By Anna Von Reitz
have been so many piteous outcries coming in from people who are
totally confused or partially befuddled that I have once again faced the
necessity of sitting down at my computer and.....
Step 1: Sit down and look at your "Birth Certificate" and understand what it is and how it functions.
has two basic functions. First, it is an Insurance Indemnity Receipt
which is required under the Lieber Code/Hague Conventions. They have to
give you an indemnity receipt for the property they are stealing from
you--- essentially an insurance policy guaranteeing that your property
won't be harmed as a result of their use of it.
makes you the "Subrogee" --- the Insured Party and Priority Creditor of
your own ESTATE holdings. This process of "registration" (as opposed
to "recording") creates a separate PERSON named after your Given Trade
Name, yet owned and operated by a franchise of the MUNICIPAL UNITED
STATES--- the separate government of Washington, DC, operated as an
international city-state by the members o Congress.
you get your BC "Authenticated" by the United States of America State
Department you find out for sure which federal corporation is issuing
the BIRTH CERTIFICATE you have been issued. In most cases it will be a
STATE OF STATE, like THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, but in some cases will be a
federal department, such as THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
the Birth Certificate is a Bond---literally. It is a bond issued
against the value of the ESTATE (or more recently, Public Transmitting
Utility) assets that belong to you. A bond is an I.O.U. --- a promise
to pay under stipulated conditions. You have the certificate proving
that you are the actual owner of the assets being bonded, but until and
unless you claim your exemption from their system of things, the benefit
of the bond goes to the STATE OF STATE or DEPARTMENT that is insuring
your purloined property against loss or damage.
Now notice a couple other things about your Birth Certificate that prove that what I am telling you is true.
There are two prominent dates displayed on the certificate. One is
your actual birth day. The other is the "File Date" when the PERSON (a
corporate municipal franchise) was created and replaced you as the
beneficiary of your own assets. So you, the living man or woman, have a
birth day--- and the corporate franchise "PERSON" named after you has a
birth date which is always a few days or weeks after your birth day.
In effect, the BIRTH CERTIFICATE records the "death" of your claim to
own your own estate and Trade Name, and the "birth" of the federal
PERSON's claim upon your assets. You are always the
Holder-in-Due-Course, the Party having the first claim (first in line,
first in time) to the Trade Name and Estate, but if you don't claim it,
or know how to claim it, you are out of luck and disinherited.
The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is signed by the Registrar -- an Officer of the
Probate Court, which proves that your estate was probated. The living
American state national, for example, the Minnesotan named William Bales
Jensen, was taken off the title of his natural estate and his natural
nationality and political status was changed to that of "WILLIAM BALES
JENSEN" ---a federal Municipal franchise corporation and "citizen of the
United States"---- that is, a citizen under the Diversity Clause of the
old Federal Code which allows corporations to be citizens..
The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is issued on bond paper, giving you "silent
Notice" that the assets named on the face of the document --- your
unlawfully converted estate assets including the copyright to your Trade
Name, your land, your labor, everything that you could ever own--- has
been seized upon and bonded by the organization issuing the
The process of false probate just described results in the unlawful
conversion of your name and estate assets, makes you a "US citizen"
instead of an "American state national", removes you from the
jurisdiction of the land and deprives you of your constitutional
protections, makes you indebted and obligated to pay the bills of
foreign corporations, and otherwise plays havoc with you and your entire
This is done without your knowledge or consent, without your parent's
knowledge or consent, and the people doing this to you are on your
payroll, supposed to be rendering you Good Faith service the whole
while. Because you don't know that this is being done to you and that
these false claims against you are being made, you have no opportunity
to object to them, much less delve through it to rebut all these lies
and claim your exemption and exercise your indemnity.
Now a few further notes:
many years the vermin seized upon your Given Christian Trade Name, just
as you were taught to print it in First Grade with a first name, middle
name, and last name all written in Upper and Lower Case like this: John
Michael Doe.
federal franchise was structured as a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust
operated under the same name written in all capital letters: JOHN
recently, the vermin have tried to change their stripes and instead of
creating their fictional PERSONS as Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trusts, they
have been creating Public Transmitting Utility franchises named after
you. How can you tell the difference?
ESTATE trusts are all named with the full first, middle, and last names
appearing in all capital letters: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. The PUBLIC
TRANSMITTING UTILITIES all appear with only a Middle Initial, but still
in all capital letters: JOHN M. DOE.
note that any name in any style that uses only a Middle Initial is not a
legal name. It is meaningless and void for lack of specificity. Was
that John Michael Doe or John Mark Doe or John Marvin Doe or John
Maxwell Doe or.....or....or....
You can
always call the vermin on that, because lack of specificity destroys
the existence of any jurisdiction actual or fictional. A claim against
such a named entity can only stand if you just assume it is your name
and accept the charges without objection.
This technicality
is not the essence of the problem nor your strongest defense. This is
just to point out that what they are doing is blatantly, obviously,
on-the-face-of-it-illegal, and you don't need any rocket science to
prove that it is, nor any other cause to object. If you raise this
objection and they proceed against you, they are dead meat upon appeal
--- a fact that may not be known to you, but which is written in stone
above their heads: if you don't properly identify the parties, you have
no claim.
that you know what the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is and what its functions
are, it will make more sense to you that you need to get it verified as a
genuine document ---and this is where the process of authentication
comes in.
Why "authentication" and why not an "apostile" nor a "certification"?
that are signers on the Hague Conventions use apostiles to verify
genuine documents passing between themselves. Countries that are not
part of the Hague Conventions use authentication for the same purpose.
Certification is an "in-house" domestic equivalent of a guarantee and
isn't strong enough for international use.
The United States of America never signed the Hague Conventions. The United States did.
a result, documents issued by or pertaining to The United States of
America and its international functions have to be "authenticated" while
documents issued by or pertaining to the United States have to
"apostiled". Both processes serve the same purpose of verifying the
record and the paper.
you act as an American state national you are acting under the auspices
of The United States of America, so when you are ready to reclaim your
assets and exercise your exemptions, you use documents that are
you were an actual federal employee or dependent and acting under the
auspices of the United States, Inc. as a franchise of the Municipal
government or as a citizen of the Territorial government (either one)
you would use documents that are apostiled.
that is the reason why you go through the turkey trot of getting your
records officially verified and why you need to do this correctly.
recommend getting at least two if not three copies of your Birth
Certificate ordered from the Vital Statistics people. Keep one and send
two to the State Secretary of State and ask for an "authentication" to
do business in Indonesia--- a non-Hague Convention country. They will
add a cover sheet, signature, and seal guaranteeing that the attached BC
is genuine.
take the state-authenticated documents and send them to the United
States of America Secretary of State's Office in DC and request the same
service --- authentication of the BC for use in Indonesia.
authentication requires a small fee. At the end of the day, you get
back a three page document --- the original BC you got from Vital
Statistics, the State Secretary of State's cover page, and on top of
that, a yellow, heavy-weight cover page from the USA Secretary of
State's Office.
yellow page verifies the authenticity of the State Secretary of State's
guarantee and it tells you explicitly which federal entity--STATE OF
STATE franchise or DEPARTMENT--- issued the indemnity receipt and is
responsible for guaranteeing your exemption from all this rot.
finally, you have the proof in your hand of what has been done to you,
who did it, and who is liable for it. You have the lawn mower, and now
all you need is the gas.
See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here: