This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
am sick of this constant --- and irresponsible --- rant that the "U.S.
is the most indebted nation in history"---- which somehow neatly avoids
the point that the "U.S." is not America and that America is the
paramount security interest holder and Priority Creditor of not only the
"U.S." --- meaning the profligate Municipal and Territorial
Governments, but also all the corporations that have chartered under
meaning the American states and people --- is the richest country on
Earth and by far the greatest Creditor. America owns all the
Territorial and Municipal Governments worldwide including CHINA and
And all the corporations that have been formed under the auspices of all these Territorial and Municipal Governments.
to think of a major commercial corporation that has not been chartered
under the auspices of either a Territorial or Municipal Government
worldwide? You will have a very hard time doing that, because the only
other option is a Common Law Charter, and those haven't been commonly
used since the 1700's.
means that when America pulls the chain, the rest of the countries on
this planet need to own up to their own debts to us --- not the "U.S."
meaning the cesspool in the District of Columbia--- which is the
responsibility of the Pope and the British Monarch.
lot of people have been buying into this "Boo-Hoo! America is dead!
America owes everyone money! America is bankrupt!" bull and the fact of
the matter is that America is the Priority Creditor of the entire
the "U.S." that is bankrupt --- well and deservedly so --- and it is
the problem of the British Monarch and the Pope that it is, because the
"U.S." is now and always has been a separate and foreign entity from the
American states and people, operated under the auspices of the British
Government (Territorial United States) and Holy See (Municipal United
if they owe China money, here's a wake up call --- they owe us money,
too, and a helluva lot more than they owe China. And we can still blow
the planet sky-high if anyone really doubts that or wants to argue it.
up, Ben. And wake up all your buddies in the White Dragon Society.
You are dealing with three separate entities here on this continent ---
two of which, the Territorial United States and the Municipal United
States are bankrupt -- and one which is the Priority Creditor of the
whole planet.
that you have that straight, go tell the Chinese and the Europeans and
the Pope and the Queen and the World Bank and the World Court. Turns
out that the lawful American Government still exists, albeit, operating
primarily in the international jurisdiction of the land.
have spent the past hundred years rebuilding the world and we have no
wish to destroy it for the sake of debt, most of which is illusory
anyway, but in the same token, we are not gilding any lilies and not
allowing people to mistake us for the "U.S." anymore.
American states and people have always been separate and sovereign
entities and we are not responsible for the debts of the Territorial and
Municipal United States.
We are instead their Priority Creditors.
The American Government is not the "U.S." Government and never has been.
Spread the word.
See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
Global barriers increasingly divide nations
Walls hold people IN as well as keeping people OUT - FREEDOM is LOST
More than 25 years after the Berlin Wall came tumbling down, even bigger barriers today separate countries from one another. Walls in 2015 snake through many thousands of miles in efforts to monitor and control the movement of people with fences, watchtowers and border patrols.
Contrary to a widely held notion that the 21st century is defined by the erosion of boundaries among nation-states, fresh barriers continue to be erected on the southern border of the U.S., on the southeastern periphery of Europe, and between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. From India and Uzbekistan to Botswana and Bulgaria, governments are raising barriers on their borders.
Have the new walls succeeded in fostering security? Why are they being constructed at such a rapid rate on international lines between nation-states?
Newer and older sections of the U.S.-Mexico border fence climb a hill on October 3, 2013 near San Diego, California.
United States and Mexico Much of the United States' border with Mexico — 650 miles — has a steel and concrete barrier. Building the fence began in 2006 during the George W. Bush administration. Cameras, sensors, floodlights, drones and an increase in law enforcement agents along the frontier have been part of an American strategy to keep out economic migrants and fight drug smuggling.
Immigration remains one of the controversial topics in US politics even as President Barack Obama has moved to offer more favorable legal arrangements for many in the country illegally. However, Obama has also dedicated more resources to shoring up the border, where security personnel have risen to over 21,000. Meanwhile, the share of undocumented migrants from Mexico has shrunk in recent years with numbers having peaked in 2007.
Meanwhile, the issue has become one of the core debates in the Republican presidential race. Leading candidate Donald Trump has called for ramped up wall-building which costs at least $3 million per mile in urban areas, but up to four times more in rural desert stretches. The total bill for finishing off the wall for the entire border has been estimated at $20 billion.
