Sunday, March 25, 2018



THE purpose of this document:  IS to unite the clans of awakened thought in a common direction with a common goal.  One government for every country, truly of and for the people, a de jure representation, which means, “of one’s right, and not what we currently have, de facto corporations operating for maximum profit, and masquerading as governments.   De facto, which means, illegitimate but in effect, it was not always so.  Why were we not told of this?

Did you know that our governments, local, city, county, state and federal were not always incorporated?
Do you know what it means to be incorporated?
It means the entity is a corporation, a fictitious entity, something made up on paper, and by word crafting and legal definition, becomes an entity, legally defined as a person.  If you look up, “legal definition person,” you might be horrified, do it, Google it, so that you may step into the light of consciousness and be awakened.
Why have you been lied to?
Why have you been told, “Well that is just the way it always has been”?
How can a corporation be of and for the people?  How can a real living individual be on the same level playing field as a fictitious entity, a corporation is not living, it is not real, it is a piece of fiction, how can you be represented by something that is not real and living?  Were you not created in the image and likeness of the great creator?  How can a fake piece of fiction represent the likeness of the creator in all the creator’s glory?

It was not always so!  Did you know that since the civil war we have been run by a militarized corporation, think about it, commander in chief, secretary of the state department, post master general, surgeon general, attorney general!
Did you know it was not like that before the civil war?
Did you know that the first commander in chief was Abraham Lincoln?  Did you know he was a card carrying member of the BAR? Do you know what that means?

That means Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer!
Did you know that our founding fathers very distinctly put in place rules against any lawyers or attorneys holding office?  Do you know why?
Do you know what it is to be a member of the BAR?
Do you know what BAR stands for?
It stand for British Accredited Registry!
King George was mad after the revolutionary war, so were the rest of the monarchs, oligarchs, and the church of Rome.
Why you ask?  Because we Americans were meant to be kings and queens wherever we stood, the ground underneath our feet to be sovereign land, a place where we could not be detained, harassed, imprisoned, fined excessively, and being free from from taxation! This was the great creators intent for all men, woman, and children everywhere no matter where they stood.

Do you know what it means to say, no tax on tax?  City Tax, County Tax,  State Tax,  Federal Tax, Permits, Fees, Fines, They continuously sell us the same goods over and over and over again, !
Did you know our taxes pay for research, and then we must pay $40 to read the research article!  Did you know that our taxes pay for the courts, but then the courts fine us excessively once again, again and again.
Did you know our taxes pay the courts, but then we must pay to print off a court document?
Did you know that our taxes pay for cures for cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s, and then they either sell that cure back to us as super expensive little pills, and even worse, did you know that they withhold the real cures?  Did you know that scientists and researchers are murdered to prevent the cures and technologies from being known by the people?  Do you believe this is obviously because more money can be made from treating the symptoms than curing the disease?

Why is all this so?  Because the de facto corporations have corrupted their purpose, they have cheated their way into all encompassing positions of power, and now they are running for maximum profit!  Every dawn of each new day breathes death to new scams, new so-called natural disasters, all devised to increase profits, so that these vermin make more and more money.  New false flags to enslave the populous, to promote war, death, and the manufacturing of bullets, bombs, and guns to profit from blood, your blood, the blood of your mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.  How can you stand idly by while your own blood is spilt not just across the land but around the world.  We are all many, but we are one!

This is what the enemy hides from you, we are one group of real living people, with hands and feet, living on the land known as Earth, we have such a beautiful history that has been hidden from us by deceit, lies, and murder.  Embrace one another and stand triumphant against our oppressors!

My Fellow Americans, my fellow brothers and sisters around the globe, now is the time to rise to your feet, let your voices be heard!  Let me hear the greatest awakened and pissed off giant roar!

Add your names to the scrolls of history here and now, by adding your names to the rolls of the National Assembly Call of peaceful and lawful assembly, provided by the Michigan Jural Assembly.

Last thursday’s National Assembly Call had 21 states in attendance, 30 states in attendance and assembled are required in to prove that we are ready to govern.  Once 30 states are in attendance, we shall instruct the military to arrest the perpetrators.  Stand with us and make your voices heard.

Email your first name, state, county, and country to CONTENTMANAGER1@YAHOO.COM and join us on the

National Assembly Call,
every thursday at
6pm Pacific
7pm Mountain
8pm Central
9pm Eastern Time
Each call becomes more important than the previous, you cannot expect happiness in life unless you represent yourself and your will to self govern.

Let it be known to all, that ours is a message of peace, compassion, and loving, lawful assembly, so that no government or criminal organization may call us rebel rousers, terrorists, or anarchists.

Let this message be heard by all the world, speed word of our peaceful jurisdiction rising from land to land across ocean and ocean, from the bottoms of the valleys across the mountain tops divide, from the great plains to the great deserts, unresting and unstoppable abroad!

Tell Q, and Anna Von Reitz, Tell Jordan Sather, Tell Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Tell Alex Jones, and Dr. Michael Salla.
Tell Sean Hannity, CNN and MSNBC, Tell Tucker Carlson, Tell George Norey, Anti School, and Dr. Steven Greer.  Tell Suspicious Observers and the SGT Report.
Tell Dr. Michio Kaku, Tell Gerome Corsey, Greg Braden, and Regina Meredith.  Tell President Trump, all of the puppet congress and all of the puppet senate, tell all the puppet world leaders on down to your local, city, county and state puppet politicians, and puppet representatives, tell your friends and family in law enforcement, send this to all the military and everyone you know in the military around the world!  For the militaries of the world shall be our hero’s once again!
Tell everyone, everyday!

Announce unto them whom you meet, send word to those you know, that the freedom bell rings once again in the minds and hearts of patriots from America to China, to Russia, and Africa!  Let no stone be unturned, let no country, man woman or child not be free from this moment forward.  There is enough resources for everyone to be happy, for everyone to live in abundance, enough land for everyone to have a place to call their own.  Do you not understand that their exists hundreds of livable miles both above us and below us.  The technology to grow crops in places of darkness exists to turn those dark spaces into glorious places of vibrant life.  Tell everyone, herein lies the answers and remedies to our problems, tell them all, so that the freedom bell continues to ring forever from this day forward to infinity and back.

Tell everyone, everywhere, everyday, that here in this document lies the answers and remedies to all our hardships.

Let me ask you some simple questions, then I will give you all the answer that you seek to remedy the evil that has befallen you.

Why is America no longer the shining ray of hope for the world that it once was?
Why has America dimmed to darkness at the behest of banksters, profiteers, and their puppet politicians?
Why do politicians promise one thing and then slight us by doing another?
Why does the pirate owned fake media bend to the will of blood lusting, and war mongering criminals?
Do you feel that your vote counts?
Why do the de facto governments of the world, pay more attention, strict inspection, and supervision for the rules with regard to international athletic doping scandals, but every day and every time we have a vote anywhere in the world, the de facto corporations cheat, they steel the vote, hack the election, falsify voter registration.  Why do the dead vote?  Tell unto me now, how is that so?  Why will these falsely representing de facto corporations masquerading as lawful governments, not allow we the people to have civilian supervision over the voting process in every nation?  Why does international athletics have such a high bar, but the act of voting should be so corrupt, that which ensures the rights of We The People, our liberties, freedoms, and safety has been turned against us, weaponized to ensure the maximum profit of corporation masquerading as our lawful governance.  Which is more important, the sanctity of the vote, or the sanctity of fair competition, or should they be equal?  Do you see?  Are you awakened?

From this day forward, We The People, assembled, decree that all voting around the world shall be free from corruption and have an always present, international committee of civilian authorities representing, We The People assembled, that manage, inspect, and supervise all elections, which forever from this day, voting shall only lawfully be performed by the casting of paper ballots, each voting location complete with un broken video for use in audits and oversight, all rights and access to the video and access to the voting results, being forever available to any real living man or woman of We The People assembled, until a proven method free of cheating can relieve the use of paper ballots, computers and machines cannot be trusted and are too easy to be programmed by the de facto corporations masquerading as your lawful governance.

I say to you, that deep down, in a place you do not wish to think about, because it pains you, you know your vote does not count.
Why is that so America?  Why is that so Earth?

Have you or someone that you know, had their home invaded and then stolen at gun point by those who allegedly swore an oath in service to that which was assumedly represented by the Bill of Rights or by lawful peaceful representation?  How can the de facto corporation government lawfully take any property or value from any real living human having hands and feet without violating the Bill of Rights where it says we all have the right to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness?

How can they steal from us?  How can they take from us against our will?  We are all kings and queens made in the creator’s image. Does that not violate the Bill of Rights?

The right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and to peacefully assemble, so that we may redress grievances, this is a god given right, just as our founders said, not just for America, but for the whole world/  What are the rights granted by the creator?
Life!  Liberty!  Pursuit of happiness!  To peacefully assemble and redress grievances!  To live unadulterated, unbrutalized, in a free, loving, and compassionate reality.  Let us always be prepared to defend our God given rights, but let us never take those rights away from other real living humans or other sentient beings!  Let us be protectors of Earth, so that we may be protectors our solar system,  and protectors of our galaxy, so that we may be protectors of those God given inalienable rights across the universe divide.

What UNHOLY HELL happened to America and the world?

Did you know that there is no hole in the ground with the body of Jimmy Hoffa?  Did you know that after being shot in a house, his body was transported to a commercial food processing kitchen, where his body was placed into a tub meat grinder, then canned, and labeled “Hoffa Chow.”  Did you know that the cans of “Hoffa Chow” were passed around as a gag gift to upper mafia elitists as a clear message that this is what happens when you resist the will of the crime syndicate?
Did you know that there is no hole in the ground or body of Jimmy Hoffa because he is spread across the surface of the Earth in the form of decayed canine fecal material?  Yes, that is correct, they fed him to their dogs.  Point of fact, the truth is usually stranger than a lie.  These are the criminals that claim to be your rightful governance.

Militaries of the world, seize your slave masters!  Seize our slave masters!

America!  Earth!  Do you feel it?  Can you hear it?  Are you witnessing the rising of change and the will of the people to say, “No more will we stand idly by while our lands and homes are stolen, while our family members and friends are brutalized, raped, and murdered, while those around us are found convicted of victimless crimes, and our piggy banks raided in violation of “no excessive fines,” that which, was promised to us, and so clearly betrayed.

Do you know what an OXYMORON is?  A wealthy peasant does not even amount to a flies fart to that which is an oxymoron like the term victimless crime.
Did you know, that the Supreme Court upheld that a crime must have a victim?
And, did you know that the Supreme Court also found that the state cannot claim to be the victim because it is in fact a corporation and a corporation cannot sign a contract?

America, why have you been lied to?  Why have you allowed yourselves to be pacified, put to sleep, and suffered at such deceit and treachery?

America, I will tell you why.

It is a term known as a “Just Noticeable Difference,” it is a scientific term and philosophy, which, when properly utilized by our corrupt governments, realized that small changes can be made over time, so subtle that the test subjects (YOU) never know what happened, and all of a sudden, one day, you wake up, a slave, owned, by a slave government that is slave to its globalist masters.

Some people call these evil creatures the illuminati, some say, the cabal, some say, the military industrial complex, some say it is the oligarchs, however, I and others, simply call them all, “The Crime Syndicate”.

I say unto you, patriots of America and patriots of the nations of the Earth, it matters not, for they are criminals, wolves in sheeps clothing, devaluing your currency through lies and deception, stealing your stocks and bonds through insider trading and manufactured deceit, and to boot, the seizing of your property by lies criminally perpetrated under unconstitutional taxes.

Did you know that World War I killed one-third of the gold miners?
Did you know that World War II killed another one-third of the gold miners?
Did you know that from 1941 to 1949, the U.S. government made it illegal do crush rock possessing gold and silver?
So, did you know, that after the great wars, only 1/3 of the gold mines were open, and then the government forced all of those gold mines to close down for nine years, all the wooden timbers rotted out,  and mining tunnels unsafe and deteriorated.

Why would an investor want to invest in a hole in the ground that has become a tomb for the next men to make the mistake of going inside?
Did you know that only 5% of that one third actually reopened, 95% of that one-third never opened back up, that equates to 98.35% of the gold and silver mines of America being shut down, forever. How do you like them apples?  Qui bono?  Goodbye exit Gold Standard stage left, and enter fiat fake fictional paper printed at the behest of bold criminal culprets collaborating together through secret channels and by conduct of malice soul intent on the destruction of the people’s ability to protect themselves through the fruits of their labor.

And then lies were produced for you, all told that all of the gold and silver was gone, gotten already by the old timers, a flat out lie, perpetrated by the murders of millions of our ancestors in the Great Wars, all so they could abolish our gold standard of currency and give us this fake, paper, monopoly funny money, which is then devalued at such a fast rate that money if left in the bank decreases enormously by the time we are ready to retire or to pass to our heirs.  These green backs are backed by nothing, this is one of the greatest thefts the world has ever known, if not the single greatest.

The de facto corporations are sucking life off you like batteries.  You are energy for these evil monsters.  You are a slave America!  If you live on planet Earth, the same for you, all good little slaves.

Will you accept the red pill?  Or will you take the blue pill and remain asleep?

Do you believe the funny looking, strange clouds and accompanying haze in the sky are an accident?
Do you believe these chem trails are just the result of natural commercial air traffic?
You have been lied to.
Don’t believe me?
Go to the grocery store, buy a gallon of distilled water (water that is purified of impurities via steam purification process) pour the distilled water into a large bowl or pan and set it outside for a month.
When you send a sample of the exposed and now contaminated distilled water for an RCRA, hazardous analysis you will find it has been corrupted and contaminated by above EPA levels of aluminum, barium, and radioactivity, that is all due to intentional decay of our real living environment.

Do you believe that the drastic rise of Parkinson’s, diabetes, and Alzheimers is coincidental?
Would you believe me if I told you that our enemies moved to kill us as quickly as possible because the realization of the Internet has corrupted their plans because information of malicious crimes moves too quickly around the world and prevents the criminals from fully executing a coverup for their crimes and thus prevents the following white washing by the criminal, pirate, fake media.
Would you believe me if I told you that all of these self inflicted ailments exists as a trillions of dollars per year illegal and criminal exploit?

Rise up and rise up now!

My fellow Americans, fellow brothers and sisters of Earth, take back your original jurisdiction constitutional form of republic governance.  Repeat history with us once again and make this nation and the world a shining ray of hope, light, and compassion for not just Earth, but for the Galaxy, once again, we are following in the footsteps of our forefathers and are drawing from their knowledge and historical precedence in order to reestablish the lawful de sure government (the government of one’s right).

We have discovered the answer to all our problems, all due to a small number of patriots, living on the land, called Michigan. These aforementioned patriots, retraced history, discovered the true history, not the lies that we are taught in public brain washing schools to create robots that do not think for themselves, but the real true history of our forefathers.

The true history and the answer to our problem begins and therein lies with Article 1 of The Bill of Rights, God given rights to every living man, woman, and child.  Therein, you will find, that “The people have the right to peaceful assembly and to redress grievances.

Just like our founding fathers did to to that bastard King George, we shall now do again, so that our military and the militaries of the world, the only group of concentrated patriots, will rain down upon our enemies and capture them by the millions so that they shall bother us no more.

To the military of the united states for America, to the militaries of the many sovereign countries of Earth, to our brothers and sisters at arms, to all the white hats, to the alliance, to the protectors of this great sovereign soil, this great sovereign Earth, free us from our captors, deliver us to justice, we demand peace.  We deserve peace.  We shall not rest until we have found said peace.  We demand remedy to our grievances.  We have been murdered, we have been tortured, we have been made slaves by way of personage, deceit, treachery, press ganging, bribery, corruption, by way of politicians and power mongers that pay to play at the cost of the living people living on the true land jurisdiction.

We demand that the militaries of Earth freey us from the jurisdiction of the sea, and allow us to return to lawful de jure, body politics, of and for the people.

America and Earth, I say unto you, that is enough of the bad, now for the good.  I bring tidings of great news.

The people are awakening in droves, not just in America, but around the world.  The de jure peaceful assembly of the national jural assemblies is rising, it is rising to restore the light, to give back hope to the masses, not just in America, not just on Earth, not just in this Galaxy, but to all sentient beings and to the great Creator in everything that is represented to infinity and back.

National Assembly Call News:
Last Thursday, the National Jural Assembly Conference Call on a National Quorum, took roll, and counted representation from 21 states.
Minutes were recorded!
This National Quorum is supported by members, through out of pocket donations, and of their own volition and free will, un-solicited!
Each meeting schedules into the next.
All meetings are based on the 1854 Jefferson Manual.

Jurisprudence Book 38a, page 340, the first line reads, “When the de jure grand jury rises, the de facto jury must sit!”  You the ones that you have been waiting for.  This is the historical answer that you seek that automatically remedies all the pain and suffering that has befallen you.

The 1871 chartered corporation U.S. INC, was hired to perform 19 essential government services, on behalf of, and for, We The People and for the people.
Do you know why?
How does a government hire a corporation to pretend to be the government?

The de facto corporations have violated their contracts in order to become corporations for profit, involving piracy against the people.  Through word crafting called legalese, they use a forked tongue and deception to steal, imprison, and enslave the people for profit, you are nothing but battery to them, a life force to suck dry, and for as long as it continues, your energy and the fruits of your labor shall not be yours and yours alone, and shall be stolen at the will and behest of our slave masters.

Good news though folks, their contract was to end when the people return to self governing.  Here me now.  This time is at hand. The end of the age of a darkness and the new beginning of a golden era of light awaits you.  Add your names now to the scrolls of history and to the rolls of the National Assembly Call by way of the :

Michigan Jural Assembly
by emailing:


People have the right, listed in Article 1 of the Bill of Rights, to assemble and redress grievances.

Donald Trump told you and he told the world in his United Nations speech that he is returning the power back to the people!  The military and patriots throughout our great country are waiting for you to prove that you can stand and be recognized in peaceful assembly and they await your instructions.

Rise up and stand with us so that we may redress our grievances just as our fore fathers did to that bastard king george,we shall do unto these criminal elite once again just as we did to that so called king, henceforth they shall be cast from our shores and never return.  You are all kings and queens, made in God’s image. Stand as kings and queens with us now.

I repeat, the military is waiting to hear your voices, the Michigan Jural Assembly, you will find everything you need to know at the Michigan Jural Assembly Website, including but not limited to:

Conference call time, same time every Thursday
7pm Mountain
8pm Central
9pm Eastern Time

The handbook of how to assemble your peaceful assemblies and historical information that was hidden from you is located on the Michigan Jural Assembly web site.  Why did public schools train us to be good little slaves?

We are many, they are few, we have the military of the united states for America and the militaries of the world, the greatest concentration of patriots sworn to arms, sworn to defend the rights of the people.  Here us now, militaries of the world, size them, turn on your masters and seize them, turn on our masters and seize them, seize them and bind them.  But let them live, undamaged, unharmed, not a scratch.  Any single member of the military deliberately disregarding this capture alive and unharmed mandate, shall and will be investigated and potentially deemed a traitor by way of effort to subvert and conceal the truth. Non-military and non-law enforcement people of the world, peacefully stand by as the military performs their duty.  Do not take matters into your own hands.  This is a peaceful undertaking.  We The People will stand by as you perform your duty.

Email your first name, county, state and country to CONTENTMANGER1@YAHOO.COM

We are many, we once were anonymous, now is the time, rise and stand with us now.  We can forgive, but we can never forget.

Hear this.  We decree that our enemies will be treated with compassion and will not be sentenced to death, let it be known, mercy shall be shown to those who switch over to the light, for the rest, we shall keep you alive forever, so that you may be studied like the rats that you are, we shall not repeat the mistakes of the Nuremberg Trials and the subsequent death sentences, such mistakes covered up and concealed so much evil that we should never have known by keeping those criminals alive, forever.  Come to the light and receive quarter, forgiveness, and your inheritance, as free men and women turned to the light against the forces of evil!  Aid the light and receive redemption, the rest of you scurry you little furry vermin.  The renegade warriors of the family of light are here to liberate this planet. If you are hearing this, you are a renegade warrior of the family of light.  We call out to our galactic brothers and sisters to stand with us and assist our endeavor, hear our cries and pleas for help and deliver your assistance.

My name is Jeff and I live on the county known as Washington County, on the land known as Oregon, join me, join the National Assembly Call, by emailing your name, county, state, and country to CONTENTMANAGER@YAHOO.COM

To our slave masters: We are not afraid of you, we have the might of the militaries of the world behind us, surrender now and we shall give you quarter, aid us and receive redemption, assist us and receive complete forgiveness and equal rights to your inheritance, flee from us and spend forever, with excellent nutrition via feeding tube and I.V. if necessary, well exercised on human sized gerbil wheels, and escorted by robots that cattle prod you if you step out of line, or we might just put you on cold cold ice, forever….

We the people hereby demand; immediate seizure of all ill gotten funds, the immediate seizure of all criminally culpable corporations, and the immediate seizure of all assets belonging to the criminal elite and of all their collaborators who sold “We The People,” down the river.

We The People hereby grant amnesty to all those criminals and collaborators who immediately assist with unwavering resilience in the peaceful transition, all ill gotten funds shall be seized, but funds rightfully had shall be returned to those criminals and collaborators who turn to the light and assist the forces of the light as redeemed warriors of the light by their immediate assistance for the forces of good.

These assets and entities all seized are to immediately be held in trust as reparations for war crimes committed by enemy combatants both foreign and domestic for their crimes against humanity.  All ill gotten funds and resources are to be made payable by dispersement, overseen by “We The People,” assembled, as reparations and recompense for the global theft, suffering, and murder of our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.

Great change is underway.  It will be bumpy, some industries like, coal, energy, oil, gas, and chemotherapy are intentionally outdated and have existing replacements that are clean, effective, and efficient.  Some jobs will quickly disappear, fear not, the ill gotten funds and assets are millions of times more than you can fathom, thousands off trillions of dollars of ill gotten funds that shall pick you up and carry you and your heirs on the shoulders of angels from here to infinity and back.

From this day forward, those funds and assets shall smooth the transition to the golden age.  Your peace, happiness, freedom, and financial freedom are not at hand, nay!  The time is now, the time is here, the time is today.

Do you want an RV?
Do you want Nesara?
Do you want Gesara?

Rise with us and claim your inheritance from the dark age of suffering as we move into the thriving light of flourishing wealth not even imaginable.  I tell you, it is real and the funds and assets nearly infinite.

We have been led to believe that we live in a world lacking resources.
Did you know this was nothing more than a dirty lie told in order to control.  The truth is amazing, our resources are inexhaustible.  But our environment is truly exhaustible, and that is why evil powers have poisoned, chem trailed, radiated, our air, lands, and waters, all part of a system of corrupt mechanisms of control.  Can you look up and see the poisonous clouds stringing lines of poison that blend into a haze, can you see them above your heads?  Do you really expect the right hand of the de facto corporation to slap the left hand of the de facto corporation? Nay!  But I promise you my brothers and sisters that the true real living patriots of the military do intend to hold the oath they swore in their hearts to protect the people no matter what. Certainly do not confuse this with the deceptive oaths sworn, those oaths found written on paper in the form of legalese fork tongued deception as they swore allegiance to corporations and evil globalists via names of entities that they thought represented the people, but did not.

Read the oaths of office, read the oaths of judges, read the oaths of law enforcement and read the oaths of the military, you will notice that it does not swear allegiance to the living people of the land, but instead to an abbreviated name, such as United States.  What is the United States?  It is the name of a corporation.  The real name for our country, before it was corrupted, was the united states for America (spelled just like that with exactly that case referring to caps vs not caps).  Did you know that legally the name, united states, is different than United States, and that THOMAS JEFFERSON is legally different than Thomas Jefferson.  You have been deceived Earth.

Will you stand with me, will you stand with us all?  We are many! The enemy is few, the enemy is weakened, and the enemy is small in numbers!  However, remember, military and law enforcement only, civilians shall not execute arrests unless by the duty bestowed upon them.

Do it now.  The time is it hand, the answers and remedy to our victory discovered.

Did you know that Jeff Bezos is not the richest, wealthiest individual in the world?  Nor Bill Gates?  Nor Oprah Winfrey?  Nor any of them combined.

Did you know that these were lies to cover up the truth, that the richest crime families are trillionaires a thousand times over!

If your job is eliminated during the transition and you wish to keep working, you will receive equal pay until you are trained for your next destined field of endeavor, but this hardly matters, because the reparations and recompense owed to you for the crimes committed against you, will provide you the choice to never work again if you so desire.  These monies will not all go to lawyers that have betrayed you, no, they will all be received by you and you alone.  The lawyers on the other hand are all to be arrested as collaborators and criminals unless they can prove otherwise.

We have suffered at the hands of pirate, criminal, thieves, and overlords that know too well that more money is made from destruction and from the rebuilding from destruction, and from treating the symptoms of disease, and by causing the disease, instead of actually curing the disease.

Did you know that there is no profit to be made from free energy and that is why we burn plants for energy?  Fear not if you are a coal miner, your reparations and recompense for crimes committed unto you shall free you financially, the same if you are in any other career that is replaced during this peaceful transition into the future of technologies that have been stolen from us, locked away from us, discovered at our tax payer expense, stolen from murdered researchers and scientists.

You will not have to work again if you so desire, however, we hope you will continue working hard with us to build the world of tomorrow that our children can be proud of.

You have been lied to, deceived into working and toiling every day for the scraps of paper that they freely print at our expense until they are worthless and our lives are stolen from us, one day waking ups to dying in bed and our families are penniless.

No longer shall we stand by, being radiated by radio active isotopes and poisons when the clean solution exists already.  No longer shall we ride on the so called commercial airlines, slow flying tin can coffins that burn plant fuel, the technology to fly to mars in 45 minutes exists, and we have it.  This is why the pentagon has shown you in the last days to wake you up to the reality that our future is at hand and we have the technology that powers craft that can travel to the stars in hours.  Travel around the world safely in minutes.  That is your future! That is your birthright!  We are designed in God’s image and are destined to spread to the stars and be peaceful loving masters of this solar system, the galaxy, and the universe beyond!  Rockets will not be sold to us as false goods to travel from Los Angeles to New York, all while the rest of everyone else sucks rocket exhaust, nay, arrest these criminals!   I say unto you our brave brothers and sisters of the militaries of the world, free us from our chains and free us from our captors, free us from our slave masters, free yourselves, seize them and seize them now!  Thy shall not lay a finger upon them, not a scratch on their head, our enemies are destined to live forever, our enemies that become our friends and assist us as heroes to be fully forgiven, let it be known that they shall keep their inheritance of that which was gotten by honest labors, all ill gotten funds returned to the will and use of We The People, assembled.

Redress your grievances now against the criminal elite and against the criminal de facto corporations posing as governments, stand with us, rise with us, make your voices heard.  Japanese generals once said that America was a sleeping giant, I say Nay.  The Earth is the sleeping giant.  Rise with me, rise with us, be seen with us in one common goal for peace, love, compassion, and a golden age that was promised to us by God.

Do you want to be free?
Do you want an RV?
Do you want Nesara and Gesara?
Do you want to be rich, beyond your wildest dreams?
Do you want to be free from taxes and inflation, and free of all those things that drain the life force from the fruits of your labor?
Do you want to live for hundreds of years?  Do you want your children to live for hundreds of years in peace and prosperity?
The technology and resources exist already, stand with us now and the the fruits of your past paid taxes shall be unhidden and exposed for all the world to see, there are hundreds of years of advancement being concealed from you at your expense in money and blood, and life, your life and the lives of your children, stolen from you.  Here me now.  Rise up.  Stand up!


The militaries of the world stand ready, awaiting your instructions, the militaries of the world stand ready to seize for you all your Golden Age.

Are you ready for the meek to inherit the Earth?

Stand with us!


Seize your birthright!  Seize the Earth here and now for the glory of our peaceful generations of the children of Earth forever to come!

The military of the united states for America and the militaries of the world are herby noticed by the living people living on the land known as America and by the living people living on the land known as Earth, to seize our slave masters, their assets, and their ill gotten monies, all immediately placed and held in Trust, power over which, delegated immediately to the assembled, We The People.  The de facto corporations can no longer pretend we are lost at sea, they shall no longer place us in the jurisdiction of the sea, we are not dead, we are not missing, our names are not spelled with capital letters, and we are bringing suit against all of you criminal vermin for copyright infringement on the names our parents first conceived before providing you with those names so that you could birth a straw man trust for us in all CAPS LETTERS and pretend we were missing so that you could hold our assets in Trust for us.  We bring suit against you for these grievances of mass copyright infringement against every real living person on the real living land known as Earth!  Damned be you all who do not immediately yield to the forces of light and beg forgiveness and warrant forgiveness by unwavering diligence and support of the efforts and exploits for Truth, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation of We The People assembled.

We The People, hereby grant absolute amnesty and forgiveness to any and all perpetrators that fully commit to the light and fully submit to the will of the assembled, We The People.  Any criminals that do not immediately make way and fully surrender themselves to the peaceful transition are hereby sentenced to life in prison, sentenced to live forever, so that you shall never reincarnate ever again.  We hereby commit these unyielding souls to the deepest darkest depths of our memory and cast them from all our shores, so that they shall never know Earth as home for them again.  The children of any and all unyielding criminals and collaborators shall remain free as long as they themselves are not culpable, but shall be stripped of their inheritance, reparations, and recompense, they shall not immediately rise with us, but we shall treat them with loving compassion always and eventually, when enough time has passed, we shall raise them up as equals, with full rights to their inheritance, but the hardship of that transition shall remain in place to encourage their parents to resist the thought of being a martyr for their dark lords.





The next assembly call on Thursday for the National Assembly Call by way of the Michigan Jural Assembly web site, is the the most important call yet!  We must have a quorum of states in attendance, with your help, we will have much much more than a quorum (2/3 states) in attendence and we shall be free of those who would call themselves our masters forever!

FL Students Who Begged Gov’t to Take Their Rights Away, Now Angry Gov’t Took Away Their Rights

Parkland, FL — After the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida last month, a group of anti-gun high school children became the darlings of the anti-gun movement. They were given widespread coverage and platforms on all mainstream media networks to call for the disarming of Americans. They were sanctioned by the government to do so—and now they are getting what they asked for—less rights.

In the Land of the Free, marching for change used to mean that you were standing up to the government to demand more or equal rights. Fast forward to 2018, however, and it is the exact opposite.

The mainstream media and the government tells us that these students are brave for walking out of class and demanding change—but how is it brave to be used as a tool of the state?

Activism involves challenging the establishment and what these kids were tricked into doing is not activism.

Earlier this month, millions of students across the country were encouraged by the government, mainstream media, and even their own school systems to walk out of class and demand the government take away their rights. It was, by no means, a challenge of authority and, in fact, it was a celebration of it.
Schools across the country not only sanctioned it, but they supported it and actually punished those who chose to abstain. The walkout was little more than young people conforming to government authority by parroting the government-approved message in a government-approved venue—even at the government-approved time.

The message was simple: we want this government to take our rights away.

Young Americans across the country marched to demand less freedom from their rulers and the mainstream media, celebrities, and politicians alike shoved this down our throats as some grassroots heroic political activism. However, it was the opposite, and now even the cheerleaders of this movement, David Hogg, Emma González, et. al., are beginning to realize what happens when you beg the state to take away your rights. They take away your rights.

On Friday, the Broward County School system announced its plan to violate the students’ right to privacy be implementing a clear backpack policy.

“Clear backpacks are the only backpacks that will be permitted on campus,” said Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie said in a letter sent to parents.

Now, all students will have to allow anyone at anytime to view the contents of their backpacks as well as wear IDs so they can be properly identified by school authorities.

These new measures now have the darling activists on the defensive.

“I’m not happy with it. Why are you punishing me for one person’s actions?” Tyra Hemans, 19, a Stoneman senior, told CNN on Friday. But this is exactly what they wanted. These students wanted to punish the tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners by demanding the government take away their right to defend themselves—all for the actions of one person. Now, they are getting a taste of their own medicine, and it stinks.

“It’s unnecessary, it’s embarrassing for a lot of the students and it makes them feel isolated and separated from the rest of American school culture where they’re having essentially their First Amendment rights infringed upon because they can’t freely wear whatever backpack they want regardless of what it is,” Hogg said.

Trampling the 2nd Amendment is just fine to David Hogg, but touch the first, which is upheld by the second, and you are a tyrant.

“One of the other important things to realize is many students want their privacy. There are many, for example, females in our school that when they go through their menstrual cycle, they don’t want people to see their tampons and stuff,” he explained.

“What we should have is just more policies that make sure that these students are feeling safe and secure in their schools and not like they’re being fought against like it’s a prison,” he added.

The irony of the students’ ignorance is astonishing. Luckily, there are still many people out there that see this irony and are calling it out.

“I feel like our school is now a prison,” Nicholas Fraser, a 16-year-old Stoneman student said. “It doesn’t feel like home.”

Indeed, when you advocate for only government to have guns, you are making the entire country a prison. Bravo young America, you have successfully asked for fewer rights and you now have fewer rights. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call to those who think it is somehow heroic to punish law-abiding Americans for the actions of a single deranged lunatic.

If this ridiculous astroturf activism is not called out for what it is, these are the folks who will be responsible for creating the horrid police state that comes from their selective definition of “freedom.”

Here at the Free Thought Project, we find it is important to note that when you say, “I believe in freedom,” you don’t follow that sentence up with the word “but.”

Article posted with permission from The Free Thought Project

Your buddy, Zuck

Shaina Noll - How Could Anyone - lyrics

Land and Sea -- Peacekeepers and Law Enforcement, Continental Marshals and US Marshals.... ???

By Anna Von Reitz

Almost every country on Earth has land jurisdiction and sea jurisdiction related to it. The exceptions are a very few landlocked countries, and even they have agreements to use the ports of other countries and conduct business "at sea".
Land and Sea....two different jurisdictions. One that is unincorporated (land) and one that is incorporated (sea).
Peacekeeping Officers --- Sheriffs and Deputies of the unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction Counties operate in international and sovereign capacity, like their forefathers in the Old West. They enforce the Public Law within the borders of their Counties, including the guarantees of the Constitutions owed to the states and the people. They are the highest ranking Law Officers in the County by far. Like all land jurisdiction judges (properly called Justices of the Peace) they take a Public Oath of Office which does not include any reference to God. This is because under Constitutional Government, the separation of Church and State is observed in America. These men and women work directly for the people of this country and exercise the American Common Law in their behalf. They are elected by people who have reclaimed their birthright political status. The elections are conducted via paper balloting and advertised for at least 30 days prior to Election Day. Most actual Sheriffs serve a term of at least two years and many serve for four years. Land jurisdiction Sheriffs have the ability to deputize as many "deputies" as they need to accomplish the functions of their office.
Law Enforcement Officers -- Territorial and Municipal "Sheriffs" and "Deputies" work for incorporated Counties/COUNTIES occupying the civil maritime and admiralty jurisdictions of the sea, and are only supposed to deal with administration of Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations and their internal affairs and their citizens--that is, their own corporate officials, employees, and dependents. They enforce their private corporate "Public Policies" expressed as statutory laws, codes, and regulations. They take a private oath of office which often appears to be a Public Oath; these oaths typically include a reference to God, usually as "so help me God". This is because the corporations they work for are typically religious non-profit organizations. They are elected in restricted private corporate elections that only "registered Voters" can participate in. These people belong to political parties and are commonly elected using automated voting machines. Deputies are just additional hired staff and are not "deputized" as such. Because they don't hold actual Public Offices, they are not tasked with enforcing the Public Law or the Constitutional guarantees. There was in fact a controversy as to whether or not these individuals could enforce the Public Laws--- a question that was finally answered by Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc.
The answer handed down by the [Territorial] United States Supreme Court was that yes, they could choose to honor and enforce the Public Law, including the Constitution, of their own volition, but were not obligated to.
This leads to the common phenomenon we observe across the country where these "corporate Sheriffs" sometimes enforce the Public Law and often do not. When the welfare of the corporation they work for is opposed to the Public Law, they conveniently choose not to enforce the Public Law.
The important thing for them and for you to know is that these men and women are functioning in a private capacity as hired security personnel akin to any other private corporate security guards. They have no general public authority, and the illusion that they do is caused by the Great Fraud, which has falsified the public records of millions of Americans and identified them as "citizens" subject to serve these foreign Territorial and Municipal corporations.
Once you correct the public record and return to your birthright political status, these Sheriffs-For-Hire have a very limited scope of authority and should normally never address you or presume upon you at all.
The situation is somewhat similar between the Continental Marshals Service and the US Marshals Service. The Continental Marshals occupy the international land jurisdiction owed this country and its people and the US Marshals occupy the international civil maritime and admiralty (territorial and municipal) jurisdictions. The Continental Marshals are here to protect the actual states and people. The US Marshals are here to protect the territorial and municipal corporations and the employees and dependents of those corporations.
As part of our effort to restore the lawful government owed to this country, The United States of America (Unincorporated) has replaced the vacated Federal Marshals Service with the Continental Marshals Service. We have sought to make their jurisdiction and role less ambiguous for everyone concerned: continental = international land jurisdiction. "US" = international sea jurisdiction.
Nearly every day, I get calls and emails from people who are complaining about "bad sheriffs" --- sheriffs who are thugs, sheriffs who ignore the Constitution and its guarantees, sheriffs who have no regard for private property rights, sheriffs who are, frankly, not operating like sheriffs are supposed to operate.
In every case, these are not actually the kind of "sheriff" that people are assuming they are. These are "Sea Sheriffs" -- basically private corporate security personnel working for the foreign Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations whose only business on our shores is supposed to be to provide our states with limited and strictly enumerated "essential government services".
Since they are calling themselves "Sheriffs" too, how can you tell the difference between a land sheriff and a sea sheriff? A peacekeeper versus a law enforcement officer?
It's easy. Do they work for an incorporated entity or not? Do they enforce the Public Law or the statutory law?
If they work for a "County" that has an EIN and a CAGE number and all the other trappings of a commercial corporation franchise, you may be sure that he or she is a Territorial or Municipal " Sea Sheriff" -- not the kind of Sheriff you need and expect and thought you were paying for.

To get the service that you need requires you to correct your own political status records and assemble your local unincorporated County and elect your own land jurisdiction County Sheriff. The actual Public Office has been vacant for many years thanks to the usurpation and deceit of these foreign "governmental services corporations". Once he's elected, he is in charge and can kick all the butt you need kicked to get these foreign corporations back in line and the Public Law enforced. And he can deputize as many Americans as necessary to make sure that it is.


See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Only Nine (9) Left to Go!

By Anna Von Reitz

Only Nine (9) to Go!
I mentioned yesterday that when the so-called Civil War began in 1860 there were only 37 states enrolled in the Union. Most of what we think of as the Western States were still being populated and were in territorial status at the time, and Alaska and Hawaii were not even close to being on the radar for statehood.
So, given the situation we now know existed after the "Civil War" with the British Territorial United States pulling its fraud and Breach of Trust --- where did it leave those states?
In limbo.
The (Territorial) United States Congress promised them "statehood" but because there was no National Congress in session, these states-in-waiting could never actually be enrolled. Instead, the Territorial United States Congress established "State" land trusts named after the actual States called "Montana State" and "Nevada State" and so on, and then papered over these "federal trust lands" with their very own state-of-state organizations operating under deceitfully similar names as the "(Territorial) State of Montana, (Territorial) State of Idaho, etc.
So, in truth and in fact, even though these Western States are owed full statehood like any of the other states of the Union, they still are technically in territorial status and still being administered as presumed "public trusts" of the Territorial United States. With that entity now being in Chapter 11 Reorganization, these states are in grave jeopardy. Again, in theory, they could be subjected to a false claim of abandonment, and sold off to the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial United States.
The actual sovereign government operated as The United States of America (Unincorporated) has stepped forward and claimed them back, but until we can get our land jurisdiction counties and States back on the board and a National Congress convened, all these Western States are still in limbo. Their people are, and are not, recognized as Americans, and their land remains largely held in trust by the Federales instead of being in their own hands.
As of last Thursday, 21 of the original 37 States are present and accounted for. Only nine more to go, before we have a quorum competent to reopen the National Congress for the first time since 1860.
I have been preaching for many months the importance of two things--- getting your own political status corrected, and then, getting your local county jural assembly restored to full function.
There is nothing of greater importance that you can do to assure your own safety and that of your family, and nothing more important you can do for your country. Imagine living in one of the Western States right about now, and realizing that you have built your life and sunk everything into homes and ranches and businesses that technically "belong to" a bankrupt foreign corporation? And the only thing standing between you and their Secondary Creditors is a badly neglected 242 year-old Union of States that still uses Silver Dollars as its currency?
So, everyone reading this --- you are on a Mission to save your own bacon and save the Western States.
The Michigan General Jural Assembly has stepped to the plate to help all of you get organized, and as of last week, they had exciting news to share:
As of March 22nd 2018 9pm to 10pm Thursday night 21 states had representation present in the first DeJure national quorum since 1861 with a roll call and minutes of the meeting recorded. The next meeting is scheduled for next Thursday evening March 29th 2018 at 9pm to 10pm eastern time. We no longer just have a national assembly training call. After 2 years of work We THE People have organized into a lawful assembly as per Article 1 of the Bill of Rights! At the point when we have 30 states present for roll call we will be able to move forward.
New website being developed for the national assembly and soon to be made public.
For now please visit for resources and information.
Send an email to with your state in the subject line to be added to your state's assembly.
(End message from MGJA.)
Please, if you've been sitting on your rump, wondering what to do next----organize your local county. Maybe at the start it will only be "me and you and Ted and Alice" --- but that doesn't matter. If there is even only one American standing up and claiming their birthright political status in a county, that county is still populated and still counts in the State Assembly.
I hope I am getting the urgency and importance of your action across to you. This is something that only Americans claiming their birthright political status can do. Nobody can do it "for" us, and if you don't, who will?
It has been a hundred and fifty years since we convened a National Level Congress and took care of business --- like formally enrolling the Western States as States and collecting our rent as Priority Creditors of the Territorial and Municipal Governments and receiving back all our lands that have been held in "trusts"----don't you think its about time that you paid attention and got involved?
For your own sake, for your state and for everyone else?
Michigan General Jural Assembly holds a National Conference Call every Thursday night, nine o'clock EST, 1-712-720-4160  participant code 226823# .
They also offer a Hotline from 2-7 pm, Monday - Thursday, 1-989-450-5522.

Get a move on, America! Only nine states left to go!


See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Greatest Wealth Transfer in Human History Set

Greatest Wealth Transfer in Human History
Set for March 26 2018

Someone once said that "Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It."
Writer and philosopher George Santayana

and Isn't It Recorded in the Word of God 
that He sent Moses to Pharaoh with the 
message:  "Let My people GO!"  Ex 8:1



So Republicans see no more need to be concerned about upcoming elections?  

Check the chart below - and weep for the laziness and stupidity of Republicans and all of America 

Song Lyrics That Tell the Story....

By Anna Von Reitz

"Welcome to the Hotel California... you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave....."
Zombie-like damned souls check into the "hotel" and are trapped there forever. Sound and feel familiar? There's a reason. That's your condition prior to waking up and figuring out what the advertising agencies and your public servants have been up to behind your backs.
They've checked you into the Hotel California and left you there with the television on, indoctrinating you with "need the government" and "be afraid" and "eat more" and "buy more" propaganda on all channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There's also a bar and a 24-hour pharmacy, and you are cordially invited to just stay there forever and drink and drug yourselves into a pile of mindless mush, so subject to your behavioral conditioning that you salivate like Pavlov's dog when you see a hamburger on the TV screen.
Cure? Turn the television off. Make conscious choices about what you watch and what you listen to and become critical of the "news" you are being fed.
Do the TV Test if you don't believe me. Divide a piece of paper into four columns. Label the top of each column with these words: Sex, Death, Sex & Death, and Other Useless Stuff. Then listen to the "Evening News" and make a hatch mark after each story you hear in the column that best describes the content.
What you will soon discover is that most of what masquerades as news falls in the first three categories, and also, that most of it has no possible practical connection to your life, so is of no use to you. So why are you listening to the crap? Do you enjoy feeling depressed, afraid, and helpless? Because that is what this "programming" is designed to do---literally.
Let's see, there's an earthquake in Ecuador....mindless madmen beheading children in the Mideast....a new wave of Bird Flue...a new giant dinosaur footprint discovered....Prince Harry set a date....bimbos for hire make accusations against Trump apparently because they are bimbos for hire....
So--- death, death, death, useless, useless and sex. And none of it that you can do anything about or profit from at all.
There are a lot of bloated, ugly, foreign criminals making Big Bucks off of you and your appetite for this mental equivalent of a Diet Coke and Pork Rinds with Extra Salt. Their advertisers are making you yearn after 18 year-old models (which is silly) and after fast cars that cost more than a decent house (which you most likely can't afford and certainly don't need) and after fast food (that gives your heart disease, cancer, diabetes....).
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains....and we never even know we hold the key....." -- The Eagles, "Already Gone".
I turned off the Evil Box in 1987 and let the dust settle, put a potted cactus on top of the cabinet, and use it to (infrequently) watch DVD's of my choosing.
I figured that if anything really important happened, somebody would call me up or say something. And I was right, too.
You can leave The Hotel California any time you please, but if you want to be a mindless, helpless, booze and drug and "news" dependent Zombie living in fear and depression in your own country, behaving like a well-trained dog, buying stuff you don't need, eating 10,000 calories a day, and feeling paranoid--- just be aware that it is your choice and you DO hold the key.

In this case, it's usually labeled: "On/Off".


See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Alaska Assembling

By Anna Von Reitz

 Thank you for the kind words of support.  It is often a lonely battle at the start when you set out to "change the world"--- but very gradually, over the course of many years, others begin to see what you see, and as they do, it's like the process of wood catching fire..... first a spark, then an ember, and then a flame.  

What my blessing has been is first of all to have been lucky enough to have good teachers in school and out; without them, I wouldn't have been able to grasp the evidence and find the material.  The second great blessing has been the many older researchers who were on this path before me--- Howard Freeman, Jean Keating, the Informer, Mary Croft, Lysander Spooner, Douglas MacArthur-----so many, many great Americans who "saw part of the elephant" and described it from one or more perspectives, so that I, coming along a few years or decades later, was able to piece together the whole picture and actually describe the Great Fraud in a logical and documented way. 

It's the logic of it as much as the documentation that gets people in the end.  They begin to see what is in front of their faces and also what isn't there that should be, if what they are being told in the public schools is true, complete, and correct.  

Sometimes it is just a single thing that sets them off and sends them down the rabbit trail.  

I know that my journey began with just such a single incident and I still remember precisely what it was.  I was home from school for some reason, probably had the flu, and I was watching the confirmation hearings of Nelson D. Rockefeller as Gerald Ford's Vice- President on television.   Nelson D. was asked how much money he made the prior year?  He answered something outrageous like four hundred and eighty million in personal income.  Then he was asked how much money he paid in federal taxes?  And he answered----none.  After some gasping, the question was rephrased and asked again--- are we to understand that you had 480 million in personal income and you paid no federal income taxes?  Nelson D. bridled up and said something like, that's correct. None. 

And then they just went on as if nothing had happened, but something had happened.  A teenager in the Midwest had had a glimpse of the underbelly of federal fraud and a question had arisen in my mind ---- what did Nelson D. Rockefeller know that I didn't?  It was the pursuit and the long, long trail to get that answer that has led to all the rest. 

Other people have other questions unique to their lives that sends them hopping down the bunny trail.  Tragically, it's often during or after a stint in a federal or federated "state" court or prison that they wake up and realize, hey, something is drastically wrong....and they start searching, but not always finding.  In fact, seldom finding.  It has taken many years and many sacrifices by many people to dissect and nail down the Great Fraud.  It's probably twenty years since I first realized that it began with the so-called Civil War (thank you, Lysander Spooner and Ulysses S. Grant and Jefferson Davis and Mark Twain!) and all the time since has been spent ferreting out the details and developing processes to unravel the spider's web all the way to the present day. 

Perhaps the hardest thing for people to grasp is that the National Government that is supposed to be their instrumentality internationally, and under their control, has been mothballed and "held in abeyance" for 150 years, and that we have been deceitfully "represented" in the meantime by a British (and more recently French) Territorial Government hired to perform certain essential government services for us, instead. That's why their infamous Pledge of Allegiance says, "and to the Republic for which it stands".  Why would our Republic need anything to stand for it? 

It's also hard for Americans to grasp the fact that the Territorial United States and Municipal United States are literally foreign, in the same sense that Spain or Germany, are foreign, with respect to them and their country.  And it is almost impossible at the beginning to make them stop thinking and saying that they are "citizens" and re-train them to say that they are "non-citizen nationals".  

I am having some luck explaining it to them in terms of them being conscripted into the French Foreign Legion.  You have been shanghaied and press-ganged.  One morning you were an honest American Tradesman living on the land and soil of Kentucky, the next morning you woke up as a Foreign Situs Trust in the State of Kentucky. 
This has the same effect as waking up on a tramp steamer bound for Morocco.  Suddenly, you are a French soldier, obligated to serve the interests of France, wear their uniform, salute their officers, follow every jot of their military code..... In our case, we were conscripted to serve in the British Merchant Marines and never told a word about it, which has the same effect.  Suddenly, we were considered subjects of the Queen, obligated to obey British Territorial law, etc., etc., etc., 

The European powers have had quite a go of it, jerking us around, pillaging our people, stealing the value of our labor, controlling our public policies, conscripting us and sending us as gun fodder in their wars for profit, and increasingly, depriving us of the guarantees and material interests that are rightfully our inheritance. 

It's also difficult to make most Americans understand the gravity of the situation we are in right now.  With both foreign Territorial and Municipal "Government" corporations in bankruptcy, we would have been left at the mercy of international Bankruptcy Trustees named by Secondary Creditors---international banks.  We are the actual Priority Creditors, but we were asleep and they counted on us staying asleep.  The Secondary Creditors, the same international banks that engineered this circumstance coming out of the so-called Civil War, planned to take our entire country as abandoned trust property--- chattel to pay the debts of the Territorial and Municipal United States Government corporations.  

We objected and we stood up in the nick of time and it is still a pitched battle.  

There were, if I recall correctly, 37 states enrolled as members of The United States of America (Unincorporated) as of 1860.  All the rest of the states created since then have been what I called "states-in-waiting"---- which, unfortunately, includes Alaska.  These Western States had their land rolled into state trusts, for example, the Alaska State (Trust) under the control of the [Territorial] State of Alaska.  We were promised all the rights and prerogatives of a State, but because there was no competent Natioinal Congress operating after 1860, we -- like Nevada, Utah, alia -- couldn't actually be enrolled as states in the actual Union.  This places us in a very odd and dependent quasi-statehood category in terms of international law. 

Over the last few years, many thousands of Russians have immigrated to Alaska.  You see them everywhere.  That is because Russia made a claim to take back Alaska as Russian property, based on the supposed "abandonment" of our land jurisdiction and the fact that our lawful government (so far as they knew) hadn't been heard from since 1860.  They said that they were the only sovereign government having claim to Alaska, and they would have made that stick, except for the Athabascan Chief objecting, and for us, asserting my husband's hereditary office as Head of State of The United States of America (Unincorporated).  So the danger of being swallowed up by Russia thanks to legal chicanery has been narrowly averted, but that does not resolve our quasi-statehood status.  

Resolving that requires that a majority of the 37 actual states of the Union assemble themselves into a viable National Congress and officially enroll the Western States as States of the Union.  At that point, our local assemblies kick into full force and effect and we finally achieve the status we thought we had in 1959! 

Now, some Alaskans will think that this is the moment to declare Alaska as a separate country, but believe me, it is not.  We just narrowly avoided the necessity of taking Russian language courses.  This is not the time to push any luck or do anything but get ourselves organized and properly claiming our birthright political status and heritage---ready to participate in our restored national-level government, and fully educated and informed about what has gone on for the last 150 years in America and worldwide. 

I am attaching some helpful learning documents.  The first one diagrams what happened when FDR shanghaied and redefined our Trade Names as Territorial Foreign Situs Trusts, which were then considered "missing" from the public records and "presumed lost at sea".   All the resulting NAMES are attached to specific legal fiction PERSONS, that the rats have operated "in our names" for their own profit.  This is how they hypothecated debt against us and our assets without our knowledge or consent.  Unraveling their fraud requires correcting the public records concerning us, reclaiming our "missing" Trade Name and all the derivative NAMES, and returning them to the land and soil of our actual birth state.  

The actual states are called Wisconsin, Missouri, Florida, Ohio ----- they are not "States of" anything.  And many Alaskans, including myself, were lucky enough to be born in these states, so that we can immediately reclaim our Trade Names and birthright political status without questions.  However, for those born in Alaska or one of the Western States that are still states-in-waiting, it is necessary to (1) take reference to an ancestor -- parents or grandparents-- who were born in one of the actual states, or (2) go ahead and claim the land and soil of Alaska as your permanent domicile and wait for the actual statehood declaration to be complete and the enrollment finished. 

The next helpful visual aid is a series of three charts that shows how the government is supposed to be organized and how it morphed over time into what it is.  You will note that there is exactly one (1) entity that straddles the interface between the green LAND jurisdiction and the blue SEA jurisdiction ---- The United States of America (Unincorporated).  This organization was formed September 9, 1776 to be the agent and instrumentality of the colonies and later, the states.  It is the first union formed and it is still standing and is still the lawful government of this country.  It holds our side of the treaties and service contracts made via the constitution process---and when a "federal" contractor fails, the powers delegated to it revert back to The United States of America (Unincorporated).  

This is how and why we have been able to protect the states and the people despite the National level of our international service providers being mothballed and despite the bankruptcies of both the Territorial and Municipal Government corporations.  The United States of America (Unincorporated) re-issued its Sovereign Letters Patent and named new "federal" service providers in 2015.  We also successfully demonstrated that we have, as a result, a viable militia and that our American Silver Dollars are still in circulation and still viable money.  

The third helpful attachment is a pdf copy of the monograph I wrote for President Trump to being him up to speed.  People need to read it in "sound bites" as intended.  These are short "blasts" of information that you need to take in and internalize, then let those pieces take form like a jig-saw puzzle in your mind.  Most people can do this, some cannot.  For those that can organize information in this manner, this is the fastest way to gain a handle on the whole situation.  

Finally, I am including the promised simple map of the counties of Alaska, which we have re-populated and which you are in the process of assembling.  

Good luck and godspeed.  Every Alaskan needs to be fully informed and motivated to get involved in the effort to restore the lawful government and nail down the official ownership of the land and soil of Alaska for Alaskans.   I could say the same thing for every Utahan, every Idahoan, every Nevadan.....  and as for the rest of the states, we all need them to get themselves back in order and assembled, so that they can welcome us home, too.  


See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: