Friday, July 14, 2017





Busted! US Air Force Planes
are Spraying Americans...


The Target Was Always The American’s Wealth!

Deep  State’s  NWO  Incestuous  Banking  Scheme  Summary:  The  Target  Was  Always  The  American’s  Wealth!

Market Analyst Titans, Bill Holter And Lynette Zang

It’s not hard to imagine why many voters are already sick of hearing from politicians. The empty promises, the lies, the attacks, and the counter-attacks don’t accomplish anything for the American people. Meanwhile, the national debt keeps growing unsustainably with no realistic plans being put on the table to shrink it down.

The Cause Of The Revolutionary War ~
Unfunded Paper The Species Of Fraud
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Washington served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution, and later became the first president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797.
One of the first things General George Washington would surely do today is end the reign of fiat money.

In a 1787 letter to Jabez Bowen, Washington wrote:
“If in the pursuit of the means we should unfortunately stumble again on unfunded paper money or any similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab to our national credit in its infancy. Paper money will invariably operate in the body of politics as spirit liquors on the human body.”
The Founding Fathers understood the dangers of fiat money and central banking far better than most politicians do today. Today’s U.S. Federal Reserve Note dollars are an abomination that have no basis in the U.S. Constitution.

The Coinage Act of 1792 defined a dollar in terms of silver. A dollar was specifically worth 371.25 “grains” of silver (equal to about three-fourths of an ounce).

Silver played a role in defining and backing the currency until 1965. That’s when the U.S. Mint ceased producing 90% silver dollars, half dollars, quarters, and dimes.

Of course, investors can still buy U.S. 90% silver coins minted in 1964 and earlier. They are priced based on the current value of their silver content, plus a small premium. 

The gap between the silver value of the coins and their face value represents the depreciation in the purchasing power of the dollar since they were minted.

The Beginning Of The National Ponzi Scheme ~
President Richard Nix
August 15, 1971

Nixon Closes Gold Window

The last real link the U.S. still had to sound. Constitutional money was finally broken in 1971, when President Richard Nixon suspended gold convertibility. From then on, no foreign government could redeem their dollar reserves for gold. And the dollar, now a purely fiat currency, began losing value at more rapid pace.

At the same time, government debt growth began accelerating. In 1971, the national debt stood at $398 billion, 34% of GDP.

Today, the government owes a staggering $19 trillion, representing 99% of GDP. That’s just what’s on the books officially. The $19 trillion national debt doesn’t account for tens of trillions more in unfunded liabilities.

  1. Sedition Of The Counterfeit Paper Game
George Washington warned that unbacked paper money will “ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.” How right he was.

Money Metals Exchange

The Pieces Of Shit That Usurped FDR’s Glass Steagall Act For
Repeal in 1999 by Alabama Redneck Billy Clinton   
greenspan summers rubin reed weill

The d’Elites Responsible For Orchestrating The Destruction Of The Glass Steagall Act Of 1933:

Goldman Sachs:
Alan Greenspan
Rothschild Federal Reserve
Alan Greenspan
Larry Summers
Sandy Weill
John Reed
Robert Rubin
Traveller’s Insurance

This sea change in regulation was orchestrated by Sanford Weill and assisted by Robert Rubin, who became the second in command at Citibank after his stint at The U.S.Treasury. Rubin, was Clinton’s Secretary of Treasury and was instrumental in getting The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act passed. Larry Summers, was then his current Secretary Of Treasury who became one of Obama’s economic “advisors”. What goes around comes around.  They are all culpable.

Related Articles:

Vatican runs the Mafia

Posted at the suggestion of one of our readers ............

Tony Gambino interview "Vatican runs the Mafia" 

By Greg Anthony Szymanski
Originally Published in October 2007

Tony Thomas Gambino of the infamous Gambino crime family is going public with information that could “change the face of America’s corrupt leaders” and bring to the surface the real criminal organizations behind what has come to be known as the New World Order.

