Saturday, May 5, 2018

National Assembly May 4th 2018 Continental Congress Roll Call

Register in the forums and introduce yourself so your state coordinator can connect with you.
Join our Conference Call EVERY Thursday evening: 6pm Pacific – 7pm Mountain - 8pm Central – 9pm Eastern
First hour is assembly business - Second hour is general discussion
Call Number: 1-712-770-4160  Participant Access Code: 226823#

Roll Call for Continental Congress 7th session May 4th 2018 at 9pm est.
31 states and 113 present

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
North Carolina
South Dakota

19 States not present for roll call

New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia

Use Your Heads -- Then Lift Them

By Anna Von Reitz
Here is the ancient Maxim of Law that deals with the present situation: "As a Thing is Bound, so it is Unbound."

Everyone in this country was improperly presumed upon as a result of Franklin Delano Roosevelt making his "New Deal Speech" which was accepted by the guilty parties as a Declaration.  As a result of it, and a declaration made by the Territorial State of State Governors at their Conference March 6, 1933, all the Federal Citizens including those residing in the federated Territorial State of States became chattel backing the 1933 bankruptcy and all were considered to be franchises engaged in international commerce.

Of course, the vermin never had any such power or ability to speak for us or to actually indebt us in this fashion.  They simply presumed upon us and mischaracterized us and set about falsifying the public records.

If Donald J. Trump wants to correct this situation, he can make a similar declaration removing all Territorial and Municipal United States Citizens and the citizenry of the Territorial States of States back to the land jurisdiction of the actual United States--including his own principal franchises: DONALD TRUMP, DONALD J. TRUMP, and DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

That would allow them all to come home and put an end to the stranglehold they have put around their own necks. 

The Territorial United States has been delivered from bankruptcy and just as they proposed to "remove" all of us to Puerto Rico for several decades, they can remove all of their own franchises back home to the international land jurisdiction of the United States --- simply reversing what FDR did and also then reversing the legal presumptions involved.

President Trump can then also come safely home to the land and soil of New York and simply exercise the already well-established provisions for Dual Citizenship --- only now a Dual Citizen of the land jurisdiction instead of a Dual Citizen of the Municipality--- as it was prior to 1946.  And he can serve as the actual President of The United States of America without any obligation to the Queen or threat accusing him of "treason" against the Territorial United States, which in fact belongs to us: lock, stock, copyrights, patents, corporate charters and all. 

There are addle-pated rumors flying that Treaties with the UN require us to merge with Canada and Mexico in a single "regional government" and to open our established borders and give up our national sovereignty and all sorts of other nonsense.

Let's get this one straight, too. 

We have agents at the United Nations via our Native American partners serving as contacts, but we have no treaties with the United Nations obligating us to anything whatsoever. 

All treaties entered into "in our behalf" by the usurping Territorial United State Government are null and void for Breach of Trust and Fraud and we have certainly never granted any delegated power affecting our national sovereignty, our borders, nor our immigration policy.

So, put a Big Red "X" over the North American Union and the Unidroit Treaty of Rome which Commander Gould sacked in 2003 and numerous other "treaties" which the Territorial United States signed without any delegated authority to do so.

And now that we are back to the issue of delegated authority --- at the moment, they have none.  They vacated their constitutional agreements and any assumed commercial contracts by entering into bankruptcy.  As we have demonstrated, all three levels of the "Federal Government" --- national, territorial, and municipal -- were vacated by their incompetence and criminal Breach of Trust. 

As we also demonstrated, all three levels of the "Federal Government" either belong to us directly or existed only to fulfill treaty agreements and commercial contracts owed to us.  Their self-voiding of their commercial contracts via bankruptcy also voids their charters.

The national level of our government was illegally and immorally moth-balled via usurpation, fraud, and Breach of Trust in 1868.  The municipal level was bankrupted in 2015.  The territorial level was bankrupted in 2017.  

ALL powers ever delegated under any constitutional agreement with any of the former Principals and their Successors thus ended in 2017 and reverted to the Issuer --- The United States of America (Unincorporated), its member States, and the People of this country.  

We have maintained a constitutional form of government for now by establishing new agreements with other "federal partners"--- the American Indian Nations, but our agreements with them do not imply a continuance of delegation of power under the old system and do not provide grounds for any would-be service providers or international trustees to presume upon us or assume a service contract without our explicit agreement.

The days of the tail wagging the dog are over, and those responsible have only themselves to blame --- because it is their own incompetence, greed, breach of trust, and lack of good faith service that has led to this.

We are, throughout, the aggrieved and defrauded parties, who have been abused by our own employees. 

We are owed the full, free, and complete return of all assets and property naturally belonging to us, absent all debts and encumbrances. This includes all land patents and titles belonging to our States and People.  We are owed the return of our gold which was confiscated illegally during the 1930's and the return of our silver which was extorted under color of law via the Emergency Banking Act of 1934. We are owed the return of all our intellectual property and all assets and benefits attached to those intellectual assets, plus the absolute and permanent release of all indecent claims upon our bodies and our DNA.

We have claimed and placed agricultural liens upon all our assets and all the assets of our States and all the property assets and interests of the Foreign Grantor Trusts and tax shelters and stocks and bonds and labor contracts and performance contracts and insurances and other beneficial material interests held in our NAMES.

We found our "missing, presumed lost at sea" Trade Names and re-conveyed them to the land and soil of our nativity and we stand on our land and soil now, no longer deceived and no longer acquiescing to any continuance of this criminal imposition upon us and our country and our natural sovereignty.

 In other words, the "service providers" have finally been "served".  

They all need to bow their heads in shame, turn over the accounts for audit, and do what they can to make sure that no more property is damaged and no more innocent people are hurt.

Friday, May 4, 2018

MultiView Volcano Live | 24/7 | 4K Stream

5/04/2018 -- Large M6.9 earthquake strikes Hawaii -- Kilauea volcano now...

I Don't Know April LaJeune / Controversy about A4V

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't know April. I couldn't recognize her in a crowded room. I wouldn't recognize her voice on the phone. I have spoken to her once on the phone, when I called her up and asked what she was doing distributing material published on my website. 

She said she was using "some of it" as part of a larger process she was recommending herself. She also said that she and her staff were charging fees to help fill out paperwork for those who felt the need for hand-holding assistance.
I reiterated that I only take responsibility for the use of material published on my website when it is used for the purposes I recommend. I agreed it was no sin for her to use materials I made freely available for the purposes I stipulated, and it was also no sin to charge a hand-holding fee for hours of labor related to processing such paperwork. She didn't offer to give me any percentage and I didn't ask for one.

April and I don't agree about the A4V process or the TDA process. She says I am old and I don't get it. She may be right. She isn't the only one to say that. I can't "prove" otherwise, because neither the Treasury nor the Bureau of Public Debt are forthcoming about either subject.

What I remember --- because I am old --- is that the A4V process was buried in the records as "Public Policy" remedy for the swindles and unlawful conversion of our assets back in the 1930 debacle per HJR 192. What I also remember is that the bankruptcy that all that referred to was settled in 1999, so that it became illegal to continue presenting those claims as of November 7, 1999.

There was a presumption of continuance of that remedy when the UNITED STATES went bankrupt in 2015, at least for actual Federal Citizens--- because the Federal Code was still on the books and their franchises were being bankrupted.

There is a logic to that, but those of us who hauled rump out of the possession of the Muni Government and placed our "vessels" in a permanent domicile on the land jurisdiction wouldn't be eligible for that. The whole point of our action was to avoid bankruptcy and to properly, explicitly define our "vessels" --- our NAMES -- as private vessels engaged in international trade--- not commerce.

Bankruptcy is a "privilege" only available to incorporated entities (franchises) engaged in commerce, so once you redefine your vessels --- all these NAMES -- as private vessels and you move them to a permanent domicile in a different jurisdiction, you are no longer eligible for -- or in need of -- bankruptcy protection.

I think it is pretty obvious that (1) it is illegal to present claims against a bankrupt entity once the bankruptcy has been discharged; (2) it is also illegal to claim bankruptcy protection if you aren't eligible for bankruptcy protection; and (3) it is dishonest to claim remedy for a bankruptcy if you aren't subject to a bankruptcy.

So for all those reasons I told people who are not actually Federal Employees or Dependents to steer clear of A4V processes and TDA's.

Could I be wrong about A4V and TDAs? Yes. I could be, but I don't think I am.
It's possible that at some point in the future everyone including those who claim back their original birthright political status will get restitution via an organized pay-out system like the TDA's. For all I know, the present TDA's may be reconfigured to do exactly that. But until that is explicitly understood and put in writing and admitted to by the Federales, I have to assume that it is a Federal program for Federal employees and dependents---- and that those of us who aren't actually Federal employees and dependents and who have, moreover, taken explicit action to recoup our birthright political status -- aren't eligible by definition. 

Just like we aren't really eligible to join Social Security and aren't really eligible to be "taxpayers"----same schtick. You can trespass into their system and be granted Dual Citizenship, if you want to, but 100% of the time in my experience of their operations, it is never to your advantage if you do. You are always giving up something far more valuable than anything you get in return. 

There was a sliver of time during the Muni bankruptcy where anyone in possession of a Federal PERSON still at sea could discharge the debts of that PERSON without penalty or confusion, but that time is past and those who have since opted out of that system and established their permanent domicile on the land of one of the states are no longer operating in that jurisdiction, so --- the logic of it is --- no A4V's and no TDA's unless you really are a Federal employee or dependent and really are operating in the jurisdiction of international commerce. 

There are also people pointing at the Unidroit Treaty of Rome, saying that that is the basis of the TDA and A4V process, but, that Treaty was overturned in 2003 and the funds backing it were locked up again. 

A different kind of removal of debt via insurance indemnity claim is possible for those of us who are permanently domiciled on the land jurisdiction, but that has yet to be announced, and so far as I know those claims go against the Trustees and Underwriters of the UNITED STATES and USA, Inc. --- the Holy See and the British Crown, because the local entities are all bankrupt. 

Perhaps I can be blamed here for not being more avidly interested and up to date about individual relief, but everyone reading this should understand that I have been kept busy defending American claims on a much, much larger scale --- so that we all have a country and a land jurisdiction to come home to and so that everyone knows and has Notice of the fact that we haven't "abandoned" any of our assets and haven't left our lawful government to languish in any "abeyance".

These much larger issues have to be addressed before sensible individual relief can be assured, so I have been plodding along with my cart behind my horse. And there's a logic to that, too.

About the Art of Bunk

By Anna Von Reitz

There is a book called "Bunk" by Kevin Young, which explains the "art of bunk" in detail.  He explains how to be successful, every con game has to involve elements of truth. 

Here's how it works: Amy Shipton is seen walking a Saint Bernard down Main Street.

This fact is true. 

Pretty soon everyone "knows" that Amy has adopted a Saint Bernard.

But has she? 

We don't have enough facts to know.  We only have enough to assume so.

It's this gray area of "plausible assumption" that the shysters use to deceive and defraud and defame. 

There's another resource, a movie called "The Masters of Deceit" that I wish everyone in America would watch. 

It explains how advertising and propaganda work, and how these devices are used to manipulate everything from elections to public opinion to which hamburgers you buy----and how these same tools can be used to accomplish much darker ends, too.

You have the equivalent of a dashboard in your mind that you have to learn how to control, or others are going to take over and run it for you----and not necessarily in your best interests, either.

Some of the best advice I can give my Readers is to learn how to control your own dashboard.  Learn how these fraudsters make a living off of lies. 

I found out years ago that the evil "System" of registering and bonding babies was engineered and pioneered by certain factions in the Roman Catholic Church.

So I put on my combat boots and complained directly to the Pope. 

Who else is responsible for bad things going on in the Church or as a result of Church laxity?  Answer: the Pope and the Cardinals---unless you are dumb enough to gripe at God for the faults of men. 

You can get the flavor of these acrimonious on-the-verge conversations from my Letter to Cardinal George (Chicago) which is published on my website:   None of the members of the Church leadership wanted to hear my message; once they heard they didn't want to believe it; and once they believed it, they didn't know what to do---- but somehow we have all stumbled on and many, many Catholics have taken up the hard work of reforming both their Church and the world-at-large.

After some investigation, Pope Benedict XVI concluded we were right, and began immediate corrective action --- for which he was blackmailed. 

He asked for my help to inform his employees and members of the Church about this horrific dis-service to humanity, and I have done so. 

I would have done so anyway, but since this was evil perpetuated in the shadow of the Church, I have admittedly spent more time taking the issue directly to Catholics. 

All this, and I am not a Roman Catholic.  I am a card-carrying Lutheran since age seven.  And I have never been paid by anyone for my work, except for the freewill donation of many good people worldwide who have seen the necessity for reform and correction of both their government and their Churches.

The Roman Catholic Church has been used and abused in precisely the same way that the good government of The United States of America has been used and abused by the same con artists and for much the same purpose ---- as an unwitting storefront for evil.

As an American who has been deliberately confused with Territorial United States Citizens and "mistaken as" one, my sympathies are with the Roman Catholics who have been similarly confused with Satanists who have infiltrated their Church.

This battle began in the First Century A.D. and is no surprise to any diligent Christian, because the genesis of it is firmly recorded in Acts 8, where Peter confronts Simon Magus, a newly converted Samaritan Magician--- a Satanist, in other words.

Simon Magus's assumption was that the Christian Fathers had stumbled upon a great con game opportunity, and he wanted in on the action.

He didn't believe in Jesus or His message, he just wanted to learn the tricks behind all the miracles and get a percentage selling the new snake oil.

As the centuries wore on, Simon Magus wasn't the only one with this attitude and these suppositions and goals.  In fact, we have been told by many former Satanists that infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church has always been a major goal of theirs, and that before one can become a fully-fledged priest of Satan, one must first complete all the rigors of becoming ordained as a Roman Catholic priest.

So, there it is.  No secrets.  From the First Century on, this has been a constant problem and in recent years--which for the Church means the last 150 years--the situation has clearly gotten away from the sincere members of the Church leadership-- so much so, that Satanic practices and symbols and beliefs have infiltrated St. Peter's and demons have been parishioners along with saints.

Is the Church to be condemned for the malice of Satan?  No.

It is only a matter of logic that the Roman Catholic Church would be a prime target for the Satanists and that they would use all their guile to "mirror" the Church in the same way they have "mirrored" our government and our money and even our own 'persons". 

They have very cleverly stolen everyone else's identity and moved right in as quiet parasites -- pretending to be Americans, but not being Americans, pretending to be Jews, but belonging to the "Synagogue of Satan" instead, pretending to be Roman Catholics, but not being Roman Catholics, pretending that their fiat "FRN" I.O.U. has the same value as our Silver Dollar, and so on and on --- deliberately pretending to be something or someone that they are not, in order to profit themselves. 

They are still at it, in Washington, DC, in Cairo, in Mecca, in Japan, yes, all around the world.  There isn't a religion, a country, or a race free of this plague.

There is a reason I said "some factions" of the Catholic Church engineered the system of selling babies into bondage for profit --- the Satanic factions. 

If the Roman Catholic Church has been most severely infected and targeted and attacked by these Tricksters, it should be no surprise to anyone, and least of all to the Catholics themselves, who had fallen asleep at the wheel in the same way that we Americans have fallen asleep at the wheel and let our lawful government run off the tracks.

And who is -- predictably -- screaming most stridently and accusing the Church of evil in the loudest voices?  The same Satanists who caused the problem and profited from it.  They are the original masters of the Hegelian Dialectic.

That's part of their whole Schtick.  Pretend to be your enemy.  Do horrible things in his name --- without him catching on, if possible.  And then leave him to take the blame and pay the debts. Just like the Americans are being targeted to pay the debts of Territorial United States Citizens.

So, please, stop falling for this crappola. We know who they are.  We've known for centuries.  We know how they operate.  We know what they do and how they do it.  Recognize it.  See it for what it is.  And learn to see what is right in front of your faces.

When you see some big-mouthed, red-faced ignoramus shooting off his spleen in a very self-righteous, holier-than-thou manner --- you have cause to know that you are looking at one of two things: (1) a true ignoramus who has been deceived and doesn't know any better, or (2) a skillful Satanist, cynically pretending to be a blowhard.

When you hear some "anonymous source" spreading what appears to be "plausible" information --- train yourself to recognize the wheedling voice of the shyster, encouraging you to make assumptions without all the necessary facts and the whisper of the gossip-monger trying to slither their way into a seat at your mental dashboard.

Both ignorance and gullibility remain two of our greatest actual enemies, but we can defeat them in our own lives and change our entire world in the process.

We can learn to look around the corner-- as my Mother used to say -- to perceive the Bad Actors among us and discern the often-exactly-opposite identities and agendas in play all around us. 

Once you understand that we are in school and that we are called to learn what evil is, called to recognize it, and called to put an end to it, then our life on Earth and the conditions we face here begin to make a lot more sense.

You all have a mission, a job.  That mission includes becoming fearlessly honest and educating yourself so that you can recognize solid facts versus hearsay and gossip, and to become wise in your own right--- no longer relying on anyone else's opinions or group prejudices, no longer accepting circumstances, roles or appearances at face value, becoming aware of it when you are making an assumption about someone or something that may not be true. 

When someone shows you a picture of the Alaska Supreme Court members and the fact that I am not among them and then accuses me of claiming (falsely) to be an Alaska Supreme Court Judge --- it's time to set your Shinola Sensors on "High". 

Which courts have I always told you I serve on?  The Alaska State Superior Court and the Third Postal District Court.  Not the Alaska Supreme Court.

Where did that piece of misinformation come from?  From someone putting together a video for the Republic of Texas.  Not from me at all.

If people were really paying attention, they would have noticed that that same slide said I was a "retired" Alaska Supreme Court Judge --- and I am obviously not retired, either.

In each case -- the assumption that I "must be" a Catholic and that I "must be" on the Pope's payroll, like the assumption that I "must be" making a false statement about being an Alaska Supreme Court Judge -- were deliberately encouraged by people who had cause to know better.

So what does that tell you about them?

The same people will be standing on the rooftops defaming the Catholic Church, and encouraging you to think that Catholics are bad people because their Church was used to hide a great evil. 

This "blame the victims" mentality is also part of the Satanist's Standard Operating Procedure. 

You let them into the Church, they will say.  It's your fault. You should have shut the Satanists out.  You should have recognized who they were and what they were doing. 

It's your fault, Americans, for not watching more closely and discerning more wisely. You let Satanists and fools take over your government and use your sons and daughters as fodder in wars for profit.  You let them put a statue of their Goddess of Sin in New York Harbor.  You didn't even recognize who she was. You're all a bunch of yokels!  It's all your fault.

It is a vicious cycle of lies used to perpetuate other lies, as all things perpetuate themselves, with Liars also engendering more Liars.  These are the "tares" and the weeds among us, those who eat but give nothing back, those who speak but say nothing true, those who blame but accept no fault of their own.

Learn to recognize them by their deeds and by their fruits and by their ways of thinking and speaking and operating. 

I have summarized their Operating Mode for you and given you good examples of how they use partial truths just like their Father, telling Eve she wouldn't die (right away) from eating the forbidden fruit--- and good examples of how partial truths are used to deliberately promote wrong assumptions. 

If you want to gird yourself against the snares of Evil, study the scriptures with an open mind, and be interested in learning how these creatures deceive you, so that you can be on your guard.

Keep your Shinola Sensors lubed and oiled, folks, and defend your own dashboards.  The trolls and the blamers and the nay-sayers and the do-nothings and the brainless gossips and the Satanists are all scrambling hard. 

Canadian Government Confirms Chemtrails – Geoengineering





AN ACT relative to registration of commercial motor vehicles and operator's/drivers' licenses.

SPONSORS: Rep. Marple, Merr. 24; Rep. Itse, Rock. 10; Rep. Comeau, Carr. 5

COMMITTEE: Transportation



This bill restates the "right to travel" and requires the department of safety to provide at no cost to all noncommercial automobile and noncommercial conveyance owners a decal and identification card that states the holder is exempt from registering his or her private conveyance under the Uniform Commercial Code exemption for consumer goods and household goods.

This bill also repeals requirements for certain drivers to aquire noncommercial drivers' licenses.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.


In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eighteen

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1  Statement of Purpose.  The general court finds that the authority of the department of safety is limited to only the commercial users of the public ways and that the corporate state employees have, by their silence, failed to fully inform the sovereign people of this state that an automobile has been confirmed by Chief Justice Grimes, in 108 N.H. 386, to be "private property" defined by current RSA 382-A:9-109, as "household goods" and "consumer goods" not for commercial use or for profit or gain.  Further, the courts have found that corporate public servants who ignore their accountability as mandated in Article 8, N.H. Bill of Rights have by their silence and failure to fully inform the sovereign people of the consequences arising from the corporate "offer to contract," is deemed silent deception and inducement by fraud.
2  Right to Travel.  RSA 261:40 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:
261:40  Right to Travel.  
I.  For the purposes of this section:
(a)  "Automobile" and "motorcycle" means any self-propelled conveyance used for noncommercial travel upon the public ways.
(b)  "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled conveyance designed and used upon the public ways for profit or gain in business or commerce.
(c)  "Household goods" or "consumer goods" has the same meaning as the Uniform Commercial Code found at RSA 382-A:9-102 and shall include an automobile.  Automobiles and all noncommercial conveyances shall be exempt from the license and registration required of commercial motor vehicles.
(d)  "Operator" or "driver" means one who controls the movement of a conveyance upon the public way for commercial or business purposes.
(e)  "Traveler" means one who controls the automobile or other noncommercial conveyance.
(f)  "Common law" means the sole remedy for any controversy arising from or by the public use of household goods or consumer goods such as an automobile or other noncommercial conveyance.
II.  The department of safety shall provide, at no cost, every noncommercial automobile owner or owner of an other noncommercial conveyance with an appropriate decal imprinted with the words "RSA 382-A:9-109 Exempt."  The division of motor vehicles shall also issue all noncommercial traveler a photo identification card at no cost with the words "RSA 382-A:9-109 Exempt" printed on such identification card.  This identification card is not a contract or a license or instrument that would require compelled performance by the holder and shall provide every law enforcement agency with notice of the holder's exemption from the statutes that are required for the commercial use of the public way for profit or gain.
III.  The automobile and all noncommercial conveyances are exempt from registration and taxation and the owner of such automobile or noncommercial conveyance are exempt from the requirement of a license that is necessary for commercial use of the public ways.  The owner of the automobile shall be considered to be exercising the common unalienable "Right to Travel on the public right-of-way in the ordinary and lawful pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
3  Vanity Plate Fees.  Amend RSA 263:52, I to read as follows:
I.  The proceeds from [original license fees as provided in RSA 263:42 and] the vanity plate service fee collected in accordance with RSA 261:89, plus the fee for the renewal of the use of such plates, after any refunding authorized by law and costs of such plates or designation of effective periods thereof and issuance of same have been appropriated and deducted, shall be expended for course materials, licensing of schools, and certification of instructors in connection with safe motor vehicle driving conducted in or under the supervision of secondary schools.  Such balance shall be kept in a separate fund.  The commissioner of safety shall adopt, pursuant to RSA 541-A, and publish, rules governing the courses of instruction and training.
4  Original and Youth Operators Commercial Licenses; Cross Reference Removed.  Amend RSA 263:14, III(a) to read as follows:
(a)  The director is authorized to revoke or suspend any original commercial license held by a person under 20 years of age after a hearing upon a showing by its records or other sufficient evidence that the driver has committed an offense, excluding the offenses of [RSA 261:40,] RSA 261:59[,] and RSA 266:5, following the issuance of an original commercial license for which the original commercial license holder has been convicted.
5  Drivers' Licenses; Rules.  Amend RSA 21-P:14, IV to read as follows:
IV.  The commissioner of safety shall adopt rules, under RSA 541-A [and RSA 260:5], relative to licensing commercial drivers as follows:
(a)  [Procedures for and information required on driver's license applications, including all necessary forms, as authorized by RSA 263:5.
(b)  Driver's license examination and reexamination requirements, as authorized by RSA 263:6 and 263:7.]
[(c)]  Restricted commercial licenses, as authorized by RSA 263:13.
[(d)] (b)  Conditions and requirements for a commercial driver's license, as authorized by RSA 263:14-263:33-b.
[(e)] (c)  Intrastate commercial licenses for nonresidents, as authorized by RSA 263:39-a.
[(f)] (d)  Access to information regarding anatomical gifts, as authorized by RSA 263:41.
[(g)  Collection of drivers' license fees, as authorized by RSA 263:42.]
[(h)] (e)  Petitions for refund of fees, as authorized by RSA 263:43.
[(i)] (f)  Application and requirements for issuance of commercial motor vehicle drivers' school licenses, as authorized by RSA 263:44-47 and 263:49-51.
[(j)] (g) Suspension or revocation of a commercial driver's license or driving privilege, as authorized by RSA 263:53 through RSA 263:65, RSA 263:73, RSA 265-A:26, and RSA 265-A:29.
[(k)] (h) Appeals of commercial driver's license denial, suspension, or revocation, as authorized by RSA 263:75, RSA 265-A:34, and RSA 263:76.
[(l)] (i)  Application for and issuance of a commercial vanpooler's permit, as authorized by RSA 376:2, XII.
[(m)] (j)  Commercial driver license requirements, as authorized by RSA 263:98.
[(n)  Temporary driver's licenses, including procedures for the issuance, revocation, form, and other related matters, as authorized by RSA 263:5-a.]
[(o)] (k)  Format, content and procedures for the display of the notice required under RSA 260:10-a, II.
[(p)] (l)  Criteria for waiver of the default fee required under RSA 263:56-a, I-a.
[(q)] (m) Approval of driver attitude programs and fee as provided in RSA 263:56-e.
[(r)] (n) Administrative suspension of motor vehicle commercial licenses pursuant to RSA 265:91-b and RSA 265:91-c and RSA 265-A:30 through RSA 265-A:32, including notices, forms, temporary driving permits, hearing procedures, and procedures for restoration after the suspension period.
[(s)] (o) Establishment of administrative procedures to aid in the collection of protested checks relating to commercial drivers' licenses, vehicle registrations, titles, permits or fees, including provisions for suspension of commercial license, registration, title, or permit.
[(t)] (p) Procedures for conducting the problem commercial driver pointer system search, including forms and procedures to be used in conducting a problem commercial driver pointer search as initiated by an employer.
6  Commercial License Expiration.  Amend RSA 263:10 to read as follows:
263:10  Commercial License Expiration.
I.  [Except as provided in RSA 263:5-f, I, RSA 263:14, and RSA 263:39-a, III, all] All commercial licenses shall expire on the fifth anniversary of the commercial license holder's date of birth following the date of issuance.  The department shall notify each holder of a commercial license by mail addressed to the holder's last known address, or, if the commercial license holder has so elected, by electronic, telephonic, or other means, 30 days prior to the expiration date thereof of a place and time when he or she shall appear for the issuance of a new commercial license and any availability of electronic commercial license renewal.
II.  Notwithstanding paragraph I, the director may adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A providing for the renewal of [driver] commercial licenses by applicants on-line rather than by appearing in person; provided that the applicant is otherwise eligible for commercial license renewal, [is not required to submit to a road test under the provisions of RSA 263:7,] has submitted proof sufficient to the director that he or she meets the visual acuity requirements for commercial licensing, and has a computerized image on file with the division.  A commercial license may be renewed on-line only once in every other license renewal cycle and the next cycle shall require appearance in person at a commercial licensing facility.
7  Selective Service Registration.  Amend RSA 187-A:39 to read as follows:
187-A:39  Application.
[I.]  No person who is not in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act as provided in 50 U.S.C. app. section 451 et seq. shall:
[(a)] I.  Be permitted to enroll in a state-supported institution of postsecondary or higher education.
[(b)] II.  Be eligible to receive a loan, grant, scholarship, or other financial assistance for postsecondary higher education supported by state revenue, including federal funds, gifts, or grants accepted by the state, or to receive a student loan guaranteed by the state.
[(c)] III.  Having attained the age of 18 years, be eligible for employment by or service to the state or any political subdivision of the state, including all state boards, commissions, departments, agencies, and institutions.
[II.  A person who has authorized the department of safety to submit information to the Selective Service System pursuant to RSA 263:5-c shall be considered to be in compliance with the Selective Service Act for purposes of this section.]
8  License Required.  Amend RSA 263:1, I to read as follows:
I.  No person, except those expressly exempted under RSA 263:25 or other provisions of this title, shall drive any motor vehicle upon any way in this state for commercial purposes unless such person has a valid driver's license, as required under the provisions of this chapter, for the class or type of vehicle being driven.
9  Possession of License.  Amend RSA 263:2 to read as follows:
263:2  Possession of License Required.  Every person driving a motor vehicle for commercial purposes shall have his or her driver's license upon his or her person or in the vehicle in some easily accessible place and shall display the same on demand of and manually surrender the same into the hands of the demanding officer for the inspection thereof.  No person charged with a violation of this section shall be convicted if, within a period of 48 hours, he or she produces in the office of the arresting officer evidence that he or she held a valid driver's license which was in effect at the time of his or her arrest.
10  Repeal.  The following are repealed:
I.  RSA 263:1-a, relative to allowing an unlicensed driver to drive a car.
II.  RSA 263:1-b, relative to offenses committed by an unlicensed driver.
III.  RSA 263:1-c, relative to the effect of a drivers' license.
IV.  RSA 263:1-d, relative to enhanced drivers' licenses and identification cards.
V.  RSA 263:4, relative to limiting a driver to one license.
VI.  RSA 263:5, relative to an application for a driver's license.
VII.  RSA 263:5-a, relative to an application by a new resident.
VIII.  RSA 263:5-b, relative to drivers' licenses for members of the armed forces.
IX.  RSA 263:5-c, relative to compliance with federal selective service requirements.
X.  RSA 263:5-d, relative to acceptable forms of identification in order to receive a drivers' license.
XI.  RSA 263:5-e, relative to proof of residence in order to receive a drivers' license.
XII.  RSA 263:5-f, relative to application for a driver's license by residents without a permanent street address.
XIII.  RSA 263:6, relative to requiring the completion of an examination in order to receive a driver's license.
XIV.  RSA 263:6-a, relative to informing first-time applicants of the DWI and controlled drug laws.
XV.  RSA 263:6-b, relative to the medical/vision advisory board.
XVI.  RSA 263:6-c, relative to blind pedestrian information and examination.
XVII.  RSA 263:6-d, relative to reporting medically unfit persons.
XVIII.  RSA 263:7, relative to reexamination for a driver's license.
XIX.  RSA 261:52-a, relative to notice that interest and dividends tax may be due.
XX.  RSA 263:42, I, relative to fees for drivers' licenses.
XXI.  RSA 261:59-a, relative to proof of valid registration.
11  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.



By Anna Von Reitz

Why is Trump scrabbling around listening to lectures from Macron, leader of a country that has owed us money ever since the Napoleonic Wars?
Obviously, if he is going to Macron for money, Donald Trump doesn't know how much money is owed to the actual States of the Union and is instead getting side-tracked and deluded worrying about debts owed by the States of States.
Let's see --- I have $4,778 Trillion in one pocket and vast, vast hard assets--- gold, silver, platinum---- in eight major banks right here in America, yet I scrabble around desperately trying to raise capital to pay off a $30 Trillion debt owed by the Housekeeping Staff? Hello, again?
Here's an idea, Mr. Trump---- take your actual Public Oath of Office, enter into the actual Presidency, and then, we take $30 Trillion out of our right pocket and transfer it to our left pocket....
What a concept!
Obviously--- Big D doesn't have a clue how much money he has available, and his Generals aren't telling him. But we know.
There's a cell of the old, nasty, corrupt Municipal United States DOD working out of North Carolina and they are playing for the wrong side. Everything they touch turns to lies and kaka.
They are doing their level best to make sure that Donald Trump remains ignorant about the actual finances of this country, and choking off and delaying and misdirecting funding that should already be available.
They need to be shut down. And he needs to be clued in.
White Hats? What are you waiting for? Christmas?

An Explanation of the May 3 Letter and The Delegated Powers

By Anna Von Reitz
It's apparent from the questions we are getting about the May 3rd Letter to Donald Trump informing him that THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ---- another "governmental services corporation" formed in France  over the weekend --- does not have a contract, is confusing people.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) -- our original federal Union of land jurisdiction States delegated nineteen enumerated powers, all of them in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 

As a result of the three Constitution(s) three distinct branches of the federal government were created, all of them represented by States of States, and empowered to exercise jurisdiction over specific administrative areas.

The Constitution for the united States of America was the National Constitution and the powers delegated through it were exercised by the original Confederation of National-level States of States doing business as, for example, The State of Georgia, The State of Ohio and their Union created by The Articles of Confederation.   Those National-level States of States have been moth-balled since the 1860's and secretively replaced and usurped upon by the British Territorial United States.

The Constitution of the United States of America was the Territorial Constitution and the powers delegated through it were only supposed to apply "on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" and to the "Insular States" --- Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, et alia.  However, following the so-called Civil War, the British Territorial United States usurped and substituted their own Territorial "States of States" --- for example, The State of Georgia was replaced by the State of Georgia, and the land assets of The State of Georgia were rolled into state land trusts operating as the Georgia State (land trust).

The Constitution of the United States (notice --- no "of America") was the Municipal Constitution, and the powers delegated through it were only supposed to apply within the ten square miles of the District of Columbia and Washington, DC.  This is the oligarchy granted to Congress at Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.

So things have been off-track for 150 years, with Territorial States of States substituting for National States of States, and both the Territorial and Municipal "Governments" operating far beyond their appointed jurisdictions and physical boundaries and also, since the late 1860's operating as commercial corporations in the business of providing "essential government services".

The authorities and powers vouchsafed under The Constitution for the united States of America were thus improperly usurped and exercised  by the British Territorial United States acting under conditions of constructive fraud and Breach of Trust and the whole National level of our "federal" government was moth-balled pending a "reconstruction" that never occurred.

So color that vital part of the government that was supposed to exercise our delegated powers effectively "gone" and never restored---until now. 

Then in 2015 the Municipal corporation running the Municipal Government entered bankruptcy.

And finally, in 2017, the Territorial corporation entered bankruptcy.

Thus, all three levels of the original government entrusted with exercising our Delegated Powers were rendered incompetent. 

At the moment the Territorial United States declared bankruptcy, ALL the powers that were ever delegated reverted to the organization that delegated those powers in the first place --- The United States of America (Unincorporated).

This is the way that all contracts that delegate powers work. If the entities enjoying the delegation cease to operate, the delegated powers revert to the issuer.  They don't just drift around in hyperspace waiting for some other unknown Johnny-Come-Lately organization to form and "pick up" the contract by assumption of the duties.

That precise situation is what we were witnessing last Saturday, when Presidents Trump and Macron, created the French governmental services corporation merely calling itself "THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and both apparently thought that the French were going to slink back in here and start exercising our abused delegated powers with nobody being the wiser.

They hoped to do this by a "process of assumption of contract".  Basically, the new corporation comes back in, starts doing the work, and establishes an "implied contract for services".

So when we published the May 3rd Letter to President Trump, we posted International Notice that we have received back our abused Delegated Powers thanks to the incompetence of the service providers, and we are not allowing THE (French) REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to finagle any assumption of contract or presume to have any right to exercise our Delegated Powers.

Instead, we have summoned the actual States to Assemble---which they are doing--- and they will then meet for the first time in more than 150 years, to consider the fate of the federal "contract" government.  The constitutional form of the government has been preserved by agreements we entered into with the American Native Tribes prior to the other federal entities going into bankruptcy, but it is clear that the federal government has failed and become hideously corrupt and it is also clear that in the past 200-plus years, the circumstances that compelled the adoption of the constitutional form of government have changed.

The Federal Government and its various "States of States" have always been under contract to provide services to the actual States and to their lawful unincorporated Union known as The United States of America.  Like any other business contract, these instrumentalities are subject to review, renegotiation, and if necessary, dissolution.

The co-terminal bankruptcies of both the Territorial and Municipal United States corporations, the criminality of the banking system, the Birth Certificate scandals, the widespread crimes, the human trafficking, the corruption of the courts--- have all weighed in, together with our growing awareness of the Gross Breach of Trust and legal chicanery that has been employed to rob and enslave the American People and the history underlying all the above.

This "offer" to boot up another round of the same old fraud, exploitation, and manipulation of our country by a European power merely calling itself THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA deserves a swift kick to the curb, and that is precisely what has happened.  We aren't deceived. We are standing on our own land jurisdiction and owed its return plus all else that is rightfully ours, absent any more meddling from Britain or France or any other party.  

Mr. Trump has been offered the actual Office of the President of The United States of America (Unincorporated) and in that Office, he would be one of three Officers responsible for the care and protection of this entire country and would have access to the tremendous wealth and credit that the American States and People are owed.

Instead of relying on his own States and his own People, Trump has instead gone crawling to Macron for help and apparently supported yet another betrayal of our interests to those of European con artists who have robbed six generations of Americans blind. 

Enough is enough.  None of them have a contract with us.  None of them have any right to be here any longer. All of them owe us recompense for this situation, not the least of which is the return of our confiscated gold and the return of all our land patents and titles and the return of our people to their natural birthright political status via international correction of all the falsified public records.



Before It Is Deleted

The Secret They Have Been Hiding 

For Decades..

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Obama Is Furious!

BREAKING: Massive News Out Of Texas 
Obama Is Furious! 
May 3 2018

Thasja Update -- And Other Kinds of Human Trafficking

By Anna Von Reitz

The vermin kidnappers of Thasja didn't succeed in making their Border crossing into Mexico yesterday, thanks in part to all of you ringing the phones off the hook at the California Justice Department. 

While enroute to the Mexican Border, the kidnappers turned back and around, most likely tipped off that they were being observed and reported on. They beat tracks in reverse direction and are being closely surveillanced now.
One of the terrible things about the crime of physical human trafficking, is that it gives the vermin a hostage. 

The situation with Thasja and the little children with her remains tense, but we are closing in and we have whipped and beaten the "authorities" into taking action. We may have uncovered one of the largest trafficking operations on the West Coast. It is beginning to look that way. 

We will keep you all updated as we learn more and hopefully, as she and the children are recovered and set free. 

Meantime, I want to observe to all of you that it is possible to "traffick" people on paper as well as in physical fact, and that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did. 

FDR trafficked millions of Americans -- kidnapped them, literally, as babies in their cradles, into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea controlled by the equally foreign British Territorial United States. He press-ganged them and enslaved them for life, via the presumption of [Territorial] United States Citizenship and transported them on paper into the jurisdiction of a foreign country.

FDR is, arguably, the greatest criminal of all time, having ultimately done this to more people worldwide than Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined ever dreamed about. He and his older Cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, worked the whole scheme together, with "Teddy" laying false claims against our land and FDR laying false claims against our money, our labor, and our souls. 

Every time that one of these quasi-military tribunal "courts" attacks YOU they are doing so on the basis of having trafficked your Trade Name into their jurisdiction on false pretenses. They are engaged --- literally --- in human trafficking, inland piracy, and enslavement. 

It's time to start charging these courts and their officers, the attorneys, with the crimes they are guilty of and using their own system against them. 

Once you have issued your Foreign Sovereign Immunities Notice to them and having "fully informed them" regarding any crime you may have witnessed or have first-hand knowledge of via a letter on your own letterhead addressed to the Judge, Registered, Return Receipt Requested --- you have discharged any duty you may owe THEIR court to inform them about crimes happening in their jurisdiction. 

If they continue to address you with "Motions" and actions calculated to force you to engage them, it's time to report them for mis-addressing you, for using deliberately deceptive language (the all-capital letter Dog Latin NAME) and attempting to traffick you and to seize upon your lawful Person and its derivative PERSONS --- all of which have been re-conveyed to the land and soil of your birth state--- thanks to your diligence in correcting your own political status records. 

You will want to file a simple Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney effective with your actual birthday as an Extension to your Re-Conveyance Deed, and also a Letter of Appointment making your Trade Name the only Attorney-in-Fact and Power Holder associated with your names, estates, and accounts.
Denying all Powers of Attorney serves to discourage any further action against your Persons and explicit appointment of your own Trade Name as the Attorney-in-Fact and Power Holder puts an end to any argument over your standing and capacity. 

Having your paperwork done, knowing what it means, and how to use it, is like having a loaded .44 in your purse (or holster) for when the kidnappers come.
If they persist in mis-addressing you as any form of YOU after you have given them Due Notice and having fully informed them, take the docket sheet down to the nearest Public Safety Office and swear out a complaint against the named Court, Judge, Clerk, and Attorneys for: (1) willful trespass, (2) willful false presumption, and (3) attempted human trafficking.

It turns out that trafficking your name on paper into foreign jurisdictions is just as serious a crime as trafficking your body.

Start hoisting these judges and clerks and attorneys on their own petards and it won't take long for the word to spread and the courts to start functioning properly again.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

Judge Anna Replies to Idiots / Dinar Chronicles Posting

By Anna Von Reitz
In the first place, nobody should ever give much credence to people who hide in the dark, who use pseudonyms and what appear to be initials like "PNW" and who have no real addresses.  People like myself who have had their photos, actual names, actual emails and actual post office addresses plainly posted for years are much more reliable. 

Second, I never claimed to be any "Alaska Supreme Court Judge" -- EVER.  That was a misunderstanding and misquote by someone active in the Republic of Texas organization who put out a video with that misinformation prominently displayed.  I contacted them immediately and asked for them to correct it, but  it was too late.  Confirmation of the facts concerning who said this (not me) can be obtained from the Republic of Texas  ---

I have always very clearly stated that I am serving in two court capacities: (1) Justice of the Alaska State Superior Court and (2) Judge of the Third (3) Postal District. 

I should not be attacked over claims that I never made and these unreasoning (and if I may say, ignorant) attacks should be removed both from your website and YouTube as disinformation. [ It is, or should be, perfectly clear to anyone that I am functioning as a land jurisdiction judge, not a Sea-B.]

Third, I went to the Pope once I realized that the corrupt and evil system we are struggling with was set up by the Roman Catholic Church.  Uh-duh?  And who else was I supposed to address with my concerns about what the Church was doing, if not the Pope and the Cardinals responsible?

As a result of all this dirty laundry being aired (See my letter to former Cardinal George of Chicago which is posted on my website --for a taste of the discussions we had.) Pope Benedict repented and asked for help getting the word out to his employees and giving Due Process to the guilty parties.  I agreed to help do this, which is detailed in my book, "Disclosure 101" for anyone who has an honest interest.

That said, I have never been employed by or paid by the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church for these or any other services and I am certainly not a Roman Catholic.  I am a card-carrying Lutheran since the age of seven.

So there, too, all you've got is a bunch of asinine assumptions and blowhard crappola posted on your website, which needs to be washed clean of such ignorant and irresponsible and anonymous bombast.

IF the people promoting these lies care to come out of the closet and go toe to toe with me on any topic or subject, I am confident that they will get the bad end of the stick.  But as long as they specialize in unaccountable insinuations and falsehoods, my suggestion to you is to simply shut them down and give them no credibility, because they deserve none.

This morning I got a message from a friend saying, "They are calling you a fake!"

To which I replied -- "Who is?  The con artists responsible for this Mess, or the foreign judges without law degrees enforcing it?"

Since nobody knows who "Virgo Triad" is and nobody knows who "PNW" is either, it's not possible to answer that question, but ten gives you twenty that the liars lying to you about me are most likely the liars who have lied to you about everything else, too.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: