and major companies that could present a problem to the whole of America in the future. The NSA will not pay attention to Joe the bar-b-q chef or Moe the mechanic, because on an individual level ordinary people in foreign countries are a waste of time to observe. It is very different when such an intelligence agency looks inward at it's host populationWith the NSA looking inward, especially with them recording every phone conversation and e-mail and not just the meta data, the people who understand what America really is supposed to be are now fully identified. These people, which are referred to as "the main core" represent what remains of the backbone of this once great nation, the core of which numbers 8 million with 30 or so million close enough to the main core for any psychopath to be able to justify taking out along with it. If America is to become the totally transformed Communist society that the Zionists want it to be, the main core has got to be ripped out, and the NSA has made this future event possible to accomplish with minimal effort and pin point precision. There is no question that the elitist zionist faction wants every aspect of America it cannot control with ease wiped out, just like the elitist Zionists Bolsheviks did to the Ukranian people. And as America approaches this same reality, we have the same approximate numbers, 30 - 70 million slated for death and internment in America. With the DHS ordering well over a billion rounds of ammo, countless tens of thousands of cheap plastic coffins already purchased and sitting in storage yards, 2, 700 giant heavily armed vehicles which are totally impenetrable to civilian weapons, vehicles perfectly capable of gutting American homes with high caliber gunfire right from the curb side, it is time for Americans to face a simple fact - All of the stories are more than just rumor. And because these stories are not just rumor, I would take the NSA spying on everyone VERY seriously.It's too lateIf you think Americans can change this situation with a 300 million eyed monster observing everyone's every move, you are off in fantasy land somewhere. It is GAME OVER. You cannot beat this monster with a cute little encryption trick performed on a compromised operating system with a compromised processor tapped into via a compromised internet. I see all of the new stupid pet trick type encryption fantasies some people are parading on the web now to "secure" themselves against the NSA as some sort of useless bubble gum fad, IF YOU WORKED FOR THEM AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON, YOU WOULD REALIZE SUCH EFFORTS ARE AS LAUGHABLE AS TRYING TO FIX A SEMI WITH A PLASTIC BARBIE TOOL SET. And if you are even able to HAVE that barbie tool set and try to use it, you are already flagged for elimination anyway. You should be focusing your efforts on other subjects like GETTING THE HELL OUT. And they know who you are. They know you know. They know if you have guns. They know you are not pleased with Obama, Bush, and false flag terror. They know you probably know the truth about the "holocaust", the truth about vaccines, GMO, and any other number of your particular pet topics that make them itch. They know where you are going to bug out to, and they know what you bought for it. If your car is 2005 or newer, they will watch you go to your bug out place and nail you there. Ditto if you are stupid enough to bring your cell, or bring anyone elses for that matter.Your only option is to get to Iceland, Venezuela, Ecuador or any other country that proved itself with Snowden before the axe falls. Unlike the illegal immigrant "problem" America has, a large scale influx of Americans into nations such as Ecuador would intellectually launch any country that accepted them 30 years into the future because it won't be the idiots fleeing America, it will be the cream of the crop - those smart enough to see the asteroid coming. And if for any of the 500 reasons America now revokes passports from complete non criminals you are one of the 50 million that does not have one, GO INTO THE FOREIGN EMBASSIES AND START REQUESTING ASYLUM NOW. When the axe fallsWhen the axe falls, you WON'T be running to Mexico because the border fence was for YOU, and unlike the B.S. you were told, it is totally impassable if you can even get to it. The border is so well surveilled now that you can't even get close to that fence which is impossible to get across even if you do. I know this because I spent four days in the back country border zone observing what is going on. Believe me, the security is real, and it is for stopping Americans, NOT Mexicans. And if you think Canada will save you, WAKE UP. When the axe falls, the Zionist Bolsheviks who run the U.S. government will be on the diplomatic channels to all nations saying it is fair and balanced and everyone will get a fair trial, so anyone who is complaining here and asking for asylum is some sort of lunatic. They will have PR campaigns of epic proportions coming out of Hollywood and paid for advertisements in all prospective refuge nations, calling you a criminal or a nut case or a deadbeat to hinder your asylum bid. They will have the CIA working overtime, and the zionist factions within the not totally infiltrated prospective asylum nations working overtime in secret to flip public opinion against you. If you were part of America's main core, they have ONE objective for you - to burn you to ashes or bury you in a pit somewhere, and that objective does not involve allowing you to escape to bring the seeds of America out of the country to sprout a whole new "problem" for them elsewhere.We just saw proof of this today. A gunman walked onto a baseball field, shot at a bunch of people, and because CNN and the left did not agree with the politics of the people shot at, "it was not evil" and many celebrated on Twitter. Let this be a wake up call - if the left gets its way, it will be the Ukraine massacre all over again. They absolutely will repeat their behavior. |
Huge apartment fire in London |
OK THIS IS NOW CONFIRMED:I was skeptical, so I waited to report this. This is how this morning's shooting happened: A liberal leftist fruit cake asked if congressmen that were practicing baseball were Republican or Democrat. Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis said the shooter asked the group of they were Republican or Democrat. He was told they were Republican. The shooter then left, and returned with his guns and opened fire. This indicates that it was obviously a leftist, and that this shooting was not planned, The shooting was probably definitely inspired by CNN, Kathy Griffin, and the recent Julius Caesar play that appeared to encourage the killing of Trump.We need a crack down on the media openly encouraging people to kill the President, and to kill conservatives in general. Enough is enough! |
Assasination attempt on Republican congressmenA leftist shooter who was probably inspired by Kathy Griffin and the new Julias Caesar play that depicted what looked like Trump being assassinated, along with the rest of the promptings to assassinate conservatives that have been so prominent in the media, opened fire with high capacity magazines at a batting park where Republican congressmen were practicing baseball with their kids. Somehow the shooter got ahold of the schedule and showed up with high capacity rifles and opened fire. Several congressmen were shot but none fatally. Capitol police fired back and took out the shooter as he was about to get to the first base dugout, where several congressman were sitting. It appears that everyone who got shot was out on the field, while the shooter was shooting from another dugout.The Leftist media have already depicted the shooter as a white male, to milk the story from that angle, but it is going to be a hard sell when he was trying to kill conservatives. The media can handle "Right wing white male" shootings, but they are going to choke on "Leftist white male shooting". Let's see how they spin this . . . . At any rate, no one except perhaps the shooter was killed but several are hospitalized. I have a comment here: If this guy had been "right wing", he'd have known how to shoot, and EVERYONE would be dead. You can't just go on a shooting spree if you are a leftist turd who never touched a gun before! WHAT AN IDIOT. So there is a happy ending to this story - the shooter was a leftist IDIOT who could not hit the broad side of a barn! We were very lucky this guy was such an awful shot! |
