Friday, February 9, 2018

Don't get angry, get even!

Is and was there a News blackout on the CAFR?
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

OK, let's establish the fact that there has been a massive and cooperative effort by the Government, the News Media, and Controlled Education in creating and maintaining an almost complete blackout of the mention of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) in their efforts to keep the general population clueless as to the financial takeover of the wealth of this country by collective government over the last 70-years.
We all know Google is the most extensive search engine on the planet today. The trillions of open source records maintained by Google is of no equal.
Well, this aspect of Google can be very telling when specific time periods are selected to be searched. For this example here, we will search the "News" feature of Google. Google archives go back over a hundred years.
So was there any mention from the "Syndicated News Media" of the CAFR over the last 60-years?
Keep in mind the CAFR accounting structure started in 1946 by the efforts of GFOA (Government Financial Officers Association) and became the standard by action of GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board) across the land in 1977. The CAFR is local government's statement of Net Worth, the most informative showing of the actual and massive wealth held and income generated by every local government across the land, or in personal comparison, an individual's Statement of Net Worth.  
A document every taxpaying individual from across the land should have been going over with a fine-tooth comb to investigate and learn the "true" financial picture of their local governments that were hitting them up for decades crying shortfalls of money for more, more, more in taxes, fines, and fees. Increases perpetually enacted each and every year. The CAFR is local government's Holy Grail of accounting. So was there a cooperative effort being done to make sure the population did not have a clue?
Let's see:
The following is a Google News search from October 12th 1955 through January 1st 2009, 54-years:
Gee, a massive 2-hits. Mind boggling. Even one of the two being from the country of Liberia. Not a peep per News articles towards local "Governments" here in the USA and CAFR findings. The other was a simple mention by Forbes.
So here we can deduct one of two things:
1: The thousands of News Reporters or talking heads employed by the syndicated News media over that 54-year time period had a section of their brains lobotomized so that when hearing of local government's complete accounting record the CAFR, the response was to draw a absolute blank; or,
2: There was a massive cooperative  effort in place to make sure no mention of the CAFR came out to the population due to one fact, and one fact only: Due to the massive wealth building within local governments; those with their hands deeply in the kitty from within government and their outside players; and to create a void in comprehension within public circles as to the "collective" takeover of the wealth by local government upon review of the collective totals shown within the now 180,000 + CAFRs completed by local governments each year.
Would this be considered a conspiracy? NO, DEFINITELY NOT!
What it is by definition would be: A showing of organized crime of no equal. Masterfully wrapped and presented with the logo being: "We are here to help and serve you." Yes, right, with one small omission:as they systematically and exponentially take control over all that you have, or ever will have. Your life, wealth, children, property, income, or anything else they figure has value to it that they can take.
Would an organized crime syndicate want anyone to see their blueprint and showing of the wealth they are amassing from their victims? Most definitely not. They would go far out of their way to make sure that did not happen.. The organied crime syndicate would want their victims to think they are barely getting by, when in fact the exact opposite is true.
Let's throw a wrench into the gears of the smoothly unfolding equation commencing as of 1946. A slight problem for its intent starting in the year of 1998. Walter, CAFR1, goes to war with the syndicate for forced disclosure of the CAFR accounting structure bypassing the lock coming from the syndicated media, controlled education, both primary political parties, and most importantly of all, the intentional void maintained in the public's cognitive thinking . Hundreds of radio shows were done by CAFR1 through the private non-syndicate owned media; hundreds of articles were published through the private non-syndicate owned publications; conferences and action groups were implemented. Millions of individuals from across the USA and world were reached with disclosure. Internet chat that could not be controlled erupted with a fury.
Well, suppression from the syndicate went into high gear. Internet search engine results actively suppressed; government shills blasted to confuse or misdirect; silence was strictly enforced from any party the syndicate had control over. Those the syndicate did not have control over, that had the ability to reach the general population in numbers, and did, were targeted for elimination.
The population needs to get a clue as to the scope and size of the syndicate they are facing. It is the largest organized syndicate the Earth has ever know, collective government. They do not play fair, and their takeover of the wealth is now absolute and locked down in force of no equal.
Now keep in mind that from 1998 to 2005, many privately owned "News Outlets" published feature "News Articles" per the CAFR. WND, Media Bypass, Idaho Observer, The Spotlight, etc, etc. Did "one" of those "News Articles" show in the Google search results? No they did not. Again, it must have been that lobotomized factor for Google so that when seeing circulating "News Articles" of local government's complete accounting record the CAFR, the response was to draw a absolute blank.
In reality, it was just another showing of the control factor in absolute application. Did you ever hear that old expression of: "If the largest tree in the forest fell, and no-one was there to see it fall, did it actually make a sound?" The syndicate knows this factor all to well per the CAFR, and goes substantially out of their way to "only let the population be there to see what they want them to see."
The syndicate, with millions now having become aware of the CAFR, due to CAFR1's effort for disclosure, and those who took the ball and ran with it, had to do some damage control per giving some visibility to what a good percentage of the population knew existed as fact. I note when CAFR1 started with disclosure in 1998, before doing so CAFR1 did a Google search for the report and the yield was 16 (sixteen) hits on a general Google search.
As more and more people became aware of the CAFR, and local governments when confronted by residents per the CAFR, at first the local government officials played the "Deer in the Headlights"response, CAFR, what's that?" Well, that did not go over to well after the residents tracked down the CAFR for that same local government.
What local governments did then in response was to put the CAFR reports on that local government's website for the purposes of "plausible deniability" where they could say: "We are not hiding anything, look our CAFR is available on this location of our website." They would never direct the population to it, they would only mention it when confronted.
So, back to Google and the syndicated News Media and the reality they were now facing of millions of individuals from across the land now knowing about the CAFR. Let's take a look at January 1st, 2009 to February 8, 2018 per "News Articles" that the population was "allowed" to see:
Wow, 200+ News Articles. In reality if the massive censorship was not at full play, there should have been thousands. Take a look at the impression those hits try to project. They give the impression of "normalcy" but do you see any comprehensive or any editorial articles from the New York Times; Wall Street Journal, LA TIMES, Chicago Tribune, or any other syndicate owned publication in the Google News hits? No, you do not. 
Don't get angry, get even!
Share this communication with all that you know and ask them to do the same. I note a very important fact: The censorship that is in place, is very effective. CAFR1 learned a few years back that mail servers were in cooperation with the censorship. Only about 1/3 rd of those on CAFR1 subscribers list will get the CAFR1 posts. They are blocked from the other 2/3 rds getting the posts. Additionally, if a subscriber does get the post and they try to forward to their lists, the majority they send to, do not get the post. They are blocked also. If you forward, check with those on your list and ask them if: they got the forward from you?.. Most will say they did not.
So with that in mind, to be effective, posting the communication on your website will be more effective. Publishing the communication to a chat-board, social media, or a print publication will be effective also.. If you put the communication on your website, from that point forward, spread the link to it far and wide.  
Like I said: "Don't get angry, get even!"
How does the syndicate get away with doing what they are doing? It is done through a well orchestrated effort on their part to masterfully entertain the population off into distraction of irrelevancy.
A never ending year after year loop, of holidays; sports; celebrity; gossip;  etc., promotions that gives the population the impression everything is fine and dandy in Alice and wonderland known as the USA.
We are mass-marketed to, to see only what the syndicate wants us to see, good or bad, and done so by them so they can keep us like the little chipmunk running on the treadmill wheel, as they tap off 85%, directly or indirectly, the energy that  we on that wheel produce. It also keeps us glued to the revolving door of the News the syndicate spoon feeds us with the exclusion of the most relevant factors, in reality, we face today.
On a personal note, you, I, and all others are faced with the controlling propaganda we face and are spoon fed each and every day. It is designed to make us withdraw in apathy and to not think we can make a difference. Those in apathetic withdraw will stick their heads up once in a while but will usually quickly withdraw to their comfort zone just to watch and be influence in that zone via media designed to masterfully entertain them to be of no consequence to the syndicate.
Let me make it very clear here: We are at war with the syndicate in their efforts to maintain control over the wealth they have taken and intend to take. The open light of disclosure, and disclosure most importantly comprehended is the syndicate's Achilles heel.
Again, Don't get angry, get even! The syndicate's efforts and solid wall of censorship in place today gets broken with simple disclosure comprehended by the masses.
At this time we have maybe 10% of the population who now have a clue as to what is going on. Increase that percentage to 80% who truly comprehend, and then the syndicate is in real trouble per the errors of their ways...
I think a few of us can bypass the syndicate's blackout per the CAFR and the structure behind it per the takeover of the wealth involved. The message to the masses has to be clear. That message is: The masses need to comprehend this so share with all that you know.
Here are a few example listings of CAFRs, 4600 of them by state and category all can share  -
Keep it simple: Here are our local government CAFRs, and upon review, see what our local governments have turned into, and how they have step by step taken it all from us. Many will not understand and revert to their TV remotes or change the dial on their radio.
Oh, well. What is important, is the fact that most running a small or large business for themselves, the backbone of our country, will understand and see that our governments have evolved over the decades into ruthless, for profit operations, that have and will continued to expand their takeover of it all unless confronted with genuine effective force to change their clear intent to expand and perpetuate the same. So bypassing the syndicate with disclosure is the population's war objective. To take a trip to a destination requires seeing the road before you.
The goal needed is 80% of the population getting a clue, and even better, 80% having a good comprehension of what they are faced with. Then corrective action will come to play and the syndicate boys will really be looking over their shoulders verses what they have been use to doing over the last few decades which is laughing their butts of all the way to the bank each and every day.
On a last note, don't say to yourself: "I am but just one, how can I make a difference?" Don't lie to yourself. You see, you are 1 of over 385,000,000 individuals from this country. Passing on comprehension by one individual to 100, and done well, the 100 on to a thousand, and so on can be done. Done even though the syndicate has what can be said is: absolute power and control. As the syndicate knows: It is simply a numbers game.
So, for US the same applies. The number to reach is 80%. The individual 1 can become 350,000,000 1's, one at a time and do so very quickly "if" we all realize we are at war.
No game here folks. We are at war and the outcome for our and our children's lives depend on us being effective. So let us all stop whining to each other and let us be as "effective" as we can to walk, run, or jump over that wall of censorship and masterful entertainment well in place as we all  face today.
The syndicate's fear?  The people are coming, the people are coming..    80% folks, now make it happen. Each and every one of those 1's out there until those 1's become 80%. Time to take back our country.
Do not let the syndicate, or their disinformation agents distract you down a road that has no consequences to them. Stay focused on the "spinal cord", the syndicate's take over of it all from US.
Their CAFR is the starting point for the accounting of it all. One CAFR is but one. Collectively, the showing from them all shows and establishes; the clear takeover of the wealth of this country, in absolute form from: We the People. No ifs, and, or buts, we are at War. Winning or loosing that War will determine our futures... This is a matter of life or death folks. I choose life! What about you? In life, when there is a storm, we all can hear the thunder!
For National and International distribution.

God's speed and Truly Yours,
Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Home: (928) 458-5854 Arizona

PS: A Google search on the promotion of Government budgets yields: 60,900,000 hits as of 02/08/18

the Disgusting Truth Behind The Real Political Power In America

Note:  Normally we do not publish advertisements but I have made the decision myself to publish this one due to the degree of treason and depravity behind the scenes in this nation. The largest percentage of Americans believe they really have a 'vote' and that who they 'vote' for and what they 'vote' for will make the difference. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH ....... please read below and please consider ordering this book .... you'll be glad you did - and when you are done with the book, pass it on or better yet - pass on the below information to everyone you know

Trump Is Truly Powerless...
Discover the Disgusting Truth Behind The Real Political Power In America And How You Can Stop It...
From: Dean Miller, Former Government Agency Employee and Founder Of American Survivor

Re: Your Free Copy Of "Deep State, The Truth About The Shadow Government Running America And How You Can Stop It"
You Have No Idea Who Is REALLY Running The United States...
Did you vote in the past election? Have you ever voted? Did you think that your vote could make a difference, somehow swaying the tide of a nationwide election so that your chosen candidate could win?

Let’s start with a quick lesson on middle school civics. You know that every four years, America comes together to vote for and select its next president. Similarly, every two years congressmen are elected, and every six years, we select our senators. These three groups comprise the dual institutions of the Executive branch as well as Congress. Generally speaking, the person with the most votes stands the best chance of winning, and you're taught early on as a child that if you seek to effect change, you must vote and pick who you want in office. It’s an elegant system on paper; all you have to do is cast your vote to let your voice be heard...
It's All A Lie - The entire “democratic” system that exists within the United States today is a sham
It's a mere sideshow that most Americans believe actually means something. Your vote is meaningless for one important reason - the person you vote for is powerless to do anything meaningful, utterly incapable of effecting any significant change. It doesn’t matter whether you vote Republican or Democrat; your candidate will not be able to change a thing. What I'm saying is that no matter if you vote Republican or Democrat is utterly irrelevant because...
The person who's elected can't change anything significantly because the Deep State won’t let them

If you've never heard of the term Deep State (sometimes referred to as Shadow Government), I’ll forgive you for not knowing. You won’t find the Deep State on the evening news or in the paper.  You won’t see a commercial on TV trumpeting the Deep State’s latest moves. They are a mystery to most people, but be warned, the Deep State holds all the power and makes all the decisions – the ones that count anyways.
The American constitution and system of government is beautiful in its simplicity, an elegant system designed by righteous men who truly believed what they wrote and tried their best to guard against corruption. The Founding Fathers did a good job setting up government – in fact, they did such a good job that the constitution is still the only thing hindering the Deep State from fulfilling its evil designs.  So if the Founding Fathers had it right, and the constitution is right, then where did all this go wrong?
In a word, what went wrong was the sheer size of government; the Founders never imagined that the government would ever get to be so massive. Soon after their deaths, the government began to grow. Like a cancer, it kept silently expanding, and two hundred years later, it was a gargantuan monster that was never, ever envisioned by the Founders in their wildest nightmares. Today, it is even bigger, wields powers that were never dreamt of by the Founders, and is more or less unstoppable regardless of who currently lives in the White House.
The government is now a mutant tumor that's threatening to destroy America, and deep within this tumor is the Deep State, what could be called the core of the disease...
Like cancerous cells, Deep State operatives are fully functioning nodes capable of reproducing their plans to new converts; they are decentralized and almost undetectable, but they are there. Keep in mind that some people link the Deep State with Freemasonry, Illuminati, extra-terrestrials, and the Bilderberg group but the true Deep State has nothing at all to do with any of that.

Still don’t believe something THAT EVIL exists? Check out the quote below:
“Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. 
Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system … a well-organized political-action group in this country determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…. 
The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government…. 
This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.”
— Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech
That quote was written in 1954, 63 years ago. Elements of the Deep State were in place over half century ago. Today, it’s much worse.
How Can An Average American Such As You Possibly Stop The Deep State's Takeover Of Our American Liberties?
After literally decades of research (much of it very dangerous to my person) I'm proud to be able to show you exactly how you, and every American citizen can finally STOP THE DEEP STATE and I've self-published it all in in the most controversial book released in the last decade.

I present to you - DEEP STATE, the truth about the secret shadow government ruling America and how you can stop it...
You Deserve To Know The Truth, And You Must Know How To Defend Yourself From Your Own Government And Those Who Really Control It
The most important rights of all Americans are specifically laid out in the United States Constitution, and as Thomas Jefferson famously said:
It's high time that all American citizens have the knowledge and the power to stand up against the cancer eating away at our great country. As a single person you are weak, but as a population over 323 million strong there is nothing that can stop us, if we have the knowledge and a plan to follow...
My name is Dean Miller, I am a former member of a Government Agency (which I cannot name at this time). And I’m going to show you exactly how you as an American citizen can take control back from the Deep State and bring this great country back to what the founding fathers originally intended it to be.

