Friday, September 28, 2018

The Pillar and Post Revisited

By Anna Von Reitz

The Pillar and the Post Revisited

Pernicious Disinformation and confusion is ruining this entire country and the effort to restore its rightful government. Only you can make the needed difference.

One old lady and The Living Law Firm can't do it alone, even with your donations of money toward the cause, for which we are truly grateful. (Paypal: and Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652)

The American People as a whole must wake up and educate themselves and take appropriate action to disentangle the web of lies and "legal presumptions" that have been used to enslave us and then, must take appropriate political action.

But what is the "appropriate" political action above and beyond reclaiming your birthright estate and Good Name? There are groups springing up like mushrooms and while many groups have good intentions, many do not.

There are two principal groups that are promoting agendas that would be disastrous for our country, both very well-funded and also--- foreign: British Territorial Templars vs. French Templars.

They are both Templar groups, all worship Satan, all are steeped in gross deceit. It's the Old Choice. Would you prefer Vanilla Feces or Chocolate Feces?

This goes back thousands of years and was enshrined in Solomon's Temple. Solomon was a Ba-El worshiper, too. He worshiped an entire Pantheon of Demons, including Ba-al, the Chief Demon.

And what did his Temple famously display? The two pillars -- Joachim and Boaz, which symbolize the modus operandi of Satan and Satanism: False Choices.

You can eat of the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life....
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

You can have Bubonic Plague or Cholera.... which do you prefer?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

A war in the Middle East or a war in Eastern Europe?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

You can hate each other because of skin color or because of religious doctrine --- which do you prefer?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

You can be undermined by Democrats or Republicans? Which brand of selfish incompetent nastiness would you prefer?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

It's all predicated on "when did you stop beating your wife?" logic.

With Vanilla Feces you get the Queen operating as Her Britannic (Satanic) Majesty while pretending to be a Christian. You get the Raj taxing you for salt that comes from the sea for free. You get brutal oppression wrapped in a tea cozy.

With Chocolate Feces you get the French Republic operating our country as a Territorial "Republique"-- just take a look at what the French people endure and the scourge of Muslim invasion against a Christian nation and figure this out, please.

These people are all Ba-El worshipers. They all hate Christians and hate Christian nations. The only difference is that the Talmudic Madmen at the very top of the pyramid hate everyone equally, while their minions below still have to be deceived to follow along using catch-all labels like "National Security Concerns" and lies like the "National Debt" to ensure their complicity.

So they are doing their usual schtick and lining you all out with two bad choices---- the Same Old Same Old British Bunko enforced by the Roman Inquisition (Internal Revenue Service) or the French Republique also enforced by the Roman Inquisition (IRS).

Take your pick.

Or not.

There are other choices, like minding your own shop and exercising self-governance, educating yourself about your birthright freedoms and responsibilities, correcting your own political status records, operating your lawful government to straighten out and "reconstruct" the Federal Government you are owed.....

This is an option, too, one that you control. And its a Good Choice --- one with real ice cream and a cherry on top.

But you have to recognize the Bad Choices and the Satanic Either/Or False Choice Set Up or you will be confused and not know who or what to believe and be wandering around like sheep "from pillar to post". Literally.

Whenever you see anything about "Kim" or "Reno" or "North Carolina" you know that it is the French Templars. Whenever you see anything about Canada or China, etc., you know it is the British Templars.

And when you see glimpses of Spain and Greece, you will know that you are seeing the real power players, rooted in places nobody suspects.

You must learn to know your true Enemies --- the Haters from El Caziri -- the Black Magicians who promote perpetual war, whose entire belief system is rooted in duality, false choices, and conflicts. You must recognize their organizations --- the Bar Associations and "Secret Fraternities" established all over the world.

You must also realize that the Talmud is not born of the Torah nor does it come to us from Judah, just like the Six Pointed "Star of David" has nothing to do with Judah or Judaism, either.

This is the sign and emblem of two members of the Ancient Caste of Merchants having sex, each represented by an Equilateral Triangle.

The remnant of the Ancient Caste of Merchants is who runs Israel and also who set up the Holocaust.

They are Aryans (from the star system of Orion) not native to the Earth at all. And they marry each other in a vain effort to preserve their alien gene pool, not because of any religion.

If this is shocking to you, well, read your Bible. I am told that Americans have more Bibles than the whole rest of the world combined. I am also told that nobody reads them. They just sit on the bookshelves and bedside tables gathering dust.

You, my Readers, are especially blessed, because you have the benefit of our research and have the tools to figure out the "who is who" and the "what is what" in the midst of the Maelstrom these vicious enemies of Mankind have created.

But you are especially tasked, too --- to get this information out to all who will listen and benefit and take appropriate action, and to support the effort with might and main, with prayers and pennies, with -- as the Founders put it: "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor".

There are enough Christian and enough sane countries left in the world to ensure that we have a choice. They are backing our efforts diplomatically, and if necessary, will intervene in other ways. But we must make the effort to educate ourselves and get our lawful government restored and operating -- and nobody can do that "for" us.

We have to take the responsibility and do the work ourselves.

Washington Jural Assembly - Call to Action

Thursday, September 27, 2018

War Castles

War Castles from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Which "Supreme Court"?

By Anna Von Reitz

Which "Supreme Court"?

The thing calling itself the "Supreme Court" and squatting like a corpulent spider in the middle of Washington, DC, is self-evidently not our Supreme Court and everyone who has been reading my articles should know that by now, but let's review.

The way the judicial system was set up was this:

One Supreme Court for the States. This Court was called: The Supreme Court of The United States of America. It functioned entirely in international jurisdiction and decided cases in that jurisdiction for the States of the Union.

This Court was established at Philadelphia, having retained all powers in all jurisdictions of the Law --- air, land, and sea -- as the final Arbiter of all questions that could arise among the States. This was meant to truly be a Supreme Court for the States to iron out their differences and decide issues in international jurisdiction affecting all of them.

Once the Constitutions were adopted, some of the functions of The Supreme Court of the United States of America were shunted off to a new court, The Supreme Court of the United States, which was tasked with ruling on issues arising out of the Federal exercise of the "Delegated Powers".

So after 1787 we were left in the inane position of having two "Supreme Courts" --- one for "Non-Delegated" issues arising under the Non-Delegated Powers, one for "Delegated" issues arising under the Delegated Powers.

Sometimes "split jurisdiction" cases would arise and both courts would have to rule on different aspects of the same case.

It was, admittedly, cumbersome and failed the original idea of having a Supreme Court, but there was (and is) no alternative that adequately addresses the Schism that occurred once the Constitutions were adopted and our Powers in International Jurisdiction were split into "Delegated" and "Non-Delegated" functions.

Exactly what happened to The Supreme Court of The United States of America and how The Supreme Court of the United States usurped upon it and morphed into The United States Supreme Court is one of the best-kept secrets in this whole maze of lies and obfuscations.

Maybe it was accomplished with nothing more than another semantic deceit.

Maybe they just substituted the Territorial Court dba "The Supreme Court of the United States of America" for our Supreme Court dba "The Supreme Court of The United States of America" ---- the same way they substituted their States of States doing business as the "State of Georgia" for our States of State doing business as "The State of Georgia".

This has yet to be thoroughly unraveled. We know that it happened and we know approximately when it happened; the details are murky, but the results are not.

After the Civil War the Federal entities that were left minding the store --- the Territorial and Municipal Governments --- formed "The United States Supreme Court" and it has been that way with a few variations ever since.

So that "Supreme Court" in Washington, DC which has been accorded such veneration and power actually has nothing to do with us or with our States of the Union. It's entire importance is to act as an Arbiter of the constitutional contracts and interpret those for the Territorial and Municipal United States and their foreign "citizenry".

And now that both the Municipal and Territorial United States corporations are in bankruptcy, there is nothing to interpret. The Constitutions have been vacated except for our contracts with the Indian Nations which enclosed the constitutional contracts --and all the Delegated Powers have returned to us by Operation of Law.

Judge Kavanaugh and Mr. Trump could both be spared the spectacle of fighting with these skunks, because the "prize" has already moved on: we moved the cheese.

"The United States Supreme Court" no longer has any function or Office, aside from deciding whatever squabbles arise between us and our Native Corporation service providers.

It's The Supreme Court of The United States of America that is accepting viable nominations.