Gambino, 63, recently came forward on Greg Szymanski’s radio show, The Investigative Journal, saying the Vatican and U.S. government profit more from organized crime then does the Mafia.
He will appear again on the Investigative Journal Monday at 7pm central time on Gambino said his prime motivation for telling the “inside details” of Mafia corruption is to prove to Americans how the Vatican and U.S. government work together in orchestrating the huge pedophile and drug rings that are destroying the fabric of American society.
“The information I will be bringing forward could change the face of America,” said Gambino Saturday from his home after just being released from a 20 year prison stint. “I want people to know how the Vatican and U.S. government orchestrate the pedophile and drug trade.

“I know the truth about JFK, Hoffa and 9/11 and how the two organizations I mentioned above worked together with the mob and the CIA/FBI. They were responsible for JFK and 9/11 just like they are responsible for the pedophile rings and drug trafficking.”

On a previous Investigative Journal show, Gambino gave details of how the JFK assassination and 9/11 were accomplished, saying high-level Vatican, U.S. government and Mafia bosses were all involved.

He also gave details about the Hoffa murder, adding in upcoming shows he will reveal “much, much more” about the inner-workings of the Mob and its close association with the Vatican and U.S. government.

Regarding Gambino’s last radio appearance, several listeners questioned some of Gambino’s facts and conclusions, saying Lucky Luciano, Gambino’s grandfather, didn’t have any children, as well as questioning Gambino’s true identity and some of the facts surrounding the Hoffa murder.

“Who said Lucky, my grandfather, didn’t have kids? That’s ridiculous,” said Gambino about his critics. “Lucky had seven daughters and he kept them away from the public eye and hidden. As for my identity, I’m known in the inner-circles and in many books written about the mob as Tommy Gambino as my real name is Tony Thomas Gambino after my father.

“For those who said Hoffa couldn’t have been laid to rest in an abutment of the George Washington Bridge since it was built in the 1930’s, let me tell them that the day Hoffa was murdered, they were doing construction on Veterans Stadium and the bridge and that’s how he was thrown in wet concrete in a body bag while he was still alive.”

Here are some facts Gambino presented in his last radio interview about JFK, Hoffa and life in general growing up in the Mafia:

“When you grow up in “The Family” like I did, you learn right off the bat that protection comes from everywhere, including the CIA, FBI and blessings from the Vatican who are at the top of the ladder when it comes to benefiting from Mafia street crime,” said Gambino, who became a “Made Man” at the age of five, a Mafia term used for their top street captains.

“The Vatican officials, federal judges, top politicians all used to get regular pay-offs from the Gambino Family and, in fact, the Vatican and U.S. government make more money off the illegal drug trade then we did.

“That is why I am talking after just getting out of jail after 20 years. I am talking because people need to know the U.S. government and the Vatican are more dangerous and corrupt then the Mafia ever was.

“For example, I know for a fact the Cardinal in Palermo runs the Sicilian mob and former Cardinal Spellman of New York was considered the Vatican’s American Godfather since he pulled the strings and had his hands deep into organized crime.

“I know for a fact Bush, the Pope and other top Vatican and U.S. government leaders had prior knowledge and help organize 9/11. They did it for many obvious reason, one being instigating the war in Iraq. But they also did it to get their hands on all the gold that was hidden below in the Twin Towers.

“My grandfather’s construction company built the Twin Towers and after it was completed, I know they went in and put in big underground vaults to house an enormous amount of gold which is now in Bush’s and Vatican hands in order to fund the war.”

Besides implicating the Vatican and Bush in 9/11, Gambino set the record straight about the JFK assassination, saying he was in Dallas when Kennedy was shot and the fatal bullet came from a shooter located in an underground storm drain.

“I was there when he was shot and I know for a fact Rosselli was in the storm drain doing the shooting and Frank Sturgiss was also part of the hit team,” said Gambino. “The same group of guys we have talked about in the Vatican and U.S. government gave the orders and asked the Mafia families for help in taking down Kennedy.”
Growing up on the streets of New York in one of the top crime families, Gambino recalls getting his first lesson of Mafia life at the age of 13.

“My grandfather was Lucky Luciano so I had it made,” said Gambino, now 63 and living on the East Coast with a probation stipulation that he can’t associate or talk with any organized crime figures. “Lucky had all the politicians and even the Vatican heads in his pocket. He was making $55 to $100 million a week and when Vegas opened the money really started to roll in.

“He got Frank Sinatra and many others like Marylyn Monroe, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, Sammy Davis started in Hollywood. He then would take a percentage of their earnings and this went on for their entire careers.

“Remember, the horse’s head being cut-off in Godfather I and then put in the Hollywood producer’s bed? That really happened and it had to do with forcing a Hollywood producer to star Sinatra in one of his movies.”

Gambino also had inside information about how union boss Jimmy Hoffa was really killed, saying his time ran out when a huge Mafia debt wasn’t repaid.

“Hoffa was working behind the scenes with crack head and truck hi-jacker, John Gotti,” recalls Gambino. “That’s all Gotti was good at and when they brought in a $5 million drug truckload, Hoffa got deeper in debt to the other Mafia bosses.

“He never gave his courtesy calls to the bosses for repayment and finally his time ran out so he was killed. They picked him up, put him in a body bag alive and then dumped his body in one of the concrete abutments at the George Washington Bridge while the concrete was being poured. All they did was pay the concrete man $150,000 and the whole thing has been covered up. But that is where Hoffa’s body is today and I know that for a fact.”

Although Gambino knows he’s crossing a sensitive line for going public about the inner-workings of the Mafia and its complicity with the Vatican and U.S. government, he added that it’s important for Americans to finally understand how things “really work on the streets” and how Church, State and big business are working together to destroy America.

And if there remains any doubters that the Vatican and Jesuit Order have had its dirty hands in organized crime in order to destroy the moral and financial fabric of the U.S., Gambino’s confessions should lay that to rest.

“If you don’t believe the hard facts and the hundreds of researchers who have implicated the Vatican to the demise of America, then believe Gambino because he learned it first hand from being on the streets and working with the top crime bosses. He has nothing to gain from lying since he has already served his time and wants to set the record straight once and for all regarding who are the real controllers of the New World Order,” said one patriot close studying and alerting America of Vatican and Jesuit intrigue.

The Investigative Journal Radio Show is produced by Greg Anthony Szymanski and  is broadcast on First Amendment Radio as well as on YouTube. The show previously ran for 11 years on other stations.

During Greg’s tenure as a real live journalist working for the lying mainstream media, he worked in Rome for 6 years, experiencing Vatican intrigue first hand. He was nearly killed in a terrorist attack
“It was a close call,” said Greg, looking back on the incident. “I was in the hallway just seconds before the explosion which ripped the hallway to pieces. Luckily, I was going down the stairs to the news room when it went off.”

Greg said this near death experience changed his life, leading him on a quest to find out the evil roots of terrorism as well as CIA and Vatican/Jesuit involvement.

“That explosion, one of many during those years in Rome, had to be an inside job, said Greg.

Vatican Runs the Mafia
Tony Gambino Interview

For more information, see: 

Alleged Bipolar Mafia Boss 'Tony Gambino' Talks About America's Darkest Conspiracy Theories


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kid Rock Confirms Senate Run: ‘Sick and Tired’ of Politicians’ ‘Bullsh*t’


 Musician Kid Rock appeared to confirm his run for the U.S. Senate in his home state of Michigan Thursday with a fiery Facebook message in which he blasted the media for “once again” being “wrong” about his potential candidacy and took a shot at incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

Rock had hinted at a potential run for Senate on Wednesday with the launch of a campaign website, But some media outlets speculated that the website was a publicity stunt, as the only links on the site were to an online merchandise store with Rock-branded apparel run by Warner Bros. Records.

“Once again the press is wrong,” Rock wrote in Facebook post Thursday. “First of all, I’ve got 15 days from my announcement to file paperwork with the FEC! Second, I’m not signed to Warner Bros!!! – which simple fact-checking would have revealed.”
The 46-year-old rocker confirmed his bid to run for Senate and said he would release new music during his campaign, similar to how politicians release books during their own campaigns.

“I have recently worked out a unique deal with BMG, Broken Bow, CAA and Live Nation to release music ON MY TERMS. Like politicians write books during their campaigns, I’m planning on putting out music during mine and IT ALL STARTS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT,” Rock said, defiantly adding: “It’s not a hoax, it’s a strategy and marketing 101! No plans for an album or anything else that has been the usual norm in the music business OR politics…..and…..”
Rock also addressed his would-be political opponent, longtime Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), saying that while she plays politics, he will be “a voice for tax paying, hardworking AMERICANS.”

“Senator Stabenow and I do share a love of music, although probably not the same kind. I concede she is better at playing politics than I am so I’ll keep doing what I do best, which is being a voice for tax paying, hardworking AMERICANS and letting politicians like her know that We the People are sick and tired of their bullsh*t!” he wrote.

Rock — real name Robert James Ritchie — had been floated as a possible Senate candidate in Michigan during the state’s Republican Party convention in February. He has previously described his political views as “more libertarian,” but he supported Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in 2012, and Donald Trump’s in 2016.

Stabenow has held her seat in Michigan since 2000, and won re-election in 2012 with 58 percent of the vote.

People-- You Must Learn From Your Mistakes

By Anna Von Reitz

12 July 2017
Most Beloved Francis,
It is my understanding that the Holy See has released its interest in the bankruptcy proceedings of the Municipal and Territorial governments throughout the world, and that leaves the unincorporated United States of America as the only unincorporated government still standing in this matter.
We will proceed with your blessing to address the urgent matters of: (1) discharging odious debts; (2) off-setting mutual debts; (3) outright debt forgiveness, such as we have already offered Puerto Rico; (4) employment of new assets; (5) hybrid bond issues; (6) relief of the mortgage foreclosures; (7) establishment of new international trade banks; and final settlement.
Your assistance in the matter of the Divine Province would be greatly appreciated. It is our understanding that both people and governments can choose to accept the rule of our Creator and to accept the three simple Laws of Heaven as their Law, while simply retaining their beneficial interests on land and sea.
It is our intention to offer the governments of the world debt forgiveness upon their acceptance of the Law of the Kingdom of Heaven as their paramount national and international law. 
The Law of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as summarized in our presentation of the Payment Bond is:  (1) Keep the Peace; (2) Treat others as you would like to be treated; (3) Respect the free will of everyone else, so long as it causes no harm.
Beyond that, of course, each Man and Woman must make their own peace with Our Father.  We are speaking here only of public matters, not the private matters of each heart. 
It is to be hoped that the public commitment of governments secured peacefully and without their undue embarrassment will translate to a greater understanding among people of their own sacred nature and their role in the Universe.
Thank you for your patience in the midst of many trying circumstances and your generosity to all Mankind.
Anna Maria
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Pieces coming together regarding Obama set up of Don Trump Jr !



MORE PROOF of Comey, Hillary Clinton, Obama TREASON


Working for James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Obama against President Trump and Son

An intriguing Federal Security Service (FSB) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today states that an initial investigation into the “affairs/linkages” of Moscow attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, as it relates to her meeting the son of President Donald Trump, confirms her being a personal informant for the former American FBI Director James Comey, her being “placed/inserted” into this situation by the director of her husband's company, and her having initiated a “torrid” sexual relationship with a reporter for The New York Times.

As we had previously reported in our 12 July article titled “Russian Lawyer At Heart Of Trump Probe Revealed To Be James Comey’s “FBI Snitch”, the FSB had determined that Natalia Veselnitskaya had become “embroiled/entangled” in the Hillary Clinton-Russian Railways money laundering scheme that led, in October, 2015, to President Putin firing its president Andrei Yakunin.

Fired along with Andrei Yakunin from Russian Railways by President Putin were numerous of his top ministers and as this relates to Natalia Veselnitskaya, included her husband Alexander Mitusov who was Yakunin’s First Deputy Minister of Transport

Alexander Mitusov and Natalia Veselnitskaya met and married in 1999 when they both were employed by the Department of the Prosecutor General (Central Federal District/Moscow) and, after leaving this employment, Natalia Veselnitskaya became a managing partner (2003) of a private Moscow law firm named Kamerton Consulting.

While a managing partner at Kamerton Consulting one of Natalia Veselnitskaya’smain/top” clients was the energy (oil/gas) transportation company SG-Trans OJSC (Russian legal name Federal Freight Company-OJSC) and whose general director, Alexei Taicher, hired her husband Alexander Mitusov as his vice president after he was fired from Russian Railways.

Being aware of the prior schemes related to Hillary Clinton employed by Russian Railways, and fearing that with Alexander Mitusov would “transplant” them at SG-Trans OJSC, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), on 3 March 2016, issued a warning to general director Alexei Taicher stating that he was in violation of Article 25.7 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” to prevent violations of the antimonopoly law. [Note: Unlike in the United States, in Russia only the heads of companies can be charged for crimes, not the company itself.]

At the time the FAS issued this criminal warning to general director Alexander Mitusov he enlisted Natalia Veselnitskaya’s aid against President Putin using the Obama regime as “leverage and who at that time was traveling frequently between the United States, Britain and Russia as part of her representation of a US Federal Government civil forfeiture complaint against the assets of nine Russian corporations controlling real estate in New York City but that the US government was forced to drop in exchange for $5.9 million with no wrong doing admitted, and that Natalia Veselnitskaya characterized as “almost an apology from the US government”. 

Due to Natalia Veselnitskaya being on a US State Department “black list” for her and her law firms many associations with Russian energy and banking companies under American sanctions, she was denied a visa to enter the United States with her, instead, being issued a parole letter to enter the US in order to defend her client, and that was valid from October 2015 to early January 2016.

As Natalia Veselnitskaya’s parole letter was ready to expire on 7 January 2017, she stated in a affidavit to the US Federal Court that her request to have it extended was denied as was customary as the case she was representing had already been settled with only the final announcement of it to be made, and that was done a number of weeks later 12 May 2017.

Immediately upon the denial of Natalia Veselnitskaya’s parole letter to extend her stay in America, FBI Director James Comey’s US Department of Justice suddenly, and without notice, allowed her to stay in the US, during which time she not only met with Donald Trump Jr., but attended numerous US government functions and, most infamously, appeared in the front row of a hearing chaired by US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce sitting right behind the Obama regimes former US Ambassador to Russia, Michal McFaul.

Seeming to always be near Natalia Veselnitskaya during her time in the US was an American political commentator and writer for The New York Times named Jared Yates Sexton who was not only her “lover”, but attended Trump protest rallies with her, too and, as exampled by her rabidly anti-Trump Facebook page where she posted photos of many such protests.  

FSB analysts in this bulletin further reveal that Natalia Veselnitskaya and Jared Yates Sexton had been “planning/plotting” their attempt to discredit Donald Trump Jr. for over a year and that Jared Yates Sexton himself stunning revealed to be true after Donald Trump Jr. suddenly released his emails this week relating to his meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, and that caused Sexton to have a “Twitter meltdown.   

As to how The New York Times reporter Jared Yates Sexton was able to “work on this story for a year” before anything had actually occurred shows he was obviously being fed real-time information by his “loverNatalia Veselnitskaya as events were occurring and as she has already been determined to be an informant for the Obama regimes FBI Director James Comey proves, too, that this is yet another “fake news event” planned and orchestrated by the “Deep State” to harm President Trump before he can “drain the swamp.  

July 13, 2017

Hidden And Trashy Obama Behavior

WH  Aide  Drops  Memoir  About  Hidden  And  Trashy  Obama  Behavior  OR  -  Now  you  know  the  other  side  of  the  story

Staffers within Obama’s inner circle used women as trophies, and sexual conquests were allegedly viewed as a badge of honor. It was “painfully easy” for aides to use their White House credentials to target and seduce women according to Litt.

“There was a winter, for example, when a blond local newscaster caught the eye of a co-worker,” the speech writer recalled.

“Each time she arrived…he’d charm her for a few minutes, drop a couple of names, and then apologize for being so busy he couldn’t stay,” Litt continued. 

“It was almost too easy. After sealing the deal, [the Obama staffer] bragged about his conquest, but anyone could tell he was just going through the motions.”

For all of the hand-wringing about Donald Trump’s perceived arrogance, it seems that immature and insecure peacock-like showmanship was common under Obama.

“If chest bumping had been permitted in the Oval, we would have gone for it,”Litt recalled. He and other staff members would reportedly strut around and used over the top laughter as a sign of dominance.

In the recollection of the speech writer, the “ultimate Oval Office power move” among the men was to grab an apple from an office without asking, polish it on your presumably overpriced suit and “take a casual chomp on your way out of the door.”

Jokes about the male anatomy and frequent “f-bombs” were apparently not out of place in the Obama White House.

“During a run-through of his speech for the 2012 Correspondents Dinner, one member of his team made a racially-loaded joke that referenced the president’s manhood,” reported the Mail.

“The line alluded to Vice President Joe Biden’s remark that POTUS had a ‘big stick’ when it came to foreign policy. ‘Let’s put it this way, dreams aren’t the only thing I got from my father,’ speechwriter Jeff Nussbaum wrote as a joke,” continued the newspaper.

“According to Litt, ‘POTUS laughed so loudly that I secretly hoped he would add the line to the script.' However, he explains, a ‘presidential d*** joke was a bridge too far’ during an election year and the line was scrapped.”

Cursing was reportedly a bad habit of Obama.

“During another rehearsal, Obama had been practicing lines for a skit involving Comedy Central star Keegan-Michael Key for the 2015 Correspondents Dinner,” revealed the Mail’s report.

“After the president was asked if the crew should return the next morning for another run-through, he responded: ‘Nah…The truth is, I’m pretty f***ing good at this.'”

Vulgarity and profanity from the left is surprisingly common, but it looks like many of the people in Democrat circles took their vulgar cues from Obama himself.

For example, a senior Democrat party official from Nebraska recently declared that he was “glad” Republican Steve Scalise was shot by a left-wing gunman in Virginia. “I wish he was f***ing dead!” ranted the unhinged liberal. Classy.

Nebraska Democratic Party Technology Chairman Phil Montag: "I'm glad he got shot," "I wish he was (expletive) dead."
FILE - In this March 8, 2017 file photo, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of La. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Scalise was shot Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Va., congressional officials say.
8:22 AM - 23 Jun 2017

An even more prominent liberal couldn’t control her f-bombs, either. California lawmaker and likely Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris asked while on the record, “What the f*** is that?”
Kamala Harris 

The HillVerified account @thehillThe HillVerified account @thehill

Kamala Harris on GOP lawmaker's claim people won't die without healthcare: "What the f--k is that?" 

Do as they say, not as they do. Democrats love to pretend that they are the “enlightened” and sophisticated party, but from Barack Obama on down through the ranks, it appears the reality is often far different.

H/T: Independent Journal Review