Today, and today only you can claim a copy of my newest book Deep State. And you can get it for free...
732 people have already paid $37 each for their Early Release copy of Deep State, and they discovered things like...
Exactly what they Deep State is and how they literally control every aspect of the United States Government in ways you'd never imagine.
On page 13 you'll discover C.O.G and see how it is the most dangerous element of our, or any county's government, and yet we continue to support it...
Deep State Muscle - Exactly how much power does the Deep State wield? Can you say "Personal Army"? The deadly facts are revealed on page 17.
How the US Forest Service, Bureau Of Land Management and other unlikely agencies are actually being used to control and violate your personal rights, without you ever knowing about it...
Exactly how powerful the Deep State is in terms of manpower, the numbers are mind boggling - and you thought North Korea was the biggest threat, think again...
On page 21 you'll uncover the unsettling methods the Deep State uses to bring in new recruits and turn them into anti-Constitutional stoogies hellbent on preserving nothing but their own personal agendas
Did you know that you, average Joe or Jane American can actually beat the Deep State and take the United States back from it's evil clutches, all the details are laid out on page 25.
How to completely disappear off the Deep State's radar and turn yourself into a powerful "freedom fighter" all without having to take a single risk yourself, it's simpler than you think if you know what to do!
The single most important thing you must do right now to protect your family, friends and neighborhood from being consumed by the Deep State  is revealed on page 37.
On page 45 the simple secret to infiltrating the Deep State machine and dismantling it from within is revealed, it's not hard at all and you may even be doing it right now without even knowing it...
And so much more...
So What Do People Think Of Deep State?
Like I said, 732 people have already purchased an advanced release copy of  Deep State and they gladly paid $37 for it, luckily you can grab your copy for free today. They found so much value in it that I've received hundreds of unsolicited testimonials from all around the US, and here are just a few:

Just got my copy of "Deep State". I have to tell you how impressed I am! We all know our Elected Officials aren't really pulling the strings, but until I read your book I had no idea an average citizen like me could really beat the Deep State and TAKE AMERICA BACK!
Thanks, and GOD Bless America.
- Fred J. Missoula, MT 

I have taken your advice and am ready if anything happens....look forward to your emails so I can read and realize what I didn't think or the things you talk about.Thank You for allowing us who haven't been through this kind of thing, to be able to become ready. You're a life saver, it's becoming scary, to say the least...
- Chuck "
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You Have No Idea Who Is REALLY Running The
United States...


The Government Under Contract

By Anna Von Reitz

The federal government is a subcontractor hired by our states to provide the nineteen enumerated services described in each of three very similar constitutions. 

(1) The Constitution for the united States of America  (land) National Government
(2) The Constitution of the United States of America (sea) Territorial Government
(3) The Constitution of the United States (air) Municipal Government

The 1824 Webster's Dictionary clearly states that the word "federal" is a synonym for "contract".  The "federal government" is a "contract government".  They are here to provide "essential government services" as stated by Article IV of all three constitutions.  And they are foreign with respect to us and our states of the Union. 

In 1860, the British-backed Territorial Government began an illegal commercial mercenary action against another branch of the Federal Government -- some of the member states of the American states union formed in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation----similar to what they have perpetuated innumerable times since in other places around the world, for the purpose of commandeering our National  Government and putting their own puppet Territorial Government in charge.  They were successful in doing this because they used clever semantic deceits and substitutions to fool the public into believing that nothing had changed. 

Specifically, they removed the original States of States operating as "State of Florida", for example,  and substituted their own territorial "State of Florida" organization instead, so that it appeared superficially that no change had occurred.  In fact, they had completely undermined our National Government and trespassed against us to take over international land jurisdiction functions that were never delegated to them.  

The original State of Florida was converted to the Florida State, a place-holder land trust, also under the de facto control of the British-backed Territorial Government. 

And they settled in to meddle with our affairs and feed off of us and rack up phony debts against us and our assets for the next 150 years.  They have followed this pattern of secretive exploitation of other governments in other countries throughout the world.  The British Government is the Enemy not only of America, but all national governments everywhere. Their greed and malice knows no bounds. 

