Friday, December 21, 2018

#TRUMPDIMENSION: 5D Gov't "Shutdown" of the De_p State, Mattis Trolling, Q+ Assurance #SCOTUS

You Are Free TV

President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion

President Trump participates in a signing ceremony for S. 756 and H.R. 6964

The White House

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Stores Are Stockpiling Goods To Prepare For The Transition - Episode 1747a & 1747b


Praying Medic: Qanon December 21 - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America


Huawei is Exposed at The Epoch Times News Conference

Epoch Times

60 Minutes

Trump Tells Mitch To ‘Use N..uclear Option & Get It Done,’ Schumer Issues T-hreat


The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

Citizens Investigative Report

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

In Pursuit of Truth

Daily Caller's Twelve Days of Christmas

Daily Caller

Iranian forces fire missiles at US aircraft carrier in Gulf Editorial date:: 2018/12/21 23:15 • 269 times read (AFP)

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

URGENT Iranian forces fire missiles at US aircraft carrier in Gulf Editorial date:: 2018/12/21 23:15 • 269 times read (AFP) - Iranian Revolutionary Guard ships fired missiles at US aircraft carrier John Stennis, who entered the Gulf for the first time since 2001, the Associated Press news agency reported. The aircraft carrier entered the waters of the Gulf on Friday for the first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York and Washington, the agency said . The vessels of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were closely following the aircraft carrier and its accompanying group of ships, An unmanned aerial vehicle. The US military and the Pentagon did not comment on the news. This is the first entry of a US aircraft carrier to Gulf waters after US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal from the agreement on Iran's nuclear program. Iran has already threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, which transfers about a third of the world's oil shipments. This comes on the background of the announcement of the ground forces of the Revolutionary Guard, on Friday, it is conducting a week of military exercises in southern Iran along the waters of the Gulf ends on Saturday, which tested medium-range missiles high-precision.

Steve Pieczenik just uploaded a video OPUS 109 Farewell Mattis! Good Luck! 5 MIN

Interesting depiction...& Hillary stands up & then. Bill, laughing & talking with Pence & his wife...hmm. think they have something in common. When I first saw this, I thought why is the front row having a party & the rest of the crowd solemn!!

AN ARTICLE BY ROBERT DAVID STEELE Reaction of Congress to Mattis Resignation Reveals Degree to Which ALL Members are Bribed and Blackmailed by Zionist Israel and US Military-Industrial Complex PUBLIC INTELLIGENCE BLOG

Trump Empties World’s Oceans Of US Aircraft Carriers For First Time In History

December 21, 2018

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that for the first time since 1920, when the United States had its single aircraft carrier USS Langley (CV-1) plying the world’s oceans, today sees only the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74[Note: CV designates aircraft carrier/CVN designated nuclear aircraft carrier] sailing in the waters of the Middle East in the North Arabian Sea—but whose mission is now ended after President Trump ordered an end to the air war in Syria, and whose next stop will be its home port in Washington State—thus creating an historical first that will see the world’s oceans emptied of all 11 of America’s aircraft carrier strike groups—that are formidable weapons composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers or frigates, and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

World’s oceans emptied of the US aircraft carrier strike groups for first time in recorded history

According to this report, within 24-hours of the 13-December warning issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Turkey was preparing to attack US military forces in Syria unless they left the regionPresident Trump called Turkish President Erdogan asking one single question about his US military forces stationed there: “Can Turkey clear the east of Euphrates of the rest of ISIL in the event that they withdraw from Syria?”.
Upon President Trump being told by President Erdogan that Turkey was, indeed, intensely’ preparing for a new military operation in Syria to wipe these ISIL terrorists out, this report continues, the MoD moved quickly to facilitate an Iranian troop pull-out by 100 kilometers (62 miles) away from the separation line in the de-escalation zone in the south of Syria to lesson tensions with Israel—both of which were then followed by Trump declaring victory over these terrorists in Syria and his ordering an immediate withdrawal of US military forces from there—an order obeyed by US State Department officials who immediately left Syria—with their being followed by US military trucks loaded with arms heading from Syria to Iraq—and US military forces, also, withdrawing from their Turkey-Syrian border outposts.

Most important to understand about President Trump ordering the withdrawal of all US military forces from Syria this week, this report notes, is that it’s the second time he has done so—with his first attempt to do so being about 6-months ago when he declared that “it’s time to leave Syria”, but whose order was met with insubordination by US Army General Joseph Votel who fired back at Trump “we’re staying”—that Trump didn’t counter with his, instead, ordering Votel to work with Russia to wipe out these terrorists—but was another direct order Votel disobeyed, and caused the MoD to declare: “With his statements, General Votel not only discredited the official position of his supreme commander-in-chief, but also exacerbated the illegality under international law and US law of the military presence of American servicemen in Syria”.

With the insubordinate and dysfunctional General Votel being a protégé of US Army General Stanley McChrystal, the former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, who recently told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that he did not know what to do in Afghanistan,  but his “best suggestion” was for a small number of troops to remain and “muddle along” in the country, this report says, it was little wonder that President Trump tapped US Marine Lieutenant General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr. to take command of the US wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Moving directly to counter General Votel, too, this report continues, President Trump then appointed US Army Lieutenant General Francis Baudette to head the US Army Special Operations Command—and whose investigation of the military forces overseen by General’s Votel and McChrystal during the eight year reign of the Obama-Clinton Regime, shockingly discovered that these once highly skilled and professional special forces troops had been reduced to being nothing more than a pack of ruthless murderers, drug dealers and rapists—leaving Trump no choice but to recall all of them from Syria and, just hours ago, his further ordering over 7,000 of these troops out of Afghanistan, with the remainder to follow shortly thereafter.   

Seeming to stand against President Trump’s moves to end his nation’s needless and pointless wars, this report details, was his Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis—a Cold War era former US Marine general whom Trump likened to a Democrat because of Mattis seemingly having no problem with endless wars fought for no purpose and no hopes of victory—and whose advice Trump quit listening to months ago, thus causing Mattis to announce his retirement yesterday—and that caused, in a rare moment of clarity, The New York Times to correctly observe: “For most of his tumultuous 23 months in office, President Trump has tried to shake off anyone who would restrain his insurgent style of leadership.  With the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Mr. Trump is at last a president unbound
As to what the now “unbound” President Trump is really moving towards, and why he recalled all of his aircraft carrier battle groups to their US ports, this report concludes, can be seen evidenced in a number of not so subtle clues scattered around the geopolitical landscape showing that he believes his own nation’s “Deep State” is his greatest threat—and to which he plans to meet with such examples as Lieutenant General Beaudette, his new commander of the US Army Special Operations Command, having commanded Special Forces troops at Fort Carson-Colorado—specifically the 4th Combat Aviation Brigadewhose helicopter forces  were deployed to Europe earlier this summer when he took command, but whose forces, on 5 December, were notified that their Christmas leave was cancelled—and whose only clue as to why emerged on 12 December when a unit of these Special Forces troops, their helicopters and specialized stealth boats, mysteriously popped up in Florida to conduct a high value prisoner extraction exercise—and whose secretive travel from Europe to the United States was hidden in massive plumes of radar deflecting chaff exploding on radar screens from Maine to Florida.  

US Special Forces practice high value prisoner extraction (above) at Port of Miami on 12 December 2012

Breaking News/TRUMP "I'M IN CHARGE"- NOT THE O.W.G/We will get THE Wall/& MUCH MORE T/T 1221


SerialBrain2 decodes Q Melania and D5...

Project Weeping Angel

Sen. Susan Collins Just BREAKS SILENCE With UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH Over Kavanaugh CASE

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Sarah Sanders Finally READY TO PROSECUTE Comey DROPS Devastating BOMBSHELL On Him


Q Post - Dec 21 2018 Military Tribunals? Military Centered Q Posts

And We Know

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[12.21 LIVE] Mattis - Syria - Hemp - Wall - Space

for non vegan and vegatarines, Rogue Health: Frank Tufano, Carnivore Diet, Nutrient Dense Foods & Human Development



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Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.21.18

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