Renault is going to leap frog TeslaYesterday I reported about a new EV battery that was developed by LG and Renault, that out performs pound for pound anything Tesla has by a huge margin. Renault electric vehicles already had 20 kilowatt batteries with decent energy density, but seemingly overnight a similarly priced direct replacement that would go in the same cars doubled the capacity to more than 40 KW (from a 300 kg battery), and blew the energy density of Tesla's battery tech away. Since almost all Renault batteries are leased, people want to turn in the old batteries (that are not very old) and get the new ones for practically the same lease price. So what will Renault do with a huge number of perfectly good EV batteries that get turned in after lease and replaced with better batteries? ANSWER: Renault now has 50 of them under testing in private solar powered homes. They are cheaper than Tesla's home batteries and have a 20 kilowatt capacity, which is far better than Tesla's 10 kilowatt home battery.If testing goes well and the batteries can actually be efficiently used for solar, Renault will easily beat Tesla in the home battery business. Since the returned batteries would be perfectly working "junk" anyway, Renault has nothing to lose - in effect a free resource that is readily available - to beat Tesla with at a per-unit cost of $0. Tesla was so far ahead for so long it seems like they relaxed and gave someone else a chance to catch up. Renault did just that by developing a completely modular battery system that can be removed easily as an entire unit and re-appropriated (or upgraded) with perfect simplicity. See this PREDICTION: People who are saying electric cars are going to fail are dead wrong - Renault's new battery tech is going to tip the balance with ease, and put an electric car in everyone's drive way. It will be super easy from that point for anyone to put 1000 watts of solar on the roof of the car, generate 5 KWH per day and drive 40 miles a day for free. BUSTED:Here is something that got wiped out of the original post about Sandy Hook below (I am posting this from a cyber cafe)They have posted fake schedules and fake cover stories to cover for the fact no kids were at Sandy Hook from 2008 up until the shooting. They are doing this to "prove" the school was open. But this is easy to shred still, PEOPLE, PLEASE DO SCREEN CAPTURES OF THIS RIGHT NOW:This following article reads like a load of puff, and claims to be welcoming the kids in 2010. And Google has it indexed for 2010. And the paper says it is 2010. Sandy Hook welcomes kindergardeners in 2010 This is a lie, even though Google says it is real. HERE IS PROOF: dropped the "truth burial" ball, and shows the earliest posting of this report happened after the psy op, in November 2014. It got indexed regularly ever since.SEE THIS. The first record of the page existing was in November of 2014. That simply does not cut it, and you will see the exact same anomalies happen with everything sandy hook related during the time frame between shut down and psy op because the school was closed, and all that exists is fake postings and Google complicity with "legitimate" dating to cover it all up. The Wayback machine was not sufficiently accounted for and compromised so (for now) the proof is there that the school really was closed. In case there is anything wrong with the links, here is the copy paste version: Fake posted years later report: Wayback machine, confirming it was not posted in 2010 as stated:*/ There is a reason why they triggered a shutdown of my main computer when I was about to post. It had the battery in, the power supply hooked up, and there was no power outage or other problem. The screen simply went blank and all the work was lost. For that, I am going to slay them even worse, just wait. Because if they are that desperate over Sandy Hook, it means it is an achilles heel that can blow them to smithereens. I did not know this topic was that sensitive. Now it is time to dig. I will update this more later. |
SANDY HOOK WEB SITE PROVES SHOOTING NEVER HAPPENEDI had a beatiful report on this that I spend a huge amount of time on, and when I went to post it the computer shut off! Someone shut it off. Now I don't have time to re-do it. Additionally, during the re-type I had to battle deletes! Here is the gist of the report: The Wayback machine indexed the Sandy Hook web site. All indexing stopped in the spring of 2008 Because the school was shut down permanently at that time, to be demolished. This shut down and demolition order is something I covered at the time of Sandy Hook in detail. Sandy Hook was shut down because of asbestos problems.Additionally, if you go to the indexing in the Wayback machine, it shows the days it indexed the last pages, but when you click them they are all deleted, because for the last two years on the Sandy Hook web site, it said the school was soon to be shut down and demolished and the Wayback machine is a totally fluid political tool that exists to fill a history expungement agenda, all the while it fronts as legit. The Wayback machine indexed nothing from spring of 2008 until 2013, because there was no web site to index for a school that did not exist. Then, after the psy op, someone re-registered the Sandy Hook web site to prove the school existed, which is something anyone can do to any web site that has been abandoned. The Wayback machine can't tell the difference between the original web site and the hoax web site, so it indexes them as the same. So here is the link to the Wayback machine that shows this. You can click any date that is within two years of the shut down, and the pages will be blank, but if you go back in time to before 2005, the pages work, and prove that this really is the web site for Sandy Hook. There are trolls out there saying this is fake, but it is clearly not fake. It absolutely is the real web site for the same Sandy Hook that was supposedly shot up, and there really is a five year gap in updates that prove the school was not in operation prior to the psy op. That's as good as I can do in 10 minutes fixing hours of wrecked work. REGARDLESS OF WHAT TROLLS SAY, THIS IS THE REAL SANDY HOOK WEB SITE, AND IT REALLY WAS SHUT DOWN FOR FIVE FULL YEARS because the building was abandoned and just waiting for one last use in a psy op. |
Creepy: "Indivisible" sleeper cell groups popping up EVERYWHEREI'd bet George Soros is behind this, and wants to make good and sure there are a huge number of registered activists ready for the next election, to crush it. Take a look at this map of locations, it is absolutely freaky There is obviously the usual "Trump lost the election and blah blah to justify it" also. This really looks like something Soros is backing.SO HERE IS WHAT YOU DO: find a location near you. Join the group. Infiltrate it and at a minimum expose it. At a max, divert and subvert it. This is a game they play, and we had better start playing it also. |
It takes a villageI might as well mention this, because it is (sort of) making the rounds - In Hillary Clinton's 1996 book "It takes a village to raise a child", she wrote about using black prison labor to maintain the Arkansas governor's mansion while the Clintons were there. Someone went back in time, read that piece of trash, and found it. Now it is a scandal I guess.Hillary does not look good in retrospect, because first of all prison labor is frowned on, and second of all, she claims to have become friendly with a few of them - African American men in their thirties who she claimed were emotional illiterates. That's certainly not a politically correct way to say it. Yep, this can get published by her directly in a very well known about book, and the MSM won't touch it. Imagine what would happen if Trump did anything of the sort, let alone published it! |
June 13 2017
PREDICTION: The electric car will go completely mainstream by 2025Renault may have revolutionized the electric carRenault just switched over to a new 46 kwh battery that costs remarkably less per kwh, and holds twice the power of the previous generation. The new battery weighs 306 kilograms. The old battery weighs 290 kilograms. The new battery costs far less per kwh, and holds twice as much. At 306 kilograms holding 46 kwh (41 allowed to be used) it is far more energy dense than the absolute latest from Tesla. The electric car will take over. The writing is on the wall. One note: There is confusion with the media about the new battery pack specifications. The real specs are HERE and it is important, because the breakthrough is the fact that the battery is the same size, almost the same weight, and has double the capacity. Much of the MSM is getting this wrong. Tesla is still the champion of storage, with car battery packs starting at 60 kwh. The big deal with Renault however is that the battery is relatively small, plugs into the exact same place as the old battery and does twice as much for practically the same price. And in addition to that, Renault's battery gives a relatively cheap car the same range as a Tesla.Because the cost of the battery in an electric car is so high, Renault decided to not include the battery with the car when purchased. Instead, the battery is leased after purchase of the car it goes in. This then means that all people have to do to get twice the range is let the lease expire on the old battery, and then lease the new one. It fits. It has a 250 plus mile range. That's a breakthrough for a low budget electric. Tesla sales are brisk in the luxury segment I got onto this topic because when the government in Denmark pulled the subsidies for Tesla, sales dropped by over 90 percent. So I figured it was doom for the electric car. But reality is far from that. Denmark only had high Tesla sales because a 180 percent import tax that is applied to all gasoline vehicles was not applied to the Tesla, which made it ridiculously cheap compared to competing gasoline cars. Obviously if that kind of tax is suddenly put on Tesla, which is an expensive car anyway, it will instantly jump out of everyone's reach overnight. That's not Teslas fault. Right now, with Tesla, the average subsidy in the U.S. is only around $5, 000 dollars. Removing that subsidy won't affect the sales of a $65, 000 car, especially when under some conditions it is the fastest thing on the road. Tesla has earned a rightful place in the luxury segment. So it cannot be said that subsidies are, at this time, keeping the electric car alive. Back to the new battery that Renault just came up with - The battery, which is leased, goes into the Zoe electric car. The old batteries that are still good (all of them are still good, there were not problems with them) are likely to be returned and replaced with the new. Renault is not going to throw away the old batteries, instead Renault plans to put 100, 000 of the old batteries into a electric storage facility. There is no guarantee they will get 100, 000 back, but when the new battery with twice the range only costs $13 more per month, what do you think people are going to do? I'd sure take twice the range for $13 a month. Where the cost is in carsWith a gasoline car, the main cost is the chassis, followed by the engine and transmission. With an electric car, the main cost is also the chassis, followed by the battery, and the drive system is DIRT CHEAP, costing only a fraction of what a gasoline drivetrain costs. So the big barrier holding the electric car back is the cost of the battery. Renault's new battery arrived so unexpectedly and is so cheap, so compatible, and so powerful for its size and price that some are speculating that it will take only one more similar step in price and performance for the electric car to beat gasoline cars and make them obsolete. The general speculation on that is if you can get an electric car to match the price of a gasoline car, and have a 500 mile range, virtually no one will say no to electric. Before Renault's new battery, people were speculating this would happen by 2025. Now people are not so sure, and are instead beginning to speculate that price and performance will break that barrier by 2020. LG developed the battery tech in Renault's battery. Panasonic developed the battery tech in Tesla's battery. Right now, LG is ahead by leaps and bounds. I would not expect the people at Panasonic to sit on their hands after being beaten so solidly, with those two companies at war with each other I'd expect battery tech to move ahead very quickly.There is lots of speculation about who will enter the electric car race, with Volkswagen and manufacturers from China hitting the top of the list. This report is going on what is happening now, with cars already on the road. Right now, we have Renault with a cheap car that can match the range of Tesla with a 306 kilogram battery, at 250 miles. Tesla, with the less efficient battery packs, is making up for it very well by having battery packs that weigh 1, 600 kilograms. With that much of a weight advantage, obviously they hold more power. But that's not a revolution. Let's wait for the counter punch . . . . . . |
June 12 2017
Puerto Rico votes in favor of statehoodNow that the government in Puerto Rico has proven itself to be as irresponsible and corrupt as the rest of the United States by going so helplessly into debt they had to file bankruptcy, it's time to join the union! Gee, I can't possibly imagine better news than that! It still has to go before Congress for approval. I'd strongly advise against that.It sort of looks rigged to me, only 23 percent of the population voted and 93 percent of that said yes? Well, maybe. I doubt it. But whatever, and it will be foolish to take on a 51st state that is that messed up by any measure. |
June 12 2017Russia's nuclear arsenal has a dead man's switchWar with Russia is not winnable. If the Russian government is taken out, Russia's nuclear arsenal has a dead man switch that will simply launch and annihilate everything on the target list. This dead man switch will also instruct submarines to launch. Ok, so that's bad. War with Russia is not advisable, because it is not winnable. (that is if you have no morals, if you have morals there are plenty of other reasons not to. Ok, so why did I mention this? Because Russia's Satan2 missiles/nukes are rated at 40 megatons. That's approximately how much power the restricted Tsar bomba that was tested had. It was supposed to have over 80 megatons but they limited it to about 47 for testing. Even the restricted version blew windows out over 500 miles away.Here is a description of what Tsar Bomba did:Although simplistic fireball calculations predicted the fireball would impact the ground, the bomb's own shock wave reflected back and prevented this. The fireball reached nearly as high as the altitude of the release plane and was seen almost 1, 000 kilometres (620 mi) from ground zero. The subsequent mushroom cloud was about 64 kilometres (40 mi) high (over seven times the height of Mount Everest), which meant that the cloud was above the stratosphere and well inside the mesosphere when it peaked. The base of the cloud was 40 kilometres (25 mi) wide. All buildings in the village of Severny (both wooden and brick), located 55 kilometres (34 mi) from ground zero within the Sukhoy Nos test range, were destroyed. In districts hundreds of kilometers from ground zero wooden houses were destroyed, stone ones lost their roofs, windows and doors; and radio communications were interrupted for almost one hour. One participant in the test saw a bright flash through dark goggles and felt the effects of a thermal pulse even at a distance of 270 kilometres (170 mi). The heat from the explosion could have caused third-degree burns 100 km (62 mi) away from ground zero. A shock wave was observed in the air at Dikson settlement 700 kilometres (430 mi) away; windowpanes were partially broken to distances of 900 kilometres (560 mi). Atmospheric focusing caused blast damage at even greater distances, breaking windows in Norway and Finland. The seismic shock created by the detonation was measurable even on its third passage around the Earth. Its seismic body wave magnitude was about 5 to 5.25.[8] The energy yield was around 8.1 on the Richter scale but, since the bomb was detonated in air rather than underground, most of the energy was not converted to seismic waves.My conclusion:War with Russia should be avoided. |
Maryland Attorneys General to sue TrumpThey are going to sue him for "accepting money from foreign governments" after people from foreign governmnents stayed at his hotels! If that is not a mis-application of the law, I don't know what is. I guess Comey's testimony was too much for these pukes.From WABL TV"Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh outlined details of the lawsuit in an interview with The Associated Press. Much of it is focused on alleged violations of the emoluments clause of the Constitution, based on Trump's real estate holdings. The clause prohibits the president and other government employees from accepting foreign gifts and payments without congressional approval. The Trump Hotel in the nation's capital affects business in the Washington area and is part of the reason the lawsuit was filed by officials in the District of Columbia and Maryland, Frosh said. "We have economic interests that are impacted, but the most salient factor is that when the president is subject to foreign influence, we have to be concerned about whether the actions he's taking - both at home and abroad - are the result of payments that he is receiving at the Trump Hotel, payments that he is receiving at Mar-a-Lago, payments that he is receiving at Trump Tower, payments that he is receiving in all of his other far-flung enterprises, and he brags about it, " Frosh said. My comment: Frosh needs to hang. And I mean literally, from a branch in a park. It was well established that Trump owned hotels and casinos, and the people voted him in, knowing that. The fact that anyone who is traveling can walk into a hotel and stay makes the fact a foreigner might stay irrelevant. Now that the Russia story is dead, NOW THIS? This borders on treason, if it is not treason, you can't legitimately bother a president like this without it being some sort of highly punishable offense. See this |
June 12 2017
Time to shred a snowflake reportThe degradation of quality in workers that liberals hire is not limited to subway systems and infrastructure, you can now see it EVERYWHERE. Today I came across a great example. Back in the past, when a paper reported on something scientific, it was syntactically accurate down to the last letter. Anything scientific was proof read and vetted by knowledgeable people. But that's not the case anymore. Now, either because the people writing simply have no education, or those above them have no education, they foray off into topics they should not go into and screw everything up. Here is an example from The UK Express:ASTEROID WARNING: NASA discovers TEN 'potentially hazardous' rocks close to EarthNASA has announced that it has discovered 10 new "potentially hazardous" space rocks close to Earth that could put life on this planet at risk.The space agency has been working tirelessly to identify dangers that Earth face from space, and has said that it has found 10 new asteroids of meteors which it believes could harm life on Earth. (there should be an s on the word face. But I occasionally typo, so whatever)The discovery was made by NASA's asteroid detecting mission - Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer or NEOWISE. (There should be the word "the" before Near Earth, so not looking good here, that's two in a row) Amy Mainzer, NEOWISE principal investigator from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said: "NEOWISE is not only discovering previously uncharted asteroids and comets, but it is providing excellent data on many of those already in our catalog." "It is also proving to be an invaluable tool in in the refining and perfecting of techniques for near-Earth object discovery and characterisation by a space-based infrared observatory." On top of the 10 "potentially hazardous" objects, Nasa says that they have identified 97 other space rocks and seen an unexplained spike in comet activity. My comment: There is no "unexplained spike" in comet activity. But either because people at NASA are now not as qualified, or because the article writer does not understand the topic, this blunder was stated. The only possible explanations for "increased comet activity" (if it is happening) are 1. Better observation methods or 2. Observation of new comets that are not in the historic record. This has nothing to do with "activity" from a scientific standpoint, and everything to do with finding more to document and keeping better records. No real scientist would ever say there was a "spike" in activity because the comets were already out there. A real scientist would simply say we have discovered something new. Emily Kramer, a NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at JPL and lead author of paper on the NEOWISE study stated: "Comets that have abrupt outbursts are not commonly found, but this may be due more to the sudden nature of the activity rather than their inherent rarity. My comment: This is either a stupid statement, or the article writer did not understand how to present what was said properly. "It is great for astronomers to view and collect cometary data when they find an outburst, but since the activity is so short-lived, we may simply miss them most of the time." The findings come shortly after a group of Czech scientists warned fragments of asteroids which could wipe out entire countries are hidden in the Taurids meteor shower. MY COMMENT: ??!!!&^#(@? WHAT? The TAURIDS METEOR SHOWER IS CAUSED BY THE REMNANTS OF A COMET'S TAIL, AND THEY WOULD BE COMET FRAGMENTS, NOT ASTEROID FRAGMENTS, AND THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. The startling finding means that experts may not be able to spot the massive space rock hidden in the annual Taurids meteor shower until it is too late. My comment: Wait a minute, your own headline said they knew about 10 big ones, and later you said 93 other smaller ones. But your context in this paragraph is singular, not plural, which by that context means they don't know of a single one for certain!. You need to decide what you are going to write about and stick with it! According to the group of researchers, one of the fragments could hit Earth in 2022, 2025, 2032 or 2039 during the annual meteor shower. My response: Wait a minute, you just said that they did not know where the fragments were. If they don't know where the fragments are, how can they pick out specific years as potential problem years in an annual meteor shower? That's bad. Bottom line: This was as poorly written as a sixth grade report, where if the teacher had any scientific mind at all in the OLD SCHOOL, would have been covered in red ink and given a C minus. It would not have been an F for old school sixth grade science, but that does not cut it where whoever wrote this was supposed to have been an on-the-ball college graduate producing materials for the world to see! This is a common core issue, not a race issue, because the guy who wrote this has a white middle American name! Maybe if the college he attended did a little less male bashing and actually taught, he'd be able to write a real report!OK, I'll sum this up, and write his report in ONE PARAGRAPH: Astronomers have discovered a dangerous debris field in the Taurid meteor shower, which is produced by Enke's comet, which on a previous pass lost large fragments. Because of this, large impacts are possible. The space rocks measure 650 feet to 900 feet (200 to 300 meters) across and have been registered on the International Astronomical Union’s list of "potentially hazardous" asteroids.Ok, so there you have it. There are no ifs ands or buts about it, the objects are KNOWN AND TRACKED as I'd expect if they were dangerous enough to mention. Now that's news! Fat chance you'd figure that out from the common core report! They are treating them as asteroids even though technically they are comet debris, simply because they are so large. So a slight pass on that one, but if I'd written that report, I'd have at least mentioned that. The bottom line is that our entire quality level is dropping in American and Europe, and we are now seeing this show up, even in MSM publications. And that's the goal of common core, and male bashing in college, which predominantly happens in language classes and in any class that teaches people how to produce coherent reading material. They are spending so much of the course time on off topic garbage that it is really beginning to show in the real world, and as long as the kid goes along with the off topic garbage, the kid will get an A. If anyone does not go along with the garbage, they will be given a C at most, even if they have an absolute mastery of what the course should have been about. Sorry dear writer Sean Martin, I know you probably hate yourself after getting brainwashed about how bad it is to be white and male, the fact that happened clearly shows in the quality of your writing, when you missed out on college and in place of an education instead got fed a load of sh*t. Now you have to pay off your student loans, after in effect being given nothing. WHAT A RIP OFF! |
Paul sent:
"Hi Jim, If you go to Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad or one of many
islands inhabited by 'natives' or people of colour you will see them
living just as they did 50 years ago. They never design, build, invent,
create. Is that due to unfair victimisation from 'colonial' days?
Well if you look at the same races who have been 'assimilated' into
'diverse' and 'multicultural' countries like anywhere in europe what do
we see? It's obvious except that there is the 'racist' accusation to
block our clear vision. What you are saying is pretty clearly true but people don't want to deal with truth but prefer a pretence because of emotional bullying which overrides reason. Hence the retrograde growth of multicultural countries. But what the solution is going to be...? I also think there are exceptions. There is a skilled surgeon - several - and these are from such countries as I opened with above but there is a low % of these people. Paul" Anonymous sent: "Hi Jim, I have heard Comey's 'humans' comment before from leftists/atheists/evolutionists a good number of times. They think it is clever, and makes them look clever. At the least, it's pretty pretentious, which I would assume is Comey showing his true colors. Thanks again." Anonymous sent: "It looks like the main core story has been completely spiked... One of the biggest reveals in our history and everybody yawns." My response: Nobody yawned, what you have seen with that is artificial intelligence or whatever else spiking a story. That got re-posted in full in many locations and still did not take off. It will not be allowed to, because it simply can't be allowed to become mainstream knowledge. Anonymous sent: "Incompetence? Same scenario for higher ed and government. I was the asst to the Dean of a top 20 law school. My usual learning curve without any tutoring is 2-3 weeks, this job was highly skilled and took me 3 months to master without any help. I streamlined it and was so good the Dean let me take off 2 hours a day for classes. When I transferred departments, they had to hire THREE people to replace me. said I was a genius and they did not know how I did it. Another example is my friend who is an attorney for the govt. She is exasperated because of all the minority hires -- one brought her sleeping bag and slept half the day. The judges are so incompetent, she has tried to educate them how to write a proper report but they are unable and SHE has to rewrite all their decisions for them. The lead judge, a male, left for maternity leave for 3 months (just to get a free vacation, I'm sure he never changes a diaper or watches the kids or cooks ...) and hired his friends out of town to run the place and they have no idea what they're doing while collecting bonus pay. My response: It will be very good for us to have people hired into government that won't work with traditional first world values. That way, tyranny will be stifled by laziness! It will cost a lot though. |
Electric carsThere was a report posted recently (I do not know where originally) about a "new type" of electric car battery that simply swaps battery electrolyte and can be therefore filled up like a regular car. Don't get your hopes up. This same tripe has been blatted over and over and over again since the EV-1. I am actually tired of it. If there really was a viable tech that involved only swapping battery electrolyte to charge a car, it would have hit mainstream by the mid 90's. Thus far, Tesla is the only mainstream company to put a meaningful battery in a car, and there will be NO swapping of electrolytes.One of the big problems is how much you will be able to drive with the type of battery that can swap it's electrolyte. Right now, NIMH is the champ, BY FAR, and you can't swap electrolyte. What good is it going to do to have a battery that can be charged simply by changing fluid, if your range is going to be 50 miles? It takes a special battery that does not perform all that well to allow that. You can't even swap electrolyte in a lead acid battery and have it work. We won't see a day when swapping electrolyte at the gas station is what gets done. We WILL see a day (soon) when a Tesla gets 600 miles on a charge that happens in 1/3 the time. Actually right around 800 miles on a charge (that's where the new tech is.) And if that happens, why bother with anything else? That would be good enough for me to go electric. I know it all sounds good to hear the latest story about kids at snowflake U swapping electrolyte but when they subsequently fail at math and reality, and only repeat what's been done for 30 years it is all too stale for me. Anonymous sent:What happened to the commenters on Zerohedge? They used to be relevant and insightful, often more interesting than the articles themselves. Now it's mouthy blowhards, they have to be extremely vulgar, and void of any real thoughts. I see it on many websites. I think they might allow some sites to stay up, but completely control the conversations. Am I the only one noticing this? My response: This has been a trend for some time. However, it comes and goes. Right now Zerohedge may be a target, but check back in a month or so and it might be back to all depends on the web site and how well they can regulate trolls. Any web site that makes no effort is going to get slammed. If it really gets bad, an AI gets assigned and then it really is all crap. From what I have seen, it is degraded lately overall, but there are still good things getting posted in most places that still allow comments. This will be an ongoing trend, until (if ever) good thinking patriots rise up and stop it. 65 year old engineer sent And before the common core idiots were the accountants cutting down maintenance budgets, says a 65 year old engineer My response Many companies went with "use it or lose it" budgets. And they applied those budgets to maintenance. So lets say one year nothing big goes wrong, and the next year a $2, 300, 000 transformer blows up and takes a whole bunch of crap with it? I saw that happen. And then maintenance starves! Gets pegged at the lowest possible expense year as the bench mark! What IDIOCY! Yes, and that was BEFORE there was such a thing as a "snowflake" so really, it is all nothing new, it is just that now the severity is worse. |
I am not backing down on my statement about why the New York subway is failingI will repeat: After more than 100 years of maintenance and management with a work force that was predominantly white male, and VERY QUALIFIED, New York has sold out to political correctness and affirmative action. There are minorities that are qualified, but the hiring process has no doubt been usurped by desk sitting snowflakes that can't tell their butt hole from a pot hole and therefore they did "feel good" hiring, while denying that that particular grunt job actually required people that were a hell of a lot smarter than the average bachelor or master. And not the modern politically correct feel good bachelor or master, I'm talking old school. If you want to get a metro system running proper, you have to have people in maintenance that are a unique combination of doctor like brains that are willing to get out house dirty. You will never get that via an immigrant favored hiring system that craps all over old school white males. It is as simple as that, and if people can't handle hearing that plain and obvious truth too bad!There are plenty of Mexicans that fit the bill and can do the job. The Mexico City subway proves it. The Mexico city subway is ENORMOUS and runs like a swiss watch. So it is not a racist issue. The issue is that for the sake of meeting quotas and pushing a political agenda, too many of the wrong people are being hired and the serious down grade of the quality of the New York subway proves it. The problem is that the snow flakes in the hiring process won't know what is what. It is all a bunch of feel good garbage to them, and THAT is going to have to stop NOW and not later, or we are going to hear a lot more stories about people stripping down to their underwear to avoid heat stroke. The work force I spoke about at a facility I worked for that was predominantly incompetent was 100 percent white. Not all whites are up to the job, obviously. You can't just pick a race and say that's it. But you also can't take a modern snowflake and expect that snowflake to know jack AT ALL about anything technical, the universities and common core destroyed them all. And now we see the results. If some of the competent people from the past were still in the New York subway maintenance staff they'd be preventing the problems that are happening now, it is OBVIOUS many suddenly got their walking papers and need to be hired back. And until they are brought back, New Yorkers can enjoy getting stuck in a tunnel. New York might as well just shut off the pumps and let the system flood for all it will be worth very soon if someone in management does not grow a brain, AND QUICK. I can just see it: Some idiot snowflake really believing the lies about mechanics being stupid grunts, and that sitting through 4 or more years of male bashing at a university actually makes someone smarter than grease bob. FAT CHANCE!!! |
Political correctness and common core wreak havoc with New York subwayI am going to say it like it is: Cities like New York have started hiring only minorities and foreigners to maintain critical infrastructure and it is causing major problems. This is perfectly evident in Washington DC, which has practically no white males in subway maintenance and a completely new system that went from beautiful to dungeon in a decade and runs like absolute crap. Having maintenance with virtually no skills might work where systems are simple, but it is not going to work for a subway, which actually needs qualified people to maintain it. It is possible to run reliable transit with Mexicans (the Mexico City subway proves it) and I have seen perfectly competent Mexicans in industry, but you are not going to do it with affirmative action hired minorities from the American ghetto. You also are not going to do it with third world people who were amazed when they saw a television 15 years ago. You are not going to do it with common core educated fools from American suburbia either. New York has 2 options to get their subway back to working, and they are 1. White American males over 40, and 2. Mexicans who worked for the transit authority in Mexico City.The age of the subway in New York is being blamed for the problems. Folks, that is BULL. If age was a problem it would have shown up 75 years ago when the subway was first old. More than 50 years old by then. REALITY: If you have knowledgeable staff, and a system that was not garbage when installed - even if that was 100 or more years ago, it can be run with perfect reliability regardless of age. Boston has the green line that runs great and is well over 100 years old. I have seen this in industry first hand. Unilaterally it is not the age of the system that matters, it is the quality of the electricians and mechanics that work on it. The magic ratio is if 30 percent of the people who have to maintain it actually know what they are doing, they can carry 70 percent completely incompetent idiots on their backs and all will be well. Someone in New York obviously got rid of the competent 30 percent. Probably a snowflake that believed what the professors said about white males in college. Most likely the people they flushed were age 40+ white guys that knew the system and it's idiosyncracies like the backs of their hands. You know - the people liberals HATE. They probably got fired 20 years before retirement. They probably got ditched for their "hate". And whoever got rid of them is assured to be far far far too stupid and blind to realize that if the system was running absolutely perfect a few months ago, it can't possibly be the age of the system that is the problem. Their solution will be to replace all the trains with new. Rather than the decades old tech, they'll get all new inverter based tech that will work absolutely perfect for 5-10 years with little to no maintenance, pat themselves on the back for how smart they were by getting rid of the old stuff, and then they'll be back to square one, when the simplest things start going wrong. Yes, the inverter based stuff is easier to keep running, but it won't keep running forever with a maintenance crew that has no skills AT ALL. Oh, but they have skills, RIGHT? They have all the papers and diplomas that prove it, RIGHT? Only an IDIOT would believe that, when it comes to third worlders, paper means NOTHING. I have seen that countless times, papers simply mean nothing at all. It matters a LOT MORE where someone grew up! My advice to New York: If you want your system back up and running perfect, like it has been for well over a century, BRING THE WHITE MALES YOU RECENTLY FIRED BACK, AT 2X THE PAY, WITH FULL BENEFITS AND PENSION REINSTATED. How do I know you fired them? Because your subway went from perfect to sh*t overnight. That did not happen because of "aging!" I have seen this before - at one place I worked for there were 4 qualified people carrying the weight of 13. The 4 people split due to the fact the incompetents ran a qualified boss out the door, and when I checked back things ran for 3 days and then all hell broke loose. That same company now has 30+ people trying to do the same work, and even doubling the staff could not make up for the loss of 4 qualified people. There were some power supplies that I built for less than $200 each and weighed five pounds that were endlessly capable of handling massive power surges and running sensitive electronics perfectly in an incredibly hostile DC power environment. Zero failures for years. The idiots that ran the good boss out threw them off the cranes when they could not figure out why the cranes quit running (they actually got in trouble for that) because that company could not get anything else that worked without getting blown out, so they ended up giving my schematics to a design firm that replicated the power supplies for $9, 000 each, and when they arrived they were 10X as large and weighed 200 pounds. If I did not draw up schematics for those power supplies when I made them, they'd have been SOL permanently. That's what happens when qualified people leave. There is absolutely no doubt this is the type of thing that happended in New York if suddenly they went from no problems to tons of problems. And rather than $9, 000 their solution is going to cost BILLIONS. And then not work in 5-10 years. Welcome to the third world America, your common core high schools and colleges that now teach sensitivity and socialism rather than real progress have ensured that future. And according to them, it will all be the white male's fault when everything falls apart! |
Trump is going after ComeyPresident Trump's personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz will file a complaint with the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General asking for an inquiry into James Comey over his leaking the details of his conversations with the president and the memos about those conversations, according to a source close to the Trump legal team. Kasowitz is also drafting a similar submission to be sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the former FBI director's Senate testimony Thursday and "other matters, " the source told ABC news. SEE THIS |
New Jersey cops break ribs of burning manThis one is disgusting. Police were pursuing a fleeing criminal, who wrecked his car into another car, and both burst into flames. The driver of the car he crashed into got out of it on fire, and was trying to extinguish the flames. He managed to get his burning body extinguished (apparently from the video) and the police ordered him to lay down with his hands spread out, and then they started kicking him and broke his ribs. The innocent guy is now in critical condition with burns and broken ribs. I'd say the police definitely mishandled this situation only because the guy was so clearly complying with their orders when they started kicking him. This one is really graphic and crazy See this with a warning - it is very graphic because the guy was badly on fire as he fled the burning wreck. As if he needed to get kicked in addition to that . . . . . |
________________________________________________________ Comey's statement: NOBODY would say "I have had a lot of conversation with humans over the years" unless they were not human. |
Comey may have exposed a master speciesComey had a MAJOR, and I mean MAJOR freudian slip while testifying yesterday. What he said probably made David Icke's skin crawl. Comey spoke in a way that implied "humans" were a species separate from whatever his is. People have noticed this and ran with the topic - Did Comey accidentally let the truth out about a master species that the human race is subservient to? A master species that runs the shadow government? Whatever you think about this, it made my skin crawl and really ask the question, "what if?"Here is the relevant portion of the transcript, in context, with the exact wording Comey used. This really could be a smoking gun. "MCCAIN: Yeah, but I - I think it would intensely arouse my curiosity if the president of the United States said "We had that thing, you know" - I'd like to know what the hell that thing is, particularly if I'm the director of the FBI. COMEY: Yeah, I - I get that, Senator. Honestly, I'll tell you what - this is speculation, but what I concluded at the time is, in his memory, he was searching back to our encounter at the dinner, and was preparing himself to say, "I offered loyalty to you, you promised loyalty to me, " and all of a sudden his memory showed him that did not happen, and I think he pulled up short. That's just a guess, but I - I - a lot of conversations with humans over the years." My comment: ???????!!!!!!! Hmm, let's say the equivalent - I - I - a lot of conversations with dogs over the years. A lot of conversations with birds over the years. A lot of conversations with horses over the years. A lot of conversation with humans over the years. NotOTHER PEOPLE or simply "PEOPLE", the fact he left out the word other in relation to HUMANS, which denotes a species is really creepy. Maybe it is nothing, but I gotta say, I am shaking my head. That really is enough to make me wonder if David Icke has it right about the lizards. Quite honestly, I would not be surprised if he is right about that considering the way the shadow government is driving our civilization off a cliff. Maybe our nukes are too much for somebody's comfort. It really may have been a classic freudian slip with Comey. |
I do not trust the British vote (and more)It was probably rigged. Now Brexit is going to be a shell, if it happens at all. What good is a system which can be rigged, and re-run if the first rigging does not go the way the elite want? On the other hand, America got delivered solid gold on the same day. I'd say the rigged British elections and Comey canceled each other out.On another note, it will be important to watch Qatar right now, Saudi Arabia has managed to blockade the country. But Qatar has an ocean port, and backing by Iran so who knows how that will go. I see this as a brazen move by Saudi Arabia after Trump emboldened them. On another note, to be clear about what is going on in NK: Two carrier groups left, but the worst one of all - the Nimitz is on it's way. Kim Jong successfully tested a medium range cruise missile today, it really is hard to know what is up with that mess. I'm sure Kim changed his diaper and is now partying. The pictures published in the North Korean press sure look like that is the case. Kim Jong is best ignored. Yes, he'll advance his weapons. Yes, he'll sit there and make threats. And that's about all, there are no nations with nuclear weapons that will actually use them other than with low powered versions in a clandestine way as I believe Israel has, Kim Jong is simply not stupid enough to actually launch first, despite how he runs his mouth. But if one bomb ever dropped on North Korea, it would be like springing a trap - Kim would let everything fly at once, and let the chips fall where they may afterward. Maybe the carrier groups left after another group of special forces and CIA were deployed to North Korea, and this time it was not leaked, with Comey gone. Maybe that's it, and they want Kim Jong to get comfortable while a clandestine team once again tries to take him out. Seal team 6 failed, (if that happened at all) but that does not mean everything else will. All speculation, but it really is odd that the carrier groups left, and perhaps something else is now afoot. On another note, Iran has made the official stand that the attacks on it's parlaiment were saudi backed and Saudi initiated. It really looks to me like after the huge arms deal, Saudi Arabia is going to get nasty everywhere. I am genuinely surprised they cut off Qatar. But if you look at a map of the Persian gulf region, Qatar is practically all surrounded by water, and Iran is RIGHT THERE. Iran offered Qatar use of three of its ports. Qatar will not starve. They might take a hit to their standard of living, but no one is going to starve. This shows very poor planning on the part of Saudi Arabia, because with so much coastline, it will take a massive naval presence to cut off Qatar for real, and I don't believe the Sauds are up to it. Iran has for a long time wanted an alliance with Qatar, and now is the big chance. I really don't see how the Saudi blockade is going to benefit Saudi Arabia. This really looks to me like it will backfire. |
Today was probably a turning pointThey will never impeach Trump. Comey's testimony backfired so badly it in fact served as a well targeted weapon against the Democrats Trump-Russia collusion bit the dust today.There will be fallout for the democrats. The democrats, Clinton, the NWO has now arrived at only one possible final answer: To kill Trump. Truly, they thought they had it and Comey was nothing but a bumbling nitwit that blew it for everyone. Not that he could have made it work when there was NOTHING on Trump in any way whatsoever, but he certainly should have at least looked better than he did. He looked like he was assigned to be the FBI director as some sort of honorary role, and not anything that would actually do a job. He was a national disgrace. |
It looks like Comey's testimony is going to backfireWhat if Trump was playing multiple dimension chess by keeping Comey as long as he did? Comey destroyed himself today. Today it was confirmed that Trump did not interfere with anything and is guilty of nothing and that Hillary is well protected. It was confirmed (after Comey said he met with Obama twice, ) that he in fact met with Obama many times. It is confirmed that Comey had a hatred for Trump. Comey basically completely fell apart. He hit several conflicts in his words that proves he lied all the way through the testimony. If Trump wanted late-in-the-game ammo to use at the best possible time, Comey just handed it to him. Additionally, it is now confirmed that Trump was never under investigation over Russia, and that the media lied about every single bit of it.House Democrats have begun drafting articles of impeachment for Trump, and made it formal a day before Comey's testimony. No doubt they were expecting to get what they needed during that testimony. And they got NOTHING but a Trump check mate. I am actually stunned by how miraculously badly this went for the enemies of Trump, rather than make Trump look bad, Comey's testimony bolstered Trump strongly. Trump is not going to get impeached, he's going nowhere but back to the white house amidst a shower of shrieks from wild political monkeys. |
I am not going to listen to Comey's testimony (ongoing)For one, I don't have the bandwidth. For two, it would grate me, like sitting through a "global warming" conference with bogus math and science, and claims the ocean will "rise by six feet here" and "12 feet there" when anyone with any knowledge would know the ocean can't be on average more than a millimeter different from anywhere else on the globe because water is self leveling. Comey is going to be spewing the same type of B.S. because he's off level, leaning so far left that the flat earthers just might be right - you really can fall off the edge of the earth (at least in politics). Comey is at bat right now for all the child molesters, vaccine trolls, and other various scamsters that would see a jail cell within a week if his ilk was not mucking up the system and preventing it from functioning. I simply won't be able to stomach watching it. I'll read the transcripts afterward I guess, and then comment further. |
Nothing has been officially announced yet, but it looks like the conservatives will win the British electionHey, how about: Maybe the london bridge attack was staged so the election would overwhelmingly be cast in a way that saved Britain? That would be a psy op I'd have a hard time ridiculing! |
BLOCKBUSTER: COMEY'S STATEMENT HAS BEEN RELEASED A DAY EARLYThis is what his testimony will be. It is 7 pages long. Proof Trump was not under investigation when he fired Comey is on page 7. The media is whipping up a big nothing, there is nothing here to nail Trump with. For the news a day early, SEE THISI cannot get this to format correctly with the site in combat mode, so the source has been linked. I strongly suggest people take the time and read it in its entirety, because it will greatly help people cut through whatever the media spews about it. CONCLUSION: Despite being slippery as he** with how Comey stated things, Trump is not toast. There is simply nothing to burn him with. |
HA HA, I told you the London bridge attack was fake! Now we have proof. SEE THISAfter all, you can't throw your actors in jail, can you?Iran to take revenge on Saudi Arabia for terror attacks on Parlaiment, See this |
Video: Military contractor on Hannity: 20 million Americans unmasked by NSA, 600 million files |
Here is an example of the NSA story partially seeping out |
I thought the NSA/comey topic was going to explode todayIt got contained. It made it to Investment watch, Free Republic, and a few others and then got completely squelched. But that won't stop this from progressing, the cat is out of the bag. This probably should not be allowed to die, someone try to get this story to Alex. Once again, to find it you have to type "20 million americans unmasked" into a search engine. All the hits are from the past 24 hours. |
HUGE ISIS terror attack on the Iranian government SEE THISExplaining the following report:Former U.S. intelligence contractor Dennis Montgomery has uncovered a plot by the Obama administration and failed Clinton administration to round up and kill 20 million Americans. This is verified across many sources. This story blew up when Sean Hannity had two investigators on that confirmed it. Now, because James Comey was fully aware of this, Dennis Montgomery filed a lawsuit against James Comey for knowing and participating in the intelligence gathering effort which involved gathering all data on the main core of Americans who are the last resistance holding the country together. I did a detailed report on them doing this and posted it in 2013. That report is now fully confirmed 100 percent accurate, and is re-posted below. And my being dead accurate on this type of topic years before it is "proven" is precisely why my readers have kept this site alive. Thank you.You can read all you want on this by using the search terms "americans unmasked 20 million" without the brackets. This exploding open and is no hoax, it is going nuclear right now.I am going to say it: There are very few (if any) others in alt media that can do a report that so perfectly matches what is eventually revealed as 100 percent true, complete with even accurate details, so many years later. There is a cold hard reason why this site gets hit so hard by people who want it wiped out. Make sure you read the report that is posted below, titled The Main Core. It has been reposted with zero edits, and has been permalinked in the right hand column for FOUR YEARS. |
Years ago, I did a detailed report about what was called "The Main Core". The main core is the key group of people who make America what it is, who are all tracked and slated for killing or internment when Hillary's (or whoever elses) hammer drops. These are the people the FEMA camps are for.
Tonight, Sean Hannity had two investigators on who revealed that 47 hard drives were stolen from the FBI, and on those hard drives were 600 million documents on Americans who had been "unmasked" revealing all details of their lives so they could be rounded up and put in internment camps and/or killed. Hillary and Obama spearheaded the effort. If Hillary had scammed her way in, we'd be toast, Trump saved our lives. Now there is going to be a lawsuit on behalf of the 20 million (plus) people who had been unmasked, Comey is going down, the NSA might get it's ass kicked and Hillary and Obama had better worry. NOW FOR A REPOST of what I said about this years ago! Call this site FOUR YEARS AHEAD!The Main Core
Jim Stone, July 7 2013 What the NSA hacking on America really meansWhen I worked for the NSA prior to 9/11, the NSA only looked outward, not inward. And I never thought the NSA ever would look inward and spy on the American people. I knew that if that ever happened the result would be catastrophic. After 9/11 I knew the NSA was looking inward to some degree, and had suspected they might be recording everything before Snowden blew the whistle, but I was not certain. Now we all can be. And I would like to go into a few things here to explain to people how grave this situation really is.
When an agency like the NSA looks outward into other countries, it cannot be a tool that is used by the governments of the countries being spied on to oppress the people in that country. When used to spy on foreigners the NSA and other similar agencies are not part of the policy making for that which they are observing. So the purpose for any spying by agencies such as the NSA will be limited to key elements of the observed nation, such as the government agencies and major companies that could present a problem to the whole of America in the future. The NSA will not pay attention to Joe the bar-b-q chef or Moe the mechanic, because on an individual level ordinary people in foreign countries are a waste of time to observe.
It is very different when such an intelligence agency looks inward at it's host population
With the NSA looking inward, especially with them recording every phone conversation and e-mail and not just the meta data, the people who understand what America really is supposed to be are now fully identified. These people, which are referred to as "the main core" represent what remains of the backbone of this once great nation, the core of which numbers 8 million with 30 or so million close enough to the main core for any psychopath to be able to justify taking out along with it. If America is to become the totally transformed Communist society that the Zionists want it to be, the main core has got to be ripped out, and the NSA has made this future event possible to accomplish with minimal effort and pin point precision. There is no question that the elitist zionist faction wants every aspect of America it cannot control with ease wiped out, just like the elitist Zionists Bolsheviks did to the Ukranian people. And as America approaches this same reality, we have the same approximate numbers, 30 - 70 million slated for death and internment in America. With the DHS ordering well over a billion rounds of ammo, countless tens of thousands of cheap plastic coffins already purchased and sitting in storage yards, 2, 700 giant heavily armed vehicles which are totally impenetrable to civilian weapons, vehicles perfectly capable of gutting American homes with high caliber gunfire right from the curb side, it is time for Americans to face a simple fact - All of the stories are more than just rumor. And because these stories are not just rumor, I would take the NSA spying on everyone VERY seriously.It's too late
If you think Americans can change this situation with a 300 million eyed monster observing everyone's every move, you are off in fantasy land somewhere. It is GAME OVER. You cannot beat this monster with a cute little encryption trick performed on a compromised operating system with a compromised processor tapped into via a compromised internet. I see all of the new stupid pet trick type encryption fantasies some people are parading on the web now to "secure" themselves against the NSA as some sort of useless bubble gum fad, IF YOU WORKED FOR THEM AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON, YOU WOULD REALIZE SUCH EFFORTS ARE AS LAUGHABLE AS TRYING TO FIX A SEMI WITH A PLASTIC BARBIE TOOL SET. And if you are even able to HAVE that barbie tool set and try to use it, you are already flagged for elimination anyway. You should be focusing your efforts on other subjects like GETTING THE HELL OUT. And they know who you are. They know you know. They know if you have guns. They know you are not pleased with Obama, Bush, and false flag terror. They know you probably know the truth about the "holocaust", the truth about vaccines, GMO, and any other number of your particular pet topics that make them itch. They know where you are going to bug out to, and they know what you bought for it. If your car is 2005 or newer, they will watch you go to your bug out place and nail you there. Ditto if you are stupid enough to bring your cell, or bring anyone elses for that matter.Your only option is to get to Iceland, Venezuela, Ecuador or any other country that proved itself with Snowden before the axe falls. Unlike the illegal immigrant "problem" America has, a large scale influx of Americans into nations such as Ecuador would intellectually launch any country that accepted them 30 years into the future because it won't be the idiots fleeing America, it will be the cream of the crop - those smart enough to see the asteroid coming. And if for any of the 500 reasons America now revokes passports from complete non criminals you are one of the 50 million that does not have one, GO INTO THE FOREIGN EMBASSIES AND START REQUESTING ASYLUM NOW.