Sunday, July 16, 2017

URGENT REPORT!!! Submitted by Anonymous 2 Saturday morning breakfast meeting


DO YOU WANT TO LEARN WHAT THE LATEST DEMANDS ARE BEFORE HE WILL 'RELEASE' THE RV? Have you had enough yet of this con-artist? What ya going to do about it...


As submitted to the American people for official publication and notice at the conclusion of the Saturday morning breakfast meeting

Here’s a list of at least 75 times  'president' Obama violated the Constitution and committed crimes against the nation and the people. Obama has NEVER been the legitimate president of the true government of this country!  He was appointed by his superiors as the CEO of a DEAD private bankrupt corporation POSING as the government of this nation. Obama has committed crimes against this nation and its people for which he should be held accountable.  

Here is Obama's latest demand upon YOU, the American people and this nation, before He will release the RV:  

Obama is demanding at least three quarters of the funds committed for the RV to be turned over to him personally, leaving one quarter for the people and the nation!!!!!

By: The Free Thought Project 

Here’s a list of at least 75+ times 'president' Obama violated the Constitution and/or broke federal law during his presidency:

1) Illegally armed Mexican drug cartels and ISIS militants

In Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration facilitated the sale of thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels and stopped tracking those weapons once they crossed the border so the administration could later blame the Second Amendment.
“The Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives apparently ordered one of its own agents to purchase firearms with taxpayer money, and sell them directly to a Mexican drug cartel,” the New York Post reported. “Let that sink in: After months of pretending that ‘Fast and Furious’ was a botched surveillance operation of illegal gun-running spearheaded by the ATF and the US attorney’s office in Phoenix, it turns out that the government itself was selling guns to the bad guys.”
Even more shocking, President Obama authorized a shipment of guns to the Syrian opposition, a.k.a. ISIS-linked militants, on the exact same day he demanded more gun control in response to the Oregon shooting.
“…The President also emphasized to his team that the U.S. would continue to support the Syrian opposition as Russia enters the war-torn country,” CNN reported in October.
But virtually all of the rebels in Syria have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State since at least 2013.
“The Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council, the vaunted bulwarks of the moderate opposition, only really exist in hotel lobbies and the minds of Western diplomats,” Journalist Ben Reynolds wrote in November. “There is simply no real separation between ‘moderate’ rebel groups and hardline Salafists allied with al-Qaeda.”
2) Attempting to shut down gun stores outside of law

In a classic case of criminal racketeering, the U.S. Department of Justice was pressuring banks to refuse service to gun stores in a program entitled Operation Choke Point.
Under the program started in 2014 if not before, the DOJ was attempting to shut down legal gun dealers by coercing financial institutions to close the bank and merchant accounts associated with their businesses.
In 2012, Bank of America told a gun company, McMillan Group International, that because the company was expanding into firearms manufacturing, the bank no longer wanted McMillan’s business.
“We have to assess the risk of doing business with a firearms-related industry,” the bank’s representative told operations director Kelly McMillan.
And not long after, BitPay, a U.S.-based bitcoin processor, likewise refused to do business with gun dealer Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gunworks due to a similar policy.

3) Spent tax dollars to re-settle illegals inside U.S.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has been purchasing bus tickets and vouchers for illegal immigrants in order to ship them deeper into the country at taxpayers’ expense, according to a McAllen, Texas city official.
“They’re not bringing them here, they’re bringing them to our bus terminals because that’s where the Border Patrol understands that they have transportation to go to the interior,” McAllen, Texas City Attorney Kevin Pagan said in an interview with Infowars. “So they’re dropping them off and it’s our understanding that they were dropped off with tickets or with vouchers for tickets, but it turns out that some of them tonight didn’t have their tickets or their vouchers for tickets, or like I said their buses are tomorrow, so they have no where to stay.”
Several months earlier, Obama ordered the Border Patrol to stand down from protecting the border and enforcing immigration laws.
“We are simply being ordered to stand down and stop tracking and trying to apprehend the criminals,” Shawn Moran, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, told Breitbart.
4) Using executive action to restrict Second Amendment

Obama decided to use his “pen and his phone” to enact gun control without Congressional approval.
“Without a Democratic majority in Congress, and faced with a GOP that is firmly against any form of gun control measures, Obama has repeatedly warned that he would act on his own,” Zero Hedge reported.
For one thing, Obama is attempting to require private sellers to conduct background checks.
“The action, officials explained, would include guidance on how the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives will now determine who is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms under federal law and, therefore, who is required to obtain a license to sell firearms,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Obama may also try and prevent people on the no-fly list from being able to purchase guns, which violates the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process by allowing the government to deprive people of their rights based only on suspicion.
Additionally, numerous law-abiding Americans have been wrongly placed on the No-Fly list due to false information, clerical errors or political persecution.
“The U.S. government maintains a massive watchlist system that risks stigmatizing hundreds of thousands of people – including U.S. citizens – as terrorism suspects based on vague, overbroad, and often secret standards and evidence,” the ACLU reported. “The consequences of being placed on a government watchlist can be far-reaching; they can include questioning, harassment, or detention by authorities, or even an indefinite ban on air travel.”
5) Illegally targeted conservative groups via IRS