Hungarian police watch as Syrian migrants climb under a fence at the Serbian border near Roszke, Hungary August 26, 2015.
European Union Anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe is rising, amid the recent influx of hundreds of thousands from war-torn countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia.
In 2012, Greece began building a barbed wire fence on its border with Turkey near the Evros River to prevent entry of the EU. Meanwhile, Bulgaria’s government is putting up a new fence to prevent undocumented immigration from Turkey.
Palestinian protesters climb a ladder at the barrier that separates Abu Dis from Jerusalem November 17, 2014
Middle East The controversial separation barrier built in the West Bank and along the Green Line separating Israel from Palestinian territory seized during the 1967 Middle East war winds its way through almost 400 miles of hilly, disputed terrain. With a combination of steel fences, concrete walls and barbed wire, Israel has said it aims to keep fighters out, while critics say it creates a de facto border and a land grab.
Construction began in 2002 and the barrier includes sophisticated intrusion detection equipment designed to stop Palestinians from crossing into Israel. Many Israelis call it the “security fence,” while it’s often known in Arabic as the “Apartheid Wall.” The territory encompassed by the barrier includes almost 10 percent of West Bank land, and around 85 percent of Israeli settlers. Many Palestinians are forced to cope with a complicated checkpoint regime in order to access farms and jobs, both within the West Bank and Israel proper.
Weekly protests against the wall are held by Palestinian and international activists in several villages such as Nabi Saleh and Bil’in. With the Israeli Supreme Court ruling in some cases against the military’s chosen route, the intricate system of trenches, roadblocks and dirt mounds has damaged the Palestinian economy and freedom of movement, but also accompanied a significant decrease in attacks within Israel. Regardless, thousands of Palestinian laborers continue to cross illegally every day to work inside Israel.
There are other walls in the region. On the edge of the Gaza Strip, Israel has another highly fortified fence. Egypt has strengthened fences along its own border with Gaza. In 2013, the Israeli government largely completed a fence along the Egyptian border to keep out migrants and smugglers seeking to enter from the Sinai Peninsula. Besides the fence between the West Bank and Jordan, Israel is also now building a fence to keep fighters out along an 18-mile stretch of its border with Jordan in the far south of the country near the Red Sea. Along the border with Lebanon and Syria, Israel has also built complex security barriers.
Saudi soldiers stand at the increasingly tense border with Yemen in Najran, Saudi Arabia, April 21, 2015.
Arabian Peninsula The Saudi government is constructing a security barrier on its long, porous 1,100-mile frontier with Yemen as that country has been riven by civil war and military intervention. Running from the Red Sea to Oman, the border is marked by sandbags, concrete pipeline and electronic detection systems.
To the east, a 120-mile border fence separates Iraq from Kuwait, with the original UN-sanctioned intention to prevent invasion. Electric fences and dirt berms have recently been buttressed by an iron barrier. Elsewhere in the region, the United Arab Emirates is building a fence on its border with Oman to control the flow of migrants and drugs.
Moroccan authorities stand near immigrants intercepted before scaling the fence with Melilla March 18, 2014.
Morocco Rippled berms run across a swath of Western Sahara terrain highly disputed by Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania.
The 1,700 miles of barriers built in the 1980’s are made of sand, barbed wire, bunkers and landmines.
The Moroccan government quickly put up six successive walls during that period, building upon territory claimed by Rabat as its forces moved south, taking land from the Polisario rebels fighting for an independent nation.
Now, the wall demarcates the Moroccan-occupied “Southern Provinces” from the Polisario-controlled areas to the south and east, known as the Free Zone or Sahrawi Arab Democratic republic. Dozens of Moroccan troops are based at observation posts every three miles. In addition, radars are positioned along the barrier, ready to target Polisario forces, many of whom are based in refugee camps inside Algeria’s Tindouf province.
On the other side of Morocco, EU member Spain has fenced off its two Mediterranean exclaves Ceuta and Melilla to stop smuggling and illegal entry of migrants. However, Morocco does not recognize Spanish sovereignty over these areas on the African continent, and thus has objected to the construction of the 20-foot fences.
Indian Army soldiers search the area after they killed 12 suspected fighters on August 20, 2011 in Gurez, Kashmir, India.
