Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Some  people left their car in the long-term parking at San Jose while away, and  someone broke into the car. Using the information on the car's  registration in the glove compartment, they drove the car to the  people's home in Pebble Beach and robbed it.  So I guess if we are going to leave the car in long-term parking, we  should NOT leave the registration/insurance cards in it, nor your remote  garage door opener. This gives us something to think about with all our  new electronic technology.  
2. GPS: 
Someone had their car broken into  while they were at a football game. Their car was parked on the  green which was adjacent to the football  stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the  car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had  been prominently mounted on the dashboard. When the victims got  home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just  about everything worth anything had been  stolen. The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house.  They then used the garage remote control  to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves  knew the owners were at the football  game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so  they
knew how much time they had to clean  out the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to  empty
 the house of its contents. Something  to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it.  Put a nearby address (like a store or  gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no  one else would know where you live if  your GPS were stolen. 
I  never thought of this! This lady has now changed her habit of how she  lists her names on her cell phone  after her handbag was  stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet,  etc., was stolen. Twenty minutes later when  she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened,  hubby says, "I received your text asking about our Pin number and I've  replied a little while ago." When they  rushed down to the  bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The  thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text  "hubby" in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20  minutes he had withdrawn all the money from  their bank account. 
Moral lesson: 
a. Do not disclose the relationship  between you and the people in your contact list. Avoid using names  like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad,  Mom, etc.
b.. And very importantly, when  sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling  back.
c. Also, when you're being texted by friends or family to meet  them somewhere, be sure to call back to
  confirm that the message came from them. If  you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet  "family and friends" who text  you. 
A lady went grocery-shopping at a  local mall and left her purse sitting in the children's seat of the cart  while she reached something off a shelf/ Wait  till you read the WHOLE story! Her wallet was stolen, and she reported  it to the store personnel. After  returning home, she received a phone call from the Mall Security
to  say that they
 had her wallet and that although  there was no money in it, it did still hold her personal papers. She  immediately went to pick up her wallet, only to  be told by Mall Security that they had not called her. By the time she  returned home again, her house had been  broken into and burglarized. The thieves knew that by calling and saying  they were Mall Security, they could lure  her out of her house long enough for them to burglarize it. 
Even if this does not pertain to you,  please let your family and friends know so they don't get  caught in a scam

Donald Trump's Funniest Insults and Comebacks

Donald Trump's 
Funniest Insults and Comebacks


Q Says #SONGBIRD McCabe 
Hunted by FBISS

Majority of Americans Approved of Trump’s SOTU Speech

Polls Show a Majority of Americans Approved of Trump’s SOTU Speech, Most Tweets Ever

The numbers are in, and Democrats aren’t going to be happy about this. (Neither will the traitorous Republi-CONS for that matter.)

A majority of Americans approved of President Trump’s very first State of the Union speech. In fact, the numbers are unequivocal: it was a smashing success! Take a look at this CBS poll conducted last night:

From the report: “Three in four Americans who tuned in to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight (Jan 30th 9 PM EST) approved of the speech he gave. Just a quarter disapproved.”

That’s an incredible disparity. A president who can bring together 75% of Americans on something is truly a president who can lead.

And who wouldn’t have loved Trump’s speech? From highlighting Congressman Steve Scalise, the lawmaker who survived multiple gunshot wounds over the summer, to paying special recognition to a little boy who started an initiative to decorate the graves of veterans, there were many highlights during the big speech.

But one of the biggest high points during the address didn’t happen during Trump’s remarks. It happened online, where the President just shattered another record.

Trump’s SOTU speech was the most tweeted about SOTU speech in American history. Twitter even verified that fact:

With 4.5M Tweets, @POTUS' speech tonight was the most Tweeted or address, surpassing the previous record of 3M.

How very fitting! A president who used the social media platform to bypass the (rogue traitorous bought and paid for by the enemy) mainstream media just made history on the very same platform.

Could you imagine Hillary Clinton trying to use Twitter effectively? I can’t!  (Couldn't even get a decent turnout at her campaign stops.)

Overall, last night was a huge success for President Trump. The only people who don’t think so are bitter losers. (Did you notice the long faces of Pelosi, Schumer and other demo-RATS?)

Be sure to let us know what you thought about President Trump’s first State of the Union speech below:

Poll: How Good Was Trump's First State of the Union?

