Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sign the Internet Privacy Bill to Congress


This petition CLOSED because not enough people knew about it to sign or to legitimize it - really TOO BAD


The Problem - S.J.Res.34 BillOn April 3rd, 2017 President Trump signed a bill to kill the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) privacy framework, which was created to protect the usage of broadband consumers' sensitive data:
  • Requiring internet service providers (ISPs) to ask for permission before collecting sensitive information such as content of communications, precise geo-location, financial information, etc.
  • Allowing users to opt out of giving sensitive information to ISPs
  • Only allow ISPs to collect basic service information
  • Notify customers within 30 days that their data has been stolen in a data breach
ISPs (Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, Cox, etc) have lobbied $1,726,288 against these regulations and have passed the bill through Senate 50 to 48 and the House 215 to 205. 

These votes were made along party lines but whether you are on the Democrat or Republican side, this issue affects the privacy of all Americans sets precedent for future privacy-killing laws being passed.  

The elimination of these rules allows ISPs to:
  • Monitor and sell all of your location data, search history, app usage, and browsing habits without your permission
  • Hijack your search results and redirect your traffic to paying third parties
  • Insert ads into web pages that would not have otherwise had them
Why Does This Matter

The issue directly affects your privacy in the United States, and will indirectly affect it outside of North America. 

The passing of this bill allows the government and corporations to take away your rights for the sake of profit, and it will begin to pave the way for them to take away more rights in the future. 

Whether your privacy and the passing of this law is a concern to you or not, everyone has a fundamental right to their privacy just as they have a right to free speech, a decent standard of living, and/or any other basic human right. 

"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say" - Edward Snowden

What You Can Do To Protect Yourself

Although this bill has already been signed into law, a new law can be passed to reinstate the FCC's "Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Communication Services" rules. 

Start by signing and sharing this petition and the petition on the official White House website which is linked below. 

Contact your representatives and ask them to introduce and vote for a new bill to reinstate the rules.

White House Website Petition:

Contact Your House Representative:

Contact Your Senator:

  1. 200,000 supporters
  2. 11 months ago
    4,000 supporters
  3. 12 months ago
    Concerned Anonymous started this petition

Reasons for signing


Friday, March 9, 2018


 emailed by a reader:
Former Maricopa County sheriff and current U.S. Senate candidate Joe Arpaio lauded the Trump administration’s decision to sue California over its sanctuary state policy and called for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to increase its presence in the state “big time.”
“It is a great move by President Trump,” Arpaio told The Western Journal. “They want sanctuary for the whole state of California. They don’t want ICE involved at all, which is very sad because that is going to increase the crime if you can’t stop people.”
“I hope the president is successful,” he said. “I think he should take an extra step. I think he should just send the federal people in there big time and enforce the federal law regardless of what the state wants to do.”
“Bring in a hundred or two hundred ICE agents and keep enforcing the federal laws regardless of what the sanctuary state of California wants,” Arpaio added. “That would be my advice.”
“America’s Toughest Sheriff” noted the irony in the fact that the same legal justification used by the Obama Justice Department to target him and the state of Arizona regarding the enforcement of immigration law is being employed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions against California.
In 2010, then Attorney General Eric Holder sued Arizona over state law S.B. 1070, which — in accordance with federal law — required any aliens in the United States to have proper identification at all times, and empowered state law enforcement officers (including Arpaio’s sheriffs) to attempt to determine immigration status during “lawful stop, detention or arrest” for other suspected crimes.Politico reported the DOJ’s suit against California is modeled after the one brought by the Obama administration, which affirmed the federal government’s supremacy over the matter of immigration.
Additionally, it barred state and local officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of immigration laws, and imposed penalties on sheltering, hiring or transporting unregistered aliens.
“Setting immigration policy and enforcing immigration laws is a national responsibility,” Holder stated at the time regarding his decision to sue Arizona over the law. “Seeking to address the issue through a patchwork of state laws will only create more problems than it solves.”
The Supreme Court, by-in-large, agreed with the Obama administration’s argument in 2012, finding immigration law is the purview of the federal government. However, it did affirm the ability of state law enforcement officials to seek to ascertain the immigration status of those stopped for other suspected criminal activity.Holder further argued that the Constitution “forbids” Arizona from replacing federal policy “with its own state-specific immigration policy.”
“The National Government has significant power to regulate immigration,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion. “Arizona may have understandable frustrations with the problems caused by illegal immigration while that process continues, but the State may not pursue policies that undermine federal law.”
Sessions’ suit against California alleges obstruction of federal immigration enforcement and targets three “sanctuary state” focused laws passed by the legislature in 2017.
S.B. 54 prohibits state and local officials from sharing information with federal immigration officials and also bars the transfer of certain immigrants into federal custody.
A.B. 450 forbids private employers from cooperating with the federal government with immigration enforcement at the workplace.
Finally, A.B. 103 attempts to regulate detention facilities used by the federal government to hold immigration prisoners.
Arpaio wished Sessions’ DOJ well in the suit and believes it will likely be successful.
“I think the feds will win this one,” the lawman said, but noted the 9th U.S. Circuit of Appeals may prove problematic in the near term.
Arpaio is currently a candidate for U.S. Senate in Arizona. His challengers for the Republican nomination include Congresswoman Martha McSally and former state Sen. Kelli Ward.

