Wednesday, November 8, 2017

FREE LUNCH - all Veteran and Active Duty Military SATURDAY NOV 11TH!

Please Foward this to all of your Veteran and Active Duty Military Friends.

Free Meal for Veterans and Active Military 
Saturday Nov 11th !

Problem Viewing? Click here.

Texas Roadhouse®

Free Lunch for Veterans
                Veterans Day Saturday Nov 11 
Hours:  11 AM   -  4  PM

Please join us at Texas Roadhouse from 11am-4pm on Saturday, November 11. If you are a veteran or active military personnel, bring your military ID, Veterans Affairs Card, or discharge papers to select a free entree and soft drink/tea from our Veterans Lunch* Menu. Bring your family and friends to help us honor those who have served our country.
 Give Gift Cards To Friends And Family And We Will Donate 10% To Support Our Heroes        Go online to and order Gift Cards for everyone on your holiday shopping list! 10% of the card value will be donated to Homes For Our Troops to provide specially adapted home for our nation's most severely injured veterans.       FREE Shipping and ProcessingThank You For Your Service     From our partners ,      Kraft Heinz 

CALL AHEAD :  Find A Location

Money, Value, and Time

By Anna Von Reitz

I have pointed out the actual problem many, many times----but still somehow people aren't  listening and really hearing the message:  

Money is an illusion.  A Fakir's trick.  An idol.  Literally.  It is unreal in the same sense that a photograph is unreal. 

That gold coin you are holding in your hand is being used --- arbitrarily -- to represent other commodities and goods, but it really isn't the "same as" all those other commodities and goods, is it?

The promoters of this system of things have convinced you that gold (or paper or lead slugs or tulip bulbs or whatever else is being used as a "medium of exchange") has value apart from whatever value you give to it--- and it really doesn't.

Even the language of money is straight from a carnival sideshow.  Think about it: "medium of exchange"?   Like Madam Zorba, the famous Medium and Fortune Teller?  Money,regardless of the form it takes, is phony by nature.

I have had people tell me that "gold is a store of value".  

Okay, I said, show me a "charged" versus a "discharged" piece of gold?  How can you tell when it is storing up value and when it isn't?  Does a light go on?

The truth is that gold doesn't store value or anything else, unless you make it into a box to hold napkins.

And, it doesn't matter if you are using pieces of paper or digits in a ledger or gold coins or tiles of glass or wampum beads as money.  

It's all fake. It all requires "suspension of belief" --- the same kind of willingness to be deceived that takes place when you go to a movie about flying cars and unicorns. 

It truly does not matter what you use to represent value --- value itself remains obscure, a creature of imagination and circumstance.

Basically, value is your opinion of how much something is worth to you at any given moment.  A glass of water is beyond price to a man dying of thirst.  My red shoes may be valuable to me, but useless to a woman who wears Size 10 and hates red. Are you beginning to really think about all these things?  Maybe for the first time?

The men who have been running this world for the past thousand years don't want you to think about how arbitrary and variable "value" is, because if you did, you might also realize that what we use to "represent value" is even more illusory.

Ever wonder why bankers are so sober and straight-laced in appearance?  It's because they are playing poker.  All the time.

Get these boys in a back room and they talk a million miles an hour. You cannot shut them up.  They talk endlessly about the minute details of their personal lives, their families, their dogs, their cats, their religious beliefs, their secret fears, their most embarrassing moment----it all spills out in torrents.

In ten minutes, you will know more about Maury, the Banker, than you ever wanted to know.  You will hear about how his Father abused him, that his Mother was a lush, that his Son-in-Law beats his daughter every time she gets pregnant. You will get acquainted with his cat, Felix, who weighs almost thirty pounds and has to eat a special restricted calorie diet..... then you will hear about his veterinarian, who charges $300 dollars an hour to tell Maury he's feeding the cat too much.

Outside of Hollywood and the Strip in Vegas,  there is not a stranger social arena in the world than a convention of bankers.     

I stand around at these events and nod sagely and look deep into their eyes.  They mostly look sad and guilty, like bad dogs who got caught sleeping on the couch. The endless chatter about nothing for nine out of ten hours is part of the anxiety:  "Oh, God, Paula, what do I do now?  They know.  I mean, they really know!.....and they are going to kill me.  I just know they are going to kill me...."

A couple weeks ago, these same people were talking about arbitrarily setting the value of gold at $10,000 an ounce in an effort to "create value" in the asset-backed world sufficient to counterbalance all the credit and debt that has already been issued.

I laughed out loud.

Why don't we all get our flashlights and pitch our pup tents in the back yard?  You go find your scary mask from last Halloween and I will get a campfire going. We will sit around and tell ghost stories until we believe them and spend all night quivering in our sleeping bags for fun.  

That's the kind of thing that grown men and women are doing, because most of them, even the bankers, really, truly, have no concept of what money is ---- and isn't.  And it is worse than simple ignorance.  It's that they don't want to know. 

They are afraid to give up their illusions.  They desperately want to believe in flying cars and unicorns.  It doesn't matter to them that what they are currently doing and also what they are proposing to do in the future, is not based on reality. 

Nobody, it seems, can face the unreality of money.

Except a few Great-Grandmas who could give a damn, that is. 

IF enough people would sit down and look at the paper in their wallets one afternoon and fully realize that it is just paper, or if they hauled out their stash of gold coins and realized that it is just some lumps of metal, the world would change. Immediately. Forever.  For the better.

The willful mass delusion we have been living in could finally end. 

Our time on Earth, our energy, our skills, our dreams, our will to do good, our loving relationships, the wealth of our planet's resources--- these are our most valuable treasures by far--- and we are being snookered into exchanging them for what?

Pieces of paper?  Lumps of metal?  Digits entered into a bank ledger?  Really?

We can never count how many rich men have won the game and lost the battle. 

They have come to their graves saying, "Oh, crap.... I wasted my time playing the stock market.....I should have married Ellen Henderson instead..... I hardly know my son.....What good is all my money now?"

The fact is that money is unreal, but the ill-effects of money, and especially of money monopolies, are tragic----and, until we face the fact that money is unreal, we can't even deal with the unreality of it in a sane way.

We just continue to wander around in a haze being deluded, valuing things that aren't valuable, and being cheated up, down, and sideways by charlatans who have cornered the market on this Grand Illusion.

I know that what we have proposed as the solution has caused no end of consternation --- both among those who know that money is an idol and those who remain True Believers--- but something practical has to be done and there must be some logical basis for doing it.

The carried-forward debt of the world has become a great burden to 99% of the people and an unusable resource for the other 1% who are, ironically enough, burdened down trying to manage and deploy the accumulated credit in a way that preserves the "perceived value"----- that is, scarcity, of money. 

It's a crazy-making situation no matter which foot you stand on, either having far too little or far too much, with everyone fighting over who-owes-who what.

Wearily, I explain that the problem is that we actually have both too much credit and too much debt, and nobody is willing to do the bookkeeping. 

What should happen is very simple and I have directed the Vatican Chancery Court (the bank for the Holy See) to do it.  Issue the credit to cancel out the debt.  Then issue more credit ear-marked for actual living people and their unincorporated small businesses, and another dollop of credit ear-marked for corporations. 

What shall we base all this new credit on? 

Well, since money is imaginary, we don't really need any basis for it, but if the gullible and plodding among us need a basis to issue credit here are some ideas:

1. Instead of arbitrarily valuing gold at $10,000 per ounce, why don't we value each man's labor at $50,000 per hour?   It would make as much sense and cut down the debt five times faster.  

2. Instead of secretively buying life insurance policies on strangers and betting on how soon they will die, why don't we openly buy old age insurance policies on friends and bet on how long they will live?   That at least de-incentivizes corrupt medical practices, war-mongering, genocide, and development of man-made diseases.

3. Since the rats abused our delegated powers to charter all these corporations that are abusing the living people and  enjoying all the ill-gotten gains of undeserved bankruptcy protection at our expense, why not base all the new credit on worldwide corporate assets?  Let those who benefit from the scams and the bankruptcies pick up the tab for it. 

I could probably come up with a hundred ways to quietly chisel away the "World Debt" and nobody would even feel the loss--- the problem is that the perpetrators responsible for this situation envision a world in which men are born into perpetual enslavement and debt, a world in which money is ever more scarce and so, imagined to be more valuable.

That's why everyone needs to wake up and smell the java now. 

It's all flying jalopies.   

The whole "Monetary Crisis" and the "National Debt" and the "Global Currency Reset" and the "Foreclosure Crisis" --- is all bogus, arbitrary, carnival sideshow illusion and fraud.  It doesn't matter if it is gold yen or glass shrinky dinks used to promote it--- the bottom line is that money of all kinds is an illusion and it always has been. 

While it could be a good and useful tool, the greed and stupidity of men has allowed money to become a scourge and a tool misused to promote misery and enslavement instead.

It's time now to wake up from a very bad dream.  Put away the concepts of childhood.  End your own enslavement.  Every country has abundant resources.  Every man has labor to trade. There is no excuse for lack or for fear anywhere on Earth.  All we really need is some hard-headed common sense.

What is that stuff in your wallet, but a gob of paper someone printed? 

Do you work for the government or does the government work for you? 

Get your Thinking Caps on, Campers.  Set your Shinola Sensors on "High". 

We all ride for the brand and its up to us to choose which brand we ride for. 

Seems to me that I recall Jesus paying off all the debts of the world forever, two thousand years ago.  So why is Satan still here with his hand out?

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website



A National total boycott of the NFL is planned for Sunday, November 12th Veterans Day Weekend

Boycott all football telecasts.  All fans, all ticket holders, are asked to stay away from attending or viewing any NFL games on Sunday, November 12th.  Let the NFL play to empty stadiums.

Pass this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our military, some of whom came home with the American Flag draped over their coffin. Continue with the weekly boycott of televised games, but let’s make this a day the owners, coaches, players and advertisers will notice.

They have a right to protest if they want to, but during the National Anthem is NOT the time or venue!  They  show an utter lack of patriotism and total disrespect for our Veterans – living and dead – and everything for which they put their lives on the line!

If you agree, please help this message go viral!  

This is one that I can totally get behind, and I hope that you will as well.  Let’s show the NFL that “We, The People” are the one’s in charge!  They perform for us, and we pay very well for their doing so.  All we ask of them is that they practice their little skits all week long, and then on the day of their scheduled performance, they put on their little costumes and perform.  If they insist on having a protest, they are welcome to rent the stadium and host a protest, but don’t hold “We, The People” hostage to watch a protest when we only pay them to perform the skit they practiced.  If they don’t think “We, The People” pay them, watch what happens when we quit!  Let’s DO THIS folks!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

America’s Worst Nightmare

Feds Just Raided Muslims’ House In Virginia – Walked In On Final Step Of America’s Worst Nightmare
The Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic 30-year plan for taking over America from within was a closely-guarded secret until the FBI raided a house in Annandale, Virginia, where agents found a disturbing bundle of documents containing a blueprint for the Muslim takeover of our country. Now that the cat is out of the bag, we must do everything in our power to expose what’s going on, as startlingly, these American-hating vermin are in the final phase of their 5-step plan to destroy our country.
Twenty-seven years ago, Muslim Brotherhood leader Yusuf al-Qaradwai traveled to America to organize Muslims across America, educating them with his diabolical plan for the compete Muslim takeover of America that would take 30 years to complete. It included a key tactic known as “Muruna,” where Muslims are able to violate Sharia Law in order to convince Americans that they are just like us. 
Just like an Ebola virus, Muruna is extremely effective, as Muslims are now able to seamlessly integrate into every facet of our society, as they make their way into our public school systems, our federal and law enforcement agencies, and key positions within our government.
But due to the raid, their game is up. Now that their highly-guarded secrets are out, we as Americans must stand up and expose what’s going on while doing everything in our power to stop their rapidly approaching plans from coming to fruition.
 Inline image OWAPstImg706246
While the Muslim Brotherhood in America would love for everyone to believe they’re just a peace-loving group of Islamists, nothing could be further from the truth. Their recently-discovered plans for America is highly chilling, where documents reveal what’s called a “civilization-jihadist” process, where American Muslims are actively destroying western civilization from within, as they seek to make Islam recognized in our courts and schools, bullying their way with political correctness which has proven to be a highly-effective tool. Here’s their 5-phase plan, and disturbingly, they are now in the final phase of their mission:
“Phase One: Phase of discreet and secret establishment of leadership.
“Phase Two: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities (It greatly succeeded in implementing this stage). It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government. Gaining religious institutions and embracing senior scholars. Gaining public support and sympathy. Establishing a shadow government (secret) within the Government.
“Phase Three: Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media. Currently in progress.
“Phase Four: Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.
“Phase Five: Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.”
While that is their general overall plan, the document that was seized in the raid reveals a chilling insight into their operations, mindset, planning, and vision of the Islamic movement rapidly taking over North America. Via
• Expanding the Muslim presence by birth rate, immigration, and refusal to assimilate;
• Occupying and expanding domination of physical spaces;
• Ensuring the “Muslim Community” knows and follows MB doctrine;
• Controlling the language we use in describing the enemy;
• Ensuring we do not study their doctrine (shariah);
• Co-opting key leadership;
• Forcing compliance with shariah at local levels;
• Fighting all counterterrorism efforts;
• Subverting religious organizations;
• Employing lawfare – the offensive use of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits;
• Claiming victimization / demanding accommodations;
• Condemning “slander” against Islam;
• Subverting the U.S. education system, in particular, infiltrating and dominating U.S. Middle East studies programs;
• Demanding the right to practice shariah in segregated Muslim enclaves;
• Demanding recognition of shariah in non-Muslim spheres;
• Confronting and denouncing Western society, laws, and traditions; and
• Demanding that shariah replace Western law. Note that many of the foregoing techniques entail, in one way or another, influencing and neutralizing the American government at all levels.
What’s alarming is that not only are these terrorists close to reaching their goals for the complete takeover of our country, but liberal politicians across America are drastically speeding up the process. 
President Trump as we know has been trying to implement a ban to keep terrorists from infiltrating our country under the guise of being “refugees,” but we still have these mindless morons advocating to bring these vermin in, as they’re now joining forces with Muslims in America in anticipation of “zero hour” where their sleeper cells will be activated and the complete annihilation of our country will ensue.

11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?


By Anna Von Reitz

Among the Hebrews -- the true Hebrews -- even to this day, Jubilee comes every seven years.  Every seven years, observant Jews are required to "hit reset"---and release all the debts that people owe them.  This is understandably difficult to do, and harder for those to whom much is owed. 

Underlying the practice and the concept is: (1) a showing of faith in God, that He can give again that which is given away in obedience to Him, and (2) hope that as debt is forgiven to others, it can also be forgiven to us (think of all the debts that you can never repay, because people died or you lost track of them?) and (3) an understanding that the release of debt is like spreading manure on a fallow field--- a way to regenerate and revive the economic engines the same way that resting and fertilizing a field restores it and enables it to go on producing in years to come.

Every seven times seven years -- 49 years -- comes a "Super Jubilee" in which the most serious debts are forgiven and in ancient times, this meant that each man was able to return home to his ancestral plot and take possession of land and homes that had been lost through debt or misfortune of one kind or another, so that land set aside for--- say, the Tribe of Benjamin -- ultimately returned to members of that tribe, no matter what went before.  The Fathers could not, by their misfortunes, weaknesses, or debts, ultimately disinherit the sons.  The apportionment of the land was meant to be an everlasting inheritance, and the health and beauty of the land was meant to be a testament to the wisdom, care-taking ability, and diligence of the men it belonged to.

Meant to be.

But as we can see, the wisdom of God in these matters has not been followed by many,  many generations of men, so the whole concept of "Jubilee" and its spiritual and practical result has been lost.  Those who have acquired great sums of debt have not released it for at least eight hundred years.  Instead, they have mindlessly acquired more and more and more, until the concept of debt and credit has become totally out of balance and contrary to any measure of reality. 

Instead of the world's economy being periodically restored and re-calibrated, the rich have gone on getting rich and the poor have gone on getting poorer, until 1% of the population controls all the wealth---and they still mindlessly grub for more, even though they have more than they could ever spend or want, far more than they could ever imagine doing anything with, while others starve.  This is precisely what Jubilee is meant to prevent.

Consider the spectacle that the world now presents to God: millions upon millions of people are homeless thanks to the bank-built Foreclosure Fraud Machine, and, at the same time, all those homes are standing vacant and decaying.  The banks can't use them.  There are no new millions of magically empowered competent buyers ready to move in.

The "field" of the economy has not been renewed and grinds on merely on the strength of new population growth providing new consumers, but increasingly, these new consumers are born into a world already supporting an insurmountable debt--- so they have less and less to spend, and more of their lives must be consumed paying back debts accrued by ancestors.

Because we haven't had a real Jubilee in over 800 years and because all the wealth has been locked up and super-concentrated and otherwise manipulated,  I know people who regularly deal with quadrillions of dollars worth of debt and credit and they seem to think that this is sane, even though they realize that median income for over half the world's population has decreased and 0ver half of all the people on Earth live in moderate to severe poverty--- they just shrug, have another martini, and seem to think that, well, this is way things are----and so far as they can remember, the way things have always been. 

We have told these people that the debt has to go away.  We have ordered them to put up three sums of credit equal to the entire present world debt in order to permanently eradicate it and make way for a system of credit to replace the debt system.  You can imagine martinis hitting the wall and spurting through noses from Boston to Bangkok. 

The first credit, known as the Reconciliation Credit, is to counterbalance and wipe all the present debt off the books.  This is basically just a bookkeeping transaction that wipes away the accumulated debt.  Poof!  It's gone.  This includes all debt, so while the banks are bemoaning the "loss" of all the debt they were holding over others, they are also being relieved of all the debt that they owe.  In a sense, this is the only true reset of the system that is possible.

The second credit, known as the Atonement Credit, is to resupply the banks and atone for the evils that have been visited upon people worldwide.
We have told those responsible that banks can no longer function as mindless, irresponsible profit-making machines.  If they want to stay in business, they need to restructure as "B" corporations---meaning that they have a beneficial mission and responsibilities above and beyond profit-making.  Additionally, the Atonement Credit will not be loaned at interest and will not be loaned to corporations.  It will be made available to unincorporated businesses and individual people, with the banks only getting a service fee.

The third credit, known as the Redemption Credit, is to establish a "sinking fund" that covers unavoidable losses by making new investments in corporations and technology and infrastructure at varying rates of return, similar to what we have now. 

These concepts have been met with amazement, incredulity, and a lot of "Wha...what?  What? How? Huh?"  --- and even with some sneering and obstruction.  What, we are asked, can possibly form the basis for all this new credit? 

Well, the base problem is always the value that we place on things, is it not?

How much is a man's life worth?  To him?  To his family?  And yet, how many lives have been lost due to lack of money?  Wasted in senseless wars?

How many lives have been truncated and limited by lack of money? --translated into lack of education, lack of opportunity, lack of access?

And what is "money" really, but a  "symbol of value"---that is, an idol?   Like a little carved wooden figure or an icon painting can be a symbol of saint? 

This is all arbitrary, all a game, a matter of digits and little pieces of metal  pretending to be meaningful, when all that is meaningful is here and now and alive in this moment.  The only ones that give value to anything are---- you. 

So what do you value?  A man or the image of a man?  A real strawberry, or a photo of one? 

Right now, The United States of America (Unincorporated) holds all the incorporated governments on Earth in debt to it and all those corporations formed as franchises under the auspices of these governments, too.

 All those gigantic, powerful corporations?  Owned by us.  All those powerful governments?  Owned by us.  All the comings and goings, the armies, the agencies, the traffic on the seas?  Owned by us.  Over 95% of all the incorporated entities were chartered right here under our (abused) delegated power.  So guess who controls the fate of all these corporations?

We are calling for a Jubilee and a transition in which the current debt system is forever changed---and while the bankers are sneering, at the end of the day, there is plenty of credit available to fund our plan, and it belongs to us. 

The only problem is that the bankers were all set up, ready, thinking that the actual government --- the sovereign level unincorporated government of The United States of America --- was never going to come forward and claim all those juicy corporate assets. 

They were ready to pull what they did before with our land assets, with the gold that FDR confiscated, and so much more---- bankrupt the shell, wait, and when the assets were left unclaimed, come forward and make a claim on abandonment as Secondary Creditors.

The banks used other people's assets every step of the way, and now those actual Priority Creditors are punching their own tickets.  What's the world coming to?  Crooks can't even be crooks anymore.

The other thing that we propose is the end of all human enslavement worldwide. An end to CUSIP bonds and surety bonds and much of the bond system as we now know it,  is necessary to put an end to the debt system.  So we will be retiring those bonds and the systems supporting them.  When people ask--- what will replace them?  Our answer is that there is no need for such a system. 

The dishonest banks and incorporated governments built up such a Slush Pile for themselves that there is no longer any need for anyone to ever pay taxes again, ever indenture themselves again, or ever stand as sureties again.  Simply re-investing what is already set aside in those mammoth pension and internal and external "government" investment accounts will generate more than enough income to pay for all governmental services and utilities from now on.

Imagine a world in which people are free of the burden of government?  A world in which they never have to pay taxes or utility bills again?  A world in which they are not saddled with the debts of others?  Where there is more than enough money to go around and more than enough jobs to do?  Where corporations are held accountable?  And where corporations pay for the cost of their own insurance? 

While you are at it, imagine turning the Earth back into a peaceful garden.  It can be done.  It's just a matter of what you value. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

UPDATE! Hillary Clinton is in for a HUGE SURPRISE - FINALLY!

Hillary Clinton Pedophile Tape
About to be Released!

Latest Update on Hillary Clinton's Investigation

Hillary Clinton FINALLY to be Tried and Sentenced
as Fearless Judge Orders for Her Arrest!

Latest Update on Hillary Clinton's Investigation

Latest Update on Hillary Clinton's Investigation

Dems Call for Disarming Americans




November 6 2017

Many will say they are politicizing the church mass shooting, but the truth is they are deluded enough to believe that gun control is the solution. 

('deluded' - a nicer way of describing their STUPIDITY and TREASON.  'gun control' is one of the main objectives of the communist traitors in this nation. Disarmament is a key objective to their ability to take over this nation easily and quickly, destroying all Americans aka 'dissenters' and 'patriots' possible in that process. Research Australia, Britain, Canada and Europe for what gun confiscation has done for the people - for those like you and me. This nation is THE ONE nation left to be destroyed via gun confiscation for the NWO agenda to be fully implemented worldwide and the mass extermination of humanity. Don't let it happen here.)

A church mass shooting is horrible, but calling for the end of the Second Amendment doesn’t make it better. 

The same people who criticize the police want them to have a monopoly on firearms. This won’t save lives.

Either the new gun control laws will be too small to make a difference or too large to enforce. But Democrats have a religious faith in political solutions, so they see a church mass shooting as an opportunity to evangelize.

The Hill reports, “Dems renew calls for gun control in wake of Texas church shooting.
Democrats are renewing their calls for gun reform after reports of a mass shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday.
Multiple people are dead after gunfire erupted at the church, which is not far outside San Antonio, according to reports.
Sens. Bob Casey Jr. (Pa.), Dick Durbin (Ill.) and Kamala Harris (Calif.) were among the Democrats who urged Congress to act in response to the latest deadly shooting.
“I’m thinking of and praying for all those impacted by the shooting in Texas. In addition to offering my prayers and thoughts I also believe Congress must take action on gun violence,” Casey wrote in two separate tweets.
"The shooter turned his gun on people -- kids -- in a place of worship. America is in the grips of a gun violence crisis. Congress must act," Durbin tweeted. 

(Do you 'get the picture' here folks?  MKUltra government/black ops programmed 'shooters' in recent years, then 'commit suicide' on themselves shooting themselves multiple times in the back of their own heads or there are MKU 'handlers' close by to shoot these 'bad guys' so they can't 'kill' any more people.)

Harris, a possible 2020 presidential contender, also condemned “senseless gun violence” after the shooting.

"Enough is enough," Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in a series of tweets. "Now is the time for commonsense gun violence prevention steps. Congressional complicity must end."

Sens. Dianne FeinsteinDianne Emiel FeinsteinFeinstein blasts 'immoral travesty' after immigration agents detain girl with cerebral palsyDem mega-donor Steyer runs ads calling on Hoyer to support impeaching TrumpTrump's tax plan and the certainty of Democratic resistance MORE (Calif.) and Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenOvernight Regulation: Trump declares opioids a public health emergency | Mark Kelly lobbied Scalise on guns | Warren rips plans to ease bank oversight | Coal industry advocate tapped for mining regulatorOvernight Finance: House adopts Senate budget, taking step to tax reform | GOP worries Trump feuds will endanger tax plan | Trump talks NAFTA withdrawal with senators | Treasury calls for looser oversight of insurersTrump's tax plan and the certainty of Democratic resistance MORE (Mass.) also joined their colleagues in condemning the lack of action.

“When will this end? When will we decide that we can’t accept massacres in our places of worship, schools or at concerts? When will we actually do something about it?" Feinstein wrote in a statement.

"Thoughts & prayers are not enough, GOP. We must end this violence. We must stop these tragedies. People are dying while you wait," Warren wrote in one tweet.

Sen. Chris MurphyChristopher (Chris) Scott MurphyDems to introduce bill barring Trump from preemptive strikes without Congress approvalJuan Williams: Trump's cynical sabotage of ObamaCareIn Congress, fears grow about lack of strategy on multiple battlefieldsMORE (D-Conn.), meanwhile, released a lengthy statement in which he called on his colleagues in Congress to hold themselves accountable.  Sen. Chris MurphyChristopher (Chris) Scott MurphyDems to introduce bill barring Trump from preemptive strikes without Congress approvalJuan Williams: Trump's cynical sabotage of ObamaCareIn Congress, fears grow about lack of strategy on multiple battlefieldsMORE (D-Conn.), meanwhile, released a lengthy statement in which he called on his colleagues in Congress to hold themselves accountable.

"Ask yourself – how can you claim that you respect human life while choosing fealty to weapons makers over support for measures favored by the vast majority of your constituents," Murphy wrote.

Witnesses said an armed man walked into the First Baptist Church around 11:30 a.m. and opened fire.
Police have not confirmed the official number of fatalities.

The local news station KSAT reported that the gunman was also killed. 

(For sure he WAS killed - imagine that?! Now he can't be deprogrammed and reveal who programmed him and where it was done.)

The attack comes more than a month after the nation's deadliest mass shooting in modern history, in which a gunman opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.

(People - don't you find this a bit interesting?  Have you noticed the increasing frequency of these mass shootings and the similarities of the circumstances?)
President Trump, who's embarking on a 12-day trip to Asia, tweeted shortly after reports of the shooting surfaced.  "May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI and law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan," Trump wrote.   — Updated 4:50 p.m. 


TX AG: ‘I would rather arm law-abiding citizens’ than Pass Gun Control Laws

It would be more practical to arm law-abiding citizens than pass additional gun control laws, Texas’ attorney general said Monday.
Speaking to Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade regarding the devastating massacre of dozens of parishioners inside a Baptist church in Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton rejected the left’s natural inclination to demonize firearms in the wake of the tragedy.

“There are laws against murder, and this guy violated the laws against murder,” Paxton stated. “So adding some other gun law would not, I don’t think, in any way change this guy’s behavior.”
On Sunday 26-year-old Devin Kelley opened fire on a First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, just southeast of San Antonio, leaving 26 dead and 20 injured.

Kelley had been court martialed in 2012 for abusing his wife and child, and was dishonorably discharged in 2014, which should have stopped him from being able to purchase firearms under current laws.
“It’s not clear to me that he wasn’t already prevented from having a gun, given his history in the military,” Paxton told Kilmeade, adding that an armed citizen had confronted the shooter and was likely responsible for preventing further carnage.

“What ultimately may have saved some lives is two people that were outside the church that actually had guns that may have slowed this guy down and actually pursued him,” noted Paxton.

The attorney general also asserted an armed citizenry would have a better effect on deterring criminals.

He added: “I would rather arm law-abiding citizens and make sure that they can prevent this from happening as opposed to trying to pass laws that would prevent law-abiding citizens from having guns.”

In an interview with Fox on Sunday, Paxton also defended gun rights as vital to preventing further bloodshed:

“As far as what we can do in the future, I mean, the only thing I know – because you can’t necessarily keep guns out of the hands of people who are going to violate the law – all I can say is that in Texas at least we have the opportunity to have concealed carry. And so if it’s a place where somebody has the ability to carry, there’s always the opportunity that gunman will be taken out before he has the opportunity to kill very many people.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott in May passed a bill reducing the cost of a concealed carry license from $140 to $40, while also cutting down license renewal fees.