Monday, June 3, 2013

7 Tips For Better Sleep Naturally

7 Tips For Better Sleep Naturally 


One of my favorite movies of all time is Irving Berlin's "White Christmas."
I love the scene where Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney are having a late night snack and singing, "If you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep."
Oh, if only it were that easy for the millions of people who regularly stare at the ceiling at night, or wake up during the night, unable to get back to sleep.
According to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health, about 30-40% of adults say they occasionally suffer from insomnia, and about 10-15% say they have chronic insomnia.
Now, lacking adequate sleep comes with a much heftier price than just yawning at your desk the next day.
On the contrary, it can take its toll on your health in these ways:
The health costs of too few Zzzzz's
1- Swing shift
Shift workers whose hours vary and who lack consistent quality sleep are more prone to accidents on the job and die younger than those with more stable schedules.

2- We're similar to computers
Your brain is kind of like a "master clock" that coordinates the timing of many of your physiological functions, and just like a computer, it needs to be "restarted" from time to time.
It is during sleep that your brain is "reset" and can properly coordinate your various biological rhythms. This helps your body achieve balance and encourages optimal health.
Poor sleep means this critical balance is upset and sickness, illness and disease is the likely result.

3- Dreams
Dreams are an important component of sleep.
Dreaming occurs mostly during the phase of sleep closest to waking up. This phase is marked by rapid eye movements (REM) so it's known as REM sleep.
Studies have shown that people who are deprived of REM sleep are prone to irritability, anxiety and depression.

4- Oh my aching back
Many of the problems for which people seek medical care--mental cloudiness, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle aches and fibromyalgia--are actually caused or exacerbated by poor sleep.

5- The whopper...Immune problems
The most serious consequence of lacking sleep is that it greatly hampers your immune system.
Not only does your immune system protect you from the obvious infections and viruses, but it also protects you from disease--and that includes cancer.
Studies show that the consequences of lacking sleep even for ONE night can be serious.
In one study, healthy male volunteers were deprived of four hours of sleep for a single night. The next day, the activity of certain immune cells (natural killer cells) fell by as much as 30%!
But the good news is that the study also showed a single good night's sleep helped restore the immune cell functioning to near normal again.

Why oh why?
There are many factors that can contribute to you becoming a reluctant watcher of late night infomercials.
Here are some of the most common reasons why you can count sheep till the cows come home and still barely sleep a wink:
Stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) lower your body's levels of serotonin and melatonin, which are two important neurotransmitters involved in relaxation and sleep.

Poor digestion
Poor digestion can lead to late night attacks of gas, acid reflux, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
Many chronic acid reflux sufferers report regular insomnia as well as having to (try to) sleep either sitting up or propped up on pillows.

Perimenopause and menopause
In the years leading up to and into menopause, many women suffer sleep disturbances including chronic insomnia due to the significant hormonal changes taking place in their bodies.

When your body needs nourishment, it needs NOURISHMENT--and it doesn't care if it's 2am.
Skipping meals, going to bed hungry and lacking proper nourishment is a great way to make sure you'll be wide-eyed while it's still dark.

Not exactly a night cap
Caffeine and alcohol are both common substances to drink in the evening before going to bed.
They also happen to be two of the worst sleep inhibitors.

Is that your final answer?

The solution from the mainstream medical community for insomnia is typically a sleep drug like Lunesta or Ambien.

But these are arguably worse than lacking sleep!
In addition to the possibility of addiction and serious withdrawal when trying to stop the medication, the side effects of Lunesta and Ambien can include:
Difficulty with coordination
Daytime sleepiness (isn't that what it's supposed to help AVOID?)
Memory loss
New/worsening depression
Abnormal thoughts
Suicidal ideation
Aggressive behavior

And get this--when taking these drugs, people can also do things in a "semi-awake" state and not remember what they did afterward!
People have gotten out of bed and driven vehicles while not fully awake (called "sleep-driving"). They've also sleepwalked, prepared and eaten food, made phone calls, or even had sex while not fully awake...and have positively no recollection of it later.
If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.

Many different causes but just one answer?
The best way to help make sure your nights are filled with restful, rejuvenating sleep is not to just throw your hands in the air and resort to taking a dangerous mood-altering drug.
Instead take a look at what might be causing you to be nocturnal and do something to address the root cause of your sleeplessness!
Here are some very safe, effective measures you can try:
1) De-stress
Although it's a four-letter word to many, there's no denying that exercise is numero uno when it comes to relieving stress.
But you don't need to be the next Jillian Michaels or Tony Horton to engage in regular exercise!
ANY form of exercise will help--pick something you like and do it at least 3-4 times a week.
Other stress relievers include taking up a hobby, adopting a pet, counseling, prayer, meditation, aromatherapy, deep breathing, acupuncture, massage therapy and yoga.
And extremely effective method is reprogramming your mental patterns so that when you want to fall asleep, no matter what time it may be, your inner chatter shuts off, the concerns of the day go away and your mental light bulb shuts off instantly.  The program Tranquil Sleep Now has proven to be a miracle for people all around the world
Try it now and within a few days -- and possibly the very first night -- you may never have sleep problems ever again.  Its function is to turn you into a person who automatically without effort, goes out like a light when you close your eyes to sleep.  It's like a mental sleeping pill.  And it works extraordinarily well.

2) Consider bio-identical HRT
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been a godsend for many perimenopausal and fully menopausal women.
In health reports from not only the Journal of the American Medical Association, but also from the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Harvard Medical and Stanford University, it's been stated that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can have long-term health benefits--including relief from menopausal-related sleep problems!
Unlike potentially dangerous synthetic hormones, your body has an easier time assimilating bio-identical hormones because they are identical in molecular structure to the hormones made by your body.
The catch is most mainstream medical doctors will look at you like you have two heads if you ask them about bio-identical HRT. Fact is, since it's a holistic therapy, most typical doctors haven't heard of it or will simply poo-poo it.
Your best bet is to seek out a holistic practitioner to help you.