South Asia Extending 2,500 miles across the vast expanse of curved border between India and Bangladesh, the New Delhi government continues to erect a concrete and barbed wire wall. With border guards from the Indian Border Security Forces and watchtowers alongside paddy fields, India aims to keep out illegal entrants and stop human trafficking.
Violence along the border has resulted in some 1,000 people being killed during the last decade, as security worries often drive Indian troops to open fire on Bangladeshi migrants. Many villages have been divided by the wall, although forces on the border are reportedly more lenient about crossing during religious festivals. Another fence along India’s border with Myanmar hopes to seal that 1,000-mile border to keep out currency smugglers and drug traffickers.
Moreover, in the disputed territory of Kashmir, along the Line of Control with Pakistan, India has constructed over 300 miles of fencing. The barrier includes motion sensors, thermal imaging and alarms. Between two rows of fences and concertina wire are landmines. Pakistan has criticized the project, while Indian military officials say it has improved security.
Meanwhile, on the Iran-Pakistan border, Tehran has been building a 435-mile stretch of fencing through the Balochistan region. Communities divided by the wall have criticized its construction, though Iran argues that it helps restrict illegal activities and the flow of black market goods.
South Korean army soldiers patrol by ribbons posted for the reunification of the Koreans in Paju, March 27, 2014.
North and South Korea The demilitarized zone has cut across the 38th parallel separating North and South Korea since a 1953 armistice agreement ended fighting in the Korean War. The fences are lined with barbed wire to stop infiltration and defection going both ways across a demarcation boundary splitting the DMZ in half.
With the Koreans still technically in a state of war, border tensions have periodically flared up. Military clashes have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of South Koreans, in addition to more than 50 Americans. Pyongyang-backed attempts to burrow below the border have been largely unsuccessful.
A Zimbabwaen immigrant moves through a hole cut in the fence while illegally crossing into South Africa May 27, 2008.
Southern Africa The fence separating Botswana from Zimbabwe runs over 300 miles, with a six-foot high barbed wire fence that was a originally intended to keep out cattle infected with foot and mouth disease.
Zimbabwe’s government argues that the barrier is merely intended to prevent Zimbabwean people crossing illegally from a country with economic turmoil to a more prosperous place. But the fence is scarcely patrolled, and gaps created by rivers offer porous crossings for people and animals alike.
Two apartheid-era fences were built on South Africa’s borders with Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The former was erected in 1984, with an electric core and two rows of fencing totaling some 15 feet in width. The “Snake of Fire” shocked anyone who approached, and significant parts of the fence remain. On the Mozambique border, a new 100-mile fence was begun in 2012 to deter poaching adjacent to Kruger Park.
Ethnic Uzbek women refugees sit near a barbed wire fence outside of Osh in Kyrgyzstan on June 15, 2010
Central Asia Uzbekistan has four different prominent security barriers on its borders, built either by itself or its neighbors. On the Kyrgyz border, Uzbekistan is building a controversial fence through the Ferghana Valley.
Solange Reyner Saturday, 16 Sep 2017 05:01 PM
"There has been no change in the United States' position on the Paris agreement," the White House said in a statement Saturday following a report in The Wall Street Journal claiming otherwise. "As the president has made abundantly clear, the United States is withdrawing unless we can re-enter on terms that are more favorable to our country."
The Journal reported that a top European Union official said the Trump administration would not re-negotiate the Paris Accord, but White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders echoed the official White House statement on Twitter:
Sarah SandersVerified account@PressSec
Our position on the Paris agreement has not changed. @POTUS has been clear, US withdrawing unless we get pro-America terms.
2:32 PM - 16 Sep 2017
European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete told the Journal that the shift from Trump’s decision came during a meeting with ministers from some 30 countries in Montreal to push forward on implementing the Paris deal without the United States.
President Donald Trump in early June said the U.S. would exit the accord because other countries were "gaining a financial advantage over the United States."
The deal, signed last year by President Barack Obama and 195 other nations, aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to fight climate change and curb "greenhouse" gases. These include carbon dioxide generated from burning of fossil fuels that scientists blame for a warming planet, sea level rise, droughts and more frequent violent storms.
Trump’s administration last month began the formal process of exiting from the climate accord, drawing fire from allies and foes alike. EU climate commissioner Cañete made the comments about a change of stance after meeting with Everett Eissenstat, deputy director of the National Economic Council and deputy assistant to the president for international economic affairs.