Obama’s IRS had illegally targeted conservative groups for additional “reviews” of their tax status applications.
Organizations with the phrases “tea party” or “patriot” in their names were singled out for harassment, such as requiring them to provide information about their family members, their social media posts and a list of donors.
Obama had met with a key IRS official who was involved in the targeting just two days before the key official told his colleagues how to target conservative groups. 

The Daily Caller reported:
The Obama appointee implicated in congressional testimony in the IRS targeting scandal met with President Obama in the White House two days before offering his colleagues a new set of advice on how to scrutinize tea party and conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
IRS chief counsel William Wilkins, who was named in House Oversight testimony by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull as one of his supervisors in the improper targeting of conservative groups, met with Obama in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on April 23, 2012. Wilkins’ boss, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, visited the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on April 24, 2012, according to White House visitor logs.
On April 25, 2012, Wilkins’ office sent the exempt organizations determinations unit “additional comments on the draft guidance” for approving or denying tea party tax-exempt applications, according to the IRS inspector general’s report.
During Obama’s first four years as President, IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman made 157 visits to the White House.
“This is more visits to the White House – by a very large margin – than any other cabinet member during Obama’s first term,” Journalist Tim Brown revealed. “By comparison, during the four years that Mark Everson was IRS commissioner when Bush was president, Everson made only one visit to the White House.”
6) Secretly obtained phone records from Associated Press journalists

In May 2013, Associated Press reported:
“The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative’s top executive called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into how news organizations gather the news.
The records obtained by the Justice Department listed outgoing calls for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and the main number for AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP. It was not clear if the records also included incoming calls or the duration of calls.
In all, the government seized the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown but more than 100 journalists work in the offices where phone records were targeted, on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.”
Obtaining these phone records required approval from former Attorney General Eric Holder.

7) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval

Obama violated the Constitution when he launched military operations in Libya without Congressional approval.

8) Expanded Bush’s unconstitutional government faith-based programs

Obama actually expanded the federal government’s faith based programs which had been started by President George W. Bush.

9) Supported Bush’s unconstitutional Patriot Act

Obama renewed the Patriot Act in 2011.

10) Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing any charges

Obama signed an unconstitutional bill that gave the U.S. government the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without any charges being filed or any trial taking place.

11) Supports unconstitutional, warrantless wiretapping

President Obama is a huge supporter of warrantless wiretapping.

12) Had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process

Obama had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process, to which then-U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) said was an impeachable offense.

13) Ordered private company to fire 1,000 employees

After Boeing hired 1,000 new employees to work at its new factory in South Carolina in 2011, the Obama administration ordered the company to close it down because the factory was non-union.

14) Stole money from retired teachers and police officers

During the Chrysler bankruptcy, Obama violated the Fifth Amendment and more than 150 years of bankruptcy law by illegally treating secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors.
“Upsetting this fixed hierarchy among creditors is just an illegal taking of property from one group of creditors for the benefit of another, which should be struck down on both statutory and constitutional grounds,” according to Richard A. Epstein, a law professor at New York University School of Law.
15) Fired Inspector General for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government funds

Obama fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin in 2009 after Walpin accused Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter, of misusing AmeriCorps funding to pay for political activities.

Later on, a bipartisan group of 145 current and former public officials and legal scholars signed a letter stating Walpin’s firing was politically motivated.

16) Lied about letting people keep their health insurance

Before 'Obamacare' was passed, Obama said:
“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people… If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
But once it was passed, the Congressional Budget Office said Obamacare would cause at least seven million people to lose their insurance.

17) Lied about the cost of 'Obamacare'

Before Obamacare was passed, Obama promised:
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.”
However, not long after Obama signed it, the Washington Post reported it would add over $340 billion to the budget deficit over the next decade.

18) Gave tax dollars to campaign contributors and lobbyists, and falsely claimed the money was for “green energy”

In 2009, the Obama administration gave $535 million to green-energy company Solyndra, claiming that it would create 4,000 new jobs, but the company soon went bankrupt.
It was later revealed the company’s executives had made substantial donations to Obama’s campaign and that Solyndra executives had had many meetings with White House officials.

19) Had “off the record” meetings with lobbyists

In June 2010, the New York Times said the Obama administration officials had held hundreds of meetings with lobbyists at coffee houses near the White House to avoid the disclosure requirements for White House visitors.

20) Had armed SWAT agents raid a law-abiding guitar factory because it was owned by a Republican

President Obama had an armed SWAT team raid the Gibson guitar factory and seized guitars and other property from the factory – without any charges being filed.
Obama’s so-called justification for the raid was that Gibson had broken environmental laws from India regarding the imported wood that Gibson had been using, but C.F. Martin & Company, Gibsons’s competitor, had used the exact same imported wood.
The difference? Henry E. Juszkiewicz, the CEO of Gibson, was a Republicandonor, whereas Chris Martin IV, the CEO of Martin, was a Democraticdonor.

21) Ignored constitutional requirements for appointees

Late U.S. Senator Robert Byrd, a Democrat, expressed concerns that Obama’s dozens of czars appointed in 2009 might violate the U.S. Constitution because they were not approved by the U.S. Senate.
Another Democrat, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, shared a similar sentiment.

22) Tried to outlaw family farms

The Obama administration wanted to eradicate family farms in 2012 by trying to prohibit farm children under 18 from working in various farm-related activities.

23) Auctioned off ambassadorship to the Netherlands

Obama nominated Timothy Broas to be U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands after Broas donated at least $500,000 to Obama’s 2012 campaign.

24) Made the TSA even more abusive and ridiculous than it had been under Bush

Under the Obama administration, the TSA has been giving very invasive pat-downs on young children which would otherwise constitute child molestation.

25) Illegally demanded monetary payment for Freedom of Information Act request

The Obama administration demanded the Goldwater Institute pay nearly $79,000 before it would share public records via the Freedom of Information Act.

26) Stole money from retired Delphi employees

Obama eliminated the pensions of 20,000 retired Delphi employees in 2009.

27) Used “off the books” funding for military interventionism

Anti-war activists who helped elect Obama accused him of using the same “off-the-books” funding as his predecessor George W. Bush when the president requested over $83 billion from Congress for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

28) Tried to silence criticism of auto-bailouts

The Obama administration pressured the Ford Motor Company to stop criticizing Obama’s bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler in a TV ad.

29) Tried to silence video on YouTube

Obama actually asked a Jewish singing group to take down its video from the Internet in 2011.

30) Illegally gave Obamacare exemptions to unions that supported the passage of Obamacare

Obama gave some of his favorite organizations an exemption from some Obamacare requirements.

Many of these organizations were unions that had supported the passage of Obamacare, but then afterwards wanted exemptions from the very same law they forced on everyone else.

The Constitution, however, requires the law to treat everyone as equals.

The Washington Times said of this:
“Selective enforcement of the law is the first sign of tyranny. A government empowered to determine arbitrarily who may operate outside the rule of law invariably embraces favoritism as friends, allies and those with the best-funded lobbyists are rewarded. Favoritism inevitably leads to corruption, and corruption invites extortion. Ultimately, the rule of law ceases to exist in any recognizable form, and what is left is tyranny.”
“The now-familiar monthly trickling down of new waivers is, at best, a tacit admission that Obamacare is a failure. So far, seven entire states and 1,372 businesses, unions and other institutions have received waivers from the law. The list includes the administration’s friends and allies and, of course, those who have the best lobbyists.”
“More than 50 percent of the Obamacare waiver beneficiaries are union members, which is striking because union members account for less than 12 percent of the American work force. The same unions that provided more than $120 million to Democrats in the last two elections and, in many cases, openly campaigned in favor of the government takeover of your health care, now celebrate that Obamacare is not their problem.”
31) Defended Bush administration’s unconstitutional, unwarranted use of GPS device

The Obama administration opposed the U.S. Supreme Court for ruling against the Bush administration over the installation of a GPS tracking device on someone’s car without a warrant.

32) Was cited by nine states for committing 21 illegal acts

Attorneys General from nine states listed 21 illegal acts which had been committed by the Obama administration.

33) Tried to seize hotel because some of its customers had used illegal drugs

The Obama administration tried to shut down a mom-and-pop bed-and-breakfast because some if its guests had used illegal drugs.

34) Made recess appointments when Congress was not in recess

Obama violated the Constitution by making four recess appointments when Congress was not in recess in Jan. 2012.

A federal appeals court later ruled that Obama’s appointments had violated the Constitution.

35) Supports guns for himself and his wife, but opposes them for everyone else

President Obama signed a 2013 bill providing armed guards for himself and his wife for the rest of the lives.  But when Obama was an Illinois state senator in 2004, he voted against citizens keeping guns in their own homes to protect themselves and their families.

36) Approved giving 20 F-16 fighter jets to a Sharia dictatorship

Obama once gave 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt while it was under a Sharia dictatorship.

37) Violated the very same campaign finance laws that he claims to support

Obama’s 2012 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws.

38) Encouraged employers to switch their employees from full time to part time

The New York Times said Obamacare “sharply penalizes full-time employment in favor of part-time employment.”

In response to the employer mandate of Obamacare, many businesses and even colleges switched some of their employees from full time to part time.
Leaders of the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE penned a 2013 letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stating that Obamacare will “destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class… the law creates an incentive for employers to keep employees’ work hours below 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have begun to cut workers’ hours to avoid this obligation.”

39) Had Freedom of Information Act record worse than Bush’s

When it came to honoring requests under the Freedom of Information Act, Obama’s record was far worse than that of George W. Bush.

40) Supports installation of hidden cameras on private property without a search warrant

Obama’s Justice Department once argued in favor of installing hidden cameras on private property without a search warrant.

41) Accepted illegal campaign contributions from foreign citizens

During an experiment, a non-U.S. citizen attempted to make two $5 donations to both Obama’s campaign and Mitt Romney’s campaign.  While the Romney campaign rejected both donations, the Obama website accepted them cheerfully.

42) Lied about the Benghazi attack

After four U.S. citizens were killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, in Sept. 2012, the Obama administration falsely claimed the attack was a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim video at YouTube.
Even more, the Obama administration took an entire week before it acknowledged the attacks as terrorism.
And although the Obama administration made a dozen revisions to its versions of the incident, then-White House Press Secretary Jay Carneyfalsely claimed that only a “single adjustment” had been made.
ABC News later published a complete list of all the changes to the White House talking points.

43) Complained to YouTube about an anti-Muslim video

The Obama administration actually phoned YouTube in 2012 to complain about an anti-Muslim video.
“It does make us nervous when the government throws its weight behind any requests for censorship,” Ben Wizner of the ACLU said.
44) Falsely said that Fast and Furious was started when Bush was President
Obama lied when he said Fast and Furious had “begun under the previous administration” in 2012.

Fast and Furious actually began around September 2009, months after Bush left office.

45) Illegally refused to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated campaign finance laws

Kathleen Sebelius, Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, was caught violating campaign finance laws in 2012, but despite federal law requiring Obama to fire her over the illegal activity, he refused to do so.

46) Gave special access to people who raised or donated $500,000

People who raised or donated at least $500,000 to Organizing for Action, a pro-Obama political group, would be given “the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president, along with other meetings at the White House.”

47) Adopted harmful new restrictions on prescription painkillers – even though the House had already voted against them

The Obama administration ignored the House’s rejection of new restrictions on prescription painkillers by adopting them anyway.

48) Illegally refused to submit a budget on time during four of his first five years

Despite being legally required to submit a budget by the first Monday in February, Obama broke this law at least four times.
In contrast, since 1921, no President had missed this deadline more than once.

49) Fined UPS $40 million because some of its customers had used UPS to ship illegal drugs

Obama forced UPS to pay $40 million in 2013 because some of its customers had used the company to ship illegal drugs.

50) Added 20,000 extra pages to Obamacare without Congressional approval

After Obamacare was passed, Obama added 20,000 extra pages to it even though those extra pages were not voted on by Congress.

51) Waited until after the 2012 election to release unpopular Obamacare rules

The New York Times reported in 2013:
… even fervent supporters of the law admit that things are going worse than expected.
… the Obama administration didn’t want to release unpopular rules before the election.
Everything is turning out to be more complicated than originally envisioned.
A law that was very confusing has become mind-boggling… Americans are just going to be overwhelmed and befuddled. Many are just going to stay away, even if they are eligible for benefits.
52) Tried to rig federal auctions of radio spectrum space

The Obama administration was trying to rig federal auctions of radio spectrum space in a manner that would favor Sprint and T-Mobile over its competitors.

53) Put someone in jail for making an anti-Muslim video

Politico reported in 2013:
“Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history. He is the first person in this country jailed for violating Islamic anti-blasphemy laws.”
“You won’t find that anywhere in the charges against him, of course. As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.”
“In the weeks after the attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, the Obama administration claimed the terrorist assault had been the outgrowth of a demonstration against the Nakoula video. The administration ran public service announcements in Pakistan featuring President Barack Obama saying the U.S. had nothing to do with it. In a speech at the United Nations around this time, the president declared – no doubt with Nakoula in mind – ‘The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.’”
54) Rewarded one of his biggest campaign fundraisers by nominating him for the ambassadorship to Canada

Obama nominated Bruce Heyman to be the ambassador to Canada in 2013after Heyman raised more than $1 million for Obama.

55) Asked contractors to disclose their political donations before bidding on government contracts

Obama asked contractors to disclose their political donations before bidding on federal contracts in 2011.

56) Falsely accused a law abiding news reporter of being “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation

The Obama administration falsely labeled Fox contributor James Rosen as “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation when it applied for a warrant to read his emails.

The New York Times reported:
With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news.
Leak investigations usually focus on the source, not the reporter. But, in this case, federal prosecutors also asked a federal judge for permission to examine Mr. Rosen’s personal e-mails, arguing that “there is probable cause to believe” Mr. Rosen is “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in the leak.
Though Mr. Rosen was not charged, the F.B.I. request for his e-mail account was granted secretly in late May 2010. The government was allowed to rummage through Mr. Rosen’s e-mails for at least 30 days.
The Washington Post also said:
“The Rosen affair is as flagrant an assault on civil liberties as anything done by George W. Bush’s administration, and it uses technology to silence critics in a way Richard Nixon could only have dreamed of.
To treat a reporter as a criminal for doing his job – seeking out information the government doesn’t want made public – deprives Americans of the First Amendment freedom on which all other constitutional rights are based. Guns? Privacy? Due process? Equal protection? If you can’t speak out, you can’t defend those rights, either.
Beyond that, the administration’s actions shatter the president’s credibility and discourage allies who would otherwise defend the administration against bogus accusations such as those involving the Benghazi “talking points.” If the administration is spying on reporters and accusing them of criminality just for asking questions – well, who knows what else this crowd is capable of doing?”
57) Asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate himself for lying under oath

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath when he said he had nothing to do with monitoring the emails of Fox reporter James Rosen, even though his own signature on the search warrant.
In response, Obama asked Holder to investigate himself!

58) Used Obamacare to illegally give the IRS additional powers without approval from Congress

The Washington Post reported in 2013:
[Obamacare] allows the Department of Health and Human Services to set up federal health exchanges in the holdout states. But the statute makes no mention of the IRS providing credits and subsidies through federal exchanges.
The IRS resolved this conundrum by denying its existence. In a May 2012 regulatory ruling, it asserted its own right to provide credits outside the state exchanges as the reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous law. But the language of the law is not ambiguous. And health scholars Jonathan Adler and Michael Cannon, in an exhaustive recent analysis, find no justification for the IRS’s ruling in the legislative history of Obamacare….
So: The IRS seized the authority to spend about $800 billion over 10 years on benefits that were not authorized by Congress.
59) Illegally solicited donations from health insurers

In May 2013, Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius illegally solicited donations from health insurers to help pay for Obamacare.

60) Proposed military interventionism in Syria
Obama proposed the U.S. oust the Syrian government in 2013 by military action.

61) Refused to fire or prosecute more than 1,000 IRS employees who illegally used their IRS credit cards for their own personal use

Obama refused to fire or prosecute more than 1,000 IRS employees illegally used their IRS credit cards for personal purchases.

62) Had the Secret Service visit a law abiding citizen who had criticized his policies on Twitter

Obama ordered the Secret Service to visit the home of Tom Francois, a law abiding citizen who had criticized Obama’s policies on Twitter in 2013.
The Secret Service later admitted that Francois had not made any threats against the president.

63) Had the IRS grant special, illegal favors for his brother’s so-called “charity”

The Daily Caller reported the IRS had taken the “unprecedented” step of approving a non-profit application within just one month from the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a so-called “charity” which was headed by Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s brother.
Additionally, the IRS illegally gave retroactive approval for the organization’s tax exempt status and had illegally solicited tax deductible donations even though it did not have legal approval to do so.

64) Illegally bypassed Congress to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate

In July 2013, Obama delayed the employer mandate part of Obamacare until January 2015, even though Congress set it to begin a year prior.
Obama effectively rewrote a law without approval from Congress, which is highly illegal.

65) Illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close, which destroyed 120,000 jobs

Obama cost 120,000 people their jobs by illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close in 2009.

66) Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who all used the same address

The IRS gave nearly 24,000 tax refunds worth a total of nearly $47 million to illegal aliens in 2011 using the same address in Atlanta, Ga.

67) Used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against George Zimmerman

Obama actually used tax money to pay federal employees to organizeprotests against George Zimmerman in 2012.

68) Illegally continued giving foreign aid to Egypt after it had a coup

The Obama administration said it would illegally continue giving foreign aid to Egypt after its coup.

69) Broke promise to end Bush’s surveillance of U.S. citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime

Obama lied when he said he would end Bush’s illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens not suspected of committing a crime.

70) Falsely guaranteed that people could keep their doctor

Before Obamacare was passed, Obama said:
“Here is a guarantee that I’ve made… If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor.”
This was a complete lie.

71) Illegally seized a privately owned gun from a law abiding citizen

After a jury found George Zimmerman not guilty, the Obama administration announced it would seize his gun anyway, a violation of both the double jeopardy clause of the U.S. Constitution and the Fifth Amendment.

72) Illegally prevented individual employees of small businesses from choosing their own plan during the first year of Obamacare

Obamacare requires that individual employees of small businesses be allowed to choose their own insurance plan during the first year of Obamacare, but the Obama administration kept them from doing so.

73) Illegally avoided enforcing the required income verification of people who receive subsidies for Obamacare exchanges

The Obama administration refuses to verify the income of people whoreceive subsidies for Obamacare exchanges.

74) Illegally delayed the caps on out of pocket health care payments without Congressional approval

Obama once again illegally rewrote Obamacare by delaying payment caps for one year.

75) Falsely said the NSA review was being conducted by an “independent” body

Obama assigned National Intelligence Director James Clapper, who had falsely testified to Congress that the NSA was not collecting information on U.S. citizens, to establish an “independent” investigation of NSA surveillance.

The list doesn’t need to end at 75:

76) Nominated a telecommunications lobbyist and Obama fundraiser to head the FCC

Obama nominated former cable TV lobbyist and Obama fundraiser Tom Wheeler to head the FCC in 2013. Wheeler had previously been the head of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, which is a lobbying organization for the cable TV industry.

77) Tried to violate defendants’ right to a fair trial

In August 2013, Reuters reported:
“A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans.
Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how such investigations truly begin – not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.
The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to “recreate” the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant’s Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don’t know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence – information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.”
78) Threatened internet service providers with contempt of court if they did not install surveillance software.  

The Obama administration had pressured internet service providers to install surveillance software in 2013 so that it could monitor internet traffic without a warrant, a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.  The ISPs who refused were later threatened by the administration with contempt of court.

79.  Obama and Paul Ryan caught by General Dunford in the act of stealing Republic funds of $103 Trillion.  These funds were claw backed to the Treasury of the Republic.
80.  Obama and Paul Ryan caught by General Dunford in the act of stealing Republic funds of $107 Trillion.  These funds were claw backed to the Treasury of the Republic.

This list was compiled with help from Freedom Outpost’s Tim Brown, along with others who love this nation and the good people.

This article (“Criminal In Chief” — 78 Times President Obama Broke the Law During Presidency) by Claire Bernish is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and


9 / 11 Confession Finally Blows Up Official Narrative

CIA  Whistleblower:  9/11  Confession  Finally  Blows  Up  Official  Narrative

TMR Editor’s Note:

It appears that a CIA Agent has completely left the reservation and offered an [EXPLOSIVE] deathbed confession. Yes, CIA demolition expert took down the building, and it appears that CIA agent Malcolm Howard may have been one of them.
The stunning confession that follows is so radioactive that it will surely take down the oligarchy and/or shadow government that really directs the U.S. Federal Government if it is true.  TMR has tried to verify this report without success since it was first published by  All attempts to confirm the existence (and photo posted below)) of ‘CIA agent’ Malcolm Howard have also been unsuccessful.  However, it’s difficult for TMR to believe that the author was not contacted by an authentic CIA whistleblower, which then precipitated their report.

KEY POINT: Let’s face it: any CIA operative who ever went public with 9/11 truth would be neutralized in a Langley flash.  Therefore, various patriotic agents have used this exact device to get the truth out.  There have been several instances whereby an insider’s story has all the facts in order except for the exact names or other vital data that would fatally compromise the source.  **Sometimes you have to do whatever is necessary to blow a case wide open**. After all, is there any other case of domestic terrorism as consequential for Americans as the US government-coordinated 9/11 false flag operation?

The floodgates of 9/11 truth are slowly opening, and there’s really no stopping it in this “Internet Era”.  The CIA (and MI6 & MOSSAD) did do 9/11, as did other state actors and rogue elements within the US government. 

As follows

9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal

The 9/11 inside job was also nuclear as proven by the photos in the link below:

9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In Progress

Let’s not forget the Russian 9/11 data dump either. As follows:

9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators

The Millennium Report
July 14, 2017

N.B. If the report that follows proves to be fabricated by, they have still rendered an account that is probably not too far from the truth.  However, that Alt Media platform will never be trusted again as a news source if it really is fake news.


CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’

Baxter Dmitry

79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcom Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live. Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the “controlled demolition” of World Trade Center 7, the third building that was destroyed on 9/11.
Mr. Howard, who worked for the CIA for 36 years as an operative, claims he was tapped by senior CIA agents to work on the project due to his engineering background, and early career in the demolition business.
Trained as a civil engineer, Mr. Howard became an explosives expert after being headhunted by the CIA in early 1980s. Mr. Howard says he has extensive experience in planting explosives in items as small as cigarette lighters and as large as “80 floor buildings.
The 79-year-old New Jersey native says he worked on the CIA operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001, during a time he says the CIA “was still taking orders from the top.” Mr. Howard says he was part of a cell of 4 operatives tasked with ensuring the demolition was successful.
Mr. Howard says the World Trade Center 7 operation is unique among his demolitions, as it is the only demolition that “we had to pretend wasn’t a demolition job”. He claims he had no problem going through with the deception at the time because “when you are a patriot, you don’t question the motivation of the CIA or the White House. You assume the bigger purpose is for a greater good. They pick good, loyal people like me and it breaks my heart to hear the shit talk.
But even he admits that now, looking back, “Something wasn’t rightNo good has come from this. This isn’t the America we envisioned.”
Explaining how the building was bought down, Mr. Howard says, “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives. The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the Building 7 was rented by the CIA, the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier.
Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was “loaded with explosives in strategic places” in the month leading up to the day that changed the course of American history. On September 11th, while the North and South towers burned, fuses were ignited in World Trade Center 7, and nanothermite explosions hollowed out the building, destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell.
World Trade Center 7 collapsed into its own footprint at 5:20pm, seven hours after the destruction of WTC 1 and 2. The building shocked witnesses by coming down at the speed of free-fall, indicating that it encountered zero resistance on the way down.
Mr. Howard and his colleagues had done their job. "When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating. We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden the strangest thing happened. We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth. We watched the tape again and again and again and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought 'shit, people are going to question this.' And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the afternoon. When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up.”

Published on Feb 26, 2007

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of more 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. How did the BBC know that it was going to collapse? And why did they report the collapse when it is clearly standing in the background?

According to the official 9/11 report issued by the government, WTC 7 collapsed due to “uncontrolled fires” that were caused by debris that floated over from WTC 1 and 2, which had been hit by passenger planes. If the official narrative was true, WTC 7 would be the first tall building in the world to ever collapse due to uncontrolled fires, and the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed into itself, due to “office fires.”

Published on Oct 23, 2008

Various visual and audio recordings of explosion and rumble sounds in the vicinity of the WTC World Trade Center on 9/11 2001. There are many testimonies of explosions, car bombs and incendiary devices used in and around the WTC on September 11th 2001.  Full credit to Xenomorph911 for his video 9/11: Audible explosions & rumbles.   High quality version available for download at :

Mr. Howard and his colleagues feared the public would see through the official narrative and rise up against the government, demanding to be told the truth.

There were so many loose ends, so much evidence left behind. We thought the public would be all over it. We thought there would be a public uprising that the media couldn’t ignore. They’d be funding investigations and demanding to know why they were being lied to. We thought they’d find chemical composites in the area that would prove Building 7 was blown up. 

“We thought there would be a revolution. It would go all the way to the top, to President Bush. He’d be dragged out of the White House.

“But none of that happened. Almost nobody questioned anything. The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told.”

Follow the money

Mr. Howard claims he has “no direct knowledge” about the destruction of North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, explaining that “CIA operations are very specific” and that it is common to be working on a larger project while only understanding a small piece of the puzzle.

But he has advice for investigators seeking to understand the entire puzzle and work out who was behind the most devastating attack on American soil in history.

Follow the money.”

When you want to find out who is behind something, just follow the money. Look at the trades made just before 9/11. These are the guys that knew what was coming. The sons of CIA agents, government officials. Close relatives of the most powerful men in America. Cheney, Rumsfeld. They all got rich. It wasn’t just the contracts awarded to their friends in the construction business and the wars and the kickbacks.” “It was insider trading.”

Many countries including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Monaco launched insider trading investigations in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, believing that if they could prove Al-Qaeda (aka CIA) operatives profited on the stock market then they could prove the terror organization was behind the attacks.

And all the evidence pointed to heavy insider trading around 9/11.

Italy’s foreign minister, Antonio Martino, said: “I think that there are terrorist states and organizations behind speculation on the international markets.” 

German central bank president, Ernst Welteke, said his researchers had found “almost irrefutable proof of insider trading.”

Even CNN reported that regulators were seeing “ever-clearer signs” that someone “manipulated financial markets ahead of the terror attack in the hope of profiting from it.

Mr. Howard says that a serious study of who profited on the stock market from 9/11 would “tear the heart out of the oligarchy in America. There is only one organization that spans the entire world, and let me tell you now, it isn’t and it never was 'al-Qaeda'.

It’s the CIA.

There could never be a real investigation. The entire shadow government, as you call them now, are implicated.”

The 79-year-old, spending his final weeks at home, said he doesn’t expect to be taken into custody following his confession because “then they’d have to go after everyone else. They will just use the media to attack me. They are all on the payroll to suppress everything around 9/11.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

***WARNING!*** Suddenly there are all these "offers" -- the so-called M1 "Prosperity Bonds" and now "Treasury Direct Accounts". ***WARNING!***

By Anna Von Reitz

People-- You Must Learn From Your Mistakes

Suddenly there are all these "offers" -- the so-called M1 "Prosperity Bonds" and now "Treasury Direct Accounts".

Remember the Trojan Horse and Esau's bowl of porridge.  By accepting these offers you don't know what you are giving up.  You are doing precisely the same thing your parents did-- signing up for things and obligating yourselves without knowing the consequences. 

Just STOP. 

You have just been set free. Don't run in willy-nilly and entrap yourselves again. 
And don't give away the birthright that has been won back for you. 

This kind of "assumption" and private contracting process is what got you and your country into trouble in the first place. 

You are dealing with snake oil salesmen. Be aware of that! I have tried to teach you Truth from Lies and the dangers of assuming anything-- so turn on your Shinola Sensors High Alert. 

I have not read the M1 Bonds but I can tell you that the organizations backing them have an evil history and that bonds by their nature are almost always debt instruments.  You do NOT want to bond yourself in exchange for service or money or any other thing. 

I haven't gotten to the bottom of the Treasury Direct Accounts either, but they appear to be for federal employees and dependents and NOT for birthright Americans. 

It is possible that the TD Accounts may be used as a vehicle for all Americans to receive back the trust funds that are owed to them, but it is also possible that this is just another bowl of porridge scam designed to trick you into foreign citizenship and servitude and offering to pay you only a slaves' portion in exchange for your whole inheritance. 

Remember --these are all the same organizations that set up the Great Fraud. These are all the same parties that created the Breach of Trust that led to this situation. They had already planned to kill off their Creditors by the millions to enrich themselves and leave only slaves to serve their needs-- a Fourth Reich Nazi-Style government complete with Death Camps. 

Knowing that you must also know that you cannot just "trust" these organizations and foreign governments to give you anything but more chicanery. 

Let us deal with them and nail all details down BEFORE signing ANYTHING.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans

Scientists: Earth  Endangered  by  New  Strain  of  Fact-Resistant  Humans

The research, conducted by the University of Minnesota, identifies a virulent strain of humans who are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge, leaving scientists at a loss as to how to combat them.

More worryingly, Logsdon said, “As facts have multiplied, their defenses against those facts have only grown more powerful.”

While scientists have no clear understanding of the mechanisms that prevent the fact-resistant humans from absorbing data, they theorize that the strain may have developed the ability to intercept and discard information en route from the auditory nerve to the brain. 

“The normal functions of human consciousness have been completely nullified,” Logsdon said.

While reaffirming the gloomy assessments of the study, Logsdon held out hope that the threat of fact-resistant humans could be mitigated in the future. 

“Our research is very preliminary, but it’s possible that they will become more receptive to facts once they are in an environment without food, water, or oxygen,” he said.

Just the Facts Ma'am --- AGAIN....

By Anna Von Reitz

You are the heir of a vast fortune, but you were never told about it.
Instead, your own employees kidnapped you to a foreign land and sold you into slavery. All your life you have worked and paid taxes and mortgages and utility bills you never owed.

The perpetrators of this scheme flourished and multiplied and grew fat from their misuse of your credit and your assets.
Billions of people have labored under their yoke. They are all owed remedy and recompense.
Now, the perps have tried to enter you and your assets into a giant worldwide bankruptcy. They have pretended not to know who you are.
They have pretended that instead of being a Priority Creditor, you are a chattel property backing their own debts.
They have offered to have "YOUR" debts --- which you never owed in the first place -- discharged in the giant bankruptcy.
Taking advantage of that "Treasury Direct Account" at this point leaves you listed as a bankrupt indentured servant, and it leaves them still in control, still acting as your Creditors, still siphoning off all the benefit of your labor and your land and everything else.
It's time to change that.
There is another way to have all those debts discharged. When you "return home" to the land and soil of the state where you were born, they have to give you back your estate free and clear and fully restored.
You are the actual landlord.
You are the Priority Creditor of their bankruptcy.
You are the Paramount Security Interest Holder.
And they are disloyal, crooked employees who have drunk your wine, paid themselves your rents, and enslaved you under color of law.
(1) Get the bogus debts discharged in bankruptcy using the offered "Treasury Direct Accounts" and give up your claim to your birthright and be a bankrupt indentured servant the rest of your days...... and your children after you.
(2) Or, get the bogus debts discharged AND reclaim back your land and labor and name and everything else, too. Stand up now or there will never be another chance to reclaim your birthright and force the rats to run like cockroaches in a bright light.
Your choice.
The Living Law Firm needs help to do this. We made the initial claim in behalf of the American states and people on June 29, 2017 and we are prosecuting it.
The PayPal is:
The mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Just as I told you about the "M1 Prosperity Bonds" being another trick, the Treasury Direct Account is also another trick at this point, because it creates the legal presumption that you are subject to their bankruptcy and leaves you at the mercy of Secondary Creditors, when you are in fact the Priority Creditor.
Until we negotiate this and get it straightened out, boycott the Treasury Direct Account offer and tell all your friends and neighbors what it means and what is going on.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website