Wednesday, October 25, 2017

What kind of people believe in conspiracy theories?

Weaponized psychiatry: The assault on dissidents as “conspiracy theorists”

Question: What kind of people believe in conspiracy theories?
The short answer: People who have investigated and verified them.

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
October 24 2017 

But that’s too simple, too accurate, and too subversive. No psychologist could scare up funding for research based on such a common sense hypothesis. So instead, our tax dollars are paying for an endless parade of studies designed to find that “conspiracy theorists” are driven by various mental quirks.

Like the politicized psychiatry of the Soviet Gulag, the mental health industry’s accelerating attempt to demonize dissidents using pseudo-scientific claptrap is a shameful episode that will one day be universally reviled and deplored.

The weaponized term  “conspiracy theorist” was put into mass circulation by the CIA as part of its effort to stifle research into the JFK assassination. CIA document 1035-960 ordered the Agency’s thousands of media assets to launch ad hominem attacks on independent researchers, rather than debate them on the facts.

Is someone today issuing marching orders to psychologists, ordering them to pathologize dissidents by applying the CIA’s “conspiracy theorist” label? Probably not. Such orders are unnecessary. 

Everybody in academia knows that research designed to attack “conspiracy theorists” will bring in grant money, whereas research designed to validate critical inquiry into ultra-sensitive topics (JFK, 9/11, false flags, privately-issued fiat currency, vaccines and autism, etc. etc.) will kill your career.

Almost all critical thinkers are open to many of the ideas that the CIA and careerist psychologists demonize as “conspiracy theories.” During my two decades of teaching at colleges and universities in the San Francisco Bay Area, Paris, and Wisconsin, I never met a single colleague who believed the Warren Commission’s fable that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The many dozens of academicians with whom I discussed the matter all agreed that JFK had in all likelihood been killed in an American coup d’état. Their degree of certainty was directly proportional to time invested in research.

Likewise, from the time I became aware of the questions surrounding 9/11 (December 2003) until I was attacked by Republican state legislators for discussing my research on the radio (June 2006) I found that not one of the many University of Wisconsin-Madison colleagues with whom I discussed the matter believed that the “inside job” hypothesis was especially unlikely. Over and over, I heard the same refrain: “I don’t want to look into this, because I’m afraid it might be true.”

So the real question psychologists ought to ask is: Why have so many professional critical thinkers exhibited such an apparently irrational aversion to doing their job when it concerns such overwhelmingly important questions as “who killed JFK and why,” and “who did 9/11, and why?”

Some psychologists are asking those questions. The most accomplished thus far is Frances T. Shure, M.A., L.P.C., whose 20-part series “Why Do Good People Become Silent – or Worse – About 9/11?” may be the best thing ever written about psychology and “conspiracy theories.” (Shure’s work will be published in book form by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.)

Compare Shure’s lucid, encyclopedic work to the dumbed-down bureaucratese psychobabble emitted by the minor army of Gulag apparatchiks dedicated to demonizing political dissidence. A recent example of the latter genre is John Grohol’s “The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories: Why Do People Believe Them?” From the clumsy first sentence (“Conspiracy theories are as old as time but it’s only in more recent years that psychologists have begun to unravel the belief that some people have in them”) to its final pronouncement urging readers NOT to EVER argue the facts, Grohol’s vacuously flatulent piece would barely earn a passing grade in a Freshman Composition course.

Grohol begins by defining his terms: “According to researcher Goertzel (1994), conspiracy theories are explanations that refer to hidden groups working in secret to achieve sinister objectives.” Translation: Any time two or more people plan to do anything illegal or immoral, they are by definition part of a conspiracy. Any attempt to explain such an event is therefore a “conspiracy theory.” Since the most-prosecuted federal crime is conspiracy, that means that federal prosecutors are the world’s leading professional conspiracy theorists.

Perhaps Grohol believes that the only conspiracies that really exist are the ones that end in a prosecution or conviction; all others are purely imaginary. If he naively believes this, he is wrong. About half of all serious violent offenses in the US are not even reported to police. And when they are reported, as NPR tells us: “For most major crimes, police don’t even make an arrest or identify a suspect.” And in the rare case when someone is arrested, it is often (perhaps usually) the wrong person. And these are just garden-variety crimes, often committed by impulsive non-professionals. 

