By Anna Von Reitz
have pointed out the actual problem many, many times----but still
somehow people aren't listening and really hearing the message:
Money is an illusion. A Fakir's trick. An idol. Literally. It is unreal in the same sense that a photograph is unreal.
gold coin you are holding in your hand is being used --- arbitrarily --
to represent other commodities and goods, but it really isn't the "same
as" all those other commodities and goods, is it?
promoters of this system of things have convinced you that gold (or
paper or lead slugs or tulip bulbs or whatever else is being used as a
"medium of exchange") has value apart from whatever value you give to
it--- and it really doesn't.
the language of money is straight from a carnival sideshow. Think
about it: "medium of exchange"? Like Madam Zorba, the famous Medium
and Fortune Teller? Money,regardless of the form it takes, is phony by
I have had people tell me that "gold is a store of value".
I said, show me a "charged" versus a "discharged" piece of gold? How
can you tell when it is storing up value and when it isn't? Does a
light go on?
The truth is that gold doesn't store value or anything else, unless you make it into a box to hold napkins.
it doesn't matter if you are using pieces of paper or digits in a
ledger or gold coins or tiles of glass or wampum beads as money.
all fake. It all requires "suspension of belief" --- the same kind of
willingness to be deceived that takes place when you go to a movie about
flying cars and unicorns.
truly does not matter what you use to represent value --- value itself
remains obscure, a creature of imagination and circumstance.
value is your opinion of how much something is worth to you at any
given moment. A glass of water is beyond price to a man dying of
thirst. My red shoes may be valuable to me, but useless to a woman who
wears Size 10 and hates red. Are you beginning to really think about all
these things? Maybe for the first time?
men who have been running this world for the past thousand years don't
want you to think about how arbitrary and variable "value" is, because
if you did, you might also realize that what we use to "represent value"
is even more illusory.
Ever wonder why bankers are so sober and straight-laced in appearance? It's because they are playing poker. All the time.
these boys in a back room and they talk a million miles an hour. You
cannot shut them up. They talk endlessly about the minute details of
their personal lives, their families, their dogs, their cats, their
religious beliefs, their secret fears, their most embarrassing
moment----it all spills out in torrents.
In ten minutes,
you will know more about Maury, the Banker, than you ever wanted to
know. You will hear about how his Father abused him, that his Mother
was a lush, that his Son-in-Law beats his daughter every time she gets
pregnant. You will get acquainted with his cat, Felix, who weighs almost
thirty pounds and has to eat a special restricted calorie diet.....
then you will hear about his veterinarian, who charges $300 dollars an
hour to tell Maury he's feeding the cat too much.
of Hollywood and the Strip in Vegas, there is not a stranger
social arena in the world than a convention of bankers.
stand around at these events and nod sagely and look deep into their
eyes. They mostly look sad and guilty, like bad dogs who got caught
sleeping on the couch. The endless chatter about nothing for nine out of
ten hours is part of the anxiety: "Oh, God, Paula, what do I do now?
They know. I mean, they really know!.....and they are going to kill
me. I just know they are going to kill me...."
couple weeks ago, these same people were talking about arbitrarily
setting the value of gold at $10,000 an ounce in an effort to "create
value" in the asset-backed world sufficient to counterbalance all the
credit and debt that has already been issued.
I laughed out loud.
don't we all get our flashlights and pitch our pup tents in the back
yard? You go find your scary mask from last Halloween and I will get a
campfire going. We will sit around and tell ghost stories until we
believe them and spend all night quivering in our sleeping bags for fun.
the kind of thing that grown men and women are doing, because most of
them, even the bankers, really, truly, have no concept of what money is
---- and isn't. And it is worse than simple ignorance. It's that they
don't want to know.
are afraid to give up their illusions. They desperately want to
believe in flying cars and unicorns. It doesn't matter to them that
what they are currently doing and also what they are proposing to do in
the future, is not based on reality.
Nobody, it seems, can face the unreality of money.
Except a few Great-Grandmas who could give a damn, that is.
enough people would sit down and look at the paper in their wallets one
afternoon and fully realize that it is just paper, or if they hauled
out their stash of gold coins and realized that it is just some lumps of
metal, the world would change. Immediately. Forever. For the better.
The willful mass delusion we have been living in could finally end.
time on Earth, our energy, our skills, our dreams, our will to do good,
our loving relationships, the wealth of our planet's resources--- these
are our most valuable treasures by far--- and we are being snookered
into exchanging them for what?
Pieces of paper? Lumps of metal? Digits entered into a bank ledger? Really?
We can never count how many rich men have won the game and lost the battle.
have come to their graves saying, "Oh, crap.... I wasted my time
playing the stock market.....I should have married Ellen Henderson
instead..... I hardly know my son.....What good is all my money now?"
fact is that money is unreal, but the ill-effects of money, and
especially of money monopolies, are tragic----and, until we face the
fact that money is unreal, we can't even deal with the unreality of
it in a sane way.
just continue to wander around in a haze being deluded, valuing things
that aren't valuable, and being cheated up, down, and sideways by
charlatans who have cornered the market on this Grand Illusion.
know that what we have proposed as the solution has caused no end of
consternation --- both among those who know that money is an idol and
those who remain True Believers--- but something practical has to be
done and there must be some logical basis for doing it.
carried-forward debt of the world has become a great burden to 99% of
the people and an unusable resource for the other 1% who are, ironically
enough, burdened down trying to manage and deploy the accumulated
credit in a way that preserves the "perceived value"----- that is,
scarcity, of money.
a crazy-making situation no matter which foot you stand on, either
having far too little or far too much, with everyone fighting over
who-owes-who what.
I explain that the problem is that we actually have both too much
credit and too much debt, and nobody is willing to do the bookkeeping.
should happen is very simple and I have directed the Vatican Chancery
Court (the bank for the Holy See) to do it. Issue the credit to cancel
out the debt. Then issue more credit ear-marked for actual living
people and their unincorporated small businesses, and another dollop of
credit ear-marked for corporations.
What shall we base all this new credit on?
since money is imaginary, we don't really need any basis for it, but if
the gullible and plodding among us need a basis to issue credit here
are some ideas:
Instead of arbitrarily valuing gold at $10,000 per ounce, why don't we
value each man's labor at $50,000 per hour? It would make as much
sense and cut down the debt five times faster.
2. Instead
of secretively buying life insurance policies on strangers and betting
on how soon they will die, why don't we openly buy old age insurance
policies on friends and bet on how long they will live? That at least
de-incentivizes corrupt medical practices, war-mongering, genocide, and
development of man-made diseases.
3. Since
the rats abused our delegated powers to charter all these corporations
that are abusing the living people and enjoying all the ill-gotten
gains of undeserved bankruptcy protection at our expense, why not base
all the new credit on worldwide corporate assets? Let those who benefit
from the scams and the bankruptcies pick up the tab for it.
could probably come up with a hundred ways to quietly chisel away the
"World Debt" and nobody would even feel the loss--- the problem is that
the perpetrators responsible for this situation envision a world in
which men are born into perpetual enslavement and debt, a world in which
money is ever more scarce and so, imagined to be more valuable.
That's why everyone needs to wake up and smell the java now.
It's all flying jalopies.
whole "Monetary Crisis" and the "National Debt" and the "Global
Currency Reset" and the "Foreclosure Crisis" --- is all bogus,
arbitrary, carnival sideshow illusion and fraud. It doesn't matter if
it is gold yen or glass shrinky dinks used to promote it--- the bottom
line is that money of all kinds is an illusion and it always has been.
it could be a good and useful tool, the greed and stupidity of men has
allowed money to become a scourge and a tool misused to promote misery
and enslavement instead.
time now to wake up from a very bad dream. Put away the concepts of
childhood. End your own enslavement. Every country has abundant
resources. Every man has labor to trade. There is no excuse for lack or
for fear anywhere on Earth. All we really need is some hard-headed
common sense.
What is that stuff in your wallet, but a gob of paper someone printed?
Do you work for the government or does the government work for you?
Get your Thinking Caps on, Campers. Set your Shinola Sensors on "High".
We all ride for the brand and its up to us to choose which brand we ride for.
to me that I recall Jesus paying off all the debts of the world
forever, two thousand years ago. So why is Satan still here with his
hand out?
See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website