Share this story

It is really very frustrating how anyone could give a negative report on the speech or on President Trump!    What in heck do these ignorant 'voters' want from the President?  MORE theft from the people?  Increased taxes on their pay and property?  More selling of the nation's defense to our enemies?  MORE human trafficking? MORE rape, murder and sacrificing of children to the demon g-d baal/satan?  More of the criminals of other nations brought in to our nation to commit their crimes in our land?  Wide open borders for the nutcase criminal illegals to freely cross the US borders to commit their heinous crimes on Americans? And more unlawful/illegal manipulation of America's voting for public offices?  Demo-RATS and some Republi-CONs in CON-gress have proven to be TRAITORS to this nation.  BOTH have occupied their chairs in government for far too long - it is past time to arrest them and serve them justice on behalf of the American people.  These idiots must be eating, drinking or sniffing something that has pickled what is left of their 'brains' - 'left' - got that?

Are McCabe, Rosenstein and Comey guilty of something?


By V Saxena
January 25, 2018 at 11:39am

A startling report published this week revealed that the mysterious memo, which some congressional Republicans claim contains proof that the Obama administration spied on the election campaign of President Donald Trump, specifically lists the names of three top-level current and former FBI officials.

According to The Daily Beast, the memo “names FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein along with former FBI Director James Comey.”

What’s particularly noteworthy about this is that McCabe, Rosenstein and Comey have all previously been accused of wrongdoing and/or anti-Trump animus.

After the president dismissed Comey last May over his mishandling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server, Comey released a batch of “private memos” he had written while still at the FBI to the media.

The memos detailed the contents of his personal conversations with the president and also reportedly contained classified information as well.

Ever since this feud broke last spring, Comey has made it very clear publicly that he dislikes the president. Just last month he took the following shot at the president after Trump’s former national security advisor, Michael Flynn, admitted to having lied to the FBI, as reported then by The Daily Wire.

To be fair, the president has been equally critical of Comey, though some would argue deservedly so. He’s likewise been vocal about his dislike of McCabe who oversaw the investigation into Clinton despite his disturbing ties to the former secretary of state.

A political action committee formed by former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat with close ties to the Clinton family, donated significant money to the 2015 state Senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, as reported by the Conservative Tribune.

McCabe later helped oversee the investigation into Clinton — a fact Trump rather dislikes:

Regarding Rosenstein, last month Rep. Devin Nunes, the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, announced that he could hold both him and FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt for withholding crucial information regarding special counsel Robert Mueller’s decision over the summer to reassign two individuals.

Those individuals, investigator Peter Strzok and attorney Lisa Page, were reassigned elsewhere after Mueller learned that they had during the 2016 election exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Clinton text messages.

“By hiding from Congress, and from the American people, documented political bias by a key FBI head investigator for both the Russia collusion probe and the Clinton email investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to thwart Congress’ constitutional oversight responsibility,” Nunes said in a statement.

Dovetailing back to The Daily Beast’s astonishing revelation, it seems both odd and perhaps telling that this mysterious memo — whose release every single anti-Trump Democrat has fervently been trying to prevent — lists McCabe, Rosenstein and Comey by name.

What does this mean? We don’t know and won’t know until the memo is finally released. Speaking of which, #ReleaseTheMemo!

It's Happening!! AFTER the State of the Union ...........

Nancy Pelosi spoke with CNN's Chris Cuomo
It was hilarious. Chris actually acted like a real journalist for a change, too!
Mike Dice
Jan 30, 2018

This Is What Fear Looks Like! 
Pelosi Melts Down Over #ReleaseTheMemo

Alex Jones
Jan 30, 2018

CNN Admits The Memo Is Devastating

Jan 30, 2018

Trump on hot mic says he will '100 percent' release Devin Nunes memo

RICO Busters #23 - Money Behind Spy Enabling Technology


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Andrew McCabe Arrested!


Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb 
January 30 2018

Tom Heneghan goes over all his latest information including news on the house arrest of Andrew McCabe by the US Marshall!   McCabe is in a lot of serious trouble now for his coverup of the Boston Bombing!   McCabe is completely fingered now covering up the real bombers.  The FBI and Homeland Security are involved in covering up the truth in this attack!  This is TREASON by McCabe.  The FBI wouldn't even share any of their information with the terrorism group in the Boston police!  There were also threats against Trump and his family from people within the FBI.  


Maxine Walters - ha ha ha ha ha ha! stupid is as stupid does!!!!

Jan 30, 2018
Why not in her neighborhood?

It Hits The Fan! FBI Director Christopher Wray Reads FISA Abuse Memo On Sunday And Suddenly Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Gone The Next Day

- Is Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Next?

(McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein - Note the almost "programmed" facial expressions)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

As news spreads that the House Intelligence Committee is reportedly going to vote Monday evening to release the much talked about FISA abuse memo, that purportedly names FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former FBI director James Comey, we learn that current FBI Director Christopher Wray visited the Capitol on Sunday to review the memo.

Lo and behold, immediately after Wray saw the document, it is reported that by Monday FBI Deputy Director McCabe  has stepped down, effective immediately. McCabe had previously announced he would be stepping down in March, meaning this was not scheduled to occur on Monday, January 29th, suggesting that after reading the FISA abuse memo, Wray, who had reportedly balked at removing McCabe prior to seeing the memo, had a change of heart.

The memo purports to show abuses at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI, and given the fact that it took less than a day after FBI Director saw the four-page memo, to see McCabe early leave, indicates the malfeasance documented within the memo is as "explosive," and "jaw-dropping" as House members have been asserting since January 18th when the House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to allow the full 435 members of congress to access the classified memo.

According to Rep. Trey Gowdy who has seen not only the memo, but is one of the few members of congress that has seen all the underlying documentation to support the assertions in the memo, "If you … want to know whether or not the dossier was used in court proceedings, whether or not it was vetted before it was used. … If you are interested in who paid for the dossier … then, yes, you'll want the memo to come out,” Gowdy told “Fox News Sunday." (Source - Fox News)

One of the first concerns of mine upon learning of McCabe's exit was that the FBI Director would lose "control" of the embattled now-former Deputy FBI Director, but upon further research we learn that while he is leaving, and will no longer have the ability to taint, or otherwise do any damage within the agency, he will be on "terminal leave," meaning still on payroll, which some might not appreciate, but it does prevent him from turning "rogue" to the point where he can deliberately do damage via press leaks about classified, or push anti-Trump propaganda.

This begs the question of whether he will be allowed to stay on payroll until he is eligible to retire with his pension, or if this is a way to keep him under control until charges can be brought, before March 2018. We will be keeping a close eye on that concern throughout the next weeks.

Prior reporting shows that former FBI Director James Comey, who is also purportedly highlighted in the FISA abuse memo, has retained counsel, which is coincidentally the same person, Columbia University Professor Daniel Richman, he admitted to "leaking" his memos allegedly written after his meetings with President Trump, for the sole purpose of getting it leaked to the press to prompt a special counsel to be named for the Russia probe.



The last name "leaked" to the Daily Beast that is supposedly specifically mentioned in the House Intelligence Committee FISA abuse memo is Rod Rosenstein, and here is where things get dicey. Rosenstein is the Deputy AG, and is also the same man that appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel in the Russia collusion probe. New reports show that Rosenstein is also the person that signed off on on the FISA application to extend surveillance on Trump campaign team member Carter Page.

In the classified memo that has become the object of a #ReleaseTheMemo campaign, it is reportedly bullet points, gathered from classified documentation that shows the discredited and unverified, Kremlin sourced Steele dossier, that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, was used to obtain the original FISA court approval to surveil Trump campaign members.

Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation on the advice of the Ethics division, that leaves Rosenstein responsible for oversight on Robert Mueller's investigation, so if he is compromised, there are limited options as to what moves need to be taken to prevent his association with an investigation.

Option One: Sessions removes Rosenstein and replaces him with someone else, that person would then need to get caught up as well as unraveling the mess as to what Mueller investigation evidence is tainted under the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree doctrine, because if any of it was compiled from a FISA warrant that was obtained under false pretenses, than all information gathered using said warrant and surveillance is thereby tainted.

Option Two: Sessions un-recuses himself so that he can provide adequate oversight into the Mueller investigation, which would set off howls from the left and Democrats about "obstruction" of the Russia investigation.

Option Three: Remove Rosenstein, replace him, then remove Mueller and name another special counsel, since Mueller's association and long-standing friendship with Comey provides the grounds to remove because of conflict of interest.

It is noteworthy that after months of the Mueller investigation, with the key mandate to investigate whether there was any collusion between the Trump campaign team and Russia, not only has no evidence of collusion been found, but the four indictments from Mueller to date have been "process crimes," completely unrelated to any collusion narrative. Two were lying to the FBI and the other two were charged with issues completely unrelated to the Trump campaign.

The point here is that AG Sessions has a Rosenstein problem, which is about to become very public when the House Intelligence Committee releases the four-page memo to the general public, and Sessions is going to have to decide what to do with Rosenstein given the "perception" that Rosenstein has been compromised by his approval of the FISA extension, (among other issues) on Carter Page, when it is being asserted that the original FISA warrant was obtained using information that had not, and still has not, been verified.


While many are talking about McCabe suddenly stepping down, effective immediately, the fact that he is doing so just one day after FBI Director Wray accessed the four-page House Intelligence Committee's FISA abuse memo, suggests that the information contained within the memo implicates McCabe in the FISA abuses.

Also note that McCabe was also highlighted by the Senate Judiciary Committee document demand, where they are requesting "all communications to, from, copying, or relating to," 40 individuals or groups, from March 2016 through January 2017, from The Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary for America (HFA), Former DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile, HFA Chair John Podesta, and HFA Chief Strategist Joel Benenson.

It is hitting the fan ladies and gentleman and this is just the beginning.....

Robert Mueller’s Heading to Prison

BREAKING NEWS OUT OF DC: Robert Mueller’s Heading to Prison — They Found It!

It looks like Robert Mueller and all the top brass at the FBI are going to be standing in the unemployment line real soon! But that’s only if they aren’t sitting in a federal prison cell first…

A classified House Intelligence Committee memo viewed by Republican lawmakers on Thursday has been described as “shocking” and “explosive” by the congressmen who read it.

The memo reportedly contains information about the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as the infamous Trump-Russia dossier.

Sources who have seen the memo have said that “they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates.”

An unnamed congressional member also told Fox News, “We will probably get this stuff released by the end of the month.”

Check it out, per Fox News:

A number of other Republican lawmakers sounded off about the contents of the classified intelligence memo.

Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry told Fox News, “You think about, ‘is this happening in America or is this the KGB?’ That’s how alarming it is.”

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said, “I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice.”

Gaetz also issued a statement on his congressional website Thursday calling for the document to be released to the public, writing, “The House must immediately make public the memo prepared by the Intelligence Committee regarding the FBI and the Department of Justice. The facts contained in this memo are jaw-dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy.”

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows told Fox News, “It’s troubling. It is shocking. Part of me wishes that I didn’t read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

It was only a matter of time before Hillary Clinton and her minions at the FBI and DOJ got caught in the sticky web they wove themselves. Their intention, which is now obvious, was to discredit or impeach the President. That much we know…

It’s perfect poetic justice that “Crooked” Hillary would unwittingly become the architect of her own demise… and take down Robert Mueller and James Comey in the process.

One More Time S-L-O-W-L-Y

By Anna Von Reitz

1. You begin your life as "one of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States"---- a Virginian, Minnesotan, Texan, etc.... 

