Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ep. 855 The Real Story About Clinton Corruption. The Dan Bongino Show

Dan Bongino



#Net4TruthUSA 307 — San Diego Border news conference

USA Net4Truth


The recent Midterms should be a lesson. Regardless of one's political persuasion, it is undeniable that many seats in Congress were determined by changing demographics and the Main Demographic change was increasing impact of Legal and Illegal Immigration BALANCE has documented these intensifying impacts for years:

Increasing negative environmental impacts of immigration driven population growth
  • paving over farm land, crowding, loss of natural habitat,
  • species extinction, and threats to resource availability, — in Orange county, Ca
  • water supply is processed out of the sewage plant, and California
  • and Great Plains farmers are drawing down water supplies far in excess of recharge rates

Taxation/DeficitsLEGAL Immigration alone costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion/Yr. NET
  • Legal Immigrant Health care and welfare alone are 62% of these costs.
  • And costs of Illegal Alien Health Care to Citizens are substantial too:

Personal Safety Environment
  • Hundreds killed or injured by Illegal Immigrants and many by Legal Immigrants — The Boston Bombers, San Bernadino Shooters and NYC ISIS Pedestrian Rammer were all legal Immigrants … it is impossible to adequately VET some 1.5 Million Legal immigrants every year

Employment Environment

Public Health Environment
Fortunately, we have a small window of Opportunity during this Lame Duck session of Congress to get a Reduction Bill and can SUCCEED IF ALL PUSH BALANCE's SOLUTION below (next years divided Congress looks bad for such a Bill).

President Trump has said he will shut down the Government (appx. deadline Dec 7) if he does not get full funding for The Wall, and he appears ready to "deal." That means there will be other immigration provisions in a "Wall Bill"

The U.S.A. needs a zero–net (i.e., 150,000 per year arrivals and 150,000 per year leaving) Moratorium applying to all immigrant categories, a Wall at our Southern Border, mandatory use of e-Verify in Hiring Decisions, elimination of anchor baby citizenship and an end to Catch & Release.

Enactment of all these would reduce the appx. 1.5 Million Annual flow of Legal Immigrants (400,000 annually into California alone – U.S. Census) and thus greatly reduce the Annual NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Costs of Legal Immigration, now running at $330 BILLION per year. Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study

And a zero-net Moratorium would reduce the Budget Deficit by over one-half TRILLION $$ in the next Decade! Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study 
Implementing the Trump Administration’s Admirable Proposal that No Green Cards (reflecting permanent Resident Status) would be issued to those who had accepted, or were likely to accept in the future, any Taxpayer-funded Benefits, would reduce Immigrant Numbers significantly.

So, we must ACT NOW! to push an all-categories included Zero-Net Moratorium. So CONTACT & RECONTACT Your Representatives!

And please help BALANCE MOBILIZE ACTIVISTS and contact Media and Congress to intensity our push for the aforementioned all-categories included zero-NET MORATORIUM TODAY, NOW! Contact your representatives!


Dollar for Dollar, Donations to BALANCE and its ASAP! Coalition Allies who push a Moratorium, create much more Political Clout for reduction in immigration numbers than Donations to Mass Immigration Management Groups, i.e., those who refuse to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium.

Indeed, such Refusal is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE to genuine Immigration Reduction Efforts because the Main Management Groups advocate positions which ensure unending Mass Immigration, and thus prevent the USA from ever achieving a sustainable Safe Harbor.

Consider the COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE Positions of these groups all of which are similar to one which:
  1. Calls for a reduction in Legal immigration to 500,000 and "eventually" to 300,000, would, even if achieved NOT result in a stable (i.e., non-growing) population — Immigrant fertility rates have historically been well in excess of replacement level. In sum enactment of NumbersUSA’s position and other Management organizations' similar positions would result in unending U.S population growth. And remember that while population growth often creates a larger GDP, it ALWAYS, in every nation creates a smaller PER CAPITA GDP, the best test of a nation's wealth.
  2. And in any event pushing that position is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE because in any Negotiation one should never start with the position where one wants to end up, and
  3. COUNTERPRODUCTIVE too because it explicitly sanctions unending Immigration, and indeed legitimizes it!!  Thus, NumbersUSA is a Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Group NOT a genuine Reduction group
  4. And COUNTERPRODUCTIVE too because there is no rational for just those numbers....why not 600,000 or 400,000
  5.  And COUNTERPRODUCTIVE too because it fails to send the important message that in order to attain Sustainability, we must STOP U. S.  population growth … and the only way to effectively push for that is to push for a zero-Net MORATORIUM
These Management groups have been impeding Immigration reduction Bills for years.   Visit the website erected years ago by Arizonans pushing to limit immigration, which documents this.

And tell them to PUSH A MORATORIUM NOW!
And very important too … BALANCE very much needs your Tax-Deductible Donation TODAY, so we can intensify our efforts!

So Please DONATE NOW by credit card at our website: BALANCE.ORG or, to donate by check via U.S mail, please send to:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Or support our Crowd-Funding effort at Mass Immigration Hurts Environment.

The Next Few Days are Critical!

Thank you,

Population-Environment Balance
Population Environment Balance on Blogger
Population Environment Balance
Follow BALANCE on Twitter @PEnvirons and GAB @PopEnvironmentBalance
Mailing address:
Population-Environment Balance | P.O. Box 268 | San Francisco, CA 94104

Washington, DC address:
Population-Environment Balance | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 | Washington DC, 20006

BALANCE is anti-Mass-Immigration, not anti-immigrant.
BALANCE is the leading National Organization publicizing information regarding the
Threat of Mass Immigration-generated population growth to our Environment, Nation, Budgets, and Personal Safety and Mobilizing Activists to Reduce it.

DOD FURIOUS OVER LEAKS? New Confirmation | New Debunk

Marfoogle TV

[11.20] New Q: Huber Talks Dec 5th! / Facebook Problems / Worldwide Protests / Vaccine Propaganda

Destroying the Illusion

Q anon 11/20/18 Hubers coming to town!!!


BREAKING: Trump Declares National Emergency As Honduran Migrant Caravan Approaches Border


Top Trump Official Assassinated After Linking Hillary Clinton To “Fatherland Card” Democrats Plan To Force Upon American People

November 20, 2018

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Daniel M. BestPresident Donald Trump’s Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Drug Pricing Reformwas assassinated less than 48 hours after he sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) requesting information as to why Mundipharma (China) Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. was funneling money to Chinese telecom giant ZTE Corporation to fund for Venezuela the creation what is known as the “Fatherland Card”—an ID card that transmits data about cardholders to government computer servers, and is increasingly linked to subsidized food, health, and other social programs people rely on to survive, and that governments use to track, reward, and punish citizens—and whose assassination Trump is quickly retaliating against by his placing Venezuela on the state sponsors of terrorism list.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Venezuela orders citizens without “Fatherland Card” (pictured above) cannot use public health services, work, buy food or pay bills

According to this report, on 29 March 2018US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced that President Trump had appointed Daniel M. Best to be the Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Drug Pricing Reform, and whose mandate “would lead the initiative to lower the high price of prescription drugs”—a job well suited for this former American pharmaceutical executive as he “knew where the bodies are buried”.
On 30 October 2018, this report continues, HHS Senior Advisor Best sent an official inquiry notification to the Ministry of Finance—whose financial examination delegation was working in Venezuela on that date—requesting specific financial information on three companies: Jiangsu Hengrui MedicineMundipharma (China) Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., and the Chinese telecom giant ZTE Corporation.
With Russia being a member of the  Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system obligating its nation state members to cooperate with each other during investigations, this report details, the specific financial information being requested by HHS Senior Advisor Best lay outside of SWIFT boundaries as it was within Venezuela’s secretive cryptocurrency payment schemeshielded from the US, but not from Ministry of Finance examiners.
Within hours of submitting HHS Senior Advisor Best submitting his information request to the Ministry of Finance on 30 October 2018, this report notes, he posted on his official US government Health and Human Services blog an extensive explanation of how he was targeting high drug prices in the United States—with less than 48 hours later, however, on 1 November 2018, his being discovered dead next the garage of his home with multiple blunt force trauma wounds to his head—but whose more than obvious assassination was quickly labeled a “suicide”, with no evidence to support this claim being released.

Immediately upon the assassination of HHS Senior Advisor Best, this report continues, the Ministry of Finance requested SVR assistance—with Russian intelligence analysts being able to quickly determine that Best’s request for financial information on Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine was due to this Chinese pharmaceutical company’s having more than doubled its generic drug sales in the United States, in spite of their prices being higher than those charged in Venezuela.

At the same time Purdue Pharma was being sued the world over for its illegal drug marketing scheme, this report further notes, it created its Mundipharma (China) Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. company to begin selling its deadly opioid drugs in China—and that has gained for itself tens-of-billions of dollars in profits—a substantial portion of which they then transferred to Chinese telecom giant ZTE Corporation.
In trying to determine why Purdue Pharma was transferring such large amounts of money to ZTE Corporation, this report says, SVR intelligence analysts noted that these payments were being coordinated by an Irish pharmaceutical company that develops and markets medicines through its subsidiaries in the United States called Horizon Pharma—and who, in 2012, had signed an exclusive agreement with Purdue Pharma’s shell company Mundipharma (China) Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. to market drugs in Latin America.

By an assemblage of the facts requested from the Minister of Finance by HHS Senior Advisor Best before he was assassinated, this report concludes, the SVR has determined that what he was truly examining was the planned instituting of a “Fatherland Card” system to be ordered upon the American people by their Democrat Party leaders once Hillary Clinton took power—whose development and financing of in China was to keep it hidden from public knowledge—and whose first wide application of would have been mandated for anyone enrolling in the health care system known as Obamacare—with it spreading out from there to encompass all Americans receiving government benefits—but whose truest insidious purpose would be to place the entire peoples of the United States in a high-technology prison where every aspect of their lives would be overseen and controlled—and that they’re close to living in already.

Watch CNN Accidentally Air the TRUTH About the #BORDERLINE “Event” While Lying

Prepare for Change


American Intelligent Media

Time for a history lesson and a deep dive into the United States Constitution. Read the full article above in the headline link above or sit back and listen to Headlines with a Voice read the article along with pictures and images. Whatever learning style works best for you, do what you can to understand the significance of the Thirteenth Amendment and why its exclusion benefits the globalists.
Make sure to subscribe to Headlines with a Voice to receive informative truth information of history and current events. YouTube channel here.
In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine. By chance, they discovered the library’s oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States {printed in 1825}

Continue article plus 13 more videos here

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

THERES NO RED STAR ON THESE! | NOVEMBER 20TH | Proof they are moving Tanks!

Marfoogle News

Spike In Herbecide Contaminants In US Drinking Water

The Common Sense Show

Celine Dion: The Dark Side...what's it going to take for people to wake up?

Tracy Beanz

Play The Game Patriots - 'Inadmissibility On Public Charge Grounds' - Featuring S8ble Genius

We The People Insider 1776


Black Conservative Patriot

Paradise Lost # 4 ~ What's Their Agenda for Torching Paradise ?


Jerry Brown Might Be in BIG TROUBLE Over Wildfires; Here’s Why…

This report doesn't even begin to cover the crimes of Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris who embezzled 19 billion from California homeowners and now this tragic loss of life and property? There are over 63000 sealed indictments of which over 10,000 are for California adding to that each indictment will list more than one person meaning we are looking at that number rising well over 15,000. I have no doubt that Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris are among those indicted!!!!! Nikki G.

The Next News Network

Election Fraud: "Watch California" - Q




They Know It’s Coming, Swamp Fighting Back, The Call Is Getting Louder, Tick Tock - Episode 1721b


SGT Report: The Deep State VS. Trump & America -- Robert David Steele



Operation Freedom

To Freewill's supporters, your help is needed

Freewill currently unenjoying the hospitality of local jail!

I and a number of others have done everything we can to peacefully get Freewill bailed out of the driver license crap that the adjacent county has been pushing upon him, and a number of his supporters have generously pitched in to help out. Now, on the tail end of this matter, at a time when Freewill was preparing to get away from all of the criminals entrenched in the State's courts and to seek a home and work in a State where the individuals operating the courts are no where near as blatantly evil toward the people, the "Judge" in the adjacent county stuck Freewill with 2.5 weeks in jail for the same driver license matter that he already stuck Freewill with a nearly 2 month jail term some time ago. While sitting in the courtroom, knowing what I do about the matter, it's fairly clear that that "Judge" merely wishes to squeeze Freewill's U.S.A. created and controlled estate for just a bit more federal funds while the chance exists, regardless of the fact that Freewill offered to pay the $500-ish fine and fees in order to get the matter dismissed quickly to be free to immediately leave the State and take up a job and home on the other side of the country.

Freewill asked for assistance from his supporters yesterday. He is not the type to readily ask for help. But he does need it, for the time being. As i suggested was a likely possibility over the summer, Freewill did lose his job a couple months ago, as consequence of being thrown in jail every time he turns around. He has managed to cover much of his bills, but not all. I just covered his overdue bills, but don't have enough to cover all of his upcoming bills on top of my own (I'm in the middle of my own change of job and home). Whomever is in a position to pitch in a bit here and/or there over the next couple weeks or so, please do show your generosity, if only to help Freewill to be able to make it to Alaska so he's not being hounded by the cabal's corporate thugs in Michigan who view Freewill as long-term prey.

I would hope that all take notice of how the cabal responds to challenges based on the people's interpretation of law, be it driving and driver licenses versus traveling and functioning in private capacity rather than commercial capacity, or land and property ownership rights of free people versus taxes and seizures forced upon subjects/vassals/slaves. These problems we all face in our own lives cannot effectively be solved until we are back in control of our courts and law enforcement systems, and that can only happen if our state assemblies and national assembly achieve success, so please do join and stand united with everyone around you to make it happen.

Be safe, stand together,


OOM2: MLRS Systems in Texas? New Info November 18, more


What other countries know that Americans do not about vaccines, fluoride and more

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Fire Update: "Awake" Survivor Re: DEW; People Helping Survivors; The Missing

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SerialBrain2 decodes Q Confirmations!!!

avatar OOM2

Project Weeping Angel

DEW Laser Fires Proven Conclusively…Again & Again & Again