3) Eat meals that are easily digested
This is the most obvious one of all. The best way to prevent poor digestion and having your sleep disturbed by a wrenching gut is to eat meals that your body can break down easily.
Now before you roll your eyes, hear me out: Eating right does NOT have to mean deprivation, eating bland meals or existing on "rabbit food."
Not when you use the Great Taste No Pain eating system, or if you have gluten issues, Great Taste No Gluten.
In the Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten manuals, I show you how to put together meals that your body can more efficiently break down.
Don't worry--it's easy and I spell everything out for you.
The best part about it is everything tastes FANTASTIC! You'll be shocked that eating for great digestion can taste this delicious.
And you'll LOVE no longer having to be propped up on pillows or walking the floor all night with your stomach on fire.

4) Enzyme supplementation
Poor digestion can also be the result of inadequate digestive enzymes.
This is especially common in people who take antacids or acid reducers, the elderly or people who have had a poor diet for years or decades.
Many people with digestive problems like acid reflux, gas, constipation and bloating have gotten tremendous relief by giving their body an occasional boost of enzyme help.
If you feel your enzymes need a little helping hand, Digestizol Max is here to help.
Digestizol Max has a feisty, potent blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes which assist your system in breaking down whatever you eat--protein, carbs, sugars, fats and fibers.
That can mean better digestion FAST and more restful sleep for YOU!

5) Magnesium and Vitamin E supplementation
Many people lose sleep from muscle cramps or restless legs.
If that includes you, taking 250 mg. of magnesium at night, plus 400-800 IUs of Vitamin E each day can be a big help.

6) Don't go to bed hungry
If you usually eat dinner a few hours prior to going to bed, by the time you hit the hay, you're probably not full but you're not hungry either...and chances are excellent your body will have enough nutrients for the slumber hours ahead.
On the other hand, if you skip meals and/or go to bed downright STARVING, your body will let you know that you need nutrients no matter what time it is.
Talk about an internal alarm clock!
So if you are truly hungry before you go to bed, a wise choice is to have a whole grain snack. Whole grains will help keep blood sugar levels steady throughout the night and increase serotonin levels in the brain.

7) Stay away from the sleep destroyers
The more you can avoid coffee, soda and alcohol before hitting the sheets, the better your chances of a good night's sleep.

Your days of being a night owl can finally be over!
If you have occasional poor sleep or even chronic insomnia, don't think that dangerous, addictive drugs are your only answer.
When you instead take a close look at what may be behind YOUR "night owl syndrome" and do something about it, your restless nights can come finally come to an end!
Ahhh...just imagine a peaceful night's sleep every single night.
That can be your reality sooner than you think.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS:  Norman's sleeping better and has no more acid reflux!
Hi Sherry,
I have tried your Great Taste No Pain plan and found instant relief from acid reflux. I also sleep better and longer, I've Iost over one stone in weight and I have more energy.
It has also helped relieve the pain of arthritis in my fingers and made me feel happier as I feel more in control of my wellbeing.
I was given drugs (acid reducers) and told to take them as and when I required them. I was not happy with the purpose of the drug as it stopped the production of acid which was intended to break down my food for digestion. It just did not make any sense at all.
I started searching the internet and came across your website. I have already mentioned to two friends to try your wonderful plan.
Sincere thanks,
Norman E.
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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Sirius documentary: Reported project financial improprieties and "Dead Man's Trigger" fabrication by Dr. Steven Greer undercut UFO/ET and New Energy mission

Sirius documentary: Reported project financial improprieties and "Dead Man's Trigger" fabrication by Dr. Steven Greer undercut UFO/ET and New Energy mission

Dr. Greer reportedly improperly “skimmed” project funds for personal real estate and sexual recreation.
Core insiders including Dr. Jan Bravo, Dr. Ted Loder (portrayed as supporters in Sirius) abandoned Dr. Greer prior to premiere. Some “in fear for their lives”.
“Dead Man’s Trigger” touted by Dr. Greer at outset of documentary is 33 page document (PDF below) containing apparent fabricated accusations.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
This is a second article in a series on UFO/ET Disclosure & the Transhumanist Agenda
VANCOUVER, BC – As a result of a 3-month investigation including core supporters of film, UFO/ET, and New Energy projects led by Dr. Steven Greer, [Sirius documentary, Disclosure Project, Orion Project] is reporting preliminary evidence of apparent project financial improprieties by Dr. Steven Greer that led to the departure of his long-time core team, including Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Ted Loder, portrayed in Sirius as supporters of Dr. Greer, when in fact they had reportedly disaffiliated with Dr. Greer prior to the premiere of the documentary Sirius.
Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Ted Loder
One confidential source in direct contact with former Greer core team members stated,
“[Steven Greer’s] core team has left. Besides the drugs and underage boys, he's [Greer’s] been taking the money meant for disclosure and free energy and using it to buy personal real estate, drugs and go on trips with boys. His [Greer’s] core team is really hurting, feel like they've left a cult. He's [Greer’s] turned on some of them maliciously and they are fearful of what he might do to them. They described also how they had many researchers come forth with viable technologies that Steven turned away because he wanted to use the $$ for other things - which turned out to be the aforementioned. Really sad all around.”
Referring to Drs. Jan Bravo and Ted Loder, the confidential source stated,
“Imagine how miserable it's been for them [Drs. Jan Bravo and Ted Loder] having to finally pull the plug on supporting the whole UFO/ET movement because Greer essentially hijacked the whole thing out of a perverted sense of pathological self-interest. Specifically, Jan has sacrificed her entire career and livelihood to move the entire UFO/ET movement forward as far as it has gone.”
Greer core team threatened and “afraid for their lives” after disaffiliating
The confidential source stated that some core team members who had disaffiliated with Dr. Greer were afraid for their lives. At one point, the source stated,
“The people who have left Greer's team are afraid for their lives. One of them had his brakes cut, etc.”
The confidential source also stated that former Greer associate Dr. Jan Bravo had been threatened following her disaffiliation with Dr. Greer.
“Jan Bravo said that she came home today to find on her front foyer some streaks of blood...and it didn't come from the dog. She considered it a warning and no more.”
“Jan doesn't want to alter her life. She interprets it as defeat if she has to change her way of life.”
When reached directly by for comment Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Ted Loder did not reply. Through the intermediary confidential source with whom had been dialoguing with Dr. Jan Bravo, Dr. Bravo stated,
“Jan [Dr. Jan Bravo] reiterated not to take action, especially by going public with anything shared to date…. unless it's Woolsey [former CIA Director James Woolsey] getting directly involved.... Greer [Dr. Steven Greer] has been throwing Woolsey's name around ever since Jim made the mistake of allowing Greer to join him and three other people for dinner, and Greer has blamed Woolsey for all sorts of stuff like blocking inventors from going forward with their technologies...complete B.S.”
Sirius film crew reportedly acknowledges Greer skimming project funds
The confidential source reported,
"Interesting meeting with the Sirius film production crew yesterday. They already knew he was skimming funds off the top from the Sirius pot of money."
Sirius documentary: Fabrications in Greer’s “Dead Man’s Trigger”
At the outset of the Sirius documentary, Dr. Greer greatly touts his “Dead Man’s Trigger”, a document he has created setting out individuals who might be responsible for his demise in the event that he was assassinated or threatened.
A copy of Dr. Greer’s “Dead Man’s Trigger”, a 38 page PDF document, obtained by in the course of this news investigation can be downloaded at the link below.
As featured in documentary film "Sirius", "Dead Man's Trigger" by Dr. Steven Greer

To download "Dead Man's Trigger" by Dr. Steven Greer (33 pages PDF), please click below:


The bulk of the “Dead Man’s Trigger” may have a familiar ring to those who are versed in Dr. Greer’s writings and speeches and simply repeats the assertions that are made in the Sirius documentary, in Dr. Greer’s speeches and books obtainable at the Disclosure Project website.
One specific fabrication of note in the Greer “Dead Man’s Trigger” is, however, that the individuals Todd Hathaway and Pete Sumaruck would be putatively responsible for any demise of Dr. Greer. has been informed that Todd Hathaway is in fact one of the individuals who has been comforting Dr. Jan Bravo after her disaffiliation from Dr. Greer. According to a confidential source, “If the day comes where all this comes out, the inventor who stood up to Greer is Pete Sumaruck.”
Therefore, it would appear that Dr. Greer’s “Dead Man’s Trigger” is actually structured around a false and misleading premise. In fact, the two individuals cited by Dr. Greer as being a putative “cause” of any demise of Dr. Greer are in fact (a) an individual who is giving comfort to Dr. Jan Bravo, a former Greer affiliate who is now being seriously threatened; and (b) a New Energy inventor who “stood up to Dr. Greer”.
Steven Greer, UFO/ET Disclosure & the Transhumanist Agenda
As stated in a recent article that focused on Dr. Steven Greer and two other specific opinion leaders in the UFO/ET movement, “The brain-mind entrainment data presented in this article, while preliminary in nature, raises prima facie questions about the future of the Exopolitical movement. If it is factually true that such opinion leaders in the UFO/ET "Disclosure" movement are brain-mind entrained due to manipulatory extraterrestrial or military-intelligence advance nanotechnology and hence acting out their controller's agendas, then this fact needs to be publicly exposed and discussed.”[1]
The preliminary evidence gathered in this article from direct eyewitnesses witnesses to financial improprieties by Dr. Steven Greer ranging from long time core supporters to the Sirius documentary film crew and some of whom are in fear for their lives gives rise to a prima facie presumption that they are being truthful.
One of the conclusions of the study on the Transhumanist Agenda in the UFO/ET movement stated, “The anomalous eye and body movements of Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer may be the result of remote advanced nano-mind control technology applied by military-intelligence agencies. Under this alternative, the brains, neurological systems, and personalities of Bassett, Huneeus and Greer are entrained by military-intelligence nano-mind control technologies to act out agendas of these agencies that in turn may be cybernetically directed by predatory dimensional extraterrestrials.”[2]
If in fact as the forensic evidence suggests, Dr. Greer is under brain entrainment and cybernetic control, and hence acting out an agenda of military intelligence agencies and/or predatory dimensional extraterrestrials, then this development may represent a public peril of the first order. It is difficult to speculate whether this brain-mind entrainment may have led to the reported financial irregularities by Dr. Greer. It seems clear, from the threats that former Greer former team members are subjected to, that some sinister force is attempting to ensure that these witnesses do not speak out.
Dr. Greer, the Sirius documentary and the Disclosure Project have a wide public profile. Such an opinion leadership makes Dr. Greer an ideal candidate for promoting “pseudo-disclosure”, or a continuation of demands for “official disclosure” that ensure that whistleblowers from actual, longstanding U.S-Extraterrestrial liaison and visitation programs are sidelined.

[1] UFO/ET Citizen Hearing witnesses Bassett, Huneeus and Greer’s anomalous eye movements may indicate brain-mind entrainment by manipulatory extraterrestrials or advanced military-intelligence nanotechnology as part of a global control agenda
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
[2] Ibid.

Kerry says US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition

Kerry says US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition

Published June 03, 2013

Fears about UN arms treaty

Could UN arms treaty infringe on US Constitution?

Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the Obama administration would sign a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, despite bipartisan resistance in Congress from members concerned it could lead to new gun control measures in the U.S.
Kerry, releasing a written statement as the U.N. treaty opened for signature Monday, said the U.S. "welcomes" the next phase for the treaty, which the U.N. General Assembly approved on April 2.
"We look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official translations is completed satisfactorily," he said. Kerry called the treaty "an important contribution to efforts to stem the illicit trade in conventional weapons, which fuels conflict, empowers violent extremists, and contributes to violations of human rights."
The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.
Still, gun-rights supporters on Capitol Hill warn the treaty could be used as the basis for additional gun regulations inside the U.S. and have threatened not to ratify.
Last week, 130 members of Congress signed a letter to Obama and Kerry urging them to reject the measure for this and other reasons.
"As your review of the treaty continues, we strongly encourage your administration to recognize its textual, inherent and procedural flaws, to uphold our country's constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, and to defend the sovereignty of the United States, and thus to decide not to sign this treaty," the lawmakers wrote.
The chance of adoption by the U.S. is slim, even if Obama goes ahead and signs it -- as early as Monday, or possibly months down the road. A majority of Senate members have come out against the treaty. A two-thirds majority would be needed in the Senate to ratify.
What impact the treaty will have in curbing the estimated $60 billion global arms trade remains to be seen. The U.N. treaty will take effect after 50 countries ratify it, and a lot will depend on which ones ratify and which ones don't, and how stringently it is implemented.
The United Nations has organized a high-level signing ceremony at U.N. headquarters on Monday -- a sign of the treaty's global importance -- and several dozen countries are expected to sign, the first step to ratification.
The Control Arms Coalition, which includes hundreds of non-governmental organizations in more than 100 countries that promoted an Arms Trade Treaty, said it expects many of the world's top arms exporters -- including Britain, Germany and France -- to sign alongside emerging exporters such as Brazil and Mexico. It said the United States is expected to sign later this year.
The coalition noted that more than 500,000 people are killed by armed violence every year and predicted that "history will be made" when many U.N. members sign the treaty, which it says is designed "to protect millions living in daily fear of armed violence and at risk of rape, assault, displacement and death."
Many violence-wracked countries, including Congo and South Sudan, are also expected to sign. The coalition said their signature -- and ratification -- will make it more difficult for illicit arms to cross borders.
The treaty covers battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons.
It prohibits states that ratify it from transferring conventional weapons if they violate arms embargoes or if they promote acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. The treaty also prohibits the export of conventional arms if they could be used in attacks on civilians or civilian buildings such as schools and hospitals.
In addition, the treaty requires countries to take measures to prevent the diversion of conventional weapons to the illicit market. This is among the provisions that gun-rights supporters in Congress are concerned about.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

IRS Scandal – Don't Lose Sight Of The Big Picture A speech to the Tea Party Unity Summit at the Capitol Visitors Center, Washington, D.C.

IRS Scandal – Don't Lose Sight Of The Big Picture
A speech to the Tea Party Unity Summit at the Capitol Visitors Center, Washington, D.C.
May 30, 2013
By Don Feder

If you think the Empire of Japan had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor, that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, that amnesties don’t encourage illegal immigration, and if you were shocked, shocked!, to learn that gambling was going on at Rick’s American Club in "Casablanca" – then you probably believe that the White House was in no way connected to the current IRS scandal.

Last week, Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller and Lois Lerner, formerly in charge of the IRS division that deals with foundations, testified before Congress.

Lerner told the House Oversight Committee: "I have not done anything wrong" but "I will not answer any questions or testify today." Taking the Fifth Amendment is just what you’d expect from someone who did nothing wrong – like the guys with organized-crime ties. Apparently, Lerner also did nothing wrong when she ran the enforcement office at the Federal Election Commission and went after the Christian Coalition with a vengeance.

Miller managed to testify without actually saying anything. He wouldn’t reveal who in the IRS had targeted conservative foundations (In an earlier interview, Lerner called it the work of "front line people"). In his testimony, Miller said the two-year vendetta against the Tea Parties and conservative groups was – are you ready for this?– "a foolish mistake" by "people trying to be more efficient."

In the name of efficiency, the IRS targeted somewhere between 300 and 500 Tea Party and conservative applicants for tax-exempt status.

Organizations were singled out for having "Tea Party," "pro-life" and "patriotic" in their name or saying they wanted to "make America a better place to live." This clearly marked them as a threat to national security which warranted extra scrutiny. If only we could get the more dubious Muslim groups in this country to add patriotic, pro-life and Tea Party to their names.

In an effort to operate more effectively, starting in 2010, the IRS took 27 months to rule on the tax-exempt status of targeted groups – roughly three times the average. In that period, 63% of Tea Party organizations ended up withdrawing their applications in frustration, severely limiting their funding.

Various applicants were asked to provide their membership lists, donor lists, names of volunteers, copies of speeches, minutes of meetings and handouts. At least one pro-life group was asked to have its leaders sign a pledge to never picket a Planned Parenthood clinic – making the IRS the enforcement arm of the abortion industry – another was asked about the content of members’ prayers.

It’s a wonder no one was asked if they’d ever had bad thoughts about the federal government, or adhered to the subversive doctrines found in documents like the U.S. Constitution and the Bible.

The IRS also targeted conservative foundations that already had C-3 status with audits and other forms of harassment. In some cases, it dragged in the FBI, OSHA and other federal agencies. Confidential information in C-3 applications was leaked to left-wing groups.

Equal before the law isn’t equal before the Internal Revenue Service. It took just 9 months for groups with "progress" or "progressive" in their titles – code words for big government worship– to have their applications approved, against over two years for Tea Parties. By the way, it took the IRS less than a month to rubber-stamp the application of the Barack H. Obama Foundation– and National Shrine.

No one will admit to knowing who drew up the list of groups singled-out for special treatment, other than unidentified rogue agents in the IRS Cincinnati office

The scapegoats in said office aren’t about to take the fall. One of them confidentially toldThe Washington Post: "Everything comes from the top. We don’t have any authority to make those decisions without someone signing off on them. There has to be a directive."

This confirms common sense. Does anyone really believe that low-level functionaries in a field office would devise a scheme so far-reaching, insidious and risky?

I would submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, that this administration knew exactly what it was doing when it put Lois Lerner in charge of tax-exempt organizations at the IRS. Based on past performance, it knew she’d do everything in her considerable power to sabotage the conservative movement and Tea Parties going into the 2012 election. There didn’t have to be a direct order.

Still, the president set the tone for this extraordinary abuse of power.

It is an astounding coincidence that the Tea Parties – which were Obama’s most effective critics in his first term – dominated the list of groups targeted by the IRS. In 2010 (the same year the IRS drew up its hit list), the president told Hispanics that they had to "punish our enemies" and "reward our friends." Such signals aren’t lost on ambitious bureaucrats.

The president is the most prominent disciple of neo-Marxist tactician Saul Alinsky. In his handbook, "Rules for Radicals" Alinsky advised maintaining "constant pressure on the opposition," also to "look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty." Other than being interviewed by the Spanish Inquisition, while stretched out on the rack, what’s more intimidating than an IRS audit?

The confidential information someone in the IRS leaked to leftist groups brings to mind the illegal disclosures which knocked out Obama opponents in the 2004 Illinois Senate campaign. In that contest – a steeping stone to the White House– the press somehow got ahold of sealed divorce and custody records – in one case alleging spousal abuse, in the other weird sex practices – which eliminated Obama’s principal opponents in both the primary and general-election contests. To this day, no one knows the source of those well-timed leaks. But we can guess.

Not to worry. The president has called the IRS targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups "outrageous and there’s no place for it," and he’s going to get to the bottom of it– just as soon as he figures out what happened at Fort Hood, Benghazi and the Boston Marathon.

It was recently disclosed that in 2010 and 2011, Miller’s predecessor, then IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, visited the White House 118 times – once a week for two years. Would anyone care to guess how many times Mike Everson, IRS Commissioner under George W. Bush, went to the White House from 2004 to 2007? Once. Nothing suspicious here.

In all of this, we must never lose site of the big picture. Regimes come and go. What doesn’t is our tax system, which grows more complex, onerous and oppressive every year. As time goes by, the Tax Monster we’ve created– over the course of a century – causes more chaos, wastes more resources, retards growth and serves as a potent weapon to use against enemies.

• The National Taxpayers Union estimates that the federal income tax costs the economy $240.8 billion annually. For 2013, the IRS budget alone is $13.6 billion.

• Completing 234 million tax forms consumes 6.7 billion hours a year, the equivalent of 3.35 million people working 40-hour weeks, with two weeks vacation, annually.

• There are 3,951,104 words in the current Tax Code, twice the number in the King James Bible, more than in the complete works of Shakespeare. The Code is supplemented by 20 volumes of rules and regulations, running 14,000 pages.

• For small businesses (with earnings of $50,000 to $100,000) the cost of compliance is the equivalent of 15% to 18% of their annual revenue – money which could be used to generate desperately needed new jobs.

• While estimates vary, the IRS has around 100,000 employees. Under Obamacare, besides normal growth, its ranks will swell by 16,500 over the next decade. In the words of Wednesday Adams in the movie "Adams Family Values" – "Be afraid. Be very afraid."

• Tax Freedom Day falls on April 18th this year. On average, it took the first 108 days of the year for you to earn enough to pay your federal, state and local taxes. Of course, if you’re lucky enough to live in a progressive paradise like New York or New Jersey, your servitude extended to May 6th and May 4th respectively.

• The progressive income tax punishes the most productive. The top 1% earn 17% of income but pay 37% of federal income taxes. The top 5% earn 32% and pay 59%. The bottom 50%– otherwise known as Obama voters – earn 13.5% of total income but pay an insignificant 2.3% of taxes. It makes perfect sense to take money from investors and entrepreneurs and give it to Washington, which will use it so wisely – to build bridges to nowhere, provide subsidized housing to illegal immigrants and buy $1,000 toilet seats.

• The federal income tax is structured in such a way as to virtually guarantee a huge bloc of votes for increasing benefits, and raising the taxes to pay for them.

Expose Obama? Of course. Reform the IRS? Absolutely. But don’t lose sight of the big picture – We’ve created a tax system that’s destroying the economy, turning the middle class into serfs and creating irresistible opportunities for political abuse. This all must end.

Judge Orders Google To Be Evil

Judge Orders Google To Be Evil

From Last Resistance....

A Federal Judge has ordered Google to hand over user information to the FBI in response to the FBI’s warrantless “National Security Letter requests that often also demand the users never be informed that their private information has been given to the Feds.
“CNET has learned that U.S. District Judge Susan Illston in San Francisco rejected Google’s request to modify or throw out 19 so-called National Security Letters, a warrantless electronic data-gathering technique used by the FBI that does not need a judge’s approval. Her ruling came after a pair of top FBI officials, including an assistant director, submitted classified affidavits. The litigation taking place behind closed doors in Illston’s courtroom — a closed-to-the-public hearing was held on May 10 — could set new ground rules curbing the FBI’s warrant less access to information that Internet and other companies hold on behalf of their users. The FBI issued 192,499 of the demands from 2003 to 2006, and 97 percent of NSLs include a mandatory gag order.”
I want terrorists stopped, arrested, and or killed as much as anyone else, but I thought we were defending our very civilization from foreign forces that have no respect for freedom and democracy. If some Al Qaeda associated terrorist group had issued a statement condemning America for the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, then we would see Americans line the streets chanting “USA” like they did in Boston after the police shut down the compliant city. Our own government has done far more to destroy the United States legal and social heritage than any Muslim could ever dream of. And they get to do it in secret courts we barely know about.
I have mixed feelings about Google. I don’t know to what extent they are really pushing back or just making sure they have legal cover for violating users’ privacy. I know that Google has cooperated with regimes that don’t allow privacy. But that is just the point: I remember Congress scolding Google over this.
“Legal representatives from Google, Yahoo, Cisco Systems and Microsoft MSN faced more than three hours of tough questioning today from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as the House of Representatives bared down on what some of its members perceive as troubling complicity in Chinese human rights violations.”
Well, how does a government avoid such abuses? By a list of “good guys” and “bad guys” that allows the good guys do anything it wants? If the American-favored dissidents in China took control of the government would it then be OK for Google and others to help them spy on their people?
Or should they establish a robust Fourth Amendment law that binds the government no matter who is in power? Like our Founders did!
Ironically, Obama is about to favor a sweeping push to remove privacy from the internet. As one objector put it: “We’ll look a lot more like China than America after this.” The very same government scolding Google for their cooperation in China is demanding it for the United States.

Whatever Google’s role, if the aim of the Islamic terrorists was to end the American civilization, marked by liberty and rule of law, then no one has cooperated with the terrorists more than the US Government in its counter-terrorism activities.

Definitive proof that 9-11 was an inside job

Subject: Definitive proof that 9-11 was an inside job

Richard Gage on 9-11 demolitions: 

A little bit of tender love and affection can save someone's Life

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators. 

Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.  Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle's health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw.  As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle's breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

Share the pic to show the world how a little bit of tender love and affection can save someone's Life.

Filing a claim for the JR Project

Hi all, There has been an email circulating about filing a claim in order to collect funds from your investment with the Jewell Robbins Project. Please stop and think about this before jumping the gun and consider what may happen as a result of taking this action. The JR Project is the largest financial transaction in the history of the world. Why would anyone trust the word of someone who would hide their own identity by simply signing this email from someone who calls herself "The Lunch Lady." Also, by sending your information to the District Court, do you realize how long this may be tied up in the "System"?  I just talked to the Rev. Vince Enoch who is working with Jewell's daughter and he told me everything is on schedule for the JR Project. He received that information from many people and he isn't concerned about that at all. I also talked to the District Court and all they know about this case, is that you can file a claim. If you are more concerned or think I am wrong about this, you may call the District Court at 859-887-1005. I think everyone should relax and wait to see what takes place this week regarding the Prosperity Programs and the Dinar RV. The information I have received from several sources is that this week will be very positive for our deliveries and that all of the other Humanitarian Programs are to follow. Thanks and God Bless. J L 

Current List Of The BilderCrooks Attendees.....Check The "Topics" And The USA Participants And THINK...

Current List Of The BilderCrooks Attendees.....Check The "Topics" And The USA Participants And THINK...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 3-Jun-2013 14:37:01

The key topics for discussion this year include:
• Can the US and Europe grow faster and create jobs?
• Jobs, entitlement and debt
• How big data is changing almost everything
• Nationalism and populism
• US foreign policy
• Africa’s challenges
• Cyber warfare and the proliferation of asymmetric threats
• Major trends in medical research
• Online education: promise and impacts
• Politics of the European Union
• Developments in the Middle East
• Current affairs

Current list of Participants
Status 3 June 2013
FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman and CEO, AXA Group

DEU Achleitner, Paul M. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
DEU Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Board, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd
GBR Agius, Marcus Former Chairman, Barclays plc
GBR Alexander, Helen Chairman, UBM plc
USA Altman, Roger C. Executive Chairman, Evercore Partners
FIN Apunen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
USA Athey, Susan Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business
TUR Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper
TUR Babacan, Ali Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs
GBR Balls, Edward M. Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
PRT Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA
FRA Barré, Nicolas Managing Editor, Les Echos
INT Barroso, José M. Durão President, European Commission
FRA Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
FRA Bavinchove, Olivier de Commander, Eurocorps
GBR Bell, John Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford
ITA Bernabè, Franco Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A.
USA Bezos, Jeff Founder and CEO,
SWE Bildt, Carl Minister for Foreign Affairs
SWE Borg, Anders Minister for Finance
NLD Boxmeer, Jean François van Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Heineken N.V.
NOR Brandtzæg, Svein Richard President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt
GBR Carrington, Peter Former Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings
ESP Cebrián, Juan Luis Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA
CAN Clark, W. Edmund President and CEO, TD Bank Group
GBR Clarke, Kenneth Member of Parliament
DNK Corydon, Bjarne Minister of Finance
GBR Cowper-Coles, Sherard Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc
ITA Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
BEL Davignon, Etienne Minister of State; Former Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings
GBR Davis, Ian Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & Company
NLD Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study
TUR Dinçer, Haluk President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S.
GBR Dudley, Robert Group Chief Executive, BP plc
USA Eberstadt, Nicholas N. Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute
NOR Eide, Espen Barth Minister of Foreign Affairs
SWE Ekholm, Börje President and CEO, Investor AB
DEU Enders, Thomas CEO, EADS
USA Evans, J. Michael Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co.
DNK Federspiel, Ulrik Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S
USA Feldstein, Martin S. Professor of Economics, Harvard University; President Emeritus, NBER
FRA Fillon, François Former Prime Minister
USA Fishman, Mark C. President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
GBR Flint, Douglas J. Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc
IRL Gallagher, Paul Senior Counsel
USA Geithner, Timothy F. Former Secretary of the Treasury
USA Gfoeller, Michael Political Consultant
USA Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
DEU Grillo, Ulrich CEO, Grillo-Werke AG
ITA Gruber, Lilli Journalist – Anchorwoman, La 7 TV
ESP Guindos, Luis de Minister of Economy and Competitiveness
GBR Gulliver, Stuart Group Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plc
CHE Gutzwiller, Felix Member of the Swiss Council of States
NLD Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
FIN Heinonen, Olli Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
GBR Henry, Simon CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
FRA Hermelin, Paul Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group
ESP Isla, Pablo Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group
USA Jacobs, Kenneth M. Chairman and CEO, Lazard
USA Johnson, James A. Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
CHE Jordan, Thomas J. Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank
USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC
USA Kaplan, Robert D. Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor
USA Karp, Alex Founder and CEO, Palantir Technologies
GBR Kerr, John Independent Member, House of Lords
USA Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
USA Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
NLD Knot, Klaas H.W. President, De Nederlandsche Bank
TUR Koç, Mustafa V. Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
DEU Koch, Roland CEO, Bilfinger SE
USA Kravis, Henry R. Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute
CHE Kudelski, André Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
GRC Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A.
INT Lagarde, Christine Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
DEU Lauk, Kurt J. Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin
USA Lessig, Lawrence Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University
BEL Leysen, Thomas Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group
DEU Lindner, Christian Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW)
SWE Löfven, Stefan Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP)
DEU Löscher, Peter President and CEO, Siemens AG
GBR Mandelson, Peter Chairman, Global Counsel; Chairman, Lazard International
USA Mathews, Jessica T. President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
CAN McKenna, Frank Chair, Brookfield Asset Management
GBR Micklethwait, John Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
FRA Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for International Relations
ITA Monti, Mario Former Prime Minister
USA Mundie, Craig J. Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation
ITA Nagel, Alberto CEO, Mediobanca
NLD Netherlands, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of The
USA Ng, Andrew Y. Co-Founder, Coursera
FIN Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc
GBR Omand, David Visiting Professor, King’s College London
GBR Osborne, George Chancellor of the Exchequer
USA Ottolenghi, Emanuele Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
TUR Özel, Soli Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper
GRC Papahelas, Alexis Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
TUR Pavey, Åžafak Member of Parliament (CHP)
FRA Pécresse, Valérie Member of Parliament (UMP)
USA Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
USA Petraeus, David H. General, U.S. Army (Retired)
PRT Portas, Paulo Minister of State and Foreign Affairs
CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. Chair, Torys LLP
INT Reding, Viviane Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission
CAN Reisman, Heather M. CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
FRA Rey, Hélène Professor of Economics, London Business School
GBR Robertson, Simon Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings
ITA Rocca, Gianfelice Chairman,Techint Group
POL Rostowski, Jacek Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister
USA Rubin, Robert E. Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
NLD Rutte, Mark Prime Minister
AUT Schieder, Andreas State Secretary of Finance
USA Schmidt, Eric E. Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
PRT Seguro, António José Secretary General, Socialist Party
FRA Senard, Jean-Dominique CEO, Michelin Group
NOR Skogen Lund, Kristin Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
USA Slaughter, Anne-Marie Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
IRL Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
GBR Taylor, Martin Former Chairman, Syngenta AG
INT Thiam, Tidjane Group CEO, Prudential plc
USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Thiel Capital
USA Thompson, Craig B. President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
DNK Topsøe, Jakob Haldor Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S
FIN Urpilainen, Jutta Minister of Finance
CHE Vasella, Daniel L. Honorary Chairman, Novartis AG
GBR Voser, Peter R. CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
CAN Wall, Brad Premier of Saskatchewan
SWE Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB
USA Warsh, Kevin Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
CAN Weston, Galen G. Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited
GBR Williams of Crosby, Shirley Member, House of Lords
GBR Wolf, Martin H. Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times
USA Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company
GBR Wright, David Vice Chairman, Barclays plc
INT Zoellick, Robert B. Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

AUT Austria INT International
BEL Belgium IRL Ireland
CAN Canada ITA Italy
CHE Switzerland NLD Netherlands
DEU Germany NOR Norway
DNK Denmark POL Poland
ESP Spain PRT Portugal
FIN Finland SWE Sweden
FRA France TUR Turkey
GBR Great Britain USA United States of America
GRC Greece

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Financial War Escalates With Riots in Turkey, a Blockade of European Central Bank, Assassination

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Financial War Escalates With Riots in Turkey, a Blockade of European Central Bank, Assassination
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Jun-2013 13:04:25

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
Financial War Escalates With Riots in Turkey, a Blockade of European Central Bank, Assassinations and Arrests Amid Clouds of Disinformation

Last week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.
In Asia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have all agreed on forcing regime change in North Korea, according to a senior Chinese government agent. This was confirmed by a gnostic Illuminati grandmaster and Russian FSB agent who said that Kim Jong-un would have to be removed. The North Koreans, now run by an elderly general, want peace.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, apart from the riots in Turkey and Russian troops in Syria, there were separate assassination attempts in Iran against President Mahmoud Ahmajidenad and his ally Saeed Jalili, according to the Mossad linked site Debka.
There are also 11 members of the One People’s Public Trust, the people behind the so-called galactics pushing for their version of a new financial system

Monday, June 3, 2013

Reproduced with permission from the blog of Benjamin Fulford

Last week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.
In Asia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have all agreed on forcing regime change in North Korea, according to a senior Chinese government agent. This was confirmed by a gnostic Illuminati grandmaster and Russian FSB agent who said that Kim Jong-un would have to be removed. The North Koreans, now run by an elderly general, want peace.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, apart from the riots in Turkey and Russian troops in Syria, there were separate assassination attempts in Iran against President Mahmoud Ahmajidenad and his ally Saeed Jalili, according to the Mossad linked site Debka.

There are also 11 members of the One People’s Public Trust, the people behind the so-called

 galactics pushing for their version of a new financial system on the run from both hitmen and 

law enforcement agents in Ethiopia, according to a CIA source. A senior Italian P2 Lodge 

member says the people in Ethiopia are there in an effort to find the “original Ark of the 

Covenant.” At least both sides agree that there is some form of high level intrigue going on in

 Ethiopia of all places. We will try to find out more next week.

Meanwhile, a member of the Dragon family came forth this week to provide some background. The man who goes by the name Count Albert but insists he is not the fraudulent “Count Albert Zvonko Berdik” sent by the Federal Reserve Board to Hong Kong a while ago. According to him, the Dragon family goes back 3400 years and is headed by a single individual going by the code name M1. He says the Dragon family has now formed an alliance with the Five Star Trust run by the non-Bush part of the CIA.
He also says that China has already started to use new energy technology to turn the desert regions of China green.
In any case, what Count Albert says fits in with claims by Chinese, Russian and British Agents about high level anti-cabal moves around the world.
In the Anglo Saxon world, for example, there is a push to remove politicians believed to be Sabbatean agents. In particular Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is under criminal investigation,

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is charged with stealing his last election

and British Prime Minister David Cameron is under attack for involvement in war crimes among other things.

There is also a still festering sex scandal in the UK that has embroiled 81 BBC staffers but has yet to reel in any politicians.

However, it is just a matter of time before politicians start coming down like dominoes, the MI5 source says.
There is also a renewed push to remove Rockefeller front man Obama from the US presidency, according to multiple US agency and military sources. At the recent national conference of Sherriffs, for example, it was proven that that the only birth document Obama has ever publicly prevented is a fraud.
Here is a summary of the evidence as sent to me a while back by Dr. Michael Van de Meer in what turned out to be his last e-mail to me before he was killed:

Now, I couldn’t care less about the President’s Birth Certificate, which was a story first dredged up by Hillary Clinton during their bitter Presidential campaign. However, since the White House has made such a ridiculous display of claiming to produce it, please read this over and tell me what you think. If you honestly think this is just plain stupid, then point out why these 4 questions shouldn’t matter. I’ll wait….
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called ‘Negroes.’ So how can the Obama ‘birth certificate’ state he is ‘African-American’ when the term wasn’t even used at that time? The correct term would be “Malado” one black parent, one white parent
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth …as August 4, 1961 It lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama’s father was born in “Kenya, East Africa”. This wouldn’t seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth, and 27 years after his father’s birth.
How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the “British East Africa Protectorate”.
3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital”.
This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called “KauiKeolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?
4. Why hasn’t this been discussed in the major media?
Perhaps a clue comes from Obama’s book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II. I’m not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama’s “birth certificate” says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when he was born. That should have put his father’s date of birth approximately 1936. Now we need a non-revised history book—one that hasn’t been altered to satisfy the author’s goals—to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945.
Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn’t have been more than 9. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes (still qualifies as a “liar”).
There can be no doubt the United States political system has been destroyed and the only hope for that country lies with the law enforcement agencies and the pentagon. Please, kick the bums out.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is scheduled to meet Obama later this week in California. No doubt the cabal will offer everything that China wishes in an effort to get the Chinese to continue propping up the bankrupt corporate D.C. government. Several sources claim the cabal will once again offer world rule to the Chinese communist government.
No doubt the Bilderbergers meeting in England just before this summit have put high hopes on a Chinese/Sabbatean cabal alliance to rule the world.
However, the Russians, Indians and Japanese, who all share borders with China, have already formed military alliances and are making is very clear they are not going to go along with cabal plans to offer world control to China. The Chinese also are smart enough to know the cabal will only lift them up until they get a chance to betray them.
The situation in the Middle East is also quickly spinning out of cabal control. The riots in Turkey were about Turkish government support for Bush faction Al CIAda terrorists in Syria using chemical weapons like Sarin gas and not about some shopping mall. Russian troops are on the ground in Syria to prevent the Nazi/Muslim brotherhood takeover and to ensure that Israel does not set off any more nuclear bombs.
Overall, what we are witnessing is chaos as the old cabal power structures continue to unravel. It will be a confusing time. In any case, expect more turbulence in the coming weeks as battles continue between agents on the ground, armies on the march and protestors on the streets.
As usual there is a lot we cannot report but you will notice more and more senior cabal members vanishing from public view over the coming weeks. There is nowhere either on or off this planet for them to hide and surrender is their only option.
The good guys are winning but we need to push hard on all fronts until it is truly over.
Also, beware of June 11, there is likely to be something very nasty planned by the cabal for 611 and we need to make sure it does not happen.

Ben Fellows goes missing following threats.

Ben Fellows goes missing following threats.
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Monday, 3-Jun-2013 11:14:46
In Response To: Satanists Control Britain With Blackmail (FreePlanet)

JUNE 3RD 2013 UPDATE: Ben Fellows goes missing! Liberty Tactics conducted a special interview with Julie Fellows, Ben's wife, this morning. Audio at link below.
By the 28th of May, Ben and his wife decided to leave London and to drive to a safe house. On arrival to the safe house, the couple were told that the safe house had been compromised, so Ben decided to leave on his own for fear of harm coming to his wife. He arranged to stay with a friend at a location known to Ben and his Wife.
However, nothing has been heard from Ben since he left on the 28th of May. This morning (3rd of June), Ben Fellows’ wife received word from the friend whom Ben was to stay with, who alerted her that Ben never arrived.