2. While still a baby in your cradle, "uniformed officers" conscripted into the U.S. Army --- who appear to be civilian doctors, improperly seize upon your name and estate and coerce your Mother to sign a False Information to the effect that you are a "US citizen"--- the same political status you would have if you were a Puerto Rican, born in Puerto Rico or one of the other Insular Territories, like Guam.  
3. This status as a "Territorial Citizen" obligates you to serve the government and obey its every whim, to be defined as a "taxpayer" and subjected to Selective Service, and to need a license---which is official permission to do something that is otherwise illegal--- like getting married or traveling in your car from Point A to Point B. It also subjects you to the foreign British Equity Law and Territorial Court System, which is rigged against you so that British-affiliated Bar Association members can rule against you 97% of the time via the abundant use of their "judicial discretion". 
4. Throughout your life these vermin misinform you, either deliberately or in ignorance themselves, and tell you that you "have to" have a Social Security Number, you "have to" have a Driver License, you "have to" have a Marriage License, and you obediently do what you are told. Every time you do, you again unwittingly confirm that you are a "US Citizen" and effectively bear False Witness against yourself and against your own interests, just to get along and survive in this ugly horror show world they have created. 
5. Here is the first take home message, campers!  You are NOT a "citizen" of anything.  Citizens serve the government.  Nationals have the government serve them.  So which one are you?  Uh....duh....are you paying them or are they paying you?  And if they are paying you, what is that payment based upon, if not your own hard work and years of paying taxes you never actually owed? 
6. So in effect, you have been kidnapped and trafficked into a United States Territory, and never told about this change in your official political status. You've been subjected to the Queen of England and the debts of the British Crown Corporation and if you woke up enough to complain they slammed you into one of their very own rigged courts where they could rape and pillage you and your name and your estate some more.  
7.  But how could this be?  How could this happen?  How could nobody know about this?  Well, they never told your Mother, and you were too young to know anything about it when it happened, so why would you have any inkling that this is so?  You couldn't know.  You couldn't even complain about it.  And the dirty rotten vermin planned it that way.  
8. So here you are, transported on paper, to Puerto Rico....without a clue and without a paddle to get home, stuck in THEIR foreign political status, subjected to THEIR foreign law, stuck paying THEIR foreign taxes, suffering through THEIR foreign bankruptcies, and living in THEIR "territorial" reality.  And this is all being done to you by what appears to be your government, but it's not.  It's THEIR government, which is supposed to be acting under a contract called The Constitution of the United States of America to protect you and your rights..... 
9. So how do they get around their contractual obligation to honor and serve, and instead pillage and plunder?  They just pretend not to know that you are an American from one of the American nation-states.  After all, your Mother said you were a "U.S. Citizen"---- she just didn't know which "U.S." they were talking about and wasn't told, either.  And then you came along like a good little dweeb and signed up for Social Security, and everyone knows---- Title 42 plainly states-- that this program is only for federal employees and dependents and political asylum seekers.  Well, then!  You must have sought political asylum, right?  In Puerto Rico, no less.  I hear the climate is nice there. 
10.  Who knew?  The Gubmint knew.  The black-hearted, treacherous cheats in Washington, DC---they knew. That's how they were getting all the gravy. The Joint Chiefs of Staff--- they knew.  That's how they paid for their newest whiz-bang jet fighters and germ warfare programs and everything else.  The Clintons, Billy and Hillary, and Jimmy and Ronnie and both Georges and Mr. Obummer--- they all knew.  Everyone on THEIR side of the fence knew and they used to laugh at you poor idiots stumbling around, still thinking that you were living in America.  They called you "sovereign citizens"--- a deliberate oxymoron, and thought you were too stupid to ever get the joke.  They called you "livestock" and treated you that way, too. 
11. And if you are NOT mad enough to spit, if you are not angry to the core, if you are NOT ready to get on your feet, then you still aren't getting the drift of what has been done here.  Go back to the top and read slowly again, remembering that these are people on your payroll doing this to you and your sons and daughters. 
12. But, you say, they are Americans, too.  How could this be?  Surely, they wouldn't subject themselves to all these things?  They wouldn't live like slaves at the mercy of their own employees?  Of course, not.  They had to leave themselves an out, didn't they?  Well, here it is, black and white, the Foreign Sovereigns Immunity Act of 1976.  You, my dears, are all "foreign sovereigns"--- from THEIR perspective.  Oh, they admit that you are in fact sovereign.  They can't avoid that.  They just pretend that you gave it all away and "volunteered" to be treated as a Puerto Rican and a debt slave and whatever else they wanted to say about you---while they privately retained all their own rights and prerogatives as lawful sovereigns on American soil.  You should see Bill Clinton's claim of copyright to his own name and estate.  He left nothing out.  Not as much as a comma.  
13.  So, if you are sovereign on American soil and you are owed the guarantees and protections of The Constitution of the United States of America, how is it that you are still being chased around by THEIR bill collectors?  Thought to be part of THEIR bankruptcy?  Harassed and addressed by THEIR courts?   Well, remember, all this bullshit is military.  Remember the sentry asking for the password?  And if you don't know the password he can shoot you?  Right?  It's the same thing. You have to give them MANDATORY NOTICE that you are exempt and immune, a Foreign Sovereign (with respect to them) per the Foreign Sovereigns Immunity Act of 1976. 
14. And then you start taking names and checking dates and you start holding these vermin feet first to the fire.  You start telling them the truth--- that they have no right to address you.  You should also form up your lawful County Jural Assemblies and elect your land and soil jurisdiction Sheriffs, set up your Jury Pools, elect your American Common Law Justices of the Peace.  Many of you have been asking--- if Hillary broke the law and endangered national security and Obama illegally spied on Donald Trump for political purposes----why are these crooks still walking around?  It's because they are claiming to be Foreign Sovereigns on American soil.  These lousy pirates have beat feet back home and sought the protection of the political status they have stolen from others. The only way to bring them to justice is for all of us to wake up and remember who we are. 
15. Now, most Americans are peaceful, even docile, people.  They want to live and let live, mind their own business, work hard and play hard.  Most Americans want and ask nothing much from the government, except to be left alone and maybe some pothole-filling duty. But THEY won't leave us alone because THEY want to steal from us.  THEY want to continue commandeering our lawful government.  THEY want to call the shots and rule over the rest of us.  THEY have their cozy little fraud machine and their bogus two party political system all set up.  THEY have their "corporate government" and their "corporate military" and THEY would just as soon forget all the old folks back home.  
16. It's time to jack them up.  Clear to the ceiling.  And all these Bar Association members?  It's time to tell them where to get off.  Way off.  Who do they think they are?  Who asked for the services of a British Court on American soil?  What country do they think they are in?  Is this really just Greater Puerto Rico?  Or is this about to become America again?  With a big, flat, heavy foot stomped down on the Queen of England and all her busy, little, perfidious minions?  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Tonight’s State of the Union 9 (M EST

From: The White House <>
Date: Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Previewing tonight’s State of the Union

Your 1600 Daily:
Previewing tonight’s State of the Union 
Tonight at 9 p.m. ET, President Donald J. Trump will deliver his first State of the Union Address before Congress. The speech will outline the record-setting accomplishments of his first year and lay out the Administration’s vision for the next 12 months: building a safe, strong, and proud America.

A few important issues that you’ll certainly hear about tonight:
  • Tax cuts and the economy: The biggest overhaul of the U.S. tax code in at least three decades is already fueling an economic boom.
  • Infrastructure: President Trump will outline a $1 trillion investment for a large-scale, fast rebuild of America’s depleted infrastructure.
  • Immigration: The President will explain his framework on immigration reform, including border security, DACA legalization, protecting the nuclear family, and replacing the visa lottery with a skills-based approach.
  • Trade: Building on the President’s address at Davos last week, America will insist on trade deals that are fair and reciprocal.
  • National security: America is returning to “peace through strength” in world affairs, making our stances clear to friends and enemies alike.

Watch the State of the Union Address live at 9 p.m. ET.
Bonus: See who President Trump and the First Lady invited to be tonight’s special guests.

The ‘denuking’ of North Korea 
President Trump joined members of the United Nations Security Council for a lunch meeting yesterday, discussing “a range of security challenges, including the denuking of North Korea.” He was accompanied by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly, and National Security Adviser Gen. H. R. McMaster.

“We’re leading on the global stage to renew this founding principle of sovereignty,” the President told reporters before lunch. “I think we’re taking the world along with us.”
The meeting also covered how to counter Iran’s destabilization efforts across the Middle East, put an end to the conflict in Syria, and confront terrorism the world over.

Read more from President Trump’s lunch with the UN Security Council.

Alex Azar sworn in as HHS secretary 
Alex Azar, former Deputy Secretary for Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush, was sworn in yesterday as the newest official member of President Trump’s Cabinet.

“It’s a very special day for me, because we’ve been looking for this day for a long time,” the President said. “I’m thrilled to be here to administer the Oath of Office to America’s new Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mr. Alex Azar.”

“As you heard from the President today,” Secretary Azar said, the solemn charge of this office “includes his personal direction to me that we have to tackle the scourge of the opiate crisis, and we will bring down prescription drug prices.”

Read more of what President Trump and Secretary Azar told Americans yesterday.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with newly sworn-in U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar and members of his family | January 29, 2018
(Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Eggs, Chairs Fly During Massive Brawl at NJ Denny's

Police are looking for the brawlers involved in a wild melee in a New Jersey Denny's over the weekend that sent chairs crashing into plates of pancakes and diners ducking for cover. 

It's not clear what spurred the fight early Saturday at the restaurant in Vineland, but social media users caught the fisticuffs on camera.

The footage shows more than a dozen people chucking chairs across the restaurant. Plates of unattended food get smashed and people scream as they take off in an attempt to avoid the debris.

The Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office called the fight "nonsensical behavior" in a Facebook post and added that it was planning to charge those involved with criminal mischief. 

Anyone with information on the fight should call 856-691-4111.