(Rand McNally, Sperry-Rand,
Rand Corporation) Presumed back as un-named ascended master. He mentioned he meets with all ascended
masters and other planners daily.
Tank question:
For people involved in
humanitarian projects:
24 hour time period? Is everything still on track?
Not changed.
High level arrests taking
place now? What impact for humanitarian
Arrests are separate
event. Arrests have been going on for
years. Why taken so long? It is very intricate and detailed. Tens of thousands are being arrested. King pins and leaders are given the
opportunity to work with us.
Politely. They are told options
of what will happen for them. IE they
don’t go to jail. Or moved off planet. Work with us or x is their choice. Get planet cleaned up and get human race
going in right direction. Many are not
made that way and chosen to go down with ship.
Everything is happening before our eyes.
One of the biggest holdups is
getting these people out of the way so that our future will be safe. Rumors of FEMA camps and coffins, etc. are
real. They were made by them for us, and
now will be used for them if necessary.
Things are going on right now as we speak—all around the country at break-neck
speed. This has been a pea-in-the-shell
game with people focusing on small actions and not the bigger picture. The whole situation can’t be let out.
The danger in circulating real information is because someone
tells someone who tells someone and it becomes like a kids' game of telephone
where the end message is completely different.
So better not to tell until these events pass.
bad players have already been moved off the planet. Process is painstakingly detailed. We do not want not to get general population
in panic. This involves all countries
actually being now run by new, positive shadow governments but most people wouldn’t
believe it at this point even if told.
All 209 countries.
We will have
governments for the people—no income tax, etc. etc. This
is a shift for the psyche of the American people — all people everywhere -- HUGE
emotional shift from the past. A very
few people understand this. It is not
about the money but about people hurting.
The proper tool to use to FIX current conditions is currently
money. Some people will go crazy. (Money will disappear soon and all will be
credits for exchanging.)
People “hearing” this are the
leaders. There are not that many -- just a few thousand planet wide. All people are going to look to us for
guidance in massive numbers. We will be
the teacher — teach them how to fish, etc.
All along we will need to behave as if we don’t have money when we
actually do have the resources.
How to get human race out of
ignorance? Planet is dying. In 16th century earth’s oxygen
level was at 31%. It is currently
running at 18% in just 400 years. We each have skills we came with related to
our mission. Some are latent and just
now growing up and will be needed in the very near future. HOW do
we get the human race going in the right direction? The capability of distributing wealth will
take a long time in current channels. On
the other hand we will be given the opportunity to FLOOD quickly everyone with
wealth. Instead of corporations that are
always working for the bottom line this will disappear.
Crypto currencies are on the dark agenda’s approach. Crypto is same is fiat—not real and based on
greed—started by cabal mentality. When they want, they can simply turn the system off and
no one invested will have anything.
Wouldn’t we rather have something in our hands with stable, lasting buying
power? This why “real” money is what is
coming forth—backed by gold, world-wide, including regional currencies.
Big mega banks will no longer exist. We will create our own banks. No more federal reserve. There will be more “home town” banks in the
future. Eventually money and credit will
not exist. This will take a few
years because everything will be free
and instant. Now we are taking one step
at a time. These plans are already
designed to come forth — are engineered to come out when we can accept it. Jared says he has been studying and working with
this for 53 years.
He mentions he can feel
everyone’s energy regarding “when will be getting the funding”? He said it will not be announced like people
are currently expecting. Because we
haven’t got things in our bank account we have a bent perspective.
We need to make one last
positive push this night to usher this vehicle in from the Creator(s). It is our request to God that is ushering
this in. Pain will disappear. Scars will remain, but downdraft energies
will subside. (Senses anger from call listeners.)
We will have a flood of unlimited wealth. We must convince the populace that all we
need is available in abundance. Dark
agenda created fear-based limitation.
They knew this time would come.
The reality is that we already have abundance. As soon as we step into that mental space, we
will be ready to receive it.
Discussion occurred next as
to how people will learn about ETs having taken control of planet — too much
shock to expose to most at once. It is
currently coming softly through vehicles such as History Channel and movies.
