Sunday, October 22, 2017



Hillary Clinton took $145 million from Russians to SELL OUT the U.S. uranium supply to America's enemies (and the FBI knew all along)

October 18 2017
Mike Adams

(Natural News) We have truly reached the point in American history where criminal indictments need to be immediately leveled against James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Robert Mueller and a dozen other high-ranking officials who are now known to have been complicit in one of the most treasonous criminal cover-ups in American history. 

Although the entire left-wing media is running a campaign of complete silence on this story, the rest of the media is now widely reporting that, under President Obama, the FBI had documented an exhaustive trail of corruption, bribery and treason that involved Hillary Clinton, State Department corruption and Russia-linked mining companies that acquired rights to U.S. uranium supplies.  

This truth was described in great detail in the book Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer, and now evidence is emerging that further confirms the depth of collusion, corruption, money laundering and treason that Hillary Clinton actively pursued to collect $145 million from Russia-linked sources.

According to The Hill:

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s 'charitable foundation' during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

Former President Barack Obama oversaw this criminal racketeering scheme, according to multiple sources. “It turns out the Obama administration knew the Russians were engaged in bribery, kickbacks and extortion in order to gain control of US atomic resources — yet still OK’d that 2010 deal to give Moscow control of one-fifth of America’s uranium,” writes the New York Post

“Hillary Clinton, again, sat on a key government body that had to approve the deal — though she now claims she had no role in a deal with profound national security implications, and during the campaign called the payments a coincidence.”

“…[T]he State Department under Clinton and other agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment approved unanimously the sale of Uranium One, a Canadian mining company, to Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom, which gave Moscow control over 20 percent of U.S. strategic reserves,” reports NewsTarget

Robert Mueller ran the FBI as this criminal racket was taking place

What’s even more astonishing about all this is that Robert Mueller, now running a partisan special counsel investigation into the fake conspiracy theory that falsely claims Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election, was the head of the FBI while this Uranium One treason was taking place. (How much did Mueller rake in from the Russian payments to keep his mouth shut and look in the other direction?) 

“Until September 2013, the FBI director was Robert Mueller — who’s now the special counsel probing Russian meddling in the 2016 election. It’s hard to see how he can be trusted in that job unless he explains what he knew about this Obama-era cover-up,” writes the NY Post.

“The connections to the current Russia case are many. The Mikerin probe began in 2009 when Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case, was still FBI director. And it ended in late 2015 under the direction of then-FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired earlier this year,” adds The Hill.

Mueller, who like James Comey, appears to be a political lackey for the Clinton crime cartel, is just one of many shadowing players in this rapidly unraveling story of corruption and lies

Bill Clinton, wouldn’t you know it, is also implicated. As The Hill explains:

Peter Schweitzer and The New York Times documented how Bill Clinton collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in Russian speaking fees and his charitable foundation collected millions in donations from parties interested in the deal while Hillary Clinton presided on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

U.S. Senate investigation launched to uncover the truth about this treason, corruption and collusion

As The Hill writes, this morning the Senate has launched an official probe into this astonishing criminal cartel that was operating right under the nose of Barack Obama:

The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched a probe into a Russian nuclear bribery case, demanding several federal agencies disclose whether they knew the FBI had uncovered the corruption before the Obama administration in 2010 approved a controversial uranium deal with Moscow.

…[T]he FBI had uncovered evidence showing Russian nuclear officials were engaged in a racketeering scheme involving bribes, kickbacks and money laundering designed to expand Russian President Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business on U.S. soil.

As Sean Hannity rightly explains:


HANNITY: “Tonight, with this new evidence, what we have discovered is that the evidence against the Clintons is overwhelming, it is incontrovertible. Hillary Clinton and her husband sold out America to the Russians while millions of dollars flowed to their 'family foundation'. And in the process, Clinton created a massive national security risk for every man, woman, and child — giving Vladimir Putin control over American uranium.” 


It’s time to start arresting, indicting and prosecuting top Obama officials 


Had Hillary Clinton become president, her administration would have covered up all these crimes. That was the entire plan, of course: Fake the polls, run a fake news media blitz and steal the election by convincing people that Clinton’s victory was inevitable. From there, Obama would pass the baton to Clinton, where the criminal collusion of both of them would be forever buried under a web of complicit FBI directors and media lackeys who have abandoned real journalism.

But Trump’s victory threw the plan into disarray, and now the true depth of the collusion and corruption of the Obama-Clinton crime machine is finally coming to light. With this new evidence emerging that proves the Obama administration covered up Hillary Clinton’s pay-to-play corruption, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions must pursue criminal prosecutions against all the top officials who were involved. This list includes Robert Mueller himself, as well as James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and a long list of other complicit co-conspirators.

These people conspired to sell out America’s uranium supply — a strategic resource needed for national defense — to one of America’s most dangerous enemies, all in exchange for over $100 million that got funneled into the Clinton Foundation. The facts of what went down are, themselves, an indictment of Obama regime officials who were fully aware of what was happening but allowed it to take place anyway. 

“The Trump administration doesn’t need another special counsel,” writes the National Sentinel. “All that needs to happen is for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to use the evidence the FBI already has and start issuing arrest warrants. He can begin with the most corrupt, criminally investigated presidential contender in U.S. history: Hillary Clinton.”

Follow more news on this exploding scandal of corruption and treason at

Are we going insane? Haarp and Yellowstone


Banned in almost every country 
in the world......

First Time Ever !!! 
'HAARP' TTA Emissions Exposed
Detrimental Effects On Public 


Haarp Evidence for Fukushima Meltdown

Yellowstone Secret Eruption Program

U.S. Army Drilling in Yellowstone  ????

Yellowstone SECRET Eruption Program??

Joe Rogan on NASA plan to drill


Oct 20, 2017


October 22 2017

October 17 2017 

DutchSinse Earthquake update

48 hours global activity

Oil + Gas pumping ops hit by Earthquakes 
from California to Texas + Oklahoma 

Texas Earthquake as expected
New deep earthquakes
new round of activity forming

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Please Note

From Anna Von Reitz

Unknown to most Americans there has been a hereditary Head of State covering the international jurisdiction of the actual states of the Union since September 9, 1776.  This was necessary because in the international jurisdiction there are no living people --- only corporations, incorporations, and heads of state.  The Americans of course were against the whole concept, but had no choice--- if they wanted to operate in international jurisdiction they had to choose someone who was a free sovereign already---- so they chose William Belcher, a Colonel in the Continental Army, who was already a free sovereign in England and France.  

This fact was obscured even within the family responsible because of the Civil War.  

My husband is the current Head of State.  He is uniquely able to declare the peace and the end of the so-called interregnum.  

His family holds the Great Seals of both The United States of America and The United States (which is under delegation).  

They have the right to display the open seal --- without the circle enclosing it, while the Kings and Queens of England have traditionally wielded the closed version representing delegated or secondary power. 

Please see the attached Declaration ending the endless "war" and the presumed interregnum  and then read the entire document.

This is not quite ready for general public release yet--- just wanted you to have it and know that it is coming.   I could use help rounding up mailing addresses and especially the emails of the fifty National Guard Adjutant Generals, the National Guard Civil Affairs Officers, and any and all others you can think of who need to get a nose full of this. 

We have to get this out internationally and domestically before the Rothschilds force the world into another senseless war over casino chips. .  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

The Truth About Dunford -- Get Ready

By Anna Von Reitz

Okay, everyone, I want you to stand ready. 

General Dunford is making a gigantic mistake.  

He can't readily process new information that comes from outside his particular area of expertise and he can't quickly or easily adjust his basic assumptions---- even when he is shown the truth in black and white.  

He doesn't know that America is not the "US".  

He doesn't know that America has two flags --- the Stars and Stripes war flag and the Civil Peace flag. 

He doesn't know that the "government" he thinks he owes allegiance to is in fact a foreign territorial government that is simply under contract to the actual government he is supposed to be serving.  

He doesn't know that he and millions of other Americans have been conned and defrauded.  

And the list of other things he doesn't know or can't accept could stretch from Alaska to Boston.  

As a result, he is doing all the wrong things, the wrong way, and with the wrong people.  

He is colluding with the same old Rothschild Bank of France crooks who own the Federal Reserve and who caused all the problems in the first place.  

He is looking for opportunities to start a war for profit, because they have lied to him and convinced him that we are broke.  

It's actually just crooked bookkeeping and if he leaned on them to audit the "Fed" instead of buying into their bull, that would be readily apparent.

So he and Trump think they are saving America, when in fact what they are doing is being susceptible to self-interested crooks and, once again, leading America down the primrose path to war and misery and destruction for the whole planet, because they have run out of casino chips. 

It apparently never occurs to them that they already own the casino and the chips and that they are perfectly capable of issuing their very own script and keeping their own books.  

But that is neither here nor there at this point--- the point is that we all absolutely have to get busy.  All hands on deck. 

Those of you who have contacts into the White House and the Pentagon and other offices --- get ready.  Look up those emails, dust off those letterheads.  Figure out how you are going to get a single, very simple, very important message into Trump's hands, into Dunford's hands, into the hands of the UN Secretary-General, and to political and church and military leaders throughout the world.

That one message can and should change everything.  

It's only a single sheet of paper.  What it says is not hard to understand. 

And you need to get ready to deliver it, by hand if necessary.  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

The TRUTH about Life in these united States


Conference Ends, Mountain Moving Begins

By Anna Von Reitz

I arrived home to a mountain of mail and the need for many, many donations to fund the private work that we, at The Living Law Firm, are doing-- and the costs of travel and lodging and supplies and everything else for our conference these past ten days.  It took three days longer than anticipated, and we all went home with additional homework.  It has been very intense, and very fruitful.  

First, some thoughts about the donations I receive and what strikes me about them: they come from all over, all fifty states.  They come from people of all ethnic and racial and working backgrounds.  They come in small amounts and large.  And they come from all over the world, too.  

It's stunning when I think about the people who keep us going and make the research and other actions possible.  We are a family scattered from Alaska to Beijing, from Patagonia to Queensland, from New England to Salzburg.  We are all seeing the same things, all waking up at the same time. 

The view, at the very least, is alarming; and that brings me to my second rumination for the night.  

Even though I have been in these trenches for most of my life---- even I am shocked by all the things that have surfaced this past week, and I am left feeling like Moses--- "Who?  Me, Lord?  You gotta be kidding.... I stutter!  I stammer!  I can't possibly do this...." 

The most stunning thing for me is that none of the suffering so many of us endure is necessary.  That is now completely, absolutely clear, obvious, and proven.  

No need for poverty.  No need for war.   No need for debt.  No need for foreclosures. No need for disease.  Not even any need for unhappiness or bad teeth or hunger.  None of it.   You don't have to be poor or in debt.  You've been robbed.  It's as simple as that.  You don't have to be unhealthy.  You've been poisoned.  Deliberately.  For profit.  You don't have to be unemployed.  You've been hung out to dry, because the Slave masters could force some other poor schmuck in Asia to work for less. 

Not only have you been robbed, you have been robbed in a fully deliberate and intentional way, by an automated and institutionalized process that has been completely described, trademarked, and patented.  Yes, ---patented, like a new gizmo for chopping up green beans, only the "material" being worked on is your life, your substance, your life cycle, your energy, your education, everything.  

It is all lined out in excruciating detail, exactly how they process you as raw material being fed into their machine from the moment you are born until the moment you die, and how they benefit themselves from every aspect of everything you need and  everything you do and and everything you achieve at every point in between.  They've even set it up to profit themselves from life insurance policies they take out on you and from your estate --- perpetually --- after you die.  

It is all sitting there, plain to view, on the public records of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  The names of the attorneys.  The names of the companies.  The names of the executives.  The exact dates.  Their own intentions, in their own words.  

Imagine, if you will, someone walking into the United States Patent and Trademark Office with his slick, multi-million dollar patent lawyer at his side, and turning in his paperwork for a machine that makes cigar wrappers out of human skin.  All the steps and mechanisms are fully described--- how they will harvest the skin, what new designs they have for the machines they will use, what they will do with the waste products, what unique advantages their invention presents, and blah-blah-blah.  

Apparently, there is nobody at the Patent Office who is bright enough or who cares enough to object and say, hey, wait a minute! You can't use human skin to wrap cigars!  Instead, these geniuses at the Patent Office just take their kick-backs, apply their stamps, collect their money and look the other way.  

No doubt, with many of these things, the clerks responsible privately thought--- this guy is crazy.  This will never work.  It will never be allowed.  But if he wants to spend his money on a patent, who cares, right?  My job isn't to reason why.  Mine is to approve as many new inventions and designs and processes as possible, and all I really have to check is if they are new and unique enough to be patent-able.....right?  A human skin cigar wrapping device is, after all, pretty unique.... nobody could argue that it isn't.....stamp!  Patent number 100019289.....  

What if a bunch of log-heads go out and actually build a machine that wraps cigars in human skin?  And what if other crazy, immoral people start buying their product?  

That's the situation we've got here, folks.  

It's not quite as off-the-wall apparent as my example, because the patents have been broken up into pieces and compartmentalized and buried in legalistic jargon purposefully designed to be dry as a desert (We referred to them as either the "Gobi" class verbiage or the "Sahara" all week as we read through several hundred of these things.) --but they nonetheless connect to build the evil machine, and there is a guiding principle and process that has been used to disguise and orchestrate the piece by piece assembly of it. 

The pieces of the machine that defrauds you and steals your life and your estate and everything you are and everything you can be,  started out as signature brands of clothing and perfume and bicycle designs, mostly from Germany.  It began in 1897 and really got going in earnest just prior to and after the Second World War.  And then the US Navy got involved.... and things slid downhill even faster.  The Navy brought in the big banks and the big banks brought in the lawyers.  

The rest, they say, is history.  Until now. 

For at least fifty years, they've had a machine that they all own a part of (so they all have to work together and nobody can go solo and nobody can rat on the others) that sucks babies into one funnel mouth and spits corpse parts out the other, along with lots and lots of juicy taxes and dividends and mortgages and licenses and child labor contracts and bonds of indenture and insurance and every kind of fraud and extortion you can imagine ---- and it is all automated. 

All they have to do is misrepresent what they are doing at the hospital when you are born, coerce your trusting, ignorant Mother to sign a piece of paper that looks innocuous enough--- and boom, there you go, shove the donated baby on the conveyor belt and let the machine do what it is designed to do-----suck out every asset that child has by inheritance or can earn -- and give it to the Slavers who split the profits among themselves and lick their lips for more.  

And who are they?  Our friends at the US Navy yard, especially the Queen's Merchant Marine Service.  It's no mistake that "Withholding Agents" are actually Warrant Officers in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service.  And also our friendly central bankers and the Bar Associations, who are privy to, part of, and right in the middle of the transactions, applications, assignments, stipulations, and grand felony theft that the machine produces like clockwork.  

All they have to do is stand there with their pockets open, and that's what they do.  This is the genesis of the old mob saying, "It was like taking candy from a baby." and also the slang of the old Grifters back in the 30's who called their intended victims "marks"------ trademarks. 

It's the Big Con.  The Big Game.  The Mother of All Fraud Schemes.  The Great Abomination.  And its right here, right now, at the US Copyright Office and the US Patent and Trademark Office, written in their own words, stamped and dated for everyone to see.  

We've been had, by experts.  We've been sold down the river by our public employees.  We've been so screwed, glued, and tattooed for so long by people and institutions we trusted and we've been misled and deliberately confused and left in the dark for so long, we can hardly recognize the fact of who is employing who?  Which end is up?  Which tail is wagging the dog?  

They want us to think that they are our employers and benefactors, that their casino chips are worth real money, that their property descriptions are real land, that their shit doesn't stink and their gross criminality can just go on forever and nobody else outside their little group of palsies will ever figure it out.  

Ever nailed a skin to a barn door? 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created


Next false flag scheduled for Oklahoma City Oct 30-Nov 2

Next false flag scheduled for Oklahoma City Oct 30-Nov 2
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
Get PAID $475 to assist the Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas National Guard in Oklahoma City as a Casualty Role Player (CRP) the week of 30 OCTOBER thru 02 NOVEMBER 2017

REAL men taking a knee

Benghazi Hero Posts Pic After Kaepernick Complains About                        NFL Meeting

Benghazi hero Kris “Tanto” Paronto saw Kaepernick complaining about not being invited to the meeting and decided to send him a reminder about what real heroes look like.

Paronto uploaded a photo of U.S. soldiers taking a knee, which looks like they are saying a prayer together as a unit.

The caption on the photo read: “Real Men Taking a Knee,” and included several hashtags reminding people that freedom isn’t free.

Paronto perfectly encapsulated how an overwhelming majority of Americans feel about NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the American flag.

Heroes like Paronto understand what true sacrifice is and what it means to have your friends killed in combat while defending this great nation.

They fought and bled for this country — giving entitled athletes the opportunity to lead extravagant lives with millions of dollars.

People like Kaepernick have no clue what hard work and sacrifice actually look like. The American people will stand with Paronto long before they ever kneel with Kaepernick.

H/T Independent Journal Review 

More about the very real danger of CHEMTRAILS

More about the very real danger of
being sprayed WORLDWIDE

Friday, October 20, 2017


Tom Jones Admits Being Abused

Legendary Singer Tom Jones Admits Being Abused, Says Sexual Harassment Common In Music Industry, Too

The singer says he was propositioned by a man in the music industry early on in his career in the 1960s.  

Sir Tom had been asked about the abuse alleged to have taken place in Hollywood. 

This clip is originally from Afternoon Edition on Thursday 19 October 2017.
Sir Tom Jones 'I felt terrible' after encounter
BBC News

Published on Oct 19, 2017
Sir Tom Jones has said the abuse and harassment alleged to have taken place in Hollywood is also widespread in the music industry.
The singer was discussing the allegations surrounding Harvey Weinstein in an interview with the BBC.
"Things have always happened in the music industry as well," he said.
"There's been people complaining about publicists and different things they've been expected to do to get a record contract, just like a film contract."
Asked on BBC Radio 5 live's Afternoon Edition whether it was something he'd experienced, Sir Tom replied: "Yes. At the beginning, yes.

Unexpectedly, Jones acknowledged that he’d faced this problem when he started out
“Yes. At the beginning, yes...

There were a few things like that, but you avoid it. You just walk out...

But what's tried on women is tried on men as well. But then again, it's not much though. It was just once, really."
Jones said that it left him feeling terrible...
“You think 'I’ve got to get away from this person and it can’t be like this'... There’s always been that element there that people with power some times abuse it.”
The question is whether other members of the music industry follow Jones lead but name names.

Jones added:
"Things happen in show business, and some times things are covered up and then they come to light and other people come forward.  It's like taking the cork off of a bottle.

Things come out that maybe should've come out years ago.  Who knows?  But that's the way it is with show business.  You are in the public eye, and that's it. You have to take the good with the bad, but justice will out. If you've done something wrong, you've got to pay for it, or prove that you haven't done anything wrong."
The fact that it’s also been going on in the music industry for many years – Jones began his career in 1963 – is probably not going to surprise anybody.

Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action

An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action 
John Perkins

Published on Jun 24, 2016
John Perkins describes the methods he used to bribe and threaten the heads of state of countries on four continents in order to create a global empire and he reveals how the leaders who did not “play the game" were assassinated or overthrown. He brings us up to date about the way the economic hit man system has spread from developing countries to the US, Europe, and the rest of the world and offers a strategy for turning this around. “Each of us," he says, “can participate in this exciting revolution. We can transform a system that is consuming itself into extinction into one that is sustainable and regenerative."

John's books, including The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, have sold over a million copies, spent more than 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller lists, and are published in more than 30 languages. As Chief Economist at a major consulting firm, his experiences advising the World Bank, UN, IMF, U.S. government, Fortune 500 corporations, and heads of state convinced him to devote his life to facilitating changes in social, political, and economic systems, as well as in general consciousness. He was founder and CEO of a highly successful alternative energy company and is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofits dedicated to creating a sustainable, just, peaceful, and thriving world. 

John's courage in writing his books and speaking out against his former bosses exemplifies the courage shown by our Founding Fathers and Mothers when they stood up to the British Empire. Like them, John defied threats and bribes and took action.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - (FULL AUDIO BOOK)



Oct 19, 2017

Published on Oct 19, 2017
Sub for more:

This is the story of the century and the media is DEAD SILENT on it. However President Trump is not going to let this one slide. Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, President Trump took to twitter this Thursday to attack Hillary for the Clinton-Uranium One scandal. He decried the “fake news media” as ignoring the entire report.

See the report here:

ALERT! Montana Yellowstone Earthquake

Lincoln Montana Yellowstone Earthquake



dutchsinse - Earthquake Updates

Great Shakeout 2017 

East Coast Earthquake as expected 
Pacific EQ pressure spreading across plates

John Kelly EMOTIONAL White House Press Briefing 10/19/17

General John Kelly 
EMOTIONAL White House Press Briefing 

Gold Star mom reacts to 
John Kelly’s emotional speech

President Trump: White House Briefings Updates

WATCH: Heather Nauert Department Press Briefing 
on President Donald Trump News 
October 19, 2017

Sarah Sanders White House Press Briefing 
on President Donald Trump 
Latest News 10/19/17 Trump News