Tuesday, November 13, 2018

...Is it getting hot for nottingham criminal cartel yet :)?

Mark Seylon



Federal Court Hearing TOMORROW to Compel Testimony from Hillary Clinton on Email Scandal

Judicial Watch

SerialBrain2 - Let the unsealing begin. Let the DEC[L]AS begin. Nov. 13, 2018



Black Conservative Patriot

OOM2 posts Nov. 12, 2018

Posts by OOM2

Public Petitions FDA to Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Fraud

Qanon.pub Nov.12, 2018

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.466 📁
R Gov won by 328,000 votes.
D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.
R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?
[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.465 📁
#1 attacked person by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
#2 attacked entity by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
As of 3:02 pm est today, "Qanon" is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.
Logical Thinking > WHY?
Congratulations, Anons!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.464 📁
FAKE NEWS > [optics] 'FALSE' majority > BLUE WAVE
BLUE WAVE [optics] > No Voter Irregularities > Nothing to See Here
FAKE NEWS > Voter Irregularities Challenge > CONSPIRACY
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.463 📁
[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]
[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]
[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]
[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]


California: Three City Councils in Marin County Vote to Stop Installing Harmful 5G Towers!

G. Griffin report
Mill Valley, California, a wealthy city just north of San Francisco, voted unanimously to effectively halt the installation of new small cell towers which carry the 5G technology.  The city issued an “urgency ordinance” that allows it to enact regulations and prohibitions for all future applications to build 5G telecommunications equipment in the city.  The city received 145 pieces of correspondence from citizens voicing opposition to the technology, which represents more than 1% of the population of 14,000 people.  Two more cities, San Anselmo, and Ross, also in Marin County, passed similar ordinances.
Tom Wheeler, the former head of the FCC, gave the go-ahead to have new antennas placed on nearly every telephone pole that will generate strong, pulsed ultra-high frequency radio waves that are much more dangerous to human health than our present technology.  In addition, the wireless devices that connect to 5G emit EMF (electromagnetic frequency waves) and can cause infertility, cancer and other diseases...Continue article here

Nearly 300,000 Anchor Babies Born to Illegal Aliens Each Year Outnumber US Births in 48 States!

G. Griffin report

A new study by the Center for Immigration Studies showed that illegal aliens give birth to 297,000 births per year to gain citizenship through children born on US soil, ‘anchoring’ non-citizen parents in the US, allowing them to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”  The analysis notes that the 297,000 anchor babies born every year in the US exceed the total number of all US births in all but two states: California and Texas.  In the Los Angeles metro area, illegal alien births make up nearly 18% of all births in the region. In the Las Vegas, Nevada metro area, illegal alien births account for about 17% of all births.  President Trump is currently addressing birthright citizenship...Continue article here

Paul Martin Hour 3..large group of military deployed to Colorado..and more

The Common Sense Show

#SPIDERWEB: B_lton Given Zion_ist Award, R_bbi’s Protest POTUS Border Defense

You Are Free TV

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Brainwashing of America - Spike Lee-s BlacKkKlansman - Recognizing the warlocks - War Drummer

War Drummer Official

FBI Needs to Kick-In the Door

Headlines with a voice

Exclusive Interview: David Wilcock On Midterm Elections & How The Cabal Is Loosing Power

Collective Evolution

Doug Jones of LANDA: unseen mechanism of society

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust www.ggtrust.com

Good Evening,
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed,
our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard
of.” (Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud and founding father of modern propaganda, 1928)
Think of it! That was written in 1928. Can you imagine how that comment applies to today?

When we think of and look to a global currency reset (GCR) to stabilize and cure all our financial
woes, our minds seem to stop at the dream of financial freedom and what it would bring. Very little
thought is expanded to understand the fiscal mechanisms that currently control fiscal policy and
manipulation. We the public are presented with profound sounding acronyms like the SEC,( Security
Exchange Commission) or the FRB (Federal Reserve Board) and dozens of others as the organizations that guard over our best interest. We put our faith in our elected officials, who speak to us via media outlets to ensure us “they are working on our behalf”. They make it a point to first show us a problem and then explain how they are diligently working to fix the problem. These individuals and the organizations they represent are the outer rings of a shadow ruling party that influence and control every aspect of our society. A Cabal.

The reality is ruling parties that pull the strings on the organizations that have become the face of
what we believe to be those in charge and are satisfied to possess the reality rather than the
appearance of power and we will seldom see who is behind the curtains.

These secret societies are prevalent throughout the world, at times operate in plain view, and set up a
“rings within rings” structure wherein the center ring would control the outer rings. The outer rings
do the heavy lifting and are the transportation system that delivers the actions needed to accomplish
the agendas of their inner-core masters.

While a few outer core players unquestionably know that they are members of a group devoted to a
common purpose. Many might not have been aware of their membership and rose through the ranks
of society and advanced the network’s interests unaware of the fact that the inner core influenced
their thinking, their career paths and their actions by personal persuasion, patronage distribution,
bribes and social pressure.

One of the most prolific of these societies the Council on Foreign Affairs and their counterpart in
Europe the Royal Institute of International Affairs, penetrate into every aspect of American life.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank
specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.

The CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of
the intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR influences foreign
policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community,
testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues.
The members of this organization deliver the agenda and policies of those who manipulate the unseen
mechanisms of society, keeping the inner-core principals well insulated and their influences well
hidden from public scrutiny and recourse. These are the worker-bees of the Cabal. It is organizations
like the CFR that must be stopped and in doing so will eliminate the vehicle used by their puppet
masters to manifest their nefarious schemes on an unsuspecting public.

When we use the term “Cabal” in a generic fashion we are unable to identify with any certainty who
they exactly are. We tend to focus on those names who have been labeled so long in the public view
such as the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers as the Cabal , which they probably are, but in reality there
seems to be no head to the serpent and all members are really part of a collective mentality . How do
you stop a collective mentality? According to Webster, Cabal is defined as: “the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot”. Cabal refers to a group of people. The problem is no one
can identify how big the group is but we CAN identify them individually by their schemes. The good
news is the agents of light have infiltrated the outer rings of this Cabal behavior. They are using their
“rings within rings” structure against them to penetrate to the core leadership.

When we dispose of these pretentious lobbyists, manipulators and the mechanisms that deliver their
master's agenda we effectively end the capacity of the Cabal to function. “Take away the kings army
and he is no longer king”,

The covert and secret actions, that follow an agenda of greed and inhumanity are being recognized, on an international basis, as crimes against humanity. All those who are affiliated with or participated in any activity related to these subversive actions will face immediate prosecution and sentencing equal to the level of participation and injury they have caused.

These are whom the Indictments are designated for and why the GCR/RV cannot move forward until they are served. This event cannot hydrate the asset base for these manipulators and their secret societies of social engineering.

Have patience and allow the good guys time to do their job and be aware of the “Trojan Horse”.
I have a short paraphrase from Bas Spliet’s analysis of secret societies with a partial list of some of the members of the Council on Foreign Relations from government to media and banking.

Send request “CFR” to replytodj@mail.com if you want the info.

MAJOR Encounter Over Ireland - What Did Multiple Pilots See?


Trump Moves Massive Arm Supplies To US From Europe At Same Time God Enacts Revenge On Satanic Hollywood Elites

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust www.ggtrust.com

what does it mean

November 12, 2018
Trump Moves Massive Arm Supplies To US From Europe At Same Time God Enacts Revenge On Satanic Hollywood Elites
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A captivating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the unlikelihood of President Putin and President Trump being able to meet at this month’s upcoming G-20 Summit in Argentina, states that Trump’s less than 24 hour appearance at this summit of world leaders comes at the same time his military forces are making a massive drawdown of war machines and arms from their Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway (MCPP-N) and transferring them to the United States—a move some Security Council Members believe presages Trumpdeclaring Martial Law in America as it nears civil war—whose spiritual component of was just witnessed after a raft of godless Hollywood elites who ripped into Trump for his correctly pointing out that California is responsible for their State’s massive forest fires—most particularly because California refuses to cut down over 129 million dead trees in their forests—and in their doing so, earned God’s wrath with His sending fierce winds to drive these fires straight into their hedonistic mansions—and among whose multi-million properties were left in smoldering ruins include anti-Trump singers Miley Cyrus and Neil Young, along with famous anti-Trump actors Gerald Butler and Robin Thicke.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, one of the least reported, but most astounding statements President Trump has made in the past few weeks was that he was, indeed, fighting against evil—and in preparation for his facing off against, was evidenced in late September when US Marine forces began their largest deployment ever to the Nordic nation of Norway, whose top commander had previously warned that they should be prepared for the “bigass fight” to come—but none of whom participated in the NATO war exercise Trident Juncture 2018, with their, instead, being used to remove and transfer to the United States massive amounts of stockpiles from Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway.

Time for a new voting proposal...and more

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust www.ggtrust.com

TIME for a New Voting Proposal? Here is a "plausible" solution. Will it come to something like this to restore peace of mind and trust to the corruptible, manipulatable system we are witnessing? This would have to be better than the system we have now.... all be it, elderly, infirmed, disabled etc., would still need to have a confidence to know mail-in ballots would make it to the destination. You still have to TRUST the postal service not to deep six them along the way. As advanced as our technologies have evolved, one would THINK there is a fool-proof, fail-safe way to accomplish this. But I suppose as long as evil lurks in the hearts of mankind, corruption and debauchery will find a way.
Continue here: George Colgrove III ⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter

• 1) Declare state of emergency
• 2) Set December 8, 2018 as new election date.
• 3) Require in-person voting
• 4) Require US Citizenship and ID
• 5) Dip finger in permanent purple ink
• 6) No media reporting any votes until the last precinct closes.
• 7) Cast ballots on ...

CIA Tapped Phones of Whistleblower, 2437

The Still Report

Broward County Staff Filled Out Blank Ballots, 2438

Trump Puts Gold Standard On the Table

Money, Home, Coin, Investment, Business
The Post Journal 

President Trump recently broached the subject of a gold standard for America’s monetary system, which is significant, because no recent president has done so, and the idea has been denigrated by central bankers, politicians, and other popular influencers as a “barbarous relic.” Such a standard, however, would be different from most caricatures made of it.
The monetary regime we have in place now is a fiat money system, “fiat” meaning simply a command or decree. In its essence, it is money created because government has decreed it into existence. Though it was previously linked to gold, it is now simply paper or electronic accounting entries. The dollar now has value as a money simply because it is widely accepted as a medium of exchange, but that is only so because competing currencies have been outlawed by legal tender laws...Continue article here

America will never be great as long as these enemies and foreign corporations have control

New Radio Live

NINE Arrests Just Made After Democrats Were Caught Stealing Votes Again

American Patriot

DOJ Playbook and The Persecution of General Flynn with Special Guests Joseph Flynn & Sidney Powell

Jason Goodman

How Pilobolus Brings Shadows to Life | WIRED


Benjamin Fulford: November 12, 2018 full report


Glenn Beck Responds To Heckler Who Assaulted Tucker Carlson's Daughter

The Blaze

President Trump Battles Ballot Bandits in Florida and Sovereignty Swindlers in Paris


QAnon - A Peek Inside the OIG FISA ABUSE Report Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

Citizens Investigative Report

Hurray!? Accused Abuser Keith Ellison Just Resigned... But We Saw This Coming

The next news Network

What if voter fraud could be proven?

Justinformed Talk

Let the Unsealing begin

citizens Investigative Report