National Emergency / Act of War...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Problem: "Nobody Knows the Value of Anything"

By Anna Von Reitz

"Nobody Knows the Value of Anything"..... 

This succinct and honest statement from a member of the GCR Committee sums up the problem they face.  Think about that for five seconds. 

How does anyone know the value of anything? 

Does "what the market will bear" actually define the value of anything, much less the value of anyone?  

If you are scratching your heads, that's okay.  You should be. 

Add to that the fact that we haven't had Free Markets for the past two centuries, so there is absolutely no recent data to support an actual "market value" based "what the market will bear" and you will have another Data Point. 

All Precious Metals have been stuck and propped and "fixed" by the London Gold and Silver Boards, and the members of Parliament have been kept in the dark like all the rest of us concerning the amount of precious metal both in the ground and out of the ground. 

And if you don't know how much of a commodity you have relative to the demand for that commodity, you don't have a blooming guess of what that commodity is really worth market-wise.

All Currencies have been stuck and propped and "fixed" by the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) which has been used as a giant Commodity Price Fixing Mechanism with the keys to that kingdom in the hands of only two men -- the President of the Territorial United States (Mr. Trump) and the Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Mnuchin, actually an IMF employee and Interpol Officer).  

Now before you go blaming us for this situation, this "mechanism" was dreamed up and implemented by the World Bank and European Interests, not by us.  

Apparently, nobody ever told them that commodity price fixing is a serious crime -- and that currency is a commodity.  

The reason that commodity price fixing and especially currency price fixing is a crime, is that it results in market and economic manipulations that undermine national independence and sovereignty and which gives unjust advantages to some countries at the expense of others via the artificial manipulation of the value of their currency.  

Such cornering of the market -- especially the currency market --- provides a means of secretively waging economic war, garnering Unjust Enrichment, and promoting political agendas via economic blackmail. 

As an IMF employee and Interpol Officer, the Secretary of the Treasury owes no allegiance to the American States and People per se.  And as an Executive Officer of the British Territorial United States, the President has no particular allegiance to the American States and People, either.  

We were just a convenient staging ground for what amounts to international crime syndicates operating under Color of Law on our shores. We unknowingly provided them with a "storefront" for their operations and they took full advantage. 

Imagine being a member of the GCR Committee, faced with trying to re-establish a basis for Fair Market Trade of commodities under these conditions?  

Let's just pull out our hair and run screaming into the bushes right now.  

The Precious Metals Markets are stacked and controlled and have been for many decades.  The Currency Markets are stacked and controlled and have been for almost as long.  

Nobody knows the actual honest value of anything anymore, because Crooks and Robber Barons have been manipulating absolutely everything to suit themselves since the 19th Century.  

It gets more complicated when you consider that all the collateral used as assets backing the Banks largely belongs to private people and private trusts and not to the Banks at all.  

And then the Banks tell Big, Fat Whoppers, claiming that all these private assets have been "abandoned" in their care and that these assets are actually their assets now ---- and issue seven to ten times the value of those assets as credit.  

What happens when the actual legitimate owners show up and want to move their assets elsewhere?  What happens when they want to spend some of their assets?  The bank is already grossly "over-extended" and can't afford that, can they?  

So they lie and they steal and they refuse to let the actual owners have access to their deposit boxes and "flats".  The Trustees and owners are told, "we don't know who you are" and "no such assets on deposits here", and despite the receipts and proofs all these people have showing precisely when their deposits were made and what they consisted of and who signed off on them, the banks continue to stonewall. 

Oh, it's a matter of "National Security".  Our banks are "too big to fail".  

They have already failed the most crucial test of honesty and good business practices, which is how they got into this trouble in the first place, and their failure and placement under new management is probably the best thing that could happen to them.  

So not only does the GCR Committee have no idea and no basis for placing a valuation on "anything", they can't even get an honest answer from the banks as to what assets the banks legitimately own and what assets belong to Depositors. 

Let's dance around on one leg, pull out our hair, and run screaming into the bushes. Again. 

The plain fact is that the Banks have been greedy and engaged in dishonest practices. They need to be shut down and restructured, but until we wake up and get our backs up and force the issue, they will just go on bilking Depositors and selling bogus "home loans" and "securitizing" assets they don't actually own any valid interest in. 

Bottom line --- they aren't cooperating with the effort to clean up their operations and are tucked down on the mattresses like old style New York mobsters.  

What?  Audit us?  

Stop dancing around on one leg.  Stop being confused.  There is evil in our midst, both evil in High Places, and evil in these banks.  It has to be stopped and until it is, there will be no rational basis for any economic system and no public trust merited by these institutions.  

You would be better off keeping all your money in your mattress, especially if you have a lot of money--- because although it is anti-intuitive, the more money you deposit, the more likely you will be the victim of Bank Theft.  

One wealthy guy deprived of access to his wealth is just one guy griping to the wind.  Steal small amounts from 50,000 people and get them griping at you, and you've got political problems, but steal fifty billion from one man--- who cares?  So that's what they've been doing. 

They've been stealing from the wealthy, but they haven't been giving to the poor. 

Twenty years ago these banks set up "Private Placement Trading Platforms" --- purportedly to generate profits for philanthropic purposes worldwide.  I have yet to see a single philanthropic project actually funded from all this trading and all the secret profits generated by this blackmarket casino.  Not one.  And I have looked high and low.  

So what you've got is vast, vast, vast criminality entrenched in our economic and financial system, theft of Depositors' assets, illegal trading on other people's assets, and yes, casino-style gambling in the name of philanthropy.  And this is going on, worldwide. 

Wake up, America.  Get on your feet.  Rub your sleepy eyes. You've got issues to settle with the banks.  Big issues. 

Bill Cosby laughs before going into custody

NORRISTOWN, Pa. – Bill Cosby burst out laughing in court on Tuesday – moments after he was sentenced to three to 10 years in state prison for a 2004 sex assault.

Modal Trigger
Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
The 81-year-old convicted sex offender was seen cracking jokes with his team in Montgomery County court, as sheriff’s officers swooped in to take him directly into custody.
Cosby handed over his wallet, tie and watch to authorities before Judge Steven O’Neill ordered him remanded.
“My reasons for the sentence are the reasons I’m relying on in denying this defendant bail. This is a serious crime he’s been sentenced for,” O’Neill explained in court.
Cosby had been free on $1 million bail since his arrest in December 2015.
The courtroom was cleared before Cosby, wearing red suspenders and a white shirt, was cuffed from the front and led out of the courtroom through a hallway. He carried his cane in both hands.
Meanwhile, one of his dozens of accusers, supermodel Janice Dickinson, was nearly booted from the packed courtroom for loudly laughing during a break in the proceedings.

W. Virginia's Decision to Allow Smartphone Voting for Midterms Raises Serious Security Concerns

(Getty Images)
For the first time in our nation's history, voters in 24 counties in W. Virginia will be able to vote using their mobile phones. While some are hailing the decision because it will make voting easier for members of the military deployed overseas, experts are warning of possible security breaches.
"After researching previously available options, the Secretary’s team identified that most electronic ballot delivery technology required access to a desktop computer, printer and scanner, all of which present significant barriers to overseas voters, especially those in combat zones or engaged in covert operations," the W. Virginia Secretary of State's office explained in a press release this week. The state is partnering with a Boston, Massachusetts-based company called Voatz, Inc.
"Voatz has developed a secure mobile voting application that allows voters to receive, vote, and return their ballots electronically," the press release claims. "The application also utilizes blockchain technology to store electronically submitted ballots until election night, and requires a heightened standard of identity verification for users than traditional absentee ballot processes. This project is unprecedented in United States history, being the first mobile voting application and first use of blockchain technology in a federal election."

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Remember George Bailey?

Trump Responds To Censorship & Paypal Banning Alex Jones: Free Speech Purge Continues

Big tech initiates economic warfare after censoring Alex Jones


PayPal announced that it will no longer work with Alex Jones’ Infowars, saying the site had been found to be in violation of PayPal’s “core values.”

Meanwhile, President Trump says Americans need to stand up to social media censorship.

Hear The Audio Of PayPal Banning Infowars For “Hate Speech”

  We’re in a fight…

Mass censorship of conservatives and libertarians is exploding. You’ve already seen this with the demonetization and ultimate purge of Infowars and other alternative media outlets by mega-corporations working in tangent to stifle competition. But you are important in this fight. Your voice is important. Your free thought is important. Make no mistake, you are just as important as anyone in the Anti-American establishment.

Backwash --- Initial Emergency Alert

By Anna Von Reitz

 The people of North and South Carolina are facing a far more serious disaster than has been reported in the so-called National News and it is coming from a source most of us haven't even considered.

We all braced for the impact of the tropical storms and survived that. 

What is proving more deadly is inter-tidal flooding of coastal rivers and estuaries overwhelmed as rainwater from the storms that fell in the mountainous areas finds its way back down the local rivers and into low-lying delta and estuary areas all along the coast. 

For people in those areas, the real disaster and result of the storms last week is just arriving.  

We don't have full details yet, but ask you to be aware and to keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers. 

As many of you know, I lived through a "National Disaster" here in Alaska -- a fire, not a flood -- but you can count on some things being the same. 

One of the things you can count on is that FEMA won't respond for at least three weeks.  And when it does, the kinds of help it offers won't be what you expect.  

What FEMA did here was hand out checks of $13,000 to each landowner (to limit their own liability claims) --- renters and apartment dwellers got nothing, though they were just as devastated as everyone else. 

And FEMA also gave our names to the "US SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION" ---- another deliberately mis-named corporation actually owned by Lehman Brothers Bank --- and they offered us "Disaster Assistance Loans" at a lower rate than market interest to "help us rebuild".  

Only catch with that is that a couple years later, they sold off all those loans to one of their own subdivisions that appeared to be a different company, and that company contacted everyone with a "New Deal" -- 12% and new terms and deadlines and balloon payments and only the Devil Knows what else. 

And if people weren't sharp enough to say, "Hell no, no contract, non-assumpsit!" --- all those disaster victims got bilked and wound up paying far more than any normal loan.  Most of them lost their shirts and Lehman Brother's got all the new houses that these disaster victims labored so hard to build, plus their land.  

I notified the Alaska Congressional Delegation about the scam and [Territorial United States] House Representative Don Young stomped hard enough on Lehman Brothers so they backed off and honored the initial contract "for those that complained".  

Everyone else took it in the shorts. 

So much for "Disaster Relief" from FEMA.  


The only groups that mobilized and actually arrived timely and did help us were the Salvation Army, the LDS Church, and the Mennonite Church.  

Those guys came prepared to launch, knew what they were doing, and they just flat-out did it.  

So to those reading this, who have contacts with the Salvation Army, LDS, and Mennonite Churches, please let them know that their neighbors along the coast in North and South Carolina are hurting and will be facing a mammoth task of rescue and rebuilding.  

People can only expect help from other people --- certainly not from the bankrupt and self-interested "US Government".  Any expectation of help from "federal agencies" or thought on our part that these people and their communities "will be taken care of" and some of their tax dollars paid back---- give those naive suppositions up right now.  

The Queen has already spent all that money on war planes in Iraq. 

They Raped Me.

By Anna Von Reitz

They Raped Me. 


I am not sure exactly when it happened or where or who was there, but I have proof in the form of legislation they signed, actions they took, and actions they failed to take --- hard evidence, if you get what I mean. 

And that is far more proof than Ms. Ford or her Hispanic clone can offer of any impropriety by Brent Kavanaugh.  

Let's start the prosecution. 

The fact is that they are not bringing any evidence or accusation against Brent Kavanaugh the actual man, and because they aren't accusing the actual man, they can say whatever crazy fool thing they want, and that is enough for the Municipal Courts in this country to presume him guilty and convict him.  Whoever and whatever "BRENT KAVANAUGH" may be.....he is guilty by definition. 

Paper people have paper penises, too.  

Seems pretty unlikely that "BRENT" did any damage to Ms. Ford, but who knows?  

Maybe her feelings were hurt when the actual Brent Kavanaugh totally ignored her at a party, and she sulked and made do with "BRENT KAVANAUGH".  After all, he's a make-believe man.  What harm is there in making up all sorts of stories about him?  

And if people take all this seriously and "accept the charges" as being actual and factual, so much the better. 

Women of this ilk using this "System" have absolutely no responsibility for bearing false witness or causing the man damage, because when you look at the paperwork --- lo and behold!  All those charges are against who?  Or more exactly, what?  ---A THING named "BRENT KAVANAUGH", not a man, and according to the 14th Amendment, THINGS are always guilty. Always. No questions asked. 

"BRENT KAVANAUGH" is dead.  He has no family.  No reputation. He's just a THING created out of thin air as a "proxy" to accept debt and sins of all kinds.  That this is a form of personage and impersonation and has been illegal for over two hundred years doesn't matter to the perpetrators.   

This witch hunt against Brent Kavanaugh is being orchestrated and affirmed by members of the Municipal "CONGRESS" promoting it and they all know its bogus. They all know that there is no credible evidence.  They all know the attack is politically motivated.  

And they all know how "the System" works and that they can make any ridiculous claim that they want to make and nobody can or will hold them accountable for it.  


Because JOHN MARK DOE is always guilty.  And he can't defend himself, either,  If he does, he is in automatic Dishonor.  Read the 14th Amendment.  Read it and then read it again.  Read it with your eyes crossed.  Read it until it's twisted diabolical nonsense makes sense. 

As long as Judge Kavanaugh puts up with this nonsense, he's the goat.  He can't even lift his voice and must go like Jesus to the cross and pay the price of making sacrifice to Ba'al.  

So, I am going to reply by example and accuse all these men of raping me.  Seriously.  THEY did it.  While I am at it, I think I'll accuse Hillary Clinton and Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi of raping me, too.  THEY are a gang of lesbians that use date rape drugs to incapacitate their victims. 

Nobody in their right mind would consider having sex with them any other way. 

Oh, well, since all these THINGS are fictitious, its fictitious rape, too, right?  Makes sense, in a weird way.  Legal fiction men and legal fiction women and legal fiction crimes. 

After all, as Bill Clinton demonstrated, it's not the words, its what the words mean in every case.  How do you define "sex", much less "rape"?  

And as the Accuser, I bear no responsibility for my accusations anyway. So let's all have at it:  The PLAINTIFF is always right. 

"Rape!  Rape!  Rape!"  (I mean, in the rhetorical sense, but what the hey?  I don't have to explain.  I'm a woman, right?  I have no responsibility and if I say I've been "raped" everyone assumes that it's physical and that I know what I am talking about, too, whether I mean "rape" exactly, or not.) 

"Rape! Rape! Rape!" (Oh, and I have no respect or compassion for actual physical rape victims.  I don't care if I marginalize all the violence done to them.  That doesn't matter --- only my political agenda matters.)  

Yes, I think that it's time that I brought forward my rape complaints against Ms. FORD, too.  She is a violent character and shows no remorse for her crimes.  After all, we met at a drunken brawl years ago and she, being fifty sheets to the wind, spilled beer all over me ----I mean, head to toe, drenched.  

I felt so "violated". I remember sitting in the back of the car, hunched over, cold and damp, so "raped" and "violated", certain that everyone had seen the "shameful incident" and that I would never be able to wear my favorite sweater again.... 

See how this works in the Land of Oz?  

The rest of us know what we mean by rape, but these Satanists just take advantage of us and "redefine" the words to mean whatever they wish.  And then, they apply all this fiction to fictitious characters, too, and try to ignore the fact that actual people are being damaged. 

And Justice is being dis-served. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why The Articles of Confederation Matter -- Today

By Anna Von Reitz

When I was in school the whole subject of The Articles of Confederation was glossed over.  I was told that The Articles of Confederation were used very early on in our history and then "replaced" by the Constitution. 

I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this were given the same pat answer about The Articles of Confederation--- not because our teachers meant to lie to us, but because they were never taught the truth about this subject themselves. 

Still, even back then, reading both documents, I had a hard time seeing how The Articles of Confederation could be replaced by the Constitution?  That was Sixth Grade. 

We passed over the subject again in Eleventh Grade.  By then I had even more pesky questions in my mind.  

The Articles of Confederation proposed to create a "perpetual Union" so, logic dictates that for that Union to end, some official action would have to be taken by the States to end it.  Where, I asked, is that official action?  

There's no record of anything like that happening at the Constitutional Convention.  Nor is there anything like that in evidence anywhere at any time afterward.  

Like the missing Declaration of War and missing Peace Treaty ending the Civil War, it's what's not there --- that should be --- that exposes the lie we've been told. 

The Articles of Confederation were broken by Secession of the Southern States from the Confederation, but never by formal agreement.  

Under Law, you cannot force parties to remain in association once they have determined otherwise; pieces of paper have only so much ability to guarantee the future decisions of living men and so it was that the decision of the Southern States to withdraw from the original Confederation and form their own --- The Confederate States of America -- was what ended The Articles of Confederation as a viable instrument.  

They were not replaced by any Constitution. Self-evidently they were not replaced by the Founders at the Constitutional Convention, and were still in full effect in 1860 when The Great Schism occurred. 

Since then, I've been told, Keith Livingway went to a Navy auction and bought a copy of the original Articles of Confederation, which he claims gives him the power to resurrect the original Confederation of States. 

While it is an important artifact at this point and while it is worth wondering why the Navy had it in its possession and what possessed the Admirals to offer it for sale at an auction--- the legal eagles in charge of the British Territorial United States got one thing straight: once the original Confederation was broken, it would have to be "Reconstructed". 

That would require action by all the States to establish new Federal level States of States and then their agreement to create a new Confederation of States to operate the Federal level Government as intended by our Forefathers. 

Instead what happened is that the British Monarch operated in Gross Breach of Trust and the then-Pope sat by like a spider and did nothing to prevent Queen Victoria from creating Territorial level "States of States" and under conditions of semantic deceit, substituting her own proxy franchises for the Federal States of State that we are owed. 

Most people couldn't tell the substantial difference between "The State of Georgia" and the "State of Georgia" and the general populace of this country was certainly never told.  

The sudden appearance of entities called, for example, the "Georgia State" was never explained, either, but these are the vestiges of the Federal States of States--- so-called "land trusts" to hold the assets of the former Federal States of States in trust. 

But that is another deceit.  These are "land trusts" in the same sense that the Federal Constitution is called "the Law of the Land" --- that is, these are descriptions from the British Territorial perspective.  They are at sea and when they come to work here, they are obligated to obey what? The Law of the Land.   In the same way these "land trusts" are trusts that they have held "for" the land jurisdiction States, and don't actually hold any interest in the land owned by the States at all. 

Our States kept all right, title and interest in both the soil and the land, plus all non-delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea, and they limited the interests of the delegated global air jurisdiction to the ten miles square of Washington, DC.  

Our States were never involved in the so-called "American Civil War" and our Federation was never directly affected by the dissolution of the Confederation.  

So we have been lied to in our schools for generations in order to cover up the British Breach of Trust and contract and usurpation against our lawful government.  

The Brits were also at the bottom of the dog pile giving rise to the Civil War conflict.  The Queen and the Parliament had invested heavily in Egyptian Cotton ventures, seeking a cheaper and closer alternative to American Cotton for their mills.  They felt the need to curtail American Cotton production to increase prices and stabilize the market for their own Egyptian Cotton.  And as they have done so often in other places in the world, they started a "mercenary conflict" on our shores. 

Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Association Member in Illinois, strictly prohibited from holding any public office in our Federal Government since 1819.  He couldn't hold the actual Office of President of The United States of America, but he could hold the Territorial Office of The President of the United States of America.  See the difference?  "The" versus "the" United States of America 

It would take a sharp and well-educated man with an appreciation for the deceitfulness of law and government to discern any difference at all between "The President of The United States of America" and "The President of the United States of America" ---- and Lincoln made full use of the deceit to embroil this country in a terrible and totally illegal commercial mercenary war, not that different from what went on in Vietnam a generation ago. 

It is now time that everyone concerned, including the Roman Curia, woke up and smelled the java.  

This great country was grossly abused and defrauded by international Trustees that owed us Good Faith Service and "perpetual amity", deliberately deceived by members of the Bar Associations engaged to act as Privateers by those same Trustees, and then misdirected and used as a source of mercenaries and materials to fight endless wars for profit. 

That is what actually happened here. 

And both the American People and the rest of the world have a vital stake and interest in seeing that this venal "set up" comes to an end in America and is not perpetuated again in any other part of the world via the abuse of any other people or foreign government. 

We, the living people and all the nations of the world, must recognize the sources of all the misery and deceit and the destruction that the corrupted Church officials and British Monarchs have wrought for the past two centuries. We must all join together with one accord to put the British Con Artists under our heels and drive Ba'al out of the Church, so that we can again enjoy our peace and prosperity worldwide. 

This is not just an American "problem".  It is a problem for the entire world and it has been for thousands of years.  The resurgence of this profane "religion" in the 1860's has already led to two World Wars.  Enough is enough.   

Solving this Mess on a worldwide basis requires outlawing and disbanding the Bar Associations and re-educating lawyers to obey and execute the actual Public Law.  They are acting as racketeers and most of them don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong. 

It also requires an adjustment of perceptions.  

The Roman Catholic Church's corruption is a principle cause of the problem, not a solution; apart from its sincere repentance, reform, and proven correction it cannot be relied upon to act as a Trustee for America or any other nation.

The British Throne has likewise been overthrown and those functioning as "Kings" and "Queens" have knowingly deceived the people of Britain by going through the Coronation process and then secretively abdicating the Throne and occupying the Chair of the Estates on the land and the office of "Britannic Majesty" on the sea.  

This overthrow and misrepresentation of the Christian nations of Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales by Satanists who pretend to be Christian Monarchs simply for the purpose of gaining access to power is yet another example of how the Satanists mirror everything in their efforts to confuse the issues and identities to their advantage. 

Are you dealing with the Pope or the Pontiff?  With Her Royal Majesty or Her Britannic (Satanic) Majesty?  With The President of The United States of America or The President of the United States of America?  

It is well past time for the Evil in High Places to be kicked in the rump, recognized for where and what it is, vanquished once and for all--- and not allowed to get started again anywhere on Earth.  

Anonymous - The Act Of 1871 - The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION

Karen Hudes Tries Selling Another Big, Fat One

By Anna Von Reitz

Friday, September 21, 2018


To all who want the system of slavery which has been imposed upon us all to end, we need your support for Freewill! He's soon to be released from being held in jail on victimless "crimes". Freewill needs donations now and over the next few weeks to get his bills at home paid, keep himself, his daughter, and his dog fed, and to continue to provide online facilities (server hosting) for bringing the good men and women of our nation together to reassert self-governance and ridding all of us of the criminal corporations which run every government service (servicing themselves, not servicing you) for their own profits and at your expense, and all the while criminally denying you the vast majority of your rights and freedoms. Liberty DOES NOT EQUAL freedom, not wherein law is concerned. Help Freewill to help YOU, all of you, restore your freedom and restore your communities and State to what was originally intended: donate, please. Immediate assistance is requested for the server hosting fee for Freewill's forums at this month's payment of $94 is due on Sunday.

Thank you to all who choose to help,


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Freewill's release date approaching

Freewill soon to be released by his captors, expect him home next week.

It is more than just possible that Freewill will not have work waiting for him to return to once he's been released. His pool of donated funds currently is depleted from covering bills at home and jail commissary/communications. If you are able to, please show support by donating to him so he can purchase food and cover his upcoming round of bills while lining up work to see to his own expenses.

He's got $750 bond which would have him sent to the adjacent county jail for some time; I'm meeting a bail-bondsman this week to get that obstacle out of the way so Freewill can return home when released.

Thanks for your support, it's very much appreciated,


Sun Tzu adds the following to the above message written by "Freewill's" brother: "FreeDom"

Sun Tzu say:
Please donate support Freewill; his speedy release from illegal incarceration, his bonds required to do so, his fines to keep him out of the bondage of kidnappers, and also helping him to bay the bills here at Nesara News. 

Donate by hitting the "Donate" button or by sending paypal donations to:

Thank you to all of you from me personally, I so very much appreciate the community here which is really created by you.  Thank you for your prayers for Freewill, his brother, FreeDom, and Robert (moderator for the National Assembly) and your prayers too for the National Assembly, all the state and county level jural assemblies, and thank you to all of you Children of Earth standing up with your fists clenched, teeth grit, along with your loudest fiercest echoing battle cries for freedom and piece, that it may be brought to all of the land and all the the seas, across Earth, and spread across the great universe divide !!!