They have enslaved their own people since the reign of Queen Victoria via clever corporate enfranchisement schemes using semantic deceit to mis-characterize their own people as "citizens" and chattel properties standing good for the debts of the government.  The same fraud has been perpetuated throughout the former British Empire, and of course, surreptitiously imposed upon the Americans, Germans, Japanese, and wherever else they could horn in and get their slave market going.  

This has been done despite the fact that slavery, peonage, and involuntary servitude have all been outlawed worldwide since 1926. 

The facts are nailed down and the conclusions cannot be refuted. Britain has been operating "America" as a puppet master since 1868.  It was and is, as it has always been, the greatest threat to our national security and the peace of the world, and it deserves to be recognized as such.  It also deserves to be recognized as a Trust Breaker, Hypocrite, and Criminal Organization on a worldwide basis. 

While I am fond of the British Islands and their people, and a great admirer of many of their cultural achievements, the British Government and the affiliated British Crown Corporation and the British Banks, both Bank of England and Bank of Scotland, deserve to be excoriated for their roles in causing two World Wars, enslaving most of the world's population, promoting Commercial Feudalism, and doing all this by means of fraud and criminal mercenary enterprises. 

There is absolutely no doubt that the American states and people are owed vast amounts of money and the return of title to their land and other property to their control.  They are also owed an end to British meddling and support for their efforts to restore their lawful government organizations that have been damaged or destroyed as a result of these hostile acts by the British Government and its affiliates. 

The United Nations, which is simply a conclave of Territorial Government franchises, and an adjunct Vichy French commercial corporation known as the  UN Corporation, also need to be shut down for their role in supporting, condoning, and expediting this vast fraud against all the national governments that have been pillaged and secretively undermined by the British perpetrators. 

We must all--- including President Trump--- recognize that our actual enemies are not in Iran or North Korea, which just happen to be two last remaining hold-outs that have refused to succumb to the British Scheme-- but are in fact in Whitehall and nested down in the Inner City of London. 

The British Government and its affiliates have merely pretended to be our friends and allies while pillaging and enslaving us to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.  They owe us an incalculable debt and whether or not they ever pay it, that fact needs to be known, seen, and accepted for what it is.  And even far more than the money, manpower, and natural resources that have been poured down the British drain, another debt needs to be recognized---- the debt owed to our loyalty, friendship, and sacrifice in the face of their Breach of Trust.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Thursday, February 8, 2018

STOP the McConnell-Schumer Spending Scheme


 J, Mitch’s Senate cronies are poised to pass the terrible McConnell-Schumer spending bill at any moment now. And Speaker Paul Ryan's all set to rush it through the House!

Thankfully Rep. Mark Meadows and the conservative House Freedom Caucus are doing everything they can to stop McConnell’s monstrosity.
Help them do it by contacting these House Republicans right now. Tell them to stand with the House Freedom Caucus and oppose the McConnell-Schumer spending scheme today.

J, if this passes, Republicans will LOSE the tool they used to help President Trump pass his historic tax reform bill, making it nearly impossible to repeal ObamaCare or fix America’s broken welfare system this year.

But wait, there’s more! It’ll add an additional $1.5 TRILLION to the national debt and increase government spending by nearly $400 BILLION!

Don’t let that happen. Please send these House Republicans a message on Twitter and tell them to oppose the McConnell-Schumer spending scheme right now.

For Freedom,

Adam Brandon
President, FreedomWorks

PS - If you don't have a Twitter account please call 202-791-4579 and urge these Republicans to stop the McConnell-Schumer spending scheme.

Stop the McConnell-Schumer Spending Scheme!

The terrible McConnell-Schumer Spending Scheme could pass the Senate at any moment.

That means there’s just a few hours left to stop it in the House. And FreedomWorks is counting on you to help us do it.
Please contact these House Republicans right now. Tell them to oppose the Schumer-McConnell spending scheme today.
PS - If you don't have a Twitter account please call
202-791-4579 and urge them to stop this spending scheme now!