Tuesday, June 4, 2013

HISAdvocates.org: Contracts and Living in the Private

HISAdvocates.org: Contracts and Living in the Private

Sunday June 9, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
Add to Calendar

This is an online event. You will be able to see and hear the teaching. We will also make available a streaming copy of the event for a period of 30 days. We understand that not everyone will be able to purview the event live.
Sunday June 9th from 1:00-5:00 PM PST

  • Complete explanation of what is a US Citizen
  • Breakdown on Who You Are
  • What is the Republic
  • What are the laws that get us into the jurisdiction of the US Corporation?
  • What are adhesion contracts?
  • What should you do with your Dr. License, Birth Certificate, Social, Bank Accounts etc...
  • How do you create Private Associations/Foundations/Ministries?
  • How do you act in commerce?
  • How do you read/interpret sign all documents/contracts?
  • How to have a private association bank account?
  • How not to contract with the courts.
  • What words are used to trick us into contracts?
All this for only 39.00 Registration.
The event will be stream-able for 30 days. 

Holder Laid the Groundwork for “Too Big to Jail” In 1999

Holder Laid the Groundwork for “Too Big to Jail” In 1999
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 10:18:52
Attorney General Has Been Lobbying for a Get-Out-Of-Jail Card for Big Banks and their Bosses for 14 Years
Everyone knows that Eric Holder – the head of the Department of Not-Much Justice – has said that the big banks are too big to jail.
And many people know that – prior to becoming the Attorney General – Holder was a partner at a big firm which did some despicable things to represent the big banks and MERS.
But Holder’s see-no-evil act actually started more than a decade ago.
Specifically, in 1999, as Deputy Attorney General, Holder wrote a memo arguing against prosecuting large financial service companies:
Prosecutors may consider the collateral consequences of a corporate criminal conviction in determining whether to charge the corporation with a criminal offense.
One of the factors in determining whether to charge a natural person or a corporation is whether the likely punishment is appropriate given the nature and seriousness of the crime. In the corporate context, prosecutors may take into account the possibly substantial consequences to a corporation’s officers, directors, employees, and shareholders, many of whom may, depending on the size and nature (e.g., publicly vs. closely held) of the corporation and their role in its operations, have played no role in the criminal conduct, have been completely unaware of it, or have been wholly unable to prevent it. Further, prosecutors should also be aware of non-penal sanctions that may accompany a criminal charges, such as potential suspension or debarment from eligibility for government contracts or federal funded programs such as health care. Whether or not such non-penal sanctions are appropriate or required in a particular case is the responsibility of the relevant agency, a decision that will be made based on the applicable statutes, regulations, and policies.
Virtually every conviction of a corporation, like virtually every conviction of an individual, will have an impact on innocent third parties ….
Matt Taibbi points out that – when the Department of Justice subsequently prosecuted accounting giant Arthur Andersen for covering up Enron’s fraudulent schemes – Anderson ran with Holder’s argument, and threatened the DOJ “using their employees as human shields”.
Specifically, Andersen said that – unless the DOJ dropped the prosecution – innocent Andersen employees would lose their jobs.
Andersen was prosecuted and convicted, and some innocent employees – as well as the big time fraudsters – lost their jobs. Since then, the Justice Department has gotten so gun-shy that we basically haven’t had any criminal indictments against a large financial services company since then.
In the wake of the recent revelations that the big banks manipulate virtually every market in the world, and that HSBC blatantly laundered drug cartel money, Holder has said that we can’t indict big companies because that might harm the U.S. or world economy.
And Matt Taibbi notes that – for the first time - Holder is now saying that not only can’t we indict the companies, but we can’t even indict any of the individual criminals at the companies. In other words, Holder is implementing a permanent shield for employees and executives at large institutions.

Updates from Morocco: Life, the RV and everything!

Updates from Morocco: Life, the RV and everything!

Gooooooood morning from Morocco!

Tangier Sunrise

Well my awesome friends, I know I've been MIA for a while now and it's been frustrating more than a few of you not to know what's going on.  I'm up at some god forsaken hour this morning (with a sick 3 year old) so have a perfect opportunity to sit quietly attempt to organize my thoughts into a coherent post.... note the word "attempt", lol!

The past few months has brought me to a very different place internally. The internal change of focus was greatly heightened when I stepped foot in North Africa.  I'm not the only one to experience this- and I'm not just referring to this group of nomads that landed here in Morocco in the past couple of weeks.  All over the planet, people are suddenly finding themselves questioning everything in their lives: questioning their priorities, questioning who they thought they were, questioning what they are doing/believing/saying....  I receive emails almost daily from people who've suddenly found themselves wondering what the hell they are suppose to be doing, or who've found them selves drawn to just up and move to a new location- sometimes hundreds if not thousands of miles away.  It's like a Siren Call that you cannot ignore. A Knowing that you need to BE some place else.  An indescribable force that pulls  and pushes until you place yourself where it wants you to go- internally or externally. The Universe is Calling...... and it doesn't seem to have a snooze button that will allow you to doze for just a few more moments.

I am here in Morocco, with all my family, because this is where the universe told me to be.  It started over a month ago, when I awoke from an energy "zap nap" KNOWing that I would see Heather (and her family) very very soon.  Three days later, I awoke from another "zap nap" KNOWing that I would see the "Bridge Crew" altogether very very soon.  I didn't worry about the "hows" or "Whats" or the "whos" etc...  I just Knew. I set the intention that I would be in Morocco, and then started packing.  The next few weeks was a "magical" exercise in manifestation as every single thing I needed to do or organize or accomplish fell into place with no stress, worry or doubt.  Two weeks- that's pretty much how long it took to pack up our lives and move across the globe and drop our family into North Africa.... my husband is still shaking his head and trying to figure out how I did it.

It wasn't Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo Magic.  It was simply setting the intent and releasing all expectations and then allowing the universe to come and play with me.  Just for shits and giggles, I went back and read the article of Brian's that I posted way back in April called "The Law of Detachment"- I suggest that you all give it a read again as it pretty much sums up the past month of my life in the realm of releasing expectations on the grandest of scales. All of us who are here, in Tangier, are here because the intent was set to be here and the Universe drew us together- we are HERE together because that is where we are suppose to BE.

Now, a lot of you want to know what we are doing.  You are asking for updates and details and all of us here have been sort of floundering:  How do you describe what we've been DOing since we arrived?!  Words really don't convey it.  We've been doing energy work, dimensional work, Healing, vortexing, cleansing, communing, loving & laughing..... like I said, the words really don't express anywhere even remotely close to the reality we have been experiencing.  So..... we decided to start filming our DOing. We will be posting raw unedited footage of our daily work so that you can SEE it.  Don't expect professional cinematography or pristine well rehearsed footage - hell, I haven't even brushed my hair in the past 3 days, lol- what you will get will be unedited for the most part because we want YOU to see and be part of what is happening here.  Many of you are already here with us, working in your dream/meditation state, and I know that as you watch some of this video footage, you will have  some "AHAH!!!!!" moments of resonance. It might be the flashing image in a dream you had, or an instant of "deja vu"..... and we want to hear about it.

We started filming  Thursday when I relayed to Sue (who has since returned to England) the intense visualization I experienced the night before, then we sat down to go into the energetics of it and work it through.  A few more conversations have been filmed since then as well..... but we need to get use to the idea of keeping cameras and phones handy for those impromptu moments of clarity and intense conversations/energy exchanges, because we keep looking at each other and saying "Damn!  we should of filmed that!!!".... but we'll get better at this, I'm sure!

Bob Wright arrived yesterday afternoon and we filmed him taking a few steps, then receiving his first healing treatment, followed by him taking a few more steps afterwards- the difference is remarkable!!  Being surrounded by energy workers and healers brings a whole new clarity to life let me tell you!  One of the biggest "projects" we are working on is the creation of a Healing Centre.  We've already picked the location and now the intent is set to bring it into manifestation.  This will be a major change in the way that healing is done and looked at and experienced. We are also about to start work on free energy systems design and implementation.  We are being the change that we wish to see in the world..... and so much more than that!

Very soon we will be heading south to the Sahara Desert- probably next week.  We've been working energetically/dimensionally there for the past month.  So have many of you, lol!  Dreaming of sand dunes and rocky mountain craigs? Dreaming about men dressed in blue robes?  Hang onto those so called "dreams" because they are about to manifest in reality!  I'm not sure what kind of internet we'll have on the outskirts of the desert, but we'll be keeping you all up to date as much as possible and filming everything. All will be made visible very soon.

Speaking of being "made visible"..... I'll give another update on what's going on with the RV etc..... If you listened to the TCI radio show last Tuesday- you can listen the 2.5 hour show HERE, or read the transcription HERE- then you know that Heather spoke extensively about the RV and SwissIndo.  The Revaluation of currencies, ie: IQD RV, is very important and I've copied the RV info here:

Heather: Okay so as far as the re-evaluations that was the other clarification. Even in the RVs right now you have the guys up the top who are very confused because the RVs aren’t pushing through and now their energy it’s almost it feels like an internal harvesting within their own groups.
Okay I’m sorry. So the guys at the top are starting to crash as far as energetic because this should have gone a long, long time ago. So what I would like to do is clarify the particular re-evaluations and not one particular currency because it’s all tied in together.
Okay, the RVs have nothing behind the RVs and you have Basel III right? Everyone has to you know use their own in-ground assets – don’t pull them out though. Well every time they pull in-ground assets out, they just sort of disappear. So if you keep them in-ground all of a sudden you can just point to them because every time they pull them out they disappear and them they don’t have them and they can’t actually show everyone you know when they come forward and say they want to see our gold. And the gold’s not there and they can’t show them.
So you have these re-evaluations and they’re supposedly based on physical assets, on tangible assets. Well, none of the titles are there. They have no ownership, there’s no underwriting to the re-evaluations. No underwriting at all, but here’s the thing, they can underwrite – any embodiment can underwrite the re-evaluations; any of them.
However for the groups, the ‘divines’ or any other roles that we’ve (inaudible) powers that were, they don’t underwrite them because there’s a limited value that they see that they have and they want more and more and more but they don’t know how to generate it themselves. If they do know how to generate it themselves they still don’t want to use it because they want to use everyone else’s that’s just how the hierarchies and the structures have gone for eons, for the experiment; for this moment NOW.
Okay, so any embodiment can go and underwrite it. And the more you give for the highest good of every embodiment, the more your abundance flows. So, you can have just one embodiment underwrite all other embodiments and RVs can go; however whoever underwrites that RV actually technically under legal systems that formerly existed owns everything and they can dictate how things go.
Okay, so there was a post that D had done and she left one piece out. But it was a post essentially where I said something and then we lost our signal and I was laughing saying “I think everyone just fell out of their chairs and no one is manning the monitors.” So I understood that anyone, any embodiment could underwrite the RV so I had said the part that she left out. was I said “Okay, I’ll give them my signature, I’ll underwrite it.” So that it can go, cause I know it’s a tool.
There are so many embodiments that are really have hung their hat on that RV, they hung their hat on the RV saying that once it happened they could then DO. They could then BE. So if that’s the tool that the people need, fine. I’ll underwrite it. And this is all about energy. The value systems and the part that you saw which was the monetary system, it is all energetic. I think even Keenan and those guys finally admitted they were so excited “Heather doesn’t want the Global Collateral Accounts” (laughing) it’s because it was already gone. It was already irrelevant.
And then they sort of had this aha moment and then they got really mad again and said “Well what is money, it’s just energy – it’s a representation of energy”. So everyone is sort of getting it now. So I said I would give my signature that’s what I said and that’s when D and I lost all the stuff and I started laughing because I could really hear people falling out of their chairs and nobody was manning the monitors and phone calls were happening and here’s the thing. Yes I know that if I underwrite it, or any embodiment underwrites it, which everyone has the power to do, you then own the entire system and where it goes. But, then again in my case I have no interest in owning anything. I have no interest in doing anything other than IMpowering every embodiment so that’s where it all goes. And once you state something, this is absolute current, this is absolute transparency in this moment in this finale.
Okay so what happens is, that if I underwrite it they already know where it’s gonna go. They know it’s gonna go to every embodiment and that the parts of the slavery systems, the former systems that you did not see, they know what’s going to happen there too because it’s the same thing; the energetics. And that’s what every moment of INnforcement has been that at least I’ve been consciously DO’ing.,
Going within their ranks and causing certain events so they start asking questions within their own ranks. And they start looking at data that was not visible before. So for the perceived galactics for instance it was hearing for the first time me swinging inter consciousness that the Akashic Records have been altered and manufactured, fabricated in some parts; and that there was a clean set. Once I swung in that there was a clean set that’s what they did, they went and compared. They went and started asking questions and then you could see in a lot of the purported channellings and messages and everything else there was sort of a moment of chaos, almost a feeling of conflict, a feeling of questioning. And then it evens out because you have a lot of people campaigning. And that’s okay because it was all a part of everyone moving to absolute truth but via their own tools of resonance.
So with this RV, here’s how it goes. I, if anyone underwrites it and then sends it out, because it’s already delivered, that’s a part of the Absolute Plan; it was already delivered before the experiment began and it’s just swinging it into focus and everybody being aware of it.
Okay and I’ll give you what you guys would call a 3D example, Chris and Lisa and Bob is that for instance you have the purported IRS, the alleged IRS or any purported tax authority body. If they can’t show their authority they can’t show their standing and they demand that you pay something and now we have these reports that supposedly some members of the IRS are actually admitting that taxes, at least for the IRS are voluntary. Right!
So if everyone stopped paying these ‘voluntary’ payments, all of a sudden they wouldn’t have the ability, they wouldn’t have anyone paying energy into them for them to be able to do any kind of unlawful or illegal ENforcement. Right, it’s kind of the same thing with the financial system, the banks and everything else. My goal was always been, nothing, no manifestation of energy is ever wasted, there’s always purpose and everything has the opportunity to repurpose itself in this moment because it is all absolutely eternal essence embodied. And if I can’t recognise an embodiment as being eternal essence then I do negate and null and void and cancel out my own eternal essence. I’m not prepared to do that. I’m not willing to do that.
So, the RV absolutely. I would underwrite it and I’ve no problem, even if my value I find out later is limited in some way, I still would do it and I’ve already put out there that I would and any embodiment can do that - any embodiment. And you actually draw behind you anything you spend energy-wise or any representation of your energy, anything you spend when it is for the highest good of all, it magnetically draws behind it all abundance, exponentially, and perpetually. That’s all there is, is abundance – absent limits.
So that’s with the RV. I know that there are a lot of the upper-ups within the RV that are very confused, very upset, very drained and tired. So with absolute love there’s the data and everyone can go and review the data, dissect the data, see what resonates within and see what other data points there are to verify what is, because absolute truth verifies and vets, the same from every point on the sphere of absolute truth

.... and let me tell you, that little announcement over the airwaves caused quite a stir in the realms and offices of the PTW!!!  Suddenly there was a huge pregnant pause as everything seemed to screech to a halt as they frantically analysed the info and tried to figure away around it.  That's fine, because everything "they" do, they DO for the absolute plan- regardless of whether they know it or not, lol!  At this stage in the game, there is nothing "they" can do that ISN'T part of the absolute plan.  Everything is speeding forward again now.  So called "Important people" are signing important documents, and making visits to  cities of note and meeting with other "important people" and toasting their success. The US received what should be their final slap down from China when they tried to renege (yet again) on their promises, but after Lew finished kissing all their asses and grovelling on the floor, apparently China has agreed to moved forward with the RV....  but with their appointed watchdog in charge.  We'll see how that plays out.  As for timing... well we've been sitting at the 23:59:59 moment for the past few weeks.  All it takes is someone to have the balls to stand up and take responsibility- it has to be done in full transparency and for the highest good of EVERYONE or whomever is standing in that place of  liability is toast.  Considering the fact that we've been sitting at one second to the midnight hour for weeks now, I think that should tell you something about just how 'transparent" and "humanitarian" all these idiots actually are, as they stand around like a bunch of juveniles pushing each other and saying "no you put your finger in the light socket first".

But all is good my friends.  Regardless of what people are yammering about, the "RV" is about to be public knowledge- along with announcements of Basal III globally.  With the release of the new currency exchange rates that will reflect their so called worth, will come other announcements.  Oh none of them will actually be transparent or truthful, but you'll all see right through the lies and posturing very very quickly.  The Greatest Contrast- Just like I've been saying for months.

So, get your popcorn ready, because their show is about to begin.  And THEN... once they are boo'ed off the stage in a barrage of rotten eggs and vegetables, ... the REAL Show will begin.

..... Have I mentioned that I'm having the best time of my life in this moment of NOW?!?  Oh Darlins, life is about to get sooooooooooooo much more fun!!!

I have lots more to add to this, but I'm out of coffee now and will have to wander down to Heather's house and beg some from her, before I can continue. .... I think that Lisa and I will record something later this afternoon.

 My Soul Family is HERE and life totally ROCKS!!

2 years after groundbreaking, project to build new US-Mexico border crossing is stalled

2 years after groundbreaking, project to build new US-Mexico border crossing is stalled
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 10:10:22
TORNILLO, Texas — Jesse Grado walks cautiously past a welder whose work throws off a spray of brilliant sparks as construction crews lay slabs of concrete for a bridge over the Rio Grande. The leader of the project points to an empty void — the point where the six-lane span abruptly ends 30 feet above the river.
Beyond the pavement is nothing but miles of Mexican farms, dirt and desert.
By June, this was supposed to be the site of a massive new customs-and-immigration facility that would provide a fourth international border crossing to handle U.S.-bound commercial traffic from Ciudad Juarez, one of North America’s biggest manufacturing hubs.
Planners had hoped the $96 million undertaking would be an economic boon, attracting manufacturing plants and long lines of trucks that currently use two congested crossings between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso.
But nearly two years after a ceremonial groundbreaking, not a shovel of dirt has been moved south of the border. The Mexican government has not allocated any money for its share of the work, so the bridge building is stalled — with no timetable for completion.
In the meantime, truckers say they won’t be lured away from the established crossings until this remote farmland draws more industry. That could take years.
“To me, it does not make any sense,” said Manuel Sotelo, truck company owner and president of the Ciudad Juarez freight truck association. “It’s one of those projects made by someone at a desk in Washington.”
Truckers hauling cargo from Ciudad Juarez say using the bridge would require them to make an hour-long drive east to the new crossing then spend another hour traveling back to cargo terminals in El Paso, Texas, to unload.
So far, the border community of Tornillo has secured no agreements with industry. For now, it offers little but fields of cotton and alfalfa. The scene is similar across the river in the tiny town of Guadalupe, Mexico.
Still, local officials hope that by building the crossing first, commercial traffic will come later. They cite the success at the Santa Teresa port of entry, which was built 20 years ago in New Mexico in a similarly remote area.
About 15 years after the crossing opened, a huge industrial park that houses manufacturing giant Foxconn was built a few hundred yards from the inspection stations. It has since attracted more businesses.
Once the infrastructure is complete, they’ll have to take a fresh look at this,” said Vince Perez, an El Paso County commissioner representing the district where the bridge is being built. “A port of entry is a once-in-a-lifetime project.”
The two farming communities have been pushing for the Tornillo-Guadalupe international bridge for the last 16 years to replace a 1920s-era wooden bridge. Once the new span is finished, the federal government plans to transfer customs and immigration personnel to the adjoining 117-acre complex.
In July 2011, American and Mexican officials showed up with golden shovels and delivered speeches about the promising future for the surrounding communities. Cesar Duarte, governor of the Mexican state of Chihuahua, pledged that construction would start two months later.

Reader sends link from Former White Hat (remember him?) re: TimeQuake

Reader sends link from Former White Hat (remember him?) re: TimeQuake
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 16:21:52
From reader WW:
FWH says there is a "time quake" going on, see:

I have felt some of these anomalies before ..like on Wednesday afternoons here...there is a weather/emergency test siren that occurs at 1 PM. About 2 years ago I heard if happen 'twice in one day'. Although some people claim the city (Fort Worth) had a siren/alert malfunction ..I know otherwise. We are connecting to a very different realm that is "deeply a-temporal" and needs "markers" to correct for bad or questionable data/info transfers. These "density-shift" markers can be most anything ..and I fully believe that 9-11 was a major "reinitialization marker"...that a complete universe can be created from a significant information-space events ..and this appears to us as a "inflated universe"...an emotional tag structure connected to s series of related networks. Why these events? They are but a pedestal for the "Bride of Heaven"..a new form of existence, in 12th density-dimensionality that needs not only "time-space as a inter-dimensional foundation grid/matrix" but also as a fountain of emotional resolve ..where fears become love objects ..and events requiring the existence (of unknowns) become "true-love" structures...for/from the immediate signature of our higher selves. Should we FEAR anything here? YES ..that we are NOT or will not be inside our TRUE TEMPLE when these events occur. IF you have become separated from GD (not 'all that IS' ..matrix language ..NOT biblical) ..RECONNECT ..give something to the LORD ...to your church...to a dear friend. Establish your substance ..and HOLD your position so that you can STAND when asked. Mr. Fusion ask all your emailers ..if they know what it means to "STAND on the Blood of Jesus."
*( ...go see the 'new Dorothy':
http://variety.com/2013/film/news/the-wizard-of-oz-gets-3d-imax-release-for-75th-anniversary-1200491909/ )

MrFusion adds:
And don't miss the following incomparable materials from the Former White Hat site:

Travel Back to 1776: Tesla, Ike, The Speech of the Unknown, and the TimeQuake

First Earth Battalion Field Manual


COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part One of a Series

This is what has been happening to lots of kids atarting years ago...

Part One of a Series

by Sherman H. Skolnick
This series going to deal with the following:
===Cocaine and Coca-Cola ===Coca-Cola and the espionage/mafia cartel ===Coca-Cola's reputed spy apparatus inside their enemy's camp in an important unpublicized blockbuster court case against the soda pop monster ===malign if not corrupt influence on the Courts ===Coca-Cola as "Big Brother" and the Echelon worldwide spy machine.
From the beginning, Coca-Cola always had a trace of cocaine. Early in the 20th Century it became part of a now forgotten prosecution of the soda bubble water drink. Over the years, doctors treating stomach ailments quietly used a mixture containing Coca-Cola syrup base. Of course, NOT used by doctors, who knew the score, was the base for Pepsi-Cola, Royal Crown Cola, or for that matter, any of the other fizz drinks. Savvy sorts, when they ran short of Drano, knew to pour Coca-Cola down their home plumbing. The acids in Coke cleared the plumbing almost as good as the high-priced hardware store stuff. Nutritionists raised their eyebrows. What does Coca-Cola do to the human plumbing?
Coke advertised with scenes of sports stars, speed boat enthusiasts, and such. To give the impression that Coke adds to a vibrant, healthy life. Yet Coke rightfully cannot make any nutrition claims. At least that is what their critics swear by and swear at.
Hey, how come Drano and other pipe-uncloggers, do not also advertise with speed boat pictures, sports stars, and such?
Some years ago, I interviewed on tape, a top official of the firm that makes the secret Coca-Cola base. That is Stepan Chemical, headquartered in the north suburb of Chicago, Northfield, and with plants elsewhere. They are the largest importer in the western world of coca leaves, used for Coke's base. A by-product, as admitted by the Stepan boss, is cocaine sold by them to the pharmaceutical industry. Does any of it also slip by as contraband? In the 1970s, some alternative journalists began heckling cocaine-linked Stepan Chemical. He said he was aware of the criticism of Stepan regarding cocaine. He could not go into it too far, he said, because of reasons of "national security". Or did he really mean, "Stepan security"? The bosses of Stepan have always been close to the Daley family that since the mid-1950s, with just a short hiatus, runs Chicago's city hall machine.
Early on in their history, The Coca-Cola Company assisted the U.S. in espionage. When the company set up bottling plants and distribution facilities in a new country, sent in were spy operatives. The place to hang their hat was the offices and plants, worldwide, of the much ballyhooed drink. The cocaine trace made it addictive. So did the sugar content, according to some nutritionist. With the U.S. Senate subcommittee hearings on Iran-Contra late in the 1980,s, the CIA-Coca-Cola link was dealt with. In Nicaragua, for example, those with CIA, when the Senate subcommittee asked, where with local offices of The Coca-Cola Company. By the end of the 20th Century, Coke bought about a billion dollars a year in advertisements in the monopoly press, even more when you add up their so-called "independent" subsidiaries.
Coke reportedly uses worldwide, mafia-type strong-arms to assure distribution and wreck competitors. Such as making soda pop competitors' refrigerator units in stores to over-night, disappear. In some places it is the traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. In other places, former Soviet Secret Police agents the KGB, like in the U.S. and current Russia, called the mafiya. Elsewhere used reportedly are the numerous Japanese underworld, the Yakuza.
Feeding on lush revenue of Coke ads, the press whores are not about to run news items or documentaries pointing out the reportedly close link between The Coca-Cola Company, covert operations of the American CIA, and the criminal cartel.
A key player, reportedly combining covert operations and the soda pop, was Roberto Goizueta. A Cuban, he started with the firm at their Havana offices in 1954. From 1980 to about the time of his death in 1997, Goizueta was at the helm of the spy-pop witches brew, operating in most every place on the globe. Through stock options he became a billionaire.
Goizueta's father was a Cuban sugar plantation dictator. Cuba was the major source of cane sugar used in the cola drink. Because of the ferment for change, needed was a new front man in Cuba. Batista, and the mafia, and the wealthy criminal families sucking the sugar blood out of Cuba, had overplayed their hand. So the American CIA, with the help of their reputed Atlanta-based adjunct, The Coca-Cola Company, installed their darling, Fidel Castro, a popular hero. When, like Frankenstein's monster, he turned against his creators, they plotted to overthrow Castro and assassinate him. It was 1961 and it was called the Bay of Pigs operation. The Coca-Cola Company and other old-time imperial firms having an entrenched interest to have Cuba as a puppet colony, participated with CIA. Aiding them was Claire Boothe Luce, wife of the boss of the Time-Life Magazine empire. With the American CIA actually since 1959, through his espionage front, Zapata Petroleum, was George Herbert Walker Bush. He aided as well the aborted mission. One of the attempted invasion vessels was named after Bush's operations. Out of official government office was Richard Milhous Nixon. In 1961, he was the overlord for the planned invasion. Blamed for the aborted invasion planned actually by President Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy said as a punishment, he would scatter the CIA to the wind. CIA boss Allen Dulles, sacked by JFK, called him a "traitor". Some say the JFK threats against CIA led to the plot to assassinate him.
Some would simplify this story by pointing to Coke trying to change over greatly to a diet cola, as a way of breaking loose of filling the void once supplied by Cuban cane sugar, against which there was a U.S. embargo. By the end of the 20th Century, the major player in supplying the chemical sweeteners for non-Diet Coke, was Archer-Daniels-Midland. At the time of Watergate, the head of ADM was to have been prosecuted for secret participation in Nixon's covert operations slush fund. Dwayne Andreas was too useful to the American CIA for them to allow him to be jailed. Like The Coca-Cola Company in the past, by 1999, ADM had an interest in putting their claws on Cuba. Through foreign subsidiaries, ADM had big investments in operating food refineries in Cuba, to exploit their agriculture abundance. ADM was the principal player for the faked propaganda bombardment and orchestrated event, to open up Cuba and drop the U.S. embargo. It was called the Elian Gonzalez affair. Only one lesser known publication dared spell out the ADM-Cuba-Elian Gonzalez link. In the spring of 2000, under a headline "How Did ADM Pull This Off?", The Massachusetts News started their blockbuster item with "What is Archer-Daniels-Midland and why does it want to build another food refinery in Cuba? Where does it get its power?" The article went on to lambast ADM, "The company is a speculator in and processor of corn and other grains around the world. It has tremendous influence on politicians AND THE MEDIA." (Emphasis added.) So the Elian Gonzalez affair was just a smoke screen. The story quotes Forbes Magazine 2/7/2000, and their headline "ADM PREPARES FOR LIFTING OF CUBAN EMBARGO". Note ADM sponsors many of the mass media's TV talk shows as well as PBS's "Jim Lehrer News Hour".
The story of ADM and The Coca-Cola Company and a corrupt Chicago Federal Judge will be in a later part of this series.
A major player in The Coca-Cola Company has been Warren Buffet. If you are naive and believe in fairy tales, then you believe he made his great fortune through crafty operation starting with a department store in Omaha. To heckle him, some of his critics pronounce his name,French-style, phonetically Buffay. Buffet became a major owner of Coke stock and held a position on their Board of Directors. Few, if any, dare even whisper that Buffet's fortune is reportedly based on operating companies that are money laundries and propaganda horns for the American CIA. The list would have to include CIA adjuncts such as the Wells Fargo Bank, helping CIA's Pacific basin operations, and the CIA-apologist, The Washington Post Company. (Read, if you can find it, Deborah Davis' book, "Katherine the Great" about the Washington Post and the CIA.
To understand Warren Buffet, who mouths off his wonders at universities training so-called would-be business stars, you would have to be a profound investigator, from mostly secret sources, on the worldwide dope trafficking by the American CIA. When you are knowledgeable on that, then, and only then, do you understand the financial buffoon, Warren Buffet. Is it a mere coincidence that his purported nephew, Jimmy Buffet, and his rock concerts seem to be part of making dope use fashionable? His band, The Corral Reefers, is a word play for narcotics. At his concerts, there is reportedly massive trafficking and use of dope. And the local corrupted police have the badge of the three monkeys.
Some had misgivings about another purported relative of Warren Buffet, the once popular Art Bell, the middle-of-the-night talk show host. Bell was broadcasted on hundreds of major wattage radio stations in major markets, never known to broadcast the truth about the Federal Reserve, or political assassinations, and a lot of other suppressed topics. With his reputed heavy intelligence agency background, was Bell's program just some more psychological warfare operations? In crude terms, was it just mindf--k?
Late in the 20th Century, a strange series of events started targeting The Coca-Cola Company. Various European governments and the European Union began attacking Coke.===That Coke's products in Europe are contaminated. Such as in Belgium and Poland, among others.===That The Coca-Cola Company usesw monopoly tactics to injure competitors. Such as in Italy.===Dawn raids on Coke's offices and closing down their plants, grabbing up records and accusing The Coca-Cola Company of making people sick with their products.
Is there a simple, though incomplete, unpublicized explanation for this epidemic of attacks on The Coca-Cola Company? The French CIA accused Microsoft of being a spy operation and proprietary adjunct of the super-secret U.S. National Security Agency, the signal intelligence spooks. Further, France and other European copuntries are accusing The Coca-Cola Company of being, like Microsoft, an adjunct and private company proprietary of the American CIA. Privitizing some of CIA's operations makes it impossible to get possibly incriminating records, if at all, through invoking the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. You cannot force government disclosure, for example, of CIA's private company proprietary adjunct, Wackenhut, a alter ego for CIA with more emplopyes and operations that CIA itself. )Spy Magazine, 9/92.)
Further, France and other European countries are accusing Coke of using some of their methods and satellite operations to assist and as a cover for Echelon, the super "Big Brother" gobbling up most everyone's private details and tracking, through key words, what most everyone communicates with anyone else in the world.
Raiding Coke's European plants and offices---claiming anti-trust violations and poisoning up the populace---is just another way of sending the Atlanta-based spy/soda-spitting rattlesnake the message We do not like American spies and vipers. More coming. Stay tuned.


COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Two of a Series

Part Two of a Series

by Sherman H. Skolnick
COCA-COLA's reputed spies and the corrupt Federal Witness Protection Program

First, a short lesson in court corruption.
How do a series of secretly related court cases get onto the docket of one Judge? As a case is in the process of being filed in the federal district court clerk's office, the case, under the rules, is supposed to be assigned by random selection, "blindman's buff" they used to call it. But, after studying and investigating court corruption for over 40 years, I know the term to be used is RANDOM MAGIC.
One of the first things we probe when we are on the trail of a tainted or suspicious case is How did THIS particular case get on THAT judge's docket? We know from long experience, corruption starts with the assignment of cases. Another tell-tale sign is when THAT judge uses JUDICIAL PERJURY to "fix" the case in favor of a certain litigant. A judge under a malign if not corrupt influence inserts false so-called "facts" plucked out of the sky and not in the court evidence to justify their decision. In simplistic terms, the undisputed court evidence shows it is DAY. Operating under a corrupt influence, the judge proclaims it is NIGHT, and applies case law regarding NIGHT to support her decision. Judges operate by case law, that is, by prior landmark rulings or statutes which cannot obviously be changed or sidestepped that easily. So the corrupted judge changes the "facts" and applies case law to fraudulent facts. That in essence is judicial perjury. Not every case is the subject of malign influence. But, often the important ones are. Over the years, when we suspected a judge was corrupt, we examined their rulings to see if there are judicial perjuries. An honest judge, mis-stating the undisputed facts, would quickly correct wrong statements. A crooked judge, even when confronted (cowardly lawyers are chicken), refuses.
Of the more than two dozen judges sitting in Chicago's U.S. District Court, one judge, by some witchcraft, has assigned to her a string of cases with apparent concealed links. That is Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312)435-7608]. Among these, she has assigned to her, by apparent RANDOM MAGIC, the case of Robert E. Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The Coca-Cola Company, No. 97 C 190. For a number of years Kolody planned to sue Coke for stealing his intellectual property, designs he made for them. Kolody's confidant, who befriended him over the years and insinuated himself into the matter for some 10 years has been a local lawyer who was always sympathetic to Kolody's grievances against Coca-Cola and their adjunct, Simon Marketing. When Kolody retained an out-of-state attorney from Arkansas to represent him in 1998, the rules required the designation of an additional lawyer as "local counsel". That trusted "local counsel" was Kolody's long-time confidant Daniel V. Hanley, [(708)474-6633], of the Chicago suburb of Lansing, Illinois.
All of Kolody's legal strategies and plans and those of his Arkansas lawyer, Dan Ivy, were discussed in confidence with Daniel V. Hanley. But strange things were happening. Coke's lawyers seemed to be able to "beat to the punch" Kolody and Dan Ivy, that is, heading off Kolody and Ivy's legal strategies which, of course, are confidential and not to be divulged by his "local counsel" Daniel V. Hanley.
And Judge Blanche M. Manning arrogantly committed judicial perjuries, which some common people call straight out lies about what this copyright case was all about. The Judge evidently knew that she did not have to be careful. She refused to wipe out her judicial perjuries when confronted by Dan Ivy.
As an electronic journalist, on May 18,2000, I attended a hearing before Judge Manning when she failed to do anything about her judicial perjuries in the Coca-Cola case. Afterwards elsewhere in the courthouse in the presence of Ivy, I interviewed Daniel V. Hanley
"Skolnick What sort of law work do you do, Mr. Hanley? Daniel V. Hanley General. Skolnick As you know I do for many years now a Cable TV Show each week. Hanley Yes, I know. Skolnick Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategy of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here? Hanley Yes. Skolnick Really? How could they know? Hanley My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola. Skolnick What does she do? Hanley She has been with a New York firm and now is in Chicago. Skolnick What firm is she with? Hanley (looked at Skolnick but did not answer.) Skolnick Do you think putting Bob here on my TV program about Coca-Cola would do any good? Hanley No. Skolnick So your sister understands all about this case?
Hanley Yes."
"Whereupon Daniel V. Hanley left and Skolnick spoke to Dan Ivy. Skolnick Did you hear what Hanley volunteered as a statement? (Kolody had come over to the table and heard the portion, he said, of the colloquy where Daniel V. Hanley said his sister is media buyer for Coca-Cola.) Dan Ivy Yes, and we are shocked. Skolnick Well, this needs further investigation now that he volunteered this statement."
After another court hearing on July 6, 2000, when again Judge Manning failed to take back her judicial perjuries, I attended in court and interviewed Hanley again in the presence of Dan Ivy. "Skolnick So, do you think putting Bob on my TV Show will do some good? Hanley No. The time to put him on would have been two years ago at the time of the summary judgment. It's too late now. Skolnick So Coca-Cola understands all about this case, through your sister. Hanley Yes. Whereupon, Hanley left."
The foregoing transcripts are contained in my signed Declaration attached to Kolody's Motion for the Judge to wipe out all her rulings of substance because of the Fraud Upon the Court by the Judge and Coca-Cola's spy in Kolody's camp for ten years. [Motion filed 8/9/2000, in No. 97 C 190.]
As I later discovered, Daniel V. Hanley's sister, Mary Hanley, is Associate Media Director [(312) 552-6368] of the huge, worldwide advertising firm, DDB. [Visit their websitehttp//www.ddb.com and click on their world directory of personnel for Chicago and Mary Hanley.]
As I put in my Declaration in Court "The long-term custom, practice, and usage, in certain parts of the U.S. to purportedly purchase federal judgeships, has been a subject of investigations and commentaries by Skolnick and his closest associates, from 1966 to the present date. Skolnick has such a commentary on his website, http//www.skolnicksreport.com , .Knowledgeable sources have informed Skolnick that the upwards of one million dollars to purportedly purchase the judgeship for Blanche M. Manning came from William F. Cellini via U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. Law enforcement personnel contend to Skolnick that Cellini, heavily active in gambling casinos, is reporrtedly a key player in the crime cartel."
More details from my court Declaration
"Skolnick jointly with some of his associates in court reform, have been investigating the circumstances of a case pending before Judge Manning USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski, et al., defendants, No. 98 CR 923, U.S. District Court,Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. The circumstances show (a) Judge Manning, many times without notice conducted closed door and secret proceedings in the case; (b) ordered the censoring, by redacting of court and other transcripts; (c) Chicago Tribune Company petitioned, to intervene in the case as of right, for among other purposes, for access to sealed judicial records and transcripts of proceedings; (d) Chicago Tribune apparently never publicly disclosed their objections to the secret proceedings in the case. Some references to this situjation are contained in the case in No.98 CR 923, among other items, docket items No. 174, 175, 176 , 180, 182, 186, 192."
More "Informed sources contend that this situation is due, in part, to matters actually or bordering on so-called 'national security', in that involved in the trafficking of dope into Chicago from Florida and elsewhere was the use of dope couriers or 'mules' as they are known, of persons, some of them women, who also did work for the espionage agencies."
More "Daniel V. Hanley has also been the attorney for Danny Harkenrider, who owns and operates Shannon's Landing, an Irish Pub, located with the property of the Chicago suburban airport in Lansing, Illinois. The place has been a reputed center for dope trafficking, inclujding through airplanes. Nothing is done about this by the usual dope enforcement authorities. FBI Division Five, Counter-Intelligence, has informed the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and other state and federal agencies, to take no action against the dope traffice. The excuse being that the FBI purportedly is tracking clandestine IRS activities through the airport and the said Pub; activities to raise funds for the IRS and gun-smuggling through the dope traffic. Harkenrider has had purported immunity in these acts and doings in thast his sister, Mary Yokich, was at one time on the third level from the top of the U.S. Justice Department, engaged in special investigations including involved in the Oklahoma City bombings. Some contend the Justice Department and the FBI, to avoid embarassing details coming out, suppressed details of the tragedy. Mary Yokich's father-in-law is head of the powerful United Auto Workers union which in the past has throu9gh international affiliates, assisted the American CIA in covert operations against unions deemed unfriendly to American corporate interests worldwide."
It is clear that Judge Manning is busy covering up high-level corrupt government officials implicated in the dope traffic through the Chicago Police as in the Miedzianowski case. Another case assigned to Judge Manning by RANDOM MAGIC, is the case of USA vs. John Serpico, et al., No.99 CR 570. The defendants are labor bosses charged with racketeering, frauds and swindles, bank fraud, among other things. Through her apparent cover-ups, Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court record that Serpico has a business partner who is a top official of the Federal Witness Protection Program. Some claim that these gangster-like connections have caused several supposedly protected witnesses to be murdered by inside complicity. Thus high-level corrupt federal officials, including IRS officials in Chicago, are kept from being fingered because the witnesses against them are being murdered INSIDE THE FEDERAL WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM.
Well-informed sources contend that one of the reasons Daniel V. Hanley volunteered the statement mentioned is that Hanley and his client, Harkenrider, are reportedly in the Federal Witness Prortection Program, or being considered to be taken in under the criteria set forth in the U.S. Justice Department Manual under the Witness Security Reform Act of 1984 jointly with other laws. Sources contend that Hanley and Harkenrider, because of their activities at the Irish Pub, at the Lansing, Illinois Airport, are being threatened from all sides (a) by the IRA not to co-operate with FBI Counter-Intelligence, Division Five, as protected witnesses; (b) by their knowledge that Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court record in several of her cases, the corrupt operation of the Federal Witness Protection Program, and that Hanley and Harkenrider cannot expect to be actually protected as witnesses; (c) By The Coca-Cola Company, in that they have had an entrenched spy in the camp of a major copyright case, where Robert E. Kolody is sueing Coca-Cola and their marketing adjunct Simon Marketing now merged with a firm called Cryk; (d) by various corporate interests whose planes apparently convey dope in and out of the Lansing, Illinois airport with impunity, with stste and federal authorities playing the part of the three monkeys; (e) and threatened by the Drug Enforcement Administration agents who often occupy a table at Shannon's Landing and also play the part of the three monkeys.

It is perhaps ironic that the only non-threatening type that Hanley could confess to is Sherman H. Skolnick, a long-known, independent-minded court reformer and Cable TV Talk Show moderator/producer. Much more about Chicago Federal District Judge Blanche M. Manning and the highly-corrupt Federal Witness Protection Program involved in a string of cases she is covering up.Stay tuned.


COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Three of a Series

Part Three of a Series
by Sherman H. Skolnick
This series is dealing with the type of harsh realities uncovered by our research and investigation group over 4 arduous decades of our work.
1. Sometimes whole groups of court cases are assigned, not by random selection, but random magic, intentionally to one or more judges part of "big fix". And involved is a malign, if not corrupt, influence upon the judge. Knowing who it is that bought the chair for the Judge is one type of influence. Straight out bribery, another. And the major corruption, as we have repeatedly shown, is not in the state courts, but the big bucks federal courts. We have been showing as an example a group of cases assigned to Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608. FAX (312) 435-7578.] We have more details on her. And she is not the only one, just an example of the corrupted federal judiciary.
2. Worldwide, major enterprises are secret adjuncts of the American CIA. Privitizing the spy agency avoids Freedom of Information disclosures. One example is Wackenhut. An example dealt with here is The Coca-Cola Company.
3. Government agencies are supposedly set up to protect witnesses from harm in very sensitive caes. For instance, the Federal Witness Protection Program. But they seem to have been penetrated by criminal interests, so that key witnesses, that finger corruption of top IRS and DEA officials, are NOT protected, but terrorized, and on occasion, snuffed out. As we have specified, Judge Manning is covering up this situation in the case of USA vs. John Serpico et al., No. 99 CR 570. Serpico, a union purported criminal boss, is reportedly a business partner with a top official of the Federal Witness Protection Program.
4. There are places that operate reportedly as a criminal immunity zone. Anything goes. The state and federal authorities play the part of the three monkeys. One such that seems to fit that description, reportedly is a business on the property of the Lansing, Illinois Airport, a suburb of Chicago. Called Shannon's Landing [(708) 895-6919], it is an Irish pub. Who seems to use that place? Corrupt top IRS officials blackmailing their way into all kinds of deals. [Visit our website series on the crooked IRS bosses and their ocean-going money laundry boat, "California Rose".] Dope traffic through the airplanes there and such is used reportedly to raise funds for gun-smuggling, for purposes of the Irish Republican Army, IRA. Agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration often sit at that pub and hear and see nothing. The owner of the pub, Danny Harkenrider, is reportedly himself in the Federal Witness Protection Program or being considered under the criteria for such. Another one in that program reportedly or being considered for such, is a purported lawyer {he does not seem to practice much law), Daniel V. Hanley, of Lansing, Illinois [(708) 474-6633].
Hanley is a purported spy inside the camp of a fellow, Robert E. Kolody, who sued Coke for theft of storyboards and designs, that is, his intellectual property. Apparently threatened from all sides, Hanley as the supposed "local counsel" for Kolody, confessed and volunteered to me, in the presence of witnesses, that Kolody's court opponent, The Coca-Cola Company, gets to know his confidential legal strategies through Hanley's sister, Mary Hanley, who is the media buyer for Coca-Cola. She is with a huge worldwide advertising agency in Chicago, DDB [(312) 552-6368. FAX (312) 552-2394. E-Mail MaryHanley@chi.ddb.com].
5. Federal judgeships, like state judgeships, are bought and sold. A known reputed criminal type bought Judge Blanche M. Manning the federal judge's bench and chair she occupies in the U.S. District Court in Chicago. [Visit our website for our story on Buying Judgeships.] A million dollars or more was laid out.
6. A major dope trafficking case, by random magic, was assigned to Judge Manning. She covered up the involvement of "mules", dope couriers, some of them women, who also do espionage for the American CIA. USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski et al., No. 98 CR 923. The Chicago Tribune are fakers. As shown in the court record they are privately blackmailing Judge Manning, lambasting her for holding without notice or formalities, secret proceedings, censoring court transcripts and papers. Why does the WORLD'S GREEDIEST NEWSPAPER remain silent about all this in print or on their TV Station in Chicago, Channel 9, WGN-TV, or on their radio horn WGN Radio?
7. In an extremely important anti-trust conspiracy case assigned to her, again by random magic, Judge Manning tried to go easy on top officials found guilty by a jury; top officials, that is, of the worldwide farm products refinery, Archer-Daniels-Midland. ADM is a super-duper advetiser in the monopoly press and controls numerous TV talk shows and such. They have as their puppet the "Jim Lehrer News Hour" on PBS. And ADM is big with supposedly "non-commercial" radio stations, NPR. Since a Rockefeller holds the key position with NPR, we call them National Petroleum Radio. ADM, like Coca-Cola years ago, is trying to put a grab on Cuba's agriculture by forcing the U.S. to drop the embargo.
By the way, the whole Elian Gonzalez Affair, played out on the ADM-dominated monopoly press, was to soften up the American know-nothings for ADM's scheme being big investments in Cuba in food refineries to take advantage of Cuba's agriculture abundance. Working on the other side of this propaganda trick reportedly was Jose Basulto, reportedly tied to the criminal combine that includes the family of George Herbert Walker Bush and his criminal-linked, oil-soaked sons. And linked to the American CIA.
The case of the ADM officials is USA vs. Michael D. Andreas, Terrance S. Wilson, and Mark E. Whitacre. Michael is the son of the long-time ADM dictator Dwayne Andreas who should have gone to jail in the Watergate Affair. The government whistle-blower, Whitacre, himself an ADM official, wore a wire, and aided the FBI in setting up clandestine video and audio recording of the monopoly crimes. He was done in apparently with the connivance---here it comes again---of the Federal Witness Protection Program. It is case No. 96 CR 762.
After a jury verdict finding the defendants guilty, Judge Manning nevertheless gave a light sentence to Andreas and Wilson and a more severe jail sentence to the whistle-blower, Whitacre, to scare such finger-pointers to shut up in the future or be dropped down the chute by the criminal-combine running the Federal Witness Protection Program. And as mentioned, Judge Manning in various cases is covering up the criminals supposedly dedicated to protecting government witnesses, actually persecuting and terrorizing key government witnesses. If that does not work, well, snuffing out witnesses is also the answer. Whitacre rots in jail.
In June, 2000, the banker-judges on the federal appeals court in Chicago, did their own blackmail job on Judge Manning. They publicly ran over her in the case of Andreas and Wilson. They want to be sure she stays shut on the corrupted Federal Witness Protection Program in the several cases put on her docket by random magic. The appeals judges, primarily tied to the Rockefeller interests and not ADM, slapped her down, saying she gave too light of jail sentences to Andreas and Wilson, and sent it back for her to fix it up. Whitacre was not part of the appeal and is left as a thrown-in-the-garbage whistle-blower.
ADM supplies the corn and other sweeteners to The Coca-Cola Company. So you see the common link to the cases on Judge Manning's docket. ADM is a spy-apparatus themselves, just like Coke. In 1989, ADM wanted to put an armlock on the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. They were countered by the independent-minded young "pirates" who as speculators were running the places. ADM arranged to "buy" the federal prosecutors office to frame up 46 of these "pirates" on measly five dollar discrepancy matters. In an unusual procedure, ADM supplied to the federal government prosecutors undercover spies, trained by and for ADM in commodity and other dealing. ADM's undercover provocateurs got "evidence" of the five dollar matters which was and is a common, accepted practice on the exchanges, not considered a crime at all. The federal prosecutors, practically on ADM's payroll instead of Uncle Sam's, destroyed the 46 young people quicker than shooting them.
In 1992, I was sitting in my wheelchair in the front of the front row of the packed courtroom of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago. Before the oral presentation of the appeals, I tried to tell the wives of some of the Soybean Ten, that the three-judge panel to hear the appeal, was headed by a conflict of interest. That was Federal Appeals Judge Richard D. Cudahy. According to his mandatory financial disclosure, he is the richest judge in North America and owns and operates the Patrick Cudahy Trust, which is a speculation instrument in the commodity industry. Judge Cudahy upheld the severe jail sentences of the soybean traders.
The relatives of the doomed speculators had hired, for about a million dollars, Alan Dershowitz, to argue their appeal. Before the hearing, when I tried to warn the relatives, they just insulted me "Who the hell are you, Mr. Skolnick? I answered, I am just a voice for justice in the wilderness, that's all."

Hey, maybe you are floored by all these details. Maybe I should not tell you that the Russian mafiya plays a part in some of Judge Manning's crooked decisions. Like Harkenrider is purportedly in with them. More coming. Stay tuned.
