Saturday, February 3, 2018

Lies, Lies, and Liars

By Anna Von Reitz

As a follow-up to my further expose of Satanism -- the worship of The Father of All Lies--and the practices of his followers in the world we live in, please take note of this information in light of the release this morning of The Memo, which details who lied to you, how they lied to you, why they lied to you about Donald Trump in order to "influence" the election.  

1. Notice that what the perps accused Trump of doing --- using the Russians to influence an American election, is precisely what they were doing themselves.  The pot is calling the kettle black.  According to the liars, Trump was colluding with the Russians to influence the Presidential Election, but in fact, they were themselves ginning up a non-existent Russian connection to influence the election even after the fact.  Even though Trump won fair and square, they were counting on lies and help from their old buddies in Congress to get him impeached.  How's that for interfering in an election? 

2. And what a Big Lie it was--- this fake dossier cooked up by Christopher Steele (a British agent--- no surprises there, if you've read my new book) wasn't just your normal every day spy dossier of he-met-with-Ivan.G-in-a-bookstore-parking-lot and received an illegal million dollar contract to sell Chinese widgets in Hawaii, oh, no, this dossier was full of disgusting allegations about Russian whores and urine fetishes.  No doubt Mr. Steele has such a fetish---and its another case of the pot calling the kettle black.  You'd have to be twisted to even think of the things that were part of this so-called Russian dossier that was hatched by a Brit.  So yes, it was a classic Big Lie.  They told a really Big Whopper about Donald Trump and just kept repeating it and repeating it night and day through their "Media Circle" ---a nice name for embedded Propaganda Agents working in all the major mainstream media networks.  Notice that these mouthpieces for the DNC appear to be disinterested media professionals and they are already working for all the major networks, so it is an easy process for the perps to hand in a lead story to the press room and instantly their sycophants jump on the band wagon and start parroting: "News late today of a possible Russian connection between Donald Trump and....." 

3. They then used the Big Lie to justify other perversions of justice--- using it as the basis to request a FISA  warrant to wire tap and otherwise spy on an American, Donald Trump, and his campaign.  These people knew that the dossier was hokum.  They had cause to know it was pure bunk.  They nonetheless went before a judge, lied their rumps off, and proceeded to unleash an illegal and immoral spy op on Donald Trump and his campaign.  Hillary and her Boys at the FBI and DOJ were sitting in on every Trump Campaign strategy session, planning out how Hillary was going to counter every move the Trump Campaign made.  These are government employees on your payroll, actually and factually abusing police power and abusing the authority of their public offices, directly and materially interfering in and skewing a presidential election right in front of your faces.  Please notice that all of this is being accomplished via the use of what?  Lies. 

4. Notice also that the affect of the Big Lie was multiplied because confirmation of it was coming from people in positions of authority and respect---- the FBI and DOJ.  I wouldn't believe a Death Certificate issued by the Democratic Party, even if I had possession of the corpse, but the FBI and DOJ are supposed to be responsible, impartial and professional Third Parties.  What is an average American supposed to think?  No matter how outlandish the Big Lie, the normal response would be--- well, there must be something to it, if the FBI and DOJ are involved. Think of the abuse of power and authority as another amplifier for the Big Lie, similar to the Media Group jamming the airwaves--- only the purpose of the "Credible Witness" is to give the Big Lie a patina of credibility. 

5. What if, during Watergate, the FBI and DOJ had conspired to set up Bob Woodward as a Russian spy?  Well, here you have the FBI and DOJ colluding to set Donald Trump us as a Russian patsie and sexual pervert, and giving Christopher Steele Whistleblower protection.  Remember what I said about whistleblowers--- that you can't take them at face value?  Some are genuine and some are not?  Here's a grand example of someone appearing to blow the whistle on potentially dangerous "Russian connections" when this was really nothing but one of Satan's many minions doing what Satan does best--- telling lies. Also note that Steele "smelled his own hole first"--- another Hallmark of the Satanist tradition.   

6. There is a reason that Satan is called "The Father of All Lies".  When you catch someone lying, you know for sure that they are connected to the Source of All Lies.  If they are not knowingly and willingly worshiping Satan as a practicing Satanist, they are nonetheless worshiping him in fact by purposefully creating, repeating, and giving credibility to lies. Hillary, Huma, James Comey, Obama, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, the Ohrs, all these people -- are liars, purposeful, self-interested liars.  They concocted this whole story with malice aforethought to gain a political advantage. They purposefully lied to you, the American People, and they abused your trust in them and their public offices. That is the actual story--and the Truth--- coming out of all of this wasted time and energy and money. 

7. One of the greatest ills of this whole process of telling, spreading, and amplifying lies is that innocent people believe them, and they then repeat the cycle of telling, spreading, and amplifying lies--- lending their good names and credibility to garbage.  When someone tells you a lie and you believe them, you naturally make wrong assumptions based on those lies, you say wrong things, you take wrong actions--- and the people who love and respect you are misled by you in turn.  It's a domino effect that corrupts and degrades everyone in its path.  So if you believed any of this horse-hooey, and repeated it to anyone else, you inadvertently became an agent of corruption and tracked the poo around, dirtying your own good name and credibility in the process.  You have Hillary Clinton and Christopher Steele and James Comey and.......... to "thank" for this circumstance, and I hope that you let the entire Democratic Party Machine know how much you appreciate being set up and lied to and used to disseminate false information. 

8. When this story about Trump paying Russian whores to pee on his bed first came out, I guffawed and spit coffee through my nose, just as my Father sometimes did if I surprised him in mid-gulp.  I came up gasping--- "Not in a million years!  Trump is a hotel owner!"  It was an odd reprise of my reaction to 911 -- "Where's all this full-color Technicolor film footage coming from?"  Donald Trump has made his fortune in real estate and hotels and resorts.  Can you imagine how much he takes in losses every year from people doing stupid stuff to bed mattresses and linens?  I didn't need any multi-million dollar investigations to know that I'd just been fed a Big Lie.  Congressional Subcommittees didn't have to vote.  President Trump didn't have to release memos.  I knew it was a Whopper the moment I heard it.  If you didn't, you need to work on fine tuning your Shinola Sensor so you don't get fooled again. 

9. My final point for today--- the success of evil people in telling lies depends on large part on our gullibility and willingness to believe lies. We can overcome gullibility by training ourselves to look around the corner and be skeptical like Will Rodgers used to say--- "Don't take any wooden nickels!" --- and by checking our prejudices at the door.  A lot of people believed this whole preposterous story about Donald Trump and "the Russians" because they wanted to believe it.  They let themselves be led astray because they didn't like Donald Trump and/or they didn't like the Russians, and they allowed themselves to be pre-disposed to believe lies about them. This is another important common trick of the Satanists--- they play to your prejudices, always.  These people will play on your prejudice against egotistical, rich, white men just as easily as they will play on a prejudice against burly, poor, black men.  They could care less.  If you hold a prejudice toward anyone, it's like a chink in your own armor that makes you susceptible to believing lies and being Satan's little helper by spreading them.  So become aware of your own fears and prejudices and guard against them.  

If you want to stay aligned with the True God, if you want to save yourself the embarrassment and shame of carrying lies, if you want to do justice and be just--- then be diligent in your reasoning and sifting of facts, be aware of the tricks and methods of the Satanists who are very much alive and active in this world.  Hillary and her Gang just gave you a fine example of how they operate and what they do and how decent innocent people can be misled by these Tricksters to do great harm to themselves and to others. 

A few weeks ago I was having lunch with a young woman, the daughter of a friend.  She is a senior in college, bright and pretty, hard-working, a really good-hearted young woman who will be a prize mate and a good Mom and a strong force in the community in years to come. I like young people in general, and I have always had a soft-spot for her.  So I had cleared my schedule and invited her to lunch at a trendy organic restaurant I know she likes--- and can't afford--- and was sitting there playing my long-accustomed role as The Ear, just listening to what she had to say and looking for whatever opportunity there might be to help her. 

Imagine my horror to discover that she had swallowed The Kool-Aid?  She actually, earnestly, innocently believed all the Russian Connection bunk.  Now, my friend, her Mother, is an idealist and quite religious---- not a worldly woman at all.  She never went to college.  She couldn't debate the color of the sky. I should have known that she couldn't prepare her daughter to be the least bit skeptical about such authorities as the FBI and DOJ.  I shouldn't have been surprised to hear all the Trump-hating venom and repetition of the bed-wetting story coming from her innocent lips, but somehow I was.  

Like many college students today she has been taught endless facts and no small amount of liberal political theology along the way, but she hasn't been taught how to think for herself.  She hasn't been taught to reason her way carefully from Point A to Point Z.  If she has a Shinola Sensor, it has yet to be developed and honed. Gently, I told her I didn't believe the story about Trump being in bed with any Russians, literally or figuratively.  She looked astounded and deeply disappointed in me.  I was the first person in her circle to lift a hand and sound a note of caution, much less say I flat-out didn't believe the media, the FBI or the DOJ.  

I struggled for a moment trying to think of a way to joggle her own Shinola Sensor.  I observed a few things to her.  She thought about it.  And that was really my duty to her, to make her think more deeply and critically and fairly about the information she'd been fed and who was feeding it.  We parted friends. 

Now the infamous Memo has been released and it is obvious to even true dullards and True Believers that the DNC and Hillary and the Gang are self-interested liars. I am sure my young friend will blush in shame the next time she sees me.  She will probably stammer something about being sorry for spreading lies and saying all the evil things she said about the Russians and Trump.  She's that kind of young woman.  But my point to all of you is that it really isn't her fault.  She was lied to by people much older and more sophisticated, people occupying prestigious public offices, people she ought to have been able to trust.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Friday, February 2, 2018

Nancy Pelosi TERRIFIED

Nancy  Pelosi TERRIFIED  over  this  big  reveal  (she’s shaking!)

by Stephen Dietrich, Associate Publisher

What’s in the secret memo that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has asked President Donald Trump to release?

Conservatives say the memo details the clear bias inside the Federal Bureau of Investigation throughout the 2016 presidential election, and contains proof that top leaders of the organization targeted Trump’s campaign with improper wiring taping.

That is clearly not good for House Minority Whip Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic political allies — and Pelosi is freaking out over the memo’s pending release Friday. The California liberal spent all day Thursday demanding to anyone that would listen that Nunes should be fired for encouraging the memo to be released.

Pelosi is so desperate to silence the memo, she even tried — and failed — to get the hashtag “#RemoveNunes” trending on social media.

Thursday afternoon, Pelosi claimed the memo would only further fuel a right-wing conspiracy theory. At the same time, she said it contained facts that the public shouldn’t see —

Which is it: Fact filled, or a conspiracy theory?

According to Trump, Nunes’ memo allegedly details corruption at the highest law enforcement agency.

Pelosi claims that letting American voters know how deep the corruption goes is simply prioritizing short-term politics over long-term national security —

Wrong. Long-term national security is already at risk. 

According to Trump, federal investigators weren’t acting as impartial enforcers of justice during the 2016 presidential campaign.

If that’s true — if the FBI acted as biased, self-serving political hitmen — then the American people must know.

The wiretapping of political opponents at the behest of the ruling elite is something that should never happen in the United States of America. If it did happen, which the White House claims, then it’s a threat to the very core of America’s democracy.

Political bias inside our federal institutions is a detestable cancer that must be aggressively stamped out if our freedom is to survive.

Pelosi knows all of this, of course. The liberal lawmaker is a lot of things… but she’s not stupid.

It is important to note what Pelosi is protesting. She is not protesting against FBI corruption. Pelosi is not trying to defend America’s trust in our public institutions. She’s not trying to uphold the sanctity of our legal system.

Pelosi is upset because her and her political cronies are the benefactors of this undemocratic system. The ruling establishment, it seems, have corrupted our national security and turned it into a tool to maintain political power for themselves. Releasing these details to the American people is embarrassing to Pelosi and others because there’s risk to them.

But there’s something that will defeat Pelosi’s self-interest.


This corruption is a threat to the very sanctity of American democracy.

It must be rooted out and destroyed.

Nunes’ memo’s release is critical in the defense of our republic. Friday, we take that first step.

Stephen Dietrich is the Associate Publisher of The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative, patriot, combat veteran, and father.

Q: Deep State Panic - Treason Exposed


"The Art of the Deal"

"The Art of the Deal"

You have to read this!  The DACA Deal.
This is brilliant and so is Trump, of course.  That’s why the left is so angry.  They cannot figure out how to counter him.  Thank you, Lord. 

"The Art of the Deal" 
President Trump has boxed in the left beautifully in order to get what most Americans want.

H/T C. Steven Tucker
January 27, 2018

If you have any worry that President Trump is selling but his base, relax.  Notice that Tom Cotton and Sonny Perdue are running point on this negotiation.

1.  Notice the timing of this out-of-the-blue offer by President Trump.  Caught the Left by surprise, while Schumer and company were still licking their wounds.  Classic negotiation tactic - save your opponent before they slit their own throat and they will thank you.
2. While 800K is the number of DACA ‘kids’ we have been discussing, 1.8 million is the actual number who are eligible in this classification.  By using the higher number, President Trump appears conciliatory and magnanimous, offering the Left a way to save face.  
Brilliant strategy.  Rule:  Don’t beat your opponent so badly they cannot sign the contract.
3.  We all know the entire 1.8 million will not register; they never do.
     AND they will not be eligible to vote.
     AND they have to come out of the shadow to be completely documented.
     AND they have to live an extraordinary CLEAN life, no crime, for 10-12 years, otherwise – deported and IN-eligible.
3.  By limiting ‘kids’ only, NOT parents, President Trump has utterly destroyed the Progressive Left’s narrative that the Left is the only one who is compassionate.  
Trump also forces the Left to drop their mask of “the DACA kids came here through no fault of their own.”  That means the parents ARE AT FAULT.
In other words, it’s obvious the Left want the parents as well because their whole desire is NOT TO HELP DACA kids, it’s votes.  Motives of the left are revealed.
4.  Understand, we are close to a point where the DACA ‘kids’ will champion Trump’s proposal (for pure self-interest) and protest the Left (which stands in the way).  It’s hilarious.
Only President Trump could magically accomplish such a turn-around.
5.  By shutting down 6/8 ways for immigration, President Trump cuts total immigration initially to Clinton levels, and eventually to Kennedy levels.  We will go down from 1 million a year to less than 250K a year.  
Thank you President Trump.
This helps all American workers.
6.  The Left is again boxed in as they have bet everything on support for DACA, but the Left will not get the deal without border wall funding, which Trump pegged at $25 Billion dollars.  We get our wall or there is no deal.
7.  Since they support chain migration, the Left can now be revealed as “PRO-TERRORIST” for political purposes. 
Remember, almost every poll indicates Americans are opposed to chain migration by 65-80%.  Left is on the wrong side of chain migration.
8.  By ending VISA lottery, President Trump again, is with the VAST majority of voters. Merit based systems make sense. The Left is standing on quicksand by defending a lottery system.
9.  Again, the White House/Trump proposal is brilliant in asking for 25 billion for the wall AND for port security, border patrol, etc.  In this way, the Left can save face and claim they are funding port security.  Of course, they are funding the wall as well.  AND the $25 billion trust funded in advance ensures the wall will be built, and funds will not be taken away later.   No need to go back to Congress begging for funds later when the Left can turn it down.
10.  If President Trump can ACTUALLY resolve immigration, something that has eluded politicians for three decades, he will be lauded as a great President.  He will have accomplished the impossible.  He will also have reversed the Leftist Socialist-Progressive trap Ted Kennedy engineered three generations ago that got us into this mess.  
11.  President Trump also removes ‘immigration’ as a talking point for the 2018 election and beyond.  This is incredible and do not underestimate the effect.

Now that the proposal is out:

Of course, the hard right collapses and over-reacts immediately.  Thank you.  We needed your outrage to prove or make the appearance that Trump was capitulating. You performed beautifully.  Trump is the rational compromiser coming to the middle to seek a solution.
Notice how the left has reacted.  Pelosi lost again her already lost mind.  Other Left leaders (and I use the term leader loosely)  are foaming at the mouth, emotional, irrational, screaming, at the “UNFAIRNESS” of this deal when Trump appears calm, magnanimous and quite reasonable.
One of the MOST effective Saul Alinsky tactics is to divide a group and turn them on each other.  President Trump has turned the DACA ‘kids’ on the rest of the illegal immigrants PLUS the Progressive-controlled Democrat party.  It’s brilliant.
If you are thinking this is the final deal, don’t be ridiculous.  It was a shot across the bow from President Trump
If the President or Tom Cotton/Sonny Perdue does not like something, they only have to walk away and let the clock run out.
And make no mistake, if the clock runs out on DACA, and the ‘kids’ must be deported, the LEFT will be blamed for not taking this deal. --   

What to Want

By Anna Von Reitz

There are people all over the world asking me what I want?  

They ask me what I want, and they sit back in their chairs like the audience in a movie theater at the end of the opening credits, waiting for the real show to begin, but no answer comes.  

Oh, I mean, it's clear that they are waiting for something either like a personal laundry list of the kind, "A new BMW, a winter home in a large safe compound on the French Riviera, the restoration of my family castle in Italy, an annual income of at least $100 million for my retirement......"  or, else, something vacuous and vague and idealistic, like, "World peace." 

And always underlying this expectation, appears to be the taken-for-granted idea that there has to be some agenda, some reason, some selfish personal motivation behind what I do, and if I just tell them what that is, they will (a) be able to figure out what makes me tick, and (b) evaluate whether they can or will provide whatever it is I want, and (c) potentially secure my assistance by giving me what I want--- also known as, buy me off.  

That is, after all, as they make clear, the quid pro quo of existence on this planet. Everybody wants something.  Give them what they want, and they will do what you want.  Back scratching.  Grooming.  Call it what you will, that is the world that everyone knows and nobody loves, but the way the world works nonetheless.  

And they sit back in their chairs in the calm expectation that I will have an answer.  It is always most discomfiting, for everyone in the room including me, when I don't.  

This is not being evasive or secretive on my part.  

I am simply not like other people in this respect. I don't have a laundry list of needs, much less a laundry list of desires.  I have been blessed all my life to have what I really needed-- food, water, warmth, dry shelter, decent clothes and shoes, transportation--- and also an abundance of the less basic and material but equally important things--- love and friendship, a spiritual life, pets, a garden, books.  Lots of books.

Let's face it--- I have had a successful life in all respects, and now in my elder years continue to have enough money from my own sources to pay my bills and have what I need and most anything I could desire.  

What do I want? 

I want Americans to wake up and get moving.  I want them to fill-in-the-blanks the Public Fool System left in their educations.  I want them to see how and by whom they have been defrauded and cheated out of the American Dream they are heir to.  I want them to get motivated and fully restore their government and their courts and their schools and their communities.  

Sure, I want to get the information they need into their hands.  I want to motivate them -- for their own sake, the sake of their children--- yes, I want that, but it doesn't have to be my voice.  I don't feel any need to be in the forefront of anything.  I just want the job to get done, so I plod along.  I am looking forward in faith that younger people are going to rise up and take over and let me retire.  So, yes, I guess you could say I want that, too.  

My husband and I are both getting on and frankly we didn't do all this for fun, not that we have any regrets, not that we wouldn't do it all again. 

What do I want? 

I was never the one who had her "dream house" or her "dream job" or her "dream boyfriend" all picked out and envisioned.  I didn't think of men in terms of "tall, dark and handsome" or "short, fat, and blond".   I had no opinion as to what kind of engagement ring I wanted; in fact, I wasn't sure I wanted to ever be engaged at all. I never had a timeline with goals. I didn't live my life with wants to be fulfilled. I just left it all with God and prepared to be surprised and delighted----and I was. 

Now whether this makes sense or not, whether or not I should be recommending it as the Way for young people to live----all I can say is that it worked perfectly well for me, and though I sometimes got impatient, waiting for the next chapter to unfold--- if a little impatience is the worst complaint you have, you're doing pretty well. 

This lack of having set goals and wants and needs might smack--to some people-- of lack of ambition or laziness or something like that, but no, that's not true, either.  I have been fully engaged and active and working like a steam engine the whole time.  It's just that I figured out very early in life that I was ill-suited to answering the hows and whens and whys, so I might more profitably spend my time figuring out what kind of life I wanted and what kind of people I wanted to spend it with and what sort of contribution I might be able to make.  

To me, life has been more about process and journey than notching mileposts or obtaining anything, so asking me what I want provokes consternation of an oddly embarrassing kind.  It's like I should have an answer right on the tip of my tongue. It's like I've been caught napping in class.  And then I realize that I am not in the same class as everyone else.  The lessons I have had to learn are not about wants. 

My lessons have been about self-knowledge and trust, about gratitude and letting go, about the nature of beauty and the reasons for sacrifice. My biggest lesson was to experience truly unconditional love, and I wasn't expecting or wanting that, either.  

So. What do I want? 

When I was eighteen years old, I died.  I left my body and drifted up through the many floors of the hospital where I had just passed on.  Paused on the edge of the roof of the hospital and looking out over the city and countryside beyond, I head the most beautiful music--- a symphony, expertly played.  

And not only was there no sign of the powerful orchestra, it was my music. 

It was my music.  My symphony.  The one I would have written, if I could have, if I had had the time and skill and inspiration.  

I knew in that moment that Another had written it for me, One who loved me and knew me in the most intimate way possible, and by His Grace, it was being performed for me, to welcome me home.   The orchestra began to appear out of the thin air, super-imposed over the shimmering morning clouds.  

It was nothing that I could have expected. Not in the wildest of my wild dreams. I wept and I knew for sure --- this same Love that knows us better than we know ourselves, exists for us all, all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfect. 

What do I want?  

What is there to want, when we already have it all?  

Let's wake up and admit what is true. Let's all just stop accepting a world in which everything, even our most sacred love relationships, are attacked by and reduced to commerce.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Reduce Your Chances of Influenza, Sepsis and Other Secondary Infections

Special Alert: The Alarming Reason Some People Die From the Flu

Story at-a-glance -

  • While influenza can indeed be deadly in rare cases, these deaths are typically the result of secondary infections, not the flu virus itself
  • Research has highlighted the link between influenza and severe sepsis (blood poisoning). Symptoms of sepsis can mimic the flu, and are often overlooked. Without prompt treatment, the condition can be deadly
  • Use of intravenous vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine has been shown to reduce sepsis mortality nearly fivefold, from 40 to 8.5 percent
  • Optimizing your vitamin D level is far more potent a preventive strategy than getting a seasonal flu vaccine. People with significant vitamin D levels may reduce their risk of respiratory infections such as influenza by 50 percent
  • People with higher vitamin D levels may also benefit from additional vitamin D, reducing their risk of flu by 10 percent, which equals the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccine, including this year’s vaccine

Dr. Mercola
February 01, 2018

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2017-2018 flu season appears particularly virulent. Influenza activity increased significantly in December, with influenza A(H3N2) viruses predominating, and in a December 27 notice, the agency noted that “In the past, A(H3N2) virus-predominant influenza seasons have been associated with more hospitalizations and deaths in persons aged 65 years and older and young children …”1 

While influenza can indeed be deadly in rare cases, what most health experts fail to tell you is According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2017-2018 flu season appears particularly virulent. Influenza activity increased significantly in December, with influenza A(H3N2) viruses predominating, and in a December 27 notice, the agency noted that “In the past, A(H3N2) virus-predominant influenza seasons have been associated with more hospitalizations and deaths in persons aged 65 years and older and young children …”1 

While influenza can indeed be deadly in rare cases, what most health experts fail to tell you is that these deaths are typically the result of secondary infections, not the flu virus itself. Importantly, research has highlighted the link between influenza and severe sepsis — a progressive disease process initiated by an aggressive, dysfunctional immune response to an infection in the bloodstream (which is why it's sometimes referred to as blood poisoning).

Symptoms of sepsis are often overlooked, even by health professionals, and without prompt treatment, the condition can be deadly. Unfortunately, conventional treatments often fail, and most hospitals have yet to embrace the use of intravenous (IV) vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine,2 which has been shown to reduce sepsis mortality from 40 to a mere 8.5 percent.3,4
that these deaths are typically the result of secondary infections, not the flu virus itself. Importantly, research has highlighted the link between influenza and severe sepsis — a progressive disease process initiated by an aggressive, dysfunctional immune response to an infection in the bloodstream (which is why it's sometimes referred to as blood poisoning).

Symptoms of sepsis are often overlooked, even by health professionals, and without prompt treatment, the condition can be deadly. Unfortunately, conventional treatments often fail, and most hospitals have yet to embrace the use of intravenous (IV) vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine,2 which has been shown to reduce sepsis mortality from 40 to a mere 8.5 percent.3,4

How Influenza May Cause Lethal Sepsis

According to researchers, “Severe sepsis is traditionally associated with bacterial diseases … However, viruses are becoming a growing cause of severe sepsis worldwide.” As noted in the video above, some sepsis symptoms also resemble influenza, which can lead to tragedy. The video offers guidelines on how to tell the difference between the two. 

Sepsis, without doubt, requires immediate medical attention, whereas most people will successfully recover from the flu with a few days to a week of bedrest and fluids. Just how influenza can lead to sepsis is a somewhat complex affair, described as follows:5 
“Regardless of the etiologic agent, the inflammatory response is highly interconnected with infection. In the initial response to an infection, severe sepsis is characterized by a pro-inflammatory state, while a progression to an anti-inflammatory state develops and favors secondary infections …
In the predominant pro-inflammatory state, Th1 cells activated by microorganisms increase transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interferon-γ (INF-γ), and interleukin-2 (IL-2).
[C]ytokines … released from endothelial cells and subsequently from macrophages can induce lymphocyte activation and infiltration at the sites of infection and will exert direct antiviral effects. Subsequently, with the shift toward an anti-inflammatory state, activated Th2 cells secrete interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-10 (IL-10).
In certain situations, T cells can become anergic, failing to proliferate and produce cytokines. Type I IFN has a potent anti-influenza virus activity; it induces transcription of several interferon stimulated genes, which in turn restrict viral replication. However, influenza virus developed several mechanisms to evade IFN response …
Viral infections such as the influenza virus can also trigger deregulation of the innate immune system with excessive cytokines release and potential harmful consequences. An abnormal immune response to influenza can lead to endothelial damage … deregulation of coagulation, and the consequent alteration of microvascular permeability, tissue edema, and shock.”

Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis
Common signs and symptoms of sepsis to watch out for include:6

  • A high fever
  • Inability to keep fluids down
  • Rapid heartbeat; rapid, shallow breathing and/or shortness of breath
  • Lethargy and/or confusion
  • Slurred speech, often resembling intoxication
Should a few or all of these be present, seek immediate medical attention to rule out sepsis. Also inform the medical staff that you suspect sepsis, as time is of the essence when it comes to treatment. As noted in the featured video, hydration is of utmost importance, as much of the damage caused by sepsis begins with fluid loss. 

                                                                               ITS SEPSIS, NOT FLU....HOW TO TELL  

Preventive Strategies That Can Reduce Your Chances of Influenza, Sepsis and Other Secondary Infections

Your immune system is your first-line defense against all types of infections, be they bacterial or viral, so the most effective way to avoid coming down with the flu is to bolster your immune function. While conventional health authorities claim getting an annual flu shot is the best way to ward off influenza, the medical literature actually suggests vitamin D optimization may be a far more effective strategy, and the evidence for this goes back at least a decade. 

Dr. John Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council, was one of the first to introduce the idea that vitamin D deficiency may actually be a causative factor in influenza. His hypothesis7 was initially published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection in 2006.8 It was subsequently followed up with another study published in the Virology Journal in 2008.9
The following year, a large, nationally representative study10 confirmed that people with the lowest vitamin D levels indeed reported having significantly more colds or cases of the flu. 

Since then, a number of studies have come to similar conclusions. Most recently, a scientific review11,12 published last year concluded that vitamin D supplementation boosts immunity and cuts rates of cold and flu. In all, 25 randomized controlled trials were included in the review, involving nearly 11,000 individuals from more than a dozen countries. People with significant vitamin D deficiency (blood levels below 10 ng/mL), taking a vitamin D supplement reduced their risk of respiratory infections such as influenza by 50 percent. 

People with higher vitamin D levels also benefited, although not as greatly. Overall, they reduced their risk by about 10 percent, which the researchers stated was about equal to the effect of flu vaccines. Coincidentally, 10 percent is the effectiveness rate of this year’s flu vaccine.13 The take-home message here is that vitamin D supplementation far exceeds the flu vaccine in terms of effectiveness, and the more deficient you are, the greater its protective effects. 

Aside from vitamin D, loading up on vitamins B1 and C may go a long way toward keeping you healthy through the flu season and beyond. Influenza has also been successfully treated with high-dose vitamin C.14 Taking zinc lozenges at the first sign of a cold or flu can also be helpful. 

Zinc boosts immune function and plays a vital role in activating your body’s T cells (white blood cells tasked with destroying infected cells). If you fall victim to frequent bacterial infections or colds, your body might be trying to tell you it needs more zinc. 

Be Aware of This Life-Saving IV Protocol

If you or a loved one succumbs to sepsis, whether caused by influenza or some other infection, please remember that a protocol of IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine (vitamin B1) can be lifesaving.15 So, urge your doctor to use it. Chances are, they might not even be aware of it. 

This sepsis treatment protocol was developed Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia, and clinical use has proven it to be remarkably effective for the treatment of sepsis, reducing mortality nearly fivefold.

Marik’s retrospective before-after clinical study16,17 showed that giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and vitamin B1 for two days reduced mortality from 40 percent to 8.5 percent. Of the 50 patients treated, only four died, and all of them died from their underlying disease, not sepsis. Importantly, the treatment has no side effects and is inexpensive, readily available and simple to administer, so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.
The only contraindication is if you are glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient (a genetic disorder).18 G6PD is an enzyme your red blood cells need to maintain membrane integrity. 

High-dose IV vitamin C is a strong pro-oxidant, and giving a pro-oxidant to a G6PD-deficient individual can cause their red blood cells to rupture, which could have disastrous consequences. Fortunately, G6PC deficiency is relatively uncommon, and can be tested for. People of Mediterranean and African decent are at greater risk of being G6PC deficient. Worldwide, G6PD deficiency is thought to affect 400 million individuals, and in the U.S., an estimated 1 in 10 African-American males have it.19

This years Flu Vaccine Is a Poor Match to Circulating Strains

Sadly, flu deaths are inevitably used to incite fear, and the recommended remedy is annual flu vaccination. As recently reported by, an affiliate of the USA Today Network:20
“Doctors urged New Yorkers to get flu shots as pediatric deaths surfaced recently while a potentially record influenza season approached its peak cycle. The public-health warning comes after authorities in New York and Connecticut reported their first flu-related deaths took the lives of two children …
‘Influenza is a significant threat to public health, and we are strongly encouraging anyone who has not already gotten the flu vaccine to get one immediately,’ said Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.”
Considering the many studies showing flu vaccines have a dismal success rate even when well-matched to circulating viral strains, the fact that vaccination continues to be touted as your first-line of defense against influenza suggests this annual campaign is more about generating conformity for profit, opposed to actually improving and protecting public health. 

In January 2015, U.S. government officials admitted that, in most years, flu shots are — at best — 50 to 60 percent effective at preventing lab confirmed type A or B influenza requiring medical care.21 At the end of that same year, a CDC analysis22 revealed that, between 2005 and 2015, the influenza vaccine was actually less than 50 percent effective more than half of the time. 

As mentioned, the 2017/2018 flu vaccine has an effectiveness rating of just 10 percent, due to it being poorly matched, yet the call for flu vaccination remains, while strategies that are 10 times more effective, such as vitamin D3 supplementation, are completely ignored! Many also gloss over the fact that flu deaths also occur in those who have been vaccinated. Such was the case with this 8-year-old boy in Arkansas, featured in this CNN report.


Flu Vaccine Likely Raises Your Risk of Illness

The fact that flu vaccines offer negligible protection against the flu is bad enough, but evidence suggests the vaccine may even make you more susceptible to the disease. For example, Canadian researchers found that annual flu vaccination appears to increase your risk of pandemic illness, and cause more serious bouts of illness.
Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who had not received a flu shot.23

A well-publicized ferret study24 confirmed these results. Research25 published in 2011 also warned the seasonal flu vaccine appears to weaken children's immune systems and increases their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine. Some health experts claim flu vaccination will help you develop resistance against strains that are not included in the vaccine, but research has actually shown the complete opposite to be true. 

When blood samples from healthy, unvaccinated children and children who had received an annual flu shot were compared, the former unvaccinated group had naturally built up more antibodies across a wider variety of influenza strains compared to the latter vaccinated group.26 Flu vaccines are also associated with debilitating and potentially lifelong side effects such as Guillain–Barré syndrome and chronic shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). 

But what about the claim that you might contract influenza from your flu shot? There are many anecdotal reports of people developing the worst bout of influenza they’ve ever had, following a routine flu vaccination, and indeed, a Chinese study27 published in 2012 appears to support such claims, finding that children had a 4.4 higher chance of contracting a viral upper respiratory infection following seasonal flu vaccine administration.

It’s also worth noting that double-blind, placebo controlled trials for vaccines are not done. Instead, all a vaccine trial needs to demonstrate in order for the vaccine to be licensed is an antibody response.28

Researchers have also highlighted the influence of bias in studies looking at influenza vaccine effectiveness. As noted in one 2010 study,29 ”Forgoing vaccination predicted death in those who had received vaccinations in the previous five years, but it predicted survival in patients who had never before received a vaccination. We conclude that bias is inherent in studies of influenza vaccination and death among elderly patients.”


Beware: Tamiflu Can Trigger Psychosis

Should you or your child come down with the flu and your doctor or pediatrician recommends Tamiflu,30 you should know this antiviral drug has been shown to shorten the duration of flu symptoms by less than 17 hours.31,32 It also does not reduce viral transmission and does not lower your risk of complications from the flu, such as pneumonia.33,34 Scientist have also warned that the risks far outweigh the benefits.35

These risks include convulsions, brain infections, psychosis and other neuropsychiatric problems. Tamiflu made recent headlines after a 6-year-old girl started hallucinating and attempted to jump out a second story window.36 “I don’t think the 16 hours of symptom relief from the flu is worth the possible side effects that we went through,” the girl’s father told ABC7 News.37

Indeed, a number of studies have observed that Tamiflu may cause psychiatric symptoms. Research38 published in 2015 reported the case of a 22-year-old man who “complained of mood swings, suicidal feelings, auditory hallucinations, memory deterioration and insomnia” after taking the drug. Other studies39 have found more than half of all children taking Tamiflu suffer side effects from the drug.40


Dangerous Lies Told by the CDC

Prior to the global H1N1 scare, the U.S. government stockpiled $1.5 billion of this basically useless antiviral — money that could have been spent in far better ways than merely enriching Roche’s company pockets. As noted in an article about Tamiflu by The Atlantic, “The only people helped by the proven-to-be-ineffective drug are its manufacturers.”41

A 2013 Forbes article42 also spelled out a number of flaws in the science behind Tamiflu, and how benefits were overstated. Despite all of this overwhelming evidence, the CDC to this day continues to recommend both flu vaccines and antiviral drugs like Tamiflu.43 They even continue to claim antiviral drugs “may prevent serious flu complications” — though the evidence clearly shows Tamiflu does no such thing. 

The take-home message here is to do your homework, and not blindly follow public health recommendations. Also avoid falling prey to unreasonable fears. All deaths are tragic, but people die from influenza with and without flu vaccines. People also die without certain drugs, and from drugs. 

Remember, optimizing your vitamin D to a level of 60 to 80 ng/mL may be one of the most effective flu prevention strategies out there. Also familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of sepsis, and urge your doctor to administer Marik’s IV vitamin C protocol should you or a loved one be diagnosed with sepsis. It just might save your life.  


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