The unfortunate truth is that when highly skilled professional criminals (especially those from elite backgrounds) conspire to commit carefully-thought-out crimes, they are very rarely prosecuted or exposed. (If anyone gets prosecuted, it’s the patsy or someone low-level and expendable.) Therefore, almost all incidences of political assassination, false flag terrorism, elite pedophilia and human trafficking, and other forms of elite deviance are guaranteed to go undetected or at least under-detected by courts, police, journalists, academicians, and other mainstream institutions. Those who seek the truth about such events, and pursue the possibility of justice, are the people Grohol derides as “conspiracy theorists.”

Grohol’s article is full of major factual and logical errors.  He writes: “Even climate change has a conspiracy theory attached to it (the U.S. government is to blame, naturally).” Actually, climate change deniers/minimalists blame globalist forces, not the US government. So why is Grohol lying about this? Presumably to build a straw man case that “conspiracy theorists” irrationally blame the government for everything.

Grohol claims that “a small minority of the population believe, and even thrive, on conspiracy theories.” In fact, polls show that from the late 1970s until today, fewer than one-third of Americans believe the Warren Commission’s “Oswald acted alone” theory, while huge majorities varying from 65% to 75% agree with the 1978 House Commission on Assassinations finding that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy. Likewise, more than 100 million Americans (36% of the population) believe it is likely that 9/11 was an inside job designed to trigger the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Only 16% fully believe the official “19 hijackers” theory

Many other “conspiracy theories” command similarly high or higher poll numbers. The truth is that only a minuscule minority of the population DOES NOT hold at least some beliefs that Grohol would deride as “conspiracy theories.” 

So why is Grohol lying about this? Presumably because he wants to belittle people he disagrees with by falsely claiming they are a small minority, while buttressing his own position by falsely ascribing it to the majority. In so doing, he is appealing to the fallacy that “what the majority thinks must be true.”

Grohol dreams up a straw man assertion that belief in a “Las Vegas second shooter points to some ‘new world order’ plot that is intent on taking over our government and society. Or something like that. The rationale for a second shooter requires a suspension of your belief in reality and simple critical thinking.” In fact, extensive scholarly research has shown, and the European parliament has confirmed, that Operation Gladio, commanded by the Pentagon through NATO, massacred thousands of people across Europe during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in false flag terrorist attacks designed to push the public towards accepting authoritarian leadership. Virtually all of the major “leftist terrorist attacks” of the Cold War era – the Brabant shootings, the Bologna train bombing, the murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the depredations of the Red Brigrades and Baader Meinhoff Gang, and much more – were committed by a secret US military program! Since only a few low-level perpetrators were ever prosecuted, there is no reason to think Operation Gladio ever ended. (For the gory details, read Professor Daniele Ganser’s NATO’s Secret Armies; Paul Williams’ Operation Gladio, and Richard Cottrell’s Gladio.)

Why does Grohol invent a straw man rather than try to argue rationally against the likelihood that Operation Gladio is still operating? Because he would lose the factual argument. So he sets the facts aside, insists that we ignore them, and instead uses fallacious arguments designed to sway readers into joining his fallacies, chief among them the ad hominem fallacy: that the truth of a proposition depends not on the facts, but on the character or psychology of the person presenting them.

Many people feel they lack the time or capacity for arriving at even a cursory informed judgment on the facts of disputed questions. Such people are easy prey for the likes of Grohol, who tells them they don’t need to worry about the facts. Just dismiss dissident arguments in advance, Grohol advises, because all dissidents are “conspiracy theorists.”

Learning about the facts, and thinking through them logically, does require a certain amount of hard work. Some throw up their hands and leave all such matters to the experts. But those of us trained in critical thinking know that one does not have to be an expert to judge opposing arguments based on their rationality, coherence, and comprehensiveness. For example, I am not a climate scientist, but I have read two serious defenses of the mainstream scientific position on climate change—Richard Wolfson’s Earth’s Changing Climate and David Ray Griffin’s Unprecedented—as well as a great many attacks on the mainstream consensus. 

My conclusion, unpopular as it is in some quarters, is that the mainstream arguments as presented by Wolfson and Griffin are stronger than their “conspiratorial” challengers. This does not mean that “climate change is real” or that the challengers are crazy. It just means that I lean towards accepting the consensus position because at this moment, based on the best arguments I have found on both sides, the mainstream position has a stronger case.

The same method can be used to investigate other controversial questions. One can compare David Ray Griffin’s Debunking 9/11 Debunking to the leading debunkers’ best efforts. Or one can watch September 11 the New Pearl Harbor, which covers both sides of the argument. Warning: Anyone with critical thinking skills who tries this experiment is almost guaranteed to become a “conspiracy theorist” !

Likewise, we can read Gerald Posner’s Case Closed beside any or all of the best books presenting the case for conspiracy: James Douglass’s JKF and the Unspeakable, Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment, David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard, Laurent Guyenot’s JFK-9/11, David Lifton’s Best Evidence, Peter Janney’s Mary’s Mosaic, and so on. 

Try it! If you actually read Posner and any two from the other side, and possess rudimentary critical thinking skills, you will quickly mutate into that most detestable of human forms, that of the dreaded conspiracy theorist!

You can use the same method to explore the psychology of “conspiracy theories”: Read Grohol’s article and the studies he cites. Then read Fran Shure’s 20-part series alongside Lance DeHaven-Smith’s Conspiracy Theory in America.

And by that point, if you aren’t a conspiracy theorist, you’ve got to be crazy.

Philadelphia Eagles Carson Wentz honors young fan

Carson Wentz honors young fan who was buried in his jersey

This is the story of a REAL man, a football player who loves his God, loves his county and, most importantly, love his fans.

Carson Wentz has been playing at an MVP level this season, leading the Philadelphia Eagles to a 5-1 start. He’s been valuable in the team’s locker room, as well, inspiring players to be baptized before games as the outspoken Christian quarterback has helped transform the team with the Gospel.  But a recent article by ESPN describes the emotional impact Wentz had on Lukas Kusters, a young boy who had been diagnosed with stomach cancer.
Lukas was a football player himself, earning him the nickname of “The Dutch Destroyer” for his ferocity on the field.  “He was born just like a brick house,” his mother, Rebecca Burmeff, said. “I don’t even know where these muscles came on this kid.”

The only thing Lukas loved more than playing football was watching his beloved Eagles.

A radiation technician who treated Lukas during his time in the hospital reached out to the Eagles to tell them about Lukas. Wentz and his teammates responded by sending gear and a video message to the boy from Wentz.  “We are personally praying for you,” Wentz said in the video.  “When he saw what it was [Wentz], and when he saw it was for him — he just got this smile, just the most beautiful smile on his face, just ear to ear,” said Rebecca.

The cancer would eventually spread, and doctors told Rebecca that her son would likely not survive. 

When Make-A-Wish asked Lukas if there was one thing he wanted to do, he immediately said, “I want to thank Carson.” 

Wentz said they wanted to treat Lukas’ visit as “an opportunity for Lukas to take out all the other stuff in his life, the sick, the pain, the exhaustion. Everything that he was physically going through.”  Lukas accomplished his mission during the visit by giving Wentz a hug and a bracelet with his nickname, “The Dutch Destroyer.” The wristband is now something that Wentz says he “never takes off.”

Lukas would pass away just a few weeks later, succumbing to his battle with cancer. The young Eagles fan was buried in Wentz’s jersey.

Months after the boy’s death, talking about Lukas still moves Wentz to tears. “To think that he’s buried wearing my jersey … It’s so much deeper than football is what it comes down to,” said Wentz, fighting through tears. “It’s so much more than just a game.”

Wentz still wears his “Dutch Destroyer” wristband on his left wrist.

Versions of the bracelet are for sale.  You can purchase a similar bracelet  for $5 at Proceeds  from the sale will be donated to various nonprofit  organizations that help families facing childhood cancer.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Atheists demand public school take down Christian flag

Atheists demand public school take down Christian flag. Then students respond with defiant action.

There are a number of organizations in the United States hellbent on ensuring that religion has no place in the public sphere, and trying to make sure anyone who dares mix religion and public life is severely reprimanded.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, one of the most notorious of the activist atheist outfits, recently sent a letter to the LaPoynor Independent School District in Texas, about 80 miles east of Dallas, demanding that it remove a Christian flag displayed on school grounds, KETK reported.

The letter claimed that the flag violated the separation of church and state, and was therefore unconstitutional. In response to the letter, some of the school’s students did something amazing:
Don’t mess with Texas.

“Sooooo you didn’t like the one flag we had flying,” a Facebook post asked, “how about three more … We have a great group of kids I tell you what …”

A few LaPoynor High School students flew Christian flags from their vehicles Wednesday, KETK-TV reported, following the atheist group’s demands.
KYTX reported that the school district has stated it is “in the process” of reviewing the letter, and will decide on what action should be taken at a later date.

KLTV noted that during a school board meeting on Thursday, a large crowd gathered because of the letter. During the meeting, anyone who was opposed to the flag was asked to stand, and not one person stood up.

“The Freedom From Religion organization really has a distorted and inaccurate view of the separation of church and state in the First Amendment,” said one person who attended the meeting. “Matter fact, I’d like to say that their viewpoint is probably void and alien to that of our founding fathers.”

For now, the flag remains. Hopefully, the district will keep it flying.

I guess the Freedom from Religion Foundation thought that this school district would just roll over because of a letter with some fancy words in it. Boy oh boy, were they wrong.

How did the FFRF find out about the Christian flag outside the school?

LaPoynor Superintendent James Young told KETK that a former student contacted the atheist organization after a recent “See You at the Pole” event at the Larue, Texas, school.

What is “See You at the Pole”?

It’s a national movement in which students gather around school flagpoles to pray on a predetermined date at the start of the school year.

What did the FFRF do?

The atheist group sent a letter to the LaPoynor Independent School District outlining constitutional violations, KETK said.

What are the FFRF’s beefs?

A Christian flag was placed on one of the school’s flag poles at the “See You at the Pole” event, KETK reported, and the FFRF said it’s unconstitutional for the school to display the flag — which includes a Latin cross.

The FFRF said the school district promoted the “See You at the Pole” event on district social media pages, KETK reported, which the FFRF said violates the Establishment Clause. 

The FFRF also said the district’s Facebook page and website promoted its annual baccalaureate ceremony with a picture of a diploma atop an open Bible and that also violated constitutional law, KETK reported. 

The FFRF wants the Christian flag taken down, KETK said, and district to ensure that employees aren’t organizing, promoting or participating in religious events while on the job.

How is the district responding?

The Christian flag will remain flying for the time being, KLTV-TV reported.

Young released a statement to KETK saying the district is “in the process of reviewing the concerns addressed in the correspondence and will take any action deemed necessary” and that it’s “committed to achieving an appropriate balance between permissible religious expression and the obligation to maintain neutrality in its policies and practices."

How are community members reacting?

“The Freedom From Religion organization really has a distorted and inaccurate view of the separation of church and state in the First Amendment,” one man said at last week’s school board meeting, KLTV said. “Matter of fact I’d like to say that their viewpoint is probably void and alien to that of our Founding Fathers."

"They fight against what’s right, what’s sacred and what is holy to Christians,” the man added, KYTX-TV reported. “And we can call them nothing else but tyrannists."

The man also said, “The day may come that we have to take the flag down, but I say until that day comes, let’s give ’em as much hell as we can,” KYTX noted. The man’s statement drew applause and laughter from the crowd.

At the meeting, the superintendent asked anyone who opposed the Christian flag to stand, and no one did, KLTV reported.

Liberals Demand School Remove
'Offensive' Christian Flag !!!

H/T TheBlaze 


Obama’s HUD 'Misplaced' $500 Billion

Obama’s HUD 'Misplaced' $500 Billion — Enron Was Only $63 Billion

Some of our readers may recall the massive scandal in 2001 surrounding the bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation, an energy company based in Texas.

Investors lost an estimated $63 billion when investigators discovered that Enron officials and auditors at the Arthur Anderson accounting firm had knowingly and unethically used loopholes in the law and various accounting tricks to hide billions that had been lost in bad deals and debt from shareholders.

Several people ultimately went to jail, and the liberal media used the scandal to excoriate capitalism in general and energy companies in particular.
Fast forward to March 2017 and the release of an astonishing report from the Office of Inspector General regarding the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and hardly a peep has been heard from the media.

That report revealed that an audit of HUD‘s 2015 and 2016 consolidated financial statements were riddled with so many “pervasive material errors” as to be unacceptable, errors which totaled nearly $520 billion, among other grievous failures on the part of the department.

All told, the OIG reported, “This audit report contains 11 material weaknesses, 7 significant deficiencies, and 5 instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.”  !!!???  (NOT known to have occurred or been reported under any other prior administration!)

The report noted that an initial audit of HUD’s 2015 and 2016 numbers were so error-ridden that they needed to be sent back and re-released as “restated consolidated reports,” but even those were filled with “material errors” of enormous magnitude.

A big part of the problem was what was described as “weak internal controls” over the complex financial reporting system, which was reportedly in the process of transitioning from a standard ledger format to new “undefined and untested processes” that increased the workload on the financial reporting division and caused them to outsource some of their work to others with even less familiarity or training to handle the processes.

Altogether, the errors in the initial reports amounted to $278.5 billion in misstatements in financial notes, a half billion dollar error in the statement on budgetary resources, and $19.5 billion in discrepancies of line items of the report that differed from what was submitted for audit. !!!???

The corrected and restated consolidated financial reports made over $516 billion in corrections to the notes and another $3.4 billion to the financial statement, but even though the Inspector General appreciated HUD’s corrections, the scathing report still called for substantial change to the department’s internal accounting practices.

As previously noted, the media has largely yawned at this incredible story of HUD’s gross malfeasance with taxpayer money, focused as they are on President Donald Trump’s latest tweet or the never-ending search for elusive evidence of alleged collusion with Russia to win the 2016 election.

Alas, such malfeasance occurred under the watch of the administration of former 'president' Barack Obama, so the media will continue to ignore it. Bet they’d be lined up to issue breathless reports for months if this had been discovered as happening under Trump’s administration.

Please share this so everyone can see what the Inspector General said about the manner in which the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Obama mishandled taxpayer money. 



By Anna Von Reitz

Somewhere between all the other work I have to do and sending boo-boo presents to my Great-Granddaughter who has sprained her ankle and is worried about not being able to go to the local Fall Festival in costume next week (I suggested that she go as a sick person, add some bandages, and use the crutches to good effect, right?) -- I have to raise money for travel and filing fees this week. 

We are looking at what can only be described as the Mother of All Collateral  Claims and for some documents the filing fees are $50 a page, folks.  This isn't cheap and Grandma's Cupboard while not bare, is far from overflowing. 

And since you are all the "Poor Dogs" standing to gain not only bones but well-deserved beef roasts out of all this-- please send what you can:

PayPal is and snail mail is: Anna Maria Riezinger c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

There is important business to settle in the realm of banking, too. And, true to form, it is all coming to a head at the same time. 

Meantime I hear the bankers at the Bank of England have pushed all their desks into a circle and are hiding under them. The discovery of the 1802 Stamp Tax still being charged and used as the excuse to issue warrants against purported American "franchises" 215 years after that issue was supposedly settled for good is especially ripe. 

I have a very peculiar artifact in my possession.  It is a large Victorian sterling silver serving fork that has been altered so that fits like a wire headband with the handle appearing to enter on one side of the head and the fork end appearing to come out of the side. ( It once adorned a life-sized bust of Albert Einstein who was being lampooned for getting the Special Relativity Equations all wrong.) 

I think I should send it somewhere for a similar purpose right about now, but there are so many options to choose from, so many parties who have it all completely wrong, who have nonetheless been applauding each other and handing out Nobel Prizes to each other and drinking champagne and eating sweetmeats and being sanctimonious. 

Here are the headlines--- Dear Pope Francis, Dear Queen Bess--Your Predecessors carried out an illegal commercial mercenary war on our shores in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract.  You have remained on our shores under conditions of deceit for 150 years and committed vicious war crimes against our states and people for no good reason other than to plunder and secretively profit yourselves under color of law-- all the while pretending to be our very best friends and Allies and Treaty Partners. 

Care to explain this? Or would you like to wear the Einstein Fork for a week as penance? 

Donald Trump-- please think before you rattle any sabers. We aren't paying for any more wars for profit--not with blood and not with money. Read the contract. It says "mutual defense" not "mutual offense". 

And as for all you beribboned prize bulls at the Pentagon, presently trying to trade and steal the assets of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust away from our Native Tribal Nations-- shame on you. 

This behavior has got to stop. 

And it will stop, whether you want it to or not. 

You have been offered amnesty -- provided you repent and clean up your acts, which includes stopping this kind of gross criminality and riding herd on the Bar Associations and these fake military tribunal courts you've been running and using to plunder the innocent American public. 

Take the offer. It's the only one you will get. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

DutchSinse : Pacific on watch for large earthquake activity

California Earthquake swarms
Pacific on watch for large earthquake activity 
Oct 23 2017
Large Earthquake M6.7 strikes deep below West Pacific
Larger earthquakes possible 
Oct 24 2017

Trump gets credit for stock market victory


Published on Oct 23, 2017

Sub for more: | Tracy Mastaler for Western Journalism reports, After the Senate passed a $4 trillion budget Thursday that paves the way for President Donald Trump’s tax reform plan, the stock market closed at all-time highs on Friday.

See the report here:



Nuclear Bombers on 24 Hour Alert

Trump sets Nuclear Bombers on 24 Hour Alert
Over North Korea




List of Troubled Banks

List of Troubled Banks


Ready to see where your bank stands?

This is a list of all of the banks in the United States and the corresponding Texas Ratio for each one. Developed by Gerard Cassidy, the Texas Ratio is a measure of a bank's credit troubles. 

Basically, the higher the ratio, the worse the situation is for that particular bank. Banks with a ratio of 100 and higher are in very serious danger of collapse, and banks with a ratio of 50 or higher are vulnerable.

The bankers do not want you to have this.  The American Bankers Association talk about how important it is to keep this private.

Check out your bank(s) at:

Breakthrough in Hillary Investigation

BREAKING: Breakthrough in Hillary Investigation

October 23, 2017

Almost from the moment Barack Obama was inaugurated as 'president' of the United States, Russia pounced trying to form relationships with both the new president and the new secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

Witness testimony and court records released by The Hill on Sunday now reveal that former President Bill Clinton, the husband of the then-new secretary of state, was also targeted by the Russians, as were members of the Clintons’ inner circle. 

Some of the activities Kremlin operatives engaged in were both “covert and illegal,”  The Hill reported.  

While there is no smoking gun proving “pay-for-play,” the timing of the $500,000 speaking fee Bill Clinton received from a Kremlin-linked bank is suspicious. This happened mere weeks after his wife, as secretary of state, greased the skids for American businessmen to assist one of Putin’s commercial endeavors.

The story is as complex as it gets, with multiple layers of intrigue, espionage, and missing information. If there was ever a case for a special prosecutor, this is it.

Clinton targeted as presumptive Obama successor

The Kremlin believed that Clinton would succeed Obama in the White House, and Clinton’s presentation of a “reset button” to Putin — indicating the administration’s desire to reset U.S.-Russian relations — provided the “Open Sesame.”

And apparently, the Russians were confident that Hillary was someone they could buy.

The Truth On Extraterrestrials

Rock Star and Military Insiders Plan To Reveal The Truth On Extraterrestrials

October 22 2017

Former Blink-182 front man Tom DeLonge, 41, has revealed a team he has been working secretly to prove extraterrestrials have visited our planet. The team is reportedly composed of US government insiders, who are former senior US Department of Defense (DoD), CIA, and other intelligence officials. They are formed to break rank and speak out about the truth regarding UFOs and aliens.

The news stunned Ufology truth seekers, and leading UFO researchers branded the move as unprecedented. UFO enthusiasts say that their comments show they are serious about what they are going to do.

UFO author and investigative journalist Leslie Kean believes that something extraordinary is about to be revealed. She says that scientists and high-level officials with in-depth knowledge, but always remained in the shadows are now stepping into the light.

Mr. DeLonge revealed that the team includes a Department of Defense senior intelligence officer, a veteran of the Directorate of Operations in the CIA, and a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Skunk Works in Lockheed Martin. He did it during a filmed live event to launch their Stars Academy of Arts and Science organization.

According to one insider, the group will reveal the truth about a government conspiracy to hide proof of aliens. The group says it will do advanced research on unexplained phenomena. DeLonge said during the launch that they are going to bring the truth to the world.

The organization’s website claims that their crowd funding for its research has already reached more than $300,000.

Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, said that he came out because it is going to take an effort figuring out the UFO phenomenon outside of the government. He described it as another case wherein the system will not repair itself, and for breakthroughs to occur, people outside of government need to take action.

Jim Semivan, who claimed to have served 25 years in the CIA, said that it is time to do what he can to find out things behind this mystery. Now at 65, he said that this is what he wants to do for the rest of his life. 

Balls Soaring In The Sky: UFO or NOT?

Flaming Balls Soaring In The Sky: UFO or NOT?

LUFOS Latest posts, N. America, UFO videos 

October 23, 2017

The question as to why aren’t humans blatantly viewing UFOs in all places in the skies across the globe? It would seem like the proper question.  However, it is not. 

The appropriate question is: why is the government not enabling official disclosure to the UFO sensation? Why is this the right question?

Mainly because of countless, probably countless numbers of aliens and extraterrestrials are blatantly staying noticed almost everywhere in our skies throughout the earth.

However, the government does not accept it, and moreover, it suppresses these kinds of studies. They accuse individuals of not being aware of what they are observing, misconstruing what they witness, and that they are most likely intoxicated, drug-induced, mentally unwell, sneaky hoaxers, or only lying.

Any cause or excuse is fantastic enough for governing administration perform if it helps to quell the complete alien trend.

Recently, strange objects fears after the mysterious”flaming balls” were seen soaring through the night sky.

Over the weekend, three white lights appeared, but it was believed that they are likely to be a group of military personnel and not the aliens. The appearance of such strange lights spotted caused a stir over the weekend.

These three white lights were darting and moving at around the same speed and are changing different kinds of direction, persuading people to think they saw an extraterrestrial object.

Despite the different stories, it would seem that the lights were a part of the pre-game show at the Rice-Eccles Stadium.

A University of Utah Spokesperson told the Fox 13 that the parachute team of US Navy dropped into the stadium about the same time.

However, according to a NASA ambassador, the lights looked like a satellite which has broken up in orbit.

The official parachute demonstration team is called the Leap Frogs. They are a part of the US Navy and has been performing from April to December. They are composed of 15, which is made up of US Navy Seals. These people have been working as a team for three years. 


Former Global Head of HSBC's Foreign Exchange Cash-Trading Found Guilty

Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs


Monday, October 23, 2017

Former Global Head of HSBC's Foreign Exchange Cash-Trading Found Guilty of Orchestrating Multimillion-Dollar Front-Running Scheme

The former head of global foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC Bank plc, a subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc (collectively HSBC), was found guilty today for his role in a scheme to defraud an HSBC client through a multimillion-dollar scheme commonly referred to as “front running.” 

Acting Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Blanco of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Acting U.S. Attorney Bridget M. Rohde of the Eastern District of New York, Inspector General Jay N. Lerner of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Assistant Director in Charge Andrew Vale of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement. 

Mark Johnson, 51, a United Kingdom citizen with residences both in the U.K. and the United States, was found guilty after a four-week jury trial of one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and eight counts of wire fraud. Sentencing date has not been scheduled. U.S. District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis of the Eastern District of New York presided over the trial. Johnson was arrested on a criminal complaint in July 2016 and indicted in August 2016.

“This verdict makes clear that the defendant corruptly manipulated the foreign exchange market for the benefit of his bank and his bonus pool, to the detriment of the bank’s client,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Blanco. “This case demonstrates the Criminal Division’s commitment to protecting the financial system from harm, and holding corporate executives, including at the world’s largest and most sophisticated financial institutions, responsible for their crimes.”

“The jury found that former HSBC banker Mark Johnson exploited confidential information provided by a client of the bank to execute trades that were intended to generate millions of dollars in profits for him and the bank at the expense of their client,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Rohde. “This Office, together with its law enforcement partners, will continue to vigorously investigate and prosecute those who would so abuse their client relationships and, more generally, undermine public confidence in the operation of the financial markets by engaging in fraudulent schemes.”

“This case involved a complex fraud scheme to ‘front run’ a foreign exchange transaction in order to generate millions of dollars in illicit profits for HSBC, which also indirectly benefited individual traders,” said Inspector General Lerner. “Such cases are challenging, but important, to bring against bank insiders who misuse their positions and undermine the integrity of a major international financial institution.”

“Mark Johnson misused confidential information to manipulate currency prices and defrauded a client out of more than $7 million,” said Assistant Director in Charge Vale. “The American people need to be assured that we are working vigorously to ensure integrity is upheld in financial services industries. We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to investigate and prosecute those who engage in illegal business practices.”

According to the evidence presented at trial, in November and December 2011, Johnson cheated an HSBC client out of millions of dollars by misusing information provided to him by a client that hired HSBC to execute a foreign exchange transaction related to a planned sale of one of the client’s foreign subsidiaries. HSBC was selected to execute the foreign exchange transaction – which was going to require converting approximately $3.5 billion in sales proceeds into British Pound Sterling – in October 2011. HSBC’s agreement with the client required the bank to keep the details of the client’s planned transaction confidential. Instead, Johnson misused confidential information he received about the client’s transaction to cheat the client out of millions of dollars, the evidence showed. 

Shortly before the transaction, which occurred in December 2011, Johnson and other traders acting under his direction purchased Pound Sterling for their own benefit in their HSBC “proprietary” accounts. Johnson then caused the $3.5 billion foreign exchange transaction to be executed in a manner that was designed to “ramp,” or drive up, the price of the Pound Sterling, benefiting their proprietary positions and HSBC at the expense of their client.

As part of their scheme, Johnson and his co-conspirators made misrepresentations to the client about the transaction that concealed the self-serving nature of their actions. In total, Johnson and the traders he supervised generated HSBC profits of roughly $7.5 million from the execution of the FX transaction for the victim company. 

The investigation was conducted by the FDIC’s Office of Inspector General and the FBI’s Washington Field Office. The Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs provided significant support. Assistant Chiefs Carol Sipperly and Brian Young and Trial Attorney Blake Goebel of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Lauren Elbert of the Eastern District of New York’s Business and Securities Fraud Section are prosecuting the case.

The Fraud Section plays a pivotal role in the Department of Justice’s fight against white collar crime around the country, focusing on cases of national significance and international scope. Fraud Section prosecutors have vast experience in investigating and prosecuting securities and financial fraud, health care fraud and foreign corruption. The Section is routinely the national leader in large, sophisticated white collar investigations and prosecutions, frequently in partnership with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and in coordination with foreign law enforcement agencies. Learn more about the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section at:

Criminal Division
USAO - New York, Eastern

Press Release Number:

Updated October 23, 2017


Enlisted Troops Like Trump, Officers Don't - What's wrong with the Officers????

Military Times Poll: Enlisted Troops Like Trump              Officers Don't ?? 

Greg Richter
Monday, 23 Oct 2017 
President Donald Trump's favorability rating among the U.S Armed Forces is far higher than among the general public, according to a recent poll by Military Times.

According to the poll, 44 percent of all troops have a favorable rating of their commander in chief, while 40 percent see him unfavorably. 

Recent polls of the general population show favorable rating below 40 percent and unfavorables up to 56 percent, the Times noted.  But most of that support came from enlisted troops. 

The president got a thumbs up from 48 percent of enlisted personnel, while only 30 percent of officers agreed.
Women and minorities also had less favorable views. Men gave Trump a 47 percent favorable rating, while only 32 percent of women did.

Non-white service members gave the president a 51 percent unfavorable mark, while only 37 percent of white troops did.

Members of the Navy gave Trump his highest unfavorables (49 percent), while Marines gave him his highest favorables (59 percent).

Retired Marine Maj. Ross Schellhaas told Military Times that Trump's style likely is a better match with those of young Marines than other branches.

"I think those young people come from the more conservative regions of our nation and tend to vote that way," Schellhaas said.

Then, there is Trump's Defense Secretary, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, a beloved leader called "Mad Dog" by those who have served under him.

"That's the Mattis effect," said Phil Carter, director of the Military, Veterans, and Society Program at the Center for a New American Security.

Trump also has a retired Marine general, John Kelly, as his chief of staff.

The poll talked to 1,131 active-duty service members online between Sept. 7 and 25. The margin of error for the total sample was plus-or-minus 3 percent.

You Are Among the First to Know

By Anna Von Reitz

A few days ago I told everyone that the "mountain moving" has begun.  So it has. 

Most of the criminality that has infested this country has been built around one central lie --- the idea that our government of the people, by the people, and for the people was in "interregnum" --- a polite fancy way of saying "on pause", not functioning, in-between periods of activity and leadership--- for the past 150 years.  

When a Pope dies and the conclave of Cardinals come together to choose a new leader, the Holy See is in "interregnum".  

So the rest of the world has, as Karen Hudes said months ago, considered our lawful government to be "in interregnum".  

We, the sovereigns of the land jurisdiction of The United States of America might come back and might not.  Meantime, our servants running the Territorial United States (military) and Municipal United States (Washington, DC) settled in for a nice long session of eating our food and drinking our wine and sleeping in our beds and generally running amok with our credit cards. 

That presumption can now no longer stand. 

Please see attached.  

By their own rules, the cards have been called.  And they lose.


Here is the document Anna referred to as an attachment in the announcement.
The first and second are page 1 and 2 of the whole document, and the third link is the last page of the entire document. 

The first document: 

Second document:

Third Document:

Fourth link is the entire 28 page Document: