By Anna Von Reitz
Let's go over this again.
is the actual, factual union of fifty (50) geographically defined
states of the Union. This is the "Terra Firma" level of national
identity and organization that defines each sovereign state's borders
and which also determines your nationality as a Wisconsinite,
Virginian, Texan, and so on at birth.
is the union of unincorporated body politics that represent and do
business for the states and people composed of fifty organizations named
like this: California State, Oregon State, and so on, that are member
states of the United States of America. These are the
doing-business-as names of unincorporated business entities organized
by the people in each state to exercise the land jurisdiction and
undelegated portion of international jurisdiction belonging to each
state. These entities are all land jurisdiction republics.
is a union of "inchoate" Territorial "States of States" such as the
State of Illinois and the State of Wyoming, that exist only as corporate
franchises of the USA, Inc. These entities are all constitutional
There is a union of equally
"inchoate" Municipal "STATE OF STATES" such as the STATE OF NEW YORK,
that exist only as corporate municipal franchises of the UNITED STATES,
INC.. These entities are all municipal oligarchies.
at the current moment, the UNITED STATES and all its franchises are
being liquidated in Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy thanks to Mr.
Obummer, and the USA, Inc. is in Chapter 11.
groups of bankruptcy trustees named by the Secondary international
creditors are attacking and seizing upon any and all assets of any
franchises of either the UNITED STATES, INC. or the USA, INC.
is why "JOSEPHINE MARY KENNY" is being hit with "Power to Sell
Notices"--- "SHE" is being "liquidated" as a franchise belonging to the
This is why "ROBERT C.
BROADBENT" is being hit with "extra" property tax claims and new sales
and service taxes and fees--- the trustees in charge of the USA, INC.
reorganization are trying to drum up more capital.
simple enough once you realize what is going on. It is also simple to
figure out that the only entities that aren't bankrupt and aren't
subject to search and seizure, are the unincorporated land jurisdiction
states like the Wisconsin State. Their members operate on the land
jurisdiction under Trade Names in the form: John Albert Fisher----which
look and sound identical to the names of Foreign Situs Trusts being
operated in the international jurisdiction of the sea by the USA, Inc.
simple deceit was used by FDR to deceive and defraud generations of
Americans. John Albert Fisher, a Trade Name on the land,looks identical
to John Albert Fisher, a Foreign Situs Trust operating in the
international jurisdiction of the sea.
So to react appropriately to the present situation, what must one do?
home, E.T., go home. Home to the land jurisdiction, which is your
natural and permanent domicile and the lawful domicile of all your
"vessels" in trade or commerce---- the "John Albert Fisher" Foreign
Situs Trust and the "JOHN ALBERT FISHER" Estate Trust and the "JOHN A.
FISHER" public transmitting utility, for example, all need to have
their permanent domicile "removed, re-venued, and re-conveyed" to the
land jurisdiction state where you were born.
is, this is what needs to be done, if you want to keep yourself and
your assets out of the clutches of foreign secondary creditors bent on
seizing your property to pay for the private debts of the UNITED
STATES, INC. and the reorganization costs of the USA, Inc.
people have been having trouble getting knot-headed County Recorders
to record their Acts of Expatriation and other paperwork. You can cut
to the chase and bulwark your position and solve that problem by
issuing an "Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed"----
transferring the Deed to your names (and all the property attached to
your name(s)--- back to the land jurisdiction of your home state.
Basically, the verbiage runs like this:
the paramount security interest holder in all assets and collateral
both registered and unregistered, belonging to: JOHN MARK DOE, JOHN M.
DOE, John Mark Doe, John M. Doe, John Does, their reverses,
variations, and any other styles, hereby acknowledge, accept, and
re-convey these same Names/NAMES to the land and soil of my native
state, Wisconsin, and do establish their permanent domicile on the land
and soil of Wisconsin."
Have this Witnessed in front of a notary and a couple living witnesses, then record it for posterity.
have to record deeds, including Deeds of Re-Conveyance. Pop your Act
of Expatriation on as page two of the "Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and
Deed of Re-Conveyance" and you will have that job done, too.
And no more fights or arguments with the Clerks.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website