submitted for publication by Anonymous 2 of the discussion which took place during
their Saturday morning breakfast meeting Dec 9th
Judas goat according to
A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. For the most part they have fallen out of use in recent times, but can still be found in various smaller slaughterhouses in some parts of the world. Cattle herders may use Judas steers to serve the same purpose as a Judas goat. The technique and the term originated from cattle drives in the United States in the 1800s. Today in our nation it appears the Judas goats are in full operation in the situation regarding the RV/GCR. They are also being used with various conservation projects such as the Bundy Ranch standoff and the North Dakota pipeline... In the past we have fallen for JUDAS goats involved with various business situations. In regard to the RV/GCR, we wanted so badly for our good guys to win, but after 8 years of waiting, watching the cabal hold our humanity saver in check-mate, we have finally given up. We have listened to every excuse imaginable over and over again and now we believe we are even more stupid than sheep because we keep falling for the same ole' cabal shittola put out by their Judas goats. Today it was confirmed that the expected proceeds from the RV/GCR exchanges have been assessed with taxes and other to be expected gimmicks and gags amounting to approximately 17%. We even heard again today that the Core payments still had not been paid and that the Chinese were still holding it up. Following is a list of the 'assessments' against the proceeds from the RV exchanges: ZIM - 1% to the Rothschild CABAL! How does THAT grab you? We are being required to finance the very enemy that we had hoped for and THOUGHT was being REMOVED. 2% to the U.S. - to keep the cabal rogue 'government' and traitors in operation? 11% GOES TO INFO-STRUCTURES OF THE WORLD (MOST PROBABLY CABAL/MUSLIM). WHO is in charge of those funds, and the projects and staffing? 2% CHINA (has already been receiving profits in the gad-zillions from platform trades using the GCR/RV monies) 1% GOES SOMEWHERE ELSE BUT DID NOT HEAR WHERE... OUR QUESTION IS: WHERE IS THIS CRAPPOLA ORIGINATING FROM? WHO are the people pushing for these assessments and what are THEY going to walk away with as a result?? THERE ARE TO BE NO 'TAXES' ON THE ONE-FOR-ONE CURRENCY EXCHANGES All the while the U.S. 'good military' are allowing the 'bad guys' ('bad military', NATO, the United Nations) to use space weapons against the people of our nation. Major fires have been started and inflamed, animals and people have been killed, the homes and property of the people have been destroyed. This is happening again right now in California. Imagine that you are living in Russia or China and the Cabal was sending chemtrail planes into your country to kill you and your leaders. Russia and China will have nothing of this, and are shooting down any and all chemtrail planes crossing in to their nations. WHY are these chemtrail planes allowed to spray our people, livestock, farm land and waters with these toxic chemicals? WHY is the military not shooting down all such planes in defense of our nation and people? THAT IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE DONE HERE.... A 'contract' made years ago allowing this illegal activity should NOT be legal today. The American people had no knowledge of this contract to kill us off. We never granted permission for our 'government' nor our 'military' to EVER agree to such. As a nation and as a people we have the RIGHT to DEFEND OURSELVES - PERIOD. China and Russia do NOT ALLOW this treasonous genocide to be committed against their nation, so WHY is it being allowed here in the united States?
As for the RV/GCR, day after day, week after week and month after month we continue to hear the excuses and fluff of the likes of Jared, Tank and others. Recently there has been BS such as 'Oh! Did you hear its happening in RENO BIG TIME right now?!' and the 'Admirals group completed their exchanges in Reno last week and they are all hydrated'. This and more only to have more reports that NO - the Admirals group did NOT exchange nor did they get hydrated, and NO ONE has received any funds, and the core payments STILL are not paid, and the old man has to fly to Hong Kong yet one more time to get papers signed, and on and on.
Folks, how much longer are you going to hang on to every word - which turns out to be a lie - yet another attempt by the RV/GCR Judas goats to keep you pacified while those in control wait to see how long you can be pacified by the lies and deception? And while they continue on with the illegal agenda against the people and our nation? |