Sunday, November 11, 2018

Honoring all the Men and Women..Veterans Day

Honoring all the men and women

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Artists, intellectuals call for 'European Republic'

BERLIN (AP) — Artists and intellectuals across Europe are calling for the founding of a continentwide republic to replace its many nation states.
Activists planned to proclaim a “European Republic” in dozens of cities at 4 p.m. (1500 GMT) Saturday, almost exactly 100 years after the end of World War I.
The event is being organized by a group calling itself the European Balcony Project. Its listed supporters include political scientists, philosophers and writers such as Austrian literature Nobel prize laureate Elfriede Jelinek.
A manifesto on the group’s website declares that “the sovereignty of states is hereby replaced by the sovereignty of citizens.”
The European Balcony Project:

Dave Janda – Voter Fraud Before, During & After the Midterm Elections

Greg Hunter

Q 2478-2479

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Q 2478
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DEC[L]AS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.

Q 2479
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
THE CONTROL AND ISSUANCE OF BLANK BALLOTS IS KEY. Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission? Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS? What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Enemy @ the Front Door. Q

In late September, President Trump ordered the declassification of the FISA memos as well as many emails related to the FISA scandal. Blog Author: Dr. Stephen Jones

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Nov 10, 2018
In late September, President Trump ordered the declassification of the FISA memos as well as many
emails related to the FISA scandal. Democratic leaders are alarmed at such transparency,
knowing that publishing these memos means that their days are numbered. However, Trump
also left it up to Inspector General Horowitz as to the timing of this release, because much of
this information may still be used in a Grand Jury investigation. Such evidence cannot be
released under such circumstances.

Now that Attorney General Sessions has resigned and has been replaced by Whitaker, watch
for some major changes soon. Sessions had recused himself from the Mueller investigation, putting
Rod Rosenstein as the chief of the Russia Collusion investigation. Whitaker puts this situation into
an entirely new context, because he will not recuse himself, even though Chuck Schumer is
demanding that he do so.

We are coming up on November 11, a date which Q has been talking about for the past year. The date has been an insider’s deadline for some sort of victory. The date was picked because it is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice the ended World War 1 in 1918.

Q has said it would be a time for celebration. He also linked it to the resolution of the dispute with
Iran. Since Iran is a proxy for Russia, we should watch for a meeting between Trump and Putin
to sign a final agreement. Trump said last week that he would be meeting with Putin on
November 11, and Putin said the same later, but a couple of days ago Trump said that he
would NOT be meeting with Putin on November 11 at the Paris gathering.

However, this too might be disinformation. I suspect that in the end Trump will meet with Putin,
even if it is just a short meeting. Perhaps the paperwork has already been done ahead of time (as
usual). As with previous presidents, Trump does not meet with world leaders to hammer out
agreements. That would take too much time. He meets to sign agreements that have already
been worked out, as we saw last summer at the summit in Singapore with North Korea.

Keeping the Media Off Balance
A big parade with fireworks was originally scheduled for November 11, but in September Trump
canceled it (perhaps postponed it) on the grounds that the cost estimates were too high. I am not
sure what the real reason was, but Trump is an expert on throwing his adversaries off balance
by continually changing his mind. He does the same with his cabinet, which constantly is
being shuffled and reshuffled. Just when the news media settles in on its opposition strategy,
the situation changes and they have to figure out a new strategy!

It is clear that Trump has been putting certain people into the cabinet to clean house and to get rid of leakers and others who cannot be trusted. The department heads are the “hit men,” and when their
job is finished, an excuse is found to replace them with someone else for the next phase in the
plan. The media interprets this as a sign of chaos, dissatisfaction, and disagreement, but their
claims are more wishful thinking than reality.

A good example of this is seen in the case of Anthony Scaramucci, who was appointed to the
position of White House Communications Director on July 21, 2017. He fired a lot of people
and was then replaced just ten days later on July 31. The media gave the impression that Trump fired him for firing too many people, but the truth was quite different.

[Q] Post #2468 dated November 10, 2018 also suggests this, The ‘Scaramucci’ Play
Temp hired to remove embedded ‘untrustworthy’ staffers?
Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted.
Think Whitaker.

It appears that Acting Attorney General Whitaker is in a perfect position to begin the indictments, especially against the Clinton Foundation, which received “donations” from many nations in order to obtain favors from Hillary Clinton. The Foundation will probably be prosecuted for human trafficking as well.

It is likely that Whitaker will get the ball rolling on these prosecutions, which will then make it
impossible for the permanent Attorney General to end those court cases. The media will rant
and rave against Whitaker, of course, but they will not be able to pin this on the permanent
Attorney General who will be nominated after the first of the year. This strategy will motivate the Democrats to replace Whitaker as quickly as possible, and this will streamline the confirmation process for Trump’s next Attorney General nominee.

California Burning
Meanwhile, California continues to burn. There are two major fires at the moment, along with many
other less major fires. In the north, the Camp Fire is burning out of control between Redding and
Sacramento. When it started, I received a phone call from a friend who asked for prayer
because some people we know were evacuating from the area and were stuck in traffic. Their
house was soon going to be burned to the ground.

Another fire is threatening the Los Angeles area, including Thousand Oaks, CA, where the
mass shooting took place at the same time that the fire broke out. California will soon run out
of funds in its budget, and this may force them to rescind their policy of creating “sanctuary cities” in order to get federal funding to bail out the state.

Many years ago, Ron’s brother moved to California from Alaska, where he had been in Forestry for
many years. He was asked to write up a report on how to manage California’s forests to
prevent wildfires. His report was rejected or ignored by the state of California, because their
theory was based on leaving underbrush to support “endangered species.”
Of course, their policy created a huge tinderbox of flammable forests just waiting for a spark. It seems to me that the forest fires are more of a threat to endangered species than clearing out the
underbrush. But then, I am not schooled in forestry, although back in high school one of my uncles
living in northern California tried to convince me to follow in his footsteps. He was a forest ranger. I
decided, however, to go to Bible College, and this put me on the present path in a Kingdom

Election Fraud Reported
In regard to the recent midterm election, a broader picture is now emerging. It appears that the
election results are yet being disputed in Florida and in Arizona. Democrats hope that a recount of
ballots can overturn the Republican Senate victories.

Q told us earlier that the Trump team had taken steps to prevent voter fraud and that we should trust the plan. What he did not tell us until later was that they had allowed the Democrats to engage in a certain amount of voter fraud—just enough to let them win the House, but not enough for them to
win the Senate.

It appears that this was done to set up a situation where the problem of voter fraud would
become so apparent that the people would demand voter identification laws. The best way to
make a change is to expose the problem for all to see.

Today Q posted the following link, an Affidvait from Chelsey Marie Smith, who was an
employee of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections (SOE). Broward County is a strongly
Democrat Florida county where voter fraud has been rampant for a long time.

She has given a sworn statement saying that she witnessed county employees filling out absentee ballot request forms in a locked room at the SOE. She had been asked to carry two stacks of such
ballots to that room, and she saw what was happening when she was let into the room. This
incident occurred October 31, 2018. [2016—DLE] The next day she was fired from her job and
told that she could not return to the building.

The Supervisor of the SOE in Broward County is Brenda Snipes. She destroyed ballots in the 2012
election, according to the judge who finally ruled on the case last May.

“The Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office violated state and federal laws by
destroying ballots from a 2016 Congressional race too soon — and while the ballots were
the subject of a lawsuit against the office, a judge has ruled.”

In spite of this court ruling, she is still on the job, although it appears that she has changed
her tactics. Instead of destroying ballots, she is simply creating more of them this time.

Perhaps Acting Attorney General Whitaker might take this case into consideration shortly. It
will be interesting to watch how this plays out.

Blog Author: Dr. Stephen Jones

DEW Attacks and Weather Warfare Waged to Distract from Massive Election Theft

State of the Nation

Here’s the short story.

The New World Order globalist cabal just perpetrated the largest election theft in U.S. history.
And, the perps are still in the process of stealing so many elections (e.g. Fl and AZ) that the need to distract the electorate from their electoral crime spree has become an existential necessity for them.

End of story.

Now here’s the back story.  The following link lays it all bare...Continue here

Q 2467- WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

Justinformed Talk

Steve Pieczenik: OPUS 97 Florida Voter Fraud Raw

Steve Pieczenik

More Smoke and Mirrors from Manna World Holdings Trust

By Anna Von Reitz


More Smoke and Mirrors from Manna World Holdings Trust 

So now Kim Goguen aka "Kim Possible" is going all the way back to Ramses to try to justify her position. 

Ramses was my Uncle.  We used to call him "Ram-bubba" behind his back.  Take a look at my slanted toes and the gold flecks in my eyes.  No, that isn't a sign of liver trouble.  It's royal Egyptian DNA . 

But nobody cares and neither do I.  

When people die in actual fact --- as opposed to dying on paper due to government-led legal chicanery --- they leave behind their earthly possessions. By laws long established, their assets are passed on to their heirs.  And that's that. 

If their heirs lose those inherited possessions by fair means, there is no recourse for that.  

If their heirs are the victims of fraud, however, there is recourse.  

We, the American States and People, have been the victims of fraud.  

Ramses and his Heirs just had bad luck.  

They ran into the Romans, remember?  And then the Romans ran into the Visigoths? (They were also my ancestors, BTW.)  And then the Visigoths married into the French Celtic Kingdoms and that gave rise to the trans-English Channel Kingdom of Camailoth circa 500 A.D. ..... and that gave rise to William of Normandy.... who controlled both England and large sections of France...and that led to the Amoricans settling in England and Ireland and to their eventual migration to guess where?  


Oh, who knew? 

And as interesting as all this is, it doesn't have a thing to do with the price of beans in China, except in terms of intellectual property rights and whatever physical assets actual heirs have been able to maintain.  

Please note that Elizabeth II isn't an actual heir to the British throne.  She's a German married to a Greek. Go figure.

So now the children of Hiram Abiff, King of Tyre, come forward with their long, long story of how they should have the right to everything on Earth and I say-- it's just more crime and piracy. 

Many of the trusts that Kim and her buddies have "seized upon" belong -- and I do mean, legitimately belong -- to families and people that live and breathe and have the right to their assets just like you have the natural right to own your Great-Great-Grandmother's diamond ring. And all the excuses otherwise don't matter. 

She and her buddy Thomas have used computer keystrokes and programs to steal the bulk of the world's private wealth, which they now proudly claim to control.  But whose wealth is it?  Not his.  Not hers. Except in the sense of them getting a share of the purloined goods, they are just thieves and despots once again.   

Most of the private assets they have stolen are American assets, including gold owed to the American States and People.  

Which means that Mr. Trump should be holding both of them upside down by their heels and shaking hard, not bowing down to their B.S. 

There is always a right way and a wrong way to do anything.  

The right way is to concentrate on getting back the 10 million metric tons of American gold (granted, a good portion of that is gold that was simply on deposit here, but it is our responsibility nonetheless)  that the U.S. Army and Navy deposited "for" us in the Philippines, and recouping our share of the $950 trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" that Prince Philip absconded with, and also go after our estimated $387 billion worth of gold being held captive in the World Bank's drop box.  

It's not as quick and dirty as stealing from the mouths of Navajo Grandmothers or defrauding people from Spain, but it's the right way to do things, as opposed to using some computer program to steal private assets held in banks and then trying to justify it with some cooked up story about trusts existing thousands and thousands of years ago. 

There may be assets among the assets that Kim and her group have stolen that belong to Bad Guys or which are in the possession of Bad Guys as a result of earlier acts of piracy.  If so, both Kim and the U.S. Government should be able to prove that the heirs involved actually committed crimes and they should then be brought to trial and if found guilty, convicted and punished.  

That's how we do things in a lawful society operating under Public Law.  Otherwise, we are just criminals ourselves, doing the same thing that we are accusing others of doing to us. 

Harming thousands of legitimate trustees and potentially billions of people who aren't Bad Guys can't be condoned on the basis of "suspicion" or vague historical claims.  

The United States of America, the American States, and the American People have been grossly defrauded and that is a matter of both public and private record.  There is no doubt about what we are owed, including the private assets that Kim has claimed control of.  Those assets need to be returned to our own  National (State) Banks and to our International Banks--- that is, banks operated by The United States of America and our States, for our People. 

At which point we will gladly fund our restored government the honest old-fashioned way --- with actual American silver and gold and credit that is owed to us by the rest of the world.

The Missing Republic Found!

By Anna Von Reitz

The prize goes to my friend, Tom, a long-distance trucker based out of Phoenix, Arizona.  You gotta watch those truckers.  They have a lot of time on their hands to just sit and think....

Many good theories were proposed, many people drawing a connect between the old Roman Republic and the Municipal Government, but still, nothing very conclusive in terms of any official singular "Republic" associated with any level of our Government. 

Until Tom said to himself.... well, what else is missing that should be there? 

The original Confederation of Federal States-of-States is missing.  And sure enough, if you dig around a bit, you find that the Confederation of States was sometimes referred to as the "Federal Republic".  

We still have to be very careful to define what we are talking about.  

Just because there was once "a" Federal Republic doesn't mean that there is one now, and it doesn't mean that any organization calling itself "the" Republic has any relationship to the original Federal Republic, either.  

It all depends on how such an organization is structured, what its articles are, what its purposes and leadership and ownership interests are.  Is it American? 
Is it really our Federal Republic being restored?  Or another look-alike, sound-alike Ringer trying to sneak in the back door? 

Obviously, a French commercial corporation calling itself "The Republic of the United States of America" is no more our Federal Republic than a Scottish commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" is our Federation of States.  

And any foreign government infringing on our copyrights and promoting any such confusion needs to have its ass kicked, Mr. President.  

We've been fooled before with this kind of hooliganism and con artistry.   

As we have seen, a lot of fraud has been based on similar names deceits in the past and the same Bad Actors are most likely to try to pull the same 

Bye Bye Jim Acosta ��

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Is Trump's Appointment of Acting AG Matt Whitaker Even Legal? + Is This Another POTUS 4D Chess Move?

Black conservative Patriot

Massive wildfires rage in California


The Camp Fire has destroyed an estimated 2,000 structures, "threatened" 15,000, and left three firefighters injured, according to the latest incident report by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). 
“The fire burned through the Town of Paradise and Concow Thursday, these areas will continue to experience active burning throughout the day,” the report says.
“The fire continues to burn to the Northwest into Magalia and toward Stirling City. Extremely dry fuels and heavy fuel loads in combination with low relative humidity will continue to active fire and control efforts.”  
On Friday afternoon, five bodies were found in a vehicle that was caught in the flames.
By the numbers – the Camp Fire:
  • The fire is still listed at 70,000 acres with 5% containment
  • 303 engines
  • 11 water tenders
  • 18 helicopters
  • 59 hand crews
  • 24 dozers
  • 2,303 total personnel
3:44 p.m. ET, November 9, 2018

Camp Fire could be 4th destructive wildfire in California history

Calfire is currently estimating that 2,000 structures have burned in the Camp Fire. If that holds true it would be the 4th most destructive wildfire in California history.
It would also mean that five of the top ten most destructive California fires have happened in the past two years.
Last year's Tubbs fire is the most destructive with 5,636 structures burned.

Continue Here

aplanetruth  This is from the fires in 2017 exposes energy weapons used

My friend Doug McKenty, of The Shift, and I, discuss the events of the 9/11 Cal Fires. The greatest firestorm in CA history where over 16 major fires ignited simultaneously in the middle of the night with heat so hot it torched everything except the brick fireplaces. To date, there are zero official explanations for these fires.


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Q 2463 Amazing what you discover when you research for yourself. God bless you, Patriots! Q

Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW? VOTER ID LAW = DEATH OF D PARTY. Boomerang Suicide? Q

Q 2467

Do you believe in coincidences? How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Expand your thinking. >Amount of fires in CA past 12-months? >Amount of fires in CA past 10-years? >Date FED funding cut off from CA as result of violation(s) of Sanctuary State/City? >CA budget cuts past 12-months re: Fire & Prevention? >>Reduce/eliminate dry brush clean up? >>Reduce/eliminate tree-line clean up? >>Reduce/eliminate fire break installation(s)? >>Reduce/eliminate chopper fly over(s) to target 'high exposure' areas? >>Reduce/eliminate population areas exposure & fire break safety management? >>Reduce/eliminate use of inmates [correction facilities] for Highway clean up and dry brush removal? What is the primary purpose of declaring a State of Emergency? What determines the size of the FED payment to a State that has declared a State of Emergency? What is the current debt of CA? The More You Know… Q

Q 2469

[DARK] TO LIGHT FL & AZ attempt(s) to 'steal' the election(s) — DO NOT LOOK HERE CA shooting & Fires [same location(s)] — LOOK HERE [NEXT WEEK] Q

Q 2470
WHEN DID WH LEAKS CEASE? Who was removed? [COMEY?—DLE] Sealed > Unsealed Q

Q 2471
Expand further. 

Q 2472 FLORIDA OBSERVED FALSIFYING 2016 BALLOTS. READ THIS. We knew then. We know now. This time - we have Gov't control. Boomerang Suicide.

Q 2475

News unlocks.

Q 2476—SECRET EMAIL ACCOUNTS ANYONE? Dig deeper! Re_read drops re: Gmail + Xbox / PS comms [There is a reason why 'directly' after the drop MS shut down their entire network to erase 'collected & stored' data] Sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past.



Broward Mystery Boxes Tossed Into Trucks After Missed Deadline -- Gaetz Forcibly Removed While Filming

Matt Gaetz

BREAKING: Video of trucks secretly loading stuff in/out of Broward Supervisors office. Matt Gaetz on Twitter BREAKING: I took this video as the riot police removed me from where trucks were secretly loading stuff in/out of Broward Supervisors office. All this while they are violating constitutional rights & a court order! #BrowardCounty

Alex Jones
After a Florida Judge ordered Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes to allow for the immediate inspection of tens of thousands of ballots suddenly found after Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson lost to Republican Gov. Rick Scott, Snipes failed to abide by a 7 PM deadline set at the emergency hearing. Instead, workers were filmed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shuffling boxes into a truck, before he was forcibly removed by a police officer...Continue here


Florida Orders Senate, Governor Race Recounts Amid Mystery Box Controversy

Update: Broward County has reportedly approved recounts in four Florida races, according to CNN, while the Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner has ordered them in tight races for Senate, Governor and Attorney General Commissioner, and has ordered a statewide machine recount. 
As a noon deadline on Saturday to submit the election results approached, former GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis led Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum by less than 0.5%, which would require a machine recount.
In the race for Senate, Gov. Rick Scott's lead over Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson had shrunk to less than 0.25 percent - which would require a hand recount of all ballots unable to be tabulated by machine. 
After a Florida Judge ordered Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes to allow for the immediate inspection of tens of thousands of ballots suddenly found after Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson lost to Republican Gov. Rick Scott, Snipes failed to abide by a 7 PM deadline set at the emergency hearing. Instead, workers were filmed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shuffling boxes into a truck, before he was forcibly removed by a police officer...Continue here  

Hold Brenda Snipes in contempt...continue here

BROWARD COUNTY BALLOTS STUFFED INTO NORMAL PEOPLES CARS AND DRIVEN OFF. THEY ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION. THEY CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS..Reddit. See video here, woman videoed people driving up in their cars and taking out ballots dropping them off at a truck.

Healing from Vaccines Master Class 4

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I am a Health Practitioner who had to find a way to stop any "Forced Vaccination Program". While living in Hawaii our Governor Linda Lingle called for a "Mandatory Vaccination Program" where she called in The National Guard to enforce the program so if you didn't voluntarily get your shots they were planning on showing up at your doorstep with an "Armed" Guardsman to force you at gunpoint to take your shots. Myself, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and a Counselwomen by the name of Emily Naole Beason (and her staff) charged Lingle and her constituents (Dr. Sarah Park, Chiyome Fukino and Dr. Loren Pang) with "Attempted Mass Genocide". That stopped the program immediately!! You have to play hard ball with these "Powers to Be", demand your rights as a human being! Government should never be able to dictate how you treat your health. I want to thank all of the participants of this Masterclass (especially Dr. Patrick Gentempo), may God be with you all and allow your message to be delivered to the world.

Healing From Vaccines

Manna World Holdings Trust --- More of the Same

By Anna Von Reitz

 First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations.  If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service.

As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status.  No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end. 

As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues.  As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues.  As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world.  And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself.

Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property. 

Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them.  

While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist. 

The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself.  Nor its affects on actual people. 

In the case of  actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all. It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that  belong to others. 

Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them. 

Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand?

And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand?  

Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for?  

As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals? 

Moms of America

By Anna Von Reitz

Moms of America
When my Mother (born 1920) discovered what the Vermin had alleged against my sister and I and our children as a result of her signature on the hospital records, she wrote a scathing rebuttal and explained the source of the "misunderstanding" -- the failure of the perpetrators to fairly and fully disclose which "United States" they were talking about.
She filed her Testimony on the land jurisdiction record and revoked her signature and her purported election to have herself or anyone in her family "considered to be" a federal citizen of any kind.
Thus when the U.S. Attorney General comes to me and pretends that my Mother "gifted" me to their corporation, the opposite set of facts and counter-claim is already part of the international land jurisdiction record.
And he can go blow.
I shall never forget the look on my Mother's face when she understood what these Vermin have done. It was a look of sheer outrage, and I have felt it myself, because the same extortion and the same repugnant demands were made upon me by hospital personnel when my son was born.
I repudiated them on the public record, too, and gave full testimony of how a huge male nurse and two female accomplices came to my hospital room which I paid for--- and demanded that I complete their paperwork, or they would seize my son and never let him come home from the hospital.
This is what is going on in America. Unfortunately, it's going on all over the world. A giant crime syndicate has built this "system" and administered it via an interlocking trust directorate.
They are stealing our babies and using them as slaves and as chattel backing their corporate debts.
If you can think of anything more repugnant, more un-American, more inhumane, more evil or more false --- let me know.
Now, all you women, all you Mothers out there --- the U.S. Attorney General is holding your babies to this unconscionable "contract" based on your signature. They, the Vermin, are claiming that you "willfully" and "voluntarily" donated your children as gifts to their corporation. Just like they are claiming that your Mother's donated you.
Is that true?
Are you mad?
You ought to be.
This evil system has been clicking along for decades, like a lawn mower, cutting the living people down to mere corporate franchises. Their corporation has been racking up debts against you and your children purportedly with your "voluntary" and knowing consent.
Is that true?
Are you mad?
You ought to be.
Who owns your children? You, or the foreign government service providers?
Your children are being stolen by racketeers and as, in my case, by extortionists, threatening actual physical kidnap.
Your children are being sold into debt slavery and your rightful ownership of your minor children is being by-passed to the State of Whatever. Even your marriage is being "interpreted" as a "licensed" Joint Venture, with the State of Whatever playing an undisclosed Third Party role with an interest in the "products" of your JV -- your children.
The men and women who are supporting this unconscionable theft and this whole system of enslavement are lower than snakes bellies in deep, deep wagon ruts, and they need to be stopped. Permanently.
So what are we going to do about it, Moms of America?
Are you content to have your children stolen and sold into debt slavery to benefit foreign corporations? How about having yourselves identified as "Unwed Mothers" who are "voluntarily" donating your kids as "wards of the State of State" and delivering them to the U.S. Attorney General as "Alien Property"?
Isn't it more than past time for all this CRAP to end?
So let's begin with the U.S. Attorney General, who is an Officer of Interpol, not an American at all, and not even a "U.S. Citizen" anymore.
Let's ask him what in the %1$!#%^^@ he thinks he is doing seizing upon our children via false commercial claims solicited under color of law?
He's got a lot more to think about and answer for than any Russia Investigation.
And so does Donald J. Trump.
We can address the long-running international fraud and we can reclaim our assets from the Philippines and elsewhere and we can settle all and any lawful debts that are owed by anyone on Earth, but in order to do that, the political lobbyists occupying Capitol Hill and other "administrative agencies" like the DOJ, FBI, DOD, IRS, et alia, have to be brought to heel.
And that's where you come through the door, Moms of America.
This is where you grab those political lobbyists by the crotch in your Mama Bear jaws. This is where you nail the "U.S. Attorney General" and all his stinking little minions to the wall. This is where you tear up and return all the licenses. This is where you pigeon-hole the local country and State of State vermin and tell them: (1) what is going on and (2) where to get off.

SerialBrain2: Trump and the 2018 midterms: the most impressive moves in modern politics

And We Know

HWAV Exclusive: CA Poll Officer Comes Forward - voter fraud

Headlines with a Voice

Mark Taylor Predicted Trump Would Be President 6 Years Ago; Here's Why This Prophet Says Trump Is in for Two

CBN News

History that is never taught. The first 23 black senators were all Republicans.. plus Qpost

,Logical thinking required.
A) How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption from the DOJ & FBI?
B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]
C) What is the role of the SENATE?
>Role of GOWDY?
>Role of SESSIONS?
>Who did SESSIONS appoint in NOV 2017?

>Who is HUBER?
>IMPORTANCE OF PARTISAN OPTICS? >Mandate charged to HUBER? >Resources provided to HUBER? >Who is HOROWITZ? >Mandate charged to HOROWITZ? >Resources provided to HOROWITZ? >Who was SESSIONS' CHIEF OF STAFF? >What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER? >WHAT IS THE ROLE OF A CHIEF OF STAFF? >SHADOW PLAYERS ARE THE DEADLIEST [STEALTH] >What is the advantage of having a ‘temp’ (‘acting’) in a leadership position?

“The appointment itself, on 21 July, triggered a shake-up at the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts over his hiring.” —Mission Successful >
>Laser designator(s) locked on target(s) >Who was assigned directly to SESSIONS by POTUS? >Mandate charged to Ezra Cohen-Watnick [Defense Intelligence Agency]? >NAT SEC ADVISOR TO SESSIONS [counterintelligence and counterterrorism]? >Who briefed NUNES on classified intel re: HUSSEIN spy campaign v. POTUS? 

>Who briefed Goodlatte & Gowdy on classified intel re: DOJ & FBI? >> >THE WORLD IS WATCHING. THE WORLD IS WITNESSING THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE D PARTY. WAR. Q

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Caravan of Invaders’ Hidden Secret EXPOSED – Dems Desperate To Hide It

American Patriot

Fires in California not natural: Q anon 11/10/18 "Sheep no More"



McAllister Tv

Something to relax by: Mystical, Celtic, Ambient, Native American and Celestial music

Meditative Mind

Soothing Relaxation

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Soothing Relaxation

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Creating Freedom: The Lottery of Birth

THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH shows that from birth onwards our minds are a battleground of competing forces: familial, educational, cultural, and professional. The outcome of this battle not only determines who we become, but the society that we create.


"The Video The Internet Doesn't Want You To See!" David Wilcock and Corey Goode (2018-2019)

shared by a California Assembly Member

third phase of moon

Homemade Herbal Salves from the Ozarks

shared by: OOM2

Only Nature's Magic

About Us

Homemade Herbal Salves from the Ozarks

Growing up in the Ozarks, we lived by the strict family rule:  "Take care of the land and the animals and they will take care of you."   Today as a Chartered Herbalist, and by applying this same rule here at Only Nature's Magic, we are able to produce pure, quality products.
Responsibly gathered herbs combined with quality oils and waxes.
Only Nature's Magic herbal salves are homemade in the Ozarks.  We use responsibly gathered herbs which are combined with quality oils, butters, and waxes, thus insuring the best possible products.  
Gentle enough for all ages Only Nature's Magic salves are gentle enough for all ages, and cost effective.  A small amount goes a long way.

Posted: 06 Nov 2018 07:31 PM PST
Respiratory Salve 
Mullein (Verbascum blattaria, V. thapsus.) (N.O.:Scrphulariaceae) One of the main ingredients in Only Nature's Magic Respiratory Salve is mullein.  

To the left you see a picture of first year mullein, taken in the afternoon shortly after a misting rain. The larger leaves lay on the ground. Newer leaves come up from the center of the plant and are opposite of the leaves before. This pattern of opposing leaves continues as new leaves develop.  

Second year mullein, as seen in this second picture, grows tall and shoots up a spike that produces yellow flowers. After the flowers have died off, the spikes hold multiple tiny black seeds. 

According to Indian Herbalogy Of North America by Alma Hutchens, Verbascum blattaria is very common and the best known species in America. It has been used for ... Read more at

Hundreds of Birds Dead During 5G Experiment in The Hague, Netherlands

Posted: 07 Nov 2018 04:50 AM PST

About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. 

However, when about 150 more suddenly died — bringing the death toll to 297 — some started to take notice.

And if you are looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station.

And harm happened, indeed. Immediately afterward, birds fell dead from the trees. And the nearby ducks that were swimming seemed to react very oddly as well; they were simultaneously putting their heads underwater to escape the radiation while others flew away, landing on the street or in the canal.

Again, almost at the exact same time that those animals died, near the station, Holland Spoor was tested with a 5G transmitter mast.

“If they all got heart-failure with an healthy body, no signs of any virus, no bacterial infection, healthy blood, no poisons found etc. etc. The only reasonable explanation is, that it is from the new [url= Dangers]5G Microwaves[/url] having an huge effect of all birds hearts! … It heavily resonates with certain ERRATIC PULSED Microwaves (millions per second!) which can be proven to have biological effects on organs! … Am not kidding here! …

“Some people assume Microwaves at lower wattage “can not harm” because “it does not cook you” … that very flawed “logic” is what they want you to repeat over and over! … Search in “Google Scholar Search Site”: Biological Effects of Non-ionizing Microwaves and be ready to be shocked how stupid most sheeple really are in believing blindly the so called “experts” & ” authorities” of FCC, Telecom & Wireless Industry propaganda!” — John Kuhles, founder of & owner of

This wasn’t proof though. It was initially just conjecture...Continue article here