Monday, July 17, 2017

First Instruction Letter

By Anna Von Reitz

[Scanned copy to be posted on the website--- letter to Trump, Mnuchin, Sessions, and Judges Thomas Hogan and Royce Lamberth dated July 17, 2017.]

Dear Mr. President and Mr. Secretaries and Honorable Judges:

We will quickly summarize how we arrived at the current situation so that you have the necessary background to comprehend our position. Please read on.  

1666 – The Great Fire of London creates the occasion for the creation of individual public trusts as a means of seizing private property: The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.  

1702 – The British Crown and Dutch East India Company collude under Maritime Wagering Act. Living men are deemed to be “vessels” and insured.  Their death/loss becomes a means of enrichment for the commercial corporations and the British Government.

1765  – The pollution of English Common Law with Admiralty Law to create “Equity Law” granting absolute power to the judiciary to seize upon and distribute private property comes to fruition in England under Lord Mansfield.

1776 – Partly in objection to this usurpation of power by the judicial functionaries, the American Colonists rebel.

1819 – The American states pass the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the original Constitution, putting teeth and penalties into earlier provisions effectively prohibiting members of the Bar Associations from holding public offices.

1822 – The then-Pope and then-British Monarch secretly collude to act in Breach of Trust against the Americans and sign the Secret Treaty of Verona.

1837 – The British Settlement Act sets aside public wastelands as “common wealth” and paupers are said to be settled upon this land, thus becoming wards of the state.  This effectively prevents the lower classes from ever being landlords and provides a basis for claiming them as chattel property.

1858 – Benjamin Disraeli begins the push to enfranchise British laborers as properties belonging to the British Crown. They and their assets are seized upon in the process as collateral backing government debt.  Their “voluntary” enslavement is used to fund the British Raj in India---though they are never told any of this.

1860 – Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney, is elected President.  He can serve only in the private office of President of the United States (Trading Company), not as President of the United States of America, as a result of the Titles of Nobility Amendment.   He contrives to start the Civil War, which is never declared by Congress.

1863 – Lincoln succeeds in bankrupting the United States (Trading Company) and issues General Order 100, placing the Grand Army of the Republic in charge of the government.  The entire “war” is an illegal commercial mercenary action resulting in a military dictatorship being established in the District of Columbia.

1865 – Lee surrenders his army to Grant at Appomattox, but no official peace treaty is ever signed. The Southern States are carved up into ten military districts and all the original states are improperly subsumed into the bankruptcy of the United States (Trading Company) by a process of assumpsit.

1868 – The Creditors of the United States (Trading Company) issue a look-alike, sound-alike corporate charter called the “Constitution of the United States of America”.  This creates a commercial corporation merely calling itself the “United States of America” that then substituted itself for the actual government owed to the people and states of this country under The Constitution for the united States of America.  

1868- 1875 -- This new “government” entity then forces the original unincorporated state governments to write new state constitutions and to assume new doing-business-as names in the form of: Wisconsin State, Connecticut State, and so on, while seizing upon the name of the original states and operating “Territorial franchises” for itself under their names: State of Wisconsin,  State of Connecticut, and so on.  All these semantic deceits are pulled off on the trusting public.

1907 – The 1868 version of The United States of America, Inc. is bankrupted.  The land of the actual states and people is unlawfully seized upon by the creditors of The United States of America, Inc., as collateral backing its debts in bankruptcy.  “Title” is taken to the land and the actual patents seized upon, with the Creditors receiving the equitable title and benefit.

1930-34 -  A second corporation calling itself “the United States of America” is bankrupted. This time, FDR unlawfully converts the entire population of this country, re-interpreting our Trade Names on the land to be Foreign Situs Trusts operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  This allows the Creditors of the bankrupt private, mostly foreign-owned “United States of America, Inc.” to seize upon the labor and other private property of Americans in gross Breach of Trust owed to us by the Popes and by the British Monarch.   By this deliberate fraud, we are “presumed” to be commercial vessels belonging to the bankrupt United States of America, Inc., and by process of extortion and assumpsit, are forced to pay its debts.  

We are also considered “missing, presumed lost at sea” and Cestui Que Vie Trusts are established by the Municipal United States in our names.  These things are operated under deceptive account designations that appear to be our names: JOHN MICHAEL DOE, JANET ANN WILSON, and so on.

1953 - We finally pay off the 1907 bankruptcy of The United States of America, Inc., but instead of returning the land patents owed to the actual states and people, those responsible pretended not to know who the land belonged to, and rolled it all up in giant land trusts, which they continued to tax, lease, rent, and otherwise benefit from in our purported “absence”.

1999 – We finally pay off the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., but instead of returning all the Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust assets owed to the living people, Bill Clinton signs Executive Order #13037, stepping up the conscription process, and again, pretending that nobody knows who these accounts belong to, hoping to seize upon all our property including our names via a claim on abandonment.

2015 - President Obama puts the UNITED STATES, INC. and all its “Municipal Franchises” including the Cestui Que Vie ESTATES belonging to Americans into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Liquidation.  Almost as an afterthought, he puts the USA, Inc. into Chapter 11 Reorganization.  This effectively bankrupts the entire world--- all the Municipal Government franchises dba CHINA, FRANCE, and LOUIS ALLAN FULFORD, all the Territorial Government franchises dba Germany, United Kingdom, and Lois Lillian Hardy. 
2015 – Americans who have become aware of the fraud return to the land jurisdiction of their birth.
The unincorporated government of the actual states and people doing business as the United States of America revives itself.  The new government issues new Sovereign Letters Patent for the states (November 4) and for the Indian Nations (November 6) and also issues an Express Trust --- The Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.
2017 – After extensive Due Process given to all the Principal Parties responsible, the liens against all the Municipal and Territorial government corporations and their franchises are completed and cured, including Agricultural Liens.  January 6, 2017, a Private Registered Indemnity Bond covering all the actual states and people is lodged with the United States Treasury, and a Payment Bond is lodged with the Vatican Chancery Court.
June 29, 2017: The American states and people represented by the unincorporated United States of America visit The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and claim back their property and assets as the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal Government corporations and their franchises worldwide.

That all brings us forward to the present moment.   The One People’s Public Trust foreclosed on the Territorial and Municipal corporations, intending to create a gigantic global version of the Public Charitable Trust that they would then control.   However, they are not the Creditors.  We are.

We are the lawful owners of all that several generations of dishonest employees and middlemen have amassed--- and which they have hoped to claim as abandoned property. 

The success of this scheme would have ended private property rights worldwide.

The Secondary Creditors had already set up a plan to discharge the debts of the Municipal franchises in bankruptcy via Treasury Direct Accounts.

This process avoids the fact that these debts are all odious hypothecated debts that the living people never owed in the first place.  It also avoids the fact that the living people are the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders who have been defrauded in Breach of Trust, and instead mischaracterizes them as bankrupt “US citizens”. 

As our included Public and Judicial Notice- Number 4 discloses, “citizenship” is a form of indentured servitude to the government of a country, and in the modern world, it must be voluntary, proven, and equitable or it becomes a form of peonage and enslavement outlawed worldwide since 1926.
We maintain that the incorporated foreign governmental service corporations operating under color of law and purposeful deceit on our shores since 1868 have effectively enslaved our population and brought insupportable claims against our land and our assets.
We maintain that we are not and have never been subjects of nor subject to bankruptcy proceedings related to these disreputable foreign corporations and that we are owed the actual constitution.

We maintain that the Municipal UNITED STATES and the Territorial USA practiced a form of genocide on paper against the American states and people which is forbidden by the Geneva Conventions and also practiced unlawful conversion of our assets, inland piracy, kidnapping, identity theft and human trafficking against a peaceful Third Party civilian population composed of their own employers and Priority Creditors.

These actions by the UNITED STATES and USA against the American states and people are by definition international crimes of employees against their employers.

We maintain that the bankruptcy of these foreign entities doing business as the UNITED STATES and USA on our shores has nothing legitimate to do with us or our property assets and that they exist in a jurisdiction that is now and always has been foreign and separate from us.

As the Paramount Creditors, we have stipulated to the court guidelines that must be met to establish proof of voluntary and equitable federal citizenship without which no presumption of citizenship accrues to anyone born on the soil of an American state.

In practical terms this means that there are two classes of people to be addressed by The United States District Court for the District of Columbia:  (1) actual federal employees and dependents who are subject to the Municipal and Territorial bankruptcies and who are owed discharge of the debts of their respective franchises as part of the general bankruptcy, and (2) Americans who are likewise owed discharge of these bogus foreign debts via probate action, collapsing the Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Puerto Rican transmitting utility franchises and other Territorial franchises that have been created by federal corporations infringing on their Trade Names without their knowledge or consent.

So the actual federal employees are owed bankruptcy protection at the same time the American states and people, who are the Paramount Creditors throughout, are owed probate action wiping away debts accrued by secondary beneficiaries, and the return of their land patents and other property assets without further disloyalty, obfuscation, claim, or delay.

We direct the Treasury and The United States District Court for the District of Columbia to administratively reconfigure the Treasury Direct Accounts to recognize these two classes of people and the two necessary but separate processes (bankruptcy settlement on one hand, discharge through probate on the other) needed to clean up this mess.

Now and in the future, we require some sure and certain means to differentiate between federal citizens and the people of the American states.  This can take the form of new identification credentials that will replace the use of State of State Driver Licenses, except for actual federal employees and proven actual dependents.
We have no ill-will toward our employees despite their incompetence and the destructive nature of their misbehavior and will not object to them seeking bankruptcy protection, however, we insist that our assets are not subject to their bankruptcy and must be removed from the Public Charitable Trust and returned together with the titles and land patents and other assets owed to the actual states and people.

Discharge of odious debts both in probate (for Americans) and in bankruptcy (for actual federal citizens) can commence immediately to bring relief to both the Creditors and the Debtors, subject to creating a record keeping process at the Treasury to identify members of the two separate populations and giving each their due.

It is apparent that the plot to create one giant all-controlling public trust for the entire globe has failed and private property rights have been restored and retained throughout the world impacted by these corporate bankruptcies. 

The Paramount Security Interest Holders, the American states and people represented by the unincorporated United States of America, hereby willingly order the discharge of all similar odious debts owed to them by Municipal and Territorial franchises formed under the names of living people throughout the world.  Read that--- we aren’t here to press claims of debt against little old ladies in Hungary or farmers in Zimbabwe or tradesmen in England who have been defrauded and conscripted and enfranchised just as we were under false pretenses and conditions of non-disclosure and deceit by their own respective governmental services corporation franchises.

Let it never be said that the Americans are ungenerous or dishonest, despite the mischaracterization and criminal misrepresentation we have received at the hands of our own employees and the Breach of Trust we have suffered at the hands of our own international Trustees for six generations.

The release of all these odious debts held against living people throughout the world in all those countries impacted can commence as soon as it can be expedited by the Treasury and IMF officials.
In the wake of this great debt restructuring and the enumeration and separation of the Creditors from the Debtors, we require that all the bankrupt bank franchises  turn over their account records and prepare to negotiate terms with the actual asset holders which are for the most part private Historical Trusts.  It is not our will to cause any disruption or to move assets in any destructive way, but we will have an accounting of those assets owed to the actual heirs and trustees and beneficiaries of these funds and we will have agreements with all the bankrupt commercial banks regarding access to these resources and these assets by the actual living owners for non-violent and philanthropic and purely personal purposes.

We also require a public accounting to be conducted throughout all sectors of the government that has been provided by the bankrupt governmental services corporations (state of, county of, and municipal entities) and their hired subcontracting agencies, beginning with the most recent Annual Financial Reports (APRs) of agencies and departments and public trusts in each state, the most recent Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) of the State of State organizations.

Our credit may be accessed to pay for these services leading to an accurate public accounting for the first time since 1946.
Thank you for your time, attention, and understanding of these urgent issues. 

“Pilot Who Heard Every Word of Clinton/Lynch Secret Meeting Breaks Hi...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Short course on our country!





Warning of the coming war between North Korea and America

Following is a dream from the Lord warning of the coming war between North Korea and America (the united States) which is quickly coming forward.  To those who cannot handle anything from the Bible, particularly from the 'Old' Testament, or cannot tolerate anything that you would call 'Jewish' or 'Israel,' or are President Trump bashers, forget about reading this. Let the chips of the coming days fall where they may in your life. To those with wisdom and a personal relationship with the Lord, read and seek the Lord about His warning. This is a blueprint for prayer and fasting. None of us wish to see lives taken, especially by those who have no value for life except to enslave others.  Please feel free to provide this to others whom you believe may want to join with others in prayer for this coming war and its outcome.  Have respect for the Lord and His mercy extended to us in providing this warning so we are not taken unawares.  BTW - there have been several such warning dreams in recent weeks.

Veronika West     July 7 2017 
Prophetic Warning for America!

While in prayer last night again I had a powerful Vision concerning the Nation of America and North Korea.  I heard the Spirit say, “Let the Watchman Arise in this Hour for a War with the Nation of North Korea draws near!”
As I heard these words, suddenly I saw Warring Angels being assigned to different areas over the Atlantic Ocean.  Then I saw a multitude of Angels standing upon the shores of the USA.  With blazing shields that shone like the sun, these powerful warrior Angels stood watching and waiting, watching and waiting.
As I looked upon them, I saw that they stood shield to shield forming what looked like a perfect and impenetrable invisible shield around the Nation of America.
Last night the Holy Spirit gave me no rest.  I was reminded of the word I posted on April 27th.  Please read and share as you are led.

Veronika West     April 27 2017 

A dream about America and North Korea!  David and Goliath on the battlefield…..!
A few days ago I had a powerful and poignant dream about the nation of America and the nation of North Korea. On the night of this dream I had been praying for the leaders of both nations.
Now in this dream, out of the shadows of darkness, emerged a mighty giant who led a very large army.  I felt the ground shake and tremble as the mighty giant and his army marched upon what looked like a battlefield.
As I looked at the giant I saw that he was dressed in armor from head to toe.  His face was well hidden behind an iron mask and his body was fully covered in heavy armor.
At his side he carried a silver sword.  In one hand he carried a large spear.  In the other he carried a bronze shield with a large 5-sided star deeply engraved upon it.
Now in the dream it was made known to me, as I looked upon the giant and his mighty army, that I was being shown the nation of North Korea.  Then suddenly in the dream a bright light appeared on the battlefield and a small wee boy stepped out from within the bright light and immediately it was made known to me that I was now looking at the nation of America.

As the dream continued to unfold before me, suddenly I heard the mighty giant speak, and with a loud voice he began mocking and challenging the small boy on the battlefield.
I listened and watched as the mighty giant and his army laughed, jeered and taunted the small boy.  The atmosphere was thick and heavy however in the midst of seemingly great power and increasing threat and opposition.  Suddenly an even greater power began to manifest on the battlefield.
Strength, courage, faith and a fierce boldness began to rise within the heart of the small boy.  His face shone like the midday sun.  Undeterred and defiant, his feet were unmoved and his heart unshaken.  This small boy fearlessly stood his ground against the mighty giant and his large army.
Then suddenly, with a loud roar like that of a lion, I heard these words coming from the mouth of the small boy, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God? You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied!”

Then in the dream I watched as the small boy ran towards the mighty giant and his army who had threatened him with imminent destruction and death.  Putting his hand in his bag, the boy took out a small smooth stone and slung it, hitting the giant on his forehead.  I watched as the small stone sank deeply into the giant’s forehead and, like a mighty oak tree, the giant fell first to his knees and then upon his face.  His body hit the ground with a loud and mighty thud.
Now I remained, watching intently as the small boy then took hold of the giant’s sword that now lay upon the ground and, drawing the sword from its sheath, the small boy lifted the sword high above his head and, with one mighty blow, he cut off the head of the giant.
The giant’s large army now looked on in horror as the head of their champion rolled across the ground.  His body now lay still and lifeless at their feet. Suddenly their hearts were filled with Spirit of the Fear of the LORD.
The power and the authority of Heaven was being made manifest on the battlefield.
Then suddenly I watched the large army began to retreat.  Running in fear, they headed back into the darkness of the shadows from where they had emerged.  The dream ended.
Now as I have prayed over this dream, the Spirit of God has given me even greater revelation, clarity and strategy in how to pray and intercede for the nation of America and the nation of North Korea in this hour.
As I prayed again over this dream yesterday I heard these words, “Daughter watch!  For I have put within the White House a man after my own heart.  Yes!  A man whom I have anointed and appointed for such a time as this.  Watch!  For I shall give into the hands of My anointed the heads of uncircumcised nations.  Fear not!  For I shall not be mocked.  Watch!  For My governing hand is now moving in the nations of North and South Korea, even in the nation of China and Japan; even in the nations of Russia and Turkey.
Watch!  For they who dare to defy the armies of the living God shall be brought to their knees, and on their faces they shall fall to the ground and their heads shall be cut off with their own swords by the hand of My anointed,”   says God.

Blessings to you all.
Pray for the salvation of lost souls, and pray that those who have been kept in bondage and slavery for eons will be set free to enjoy life and to prosper.




PLEASE READ THE COPY OF THE July 15 2017 12:24 am EDT Intel Update: "GCR - Admiralty/Maritime Law" - Intel Update (Real News) by Mr. Ed 7-14-17 Rumor Mill News as appears below.

PER  Judy Byington: 
"On Sat. July 15 there was no intel of note, though a brief outline of the GCR history was posted:

Source: Dinar Chronicles

July 15 2017 12:24 am EDT Intel Update: "GCR - Admiralty/Maritime Law" - Intel Update (Real News) by Mr. Ed 7-14-17 Rumor Mill News

1. We have been guaranteed a Republic since 1782. (Article IV Section IV, Constitution)

2. Rockefeller took the gold out of Fort Knox in 1927 and shipped it to his bank in France. He printed $10K gold notes in numbers above and beyond what he reported to Congress, then sent the notes to France and called them in.

3. This created the Great Depression and was the greatest heist ever in the history of this country. Bread lines, banks closed and they stole safety deposit boxes and anything of value found in them.

4. In 1933 Reck-a-fellow moved back to Manhattan and called in the notes from France. He made $15.00 per ounce on the gold - super rich once again.

5. After 1933 people were "pledged" to Social Security and given a registry number. (Presidential Executive Order #13037 President Clinton 1999 - chattel-asset-animal-people).

6. To understand how we got into this mess read: "Rise of the Fourth Reich" by Jim Marrs - how prior to 1944 the Nazi's found the treasure of King Solomon hidden in the French and Spain mountains.

7. Old man Bush said,"We will have a New World Order." Well, he was / is head of this Fourth Reich.

8. Presently products from over seas are not delivered to the USA because countries want payment in real money that the US does not have.

9. The squeeze has been on as nations were forced to leave the Controller Super Bank (a Central Bank / Federal Reserve) in all developed nations.

10. The GCR (Global Currency Reset) would be a return to gold-backed money, not fiat Federal Reserve Notes backed by Birth Certificate Bonds - which were an IOU, or nothing at all.

11. In the Currency Reset we go from Federal Reserve Notes to U.S. gold-backed dollars (U.S. Notes) coming from the Restored Republic U.S. Treasury in Reno Nevada.

12. The new dollars (notes) were backed by gold thanks to the B.R.I.C.S. Nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).

13. There is nothing to stop the GCR from rolling out.

14. A couple years back General Dunford raided the New York Fed and picked up $9T. Presumably this money would be released to the American public @ $100K per month for 12 years - a Super Fund.

15. We also have "The Swiss Indo" from the days of John F. Kennedy (another Super Fund) to be released for $1,200. per month for every adult on the planet.

16. We have the St. Germain Trust. (Not sure how much is being released from this Super Fund.)

17. We have the foreign currency exchanges (and their exchange rates) which were part of the GCR around the globe. (Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Zimbabwe Gold Bonds and more.)

18. We have more Super Funds via the release of the (Birth Certificate) Bonds (held by the Vatican worldwide) via the Treasury Direct Account.


14. A couple years back General Dunford raided the New York Fed and picked up $9T. Presumably this money would be released to the American public @ $100K per month for 12 years - a Super Fund.  









John McCain Was Caught Red-Handed In A Massive Betrayal


John McCain has never been a fan of Donald Trump. He undermined him on the campaign trail, and has opposed the America First agenda. But now he was caught in his biggest betrayal.

The Christopher Steele dossier kicked off the media allegations of Russian collusion.  Steele – an ex-British Intelligence agent – prepared an opposition research memo that was commissioned by Fusion GPS – a firm with ties to Hillary Clinton.  The memo contained outrageous – and later debunked – assertions about Russian prostitutes, collusion and blackmail.

This so-called “dossier” ended up in the press because then-FBI Director James Comey briefed then-President elect Trump on its existence in early January. Critics believe Comey only briefed Trump on the memo, so the fact that Trump was informed of it could be leaked to media and the press could report its contents.

But how did Steele’s memo get into Comey’s hands? The answer is Senator John McCain.

When McCain learned of it, he dispatched a trusted aide to Britain to retrieve a hard copy that was then passed to Comey.

The Guardian reports:
In mid-November, the documents took another route into Washington that ultimately led to them being mentioned in the joint intelligence report on Russian interference that was delivered to President Obama and President-elect Trump.
On 18 November, the annual Halifax International Security Forum opened in the Canadian city, bringing together serving and former security and foreign policy officials from around the world.
Senator John McCain, a hawkish Republican, was there and was introduced to a Senator John McCain, a hawkish Republican, was there and was introduced to a former senior western diplomat who had seen the documents, knew their source and thought him highly reliable.
McCain decided the implications were sufficiently alarming to dispatch a trusted emissary, a former U.S. official, to meet the source and find out more.  The emissary hastily arranged a transatlantic flight and met the source at the airport as arranged. (The Guardian has agreed not to specify the city or country where the meeting took place.)
The meeting had a certain cold war tradecraft to it, as he was told to look for a man with a copy of the Financial Times. Having found each other, the retired counter-intelligence officer drove the emissary to his house, where they discussed the documents and their background.
The emissary flew back within 24 hours and showed McCain the documents, saying it was hard to impossible to verify them without a proper investigation. McCain said he was reluctant to get involved, lest it be perceived as payback for insulting remarks Trump had made about him during his rambunctious campaign.
However, on 9 December, McCain arranged a one-on-one meeting with Comey, with no aides present, and handed them over.
“Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue,” the Senator said in a statement on Wednesday morning.
Conservatives were livid at McCain’s betrayal.  He injected the collusion hoax into the media bloodstream by passing the fake news memo to Comey.

McCain has demonstrated many times throughout the years that he should not be trusted, is not a loyal Republican or American, and should be investigated.  Do you think this was John McCain’s worst betrayal ever? 




                               VERY MUCH MISSED AND                               DEFINITELY NOT FORGOTTEN!