If we want to get rid of the
monetary system on earth, this is the way to do it — flush with more than we could
ever spend. Liberated planets and
liberators are helping — lots of ET beings are helping with this system. Most other planets do not have/use anything
like money. The human race is about 30
million years behind most others in the galaxy due to the dark agendas that
were unknowingly/unwillingly imposed.
There are whole civilizations are
under/within earth, not in the
center. They are like huge caverns like
Garden of Eden. Always lit. They house millions of beings. They are vastly more evolved than us, look
much like us, and surface on occasion to check things out — even interact. Eventually/soon they will be helping
us — teaching us about new technologies, etc.
Everyone will get phenomenal
amounts of money. Every person. Funds have accumulated over several millions
of years. Lots of civilizations on earth
have tried to overcome the current dynamic and haven’t made it. We are
making it this time. We have turned this corner. Current human burden makes it appalling to be
here. Everyone should be wealthy, free,
living in joyful learning and creating. That
is our birthright. People of earth are
An industry that will go
through the roof will be body-guards and security for those who have the money to
dispense. Of course, it is best that
no one share the fact they have money so their work can be done somewhat
anonymously until everyone is brought up to speed. There will be a huge demand for body-guards
anyway. Every single human being has
purpose and a part to play in this evolutionary process. We are all related. We are all connected as one. All are from one source. All brothers and sisters. War is
now outlawed on planet earth. (Paris
Question was asked about
why the fear communication is still taking place:
Everything is happening in
front of us, really. All news is tainted
if not outright false. Dark agenda
understands that most people come home from work and watch TV so this has been a
primary tool for conditioning and brainwashing.
Media is owned by cabal for deception.
If they can get us to get mad/angry/confrontational, they LOVE it. They bathe in it. If they can get us to become broken, penniless, strike out at another, they love it.
They eat and feed off of it every single day. AS SOON AS WE EACH GET CLEAR, WE STOP PLAYING
Once the people are in fear, they are controllable
forever. This is more powerful than
(zero point energy) -- the power of our thoughts. They are afraid we will find
out who we are. They are afraid we are
too immature to “know” how to handle ourselves and will mess up the world and
the galaxy.
When we can’t wake others up, it
is because they are not ready. Not yet
their “time”. So few are currently
awake. Humanitarians educating
themselves are mostly awake. There
aren’t that many — yet. Awakening comes
first to those who are here to be humanitarians to help transform the planet
through this stage of development. If
our true intent is to help the human race, we are being engaged.
The reason this transition has been on and off so
frequently is there is such a huge dynamic to be considered.
Question: How much of the current dynamic shift on its
own vs. that which is completely our responsibility—such as switching over the
media, etc.?
For most people who have
tried to make changes in the current system, it is like walking into a space
that is a completely downdraft environment and, it is too much to fight it, so
they join it and function the best they can from within. At first they want to
change, but then get discouraged. The
structure is rotten at the core from misinformation. People don’t really know what is
happening. We are the ones who will have
the responsibility to talk to others and educate, and simply BUY out the other
organizations and take them over. It is
planetary wide. Buckminster Fuller: “Instead of trying to fix the old, create
something good and new and it will make the old obsolete.”
It will also be a similar
approach to a terminator coming into a home to rid the home of termites. In this case the cabal has become lazy and
arrogant, and we now have the upper hand because we are now aware and
understanding of their intentions, limitations, and moves. In other words we have come to understand
them better than they understand themselves, and have become educated without
their realizing our growing wisdom about them.
Not everything will be done or finished when we move forward, but the very bad players have been removed,
and there have been more than tens of thousands arrested or killed if necessary. We each have to determine what our
participation will be as we are guided by spiritual sources, and how to handle creating
the transition. We will need to involve the community at the soonest. Make offers to cities and counties to pay for
all the improvements. Money is why
our infrastructure, buildings, bridges, tunnels, etc. are in such bad shape.
Everyone wants to make the
changes but when push comes to shove not that many people have really prepared to
make them. The future leaders will be
those who have prepared to bring the rest of the population forward. There will be resistance to change. (I can feel/am experiencing the activists on
this call line who are committed to getting things done.) If we
can get 1% of the earth’s population squared a couple times a week at a
vibration frequency and putting this towards oceans and soil the transformation
will occur in days. (He was
suggesting that one common time when everyone would be praying for the same
thing at the same time.)
There are so many things
about to come forth that pain/sorrow/stress/anger will soon be eliminated and
we will be so thankful we were able to be here in physical form to experience the
shift. It is a wondrous time on this
planet and “they” don’t want this.
As things move forward, we
will be able to create anything we want to create. WE are all servants of humanity. We serve each other as our natural
state. This is what they have tried to
take away from us—implanting the idea that it is important to serve self with
various forms of entertainment, etc. Sports were designed to pit us “against”
each other and to create separation because they knew, if we joined forces, we
would be unstoppable in our power to defeat them—and easily. (Note the problems in NFL with diminishing
ratings.) Human’s true magic lies in our servitude. Soon we will not have to worry about poverty
or sickness any more so our joy will come solely from service to others.
Human race is a herd
mentality. Everybody wants to be
different but we are more alike than different.
This is why they created all the religions and wars. They have “fooled” humans into thinking we
need to kill each other. The dark agenda
is to turn men into women and women into men.
Men are feminized to curb their aggressiveness designed to protect and
Question: How and when full disclosure will happen?
Now. It is currently falling out of the sky so
fast most people can’t take it all in. Some even go into denial. But it is very blatant for those paying
attention There will be free learning
centers where people can go in and learn the history of the whole human race,
how it came to be that we became so controlled—why, when, where, etc. and they
will include information that will aid greatly in the transition. The centers are designed and have physical
facilities and trained staff at the ready as soon as the word comes out.
How many people have said “I
don’t belong here” or “I walk to a different drummer”, etc.? The truth is that none of us started on
earth. We are all from somewhere
else. Full disclosure will come out--perhaps
even Thanksgiving week with more to come in gushers of information. There is no other way to do it. If it was further spread out it won’t have
the needed impact for needed belief.
What is going on is that the
dark force is posing as our “boss” when they are actually our “employee”. (It took a few hundred years for them to pull
off this scam, but they are patient!) Mention
was made of Native Americans who were in sync with nature when “bad” white guys
came and began to destroy. Our “good” ancestors
in America beat the longest standing army in the world with simple pitchforks
and rifles and we won! That happened
because of determination and commitment.
Most of them were farmers. The
cabal’s goal was to squelch this spirit.
Will not be someone standing
on podium announcing disclosure, but we have to look for it. This allows everyone to “get it” at their own
Pharmaceutical companies need
to shift to being healing centers through new
technologies. We will need to bring these new
technologies forth in somewhat of a STEALTH MODE so as not to be stopped or sabotaged
. Things will take a little while
because there are still so many who want to continue the status quo. Free
energy is about to be announced in the next few days.
Re Med Bed: based on tachyon plasmatic particle energy
with controlled AI (computer). Sees all
muscles and organs in body—down to microbic level of blood and picks up all
imperfections. Cures anything in about 2
½ minutes (including growing new limbs) and missing parts and cures forever.
Where organ has been removed
or has stopped operating, process regenerates that organ as if it was never
removed. It can see the pattern that was left behind. Cures
cancer, Lou Garrick’s, Muscular dystrophy, Hodgkin’s-- all diseases. It also de-ages. Someone can elect to be a certain age and it
will create. However, thought will need
to be given to whether parents will want to become younger than their children,
The future will be totally
opposite of what we have lived previously.
All new technologies are ready now; it is just a matter of getting them distributed SAFELY.
Re: oil well in Gulf of Mexico: was bombed and is
still pumping 2-3M gal of oil into ocean since.
Whole ocean floor is fractured.
We have technology to heal this.
Prudo Bay, Valdese disaster in
1973. Oil is 6” thick at bottom and
still there. We have a 600M year old
dormant microbe can be brought back to eat up all the oil. Leaves behind nitrogen and oxygen. It is available right now today.
The most important way to
getting the word about the new
technologies out to people is networking with people who we trust. When installing a new device such as free
energy, tell people to be careful. The
people who will fight the new technologies are thos who will be afraid of
losing their jobs, in this case utility companies. We can set up a trust for these people and
employ them to do other jobs. The
power will be in soon be in the hands of funded humanitarians, and it will be
important to think quickly on our feet.
Question: Timing of funds receipt:
It’s time. Be very diligent.
Question: Bitterness around corporations and TBA
pay-out accounts. Mentions strawman accounts. They will be resurrected and restructured to heal
poverty and debt. It must be distributed
and needs to be calculated correctly and handled appropriately and will be
enacted. It was initially to serve cabal
participants (primarily government employees) and people going into this at
this point will have a very difficult making their way through it—strategically
and legally. Some people basically
jumped the gun to claim their funds before the system was ready, and this was
good for beginning to get information out to the public and let the PTB
understand it was time. It is actively
being worked on.
The way to make dramatic
announcements palatable will be to give difficult information along with money
and good news. People will first look at their personal wealth
then look at the bigger picture once their individual issues are taken care
of. People will have to take things one
sip at a time. It will be mind-boggling
for a lot of people. WE also can educate
people little by little. The first thing
people will do will be to take their lives back—shelter, vehicle, bank accounts
set up, etc.
There will be no taxation on income in the
future. . If we buy anything new the consumption tax
will be 15-20%. It will be automatically
subtracted=--built into the POP system.
No IRS forms. May be something
different for business—not discussed yet.
What about 501c3’s? (Tithing) Current infrastructure will change like day
and night. There won’t be “corporations”
but “organizations”. Non-profit options
were initially created to save taxes on humanitarian endeavors, but in the
future there will be no taxes.
Question re Med Bed: Consider the
de-aging, but think it through carefully.
Do you really want to be young again?
What if I want to be 30 again and a spouse wants to remain 85, or you
may de-age to be younger than your kids, etc.
There will be emotional dynamics.
Whole families may need to discuss together. But we will soon be able to travel and
relocate on other planets so there is wide-open adventure for those
interested. Game plan is to manufacture
and distribute Med Beds around the globe.
Veterans with missing limbs will be helped, but there is an emotional
aspect to this. Most have become
comfortable if not friendly with their disabilities. Each person will be able to decide whether
they want to remain here or not. What
will bring them gratification.
11,000 people are listening
to our call tonight. What if 150,000
were getting this information?
Everybody on this planet
needs “us” desperately. All who are
present on the call and involved in this better get their self esteem on board
because everyone who knows what is happening is truly needed at this time. All the challenges we have each experienced
were important for bringing us to this very time to help others. We
are a combination of Andromedan, Arterian, Syrian DNA—a melting pot of the best
of each of those civilizations. It was given to create us. We are launching as a new and powerful species in the universe, even
though this “experiment” was tried to be stopped by the “destroyer” races. The “builders” (us) and the “destroyers”
(them) are like yin and yang—both necessary and both important. This is why it is known that those of us who
have been judged as the “worst” of us (Hitler for instance) actually were the
most courageous souls ever, because they were strong enough and willing to come
into this space and play the role of the “bad” guy in this dimension. They were actually acting out of great love.
Third dimension is lots
different than 5th dimension into which we are quickly moving. We are not crystalline yet, but our systems will
be re-arranged to accommodate the new resonance. Not everyone will be ready or will adjust
easily. We are faced with a massive
undertaking to bring them into understanding.
Some will come; some will not; some will be miserable trying to figure
it out. The money will be nearly
meaningless compared to our real task of bringing forth the transition.
We will do this together and
will meet up with each other and build teams based specifically on what we are
here to do. We are really all steadfast
heroes to help all get from 3rd to 5th dimension. Our leadership test involved listening to the
“truth” (from a spiritual perspective) when those around us couldn’t hear
it. We are all chosen to work our tails
off for the rest of our lives. However,
this will not feel like work because it is why we came and it will be completely
joyful, even if it takes a lot of effort.
Question re timing of
Process is bleeding out right
now and ready to be verbalized. Meetings
have already begun, so if we have not yet been called our call will come very
soon. There are several thousand of us
to be set up through the new financial system and it is taking time, pure and
Question on source of
We were created on another planet
and shipped here in capsules. Atlantians
in charge of the project later abandoned us (the project). Ananoki started messing with us from that
point forward. The Ananoki put the problematic issues into the mix. This created the warring aggressive
gene. They are masterful
geneticists. 300,000 humans disappear
off the planet from the S alone every year.
They are captured and put into asteroid mining centers mining for
minerals mostly. Not stuff we think is
valuable. We did not come from planet
earth. That is why people for so many
generations feel so out of place. We are
just not comfortable in many situations.
We are genetic makeup from many civilizations.
We have off-world DNA which
is known to higher levels of those in dark agenda.
They create things to keep us
occupied. We were slaves of Ananaki –
slaves to mine gold for them, because they had ruined their own planet and
moved on to ours. Their plan was to ruin
ours and move on once again. They are
trying to survive. Gold dust which they
needed for their survival in the atmosphere.
They put in a drink called soma which was used to keep them young. Their planet took 3600 years to make one
orbit so their experience of time is much different than ours. One
of their years is 3600 of ours.
Niburu is Ananaki planet.
It is also sometimes also called planet X. When they were here they drank this drink to
keep themselves young. This is where the
name “fountain of youth” came from. This
is a very long conversation. We have
several DNAs in our makeup. Most
intelligent species are much like us with two arms and legs. Some taller, some shorter, some with
different colored skin. The new
information centers will have information on this for those who ask.
Majority of spaceship sightings
reported are reverse engineered made by us here. (Such as ones being currently reported near
Tampa.) Some are 100x300 miles in
size. Whole civilizations are living
inside. They are massive like this. Full disclosure will take a long time due to
the extensiveness of this.
Learning centers:
Learning centers will be
available for easy access to all, designed for all learning styles. Tactile, visual, sensory, etc. We go in and ask questions. They will direct us directly to the information
desired. Each individual will learn at
the level of their comprehension. Most
hi school students are currently at 3rd grade levels. College grads at 8th grade
comprehensive levels. Military people (good
guys with classified missions) have been moving around the country for about
six years to get ready for this. It is
good military. These centers are part of
NESARA. People will be taught
about the constitution and constitutional law.
All attorneys (bar is of bad guys) will become “lawyers” trained in
constitutional law as will current judges.
Humanitarians will have immediate access to retrained lawyers and
accountants immediately. In basic terms,
the constitution allows us to be completely free of the many laws that
currently impose on our freedoms (such as building a shed needs to be 10’ from
another shed), etc. etc.
Constitutionally we are actually free to do as we please as long as what
we do does not hurt or impinge upon another.
You can see that whole counties and cities employees will need to be
retrained. All school systems retrained.
Re next state of activity:
We will listen for (spiritual)
guidance coming in telepathically from guides such as guides, elders, ascended
master types, angels, etc.
Question about population
being upset about hearing the truth:
They will be able to handle
in their own time—just not given the opportunity yet. Most humans can accept quite a bit and are
very resilient. With assistance, love
and compassion, most will be able to adjust.
Cabal wanted to “save” the
planet by eliminating 90% of its people.
One way is to take people off planet and create new colonies. Earth is now at 7.8B and by 2020 we will be
at nearly 10B population. Many must
leave earth because earth can’t sustain.
Can only currently sustain 6B and we are now at nearly 8B. Over capacity on ecological level. This planet was designed as an “Eden” to be
eternally beautiful. We are tasked with
bringing it back.
Once the truth comes out
people will be more open to unknowns.
Then we move on.
Question re project
Money will be around for at
least 5-10 years, so we want to ask for whatever we might need for future
generations. We will want to have enough
time to assemble teams and begin work that is more universal in nature. Then money will be done. Exchanges will occur from love.
Participant who is Chiropractor
wants to be part of group to introduce Med Bed”
Send Dr. WC the request to meet with Mr.
Rand and will move forward from there.
I want to get a lot of
machines out. You are welcome with open arms.
St. Germaine said in 2014: “It is done.
Freedom has been achieved”. Then
he passed.
He passed and came back. He is 150% here in the flesh right now. I have met him several times. Also many of the other ascended masters. I talk with several of them every day. Freedom
of the human race from slavery to freedom is now full-blown. St. Germaine created the financial structure
that would mean freedom for the human race.
He invented all aspects of banking system on this planet which wasn’t
used the way it was designed to be used when the bad guys interveened. He is alive and well, and is here, along with
Quan Yen, Matraya, (2nd Buddha) and lots of movement and activity in
the flesh.
X Technology:
This technology can see
through walls. The inventor was killed
so technology could be hidden.
Question about Cuba:
Man wants to take care of
vets. (get a med bed). Then wants to go to his home country of Cuba. What will be the future of Cuba?: Free free free. Free country. Free people. Free enterprise. Expansion.
Infrastructure totally redone. No
more oppression. Poverty eliminated.
Motivation for great commerce interaction with the rest of the
planet. Rich and wonderful culture. Phenomenal people unduly treated. Will be
turned into the paradise it was meant to be.
They will have the financial aid and humanitarian help. The people there can decide how to make it
Re: Replicators:
Will eliminate the need for
lots of land to grow food. Soil, plants,
and trees are plasma. Replicators
manipulate plasma energy and turn it into anything you want. Can punch in “hot fudge sunday” and will be
right there. Boots to wear…. even
cars. No waste because it goes right
back into the machine to be re-replicated into something else. This is coming soon and will be handed out
all over the place. All people in a poor
village could have everything they want within a few minutes.
In China they sell 24 homes
made with a replicator in 24 hours. 2000
sq. ft homes.
We will be able to accomplish
a phenomenal amount and have a wonderful time constantly. Replicators will be available to us when the
Galactics decide we can handle it physically and emotionally. The beginning of this is 3D printers.
Re: Teleportation:
Available in fewer than 5
years. It is here but not yet in cities
here. This technology will also be
brought forth as soon as we are “ready” to handle it.
Question about humanitarian
The amount in question it is
a lot—most will be digital, not physical.
It is actually processed as a line of credit against the resources of
the world—mostly Africa—setting the stage for the discontinuation of money in
the future. Given how much funding is
actually available, a quadrillion is not a large amount.
Make deposits, act set up,
temporary debit card, counter checks (not for main account of course), letters
of credit, proof of funds documents, etc. get funds transferred/wired into
current/different trust accounts. Probably
best not to have over $500M per account for safety and security. Might want to talk with banker first if you
already have an account you will use so they can watch for it. The higher the amount the longer the payout
period—can negotiate both.
Question re earth changes:
Re: Niburu - We are not going
to be destroyed by Niburu (aka Planet X).
It has come and gone.
Yes, there will
be major geographical changes on the planet.
Shorelines gone.
Florida will be
not be there up to Panama City area.
The Mississippi River
will become wide: narrowest 3 miles, widest
25 miles wide and will go up into MI and great lakes. The great lakes will be combined as one body of
Been telling people since 1998
about land mass changes which are due to being a young planet. 70% of people are currently on or within 50
miles of shorelines. Water will slosh
around. Some earthquakes. Nothing fully catastrophic. NYC will not be around. Lots of changes.
The only coastal town that will survive will
be VA Beach. Gulf will increase. Jersey will all be flooded out. Florida gone. This is why China has built so
many mega sized ghost cities inland.
They are functioning now but nearly empty of people. They
have prepared for people to have a place to go from the coast.
Governments are being quiet
because they don’t want people to panic.
Desire of most evolved people and guides is that faith and natural
efforts towards getting self educated will naturally bring people away from the
coasts in time. Then we will have finances to rebuild areas that experienced
The ET dark agenda wanted
to destroy everything and we have now moved ourselves beyond that. Their agenda is to make things better by
destroying. Our part is creating. Like yin and yang. Their agenda is over and now a rebuilding
phase here now.
Niburu has come and
There are spheres in our
solar system that look like planets but are ships with whole civilizations
living in them. Most of the time they
are cloaked but sometimes they are not and
people pick them up. Some are
like the one seen in the movie Avatar.
We have been so enslaved from real information for so long. We could be out there exploring billions of
galaxies right now!
Re: Ananaki: some
were bad and some were good. They messed
up our planet. These were the ones who
enslaved us for mining gold. This is why
people here love gold so much today.
Every time a person awakens,
it is like a rose blooming to those galactic watching. It can’t be hurried.
Atlantis will rise and become
another continent and cause the water sloshing that will eliminate the current
shorelines. Tectonic plates under it
will shift to start the process. (200
miles out from CA and 2000 ft. deep there are two shorelines that have been
Lumeria was near Bali and
PI. Part of it was blown away in a crash
in the solar system. If we drained the
oceans we could see the damage. They can
use a scope to view this damage. Part of
Lumeria was blown away. After flooding people will have an option to go to inner earth
(not center planet but deep into planet.)
Hollowed out paradise in caverns that hold whole civilizations. We are related to them. They have made room for a lot of surface
population if things on surface get too hairy. That will happen. It will happen
shortly. We will soon meet them as they
come to the surface to meet us. They have been around a lot longer than we
In the future earth will be
like a big commerce center where different species can meet and interact—that will
come a little later. (Remember lots of
the disclosure has been depicted in the Sci Fi movies of past years.)
Agarthians and humans will interact. They will teach us about their technologies.
They have major cities of millions of population. Human race is actually the minority race on
earth. (We have been kind of left alone because we are so “messed up”. It is
our consistent determination to overcome our collective ills that has brought
in good ET help for us.)
intelligent life: Paladians, Arturians, Syrians, Andromadons …. a lot of species are here among
us. Agarthians are tall, muscular genetically
(men and women), a lot have white
hair. Eyes are larger. Features are finer than ours. Soft spoken.
Don’t’ eat meat. Very highly
advanced with telepathy. Not warring—not
interested in killing. Have a lot of
technology. Fly saucers. Aurora Borealis gives them their power at
their entrance point. It doesn’t get dark where they live in earth.
Interstellar travel used to
be common place. There are two gateways
on earth to Mars. Environment can be
breathed. The red is from camera
lenses. The vista there is beautiful
blue sky and sun. There was nuclear war
there about 3M years ago which messed it up.
They have been re-populating with vegetation for 10 years with pine trees. Known in certain circles as the “new
Colonies: earth, reptilian
(warring) non-warring reptilian colony and a couple more.
Venus has a breathable layer in its atmosphere. They live underground there because it is too
hot on the surface.
There are “people” on
Saturn, Jupiter and all planets.
Re: claiming our freedom: receiving humanitarian funding
to fix.
Now like a roto rooter has
gone down the pike ahead and cleaned it out.
WE have a financial waterfall gushing towards us as we speak. Kind of like Niagara Falls coming in. A tsunami.
Appointments will begin very soon.
Those who are watching will be in a position to go first. We are informed and have made project plans … lots
of over-achievers are in this group.
We will find we have actually have
prepared more than will be needed.
Planning, coordinating,
arranging, training, delegating, in all facets of this transition on a global
basis is an unbelievably large job.
Monumental. This is the eve of
the human race experiencing something spectacular. Cabal has been reduced to very feeble
This call is very, very
powerful in terms of its being a collective mindset of truth and pure intention. It has demonstrated to PTB the readiness of the humanitarian collective, and
helping move things along. There is much power in supporting truth and
positive vibrations through imagination.
What we “think” from a state of loving
presence produces the result.
Statements about being
kept down:
Fluoride in the water
calcifies the pineal gland which stops functioning by blocking the ability to
transcend. Water marketed for babies as
“pure” is heavy with fluoride which is actually a powerful poison. This way they keep us coming back again and
again as slaves. This will be corrected
by the Med Bed. Will activate third
Most of what we really do, we
do in other dimensions while we are sleeping.
(Refers to Comic book and movie Dr. Strange.)
Most of what we view here as
being real is the big LIE. Most of what
we can’t see is the TRUTH. This is why
the cabal is so smug. They think this is
all a really funny joke. (The movie
Santa Clause with Tim Allen is mentioned.)
The creative energy we have
on this call from our thoughts is so mind boggling and powerful and effective
most people would not believe it.
“We” are now being asked to
share what we have and “be” who we are with others. Those who have held back and been afraid of sharing
or releasing technologies out of fear should now do so, and with an eye about
being somewhat in stealth mode.
Those with funds access should never let people know
they have access to these funds or more mature focus can easily shift from the
good deed to an immature focus regarding the money involved.
Imagine what it will be like when the “loving”
people on earth are the ones who hold the wealth!!! (instead of the “bad” buys)
The ones with dark agendas
were offered the option to participate with us to save the earth and teach its
people. They were given several
opportunities and told the repercussions for not joining us would be either
imprisonment for life of death or moving their molecules off the planet as
their other option. At that point many
joined us and many chose death.
“said” they would join us with not real intention to do so, and have been
responsible for things like Las Vegas. They
are now being dealt with. Much has been completed now to prepare the way with
some final mop-ups. We won’t go in the
next two hours but very soon. It would
be a good idea for everyone to pray for the safety of all throughout this
There are still rogue
participants at lower levels on automatic pilot who are geared towards
disruption and destruction. They will
eventually be gone. It may take a couple
years to address this all at the lower levels.
In reality, tens of thousands of those at lower levels have turned
themselves in for amnesty. Example would
be school bus drivers who were told their families would be killed unless they
drove the busses of kids to the blood ceremonies and pedophile parties. This is all now done.
Question about the
It is the Roman Empire. It is not about Catholics but about the Pope
at the Vatican who has deceived the Catholics for so many years. The Vatican is the center of rulership for
the cabal and destructive forces on the planet.
(Secondary centers were Washington DC and London). Most of the secrets that have been held from
humanity have been stored in the basement of the Vatican. They have now been moved now to higher ground
for protection from potential flooding.
Vatican will be dissolved and dismantled. People will learn the truth. Pope has worshiped “Lucifer”. This will shatter a LOT of people very
deeply. It will come with FULL
Question about
90% of people alive today
have eaten human DNA. It has been hidden
in ground beef. Cargill is big
culprit. Went mostly to
restaurants. 300k children have met this
end after they were disposed of
following use as sex slaves and been murdered for sacrifice and blood
drinking. When they were done with them
they were put into holding rooms or coolers where they were held until
slaughtered. Disclosure will reveal that
popes have been drinking children’s blood for over 600 years. They believe this adds to their power,
alertness and intelligence. Now, the disclosure
gun is loaded and about to blast.
Kennedy was killed for
wanting to bring things into the open.
Jackie knew what was going on, so would have been killed which is why
she agreed to “marry” Onassis as he could afford to offer her the needed
protection for her life.
The Middle East has been
enslaved the most badly. America pretty
badly and not well thought of in other countries.
Question about future
There are 2-seater and
4-seater “scooters” in which you speak your destination and you appear there in
less than 15 minutes. They manipulate
gravitational force and “time jump”.
There will be cargo busses. They
were ready in 2010. The most difficult
part of bringing forth new inventions such as these will be that people aren’t
really ready to accept them as quickly as they might come available. In about 2 years we will likely have access
to instant space travel.
Question about our future
We are the ones chosen to be
their guides. There are a few more
planets that will need our help to bring about their transformation as earth
will have gone through. WE will be
ambassadors for this endeavor. They will
not have to deal with cabal forces, however, as we have completed that aspect
here and now. This was their last stand
and are now abolished from this part of the universe. Their mission was to destroy as ours is to
The human beings that have
gone to bat for their fellow humans have made a tremendous impact. So many people have given their all—many to
death—it is beyond comprehension. There
was no guarantee we would make it, but as we remained committed and passionate
and resilient throughout, more and more races came to our aid in support.
The resonance emanating from
this has made a tremendous impact on advanced “participants”, providing a
reading of readiness, energy, and updraft dynamic. What you ask for you get—more than you can
possibly imagine.
They are not yet totally shut
down due to a few rogue participants running on automatic pilot, but soon will
be—perhaps next 2-3 weeks.
Weather manipulation:
This is now under
control. They cannot manipulate weather
against us any longer. There is still
one rogue submarine with a tracking device that has been cleverly hidden so as
not to be detected, and Russia is currently closing in on its location.
They don’t know exactly where
it is. “Smarty” (nickname of scientist
on the call) stepped in to say they are close.
‘Retrace steps and you will find it’.
The order was given on the call. (It is worth noting that Russia, China and
the US are actually very good friends and allies behind the scenes. Have been for a long time. They are involved together in the secret
space program (SSP) that has deflected unfriendly warriors in space away from
earth successfully.)
Recap: This event is
thousands of times bigger, deeper and more intricate (and messy) than can be
revealed or understood by most. What we
have experienced as delays were little bumps in the road that needed to be
addressed—unexpected things due to creative cabal antics.
Sometimes Intel providers who
had real information but who were not cleared to release it did so anyway in
loyalty to their listeners, and when they did that the cabal heard it and took
the opportunity to attempt sabotage, so what was an actual planned date was
changed because of their premature and public enthusiasm.