"Now we don't see the messages that they are with drawing from the Paris agreement radically," Cañete said.
Finalized in December 2015 after years of negotiations, the climate pact united more than 190 nations in a pledge to work toward limiting fossil-fuel emissions. Envoys will meet again in November to discuss how to implement the agreement.
California lawmakers on Saturday
passed a “sanctuary state” bill to protect immigrants without legal
residency in the U.S., part of a broader push by Democrats to counter
expanded deportation orders under the Trump administration.
legislation by Sen. Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), the most
far-reaching of its kind in the country, would limit state and local law
enforcement communication with federal immigration authorities, and
prevent officers from questioning and holding people on immigration
passionate debate in both houses of the Legislature, staunch opposition
from Republican sheriffs and threats from Trump administration
officials against sanctuary cities, Senate Bill 54 was approved Saturday with a 27-11 vote along party lines. But the bill sent to Gov. Jerry Brown
drastically scaled back the version first introduced, the result of
tough negotiations between Brown and De León in the final weeks of the
legislative session.ALSO: Democrats' road to winning back the House goes through California »
decision came hours after a federal judge in Chicago blocked the Trump
administration's move to withhold Justice Department grant funds to
discourage so-called sanctuary city policies.
On the
Senate floor minutes before 2 a.m. on Saturday, De León said the changes
were reasonable, and reflected a powerful compromise between law
enforcement officials and advocates.
“These amendments do
not mean to erode the core mission of this measure, which is to protect
hardworking families that have contributed greatly to our culture and
the economy,” he said. “This is a measure that reflects the values of
who we are as a great state.”
Officially dubbed the “California
Values Act,” the legislation initially would have prohibited state and
local law enforcement agencies from using any resources to hold,
question or share information about people with federal immigration
agents, unless they had violent or serious criminal convictions.
talks with Brown, amendments to the bill made this week would allow
federal immigration authorities to keep working with state corrections
officials and to continue entering county jails to question immigrants.
The legislation would also permit police and sheriffs to share
information and transfer people to immigration authorities if they have
been convicted of one or more crimes from a list of 800 outlined in a
previous law, the California Trust Act.
Some immigrant rights advocates who were previously disappointed with the list of offenses under the Trust Act,
were dismayed to see the same exceptions applied in the so-called
sanctuary state bill. The list includes many violent and serious crimes,
as well as some nonviolent charges and “wobblers,” offenses that can be
charged as a felony or misdemeanor, which advocates said has the
potential to ensnare people who do not pose a danger to the public.
immigrant rights groups did not withdraw their support for Senate Bill
54 and also won some concessions. Under the additions to the bill, the
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation would have to
develop new standards to protect people held on immigration violations,
and to allow immigrant inmates to receive credits toward their sentences
serviced if they undergo rehabilitation and educational programs while
“This was a hard-fought
effort, but the end product was worth the fight,” Jennie Pasquarella,
immigrants’ rights director with the ACLU of California, said in a
statement Saturday.
The compromise helped draw support
for the bill from Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount), and
moved the California Police Chiefs Assn.’s official position from
opposed to neutral. The California Sheriffs Assn. remained opposed.
a statement Saturday, Thomas Homan, acting director of Immigration and
Customs Enforcement, said California politicians had “chosen to
prioritize politics over public safety.”
“This bill
severely undermines that effort and will make California communities
less safe,” said Homan, who hosted a March town hall with Republican
Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones on immigration enforcement that erupted in protests.
their respective chambers on Friday, at least 20 members of the
Assembly and six members of the Senate took the floor for debate on the
bill, voicing complex stances on illegal immigration, federalism and the
diversity of families in California.
Assemblyman Steven
Choi (R-Irvine), a first-generation immigrant from South Korea, argued
that he came to the U.S. legally and said the bill created “chaos” for a
country built on law and order.
Others pointed to the
opposition from sheriffs organizations, saying SB 54 tied officers’
hands, allowing serial thieves, chronic drug abusers and gang members to
slip through the cracks. Supporters countered the Trump administration
was trying to paint all immigrants in the country illegally as
They pointed to provisions in the
bill that would make hospitals, schools and courthouses safe zones for
immigrants from federal immigration authorities at a time of fear for
some communities.
“We are ironically ending this session the way we started, talking about protecting the most vulnerable among us,” Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) said.
De León introduced SB 54 on what was an unusually
acrimonious first day of the 2017 legislative session, as lawmakers in
both chambers were locked in bitter debate over the still newly elected
President Trump.
It was at the center of a legislative
package filed by Democrats in an attempt to protect more than 2.3
million people living in the state illegally. Other legislative
proposals and budget deals have expanded workplace protections against raids
from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and increased legal
defense services for immigrants facing deportation and financial aid for
students without legal residency.
Senate Bill 54
received national attention as the U.S. Department of Justice pledged to
slash government grants for law enforcement from any so-called
sanctuary cities, which limit the collaboration between local and
federal authorities on immigration enforcement.
In a
statement Saturday, Department of Justice spokesman Devin O'Malley said
“state lawmakers inexplicably voted today to return criminal aliens back
onto our streets.”
“This abandonment of the rule of law
by the Legislature continues to put Californians at risk, and
undermines national security and law enforcement," he said.
At the request of the California Senate earlier this year, former U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H Holder Jr. reviewed the bill
and said it passed constitutional muster, adding that the states “have
the power over the health and safety of their residents and allocation
of state resources.”
Still, debate raged on and divided even law enforcement officials
and associations. In Los Angeles, Police Chief Charlie Beck voiced his
support, while L.A. County Sheriff Jim McDonnell was a vocal opponent.
a statement Saturday, McDonnell said the final version of the bill was
not perfect, but “reflects much of what the LASD implemented years ago
and the work is well underway.”
On Friday, lawmakers said some
children without legal status were too afraid to go to school, while
police statistics showed a drop in reports of sexual assault and
domestic violence as immigrant victims refused to come forward.
Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) said the era was reminiscent of the
1980s, when her father dreaded immigration raids.
“We are not living in a hypothetical fear,” she said. “That fear is a reality.”
Trump's election and his increasing
comfort in shifting from right to left prove that the Republican and
Democratic parties as we know them are finished.
Never before have we seen the leadership of both major political parties so humbled.
Here's how this power vacuum will play out in the coming elections.
Never before have we seen the
leadership of both major political parties so humbled. That power vacuum
is currently enabling the president to act without any loyalty to his
own party, while working with whomever he pleases on whatever issues he
And it's why the Democratic Party is getting more and more embarrassed
as its highly-experienced-but-failed 2016 presidential nominee
continues to weaken the brand by going on a national tour blaming
everyone else for her election loss.
"Somewhere, George Washington's ghost must be
smiling wide with those wooden teeth of his. It was Washington who
warned against the formation of political parties and urged the nation
to choose leaders for reasons that transcended partisan politics."
Even at the state level, we're starting to see
party power dwindling, with outsiders like Kid Rock and Dwayne "The
Rock" Johnson being seriously considered as candidates. So much for
moving up the ranks in politics and waiting your turn.
It's important to remember this
didn't start with President Trump or Senator Sanders. Barack Obama
proved the party hierarchy and seniority system was on the wane when he
stepped over Hillary Clinton in 2008 to win the Democratic presidential
nomination and the presidency after just two years in the U.S. Senate.
But even prior to that, the
parties were becoming less discernible from each other, aside from a few
wedge issues like abortion and gun control.
They pull donations from the same entities
with just a few exceptions, and have similar track records when it
comes to enduring challenges like controlling the debt, reining in
health care costs, or improving the infrastructure, despite their
rhetoric to the contrary. That corruption, or perceived corruption,
played a big role in Donald Trump's successful "drain the swamp"
Now, Trump is continuing to
exploit the breakdown of major party influence, pushing for conservative
priorities like tax reform and a ban on immigrants from several Muslim
countries tied to terrorism, even as he also makes deals with Democrats
on the debt ceiling, DACA, and maybe even Obamacare.
We all know just how loudly and
angrily the left has been reacting to President Trump in general. But in
case there's any doubt about how the partisan right is responding to
the Trump team's moves lately, there shouldn't be. They're infuriated. But there's also seems to be an understanding that there's little they can do about it.
Somewhere, George Washington's ghost must be smiling wide with those wooden teeth of his. It was Washington who warned against the formation of political parties
and urged the nation to choose leaders for reasons that transcended
partisan politics. His cabinet members, especially Thomas Jefferson and
Alexander Hamilton, didn't listen. But it's happening now.
Of course, this will not result
in the total disappearance of party titles in elections — at least not
yet. Too much of the election infrastructure in too many states relies
on major party nominees dominating the ballot choices. But several
states, like California, already have statewide primary elections where
the top vote-getters regardless of their party are the ones who go
before the voters in general elections. That's why Senator Kamala Harris faced off against another Democrat last year in the general election.
We could see more states going this way, thus making it less important
to hook up with one party or another just to get on the ballot.
So what does this mean going forward?
For now, lost party influence
will continue to enable Trump's generally hard-to-define policy
leanings. He'll easily shift between the right and the left as it suits
him with more freedom than perhaps any other president in 100 years.
Republicans and Democrats will likely begin to decide on a case-by-case
basis when to support the president, when to oppose him, and when to
simply keep quiet. And that means the long-coveted positions like
Speaker of the House and majority leader will become less important.
Looking to 2018 and the next
presidential election, expect more outsider candidates to throw their
hats into the ring without established party members being able to do
much about it. Supporters of President Trump are likely to challenge incumbent Republicans in several primaries. And there are many who believe the Democrats might even get more serious about recruiting outsiders and celebrities for the 2020 race against President Trump.
The important thing to remember
is that all the craziness we're seeing in Washington these days is not
just the result of this president's personality or some new level of
political anger across the country. An old order that's been in place
for generations that kept a lid on the kind of chaos we've seen in
recent months has crumbled.
These are uncharted waters for
sure, but they may not lead to such bad results. After all, the partisan
political structure in place for so long has brought us numerous wars,
$20 trillion in debt and a government that's grown well beyond its
Love or hate it, it's time to
face this new reality: The Democratic and the Republican parties as we
know them are finished and the politicians, the people who give them
money, and the people who cover them need to adjust accordingly.
Laura Loomer decided to make a trip to Brookfield, CT to see
how customers at Costco were receiving Crooked Hillary at her book
signing tour. Loomer is the same awesome activist who bravely stormed
the stage in Central Park and disrupted the Trump assassination play
(click HERE for
the video), this summer. Last week, Loomer was forcibly removed from
Hillary’s book signing in New York. When it was her turn to have her
book signed, Loomer asked Hillary questions like, “Where are your 33,000
emails?” and “What happened to Seth Rich?” (Click HERE for Hillary ambush video). Hillary’s reaction was priceless. Here is Laura’s video showing the reaction by customers to Hillary appearing at their local Costco for a book signing:
The UNITED STATES Corporation is defunct, bankrupt, civilly dead, and they do not exist in law. This UNITED STATES Corporation was charged with 19 specific governmental services and has failed to do it's job. The Corporation has become a rogue criminal enterprise that is violating every right We THE People possess in the name of profit and control. Most people believe there is nothing we can do short of civil war. There is another way. Our founding fathers laid down the path and all we need to do is follow it. We need to resettle our counties and our land. Anna Von Reitz has been telling you this all along. Few have actually paid attention and got up off their butts to do something about it and get involved. Too many are afraid and scared to take a stand. We have discovered the proven safe and effective path to take back our country. The Michigan General Jural Assembly has done this and is now teaching and training others to duplicate what we did here in Michigan. But we face the same old issue. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Do not sit back and wait for someone else to do it for you as it will not happen. You MUST do this or lose! Anna Von Reitz is pushing for people to change their status which is a good thing but not required for resettling your counties and reforming your county assemblies. The documentation for becoming an assembly member automatically changes your status and also allows you to retain your slave binding contracts such as SSN and Drivers licenses until your counties and states are no longer DeFacto. Now here is what needs to be done. Study the handbook located at and attend the conference calls that support the handbook every Thursday night. You don't have to attend the conference calls but it is a good idea to attend as you can be put in contact with others in your county and state who are working on restoring their county assemblies. Here is the link to the conference call info: Hope to hear from all of you on the call. Lets take back America by self governing!
BREAKING: Barack Obama Releases Plan to “Change the World”
September 16, 2017
When he left office, Obama asked people to “believe not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours.” Yet for all the faith Obama put in the people, he’s still trying to stay relevant on the political scene.
After being replaced in the White House by President Donald Trump, Obama has spoken publicly against many of Trump’s moves. Now the former 'community organizer' is trying to take his post-presidential operation to new heights.
In a new promotional video, Obama announced that he will gather together civic leaders from around the world next month to take part in the inaugural Obama Foundation Summit and become “empowered to change the world.”
The two-day summit is scheduled for Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, and will take place in the city that will also be home to Obama’s presidential library and his presidential center, Chicago. Former first lady Michelle Obama also promoted the summit via Instagram.
Obama’s time in the White House may be over, but he’s now focusing his efforts on influencing the next generation of leaders and activists. The summit in Chicago is an opportunity for young leaders to exchange ideas and “learn from one another,” and to then go back home and “lead others in the hard work of change.”
The former president, whose winning 2008 campaign slogan was “Change you can believe in,” is still working to “change” the world, even after eight years in the White House. One is tempted to wonder just when will America finally be “changed” enough?
At the end of his promotional video message, Obama concluded:
This October, we’re bringing together hundreds of leaders from all around the world for hands-on exchange in my hometown. We want to inspire and empower people to change the world, and we hope you’ll be a part of it.
Obama has yet to announce a topic for the summit. Obama promised that, in the weeks and months ahead, his organization will be creating more opportunities for people to get involved, but it’s still somewhat strange for this important detail to be missing.
(Do we dare to suggest his motives and goals - like world wide communisn, death, destruction, forced 'conversion' to islamic cult, etc? And he to be the 'world leader', the one world dictator, because he is the only one appointed by satan himself aka mohammad to lead others to their 72 virgins?! Everything this liar has done has brought forth destruction - why would it be anything less this go-round?) Desperate Opposition
The move is seen as a full-fledged return to politics(Is THAT what you call it?!) for Obama. There is no doubt that this is also an act of renewed opposition against the Trump administration. (Trump builds up and Obama tears down.)
Obama and Trump are near-polar opposites on issues of healthcare, climate change and immigration (and almost EVERYTHING ELSE.).
Since leaving office, Obama has taken aim at President Donald Trump’s fight to dismantle the Affordable Care Act — Obama’s signature legislative measure. Obama also denounced Trump’s temporary travel ban in January and criticized the president’s decision to withdraw from the Paris 'climate agreement' in June.
Just last week Trump started a 6-month sunset on Obama’s DACA program which allowed people who entered the country illegally as minors to remain and work here. Obama immediately responded with a public statement, calling the reversal “wrong” and “cruel.” (Of course, when it involves ridding this nation of 'children' and adults recruited and brought to this nation with the distinct job to chop off the heads of American's while screaming 'allah akbar" and with all their expenses PAID by the very Americans they are intended to murder in cold blood - that is, of course, not acceptable to O. 'Fighting Joe' - this important question remains: WHEN is this trash going to be deported once and for all?)
Obama may be out of the White House, but he’s not done trying to 'change America', whether we want it or not. And most of us do NOT want Os changes. We are working diligently NOW to UNDO ALL his traitorous 'changes'.
President Trump just keeps making records; something President Obama could never do in a good way!
The DOW recorded its 56th All time record closing high on Friday since President Trump was elected on November 8th. As a result the market is up 21% since the election. No President has more all time closing highs in their first year in office than President Trump.
* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs.
* The DOW daily closing stock market average has risen as much as much as 21% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332– on September 15th the DOW closed at 22,268 – another all time closing high).
* Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW is up 12%. (It was at 19,827 at January 20th.)
* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever. The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000 point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
The DOW increased by 4,000 points in the 200 trading days between November 4th and August 22nd. This was the only time in US history where the DOW rose more than 4,000 points over a 200 working day period.
So how does this compare with President Obama’s first few months? The stock markets under President Obama moved in nearly the exact opposite direction in the nine months after President Obama’s election win in November 2008.
* The DOW daily closing stock market average tanked (went down) (-31%) between Obama’s election win on November 4th, 2008 and March 5th, 2009. (On November 4th the DOW closed at 9,625 – on March 5th the DOW closed at 6,594. Overall it decreased more than 3,000 points during this time).
By September 15th 2009 the DOW was back to above 9,000 at 9,683 and barely above the November 4th stock market closing average.
During this time period the stock market never reached a new stock market high. As a matter of fact, the Obama stock markets didn’t reach a new all time high during Obama’s entire first term (4 years).
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