Ryan Bundy, figure in rancher standoff with feds, running for Nevada governor

Ryan Bundy, whose Nevada ranching family was involved in two armed standoffs with U.S. agents over federal ownership of public land, announced Thursday he is running for governor of Nevada.

A federal judge dismissed all charges against Bundy, his father Cliven, as well as with his brother Ammon in January over the 2014 armed standoff to block authorities who planned to capture and impound Bundy cattle that allegedly crossed onto government land.

The 45-year-old said he decided to run for governor because he doesn’t believe anyone else vying to succeed term-limited Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval will do enough to protect states’ rights.
Read more at Foxnews

Lithuania Pedophiles Exposed! Tell Trump Asylum!

Family Persecuted By Pedophiles! Tweet Trump Video! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Truth Warriors Unite!  Please share this amazing story of government pedophiles run amok in Lithuania!   Listen to this teenager tell the story censored by all the Fake News in the US.  Lithuania is try to deport this young man and his mom Neringa VenckienÄ— from the United States where they fled for their lives in 2013!  If they deport her, she’ll be killed!  Please sign the petition below so it gets on President Trump’s radar screen and tweet him if you can too @potus and @realdonaldtrump.   This video is CRAZY!  It shows hundreds of cops snatch the little girl that was molested and how many people are now protesting against the pedophiles in Lithuania!  Get the word out and sign!

In 2008, 4-year-old Deimante Kedyte described her sexual assault by high-level Lithuanian officials. Her testimony was later verified as true by 4 separate commissions. She never had her day in court. Her father pursued justice, but was murdered in 2010. Deimante’s aunt, Neringa Venckiene, was awarded custody of the girl and provided a loving home. When Neringa started The Way of Courage Party to fight corruption in Lithuania, she, her family, and supporters were persecuted by the government. In May of 2012, a terrified Deimante was abducted from Neringa’s home by 240 government agents. Neringa feared for her life and fled Lithuania with her son in 2013. Today, the Lithuanian government continues to persecute Neringa by attempting to get the U.S. to extradite her back to Lithuania.

My mom, Neringa VenckienÄ—, a former Lithuanian judge and Parliament member, fled Lithuania with me from political persecution, and we arrived in the U.S.A. in 2013 when I was just 13-years-old. As my mom filed for and has been waiting here for a political asylum hearing to take place, I became more hopeful and at ease because I was not afraid for her safety or mine anymore as was a daily reality back in Lithuania where my uncle (my mom’s brother) was murdered because he was trying to expose pedophiles among high-ranking Lithuanian officials who molested his daughter DeimantÄ—.

My mom became a target after she publicly started speaking about the bribery and corruption in the Lithuanian courts, the government and its media did not succeed in intimidating her. My 8-year- old cousin DeimantÄ—, whose father was murdered, was abducted by government forces from my mother’s care. My mother was her legally appointed guardian at that time. The government called it “a child’s return to her mother operation,” but that was actually an elimination of an inconvenient witness operation with the help of 240 special forces and the intimidation of everyone in Lithuania who sought the truth in the pedophilia and murder case (more people were murdered in this case than just my uncle). My cousin was returned to the person she was testifying against. I was really scared and could not even imagine what is going to happen to DeimantÄ—.

To stop the anti-corruption and truth movement, government forces had to eliminate my mom because she was not intimidated. The Lithuanian people elected her to Parliament to fight against corruption and to seek the truth. She proposed many laws among which there was stricter punishment for pedophiles, but all of them were blocked by the dominant parties in Parliament. When the prosecutors brought charges against my mom, all of her opponents announced that they’ll support the removal of her legal immunity, before the investigation took place. We moved to U.S.A. to find safety and to have a fair hearing, where she would defend herself and expose the terrible crime in Lithuania that the government was seeking to cover up. Two weeks ago my mom was was arrested, and the Lithuanian government is seeking her extradition, before the political asylum case is over.

Go sign the WhiteHouse Petition here

Male Escort Exposes 36 Gay Priests


A 1,200-page dossier containing the names of 34 "actively gay" priests and six seminarians in Italy has been sent to the Vatican by the archdiocese of Naples.

The allegations were compiled by Francesco Mangiacapra, a gay male escort who told local media he couldn’t put up with the priests’ "hypocrisy" any longer. The aim is not to hurt the people mentioned, but to help them understand that their double life, however seemingly convenient, is not useful to them or to all the people for whom they should be a guide and an example to follow," Mangiacapra said, as reported by the Corriere della Sera.

Newly nominated cardinals, archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Anthony Soter Fernandez, right, bishop of Novara in Italy, Renato Corti, center, and priest from Shkodre-Pult in Albania, Ernest Simoni, left, are congratulated by others cardinals, on November 19, 2016, during a consistory at St. Peter's Basilica. The archdiocese of Naples says he has sent the Vatican a 1,200-page dossier identifying 40 actively homosexual priests and seminarians in Italy

Newly nominated cardinals, archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Anthony Soter Fernandez, right, bishop of Novara in Italy, Renato Corti, center, and priest from Shkodre-Pult in Albania, Ernest Simoni, left, are congratulated by others cardinals, on November 19, 2016, during a consistory at St. Peter's Basilica. The archdiocese of Naples says he has sent the Vatican a 1,200-page dossier identifying 40 actively homosexual priests and seminarians in Italy. 

Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, an Italian Cardinal and the current Archbishop of Naples, said in a statement that none of the priests who were named in the dossier were stationed in Naples. He claims he forwarded the document to the Vatican because “there remains the gravity of the cases for which those who have erred must pay the price, and be helped to repent for the harm done."

The large file contains explicit WhatsApp messages, erotic photos and other evidence, but none of the 40 priests and seminarians were accused of paedophilia or having sexual relations with minors. "We're talking about sins, not crimes," Mangiacapra said.

The dossier is the latest in a string of sex scandals that have rocked the Italian church and Vatican.

Last month, an Italian court issued a 14-month suspended sentence to a Vatican tribunal judge for sexual molestation and possessing child pornography.

Monsignor Pietro Amenta, a judge on the Rota (a court that hears mostly family cases), was arrested last March for publicly fondling an 18-year-old man in Rome. 

Authorities then began an investigation where they discovered pornographic images of minors on his personal computer, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

One week after Amenta accepted the plea bargain, Paloma Garcia Ovejero, the vice director of the Vatican press office, announced in an email to Catholic News Service that Amenta had “resigned as prelate auditor of the Roman Rota.” 


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Remember Who You Are!

By Anna Von Reitz

If I have told you nothing else, explained nothing else -- its that the vast bulk of Americans are not "United States Citizens" of any kind.

Citizens are subjects of the federal Territorial and Municipal Governments-- people from Guam and Puerto Rico, people who are working for the federal government, dependents of the federal government receiving unearned welfare, political asylum seekers, African Americans because they were never granted recognition of their "natural and unalienable rights" only "equal civil rights"---which they have to claim in every instance to obtain a facsimile of justice.

The "federal government" is a series of corporations and corporate franchises in the business of providing "essential government services" under contract to our states. 

As President of these corporations, Mr. Trump can require his employees and dependents to follow whatever "Public Policy" he wishes to establish by Executive Order or otherwise the Territorial and Municipal Congresses can establish explicit Public Policy for these corporations. 

This is nothing more or less than the ability of any employer to demand performance from employees and for any government to demand performance from citizens owing it their fealty.

My point to you is that if you are Joe Blow, American, the federal government works for you, you don't work for it.  Any confusion on that point needs to be cleared up right now and in no uncertain terms, but you all have to make your own choice and record that choice on the public record.

So, let's see--- do I want to subject myself to the Public Policy of foreign corporations operating out of Washington, DC?  Do I want to be responsible for all their debts?  Do I want to obey every whim and dictate of the members of the Municipal "Congress"? And the Territorial "Congress"?  And be responsible to know and obey all 80 million statutory laws?  Do I want to pay federal taxes?

And supposedly in exchange for what would I do this for?  For "benefits" that I pay for myself?  Hello?  Plus interest?

So when Donald Trump signs an Executive Order requiring "citizens of the United States" to turn in their guns and ammo does that effect you? 

Well, it depends.  Are you a federal citizen or a state national?   A slave owing allegiance to the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia?  A slave owned by the Municipality of Washington, DC?  An indentured bond servant working for the Territorial Government?  A native of Guam? 

Any "law" or "order" repugnant on its face to our Constitution is null and void with respect to us and is legally and lawfully unenforceable against Americans who have removed themselves from federal jurisdiction. 

So if you are worried about Federales coming around and confiscating your guns under the same false pretenses that FDR confiscated American gold back in the 1930's, it is high time for you to remember who you are and get your paperwork done and on the public record. 

Then, you can hang out your proper flag -- the US Civil Flag--- and your international private property sign -- and if any federal "officer" trespasses for any reason, you can present him with a certified copy of your Deed to your Trade Name and your Certificates of Assumed Names and your Mandatory Notice under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and ask him, "Who gave you permission to address me and trespass on my land?"

Because at that point, your issue isn't with the poor schmuck standing there trying to execute "his orders".  Your issue is with the politicians and administrators of a foreign government who sent him on this errand, and who are attempting to presume upon you and deprive you, an innocent Third Party, of your rights and guarantees and property assets.

To avoid this outcome, you have to remember who you are and stand on your own feet.  You have to tell the "federal government" where its limitations are and back up your claim of birthright political status on the public record.

But why wait for the federal mercenaries to show up on your doorstep?  Why not tell the politicians where to get off right now?  If you are concerned about Trump writing improper Executive Orders that might be misinterpreted as applying to you and your property--- send him a Registered Letter and inform him otherwise.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

To our Servicemen and women and their Families ......

Winning: U.S. Steel to Call Back 500 Employees to Illinois Plant After Trump Announces Tariffs on Foreign Steel

 US tariffs on steel and aluminum would help domestic industry in the short term, but hurt other industries that use the metals and raise prices for consumers 

United States Steel announced Wednesday morning that it would call back 500 employees to work at its Granite City, Illinois, plant after President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. would impose tariffs on foreign steel.“Our Granite City Works facility and employees, as well as the surrounding community, have suffered too long from the unending waves of unfairly traded steel products that have flooded U.S. markets,” U.S. Steel President and Chief Executive Officer David B. Burritt said in a statement released Wednesday.
The steel company announced that it would need the additional personnel to support increased demand for steel after President Trump announced last week that the U.S. would impose tariffs on aluminum and steel imports.

Company leaders praised President Trump for his decision to increase competition among different companies, adding that steel imports threaten this country’s economic and national security.

The Granite City plant idled its blast furnaces and its steel-making facilities in December 2015 and idled its hot strip mill in January 2016 because of a sluggish market.

The plant re-opened its steel-making facilities on the heels of Trump’s announcement, asking the 500 employees to work in the previously shuttered steel-making facilities as soon as this month. It could take up to four months before the company can restart the blast furnaces entirely.


3.7 - #HRCVideo/BOOM/Gold Standard?/"Conspiracy Theorists"



Today's articles: Q Posts -

CIA Doc Q Referenced -

70 cargo containers fall off ship in North Carolina -

Here Come the Fake Videos, Too - President Trump:

Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again -

Is Trump Serious about Returning to a Gold Standard? -

Twitter/Anon post re: Gold Standard -

Male Escort Exposes 36 Gay Priests in File Sent to Vatican Containing Explicit WhatsApp Chats and Erotic Photos -

Facebook asked users if pedophiles should be able to ask kids for 'sexual pictures' -

Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!)


Definition of "Qualified" is limited idiot

If you are qualified teacher then you are limited idiot. If you home school your children and the state stops in and ask you if you are qualified, tell then NO! You are not a limited idiot! I learned that from Howard Griswold. Makes sense to me.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Trump administration to provide records on Obama-era gun-smuggling probe

FILE PHOTO: Then U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, addresses a Justice Department news conference in Washington, U.S., March 4, 2015. REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan/File Photo
In a statement issued on Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Justice Department would hand over documents to the Republican-led House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that had been withheld by Democratic former President Barack Obama’s administration. 

The agreement reached by Republican President Donald Trump’s administration will effectively end a six-year long legal battle in which the committee had gone to federal court to try to enforce a subpoena it had issued to obtain the records. 

Congressional Republicans have been pressing the Justice Department for years about the operation. Named after a movie about car racing, the operation sought to curb gun-trafficking criminals who were selling weapons to Mexican drug cartels. 

In June 2012, the Republican-led House voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder, an Obama appointee, in contempt for failing to turn over documents about the operation. The committee sued Holder for access to the documents in August 2012. Obama asserted executive privilege to block the disclosure of the documents. 

Democrats at the time accused Republicans of engaging in a partisan witch hunt. 

In an effort to build bigger cases against major gun traffickers who were selling arms to Mexican cartels, U.S. law enforcement officials elected not to prosecute lower-level offenders transporting more than 2,000 illegal guns. 

The operation and its flaws became public after two of those firearms were found in Arizona at the scene of a fatal shooting of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

In September 2012, the Justice Department’s inspector general released a report faulting 12 department employees for failures related to the operation. The report vindicated Holder, concluding he neither conceived the operation nor attempted a cover-up. 

Holder, now a partner at the law firm Covington and Burling LLP, could not be immediately reached at his office on Wednesday. 

2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. 801-946), and in order to prescribe amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, prescribed by Executive Order 12473 of April 13, 1984, as amended, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Part II, Part III, and Part IV of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, are amended as described in Annex 1, which is attached to and made a part of this order.

Sec. 2.  The amendments in Annex 1 shall take effect on the date of this order, subject to the following:

(a)  Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to the date of this order that was not punishable when done or omitted.

(b)  Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to invalidate the prosecution of any offense committed before the date of this order.  The maximum punishment for an offense committed before the date of this order shall not exceed the maximum punishment in effect at the time of the commission of such offense.

(c)  Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to the date of this order, and any such nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action shall proceed in the same manner and with the same effect as if the amendments in Annex 1 had not been prescribed.

Sec. 3. 
(a)  Pursuant to section 5542 of the Military
Justice Act of 2016 (MJA), division E of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, Public Law 114-328, 130 Stat. 2000, 2967 (2016), except as otherwise provided by the MJA or this order, the MJA shall take effect on January 1, 2019.

 (b)  Nothing in the MJA shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to January 1, 2019, that was not punishable when done or omitted.

(c)  Nothing in title LX of the MJA shall be construed to invalidate the prosecution of any offense committed before January 1, 2019.  The maximum punishment for an offense committed before January 1, 2019, shall not exceed the maximum punishment in effect at the time of the commission of such offense.

(d)  Nothing in the MJA shall be construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to January 1, 2019.  Except as otherwise provided in this order, the MJA shall not apply in any case in which charges are referred to trial by court-martial before January 1, 2019.  Except as otherwise provided in this order, proceedings in any such case shall be held in the same manner and with the same effect as if the MJA had not been enacted.

Sec. 4.  The Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, as amended by section 1 of this order, is amended as described in Annex 2, which is attached to and made a part of this order.

Sec. 5.  The amendments in Annex 2, including Appendix 12A, shall take effect on January 1, 2019, subject to the following:

(a)  Nothing in Annex 2 shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to January 1, 2019, that was not punishable when done or omitted.

(b)  Nothing in section 4 of Annex 2 shall be construed to invalidate the prosecution of any offense committed before January 1, 2019.  The maximum punishment for an offense committed before January 1, 2019, shall not exceed the maximum punishment in effect at the time of the commission of such offense.

(c)  Nothing in Annex 2 shall be construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to January 1, 2019.  Except as otherwise provided in this order, the amendments in Annex 2 shall not apply in any case in which charges are referred to trial by court-martial before January 1, 2019.  Except as otherwise provided in this order, proceedings in any such case shall be held in the same manner and with the same effect as if such amendments had not been prescribed.

Sec. 6.
 (a)  The amendments to Articles 2, 56(d), 58a, and 63 of the UCMJ enacted by sections 5102, 5301, 5303, and 5327 of the MJA apply only to cases in which all specifications allege offenses committed on or after January 1, 2019.

(b)  If the accused is found guilty of a specification alleging the commission of one or more offenses before January 1, 2019, Article 60 of the UCMJ, as in effect on the date of the earliest offense of which the accused was found guilty, shall apply to the convening authority, in addition to the suspending authority in Article 60a(c) as enacted by the MJA, to the extent that Article 60:

(1)  requires action by the convening authority on the sentence;

(2)  permits action by the convening authority on findings;

(3)  authorizes the convening authority to modify the findings and sentence of a court-martial, dismiss any charge or specification by setting aside a finding of guilty thereto, or change a finding of guilty to a charge or specification to a finding of guilty to an offense that is a lesser included offense of the offense stated in the charge or specification;

(4)  authorizes the convening authority to order a proceeding in revision or a rehearing; or

(5)  authorizes the convening authority to approve, disapprove, commute, or suspend a sentence in whole or in part.

Sec. 7.  The amendment to Article 15 of the UCMJ enacted by section 5141 of the MJA shall apply to any nonjudicial punishment imposed on or after January 1, 2019.

Sec. 8.  The amendments to Articles 32 and 34 of the UCM enacted by sections 5203 and 5205 of the MJA apply with respect to preliminary hearings conducted and advice given on or after January 1, 2019.

Sec. 9.  The amendments to Article 79 of the UCMJ enacted by section 5402 of the MJA and the amendments to Appendix 12A to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, made by this order apply only to offenses committed on or after January 1, 2019.

Sec. 10.  Except as provided by Rule for Courts-Martial 902A, as promulgated by Annex 2, any change to sentencing procedures:

(a)  made by Articles 16(c)(2), 19(b), 25(d)(2) and (3), 39(a)(4), 53, 53a, or 56(c) of the UCMJ, as enacted by sections 5161, 5163, 5182, 5222, 5236, 5237, and 5301 of the MJA; or

(b)  included in Annex 2 in rules implementing those articles, applies only to cases in which all specifications allege offenses committed on or after January 1, 2019.

Sec. 11.  The amendments to Article 146 of the UCMJ enacted by section 5521 of the MJA and the new Article 146a enacted by section 5522 of the MJA shall take effect on the day after the report for fiscal year 2017 required by Article 146(c) of the UCMJ (as in effect before the MJA’s amendments) is submitted in accordance with Article 146(c)(1), but in no event later than December 1, 2018.

Sec. 12.  In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law.
March 1, 2018.


Erie Railroad v. Tompkins decision, UCC, and the definition of "qualified"

 Amazon now owns talkshoe girls and boys as you can see

What is Happening to Our World

What is Happening to Our World (2018-2019)

What are they doing to us?
And why? 

Anonymous - Great Deception is Coming... (CERN ALERT MESSAGE 2018-2019)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Time for the government to take down the bird feeder

I bought a bird feeder.  I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed.
What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovinglywith seed.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. 
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio above the table and next to the barbecue. 
Then came the poop. It was every where - on the patio tile, the chairs, the table – every where!
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.
And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch any more so I took down the bird feeder and
in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon the back yard was like it used to be ....... quiet, serene.... and no one demanding their 'rights' to a free meal.

Now let's see......

Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then the illegal's came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services - small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your  child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.

Corn flakes now come in a bilingual box. I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ”ours” are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more 'rights' and 'free liberties'.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

Do you agree? Then pass this on.  If not, just continue cleaning up the poop!


Seattle Police Begin Gun Confiscations: No Laws Broken, No Warrant, No Charges

A man in Seattle has had his gun confiscated by police after breaking no laws. The police took his gun without a warrant and without pressing any charges.  Tyranny has officially taken hold on American soil.

This sets a precedent that government can now forcefully take guns away from an individual without a crime being committed or an arrest being made and without a warrant. In the name of fear and political exploitation of anti-gun rhetoric, a citizen’s Second Amendment rights have been ripped away from him by the government.

The new “red flag” law, which has taken hold in other states already, allows the courts and law enforcement to take away guns from individuals they deem are dangerous and they’ve just begun the confiscationA man living in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington became the first individual in the state to have his firearm confiscated without any formal arrest or charges.  The man was not identified by authorities.

Neighbors complained that the man had been “staring” at people through storefront windows while wearing a holstered firearm. He was not brandishing his weapon by any account, and open carrying is legal in the area, so he was abiding by the law. Other residents also complained that the man’s open carrying made them feel “uncomfortable” and “unsafe.”
“He was roaming the hallways with a .25 caliber automatic,” said Tony Montana, a man who lives in the same apartment complex as the gun owner and a person without any reasonable gun knowledge.  Handguns are semi-automatic.
These lousy complaints from neighbors allowed police to use the newly passed state law to confiscate the man’s firearm because the man apparently stared at others.  Maybe there’s a ban on staring at others in Washington we are unaware of. Under the extreme risk protection orders — also referred to as “erpos” or “red flag laws” —  police (government officials) are now allowed to violate a person’s Second and Fourth Amendment rights (which are basic fundamental human rights) and take their legally acquired personal property if they are tattled on by offended liberals.
Tyranny has now taken hold on American soil.

America Is Waking Up To The Deep State

FBI to Judge: Dismiss lawsuit before the public learns details about the jihad attack in Texas

But-for the FBI’s undercover agent effectively having “green-lighted” the attack, and offered himself to go and facilitate it, would there have been a jihad attack in Garland, Texas? If not, then Plaintiff – a security guard – would not have been shot, and suffer emotional distress.


The Judge could grant dismissal of the lawsuit. So it is pointless to ask about our alleged role in the jihad attack, says the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its own defense, through its mouthpiece, the Department of Justice.
But the FBI failed to state a court rule, statute or “good cause” to prevent all discovery, responds the Plaintiff.

This lawsuit’s allegations are detailed in a previous article on the Geller Report here.1

Arguments concern whether to immediately conduct discovery – interrogatories, requests to produce, depositions, etc. – concurrent with a pending Motion to Dismiss. The following are excerpts of the USA / FBI’s Motion 2 and Memorandum [DM/pg];3 Plaintiff’s Response [PR/pg];4 and the USA / FBI’s Reply [DR/pg].5

USA / FBI’s Motion for Relief
The Motion seeks “to relieve the parties from the reporting requirements set forth in the Court’s order dated January 16, 2018…, to abstain from entering a scheduling order, and for a stay of discovery while the United States’ motion to dismiss … is pending.”

USA / FBI’s Memorandum    
“Plaintiff alleges that he was shot in the leg while working as a security guard at an event called the ‘First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest’ at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas on May 3, 2015 (‘the event’). The shooting occurred when Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, whom Plaintiff describes as ‘two members of the international terrorist organization ISIS,’ attempted to carry out a mass-shooting at the event.”

“[A]s a practical matter, it is especially difficult (and unnecessary) at this juncture for case management deadlines to be set, given that the parties’ briefing on the sovereign immunity issue is not yet complete and it is thus unknown when the issue will be resolved … If the motion [to dismiss] is granted, then the need for a scheduling order will no longer exist. Alternatively, if the motion is denied or granted in part, this Court’s ruling may reduce the number of claims and narrow the scope of discovery.”

“Staying discovery in this action while the motion to dismiss is pending is more than simply appropriate – it is necessary to preserve the United States’ sovereign immunity.”

“A stay of discovery is especially justified here given the nature of the information likely to be sought during discovery by Plaintiff. On its face, the Complaint makes clear that it challenges alleged Government conduct [the FBI] taken during the course of a national security counterterrorism investigation. As such, there is a strong likelihood that much of the information Plaintiff will seek from the FBI is classified and law enforcement sensitive information over which the Government will assert claims of privilege to prevent its disclosure. To be sure, in pending federal criminal proceedings related to the events at issue in this case, the Government continues to protect such information from disclosure.”

The counter-terrorism investigation, particularly concerning the jihad attack here, has resulted in criminal proceedings against three defendants: (1) Erick Jamal Hendricks, who will be tried in March, 2018;6 (2) Abdul Khabir Wahid, who will be tried in May, 2018;7 and (3) Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, who was convicted in February, 2017, but he has a pending appeal.8

Plaintiff’s Response
“The purpose of pre-dismissal discovery is to find factual support for a plaintiff’s argument that the conduct at issue is not discretionary, and thus not covered by the discretionary function exception.”

[PR/7, fn1]
“If Congress had intended for a stay on discovery to be imposed anytime Defendant raises the discretionary function exception in a motion to dismiss, then some federal rule [of court procedure] or statute would say so.” [PR/8]
“Given that no Scheduling Conference has even been held, and no discovery requests have even been sent, Defendant’s Motion to Stay is premature–as it cannot yet determine whether it will suffer ‘annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense’ by proceeding as usual. If Defendant receives specific discovery requests that are oppressive or pose an undue burden to respond to–then Defendant can object to those particular requests. Defendant is also free to invoke privilege when any information requested by Plaintiff is subject to privilege. But insisting on a blanket stay of all discovery–when no good cause has been definitively demonstrated–goes too far. Defendant has not met its ‘heavy burden’ and demonstrated good cause to sidestep the general rule in favor of discovery.”

“Even if the Court were to find some merit in Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss, Plaintiff would likely be allowed an opportunity to amend its pleadings to cure any defects.” [PR/6]

USA / FBI’s Reply
“The burden of going through the painstaking process of reviewing such materials in response to a discovery request is, quite frankly, self-evident. Placing such a burden on the FBI, which already bears a heavy workload dealing with discovery in numerous legal actions throughout the country as well as Congressional requests, is the very sort of intrusion into sovereign immunity that should be avoided until the threshold legal issues are decided.” [DR/2].

U.S. Taxpayers are owed explanations for the FBI’s alleged action or inaction

What do the majority of mass shootings have in common? All levels of government, particularly the FBI, apparently did not “connect the dots” and therefore “dropped the ball” to prevent the attacks.

Hypothetical: Entrapment is not a defense when the perpetrator was predisposed to commit the crime. However, consider: Is an undercover law enforcement officer considered a co-conspirator if his words originate the crime, and his acts contribute to the crime?

As this Complaint alleges:
“[On] (May 2, 2015), Hendricks and UCE-1 again chatted online about the upcoming Garland event. Hendricks wrote, ‘I wish someone could go to tx and harass them during the night;’ ‘a good solid protest;’ and ‘Unique one man protest.’ After Hendricks explained that he was unable to go because he was on the no-fly list and it was ‘too much driving,’ UCE-1 then volunteered to go. UCE-1 then asked, ‘Just me or any other brothers?’ Hendricks responded, ‘See what you and bro [Simpson] can do,’ and added that Simpson ‘has another brother he knows’ (presumably Soofi). Hendricks then provided ICE-1 with Simpson’s alternate Twitter contact.” [Complaint ¶ 34].

Assume the above is true and consider: But-for the FBI’s undercover agent effectively having “green-lighted” the attack, and offered himself to go and facilitate it, would there have been a jihad attack in Garland, Texas? If not, then Plaintiff – a security guard – would not have been shot, and suffer emotional distress.

President Obama did more than seek to protect Islam as a minority religion in the United States. His words and deeds advocated for, and promoted, Islam.

The Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are under the Executive branch. The FBI ostensibly has provided briefings to the President. Using every scandal’s inquiry: What did President Obama know, and when did he know it?

Gerald Lostutter is a Florida licensed attorney, college professor, and journalist. He has worked in the print and broadcast media. His comedy can be heard on Central Florida Radio. Scroll down to WDBO-AM 580, and WMEL-AM 920.

1 Joiner v. United States of America, Civil docket: 3:17-cv-02692-M, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Dallas); Filed Oct. 2, 2017. This public record is online as a summary via Justia, and accessible via Pacer. The latter will require the User’s account, and possible costs.
2 Defendant United States of America’s Motion for Relief from Order Requiring a Scheduling Conference and Report and For a Stay of Discovery (01-30-18).
3 Memorandum in Support of Defendant United States of America’s Motion for Relief from Order Requiring a Scheduling Conference and Report and For a Stay of Discovery (01-30-18).
4 Plaintiff’s Response in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion for Relief from Order Requiring a Scheduling Conference and Report and For a Stay of Discovery (02-16-18).
5 Reply to Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendant United States of America’s Motion for Relief from Order Requiring a Scheduling Conference and Report and For a Stay of Discovery (03-01-18).
6 United States of America v. Erick Jamal Hendricks, No. 16-DR-265 (N.D. Oh).
7 United States of America v. Abdul Khabir Wahid, No. 17-CR-360 (D. Az).
8 United States of America v. Abdul Malik abdul Kareem, No. 15-CR-707 (D. Az).
Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller.

Trump Proven Right: North Korea Backs Down!